Package com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology

Source Code of com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModelSpec

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// Package
package com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology;

// Imports

import com.hp.hpl.jena.assembler.*;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.impl.OntModelImpl;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.*;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.Reasoner;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.ReasonerFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.*;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.transitiveReasoner.TransitiveReasonerFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.JenaException;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.*;

* <p>
* Encapsulates a description of the components of an ontology model, including the
* storage scheme, reasoner and language profile.
* </p>
public class OntModelSpec {
    // Constants
    // Static variables

    /** A specification for OWL models that are stored in memory and do no additional entailment reasoning */
    public static final OntModelSpec OWL_MEM = new OntModelSpec( ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker(), null, null, ProfileRegistry.OWL_LANG );

    /** A specification for OWL models that are stored in memory and use the RDFS inferencer for additional entailments */
    public static final OntModelSpec OWL_MEM_RDFS_INF = new OntModelSpec( ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker(), null, RDFSRuleReasonerFactory.theInstance(), ProfileRegistry.OWL_LANG );

    /** A specification for OWL models that are stored in memory and use the transitive inferencer for additional entailments */
    public static final OntModelSpec OWL_MEM_TRANS_INF = new OntModelSpec( ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker(), null, TransitiveReasonerFactory.theInstance(), ProfileRegistry.OWL_LANG );

    /** A specification for OWL models that are stored in memory and use the OWL rules inference engine for additional entailments */
    public static final OntModelSpec OWL_MEM_RULE_INF = new OntModelSpec( ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker(), null, OWLFBRuleReasonerFactory.theInstance(), ProfileRegistry.OWL_LANG );

    /** A specification for OWL models that are stored in memory and use the micro OWL rules inference engine for additional entailments */
    public static final OntModelSpec OWL_MEM_MICRO_RULE_INF = new OntModelSpec( ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker(), null, OWLMicroReasonerFactory.theInstance(), ProfileRegistry.OWL_LANG );

    /** A specification for OWL models that are stored in memory and use the mini OWL rules inference engine for additional entailments */
    public static final OntModelSpec OWL_MEM_MINI_RULE_INF = new OntModelSpec( ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker(), null, OWLMiniReasonerFactory.theInstance(), ProfileRegistry.OWL_LANG );

    /** A specification for OWL DL models that are stored in memory and do no additional entailment reasoning */
    public static final OntModelSpec OWL_DL_MEM = new OntModelSpec( ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker(), null, null, ProfileRegistry.OWL_DL_LANG );

    /** A specification for OWL DL models that are stored in memory and use the RDFS inferencer for additional entailments */
    public static final OntModelSpec OWL_DL_MEM_RDFS_INF = new OntModelSpec( ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker(), null, RDFSRuleReasonerFactory.theInstance(), ProfileRegistry.OWL_DL_LANG );

    /** A specification for OWL DL models that are stored in memory and use the transitive inferencer for additional entailments */
    public static final OntModelSpec OWL_DL_MEM_TRANS_INF = new OntModelSpec( ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker(), null, TransitiveReasonerFactory.theInstance(), ProfileRegistry.OWL_DL_LANG );

    /** A specification for OWL DL models that are stored in memory and use the OWL rules inference engine for additional entailments */
    public static final OntModelSpec OWL_DL_MEM_RULE_INF = new OntModelSpec( ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker(), null, OWLFBRuleReasonerFactory.theInstance(), ProfileRegistry.OWL_DL_LANG );

    /** A specification for OWL Lite models that are stored in memory and do no entailment additional reasoning */
    public static final OntModelSpec OWL_LITE_MEM = new OntModelSpec( ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker(), null, null, ProfileRegistry.OWL_LITE_LANG );

    /** A specification for OWL Lite models that are stored in memory and use the transitive inferencer for additional entailments */
    public static final OntModelSpec OWL_LITE_MEM_TRANS_INF = new OntModelSpec( ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker(), null, TransitiveReasonerFactory.theInstance(), ProfileRegistry.OWL_LITE_LANG );

    /** A specification for OWL Lite models that are stored in memory and use the RDFS inferencer for additional entailments */
    public static final OntModelSpec OWL_LITE_MEM_RDFS_INF = new OntModelSpec( ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker(), null, RDFSRuleReasonerFactory.theInstance(), ProfileRegistry.OWL_LITE_LANG );

