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* Copyright  2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
*  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
*  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
*  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
*  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
*  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;

import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import java.util.Vector;

* Encrypts a parts of a message according to WS Specification, X509 profile,
* and adds the encryption data.
* @author Davanum Srinivas (
* @author Werner Dittmann (
public class WSSecEncrypt extends WSSecEncryptedKey {
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WSSecEncrypt.class.getName());

    private static Log tlog = LogFactory.getLog("");

    protected String symEncAlgo = WSConstants.AES_128;

    protected String encCanonAlgo = null;

    protected byte[] embeddedKey = null;

    protected String embeddedKeyName = null;

     * Symmetric key used in the EncrytpedKey.
    protected SecretKey symmetricKey = null;

     * SecurityTokenReference to be inserted into EncryptedData/keyInfo element.
    protected SecurityTokenReference securityTokenReference = null;

     * Constructor.
    public WSSecEncrypt() {

     * Sets the key to use during embedded encryption.
     * <p/>
     * @param key
     *            to use during encryption. The key must fit the selected
     *            symmetrical encryption algorithm
    public void setKey(byte[] key) {
        this.embeddedKey = key;

     * Sets the algorithm to encode the symmetric key.
     * Default is the <code>WSConstants.KEYTRANSPORT_RSA15</code> algorithm.
     * @param keyEnc
     *            specifies the key encoding algorithm.
     * @see WSConstants#KEYTRANSPORT_RSA15
     * @see WSConstants#KEYTRANSPORT_RSAOEP
    public void setKeyEnc(String keyEnc) {
        keyEncAlgo = keyEnc;

     * Set the key name for EMBEDDED_KEYNAME
     * @param embeddedKeyName
    public void setEmbeddedKeyName(String embeddedKeyName) {
        this.embeddedKeyName = embeddedKeyName;

     * Set the name of the symmetric encryption algorithm to use.
     * This encryption alogrithm is used to encrypt the data. If the algorithm
     * is not set then AES128 is used. Refer to WSConstants which algorithms are
     * supported.
     * @param algo
     *            Is the name of the encryption algorithm
     * @see WSConstants#TRIPLE_DES
     * @see WSConstants#AES_128
     * @see WSConstants#AES_192
     * @see WSConstants#AES_256
    public void setSymmetricEncAlgorithm(String algo) {
        symEncAlgo = algo;

     * Set the name of an optional canonicalization algorithm to use before
     * encryption.
     * This c14n alogrithm is used to serialize the data before encryption. If
     * the algorithm is not set then a standard serialization is used (provided
     * by XMLCipher, usually a XMLSerializer according to DOM 3 specification).
     * @param algo
     *            Is the name of the canonicalization algorithm
    public void setEncCanonicalization(String algo) {
        encCanonAlgo = algo;

     * Get the name of symmetric encryption algorithm to use.
     * The name of the encryption alogrithm to encrypt the data, i.e. the SOAP
     * Body. Refer to WSConstants which algorithms are supported.
     * @return the name of the currently selected symmetric encryption algorithm
     * @see WSConstants#TRIPLE_DES
     * @see WSConstants#AES_128
     * @see WSConstants#AES_192
     * @see WSConstants#AES_256
    public String getSymmetricEncAlgorithm() {
        return symEncAlgo;

     * Initialize a WSSec Encrypt.
     * The method prepares and initializes a WSSec Encrypt structure after the
     * relevant information was set. After preparartion of the token references
     * can be added and encrypted.
     * </p>
     * This method does not add any element to the security header. This must be
     * done explicitly.
     * @param doc
     *            The SOAP envelope as <code>Document</code>
     * @param crypto
     *            An instance of the Crypto API to handle keystore and
     *            certificates
     * @throws WSSecurityException
    public void prepare(Document doc, Crypto crypto) throws WSSecurityException {

        document = doc;

         * If no external key (symmetricalKey) was set generate an encryption
         * key (session key) for this Encrypt element. This key will be
         * encrypted using the public key of the receiver

        if (symmetricKey == null) {
            KeyGenerator keyGen = getKeyGenerator();
            this.symmetricKey = keyGen.generateKey();
        byte[] encKey = this.symmetricKey.getEncoded();

