* ConstantPool.java
* Copyright (c) 2012 Mike Strobel
* This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
* A copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
* By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of the
* Apache License, Version 2.0.
* You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
package com.strobel.reflection.emit;
import com.strobel.core.HashUtilities;
import com.strobel.core.StringUtilities;
import com.strobel.core.VerifyArgument;
import com.strobel.reflection.FieldInfo;
import com.strobel.reflection.MethodBase;
import com.strobel.reflection.MethodInfo;
import com.strobel.reflection.Type;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
* @author strobelm
@SuppressWarnings({"PublicField", "ProtectedField"})
final class ConstantPool {
private final static Writer WRITER = new Writer();
private final ArrayList<Entry> _pool = new ArrayList<>();
private final HashMap<Key, Entry> _entryMap = new HashMap<>();
private final Key _lookupKey = new Key();
private final Key _newKey = new Key();
private int _size;
final HashSet<Type<?>> referencedInnerTypes = new LinkedHashSet<>();
public void write(final CodeStream stream) {
stream.putShort(_size + 1);
for (final Entry entry : _pool) {
if (entry != null) {
entry.accept(WRITER, stream);
public Entry get(final int index) {
VerifyArgument.inRange(0, _size + 1, index, "index");
final Entry info = _pool.get(index - 1);
if (info == null) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
return info;
public Entry get(final int index, final Tag expectedType) {
VerifyArgument.inRange(0, _size + 1, index, "index");
final Entry entry = get(index);
final Tag actualType = entry.getTag();
if (actualType != expectedType) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Expected type '%s' but found type '%s'.",
return entry;
public Utf8StringConstant getUtf8StringConstant(final String value) {
Entry entry = _entryMap.get(_lookupKey);
if (entry == null) {
entry = new Utf8StringConstant(this, value);
return (Utf8StringConstant)entry;
public StringConstant getStringConstant(final String value) {
final Utf8StringConstant utf8Constant = getUtf8StringConstant(value);
_lookupKey.set(Tag.StringConstant, utf8Constant.index);
Entry entry = _entryMap.get(_lookupKey);
if (entry == null) {
entry = new StringConstant(this, utf8Constant.index);
return (StringConstant)entry;
public IntegerConstant getIntegerConstant(final int value) {
Entry entry = _entryMap.get(_lookupKey);
if (entry == null) {
entry = new IntegerConstant(this, value);
return (IntegerConstant)entry;
public FloatConstant getFloatConstant(final float value) {
Entry entry = _entryMap.get(_lookupKey);
if (entry == null) {
entry = new FloatConstant(this, value);
return (FloatConstant)entry;
public LongConstant getLongConstant(final long value) {
Entry entry = _entryMap.get(_lookupKey);
if (entry == null) {
entry = new LongConstant(this, value);
return (LongConstant)entry;
public DoubleConstant getDoubleConstant(final double value) {
Entry entry = _entryMap.get(_lookupKey);
if (entry == null) {
entry = new DoubleConstant(this, value);
return (DoubleConstant)entry;
public TypeInfo getTypeInfo(final Type<?> type) {
final Utf8StringConstant name = getUtf8StringConstant(type.getInternalName());
if (type.isNested()) {
final Type declaringType = type.getDeclaringType();
final MethodBase declaringMethod = type.getDeclaringMethod();
final String shortName = type.getShortName();
if (declaringType != null) {
if (declaringMethod != null) {
if (!StringUtilities.isNullOrWhitespace(shortName)) {