    /** A specification for OWL Lite models that are stored in memory and use the OWL rules inference engine for additional entailments */
    public static final OntModelSpec OWL_LITE_MEM_RULES_INF = new OntModelSpec( ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker(), null, OWLFBRuleReasonerFactory.theInstance(), ProfileRegistry.OWL_LITE_LANG );

    /** A specification for RDFS ontology models that are stored in memory and do no additional entailment reasoning */
    public static final OntModelSpec RDFS_MEM = new OntModelSpec( ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker(), null, null, ProfileRegistry.RDFS_LANG );

    /** A specification for RDFS ontology models that are stored in memory and use the transitive reasoner for entailments */
    public static final OntModelSpec RDFS_MEM_TRANS_INF = new OntModelSpec( ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker(), null, TransitiveReasonerFactory.theInstance(), ProfileRegistry.RDFS_LANG );

    /** A specification for RDFS ontology models that are stored in memory and use the RDFS inferencer for additional entailments */
    public static final OntModelSpec RDFS_MEM_RDFS_INF = new OntModelSpec( ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker(), null, RDFSRuleReasonerFactory.theInstance(), ProfileRegistry.RDFS_LANG );

    // Instance variables

    /** The specification document manager */
    protected OntDocumentManager m_docManager = null;

    /** The specification reasoner */
    protected Reasoner m_reasoner = null;

    /** The language URI for the ontology */
    protected String m_languageURI;

    /** The ontology language profile */
    protected Profile m_profile = null;

    /** The reasoner factory for creating the reasoner on demand */
    protected ReasonerFactory m_rFactory = null;

    /** The ModelMaker used for creating imported models */
    protected ModelMaker m_importsMaker;

    /** the name of the base model in the baseModelMaker, if specified */
    protected String m_baseModelName;

    /** the ModelGetter which will be used - eventually - for imports */
    protected ModelGetter importModelGetter;

    /** Known default namespace prefixes */
    protected String[][] defaultPrefixes = new String[][] {
            {"owl", OWL.getURI()},
            {"rdf", RDF.getURI()},
            {"rdfs", RDFS.getURI()},
            {"xsd", XSD.getURI()}

    // Constructors

     * <p>Construct a new ontology model specification with the given specification parameters</p>
     * @param importsMaker The model maker, which will be used to construct stores for statements in the
     * imported ontologies and the base ontology. Use null to get a default (memory) model maker.
     * @param docMgr The document manager, or null for the default document manager.
     * @param rFactory The factory for the reasoner to use to infer additional triples in the model, or null for no reasoner
     * @param languageURI The URI of the ontology language. Required.
    public OntModelSpec( ModelMaker importsMaker, OntDocumentManager docMgr, ReasonerFactory rFactory, String languageURI ) {
        this( ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker(), importsMaker, docMgr, rFactory, languageURI );

     * Construct a new ontology model specification from the supplied components.
     * @param baseMaker the model-maker to use for the base model
     * @param importsMaker the model-maker to use for imported models
     * @param docMgr the document manager (null for the default manager)
     * @param rFactory the reasoner (null for no reasoner)
     * @param languageURI the ontology language URI (must not be null)
    public OntModelSpec( ModelMaker baseMaker, ModelMaker importsMaker, OntDocumentManager docMgr,
                         ReasonerFactory rFactory, String languageURI ) {
        this( null, baseMaker, importsMaker, docMgr, rFactory, languageURI );

    protected ModelMaker maker;

     * Construct a new ontology model specification from the supplied components.
     * @param baseModelName the name of the model in the baseModelMaker
     * @param baseMaker the model-maker to use for the base model
     * @param importsMaker the model-maker to use for imported models
     * @param docMgr the document manager (null for the default manager)
     * @param rFactory the reasoner (null for no reasoner)
     * @param languageURI the ontology language URI (must not be null)
    public OntModelSpec( String baseModelName, ModelMaker baseMaker,
                         ModelMaker importsMaker, OntDocumentManager docMgr,
                         ReasonerFactory rFactory, String languageURI ) {
        // super( baseMaker );
        this.maker = baseMaker;
        m_baseModelName = baseModelName;
        m_importsMaker = importsMaker == null ? ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker() : importsMaker;
        setDocumentManager( docMgr );
        setReasonerFactory( rFactory );

        if (languageURI == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create OntModelSpec with a null ontology language" );
        setLanguage( languageURI );

