package com.nimbusds.jose;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.*;
import net.jcip.annotations.Immutable;
import net.minidev.json.JSONObject;
import com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.ECKey;
import com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.JWK;
import com.nimbusds.jose.util.Base64;
import com.nimbusds.jose.util.Base64URL;
import com.nimbusds.jose.util.JSONObjectUtils;
import com.nimbusds.jose.util.X509CertChainUtils;
* JSON Web Encryption (JWE) header.
* <p>Supports all {@link #getRegisteredParameterNames registered header
* parameters} of the JWE specification:
* <ul>
* <li>alg
* <li>enc
* <li>epk
* <li>zip
* <li>jku
* <li>jwk
* <li>x5u
* <li>x5t
* <li>x5t#S256
* <li>x5c
* <li>kid
* <li>typ
* <li>cty
* <li>crit
* <li>apu
* <li>apv
* <li>p2s
* <li>p2c
* <li>iv
* <li>authTag
* </ul>
* <p>The header may also include {@link #getCustomParams custom
* parameters}; these will be serialised and parsed along the registered ones.
* <p>Example header:
* <pre>
* {
* "alg" : "RSA1_5",
* "enc" : "A128CBC-HS256"
* }
* </pre>
* @author Vladimir Dzhuvinov
* @version $version$ (2014-08-20)
public final class JWEHeader extends CommonSEHeader {
* The registered parameter names.
private static final Set<String> REGISTERED_PARAMETER_NAMES;
* Initialises the registered parameter name set.
static {
Set<String> p = new HashSet<>();
REGISTERED_PARAMETER_NAMES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(p);
* Builder for constructing JSON Web Encryption (JWE) headers.
* <p>Example use:
* <pre>
* JWEHeader header = new JWEHeader.Builder(JWEAlgorithm.RSA1_5, EncryptionMethod.A128GCM).
* contentType("text/plain").
* customParam("exp", new Date().getTime()).
* build();
* </pre>
public static class Builder {
* The JWE algorithm.
private final JWEAlgorithm alg;
* The encryption method.
private final EncryptionMethod enc;
* The JOSE object type.
private JOSEObjectType typ;
* The content type.
private String cty;
* The critical headers.
private Set<String> crit;
* JWK Set URL.
private URL jku;
* JWK.
private JWK jwk;
* X.509 certificate URL.
private URL x5u;
* X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint.
private Base64URL x5t;
* X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint.
private Base64URL x5t256;
* The X.509 certificate chain corresponding to the key used to
* sign the JWS object.
private List<Base64> x5c;
* Key ID.
private String kid;
* The ephemeral public key.
private ECKey epk;
* The compression algorithm.
private CompressionAlgorithm zip;
* The agreement PartyUInfo.
private Base64URL apu;
* The agreement PartyVInfo.
private Base64URL apv;
* The PBES2 salt.
private Base64URL p2s;
* The PBES2 count.
private int p2c;
* The initialisation vector.
private Base64URL iv;
* The authentication authTag.
private Base64URL tag;
* Custom header parameters.
private Map<String,Object> customParams;
* The parsed Base64URL.
private Base64URL parsedBase64URL;
* Creates a new JWE header builder.
* @param alg The JWE algorithm ({@code alg}) parameter. Must
* not be "none" or {@code null}.
* @param enc The encryption method. Must not be {@code null}.
public Builder(final JWEAlgorithm alg, final EncryptionMethod enc) {
if (alg.getName().equals(Algorithm.NONE.getName())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The JWE algorithm \"alg\" cannot be \"none\"");
this.alg = alg;
if (enc == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The encryption method \"enc\" parameter must not be null");
this.enc = enc;
* Creates a new JWE header builder with the parameters from
* the specified header.