         * Get the certificate that contains the public key for the public key
         * algorithm that will encrypt the generated symmetric (session) key.
        X509Certificate remoteCert = null;
        if (useThisCert != null) {
            remoteCert = useThisCert;
        } else {
            X509Certificate[] certs = crypto.getCertificates(user);
            if (certs == null || certs.length <= 0) {
                throw new WSSecurityException(WSSecurityException.FAILURE,
                        "invalidX509Data", new Object[] { "for Encryption" });
            remoteCert = certs[0];
        prepareInternal(encKey, remoteCert, crypto);

     * Builds the SOAP envelope with encrypted Body and adds encrypted key.
     * This is a convenience method and for backward compatibility. The method
     * calls the single function methods in order to perform a <i>one shot
     * encryption</i>. This method is compatible with the build method of the
     * previous version with the exception of the additional WSSecHeader
     * parameter.
     * @param doc
     *            the SOAP envelope as <code>Document</code> with plaintext
     *            Body
     * @param crypto
     *            an instance of the Crypto API to handle keystore and
     *            Certificates
     * @param secHeader
     *            the security header element to hold the encrypted key element.
     * @return the SOAP envelope with encrypted Body as <code>Document
     *         </code>
     * @throws WSSecurityException
    public Document build(Document doc, Crypto crypto, WSSecHeader secHeader)
            throws WSSecurityException {
        doDebug = log.isDebugEnabled();

        if (keyIdentifierType == WSConstants.EMBEDDED_KEYNAME
                || keyIdentifierType == WSConstants.EMBED_SECURITY_TOKEN_REF) {
            return buildEmbedded(doc, crypto, secHeader);

        if (doDebug) {
            log.debug("Beginning Encryption...");

        prepare(doc, crypto);

        SOAPConstants soapConstants = WSSecurityUtil.getSOAPConstants(envelope);
        if (parts == null) {
            parts = new Vector();
            WSEncryptionPart encP = new WSEncryptionPart(soapConstants
                    .getBodyQName().getLocalPart(), soapConstants
                    .getEnvelopeURI(), "Content");

        Element refs = encryptForInternalRef(null, parts);


        if (bstToken != null) {

        log.debug("Encryption complete.");
        return doc;

     * Encrypt one or more parts or elements of the message (internal).
     * This method takes a vector of <code>WSEncryptionPart</code> object that
     * contain information about the elements to encrypt. The method call the
     * encryption method, takes the reference information generated during
     * encryption and add this to the <code>xenc:Reference</code> element.
     * This method can be called after <code>prepare()</code> and can be
     * called multiple times to encrypt a number of parts or elements.
     * </p>
     * The method generates a <code>xenc:Reference</code> element that <i>must</i>
     * be added to this token. See <code>addInternalRefElement()</code>.
     * </p>
     * If the <code>dataRef</code> parameter is <code>null</code> the method
     * creates and initializes a new Reference element.
     * @param dataRef
     *            A <code>xenc:Reference</code> element or <code>null</code>
     * @param references
     *            A vector containing WSEncryptionPart objects
     * @return Returns the updated <code>xenc:Reference</code> element
     * @throws WSSecurityException
    public Element encryptForInternalRef(Element dataRef, Vector references)
            throws WSSecurityException {
        Vector encDataRefs = doEncryption(document, this.symmetricKey,
        Element referenceList = dataRef;
        if (referenceList == null) {
            referenceList = document.createElementNS(WSConstants.ENC_NS,
                    WSConstants.ENC_PREFIX + ":ReferenceList");
        createDataRefList(document, referenceList, encDataRefs);
        return referenceList;

     * Encrypt one or more parts or elements of the message (external).
     * This method takes a vector of <code>WSEncryptionPart</code> object that
     * contain information about the elements to encrypt. The method call the
     * encryption method, takes the reference information generated during
     * encryption and add this to the <code>xenc:Reference</code> element.
     * This method can be called after <code>prepare()</code> and can be
     * called multiple times to encrypt a number of parts or elements.
     * </p>
     * The method generates a <code>xenc:Reference</code> element that <i>must</i>
     * be added to the SecurityHeader. See <code>addExternalRefElement()</code>.
     * </p>
     * If the <code>dataRef</code> parameter is <code>null</code> the method
     * creates and initializes a new Reference element.
     * @param dataRef
     *            A <code>xenc:Reference</code> element or <code>null</code>
     * @param references
     *            A vector containing WSEncryptionPart objects
     * @return Returns the updated <code>xenc:Reference</code> element
     * @throws WSSecurityException
    public Element encryptForExternalRef(Element dataRef, Vector references)
            throws WSSecurityException {

