Package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.handler

Source Code of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.handler.RoleBasedMustUndertandTests$RoleBasedMUServiceImpl2

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package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.handler;

import org.apache.axiom.soap.RolePlayer;
import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope;
import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPFactory;
import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPHeader;
import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPHeaderBlock;
import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault;
import org.apache.axis2.Constants;
import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext;
import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContextFactory;
import org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext;
import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService;
import org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisConfiguration;
import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.DescriptionFactory;
import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.EndpointDescription;
import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.ServiceDescription;
import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.xml.handler.HandlerChainType;
import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.xml.handler.HandlerChainsType;
import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.xml.handler.HandlerType;

import javax.jws.HandlerChain;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

* Test Role (SOAP 1.2 terminology) or Actor (SOAP 1.1 terminology) mustUndertand processing.
public class RoleBasedMustUndertandTests extends TestCase {
    private SOAPFactory soap11Factory;
    private SOAPFactory soap12Factory;
    private OMFactory omFactory;
    private String namespace = "http://RoleBasedMustUnderstandTest/good/namespace";
    private String soap11Namespace = "";
    private String header_ultimateReceiver = "header_ultimateReceiver";
    private String header_ultimateReceiver_processed = "header_ultmiateReceiver_processed";
    private String header_rolePlayed = "header_rolePlayed";
    private String header_roleNotPlayed = "header_roleNotPlayed";
    private String header_bindingAdded = "header_bindingAdded";
    private String header_SoapNext = "header_SoapNext";
    private String rolePlayed1 = "http://Role/Played/role1";
    private String roleNotPlayed = "http://Role/Not/Played/role1";
    private String roleBindingAdded = "http://Role/Added/By/Binding";
    private String roleNoHeaders = "http://Role/Played/No/Headers";
    private String roleHandlerAdded = "http://org/apache/axis2/jaxws/handler/AddedRole";
    private String roleHandlerAdded2 = "http://org/apache/axis2/jaxws/handler/AddedRole2";
    private String roleSoap11Next = "";

    public RoleBasedMustUndertandTests(String testName) {
        soap11Factory = OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP11Factory();
        soap12Factory = OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP12Factory();
        omFactory = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory();
     * The JAXWS Spec, section 10, says roles can be set on the SOAP binding.  Verify that a
     * mustUnderstand header which is not processed for a role added by the SOAPBinding causes
     * a Not Understood fault
    public void testRoleAddedToSoapBinding() {
        RolePlayer rolePlayer = new UltimateDestinationRoles();
        MessageContext mscCtx11 = createMessageContext(soap11Factory);
        // Note that since this role is UltimateReceiver, all unprocessed headers will be set
        // on the message context
        setUnprocessedHeaders(mscCtx11, rolePlayer);
        // Indicate we understand (e.g. via handlers) the headers for Ultimate Receiver and the
        // role we are acting in.  We don't indicate we understand the header that the SOAPBinding
        // added, so that should cause an exception
        List<QName> understoodHeaders = new ArrayList<QName>();
        understoodHeaders.add(new QName(namespace, header_ultimateReceiver));
        understoodHeaders.add(new QName(namespace, header_rolePlayed));
        // Create a list of additional roles that acted in (e.g. one played by a JAXWS
        // handler)
        List<String> headerRolesPlayed = bindingAddedRole();

        try {
            HandlerUtils.checkMustUnderstand(mscCtx11, understoodHeaders, headerRolesPlayed);
            fail("Should have gotten NotUnderstood fault for header for role added by binding: " + header_bindingAdded);
        } catch (AxisFault af) {
            // Expected path; should get exception for ultimate receiver not processed.
            String checkFault = af.toString();
            if (!checkFault.contains("Must Understand check failed")
                || !checkFault.contains(header_bindingAdded)) {
                fail("Did not get expected NotUnderstood AxisFault.  Unexpected fault " + af);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("Caught unexpected exception  + e");
     * Test where there are no previous non-understood headers on the MessageContext and there's an
     * additional Role added by a JAXWS handler
    public void testOnlySoapBindingRole() {
        MessageContext mscCtx11 = createMessageContext(soap11Factory);
        // Note that we are not putting any non-understood headers on the message context
        // Create a list of additional roles (e.g. one played by a JAXWS
        // handler
        List<String> headerRolesPlayed = bindingAddedRole();

        try {
            HandlerUtils.checkMustUnderstand(mscCtx11, null, headerRolesPlayed);
            fail("Should have gotten NotUnderstood fault for header for role added by binding: " + header_bindingAdded);
        } catch (AxisFault af) {
            // Expected path; should get exception for ultimate receiver not processed.
            String checkFault = af.toString();
            if (!checkFault.contains("Must Understand check failed")
                || !checkFault.contains(header_bindingAdded)) {
                fail("Did not get expected NotUnderstood AxisFault.  Unexpected fault " + af);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("Caught unexpected exception  + e");
     * Test that adding a role for headers that does not exist does not cause any fault
    public void testNoHeadersForSoapBindingRole() {
        MessageContext mscCtx11 = createMessageContext(soap11Factory);

