* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Original Code is "Simplenlg".
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt and Dave Westwater.
* Portions created by Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt and Dave Westwater are Copyright (C) 2010-11 The University of Aberdeen. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt, Dave Wewstwater, Roman Kutlak, Margaret Mitchell.
package simplenlg.morphology.english;
import simplenlg.features.DiscourseFunction;
import simplenlg.features.Feature;
import simplenlg.features.Form;
import simplenlg.features.Gender;
import simplenlg.features.InternalFeature;
import simplenlg.features.LexicalFeature;
import simplenlg.features.NumberAgreement;
import simplenlg.features.Inflection;
import simplenlg.features.Person;
import simplenlg.features.Tense;
import simplenlg.framework.InflectedWordElement;
import simplenlg.framework.LexicalCategory;
import simplenlg.framework.NLGElement;
import simplenlg.framework.StringElement;
import simplenlg.framework.WordElement;
* <p>
* This abstract class contains a number of rules for doing simple inflection.
* </p>
* <p>
* As a matter of course, the processor will first use any user-defined
* inflection for the world. If no inflection is provided then the lexicon, if
* it exists, will be examined for the correct inflection. Failing this a set of
* very basic rules will be examined to inflect the word.
* </p>
* <p>
* All processing modules perform realisation on a tree of
* <code>NLGElement</code>s. The modules can alter the tree in whichever way
* they wish. For example, the syntax processor replaces phrase elements with
* list elements consisting of inflected words while the morphology processor
* replaces inflected words with string elements.
* </p>
* <p>
* <b>N.B.</b> the use of <em>module</em>, <em>processing module</em> and
* <em>processor</em> is interchangeable. They all mean an instance of this
* class.
* </p>
* @author D. Westwater, University of Aberdeen.
* @version 4.0 16-Mar-2011 modified to use correct base form (ER)
public abstract class MorphologyRules {
* A triple array of Pronouns organised by singular/plural,
* possessive/reflexive/subjective/objective and by gender/person.
private static final String[][][] PRONOUNS = {
{ { "I", "you", "he", "she", "it" },
{ "me", "you", "him", "her", "it" },
{ "myself", "yourself", "himself", "herself", "itself" },
{ "mine", "yours", "his", "hers", "its" },
{ "my", "your", "his", "her", "its" } },
{ "we", "you", "they", "they", "they" },
{ "us", "you", "them", "them", "them" },
{ "ourselves", "yourselves", "themselves", "themselves",
"themselves" },
{ "ours", "yours", "theirs", "theirs", "theirs" },
{ "our", "your", "their", "their", "their" } } };
private static final String[] WH_PRONOUNS = { "who", "what", "which",
"where", "why", "how", "how many" };
* This method performs the morphology for nouns.
* @param element
* the <code>InflectedWordElement</code>.
* @param baseWord
* the <code>WordElement</code> as created from the lexicon
* entry.
* @return a <code>StringElement</code> representing the word after
* inflection.