        KeyInfo keyInfo = new KeyInfo(document);
        SecurityTokenReference secToken = new SecurityTokenReference(document);
        Reference ref = new Reference(document);
        ref.setURI("#" + encKeyId);


        Vector encDataRefs = doEncryption(document, this.symmetricKey,
                keyInfo, references);
        Element referenceList = dataRef;
        if (referenceList == null) {
            referenceList = document.createElementNS(WSConstants.ENC_NS,
                    WSConstants.ENC_PREFIX + ":ReferenceList");
        createDataRefList(document, referenceList, encDataRefs);
        return referenceList;

     * Adds the internal Reference element to this Encrypt data.
     * The refernce element <i>must</i> be created by the
     * <code>encryptForInternalRef()</code> method. The refernce element is
     * added to the <code>EncryptedKey</code> element of this encrypt block.
     * @param dataRef
     *            The internal <code>enc:Reference</code> element
    public void addInternalRefElement(Element dataRef) {
        WSSecurityUtil.appendChildElement(document, encryptedKeyElement, dataRef);

     * Adds (prepends) the external Reference element to the Security header.
     * The refernce element <i>must</i> be created by the
     * <code>encryptForExternalRef() </code> method. The method prepends the
     * reference element in the SecurityHeader.
     * @param dataRef
     *            The external <code>enc:Reference</code> element
     * @param secHeader
     *            The security header.
    public void addExternalRefElement(Element dataRef, WSSecHeader secHeader) {
        WSSecurityUtil.prependChildElement(document, secHeader
                .getSecurityHeader(), dataRef, false);

    private Vector doEncryption(Document doc, SecretKey secretKey,
            Vector references) throws WSSecurityException {
        return doEncryption(doc, secretKey, null, references);

    private Vector doEncryption(Document doc, SecretKey secretKey,
            KeyInfo keyInfo, Vector references) throws WSSecurityException {

        XMLCipher xmlCipher = null;
        try {
            xmlCipher = XMLCipher.getInstance(symEncAlgo);
        } catch (XMLEncryptionException e3) {
            throw new WSSecurityException(
                    WSSecurityException.UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM, null, null, e3);

        Vector encDataRef = new Vector();

        for (int part = 0; part < references.size(); part++) {
            WSEncryptionPart encPart = (WSEncryptionPart) references.get(part);

            String idToEnc = encPart.getId();

            String elemName = encPart.getName();
            String nmSpace = encPart.getNamespace();
            String modifier = encPart.getEncModifier();
             * Third step: get the data to encrypt.
            Element body = null;
            if (idToEnc != null) {
                body = WSSecurityUtil.findElementById(document
                        .getDocumentElement(), idToEnc, WSConstants.WSU_NS);
                if (body == null) {
                    body = WSSecurityUtil.findElementById(document
                            .getDocumentElement(), idToEnc, null);
            } else {
                body = (Element) WSSecurityUtil.findElement(envelope, elemName,
            if (body == null) {
                throw new WSSecurityException(WSSecurityException.FAILURE,
                        "noEncElement", new Object[] { "{" + nmSpace + "}"
                                + elemName });

            boolean content = modifier.equals("Content") ? true : false;
            String xencEncryptedDataId = "EncDataId-" + body.hashCode();

             * Forth step: encrypt data, and set neccessary attributes in
             * xenc:EncryptedData
            try {
                xmlCipher.init(XMLCipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey);
                EncryptedData encData = xmlCipher.getEncryptedData();
                xmlCipher.doFinal(doc, body, content);
            } catch (Exception e2) {
                throw new WSSecurityException(
                        WSSecurityException.FAILED_ENC_DEC, null, null, e2);
            encDataRef.add(new String("#" + xencEncryptedDataId));
        return encDataRef;

    private Document buildEmbedded(Document doc, Crypto crypto,
            WSSecHeader secHeader) throws WSSecurityException {
        doDebug = log.isDebugEnabled();

        if (doDebug) {
            log.debug("Beginning Encryption embedded...");
        envelope = doc.getDocumentElement();
        envelope.setAttributeNS(WSConstants.XMLNS_NS, "xmlns:"
                + WSConstants.ENC_PREFIX, WSConstants.ENC_NS);

