* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Original Code is "Simplenlg".
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt and Dave Westwater.
* Portions created by Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt and Dave Westwater are Copyright (C) 2010-11 The University of Aberdeen. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt, Dave Wewstwater, Roman Kutlak, Margaret Mitchell.
package simplenlg.test.syntax;
import simplenlg.features.Feature;
import simplenlg.features.Tense;
import simplenlg.framework.DocumentElement;
import simplenlg.framework.InflectedWordElement;
import simplenlg.framework.LexicalCategory;
import simplenlg.framework.NLGElement;
import simplenlg.framework.NLGFactory;
import simplenlg.framework.StringElement;
import simplenlg.framework.WordElement;
import simplenlg.lexicon.Lexicon;
import simplenlg.lexicon.XMLLexicon;
import simplenlg.phrasespec.AdjPhraseSpec;
import simplenlg.phrasespec.NPPhraseSpec;
import simplenlg.phrasespec.PPPhraseSpec;
import simplenlg.phrasespec.SPhraseSpec;
import simplenlg.realiser.english.Realiser;
* @author D. Westwater, Data2Text Ltd
public class StandAloneExample {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// below is a simple complete example of using simplenlg V4
// afterwards is an example of using simplenlg just for morphology
// set up
Lexicon lexicon = new XMLLexicon(); // default simplenlg lexicon
NLGFactory nlgFactory = new NLGFactory(lexicon); // factory based on lexicon
// create sentences
// "John did not go to the bigger park. He played football there."
NPPhraseSpec thePark = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase("the", "park"); // create an NP
AdjPhraseSpec bigp = nlgFactory.createAdjectivePhrase("big"); // create AdjP
bigp.setFeature(Feature.IS_COMPARATIVE, true); // use comparative form ("bigger")
thePark.addModifier(bigp); // add adj as modifier in NP
// above relies on default placement rules. You can force placement as a premodifier
// (before head) by using addPreModifier
PPPhraseSpec toThePark = nlgFactory.createPrepositionPhrase("to"); // create a PP
toThePark.setObject(thePark); // set PP object
// could also just say nlgFactory.createPrepositionPhrase("to", the Park);
SPhraseSpec johnGoToThePark = nlgFactory.createClause("John", // create sentence
"go", toThePark);
johnGoToThePark.setFeature(Feature.TENSE,Tense.PAST); // set tense
johnGoToThePark.setFeature(Feature.NEGATED, true); // set negated
// note that constituents (such as subject and object) are set with setXXX methods
// while features are set with setFeature
DocumentElement sentence = nlgFactory // create a sentence DocumentElement from SPhraseSpec
// below creates a sentence DocumentElement by concatenating strings
StringElement hePlayed = new StringElement("he played");
StringElement there = new StringElement("there");
WordElement football = new WordElement("football");
DocumentElement sentence2 = nlgFactory.createSentence();
// now create a paragraph which contains these sentences
DocumentElement paragraph = nlgFactory.createParagraph();
// create a realiser. Note that a lexicon is specified, this should be
// the same one used by the NLGFactory
Realiser realiser = new Realiser(lexicon);
//realiser.setDebugMode(true); // uncomment this to print out debug info during realisation
NLGElement realised = realiser.realise(paragraph);
// end of main example
// second example - using simplenlg just for morphology
// below is clumsy as direct access to morphology isn't properly supported in V4.2
// hopefully will be better supported in later versions
// get word element for "child"
WordElement word = (WordElement) nlgFactory.createWord("child", LexicalCategory.NOUN);
// create InflectedWordElement from word element
InflectedWordElement inflectedWord = new InflectedWordElement(word);
// set the inflected word to plural
// realise the inflected word
String result = realiser.realise(inflectedWord).getRealisation();