protected static StringElement doNounMorphology(
InflectedWordElement element, WordElement baseWord) {
StringBuffer realised = new StringBuffer();
// base form from baseWord if it exists, otherwise from element
String baseForm = getBaseForm(element, baseWord);
if (element.isPlural()
&& !element.getFeatureAsBoolean(LexicalFeature.PROPER)
.booleanValue()) {
String pluralForm = null;
// AG changed: now check if default infl is uncount
// if (element.getFeatureAsBoolean(LexicalFeature.NON_COUNT)
// .booleanValue()) {
// pluralForm = baseForm;
String elementDefaultInfl = element
if (elementDefaultInfl != null
&& elementDefaultInfl.equals("uncount")) {
pluralForm = baseForm;
} else {
pluralForm = element.getFeatureAsString(LexicalFeature.PLURAL);
if (pluralForm == null && baseWord != null) {
// AG changed: now check if default infl is uncount
// if (baseWord.getFeatureAsBoolean(LexicalFeature.NON_COUNT)
// .booleanValue()) {
// pluralForm = baseForm;
String baseDefaultInfl = baseWord
if (baseDefaultInfl != null
&& baseDefaultInfl.equals("uncount")) {
pluralForm = baseForm;
} else {
pluralForm = baseWord
if (pluralForm == null) {
Object pattern = element
if (Inflection.GRECO_LATIN_REGULAR.equals(pattern)) {
pluralForm = buildGrecoLatinPluralNoun(baseForm);
} else {
pluralForm = buildRegularPluralNoun(baseForm);
} else {
checkPossessive(element, realised);
StringElement realisedElement = new StringElement(realised.toString());
realisedElement.setFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION, element
return realisedElement;
* Builds a plural for regular nouns. The rules are performed in this order:
* <ul>
* <li>For nouns ending <em>-Cy</em>, where C is any consonant, the ending
* becomes <em>-ies</em>. For example, <em>fly</em> becomes <em>flies</em>.</li>
* <li>For nouns ending <em>-ch</em>, <em>-s</em>, <em>-sh</em>, <em>-x</em>
* or <em>-z</em> the ending becomes <em>-es</em>. For example, <em>box</em>
* becomes <em>boxes</em>.</li>
* <li>All other nouns have <em>-s</em> appended the other end. For example,
* <em>dog</em> becomes <em>dogs</em>.</li>
* </ul>
* @param baseForm
* the base form of the word.
* @return the inflected word.
private static String buildRegularPluralNoun(String baseForm) {
String plural = null;
if (baseForm != null) {
if (baseForm.matches(".*[b-z&&[^eiou]]y\\b")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
plural = baseForm.replaceAll("y\\b", "ies"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} else if (baseForm.matches(".*[szx(ch)(sh)]\\b")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
plural = baseForm + "es"; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
plural = baseForm + "s"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return plural;
* Builds a plural for Greco-Latin regular nouns. The rules are performed in
* this order:
* <ul>
* <li>For nouns ending <em>-us</em> the ending becomes <em>-i</em>. For
* example, <em>focus</em> becomes <em>foci</em>.</li>
* <li>For nouns ending <em>-ma</em> the ending becomes <em>-mata</em>. For
* example, <em>trauma</em> becomes <em>traumata</em>.</li>
* <li>For nouns ending <em>-a</em> the ending becomes <em>-ae</em>. For
* example, <em>larva</em> becomes <em>larvae</em>.</li>
* <li>For nouns ending <em>-um</em> or <em>-on</em> the ending becomes
* <em>-a</em>. For example, <em>taxon</em> becomes <em>taxa</em>.</li>
* <li>For nouns ending <em>-sis</em> the ending becomes <em>-ses</em>. For
* example, <em>analysis</em> becomes <em>analyses</em>.</li>
* <li>For nouns ending <em>-is</em> the ending becomes <em>-ides</em>. For
* example, <em>cystis</em> becomes <em>cystides</em>.</li>
* <li>For nouns ending <em>-men</em> the ending becomes <em>-mina</em>. For
* example, <em>foramen</em> becomes <em>foramina</em>.</li>
* <li>For nouns ending <em>-ex</em> the ending becomes <em>-ices</em>. For
* example, <em>index</em> becomes <em>indices</em>.</li>
* <li>For nouns ending <em>-x</em> the ending becomes <em>-ces</em>. For
* example, <em>matrix</em> becomes <em>matrices</em>.</li>
* </ul>
* @param baseForm
* the base form of the word.
* @return the inflected word.
private static String buildGrecoLatinPluralNoun(String baseForm) {
String plural = null;
if (baseForm != null) {
if (baseForm.endsWith("us")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
plural = baseForm.replaceAll("us\\b", "i"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} else if (baseForm.endsWith("ma")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
plural = baseForm + "ta"; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (baseForm.endsWith("a")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
plural = baseForm + "e"; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (baseForm.matches(".*[(um)(on)]\\b")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
plural = baseForm.replaceAll("[(um)(on)]\\b", "a"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} else if (baseForm.endsWith("sis")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
plural = baseForm.replaceAll("sis\\b", "ses"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} else if (baseForm.endsWith("is")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
plural = baseForm.replaceAll("is\\b", "ides"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} else if (baseForm.endsWith("men")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
plural = baseForm.replaceAll("men\\b", "mina"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} else if (baseForm.endsWith("ex")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
plural = baseForm.replaceAll("ex\\b", "ices"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} else if (baseForm.endsWith("x")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
plural = baseForm.replaceAll("x\\b", "ces"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} else {
plural = baseForm;
return plural;
* This method performs the morphology for verbs.