_lookupKey.set(Tag.TypeInfo, name.index);
Entry entry = _entryMap.get(_lookupKey);
if (entry == null) {
entry = new TypeInfo(this, name.index);
return (TypeInfo)entry;
public FieldReference getFieldReference(final FieldInfo field) {
final TypeInfo typeInfo = getTypeInfo(field.getDeclaringType());
final NameAndTypeDescriptor nameAndDescriptor = getNameAndTypeDescriptor(
_lookupKey.set(Tag.FieldReference, typeInfo.index, nameAndDescriptor.index);
Entry entry = _entryMap.get(_lookupKey);
if (entry == null) {
entry = new FieldReference(this, typeInfo.index, nameAndDescriptor.index);
return (FieldReference)entry;
public MethodReference getMethodReference(final MethodBase method) {
final TypeInfo typeInfo = getTypeInfo(method.getDeclaringType());
final NameAndTypeDescriptor nameAndDescriptor = getNameAndTypeDescriptor(
_lookupKey.set(Tag.MethodReference, typeInfo.index, nameAndDescriptor.index);
Entry entry = _entryMap.get(_lookupKey);
if (entry == null) {
entry = new MethodReference(this, typeInfo.index, nameAndDescriptor.index);
return (MethodReference)entry;
public InterfaceMethodReference getInterfaceMethodReference(final MethodInfo method) {
final TypeInfo typeInfo = getTypeInfo(method.getDeclaringType());
final NameAndTypeDescriptor nameAndDescriptor = getNameAndTypeDescriptor(
_lookupKey.set(Tag.InterfaceMethodReference, typeInfo.index, nameAndDescriptor.index);
Entry entry = _entryMap.get(_lookupKey);
if (entry == null) {
entry = new InterfaceMethodReference(this, typeInfo.index, nameAndDescriptor.index);
return (InterfaceMethodReference)entry;
NameAndTypeDescriptor getNameAndTypeDescriptor(final String name, final String typeDescriptor) {
final Utf8StringConstant utf8Name = getUtf8StringConstant(name);
final Utf8StringConstant utf8Descriptor = getUtf8StringConstant(typeDescriptor);
_lookupKey.set(Tag.NameAndTypeDescriptor, utf8Name.index, utf8Descriptor.index);
Entry entry = _entryMap.get(_lookupKey);
if (entry == null) {
entry = new NameAndTypeDescriptor(this, utf8Name.index, utf8Descriptor.index);
return (NameAndTypeDescriptor)entry;
MethodHandle getMethodHandle(final ReferenceKind referenceKind, final int referenceIndex) {
_lookupKey.set(Tag.MethodHandle, referenceIndex, referenceKind);
Entry entry = _entryMap.get(_lookupKey);
if (entry == null) {
entry = new MethodHandle(this, referenceKind, referenceIndex);
return (MethodHandle)entry;
MethodType getMethodType(final int descriptorIndex) {
_lookupKey.set(Tag.MethodType, descriptorIndex);
Entry entry = _entryMap.get(_lookupKey);
if (entry == null) {
entry = new MethodType(this, descriptorIndex);
return (MethodType)entry;
InvokeDynamicInfo getInvokeDynamicInfo(
final int bootstrapMethodAttributeIndex,
final int nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex) {
_lookupKey.set(Tag.InvokeDynamicInfo, bootstrapMethodAttributeIndex, nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex);
Entry entry = _entryMap.get(_lookupKey);
if (entry == null) {
entry = new InvokeDynamicInfo(this, bootstrapMethodAttributeIndex, nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex);
return (InvokeDynamicInfo)entry;
public static abstract class Entry {
protected final int index;
protected final ConstantPool owner;
Entry(final ConstantPool owner) {
this.owner = owner;
this.index = owner._size + 1;
owner._size += size();
for (int i = 1; i < size(); i++) {
public abstract Tag getTag();
* The number of slots in the constant pool used by this entry.
* 2 for DoubleConstant and LongConstant; 1 for everything else.