* @param jweHeader The JWE header to use. Must not not be
* {@code null}.
public Builder(final JWEHeader jweHeader) {
this(jweHeader.getAlgorithm(), jweHeader.getEncryptionMethod());
typ = jweHeader.getType();
cty = jweHeader.getContentType();
crit = jweHeader.getCriticalParams();
customParams = jweHeader.getCustomParams();
jku = jweHeader.getJWKURL();
jwk = jweHeader.getJWK();
x5u = jweHeader.getX509CertURL();
x5t = jweHeader.getX509CertThumbprint();
x5t256 = jweHeader.getX509CertSHA256Thumbprint();
x5c = jweHeader.getX509CertChain();
kid = jweHeader.getKeyID();
epk = jweHeader.getEphemeralPublicKey();
zip = jweHeader.getCompressionAlgorithm();
apu = jweHeader.getAgreementPartyUInfo();
apv = jweHeader.getAgreementPartyVInfo();
p2s = jweHeader.getPBES2Salt();
p2c = jweHeader.getPBES2Count();
iv = jweHeader.getIV();
tag = jweHeader.getAuthTag();
customParams = jweHeader.getCustomParams();
* Sets the type ({@code typ}) parameter.
* @param typ The type parameter, {@code null} if not
* specified.
* @return This builder.
public Builder type(final JOSEObjectType typ) {
this.typ = typ;
return this;
* Sets the content type ({@code cty}) parameter.
* @param cty The content type parameter, {@code null} if not
* specified.
* @return This builder.
public Builder contentType(final String cty) {
this.cty = cty;
return this;
* Sets the critical header parameters ({@code crit})
* parameter.
* @param crit The names of the critical header parameters,
* empty set or {@code null} if none.
* @return This builder.
public Builder criticalParams(final Set<String> crit) {
this.crit = crit;
return this;
* Sets the JSON Web Key (JWK) Set URL ({@code jku}) parameter.
* @param jku The JSON Web Key (JWK) Set URL parameter,
* {@code null} if not specified.
* @return This builder.
public Builder jwkURL(final URL jku) {
this.jku = jku;
return this;
* Sets the JSON Web Key (JWK) ({@code jwk}) parameter.
* @param jwk The JSON Web Key (JWK) ({@code jwk}) parameter,
* {@code null} if not specified.
* @return This builder.
public Builder jwk(final JWK jwk) {
this.jwk = jwk;
return this;
* Sets the X.509 certificate URL ({@code x5u}) parameter.
* @param x5u The X.509 certificate URL parameter, {@code null}
* if not specified.
* @return This builder.
public Builder x509CertURL(final URL x5u) {
this.x5u = x5u;
return this;
* Sets the X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint ({@code x5t})
* parameter.
* @param x5t The X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint parameter,
* {@code null} if not specified.
* @return This builder.
public Builder x509CertThumbprint(final Base64URL x5t) {
this.x5t = x5t;
return this;
* Sets the X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint
* ({@code x5t#s256}) parameter.
* @param x5t256 The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint
* parameter, {@code null} if not specified.
* @return This builder.
public Builder x509CertSHA256Thumbprint(final Base64URL x5t256) {
this.x5t256 = x5t256;
return this;
* Sets the X.509 certificate chain parameter ({@code x5c})
* corresponding to the key used to sign the JWS object.
* @param x5c The X.509 certificate chain parameter,
* {@code null} if not specified.
* @return This builder.
public Builder x509CertChain(final List<Base64> x5c) {
this.x5c = x5c;
return this;
* Sets the key ID ({@code kid}) parameter.
* @param kid The key ID parameter, {@code null} if not
* specified.
* @return This builder.
public Builder keyID(final String kid) {
this.kid = kid;
return this;
* Sets the Ephemeral Public Key ({@code epk}) parameter.
* @param epk The Ephemeral Public Key parameter, {@code null}
* if not specified.
* @return This builder.
public Builder ephemeralPublicKey(final ECKey epk) {
this.epk = epk;
return this;
* Sets the compression algorithm ({@code zip}) parameter.
* @param zip The compression algorithm parameter, {@code null}
* if not specified.
* @return This builder.
public Builder compressionAlgorithm(final CompressionAlgorithm zip) { = zip;
return this;
* Sets the agreement PartyUInfo ({@code apu}) parameter.