* @param element
* the <code>InflectedWordElement</code>.
* @param baseWord
* the <code>WordElement</code> as created from the lexicon
* entry.
* @return a <code>StringElement</code> representing the word after
* inflection.
protected static NLGElement doVerbMorphology(InflectedWordElement element,
WordElement baseWord) {
String realised = null;
Object numberValue = element.getFeature(Feature.NUMBER);
Object personValue = element.getFeature(Feature.PERSON);
Object tense = element.getFeature(Feature.TENSE);
Tense tenseValue;
// AG: change to avoid deprecated getTense
// if tense value is Tense, cast it, else default to present
if (tense instanceof Tense) {
tenseValue = (Tense) tense;
} else {
tenseValue = Tense.PRESENT;
Object formValue = element.getFeature(Feature.FORM);
Object patternValue = element.getFeature(LexicalFeature.DEFAULT_INFL);
// base form from baseWord if it exists, otherwise from element
String baseForm = getBaseForm(element, baseWord);
if (element.getFeatureAsBoolean(Feature.NEGATED)
|| Form.BARE_INFINITIVE.equals(formValue)) {
realised = baseForm;
} else if (Form.PRESENT_PARTICIPLE.equals(formValue)) {
realised = element
if (realised == null && baseWord != null) {
realised = baseWord
if (realised == null) {
if (Inflection.REGULAR_DOUBLE.equals(patternValue)) {
realised = buildDoublePresPartVerb(baseForm);
} else {
realised = buildRegularPresPartVerb(baseForm);
} else if (Tense.PAST.equals(tenseValue)
|| Form.PAST_PARTICIPLE.equals(formValue)) {
if (Form.PAST_PARTICIPLE.equals(formValue)) {
realised = element
if (realised == null && baseWord != null) {
realised = baseWord
if (realised == null) {
if ("be".equalsIgnoreCase(baseForm)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
realised = "been"; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (Inflection.REGULAR_DOUBLE.equals(patternValue)) {
realised = buildDoublePastVerb(baseForm);
} else {
realised = buildRegularPastVerb(baseForm, numberValue);
} else {
realised = element.getFeatureAsString(LexicalFeature.PAST);
if (realised == null && baseWord != null) {
realised = baseWord.getFeatureAsString(LexicalFeature.PAST);
if (realised == null) {
if (Inflection.REGULAR_DOUBLE.equals(patternValue)) {
realised = buildDoublePastVerb(baseForm);
} else {
realised = buildRegularPastVerb(baseForm, numberValue);
} else if ((numberValue == null || NumberAgreement.SINGULAR
&& (personValue == null || Person.THIRD.equals(personValue))
&& (tenseValue == null || Tense.PRESENT.equals(tenseValue))) {
realised = element.getFeatureAsString(LexicalFeature.PRESENT3S);
if (realised == null && baseWord != null
&& !"be".equalsIgnoreCase(baseForm)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
realised = baseWord
if (realised == null) {
realised = buildPresent3SVerb(baseForm);
} else {
if ("be".equalsIgnoreCase(baseForm)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
if (Person.FIRST.equals(personValue)
&& (NumberAgreement.SINGULAR.equals(numberValue) || numberValue == null)) {
realised = "am"; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
realised = "are"; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
realised = baseForm;
StringElement realisedElement = new StringElement(realised);
realisedElement.setFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION, element
return realisedElement;
* return the base form of a word
* @param element
* @param baseWord
* @return
private static String getBaseForm(InflectedWordElement element,
WordElement baseWord) {
// unclear what the right behaviour should be
// for now, prefer baseWord.getBaseForm() to element.getBaseForm() for
// verbs (ie, "is" mapped to "be")
// but prefer element.getBaseForm() to baseWord.getBaseForm() for other