public int size() {
return 1;
public abstract int byteLength();
public abstract <R, D> R accept(Visitor<R, D> visitor, D data);
public static enum ReferenceKind {
GetField(1, "getfield"),
GetStatic(2, "getstatic"),
PutField(3, "putfield"),
PutStatic(4, "putstatic"),
InvokeVirtual(5, "invokevirtual"),
InvokeStatic(6, "invokestatic"),
InvokeSpecial(7, "invokespecial"),
NewInvokeSpecial(8, "newinvokespecial"),
InvokeInterface(9, "invokeinterface");
public final int tag;
public final String name;
ReferenceKind(final int tag, final String name) {
this.tag = tag;
this.name = name;
static ReferenceKind fromTag(final int tag) {
switch (tag) {
case 1:
return GetField;
case 2:
return GetStatic;
case 3:
return PutField;
case 4:
return PutStatic;
case 5:
return InvokeVirtual;
case 6:
return InvokeStatic;
case 7:
return InvokeSpecial;
case 8:
return NewInvokeSpecial;
case 9:
return InvokeInterface;
return null;
public static enum Tag {
public final int value;
Tag(final int value) {
this.value = value;
public interface Visitor<R, P> {
R visitTypeInfo(TypeInfo info, P p);
R visitDoubleConstant(DoubleConstant info, P p);
R visitFieldReference(FieldReference info, P p);
R visitFloatConstant(FloatConstant info, P p);
R visitIntegerConstant(IntegerConstant info, P p);
R visitInterfaceMethodReference(InterfaceMethodReference info, P p);
R visitInvokeDynamicInfo(InvokeDynamicInfo info, P p);
R visitLongConstant(LongConstant info, P p);
R visitNameAndTypeDescriptor(NameAndTypeDescriptor info, P p);
R visitMethodReference(MethodReference info, P p);
R visitMethodHandle(MethodHandle info, P p);
R visitMethodType(MethodType info, P p);
R visitStringConstant(StringConstant info, P p);
R visitUtf8StringConstant(Utf8StringConstant info, P p);
private final static class Writer implements Visitor<Void, CodeStream> {
public Void visitTypeInfo(final TypeInfo info, final CodeStream codeStream) {
return null;
public Void visitDoubleConstant(final DoubleConstant info, final CodeStream codeStream) {
return null;
public Void visitFieldReference(final FieldReference info, final CodeStream codeStream) {
return null;
public Void visitFloatConstant(final FloatConstant info, final CodeStream codeStream) {
return null;
public Void visitIntegerConstant(final IntegerConstant info, final CodeStream codeStream) {
return null;
public Void visitInterfaceMethodReference(final InterfaceMethodReference info, final CodeStream codeStream) {
return null;
public Void visitInvokeDynamicInfo(final InvokeDynamicInfo info, final CodeStream codeStream) {
return null;
public Void visitLongConstant(final LongConstant info, final CodeStream codeStream) {
return null;
public Void visitNameAndTypeDescriptor(final NameAndTypeDescriptor info, final CodeStream codeStream) {
return null;
public Void visitMethodReference(final MethodReference info, final CodeStream codeStream) {
return null;
public Void visitMethodHandle(final MethodHandle info, final CodeStream codeStream) {
return null;
public Void visitMethodType(final MethodType info, final CodeStream codeStream) {
return null;
public Void visitStringConstant(final StringConstant info, final CodeStream codeStream) {
return null;
public Void visitUtf8StringConstant(final Utf8StringConstant info, final CodeStream codeStream) {
return null;
public static final class TypeInfo extends Entry {
public final int nameIndex;
public TypeInfo(final ConstantPool owner, final int nameIndex) {
this.nameIndex = nameIndex;
owner._newKey.set(getTag(), nameIndex);
owner._entryMap.put(owner._newKey.clone(), this);
public String getName() {
return ((Utf8StringConstant)owner.get(nameIndex, Tag.Utf8StringConstant)).value;
public Tag getTag() {
return Tag.TypeInfo;
public int byteLength() {
return 3;
public <R, D> R accept(final Visitor<R, D> visitor, final D data) {
return visitor.visitTypeInfo(this, data);
public String toString() {
return "TypeIndex[index: " + index + ", nameIndex: " + nameIndex + "]";
public static final class MethodType extends Entry {
public final int descriptorIndex;
public MethodType(final ConstantPool owner, final int descriptorIndex) {
this.descriptorIndex = descriptorIndex;
owner._newKey.set(getTag(), descriptorIndex);
owner._entryMap.put(owner._newKey.clone(), this);
public String getType() {
return ((Utf8StringConstant)owner.get(descriptorIndex, Tag.Utf8StringConstant)).value;
public Tag getTag() {