* @param apu The agreement PartyUInfo parameter, {@code null}
* if not specified.
* @return This builder.
public Builder agreementPartyUInfo(final Base64URL apu) {
this.apu = apu;
return this;
* Sets the agreement PartyVInfo ({@code apv}) parameter.
* @param apv The agreement PartyVInfo parameter, {@code null}
* if not specified.
* @return This builder.
public Builder agreementPartyVInfo(final Base64URL apv) {
this.apv = apv;
return this;
* Sets the PBES2 salt ({@code p2s}) parameter.
* @param p2s The PBES2 salt parameter, {@code null} if not
* specified.
* @return This builder.
public Builder pbes2Salt(final Base64URL p2s) {
this.p2s = p2s;
return this;
* Sets the PBES2 count ({@code p2c}) parameter.
* @param p2c The PBES2 count parameter, zero if not specified.
* Must not be negative.
* @return This builder.
public Builder pbes2Count(final int p2c) {
if (p2c < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The PBES2 count parameter must not be negative");
this.p2c = p2c;
return this;
* Sets the initialisation vector ({@code iv}) parameter.
* @param iv The initialisation vector, {@code null} if not
* specified.
* @return This builder.
public Builder iv(final Base64URL iv) {
this.iv = iv;
return this;
* Sets the authentication tag ({@code tag}) parameter.
* @param tag The authentication tag, {@code null} if not
* specified.
* @return This builder.
public Builder authTag(final Base64URL tag) {
this.tag = tag;
return this;
* Sets a custom (non-registered) parameter.
* @param name The name of the custom parameter. Must not
* match a registered parameter name and must not
* be {@code null}.
* @param value The value of the custom parameter, should map
* to a valid JSON entity, {@code null} if not
* specified.
* @return This builder.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the specified parameter
* name matches a registered
* parameter name.
public Builder customParam(final String name, final Object value) {
if (getRegisteredParameterNames().contains(name)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parameter name \"" + name + "\" matches a registered name");
if (customParams == null) {
customParams = new HashMap<>();
customParams.put(name, value);
return this;
* Sets the custom (non-registered) parameters. The values must
* be serialisable to a JSON entity, otherwise will be ignored.
* @param customParameters The custom parameters, empty map or
* {@code null} if none.
* @return This builder.
public Builder customParams(final Map<String, Object> customParameters) {
this.customParams = customParameters;
return this;
* Sets the parsed Base64URL.
* @param base64URL The parsed Base64URL, {@code null} if the
* header is created from scratch.
* @return This builder.
public Builder parsedBase64URL(final Base64URL base64URL) {
this.parsedBase64URL = base64URL;
return this;
* Builds a new JWE header.
* @return The JWE header.
public JWEHeader build() {
return new JWEHeader(
alg, enc, typ, cty, crit,
jku, jwk, x5u, x5t, x5t256, x5c, kid,
epk, zip, apu, apv, p2s, p2c,
iv, tag,
customParams, parsedBase64URL);
* The encryption method ({@code enc}) parameter.
private final EncryptionMethod enc;
* The ephemeral public key ({@code epk}) parameter.
private final ECKey epk;
* The compression algorithm ({@code zip}) parameter.
private final CompressionAlgorithm zip;
* The agreement PartyUInfo ({@code apu}) parameter.
private final Base64URL apu;
* The agreement PartyVInfo ({@code apv}) parameter.
private final Base64URL apv;
* The PBES2 salt ({@code p2s}) parameter.
private final Base64URL p2s;
* The PBES2 count ({@code p2c}) parameter.
private final int p2c;
* The initialisation vector ({@code iv}) parameter.
private final Base64URL iv;
* The authentication tag ({@code tag}) parameter.
private final Base64URL tag;
* Creates a new minimal JSON Web Encryption (JWE) header.
* <p>Note: Use {@link PlainHeader} to create a header with algorithm
* {@link Algorithm#NONE none}.
* @param alg The JWE algorithm parameter. Must not be "none" or
* {@code null}.