         * Second step: generate a symmetric key from the specified key
         * (password) for this alogrithm, and set the cipher into encryption
         * mode.
        if (this.symmetricKey == null) {
            if (embeddedKey == null) {
                throw new WSSecurityException(WSSecurityException.FAILURE,
            this.symmetricKey = WSSecurityUtil.prepareSecretKey(symEncAlgo,

        KeyInfo keyInfo = null;
        if (this.keyIdentifierType == WSConstants.EMBEDDED_KEYNAME) {
            keyInfo = new KeyInfo(doc);
                    .addKeyName(embeddedKeyName == null ? user
                            : embeddedKeyName);
        } else if (this.keyIdentifierType == WSConstants.EMBED_SECURITY_TOKEN_REF) {
             * This means that we want to embed a <wsse:SecurityTokenReference>
             * into keyInfo element. If we need this functionality, this.secRef
             * MUST be set before calling the build(doc, crypto) method. So if
             * secRef is null then throw an exception.
            if (this.securityTokenReference == null) {
                throw new WSSecurityException(
                        "You must set keyInfo element, if the keyIdentifier "
                                + "== EMBED_SECURITY_TOKEN_REF");
            } else {
                keyInfo = new KeyInfo(doc);
                Element tmpE = securityTokenReference.getElement();
                tmpE.setAttributeNS(WSConstants.XMLNS_NS, "xmlns:"
                        + tmpE.getPrefix(), tmpE.getNamespaceURI());

        SOAPConstants soapConstants = WSSecurityUtil.getSOAPConstants(envelope);
        if (parts == null) {
            parts = new Vector();
            WSEncryptionPart encP = new WSEncryptionPart(soapConstants
                    .getBodyQName().getLocalPart(), soapConstants
                    .getEnvelopeURI(), "Content");
        Vector encDataRefs = doEncryption(doc, this.symmetricKey, keyInfo,

         * At this point data is encrypted with the symmetric key and can be
         * referenced via the above Id

         * Now we need to setup the wsse:Security header block 1) get (or
         * create) the wsse:Security header block 2) The last step sets up the
         * reference list that pints to the encrypted data
        Element wsseSecurity = secHeader.getSecurityHeader();

        Element referenceList = doc.createElementNS(WSConstants.ENC_NS,
                WSConstants.ENC_PREFIX + ":ReferenceList");
        referenceList = createDataRefList(doc, referenceList, encDataRefs);
        WSSecurityUtil.prependChildElement(doc, wsseSecurity, referenceList,

        return doc;

    private KeyGenerator getKeyGenerator() throws WSSecurityException {
        KeyGenerator keyGen = null;
        try {
             * Assume AES as default, so initialize it
            keyGen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");
            if (symEncAlgo.equalsIgnoreCase(WSConstants.TRIPLE_DES)) {
                keyGen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DESede");
            } else if (symEncAlgo.equalsIgnoreCase(WSConstants.AES_128)) {
            } else if (symEncAlgo.equalsIgnoreCase(WSConstants.AES_192)) {
            } else if (symEncAlgo.equalsIgnoreCase(WSConstants.AES_256)) {
            } else {
                return null;
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            throw new WSSecurityException(
                    WSSecurityException.UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM, null, null, e);
        return keyGen;

     * Create DOM subtree for <code>xenc:EncryptedKey</code>
     * @param doc
     *            the SOAP enevelope parent document
     * @param keyTransportAlgo
     *            specifies which alogrithm to use to encrypt the symmetric key
     * @return an <code>xenc:EncryptedKey</code> element

    public static Element createDataRefList(Document doc,
            Element referenceList, Vector encDataRefs) {
        for (int i = 0; i < encDataRefs.size(); i++) {
            String dataReferenceUri = (String) encDataRefs.get(i);
            Element dataReference = doc.createElementNS(WSConstants.ENC_NS,
                    WSConstants.ENC_PREFIX + ":DataReference");
            dataReference.setAttributeNS(null, "URI", dataReferenceUri);
        return referenceList;

     * @return The symmetric key
    public SecretKey getSymmetricKey() {
        return symmetricKey;

     * Set the symmetric key to be used for encryption
     * @param key
    public void setSymmetricKey(SecretKey key) {
        this.symmetricKey = key;

     * @return Return the SecurityTokenRefernce
    public SecurityTokenReference getSecurityTokenReference() {
        return securityTokenReference;

     * @param reference
    public void setSecurityTokenReference(SecurityTokenReference reference) {
        securityTokenReference = reference;


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