return Tag.MethodType;
public int byteLength() {
return 3;
public <R, D> R accept(final Visitor<R, D> visitor, final D data) {
return visitor.visitMethodType(this, data);
public String toString() {
return "MethodType[index: " + index + ", descriptorIndex: " + descriptorIndex + "]";
public static abstract class ReferenceEntry extends Entry {
public final Tag tag;
public final int typeInfoIndex;
public final int nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex;
protected ReferenceEntry(final ConstantPool cp, final Tag tag, final int typeInfoIndex, final int nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex) {
this.tag = tag;
this.typeInfoIndex = typeInfoIndex;
this.nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex = nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex;
owner._newKey.set(tag, typeInfoIndex, nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex);
owner._entryMap.put(owner._newKey.clone(), this);
public Tag getTag() {
return tag;
public int byteLength() {
return 5;
public TypeInfo getClassInfo() {
return (TypeInfo)owner.get(typeInfoIndex, Tag.TypeInfo);
public String getClassName() {
return getClassInfo().getName();
public NameAndTypeDescriptor getNameAndTypeInfo() {
return (NameAndTypeDescriptor)owner.get(nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex, Tag.NameAndTypeDescriptor);
public String toString() {
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[index: " +
index +
", typeInfoIndex: " +
this.typeInfoIndex +
", nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex: " +
this.nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex +
public static final class FieldReference extends ReferenceEntry {
public FieldReference(final ConstantPool owner, final int typeIndex, final int nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex) {
super(owner, Tag.FieldReference, typeIndex, nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex);
public <R, D> R accept(final Visitor<R, D> visitor, final D data) {
return visitor.visitFieldReference(this, data);
public static final class MethodReference extends ReferenceEntry {
public MethodReference(final ConstantPool owner, final int typeIndex, final int nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex) {
super(owner, Tag.MethodReference, typeIndex, nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex);
public <R, D> R accept(final Visitor<R, D> visitor, final D data) {
return visitor.visitMethodReference(this, data);
public static final class InterfaceMethodReference extends ReferenceEntry {
public InterfaceMethodReference(final ConstantPool owner, final int typeIndex, final int nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex) {
super(owner, Tag.InterfaceMethodReference, typeIndex, nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex);
public <R, D> R accept(final Visitor<R, D> visitor, final D data) {
return visitor.visitInterfaceMethodReference(this, data);
public static class MethodHandle extends Entry {
public final ReferenceKind referenceKind;
public final int referenceIndex;
public MethodHandle(final ConstantPool owner, final ReferenceKind referenceKind, final int referenceIndex) {
this.referenceKind = referenceKind;
this.referenceIndex = referenceIndex;
owner._newKey.set(getTag(), referenceIndex, referenceKind);
owner._entryMap.put(owner._newKey.clone(), this);
public ReferenceEntry getReference() {
final Tag actual = owner.get(referenceIndex).getTag();
Tag expected = Tag.MethodReference;
// allow these tag types also:
switch (actual) {
case FieldReference:
case InterfaceMethodReference:
expected = actual;
return (ReferenceEntry)owner.get(referenceIndex, expected);
public Tag getTag() {
return Tag.MethodHandle;
public int byteLength() {
return 4;
public <R, D> R accept(final Visitor<R, D> visitor, final D data) {
return visitor.visitMethodHandle(this, data);
public static class NameAndTypeDescriptor extends Entry {
public final int nameIndex;
public final int typeDescriptorIndex;
public NameAndTypeDescriptor(final ConstantPool owner, final int nameIndex, final int typeDescriptorIndex) {
this.nameIndex = nameIndex;
this.typeDescriptorIndex = typeDescriptorIndex;
owner._newKey.set(getTag(), nameIndex, typeDescriptorIndex);
owner._entryMap.put(owner._newKey.clone(), this);
public Tag getTag() {
return Tag.NameAndTypeDescriptor;