* @param enc The encryption method parameter. Must not be
* {@code null}.
public JWEHeader(final JWEAlgorithm alg, final EncryptionMethod enc) {
alg, enc,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, 0,
null, null,
null, null);
* Creates a new JSON Web Encryption (JWE) header.
* <p>Note: Use {@link PlainHeader} to create a header with algorithm
* {@link Algorithm#NONE none}.
* @param alg The JWE algorithm ({@code alg}) parameter.
* Must not be "none" or {@code null}.
* @param enc The encryption method parameter. Must not be
* {@code null}.
* @param typ The type ({@code typ}) parameter,
* {@code null} if not specified.
* @param cty The content type ({@code cty}) parameter,
* {@code null} if not specified.
* @param crit The names of the critical header
* ({@code crit}) parameters, empty set or
* {@code null} if none.
* @param jku The JSON Web Key (JWK) Set URL ({@code jku})
* parameter, {@code null} if not specified.
* @param jwk The X.509 certificate URL ({@code jwk})
* parameter, {@code null} if not specified.
* @param x5u The X.509 certificate URL parameter
* ({@code x5u}), {@code null} if not specified.
* @param x5t The X.509 certificate SHA-1 thumbprint
* ({@code x5t}) parameter, {@code null} if not
* specified.
* @param x5t256 The X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint
* ({@code x5t#S256}) parameter, {@code null} if
* not specified.
* @param x5c The X.509 certificate chain ({@code x5c})
* parameter, {@code null} if not specified.
* @param kid The key ID ({@code kid}) parameter,
* {@code null} if not specified.
* @param epk The Ephemeral Public Key ({@code epk})
* parameter, {@code null} if not specified.
* @param zip The compression algorithm ({@code zip})
* parameter, {@code null} if not specified.
* @param apu The agreement PartyUInfo ({@code apu})
* parameter, {@code null} if not specified.
* @param apv The agreement PartyVInfo ({@code apv})
* parameter, {@code null} if not specified.
* @param p2s The PBES2 salt ({@code p2s}) parameter,
* {@code null} if not specified.
* @param p2c The PBES2 count ({@code p2c}) parameter, zero
* if not specified. Must not be negative.
* @param iv The initialisation vector ({@code iv})
* parameter, {@code null} if not specified.
* @param tag The authentication tag ({@code tag})
* parameter, {@code null} if not specified.
* @param customParams The custom parameters, empty map or
* {@code null} if none.
* @param parsedBase64URL The parsed Base64URL, {@code null} if the
* header is created from scratch.
public JWEHeader(final Algorithm alg,
final EncryptionMethod enc,
final JOSEObjectType typ,
final String cty,
final Set<String> crit,
final URL jku,
final JWK jwk,
final URL x5u,
final Base64URL x5t,
final Base64URL x5t256,
final List<Base64> x5c,
final String kid,
final ECKey epk,
final CompressionAlgorithm zip,
final Base64URL apu,
final Base64URL apv,
final Base64URL p2s,
final int p2c,
final Base64URL iv,
final Base64URL tag,
final Map<String,Object> customParams,
final Base64URL parsedBase64URL) {
super(alg, typ, cty, crit, jku, jwk, x5u, x5t, x5t256, x5c, kid, customParams, parsedBase64URL);
if (alg.getName().equals(Algorithm.NONE.getName())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The JWE algorithm cannot be \"none\"");
if (enc == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The encryption method \"enc\" parameter must not be null");
this.enc = enc;
this.epk = epk; = zip;
this.apu = apu;
this.apv = apv;
this.p2s = p2s;
this.p2c = p2c;
this.iv = iv;
this.tag = tag;
* Deep copy constructor.
* @param jweHeader The JWE header to copy. Must not be {@code null}.
public JWEHeader(final JWEHeader jweHeader) {
* Gets the registered parameter names for JWE headers.
* @return The registered parameter names, as an unmodifiable set.
public static Set<String> getRegisteredParameterNames() {
* Gets the algorithm ({@code alg}) parameter.
