Package simplenlg.test.syntax

Source Code of simplenlg.test.syntax.TutorialTest

* Copyright (C) 2010, University of Aberdeen
*  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
*  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
*  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
*  (at your option) any later version.
*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
*  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package simplenlg.test.syntax;

import java.util.Arrays; // needed for Section 14

import junit.framework.Assert;

import org.junit.Test;

import simplenlg.features.Feature;
import simplenlg.features.InterrogativeType;
import simplenlg.features.Tense;
import simplenlg.framework.CoordinatedPhraseElement;
import simplenlg.framework.DocumentElement;
import simplenlg.framework.NLGElement;
import simplenlg.framework.NLGFactory;
import simplenlg.lexicon.Lexicon;
import simplenlg.phrasespec.NPPhraseSpec;
import simplenlg.phrasespec.PPPhraseSpec;
import simplenlg.phrasespec.SPhraseSpec;
import simplenlg.phrasespec.VPPhraseSpec;
import simplenlg.realiser.english.Realiser;

* Tests from tutorial
* <hr>
* <p>
* Copyright (C) 2011, University of Aberdeen
* </p>
* <p>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* </p>
* <p>
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* </p>
* <p>
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License in the zip
* file. If not, see <a
* href=""></a>.
* </p>
* <p>
* For more details on SimpleNLG visit the project website at <a
* href=""
* ></a> or email Dr Ehud Reiter at
* </p>
* @author ereiter
public class TutorialTest extends SimpleNLG4Test {

  public TutorialTest(String name) {

  // no code in sections 1 and 2
   * test section 3 code
  public void testSection3() {
    Lexicon lexicon = Lexicon.getDefaultLexicon();                         // default simplenlg lexicon
    NLGFactory nlgFactory = new NLGFactory(lexicon);             // factory based on lexicon

    NLGElement s1 = nlgFactory.createSentence("my dog is happy");
    Realiser r = new Realiser(lexicon);
    String output = r.realiseSentence(s1);
    Assert.assertEquals("My dog is happy.", output);
   * test section 5 code
  public void testSection5() {
    Lexicon lexicon = Lexicon.getDefaultLexicon();                         // default simplenlg lexicon
    NLGFactory nlgFactory = new NLGFactory(lexicon);             // factory based on lexicon
    Realiser realiser = new Realiser(lexicon);
    SPhraseSpec p = nlgFactory.createClause();
    p.setSubject("my dog");
    String output = realiser.realiseSentence(p);
    Assert.assertEquals("My dog chases George.", output);
   * test section 6 code
  public void testSection6() {
    Lexicon lexicon = Lexicon.getDefaultLexicon();                         // default simplenlg lexicon
    NLGFactory nlgFactory = new NLGFactory(lexicon);             // factory based on lexicon
    Realiser realiser = new Realiser(lexicon);
    SPhraseSpec p = nlgFactory.createClause();
    p.setFeature(Feature.TENSE, Tense.PAST);
    String output = realiser.realiseSentence(p);
    Assert.assertEquals("Mary chased George.", output);

    p.setFeature(Feature.TENSE, Tense.FUTURE);
    output = realiser.realiseSentence(p);
    Assert.assertEquals("Mary will chase George.", output);

    p.setFeature(Feature.NEGATED, true);
    output = realiser.realiseSentence(p);
    Assert.assertEquals("Mary will not chase George.", output);

    p = nlgFactory.createClause();
    output = realiser.realiseSentence(p);
    Assert.assertEquals("Does Mary chase George?", output);

    p.setFeature(Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE, InterrogativeType.WHO_OBJECT);
    output = realiser.realiseSentence(p);
    Assert.assertEquals("Who does Mary chase?", output);

    p = nlgFactory.createClause();
    p.setSubject("the dog");
    p.setVerb("wake up");
    output = realiser.realiseSentence(p);
    Assert.assertEquals("The dog wakes up.", output);