     * <p>Create one model spec as a copy of another. This is useful when what is required is similar to
     * an existing spec, but with some changes. <strong>Note:</strong> this is only a shallow copy, so the
     * structured objects (reasoners, document managers, etc) are not themselves copied. Thus, even after
     * calling this copy constructor, making a change to the document manager in the copy specification
     * will also affect the one that the copy was made from. The correct idiom is to replace the object
     * before side-effecting it, e.g:
     * <code><pre>
     *   OntModelSpec newSpec = new OntModelSpec( existingSpec );
     *   newSpec.setDocumentManager( new OntDocumentManager() );
     *   newSpec.getDocumentManager().setMetaDataSearchPath( "..." );
     * </pre></code>
     * @param spec
    public OntModelSpec( OntModelSpec spec ) {
        this( spec.getBaseModelMaker(), spec.getImportModelMaker(), spec.getDocumentManager(),
              spec.getReasonerFactory(), spec.getLanguage() );

    public boolean equals( Object other )
        { return other instanceof OntModelSpec && same( (OntModelSpec) other );}

    private boolean same( OntModelSpec other )
            getLanguage().equals( other.getLanguage() )
            && sameReasonerFactory( other )
            && getDocumentManager().equals( other.getDocumentManager() )
            && getImportModelGetter().equals( other.getImportModelGetter() )

    private boolean sameReasonerFactory( OntModelSpec other )
        ReasonerFactory rf = getReasonerFactory();
        ReasonerFactory orf = other.getReasonerFactory();
        return rf == null ? orf == null : rf.equals( orf );

     * Answer the model maker used for creating imported models.
     * @return The ModelMaker that is used to get or create a model used
     * to hold imports to an OntModel.
    public ModelMaker getImportModelMaker() {
        return m_importsMaker;

     * Answer the model maker used for creating base models.
    public ModelMaker getBaseModelMaker() {
        return maker;

    public ModelGetter getImportModelGetter() {
        if (importModelGetter == null) importModelGetter = m_importsMaker; //  fabricateModelGetter();
        return importModelGetter;

    public void setImportModelGetter( ModelGetter mg ) {
        importModelGetter = mg;

        Answer the OntModelSpec described using the Jena Assembler vocabulary
        properties of <code>root</code>. If the assembled resource is not
        an OntModelSpec, throw an exception reporting the constructed class.
    public static OntModelSpec assemble( Resource root )
        Object assembled = root );
        if (!(assembled instanceof OntModelSpec))
            throw new JenaException( "assemble: expected an OntModelSpec, but got a " + assembled.getClass().getName() );
        return (OntModelSpec) assembled;

         Answer the OntModelSpec described using the Jena Assembler vocabulary
        properties of the single resource in <code>model</code> of type
    public static OntModelSpec assemble( Model model )
        { return assemble( AssemblerHelp.singleRoot( model, JA.OntModelSpec ) ); }

     * <p>Answer a default specification for the given language URI. This default
     * will typically use a memory model and have minimal inferencing capabilities.
     * Specifically, OWL and RDFS languages will have RDFS level inferencing
     * capability (chosen to give a reasonable balance between power and efficiency
     * of computation).
     * To get other (more powerful or less powerful) reasoning capabilities, users
     * should create ontology models by passing an explicit <code>OntModelSpec</code>
     * parameter to the
     * {@link ModelFactory#createOntologyModel( OntModelSpec, Model ) model factory}.
     * </p>
     * @param languageURI The ontology language we want a default model spec for
     * @return The default model spec for that language
     * @exception OntologyException if the URI is not a recognised name of an ontology language
    public static OntModelSpec getDefaultSpec( String languageURI ) {
        if (languageURI.equals( ProfileRegistry.OWL_LANG )) {
            return OWL_MEM_RDFS_INF;
        else if (languageURI.equals( ProfileRegistry.OWL_DL_LANG )) {
            return OWL_DL_MEM_RDFS_INF;
        else if (languageURI.equals( ProfileRegistry.OWL_LITE_LANG )) {
            return OWL_LITE_MEM_RDFS_INF;
        else if (languageURI.equals( ProfileRegistry.RDFS_LANG )) {
            return RDFS_MEM_RDFS_INF;
        else {
            throw new OntologyException( "Did not recognise this language URI, so cannot determine default model spec: " + languageURI );