// words (ie, "children" not mapped to "child")
// AG: changed this to get the default spelling variant
// needed to preserve spelling changes in the VP
if (LexicalCategory.VERB == element.getCategory()) {
if (baseWord != null
&& baseWord.getDefaultSpellingVariant() != null)
return baseWord.getDefaultSpellingVariant();
return element.getBaseForm();
} else {
if (element.getBaseForm() != null)
return element.getBaseForm();
else if (baseWord == null)
return null;
return baseWord.getDefaultSpellingVariant();
// if (LexicalCategory.VERB == element.getCategory()) {
// if (baseWord != null && baseWord.getBaseForm() != null)
// return baseWord.getBaseForm();
// else
// return element.getBaseForm();
// } else {
// if (element.getBaseForm() != null)
// return element.getBaseForm();
// else if (baseWord == null)
// return null;
// else
// return baseWord.getBaseForm();
// }
* Checks to see if the noun is possessive. If it is then nouns in ending in
* <em>-s</em> become <em>-s'</em> while every other noun has <em>-'s</em> appended to
* the end.
* @param element
* the <code>InflectedWordElement</code>
* @param realised
* the realisation of the word.
private static void checkPossessive(InflectedWordElement element,
StringBuffer realised) {
if (element.getFeatureAsBoolean(Feature.POSSESSIVE).booleanValue()) {
if (realised.charAt(realised.length() - 1) == 's') {
} else {
realised.append("'s"); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Builds the third-person singular form for regular verbs. The rules are
* performed in this order:
* <ul>
* <li>If the verb is <em>be</em> the realised form is <em>is</em>.</li>
* <li>For verbs ending <em>-ch</em>, <em>-s</em>, <em>-sh</em>, <em>-x</em>
* or <em>-z</em> the ending becomes <em>-es</em>. For example,
* <em>preach</em> becomes <em>preaches</em>.</li>
* <li>For verbs ending <em>-y</em> the ending becomes <em>-ies</em>. For
* example, <em>fly</em> becomes <em>flies</em>.</li>
* <li>For every other verb, <em>-s</em> is added to the end of the word.</li>
* </ul>
* @param baseForm
* the base form of the word.
* @return the inflected word.
private static String buildPresent3SVerb(String baseForm) {
String morphology = null;
if (baseForm != null) {
if (baseForm.equalsIgnoreCase("be")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
morphology = "is"; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (baseForm.matches(".*[szx(ch)(sh)]\\b")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
morphology = baseForm + "es"; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (baseForm.matches(".*[b-z&&[^eiou]]y\\b")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
morphology = baseForm.replaceAll("y\\b", "ies"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} else {
morphology = baseForm + "s"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return morphology;
* Builds the past-tense form for regular verbs. The rules are performed in
* this order:
* <ul>
* <li>If the verb is <em>be</em> and the number agreement is plural then
* the realised form is <em>were</em>.</li>
* <li>If the verb is <em>be</em> and the number agreement is singular then
* the realised form is <em>was</em>.</li>
* <li>For verbs ending <em>-e</em> the ending becomes <em>-ed</em>. For
* example, <em>chased</em> becomes <em>chased</em>.</li>
* <li>For verbs ending <em>-Cy</em>, where C is any consonant, the ending
* becomes <em>-ied</em>. For example, <em>dry</em> becomes <em>dried</em>.</li>
* <li>For every other verb, <em>-ed</em> is added to the end of the word.</li>
* </ul>
* @param baseForm
* the base form of the word.
* @param number
* the number agreement for the word.