public int byteLength() {
return 5;
public String getName() {
return ((Utf8StringConstant)owner.get(nameIndex, Tag.Utf8StringConstant)).value;
public String getType() {
return ((Utf8StringConstant)owner.get(typeDescriptorIndex, Tag.Utf8StringConstant)).value;
public <R, D> R accept(final Visitor<R, D> visitor, final D data) {
return visitor.visitNameAndTypeDescriptor(this, data);
public String toString() {
return "NameAndTypeDescriptor[index: " + index + ", descriptorIndex: " + nameIndex + ", typeDescriptorIndex: " + typeDescriptorIndex + "]";
public static class InvokeDynamicInfo extends Entry {
public final int bootstrapMethodAttributeIndex;
public final int nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex;
public InvokeDynamicInfo(
final ConstantPool owner,
final int bootstrapMethodAttributeIndex,
final int nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex) {
this.bootstrapMethodAttributeIndex = bootstrapMethodAttributeIndex;
this.nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex = nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex;
owner._newKey.set(getTag(), bootstrapMethodAttributeIndex, nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex);
owner._entryMap.put(owner._newKey.clone(), this);
public Tag getTag() {
return Tag.InvokeDynamicInfo;
public int byteLength() {
return 5;
public NameAndTypeDescriptor getNameAndTypeDescriptor() {
return (NameAndTypeDescriptor)owner.get(nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex, Tag.NameAndTypeDescriptor);
public <R, D> R accept(final Visitor<R, D> visitor, final D data) {
return visitor.visitInvokeDynamicInfo(this, data);
public String toString() {
return "InvokeDynamicInfo[bootstrapMethodAttributeIndex: " +
bootstrapMethodAttributeIndex +
", nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex: " +
nameAndTypeDescriptorIndex +
public static final class DoubleConstant extends Entry {
public final double value;
public DoubleConstant(final ConstantPool owner, final double value) {
this.value = value;
owner._entryMap.put(owner._newKey.clone(), this);
public Tag getTag() {
return Tag.DoubleConstant;
public int size() {
return 2;
public int byteLength() {
return 9;
public <R, D> R accept(final Visitor<R, D> visitor, final D data) {
return visitor.visitDoubleConstant(this, data);
public String toString() {
return "DoubleConstant[index: " + index + ", value: " + value + "]";
public static final class FloatConstant extends Entry {
public final float value;
public FloatConstant(final ConstantPool owner, final float value) {
this.value = value;
owner._entryMap.put(owner._newKey.clone(), this);
public Tag getTag() {
return Tag.FloatConstant;
public int byteLength() {
return 5;
public <R, D> R accept(final Visitor<R, D> visitor, final D data) {
return visitor.visitFloatConstant(this, data);
public String toString() {
return "FloatConstant[index: " + index + ", value: " + value + "]";
public static final class IntegerConstant extends Entry {
public final int value;
public IntegerConstant(final ConstantPool owner, final int value) {
this.value = value;
owner._entryMap.put(owner._newKey.clone(), this);
public Tag getTag() {
return Tag.IntegerConstant;
public int byteLength() {
return 5;
public <R, D> R accept(final Visitor<R, D> visitor, final D data) {
return visitor.visitIntegerConstant(this, data);
public String toString() {
return "IntegerConstant[index: " + index + ", value: " + value + "]";
public static final class LongConstant extends Entry {
public final long value;
public LongConstant(final ConstantPool owner, final long value) {
this.value = value;
owner._entryMap.put(owner._newKey.clone(), this);
public Tag getTag() {
return Tag.LongConstant;
public int byteLength() {
return 9;
public int size() {
return 2;
public <R, D> R accept(final Visitor<R, D> visitor, final D data) {
return visitor.visitLongConstant(this, data);
public String toString() {
return "LongConstant[index: " + index + ", value: " + value + "]";
public static final class StringConstant extends Entry {
public final int stringIndex;
public StringConstant(final ConstantPool owner, final int stringIndex) {
this.stringIndex = stringIndex;
owner._newKey.set(getTag(), stringIndex);
owner._entryMap.put(owner._newKey.clone(), this);
public String getValue() {
return ((Utf8StringConstant)owner.get(stringIndex)).value;
public Tag getTag() {