     * <p>Answer the document manager for this model specification. Defaults to
     * a standard instance of {@link OntDocumentManager}</p>
     * @return The document manager to be used by models matching this specification
    public OntDocumentManager getDocumentManager() {
        if (m_docManager == null) {
            // need to set the default document manager
            m_docManager = OntDocumentManager.getInstance();

        return m_docManager;

     * <p>Set the document manager in this specification</p>
     * @param docMgr The new document manager
    public void setDocumentManager( OntDocumentManager docMgr ) {
        m_docManager = docMgr;

     * <p>Set the model maker that will be used when the ontology model needs to create
     * an additional container for an imported ontology</p>
     * @param maker The new model maker to use
    public void setImportModelMaker( ModelMaker maker ) {
        m_importsMaker = maker;

     * <p>Set the model maker used for base models.</p>
     * @param m The model maker that is used to create the base model
     * if one is not supplied when a model is created.
    public void setBaseModelMaker( ModelMaker m ) {
        this.maker = m;

     * <p>Answer the reasoner that will be used to infer additional entailed
     * triples in the ontology model.</p>
     * @return The reasoner for this specification
    public Reasoner getReasoner() {
        if (m_reasoner == null && m_rFactory != null) {
            // we need to create the reasoner
            // create a new one on each call since reasoners aren't guaranteed to be reusable
            return m_rFactory.create( null );

        return m_reasoner;

     * <p>Set the reasoner that will be used by ontology models that conform
     * to this specification to compute entailments.
     * <strong>Note:</strong> The reasoner is generated on demand by the reasoner
     * factory. To prevent this spec from having a reasoner, set the reasoner factory
     * to null, see {@link #setReasonerFactory}.
     * </p>
     * @param reasoner The new reasoner
    public void setReasoner( Reasoner reasoner ) {
        m_reasoner = reasoner;

     * <p>Set the factory object that will be used to generate the reasoner object
     * for this model specification. <strong>Note</strong> that the reasoner itself is cached, so setting
     * the factory after a call to {@link #getReasoner()} will have no effect.</p>
     * @param rFactory The new reasoner factory, or null to prevent any reasoner being used
    public void setReasonerFactory( ReasonerFactory rFactory ) {
        m_rFactory = rFactory;

     * <p>Answer the current reasoner factory</p>
     * @return The reasoner factory, or null.
    public ReasonerFactory getReasonerFactory() {
        return m_rFactory;

     * <p>Answer the URI of the ontology language to use when constructing
     * models from this specification.  Well known language URI's are
     * available from the {@link ProfileRegistry}</p>
     * @return The ontology language URI
    public String getLanguage() {
        return m_languageURI;

     * <p>Set the URI of the ontology to use for models that conform to
     * this specification.</p>
     * @param languageURI The new language URI
     * @exception OntologyException if the URI does not map to a known language profile
    public void setLanguage( String languageURI ) {
        m_languageURI = languageURI;
        m_profile = ProfileRegistry.getInstance().getProfile( m_languageURI );

        if (m_profile == null) {
            throw new OntologyException( "Could not determine an ontology language profile for URI " + m_languageURI );

     * <p>Answer the language profile for this ontology specification</p>
     * @return An ontology language profile object
    public Profile getProfile() {
        return m_profile;

     *  <p>Create an OntModel according to this model specification.
     *  The base model comes from the attached base ModelMaker.</p>
     @return an OntModel satisfying this specification
    public Model doCreateModel() {
        Model m = m_baseModelName == null ? maker.createFreshModel() : maker.createModel( m_baseModelName );
        return new OntModelImpl( this, m );

     * <p>Create an OntModel according to this model specification.
     * The base model comes from the underlying ModelMaker and is named by the
     *  given name.</p>
    public Model implementCreateModelOver( String name ) {
        return new OntModelImpl( this, maker.createModel( name, false ) );

         Answer a base model constructed according to this specification. This is used for the
         &quot;base&quot; (i.e. non-imported) model for an OntModel.
    public Model createBaseModel()  {
        return ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();

     * Returns the set of known (built-in) namespace prefixes for this OntModelSpec
     * @return Known prefixes as an array of length-2 arrays
    public String[][] getKnownPrefixes() {
        return defaultPrefixes;

Related Classes of com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModelSpec

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