* @return The algorithm parameter.
public JWEAlgorithm getAlgorithm() {
return (JWEAlgorithm)super.getAlgorithm();
* Gets the encryption method ({@code enc}) parameter.
* @return The encryption method parameter.
public EncryptionMethod getEncryptionMethod() {
return enc;
* Gets the Ephemeral Public Key ({@code epk}) parameter.
* @return The Ephemeral Public Key parameter, {@code null} if not
* specified.
public ECKey getEphemeralPublicKey() {
return epk;
* Gets the compression algorithm ({@code zip}) parameter.
* @return The compression algorithm parameter, {@code null} if not
* specified.
public CompressionAlgorithm getCompressionAlgorithm() {
return zip;
* Gets the agreement PartyUInfo ({@code apu}) parameter.
* @return The agreement PartyUInfo parameter, {@code null} if not
* specified.
public Base64URL getAgreementPartyUInfo() {
return apu;
* Gets the agreement PartyVInfo ({@code apv}) parameter.
* @return The agreement PartyVInfo parameter, {@code null} if not
* specified.
public Base64URL getAgreementPartyVInfo() {
return apv;
* Gets the PBES2 salt ({@code p2s}) parameter.
* @return The PBES2 salt parameter, {@code null} if not specified.
public Base64URL getPBES2Salt() {
return p2s;
* Gets the PBES2 count ({@code p2c}) parameter.
* @return The PBES2 count parameter, zero if not specified.
public int getPBES2Count() {
return p2c;
* Gets the initialisation vector ({@code iv}) parameter.
* @return The initialisation vector, {@code null} if not specified.
public Base64URL getIV() {
return iv;
* Gets the authentication tag ({@code tag}) parameter.
* @return The authentication tag, {@code null} if not specified.
public Base64URL getAuthTag() {
return tag;
public Set<String> getIncludedParams() {
Set<String> includedParameters = super.getIncludedParams();
if (enc != null) {
if (epk != null) {
if (zip != null) {
if (apu != null) {
if (apv != null) {
if (p2s != null) {
if (p2c > 0) {
if (iv != null) {
if (tag != null) {
return includedParameters;
public JSONObject toJSONObject() {
JSONObject o = super.toJSONObject();
if (enc != null) {
o.put("enc", enc.toString());
if (epk != null) {
o.put("epk", epk.toJSONObject());
if (zip != null) {
o.put("zip", zip.toString());
if (apu != null) {
o.put("apu", apu.toString());
if (apv != null) {
o.put("apv", apv.toString());
if (p2s != null) {
o.put("p2s", p2s.toString());
if (p2c > 0) {
o.put("p2c", p2c);
if (iv != null) {
o.put("iv", iv.toString());
if (tag != null) {
o.put("tag", tag.toString());
return o;
* Parses an encryption method ({@code enc}) parameter from the
* specified JWE header JSON object.
* @param json The JSON object to parse. Must not be {@code null}.
* @return The encryption method.
* @throws ParseException If the {@code enc} parameter couldn't be
* parsed.
private static EncryptionMethod parseEncryptionMethod(final JSONObject json)
throws ParseException {
return EncryptionMethod.parse(JSONObjectUtils.getString(json, "enc"));
* Parses a JWE header from the specified JSON object.
* @param jsonObject The JSON object to parse. Must not be
* {@code null}.
* @return The JWE header.
* @throws ParseException If the specified JSON object doesn't
* represent a valid JWE header.
public static JWEHeader parse(final JSONObject jsonObject)
throws ParseException {
return parse(jsonObject, null);
* Parses a JWE header from the specified JSON object.
* @param jsonObject The JSON object to parse. Must not be
* {@code null}.
* @param parsedBase64URL The original parsed Base64URL, {@code null}
* if not applicable.
* @return The JWE header.
