* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Original Code is "Simplenlg".
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt and Dave Westwater.
* Portions created by Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt and Dave Westwater are Copyright (C) 2010-11 The University of Aberdeen. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt, Dave Wewstwater, Roman Kutlak, Margaret Mitchell.
package simplenlg.test.lexicon;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import simplenlg.features.Inflection;
import simplenlg.features.LexicalFeature;
import simplenlg.framework.LexicalCategory;
import simplenlg.framework.WordElement;
import simplenlg.lexicon.Lexicon;
* @author D. Westwater, Data2Text Ltd
public class SharedLexiconTests {
public static void doBasicTests(Lexicon lexicon) {
// test getWords. Should be 2 "can" (of any cat), 1 noun tree, 0 adj
// trees
Assert.assertEquals(3, lexicon.getWords("can").size());
Assert.assertEquals(1, lexicon.getWords("can", LexicalCategory.NOUN)
Assert.assertEquals(0, lexicon.getWords("can",
// below test removed as standard morph variants no longer recorded in
// lexicon
// WordElement early = lexicon.getWord("early",
// LexicalCategory.ADJECTIVE);
// Assert.assertEquals("earlier",
// early.getFeatureAsString(Feature.COMPARATIVE));
// test getWord. Comparative of ADJ "good" is "better", superlative is
// "best", this is a qualitative and predicative adjective
WordElement good = lexicon.getWord("good", LexicalCategory.ADJECTIVE);
Assert.assertEquals("better", good
Assert.assertEquals("best", good
Assert.assertEquals(true, good.getFeatureAsBoolean(
Assert.assertEquals(true, good.getFeatureAsBoolean(
Assert.assertEquals(false, good.getFeatureAsBoolean(
Assert.assertEquals(false, good.getFeatureAsBoolean(
// test getWord. There is only one "woman", and its plural is "women".
// It is not an acronym, not proper, and countable
WordElement woman = lexicon.getWord("woman");
Assert.assertEquals("women", woman
Assert.assertEquals(null, woman
Assert.assertEquals(false, woman.getFeatureAsBoolean(
// NB: This fails if the lexicon is XMLLexicon. No idea why.
// Assert.assertEquals("irreg",
// woman.getFeatureAsString(LexicalFeature.DEFAULT_INFL));
// test getWord. Noun "sand" is non-count
WordElement sand = lexicon.getWord("sand", LexicalCategory.NOUN);
Assert.assertEquals(true, sand.hasInflectionalVariant(Inflection.UNCOUNT));
Assert.assertEquals(Inflection.UNCOUNT, sand.getDefaultInflectionalVariant());
// test hasWord
Assert.assertEquals(true, lexicon.hasWord("tree")); // "tree" exists
Assert.assertEquals(false, lexicon.hasWord("tree",
LexicalCategory.ADVERB)); // but not as an adverb
// test getWordByID; quickly, also check that this is a verb_modifier
WordElement quickly = lexicon.getWordByID("E0051632");
Assert.assertEquals("quickly", quickly.getBaseForm());
Assert.assertEquals(LexicalCategory.ADVERB, quickly.getCategory());
Assert.assertEquals(true, quickly.getFeatureAsBoolean(
Assert.assertEquals(false, quickly.getFeatureAsBoolean(
Assert.assertEquals(false, quickly.getFeatureAsBoolean(
// test getWordFromVariant, verb type (tran or intran, not ditran)
WordElement eat = lexicon.getWordFromVariant("eating");
Assert.assertEquals("eat", eat.getBaseForm());
Assert.assertEquals(LexicalCategory.VERB, eat.getCategory());
Assert.assertEquals(true, eat.getFeatureAsBoolean(
Assert.assertEquals(true, eat.getFeatureAsBoolean(
Assert.assertEquals(false, eat.getFeatureAsBoolean(
// test BE is handled OK
Assert.assertEquals("been", lexicon.getWordFromVariant("is",
// test modal
WordElement can = lexicon.getWord("can", LexicalCategory.MODAL);
Assert.assertEquals("could", can
// test non-existent word
Assert.assertEquals(0, lexicon.getWords("akjmchsgk").size());
// test lookup word method
Assert.assertEquals(lexicon.lookupWord("say", LexicalCategory.VERB)
.getBaseForm(), "say");
Assert.assertEquals(lexicon.lookupWord("said", LexicalCategory.VERB)
.getBaseForm(), "say");
.lookupWord("E0054448", LexicalCategory.VERB).getBaseForm(),