   * test ability to use variant words
  public void testVariants() {
    Lexicon lexicon = Lexicon.getDefaultLexicon();                         // default simplenlg lexicon
    NLGFactory nlgFactory = new NLGFactory(lexicon);             // factory based on lexicon
    Realiser realiser = new Realiser(lexicon);
    SPhraseSpec p = nlgFactory.createClause();
    p.setSubject("my dog");
    p.setVerb("is")// variant of be
    String output = realiser.realiseSentence(p);
    Assert.assertEquals("My dog is George.", output);
    p = nlgFactory.createClause();
    p.setSubject("my dog");
    p.setVerb("chases")// variant of chase
    output = realiser.realiseSentence(p);
    Assert.assertEquals("My dog chases George.", output);

        p = nlgFactory.createClause();
    p.setSubject(nlgFactory.createNounPhrase("the", "dogs"));   // variant of "dog"
    p.setVerb("is")// variant of be
    p.setObject("happy")// variant of happy
    output = realiser.realiseSentence(p);
    Assert.assertEquals("The dog is happy.", output);
    p = nlgFactory.createClause();
    p.setSubject(nlgFactory.createNounPhrase("the", "children"));   // variant of "child"
    p.setVerb("is")// variant of be
    p.setObject("happy")// variant of happy
    output = realiser.realiseSentence(p);
    Assert.assertEquals("The child is happy.", output);

    // following functionality is enabled
    p = nlgFactory.createClause();
    p.setSubject(nlgFactory.createNounPhrase("the", "dogs"));   // variant of "dog"
    p.setVerb("is")// variant of be
    p.setObject("happy")// variant of happy
    output = realiser.realiseSentence(p);
    Assert.assertEquals("The dog is happy.", output); //corrected automatically   
  /* Following code tests the section 5 to 15
   * sections 5 & 6 are repeated here in order to match the simplenlg tutorial version 4
   * James Christie
   * June 2011

   * test section 5 to match simplenlg tutorial version 4's code
    public void testSection5A( ) {
      Lexicon lexicon = Lexicon.getDefaultLexicon( ) ;      // default simplenlg lexicon
      NLGFactory nlgFactory = new NLGFactory( lexicon ) // factory based on lexicon
      Realiser realiser = new Realiser( lexicon ) ;
      SPhraseSpec p = nlgFactory.createClause( ) ;
      p.setSubject( "Mary" ) ;
      p.setVerb( "chase" ) ;
      p.setObject( "the monkey" ) ;
      String output = realiser.realiseSentence( p ) ;
      Assert.assertEquals( "Mary chases the monkey.", output ) ;
     } // testSection5A
   * test section 6 to match simplenlg tutorial version 4' code
  public void testSection6A( ) {
    Lexicon lexicon = Lexicon.getDefaultLexicon( ) ;    // default simplenlg lexicon
    NLGFactory nlgFactory = new NLGFactory( lexicon ) // factory based on lexicon
    Realiser realiser = new Realiser( lexicon ) ;
    SPhraseSpec p = nlgFactory.createClause( ) ;
    p.setSubject( "Mary" ) ;
    p.setVerb( "chase" ) ;
    p.setObject( "the monkey" ) ;
    p.setFeature( Feature.TENSE, Tense.PAST ) ;
    String output = realiser.realiseSentence( p ) ;
    Assert.assertEquals( "Mary chased the monkey.", output ) ;

    p.setFeature( Feature.TENSE, Tense.FUTURE ) ;
    output = realiser.realiseSentence( p ) ;
    Assert.assertEquals( "Mary will chase the monkey.", output ) ;

    p.setFeature( Feature.NEGATED, true ) ;
    output = realiser.realiseSentence( p ) ;
    Assert.assertEquals( "Mary will not chase the monkey.", output ) ;

    p = nlgFactory.createClause( ) ;
    p.setSubject( "Mary" ) ;
    p.setVerb( "chase" ) ;
    p.setObject( "the monkey" ) ;

    p.setFeature( Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE, InterrogativeType.YES_NO ) ;
    output = realiser.realiseSentence( p ) ;
    Assert.assertEquals( "Does Mary chase the monkey?", output ) ;