        List<String> headerRolesPlayed = noHeadersRole();

        try {
            HandlerUtils.checkMustUnderstand(mscCtx11, null, headerRolesPlayed);
        } catch (AxisFault af) {
            fail("Unexpected AxisFault "+ af);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("Caught unexpected exception  + e");
     * A mustUnderstand header for a role not being acted in should NOT cause a notUnderstood
     * fault.
    public void testRoleNotActingIn() {
        RolePlayer rolePlayer = new UltimateDestinationRoles();
        MessageContext mscCtx11 = createMessageContext(soap11Factory);
        // Note that since this role is UltimateReceiver, all unprocessed headers will be set
        // on the message context
        setUnprocessedHeaders(mscCtx11, rolePlayer);
        // Indicate we understand (e.g. via handlers) the headers for Ultimate Receiver and the
        // role we are acting in.  This leaves the mustUnderstand header for the role we are not
        // acting in, which should not cause an exception.
        List<QName> understoodHeaders = new ArrayList<QName>();
        understoodHeaders.add(new QName(namespace, header_ultimateReceiver));
        understoodHeaders.add(new QName(namespace, header_rolePlayed));
        try {
            HandlerUtils.checkMustUnderstand(mscCtx11, understoodHeaders, null);
        } catch (AxisFault e) {
            fail("Should not have caught an AxisFault " + e);
     * Test mustUnderstand processing for Ultimate Receiver with an understood header list
     * passed to the mustUnderstand checking
    public void testUltimateReceiverRoles() {
        RolePlayer rolePlayer = new UltimateDestinationRoles();
        MessageContext mscCtx11 = createMessageContext(soap11Factory);
        setUnprocessedHeaders(mscCtx11, rolePlayer);
        // Indicate we understand (e.g. via handlers) all the headers.
        List<QName> understoodHeaders = new ArrayList<QName>();
        understoodHeaders.add(new QName(namespace, header_ultimateReceiver));
        understoodHeaders.add(new QName(namespace, header_rolePlayed));
        try {
            HandlerUtils.checkMustUnderstand(mscCtx11, understoodHeaders, null);
        } catch (AxisFault e) {
            fail("Should not have caught an AxisFault " + e);

     * Verify that an Ultimate Receiver with no roles only yields the header with no role specified
     * as unprocessed and that passing a list of understood headers including just that one causes
     * the mustUnderstand checks to pass.
    public void testUltimateReceiver() {
        RolePlayer rolePlayer = new UltimateDestinationNoRoles();
        MessageContext msgCtx = createMessageContext(soap11Factory);
        // Indicate the must understand header without an explicit role will be understood.
        // The other headers, with explicit roles, should not cause an error.
        setUnprocessedHeaders(msgCtx, rolePlayer);
        List<QName> understoodHeaders = new ArrayList<QName>();
        understoodHeaders.add(new QName(namespace, header_ultimateReceiver));
        try {
            HandlerUtils.checkMustUnderstand(msgCtx, understoodHeaders, null);
        } catch (AxisFault e) {
            fail("Should not have caught and AxisFault " + e);
     * Test mustUnderstand processing for Ultimate Receiver without additional understood headers
     * being passed to the checker.  This should cause a notUnderstood fault
    public void testUltimateReceiverNoRoles() {
        RolePlayer rolePlayer = new UltimateDestinationNoRoles();