* @return the inflected word.
private static String buildRegularPastVerb(String baseForm, Object number) {
String morphology = null;
if (baseForm != null) {
if (baseForm.equalsIgnoreCase("be")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
if (NumberAgreement.PLURAL.equals(number)) {
morphology = "were"; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
morphology = "was"; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (baseForm.endsWith("e")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
morphology = baseForm + "d"; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (baseForm.matches(".*[b-z&&[^eiou]]y\\b")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
morphology = baseForm.replaceAll("y\\b", "ied"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} else {
morphology = baseForm + "ed"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return morphology;
* Builds the past-tense form for verbs that follow the doubling form of the
* last consonant. <em>-ed</em> is added to the end after the last consonant
* is doubled. For example, <em>tug</em> becomes <em>tugged</em>.
* @param baseForm
* the base form of the word.
* @return the inflected word.
private static String buildDoublePastVerb(String baseForm) {
String morphology = null;
if (baseForm != null) {
morphology = baseForm + baseForm.charAt(baseForm.length() - 1)
+ "ed"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return morphology;
* Builds the present participle form for regular verbs. The rules are
* performed in this order:
* <ul>
* <li>If the verb is <em>be</em> then the realised form is <em>being</em>.</li>
* <li>For verbs ending <em>-ie</em> the ending becomes <em>-ying</em>. For
* example, <em>tie</em> becomes <em>tying</em>.</li>
* <li>For verbs ending <em>-ee</em>, <em>-oe</em> or <em>-ye</em> then
* <em>-ing</em> is added to the end. For example, <em>canoe</em> becomes
* <em>canoeing</em>.</li>
* <li>For other verbs ending in <em>-e</em> the ending becomes
* <em>-ing</em>. For example, <em>chase</em> becomes <em>chasing</em>.</li>
* <li>For all other verbs, <em>-ing</em> is added to the end. For example,
* <em>dry</em> becomes <em>drying</em>.</li>
* </ul>
* @param baseForm
* the base form of the word.
* @param number
* the number agreement for the word.
* @return the inflected word.
private static String buildRegularPresPartVerb(String baseForm) {
String morphology = null;
if (baseForm != null) {
if (baseForm.equalsIgnoreCase("be")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
morphology = "being"; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (baseForm.endsWith("ie")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
morphology = baseForm.replaceAll("ie\\b", "ying"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} else if (baseForm.matches(".*[^iyeo]e\\b")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
morphology = baseForm.replaceAll("e\\b", "ing"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} else {
morphology = baseForm + "ing"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return morphology;
* Builds the present participle form for verbs that follow the doubling
* form of the last consonant. <em>-ing</em> is added to the end after the
* last consonant is doubled. For example, <em>tug</em> becomes
* <em>tugging</em>.
* @param baseForm
* the base form of the word.
* @return the inflected word.
private static String buildDoublePresPartVerb(String baseForm) {
String morphology = null;
if (baseForm != null) {
morphology = baseForm + baseForm.charAt(baseForm.length() - 1)
+ "ing"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return morphology;
* This method performs the morphology for adjectives.
* @param element
* the <code>InflectedWordElement</code>.
* @param baseWord
* the <code>WordElement</code> as created from the lexicon
* entry.
* @return a <code>StringElement</code> representing the word after
* inflection.
public static NLGElement doAdjectiveMorphology(
InflectedWordElement element, WordElement baseWord) {
String realised = null;
Object patternValue = element.getFeature(LexicalFeature.DEFAULT_INFL);
// base form from baseWord if it exists, otherwise from element
String baseForm = getBaseForm(element, baseWord);
if (element.getFeatureAsBoolean(Feature.IS_COMPARATIVE).booleanValue()) {
realised = element.getFeatureAsString(LexicalFeature.COMPARATIVE);
if (realised == null && baseWord != null) {
realised = baseWord
if (realised == null) {
if (Inflection.REGULAR_DOUBLE.equals(patternValue)) {
realised = buildDoubleCompAdjective(baseForm);
} else {
realised = buildRegularComparative(baseForm);
} else if (element.getFeatureAsBoolean(Feature.IS_SUPERLATIVE)
.booleanValue()) {
realised = element.getFeatureAsString(LexicalFeature.SUPERLATIVE);
if (realised == null && baseWord != null) {
realised = baseWord
if (realised == null) {
if (Inflection.REGULAR_DOUBLE.equals(patternValue)) {
realised = buildDoubleSuperAdjective(baseForm);
} else {
realised = buildRegularSuperlative(baseForm);
} else {
realised = baseForm;
StringElement realisedElement = new StringElement(realised);
realisedElement.setFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION, element
return realisedElement;
* Builds the comparative form for adjectives that follow the doubling form
* of the last consonant. <em>-er</em> is added to the end after the last
* consonant is doubled. For example, <em>fat</em> becomes <em>fatter</em>.