    p.setSubject( "Mary" ) ;
    p.setVerb( "chase" ) ;
    p.setFeature( Feature.INTERROGATIVE_TYPE, InterrogativeType.WHO_OBJECT ) ;
    output = realiser.realiseSentence( p ) ;
    Assert.assertEquals( "Who does Mary chase?", output ) ;
  } // textSection6A
   * test section 7 code
    public void testSection7( ) {
      Lexicon lexicon = Lexicon.getDefaultLexicon( ) ;      // default simplenlg lexicon
      NLGFactory nlgFactory = new NLGFactory( lexicon ) // factory based on lexicon
      Realiser realiser = new Realiser( lexicon ) ;
      SPhraseSpec p = nlgFactory.createClause( ) ;
      p.setSubject( "Mary" ) ;
      p.setVerb( "chase" ) ;
      p.setObject( "the monkey" ) ;
      p.addComplement( "very quickly" ) ;
      p.addComplement( "despite her exhaustion" ) ;
      String output = realiser.realiseSentence( p ) ;
      Assert.assertEquals( "Mary chases the monkey very quickly despite her exhaustion.", output ) ;
     } // testSection7
   * test section 8 code
    public void testSection8( ) {
      Lexicon lexicon = Lexicon.getDefaultLexicon( ) ;      // default simplenlg lexicon
      NLGFactory nlgFactory = new NLGFactory( lexicon ) // factory based on lexicon
      Realiser realiser = new Realiser( lexicon ) ;
      NPPhraseSpec subject = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase( "Mary" ) ;
      NPPhraseSpec object = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase( "the monkey" ) ;
      VPPhraseSpec verb = nlgFactory.createVerbPhrase( "chase" ) ; ;
      subject.addModifier( "fast" ) ;
      SPhraseSpec p = nlgFactory.createClause( ) ;
      p.setSubject( subject ) ;
      p.setVerb( verb ) ;
      p.setObject( object ) ;
      String outputA = realiser.realiseSentence( p ) ;
      Assert.assertEquals( "Fast Mary chases the monkey.", outputA ) ;
      verb.addModifier( "quickly" ) ;
      String outputB = realiser.realiseSentence( p ) ;
      Assert.assertEquals( "Fast Mary quickly chases the monkey.", outputB ) ;
     } // testSection8
  // there is no code specified in section 9
   * test section 10 code
    public void testSection10( ) {
      Lexicon lexicon = Lexicon.getDefaultLexicon( ) ;      // default simplenlg lexicon
      NLGFactory nlgFactory = new NLGFactory( lexicon ) // factory based on lexicon
      Realiser realiser = new Realiser( lexicon ) ;
      NPPhraseSpec subject1 = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase( "Mary" ) ;
      NPPhraseSpec subject2 = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase( "your", "giraffe" ) ;
      // next line is not correct ~ should be nlgFactory.createCoordinatedPhrase ~ may be corrected in the API
      CoordinatedPhraseElement subj = nlgFactory.createCoordinatedPhrase( subject1, subject2 ) ;
      VPPhraseSpec verb = nlgFactory.createVerbPhrase( "chase" ) ; ;

      SPhraseSpec p = nlgFactory.createClause( ) ;
      p.setSubject( subj ) ;
      p.setVerb( verb ) ;
      p.setObject( "the monkey" ) ;
      String outputA = realiser.realiseSentence( p ) ;
      Assert.assertEquals( "Mary and your giraffe chase the monkey.", outputA ) ;
      NPPhraseSpec object1 = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase( "the monkey" ) ;
      NPPhraseSpec object2 = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase( "George" ) ;
      // next line is not correct ~ should be nlgFactory.createCoordinatedPhrase ~ may be corrected in the API
      CoordinatedPhraseElement obj = nlgFactory.createCoordinatedPhrase( object1, object2 ) ;
      obj.addCoordinate( "Martha" ) ;
      p.setObject( obj ) ;
      String outputB = realiser.realiseSentence( p ) ;
      Assert.assertEquals( "Mary and your giraffe chase the monkey, George and Martha.", outputB )

      obj.setFeature( Feature.CONJUNCTION, "or" ) ;
      String outputC = realiser.realiseSentence( p ) ;
      Assert.assertEquals( "Mary and your giraffe chase the monkey, George or Martha.", outputC )
  } // testSection10
   * test section 11 code
  @SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation" })
  public void testSection11( ) {
    Lexicon lexicon = Lexicon.getDefaultLexicon( ) ;     // default simplenlg lexicon
    NLGFactory nlgFactory = new NLGFactory( lexicon ) // factory based on lexicon