* @throws ParseException If the specified JSON object doesn't
* represent a valid JWE header.
public static JWEHeader parse(final JSONObject jsonObject,
final Base64URL parsedBase64URL)
throws ParseException {
// Get the "alg" parameter
Algorithm alg = Header.parseAlgorithm(jsonObject);
if (! (alg instanceof JWEAlgorithm)) {
throw new ParseException("The algorithm \"alg\" header parameter must be for encryption", 0);
// Get the "enc" parameter
EncryptionMethod enc = parseEncryptionMethod(jsonObject);
JWEHeader.Builder header = new Builder((JWEAlgorithm)alg, enc).parsedBase64URL(parsedBase64URL);
// Parse optional + custom parameters
for(final String name: jsonObject.keySet()) {
switch (name) {
case "alg":
// skip
case "enc":
// skip
case "typ":
header = header.type(new JOSEObjectType(JSONObjectUtils.getString(jsonObject, name)));
case "cty":
header = header.contentType(JSONObjectUtils.getString(jsonObject, name));
case "crit":
header = header.criticalParams(new HashSet<>(JSONObjectUtils.getStringList(jsonObject, name)));
case "jku":
header = header.jwkURL(JSONObjectUtils.getURL(jsonObject, name));
case "jwk":
header = header.jwk(JWK.parse(JSONObjectUtils.getJSONObject(jsonObject, name)));
case "x5u":
header = header.x509CertURL(JSONObjectUtils.getURL(jsonObject, name));
case "x5t":
header = header.x509CertThumbprint(new Base64URL(JSONObjectUtils.getString(jsonObject, name)));
case "x5t#S256":
header = header.x509CertSHA256Thumbprint(new Base64URL(JSONObjectUtils.getString(jsonObject, name)));
case "x5c":
header = header.x509CertChain(X509CertChainUtils.parseX509CertChain(JSONObjectUtils.getJSONArray(jsonObject, name)));
case "kid":
header = header.keyID(JSONObjectUtils.getString(jsonObject, name));
case "epk":
header = header.ephemeralPublicKey(ECKey.parse(JSONObjectUtils.getJSONObject(jsonObject, name)));
case "zip":
header = header.compressionAlgorithm(new CompressionAlgorithm(JSONObjectUtils.getString(jsonObject, name)));
case "apu":
header = header.agreementPartyUInfo(new Base64URL(JSONObjectUtils.getString(jsonObject, name)));
case "apv":
header = header.agreementPartyVInfo(new Base64URL(JSONObjectUtils.getString(jsonObject, name)));
case "p2s":
header = header.pbes2Salt(new Base64URL(JSONObjectUtils.getString(jsonObject, name)));
case "p2c":
header = header.pbes2Count(JSONObjectUtils.getInt(jsonObject, name));
case "iv":
header = header.iv(new Base64URL(JSONObjectUtils.getString(jsonObject, name)));
case "tag":
header = header.authTag(new Base64URL(JSONObjectUtils.getString(jsonObject, name)));
header = header.customParam(name, jsonObject.get(name));
* Parses a JWE header from the specified JSON object string.
* @param jsonString The JSON object string to parse. Must not be {@code null}.
* @return The JWE header.
* @throws ParseException If the specified JSON object string doesn't
* represent a valid JWE header.
public static JWEHeader parse(final String jsonString)
throws ParseException {
return parse(JSONObjectUtils.parseJSONObject(jsonString), null);
* Parses a JWE header from the specified JSON object string.
* @param jsonString The JSON string to parse. Must not be
* {@code null}.
* @param parsedBase64URL The original parsed Base64URL, {@code null}
* if not applicable.
* @return The JWE header.
* @throws ParseException If the specified JSON object string doesn't
* represent a valid JWE header.
public static JWEHeader parse(final String jsonString,
final Base64URL parsedBase64URL)
throws ParseException {
return parse(JSONObjectUtils.parseJSONObject(jsonString), parsedBase64URL);
* Parses a JWE header from the specified Base64URL.
* @param base64URL The Base64URL to parse. Must not be {@code null}.
* @return The JWE header.
* @throws ParseException If the specified Base64URL doesn't represent
* a valid JWE header.
public static JWEHeader parse(final Base64URL base64URL)
throws ParseException {
return parse(base64URL.decodeToString(), base64URL);