Package com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb

Source Code of com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.TDBFactory

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package com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Graph ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Dataset ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.DatasetFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.core.DatasetGraph ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.core.assembler.AssemblerUtils ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.assembler.VocabTDB ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.base.file.Location ;
import ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.sys.TDBMaker ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.transaction.DatasetGraphTransaction ;

/** Public factory for creating objects datasets backed by TDB storage */
public class TDBFactory
    private TDBFactory() {}
    /** Read the file and assembler a dataset */
    public static Dataset assembleDataset(String assemblerFile)
        return (Dataset), VocabTDB.tDatasetTDB) ;
    /** Create or connect to a TDB-backed dataset */
    public static Dataset createDataset(String dir)
    { return createDataset(new Location(dir)) ; }

    /** Create or connect to a TDB-backed dataset */
    public static Dataset createDataset(Location location)
    { return createDataset(createDatasetGraph(location)) ; }

    /** Create or connect to a TDB dataset backed by an in-memory block manager. For testing.*/
    public static Dataset createDataset()
    { return createDataset(createDatasetGraph()) ; }

    /** Create a dataset around a DatasetGraphTDB */
    private static Dataset createDataset(DatasetGraph datasetGraph)
    { return DatasetFactory.create(datasetGraph) ; }
    // Meaningless unless there is only one in-memory dataset */
    //    /** Create a TDB model for named model for an in-memory */ 
    //    public static Graph createNamedGraph(String name)
    //    { return createDataset().getNamedModel(name) ; }

    /** Create or connect to a TDB-backed dataset (graph-level) */
    public static DatasetGraph createDatasetGraph(String directory)
    { return createDatasetGraph(new Location(directory)) ; }

    /** Create or connect to a TDB-backed dataset (graph-level) */
    public static DatasetGraph createDatasetGraph(Location location)
    { return _createDatasetGraph(location) ; }

    /** Create a TDB-backed dataset (graph-level) in memory (for testing) */
    public static DatasetGraph createDatasetGraph()
        return _createDatasetGraph() ;
    /** Create a TDB-backed Dataset directly over the storage in memory (not transactional) (testing only) */ 
    public static void release(Dataset dataset)
        _release(location(dataset)) ;
    /** Create a TDB-backed Dataset directly over the storage in memory (not transactional) (testing only) */ 
    public static void release(DatasetGraph dataset)
        _release(location(dataset)) ;
    /** Reset internal state, releasing all datasets.
     *  No checking done, do not call while TDB is execution queries or updates.
     *  Mainly for the tests to have a known clean state.
    public static void reset()
        TDBMaker.reset() ;

    private static DatasetGraph _createDatasetGraph(Location location)
        return TDBMaker.createDatasetGraphTransaction(location) ;
    private static DatasetGraph _createDatasetGraph()
        return TDBMaker.createDatasetGraphTransaction() ;
    private static void _release(Location location)
        if ( location == null )
            return ;
        TDBMaker.releaseLocation(location) ;

    /** Return the location of a dataset if it is backed by TDB, else null */
    public static boolean isBackedByTDB(Dataset dataset)
        DatasetGraph dsg = dataset.asDatasetGraph() ;
        return isBackedByTDB(dsg) ;
    /** Return the location of a dataset if it is backed by TDB, else null */
    public static boolean isBackedByTDB(DatasetGraph datasetGraph)
        if ( datasetGraph instanceof DatasetGraphTransaction )
            // The swicthing "connection" for TDB
            return true ;
        if ( datasetGraph instanceof DatasetGraphTDB )
            // A transaction or the base storage.
            return true ;
        return false ;

    /** Return the location of a dataset if it is backed by TDB, else null */
    public static Location location(Dataset dataset)
        DatasetGraph dsg = dataset.asDatasetGraph() ;
        return location(dsg) ;

    /** Return the location of a DatasetGraph if it is backed by TDB, else null */
    public static Location location(DatasetGraph datasetGraph)
        if ( datasetGraph instanceof DatasetGraphTDB )
            return ((DatasetGraphTDB)datasetGraph).getLocation() ;
        if ( datasetGraph instanceof DatasetGraphTransaction )
            return ((DatasetGraphTransaction)datasetGraph).getLocation() ;
        return null ;

    /** Read the file and assembler a graph, of type TDB persistent graph
     *  @deprecated Assemble a Dataset and use the default graph.
    public static Graph assembleGraph(String assemblerFile)
        Model m = assembleModel(assemblerFile) ;
        Graph g = m.getGraph() ;
        return g ;

    /** Read the file and assembler a model, of type TDB persistent graph
     *  @deprecated Assemble a Dataset and use the default model.
    public static Model assembleModel(String assemblerFile)
        return (Model), VocabTDB.tGraphTDB) ;

    /** Create a model, at the given location.
     *  It is better to create a dataset and get the default model from that.
     *  This Model is not connected to the TDB transaction system.
     *  @deprecated Create a Dataset and use the default model.
    public static Model createModel(Location loc)
        return ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(createGraph(loc)) ;

    /** Create a model, at the given location
     *  It is better to create a dataset and get the default model from that.
     *  This Model is not connected to the TDB transaction system.
     *  @deprecated Create a Dataset and get the default model.
    public static Model createModel(String dir)
        return ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(createGraph(dir)) ;

    /** Create a TDB model backed by an in-memory block manager. For testing. */
    public static Model createModel()
    { return ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(createGraph()) ; }

    /** Create a TDB model for named model
     * It is better to create a dataset and get the named model from that.
     * This Model is not connected to the TDB transaction system.
     *  @deprecated Create a Dataset and get the name model.
    public static Model createNamedModel(String name, String location)
    { return createDataset(location).getNamedModel(name) ; }

    /** Create a TDB model for named model.
     * It is better to create a dataset and get the named model from that.
     * This Model is not connected to the TDB transaction system.
     *  @deprecated Create a Dataset and get the name model.
    public static Model createNamedModel(String name, Location location)
    { return createDataset(location).getNamedModel(name) ; }

    /** Create a graph, at the given location
     * @deprecated Create a DatasetGraph and use the default graph.
    public static Graph createGraph(Location loc)       { return createDatasetGraph(loc).getDefaultGraph() ; }

    /** Create a graph, at the given location
     * @deprecated Create a DatasetGraph and use the default graph.
    public static Graph createGraph(String dir)
        Location loc = new Location(dir) ;
        return createGraph(loc) ;
    /** Create a TDB graph backed by an in-memory block manager. For testing. */ 
    public static Graph createGraph()   { return createDatasetGraph().getDefaultGraph() ; }

    /** Create a TDB graph for named graph
     * @deprecated Create a DatasetGraph and get the name graph from that.
    public static Graph createNamedGraph(String name, String location)
    { return createDatasetGraph(location).getGraph(NodeFactory.createURI(name)) ; }
    /** Create a TDB graph for named graph
     * @deprecated Create a DatasetGraph and get the name graph from that.
    public static Graph createNamedGraph(String name, Location location)
    { return createDatasetGraph(location).getGraph(NodeFactory.createURI(name)) ; }

Related Classes of com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.TDBFactory

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