return Tag.StringConstant;
public int byteLength() {
return 3;
public <R, D> R accept(final Visitor<R, D> visitor, final D data) {
return visitor.visitStringConstant(this, data);
public String toString() {
return "StringConstant[index: " + index + ", stringIndex: " + stringIndex + "]";
public static final class Utf8StringConstant extends Entry {
public final String value;
public Utf8StringConstant(final ConstantPool owner, final String value) {
this.value = value;
owner._newKey.set(getTag(), value);
owner._entryMap.put(owner._newKey.clone(), this);
public Tag getTag() {
return Tag.Utf8StringConstant;
public int byteLength() {
class SizeOutputStream extends OutputStream {
public void write(final int b) {
private int size;
final SizeOutputStream sizeOut = new SizeOutputStream();
final DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(sizeOut);
try {
catch (IOException ignore) {
return 1 + sizeOut.size;
public <R, D> R accept(final Visitor<R, D> visitor, final D data) {
return visitor.visitUtf8StringConstant(this, data);
public String toString() {
return "Utf8StringConstant[index: " + index + ", value: " + value + "]";
private static final class Key {
private Tag _tag;
private int _intValue;
private long _longValue;
private String _stringValue1;
private String _stringValue2;
private int _refIndex1 = -1;
private int _refIndex2 = -1;
private int _hashCode;
public void clear() {
_tag = null;
_intValue = 0;
_longValue = 0L;
_stringValue1 = null;
_stringValue2 = null;
_refIndex1 = -1;
_refIndex2 = -1;
public void set(final int intValue) {
_tag = Tag.IntegerConstant;
_intValue = intValue;
_hashCode = 0x7FFFFFFF & (_tag.value + _intValue);
public void set(final long longValue) {
_tag = Tag.LongConstant;
_longValue = longValue;
_hashCode = 0x7FFFFFFF & (_tag.value + (int)longValue);
public void set(final float floatValue) {
_tag = Tag.FloatConstant;
_intValue = Float.floatToRawIntBits(floatValue);
_hashCode = 0x7FFFFFFF & (_tag.value + _intValue);
public void set(final double doubleValue) {
_tag = Tag.DoubleConstant;
_longValue = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(doubleValue);
_hashCode = 0x7FFFFFFF & (_tag.value + (int)_longValue);
public void set(final String utf8Value) {
_tag = Tag.Utf8StringConstant;
_stringValue1 = utf8Value;
_hashCode = HashUtilities.combineHashCodes(_tag, utf8Value);
public void set(
final Tag tag,
final int refIndex1,
final ReferenceKind refKind) {
_tag = tag;
_refIndex1 = refIndex1;
_refIndex2 = refKind.tag;
_hashCode = HashUtilities.combineHashCodes(tag, refIndex1);
public void set(
final Tag tag,
final int refIndex1) {
_tag = tag;
_refIndex1 = refIndex1;
_hashCode = HashUtilities.combineHashCodes(tag, refIndex1);
public void set(
final Tag tag,
final int refIndex1,
final int refIndex2) {
_tag = tag;
_refIndex1 = refIndex1;
_refIndex2 = refIndex2;
_hashCode = HashUtilities.combineHashCodes(tag, refIndex1, refIndex2);
public void set(
final Tag tag,
final String stringValue1) {
_tag = tag;
_stringValue1 = stringValue1;
_hashCode = HashUtilities.combineHashCodes(tag, stringValue1);
public void set(
final Tag tag,
final String stringValue1,
final String stringValue2) {
_tag = tag;
_stringValue1 = stringValue1;
_stringValue2 = stringValue2;
_hashCode = HashUtilities.combineHashCodes(tag, stringValue1, stringValue2);
protected Key clone() {
final Key key = new Key();
key._tag = _tag;
key._hashCode = _hashCode;
key._intValue = _intValue;
key._longValue = _longValue;
key._stringValue1 = _stringValue1;
key._stringValue2 = _stringValue2;
key._refIndex1 = _refIndex1;
key._refIndex2 = _refIndex2;
return key;
public int hashCode() {
return _hashCode;
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof Key)) {
return false;
final Key key = (Key)obj;
if (key._tag != _tag) {
return false;
switch (_tag) {
case Utf8StringConstant:
return StringUtilities.equals(key._stringValue1, _stringValue1);
case IntegerConstant:
case FloatConstant:
return key._intValue == _intValue;
case LongConstant:
case DoubleConstant:
return key._longValue == _longValue;
case TypeInfo:
case StringConstant:
case MethodType:
return key._refIndex1 == _refIndex1;
case NameAndTypeDescriptor:
case FieldReference:
case MethodReference:
case InterfaceMethodReference:
case MethodHandle:
case InvokeDynamicInfo:
return key._refIndex1 == _refIndex1 &&
key._refIndex2 == _refIndex2;
return false;