    Realiser realiser = new Realiser( lexicon ) ;
    SPhraseSpec pA = nlgFactory.createClause( "Mary", "chase", "the monkey" ) ;
    pA.addComplement( "in the park" ) ;
    String outputA = realiser.realiseSentence( pA ) ;   
    Assert.assertEquals( "Mary chases the monkey in the park.", outputA ) ;
    // alternative build paradigm
    NPPhraseSpec place = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase( "park" ) ;
    SPhraseSpec pB = nlgFactory.createClause( "Mary", "chase", "the monkey" ) ;
    // next line is depreciated ~ may be corrected in the API
    place.setDeterminer( "the" ) ;
    PPPhraseSpec pp = nlgFactory.createPrepositionPhrase( ) ;
    pp.addComplement( place ) ;
    pp.setPreposition( "in" ) ;
    pB.addComplement( pp ) ;
    String outputB = realiser.realiseSentence( pB ) ;   
    Assert.assertEquals( "Mary chases the monkey in park.", outputB ) // NB missing the determiner "the" !! 
    place.addPreModifier( "leafy" ) ;
    String outputC = realiser.realiseSentence( pB ) ;   
    Assert.assertEquals( "Mary chases the monkey in leafy park.", outputC ) // NB missing the determiner "the" !! 
   } // testSection11

  // section12 only has a code table as illustration
   * test section 13 code
  public void testSection13( ) {
    Lexicon lexicon = Lexicon.getDefaultLexicon( ) ;     // default simplenlg lexicon
    NLGFactory nlgFactory = new NLGFactory( lexicon ) // factory based on lexicon

    Realiser realiser = new Realiser( lexicon ) ;
    SPhraseSpec s1 = nlgFactory.createClause( "my cat",   "like", "fish"  ) ;
    SPhraseSpec s2 = nlgFactory.createClause( "my dog""like""big bones" ) ;
    SPhraseSpec s3 = nlgFactory.createClause( "my horse", "like", "grass" ) ;   
    CoordinatedPhraseElement c = nlgFactory.createCoordinatedPhrase( ) ;
    c.addCoordinate( s1 ) ;
    c.addCoordinate( s2 ) ; // gives the wrong result ~ should be 'bones' but get 'bone' !
    c.addCoordinate( s3 ) ;
    String outputA = realiser.realiseSentence( c ) ;
    Assert.assertEquals( "My cat likes fish, my dog likes big bones and my horse likes grass.", outputA ) ;
    SPhraseSpec p = nlgFactory.createClause( "I", "be""happy" ) ;
    SPhraseSpec q = nlgFactory.createClause( "I", "eat", "fish" ) ;
    q.setFeature( Feature.COMPLEMENTISER, "because" ) ;
    q.setFeature( Feature.TENSE, Tense.PAST ) ;
    p.addComplement( q ) ;
    String outputB = realiser.realiseSentence( p ) ;
    Assert.assertEquals( "I am happy because I ate fish.", outputB ) ;
  } // testSection13
   * test section 14 code
  public void testSection14( ) {
    Lexicon lexicon = Lexicon.getDefaultLexicon( ) ;     // default simplenlg lexicon
    NLGFactory nlgFactory = new NLGFactory( lexicon ) // factory based on lexicon

    Realiser realiser = new Realiser( lexicon ) ;
    SPhraseSpec p1 = nlgFactory.createClause( "Mary", "chase", "the monkey" ) ;
    SPhraseSpec p2 = nlgFactory.createClause( "The monkey", "fight back" ) ;
    SPhraseSpec p3 = nlgFactory.createClause( "Mary", "be", "nervous" ) ;
    DocumentElement s1 = nlgFactory.createSentence( p1 ) ;
    DocumentElement s2 = nlgFactory.createSentence( p2 ) ;
    DocumentElement s3 = nlgFactory.createSentence( p3 ) ;
    DocumentElement par1 = nlgFactory.createParagraph( Arrays.asList( s1, s2, s3 ) ) ;
    String output14a = realiser.realise( par1 ).getRealisation() ;
    Assert.assertEquals( "Mary chases the monkey. The monkey fights back. Mary is nervous.\n\n", output14a ) ;
    //   actual output ~  Mary chases the monkey. The monkey fights back. Mary is nervous.
    // So what exactly is JUnit not happy about?
    DocumentElement section = nlgFactory.createSection( "The Trials and Tribulation of Mary and the Monkey" ) ;
        section.addComponent( par1 ) ;
        String output14b = realiser.realise( section ).getRealisation() ;
        Assert.assertEquals( "The Trials and Tribulation of Mary and the Monkey\nMary chases the monkey. The monkey fights back. Mary is nervous.\n\n", output14b ) ;
  } // testSection14

} // class

Related Classes of simplenlg.test.syntax.TutorialTest

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