        MessageContext messageContext11 = createMessageContext(soap11Factory);
        setUnprocessedHeaders(messageContext11, rolePlayer);
        try {
            HandlerUtils.checkMustUnderstand(messageContext11, null, null);
            fail("Should have gotten MustUnderstand Header Not Understood fault");
        } catch (AxisFault af) {
            // Expected path; should get exception for ultimate receiver not processed.
            String checkFault = af.toString();
            if (!checkFault.contains("Must Understand check failed")
                || !checkFault.contains(header_ultimateReceiver)) {
                fail("Did not get expected NotUnderstood AxisFault.  Unexpected fault " + af);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("Caught unexpected exception  + e");
        MessageContext messageContext12 = createMessageContext(soap12Factory);
        setUnprocessedHeaders(messageContext12, rolePlayer);
        try {
            HandlerUtils.checkMustUnderstand(messageContext12, null, null);
            fail("Should have gotten MustUnderstand Header Not Understood fault");
        } catch (AxisFault af) {
            // Expected path; should get exception for ultimate receiver not processed.
            if (!af.toString().contains("Must Understand check failed")) {
                fail("Did not get expected NotUnderstood AxisFault.  Unexpected fault " + af);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("Caught unexpected exception  + e");
     * Test a RolePlayer that is not an ultimate receiver and does not act in any roles
     * corresponding to headers.  There should be no faults cause by the mustUnderstand headers
    public void testNotUltimateReceiverNoRoles() {
        RolePlayer rolePlayer = new NotUltimateDestinationNoRoles();
        MessageContext msgCtx11 = createMessageContext(soap11Factory);
        setUnprocessedHeaders(msgCtx11, rolePlayer);
        try {
            HandlerUtils.checkMustUnderstand(msgCtx11, null, null);
        } catch (AxisFault e) {
            fail("Should not have caught and AxisFault");
        MessageContext msgCtx12 = createMessageContext(soap12Factory);
        setUnprocessedHeaders(msgCtx12, rolePlayer);
        try {
            HandlerUtils.checkMustUnderstand(msgCtx12, null, null);
        } catch (AxisFault e) {
            fail("Should not have caught and AxisFault");
     * Test that the HandlerResolverImpl returns the correct roles defined in the handler config
     * file <soap-role> elements.
    public void testHandlerResolverGetRoles() {
        ServiceDescription serviceDesc = DescriptionFactory.createServiceDescription(RoleBasedMUServiceImpl.class);
        HandlerResolverImpl handlerResolver = new HandlerResolverImpl(serviceDesc);
        EndpointDescription epDesc = serviceDesc.getEndpointDescriptions()[0];
        // Make sure the role information is specified in the handler config file
        HandlerChainsType epHandlerChains = epDesc.getHandlerChain();
        List<HandlerChainType> epHandlerChain = epHandlerChains.getHandlerChain();
        assertEquals(1, epHandlerChain.size());
        List<HandlerType> epHandler = epHandlerChain.get(0).getHandler();
        assertEquals(1, epHandler.size());
        HandlerType handlerType = epHandler.get(0);
        List<org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.xml.handler.String> soapRoles =
        assertEquals(1, soapRoles.size());
        String addedRole = soapRoles.get(0).getValue();
        assertEquals(roleHandlerAdded, addedRole);
        // Now verify the role information in the handler config file correctly affects the
        // roles played returned from the Resolver
        PortInfo portInfo = epDesc.getPortInfo();

        List<String> handlerRoles = handlerResolver.getRoles(portInfo);
        assertEquals(1, handlerRoles.size());
        assertEquals(roleHandlerAdded, handlerRoles.get(0));
        List<Handler> handlerChain = handlerResolver.getHandlerChain(portInfo);
        assertEquals(1, handlerChain.size());
     * Test that multiple <soap-role> elements in the handler config file work correctly.
    public void testHandlerResolverGerRoles2() {
        ServiceDescription serviceDesc = DescriptionFactory.createServiceDescription(RoleBasedMUServiceImpl2.class);
        HandlerResolverImpl handlerResolver = new HandlerResolverImpl(serviceDesc);
        EndpointDescription epDesc = serviceDesc.getEndpointDescriptions()[0];
        // Make sure the role information is specified in the handler config file
        HandlerChainsType epHandlerChains = epDesc.getHandlerChain();
        List<HandlerChainType> epHandlerChain = epHandlerChains.getHandlerChain();
        assertEquals(1, epHandlerChain.size());
        List<HandlerType> epHandler = epHandlerChain.get(0).getHandler();
        assertEquals(1, epHandler.size());
        HandlerType handlerType = epHandler.get(0);
        List<org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.xml.handler.String> soapRoles =
        assertEquals(2, soapRoles.size());
        ArrayList<String> checkRoles = new ArrayList<String>();

        // Now verify the role information in the handler config file correctly affects the
        // roles played returned from the Resolver
        PortInfo portInfo = epDesc.getPortInfo();

        List<String> handlerRoles = handlerResolver.getRoles(portInfo);
        assertEquals(2, handlerRoles.size());
        ArrayList<String> checkResolverRoles = new ArrayList<String>();
        checkResolverRoles.add((String) handlerRoles.get(0));
        checkResolverRoles.add((String) handlerRoles.get(1));
        List<Handler> handlerChain = handlerResolver.getHandlerChain(portInfo);
        assertEquals(1, handlerChain.size());