* @param baseForm
* the base form of the word.
* @return the inflected word.
private static String buildDoubleCompAdjective(String baseForm) {
String morphology = null;
if (baseForm != null) {
morphology = baseForm + baseForm.charAt(baseForm.length() - 1)
+ "er"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return morphology;
* Builds the comparative form for regular adjectives. The rules are
* performed in this order:
* <ul>
* <li>For verbs ending <em>-Cy</em>, where C is any consonant, the ending
* becomes <em>-ier</em>. For example, <em>brainy</em> becomes
* <em>brainier</em>.</li>
* <li>For verbs ending <em>-e</em> the ending becomes <em>-er</em>. For
* example, <em>fine</em> becomes <em>finer</em>.</li>
* <li>For all other verbs, <em>-er</em> is added to the end. For example,
* <em>clear</em> becomes <em>clearer</em>.</li>
* </ul>
* @param baseForm
* the base form of the word.
* @param number
* the number agreement for the word.
* @return the inflected word.
private static String buildRegularComparative(String baseForm) {
String morphology = null;
if (baseForm != null) {
if (baseForm.matches(".*[b-z&&[^eiou]]y\\b")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
morphology = baseForm.replaceAll("y\\b", "ier"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} else if (baseForm.endsWith("e")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
morphology = baseForm + "r"; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
morphology = baseForm + "er"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return morphology;
* Builds the superlative form for adjectives that follow the doubling form
* of the last consonant. <em>-est</em> is added to the end after the last
* consonant is doubled. For example, <em>fat</em> becomes <em>fattest</em>.
* @param baseForm
* the base form of the word.
* @return the inflected word.
private static String buildDoubleSuperAdjective(String baseForm) {
String morphology = null;
if (baseForm != null) {
morphology = baseForm + baseForm.charAt(baseForm.length() - 1)
+ "est"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return morphology;
* Builds the superlative form for regular adjectives. The rules are
* performed in this order:
* <ul>
* <li>For verbs ending <em>-Cy</em>, where C is any consonant, the ending
* becomes <em>-iest</em>. For example, <em>brainy</em> becomes
* <em>brainiest</em>.</li>
* <li>For verbs ending <em>-e</em> the ending becomes <em>-est</em>. For
* example, <em>fine</em> becomes <em>finest</em>.</li>
* <li>For all other verbs, <em>-est</em> is added to the end. For example,
* <em>clear</em> becomes <em>clearest</em>.</li>
* </ul>
* @param baseForm
* the base form of the word.
* @param number
* the number agreement for the word.
* @return the inflected word.
private static String buildRegularSuperlative(String baseForm) {
String morphology = null;
if (baseForm != null) {
if (baseForm.matches(".*[b-z&&[^eiou]]y\\b")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
morphology = baseForm.replaceAll("y\\b", "iest"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} else if (baseForm.endsWith("e")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
morphology = baseForm + "st"; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
morphology = baseForm + "est"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return morphology;
* This method performs the morphology for adverbs.
* @param element
* the <code>InflectedWordElement</code>.
* @param baseWord
* the <code>WordElement</code> as created from the lexicon
* entry.