     * Test that a RolePlayer with no roles doesn't cause any problems in the mustUnderstand
     * checking.
    public void testHandlerResolverEmptyRolesPlayed() {
        RolePlayer rolePlayer = new UltimateDestinationRoles();
        MessageContext msgCtx11 = createMessageContext(soap11Factory);
        setUnprocessedHeaders(msgCtx11, rolePlayer);
        // Indicate we understand (e.g. via handlers) all the headers.
        List<QName> understoodHeaders = new ArrayList<QName>();
        understoodHeaders.add(new QName(namespace, header_ultimateReceiver));
        understoodHeaders.add(new QName(namespace, header_rolePlayed));

        List<String> handlerRolePlayer = new ArrayList<String>();
        try {
            HandlerUtils.checkMustUnderstand(msgCtx11, understoodHeaders, handlerRolePlayer);
        } catch (AxisFault e) {
            fail("Should not have caught and AxisFault");
    // =============================================================================================
    // Utility methods
    // =============================================================================================

    private MessageContext createMessageContext(SOAPFactory soapFactory) {
        MessageContext messageContext = null;
        AxisService as1 = new AxisService("Service1");
        ConfigurationContext cc = null;
        try {
            cc = ConfigurationContextFactory.createEmptyConfigurationContext();
            AxisConfiguration ac = cc.getAxisConfiguration();
            messageContext = cc.createMessageContext();

            SOAPEnvelope se = soapFactory.createSOAPEnvelope();

            SOAPHeader sh = soapFactory.createSOAPHeader(se);

            SOAPHeaderBlock shb1 = sh.addHeaderBlock(header_ultimateReceiver,
                                                     omFactory.createOMNamespace(namespace, header_ultimateReceiver));
            // Since no role was set on the shb1, default is ultimate receiver
            SOAPHeaderBlock shb2 = sh.addHeaderBlock(header_rolePlayed,
                                                     omFactory.createOMNamespace(namespace, header_rolePlayed));
            SOAPHeaderBlock shb3 = sh.addHeaderBlock(header_roleNotPlayed,
                                                     omFactory.createOMNamespace(namespace, header_roleNotPlayed));
            SOAPHeaderBlock shb4 = sh.addHeaderBlock(header_bindingAdded,
                                                     omFactory.createOMNamespace(namespace, header_bindingAdded));
            // This header is destined for the ulmiate receiver, but it is already processed
            // so it shouldn't cause mustUnderstand fault
            SOAPHeaderBlock shb5 = sh.addHeaderBlock(header_ultimateReceiver_processed,
                                                     omFactory.createOMNamespace(namespace, header_ultimateReceiver_processed));
            // Since no role was set on the shb1, default is ultimate receiver
            // Header targeted for SOAP11 role of Next, not set to MustUnderstand
            SOAPHeaderBlock shb6 = sh.addHeaderBlock(header_SoapNext,
                                                     omFactory.createOMNamespace(soap11Namespace, header_SoapNext));

        } catch (AxisFault e) {
            fail("Caught unexpected exception creating message context" + e);
        return messageContext;
    private void setUnprocessedHeaders(MessageContext messageContext, RolePlayer rolePlayer) {
        SOAPEnvelope envelope = messageContext.getEnvelope();
        Iterator headerBlocks = envelope.getHeader().getHeadersToProcess(rolePlayer);
        List<QName> unprocessedHeaders = new ArrayList<QName>();
        while (headerBlocks.hasNext()) {
            SOAPHeaderBlock headerBlock = (SOAPHeaderBlock);
            QName headerName = headerBlock.getQName();
            // if this header block has been processed or mustUnderstand isn't
            // turned on then its cool
            if (headerBlock.isProcessed() || !headerBlock.getMustUnderstand()) {
            } else {
        if(unprocessedHeaders !=null && unprocessedHeaders.size()>0){
            messageContext.setProperty(Constants.UNPROCESSED_HEADER_QNAMES, unprocessedHeaders);          
    private List<String> bindingAddedRole() {
        List<String> roles = new ArrayList<String>();
        return roles;
    private List<String> noHeadersRole() {
        List<String> roles = new ArrayList<String>();
        return roles;
    // =============================================================================================
    // Inner Test Classes
    // =============================================================================================
    class UltimateDestinationNoRoles implements RolePlayer {
        public List getRoles() {
            return null;
        public boolean isUltimateDestination() {
            return true;

    class NotUltimateDestinationNoRoles implements RolePlayer {
        public List getRoles() {
            return null;
        public boolean isUltimateDestination() {
            return false;
    class UltimateDestinationRoles implements RolePlayer {
        List<String> roles = new ArrayList<String>();
        public UltimateDestinationRoles() {
        public List getRoles() {
            return roles;
        public boolean isUltimateDestination() {
            return true;
    class RoleBasedMUServiceImpl {

    class RoleBasedMUServiceImpl2 {

Related Classes of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.handler.RoleBasedMustUndertandTests$RoleBasedMUServiceImpl2

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