* @return a <code>StringElement</code> representing the word after
* inflection.
public static NLGElement doAdverbMorphology(InflectedWordElement element,
WordElement baseWord) {
String realised = null;
// base form from baseWord if it exists, otherwise from element
String baseForm = getBaseForm(element, baseWord);
if (element.getFeatureAsBoolean(Feature.IS_COMPARATIVE).booleanValue()) {
realised = element.getFeatureAsString(LexicalFeature.COMPARATIVE);
if (realised == null && baseWord != null) {
realised = baseWord
if (realised == null) {
realised = buildRegularComparative(baseForm);
} else if (element.getFeatureAsBoolean(Feature.IS_SUPERLATIVE)
.booleanValue()) {
realised = element.getFeatureAsString(LexicalFeature.SUPERLATIVE);
if (realised == null && baseWord != null) {
realised = baseWord
if (realised == null) {
realised = buildRegularSuperlative(baseForm);
} else {
realised = baseForm;
StringElement realisedElement = new StringElement(realised);
realisedElement.setFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION, element
return realisedElement;
* This method performs the morphology for pronouns.
* @param element
* the <code>InflectedWordElement</code>.
* @return a <code>StringElement</code> representing the word after
* inflection.
public static NLGElement doPronounMorphology(InflectedWordElement element) {
String realised = null;
if (!element.getFeatureAsBoolean(InternalFeature.NON_MORPH)
.booleanValue() && !isWHPronoun(element)) {
Object genderValue = element.getFeature(LexicalFeature.GENDER);
Object personValue = element.getFeature(Feature.PERSON);
Object discourseValue = element
int numberIndex = element.isPlural() ? 1 : 0;
int genderIndex = (genderValue instanceof Gender) ? ((Gender) genderValue)
: 2;
int personIndex = (personValue instanceof Person) ? ((Person) personValue)
: 2;
if (personIndex == 2) {
personIndex += genderIndex;
int positionIndex = 0;
if (element.getFeatureAsBoolean(LexicalFeature.REFLEXIVE)
.booleanValue()) {
positionIndex = 2;
} else if (element.getFeatureAsBoolean(Feature.POSSESSIVE)
.booleanValue()) {
positionIndex = 3;
if (DiscourseFunction.SPECIFIER.equals(discourseValue)) {
} else {
positionIndex = (DiscourseFunction.SUBJECT
.equals(discourseValue) && !element
|| (DiscourseFunction.OBJECT.equals(discourseValue) && element
|| DiscourseFunction.SPECIFIER.equals(discourseValue)
|| (DiscourseFunction.COMPLEMENT.equals(discourseValue) && element
.booleanValue()) ? 0 : 1;
realised = PRONOUNS[numberIndex][positionIndex][personIndex];
} else {
realised = element.getBaseForm();
StringElement realisedElement = new StringElement(realised);
realisedElement.setFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION, element
return realisedElement;
private static boolean isWHPronoun(InflectedWordElement word) {
String base = word.getBaseForm();
boolean wh = false;
if (base != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < WH_PRONOUNS.length && !wh; i++) {
wh = WH_PRONOUNS[i].equals(base);
return wh;
* This method performs the morphology for determiners.
* @param determiner
* the <code>InflectedWordElement</code>.
* @param realisation
* the current realisation of the determiner.
public static void doDeterminerMorphology(NLGElement determiner,
String realisation) {
if (realisation != null) {
if (determiner.getRealisation().equals("a")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
if (determiner.isPlural()) {
} else if (DeterminerAgrHelper.requiresAn(realisation)) {
// } else if (realisation.matches(MorphologyRules.AN_AGREEMENT)
// || realisation
// .matches(MorphologyRules.AN_NUMERAL_AGREEMENT)) {
// if (!isAnException(realisation)) {
// determiner.setRealisation("an");
// }
// }
// /**
// * check whether a string beginning with a vowel is an exception and
// doesn't
// * take "an" (e.g. "a one percent change")
// *
// * @return
// */
// private static boolean isAnException(String string) {
// for (String ex : MorphologyRules.AN_EXCEPTIONS) {
// if (string.matches("^" + ex + ".*")) {
// // if (string.equalsIgnoreCase(ex)) {
// return true;
// }
// }
// return false;
// }