Package gcc.rmi.iiop.compiler

Source Code of gcc.rmi.iiop.compiler.StubCompiler

*  Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as
*  applicable.
*  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
*  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
*  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package gcc.rmi.iiop.compiler;

import gcc.generator.*;
import gcc.util.JavaClass;
import gcc.util.ProcessUtil;

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class StubCompiler
        extends Compiler
    protected ValueTypeContext  _vtc = new ValueTypeContext();
    protected static JParameter _objInputVar = new JParameter( gcc.rmi.iiop.ObjectInputStream.class, "input");
    protected static JParameter _objOutputVar = new JParameter( gcc.rmi.iiop.ObjectOutputStream.class, "output");

    protected String _stubClassName = "";
    protected Class  _stubClass = null;

    protected String    _inStreamName = "getInputStream";
    protected String    _outStreamName = "getOutputStream";

    public StubCompiler( Class riClass )
        super( riClass );

    public StubCompiler( Class riClass, GenOptions go )
        super( riClass, go );

    protected void init()
        String className = _riClass.getName();
        _stubClassName = JavaClass.addPackageSuffix(className, "iiop_stubs") + "_Stub";

    protected void addMethod( JClass jc, JReturnType jrc, String name, JParameter[] jparms, Class[] excepts )
//        java.lang.Object $key_1 = $getRequestKey();
//        for (int $retry = 0; ; $retry++)
//        {
//            try
//            {
//                gcc.rmi.iiop.client.Connection $connection_2 = this.$connect();
//                gcc.rmi.iiop.ObjectOutputStream $output_3 = $connection_2.getSimpleOutputStream();  // simple idl
//                gcc.rmi.iiop.ObjectOutputStream $output_3 = $connection_2.getOutputStream();        // rmi-iiop
//                $output_3.writeObject(type$1, p1);
//                $connection_2.invoke(this, "_is_a", $key_1, $retry);
//                gcc.rmi.iiop.ObjectInputStream $input_4 = $connection_2.getSimpleInputStream();     // simple idl
//                gcc.rmi.iiop.ObjectInputStream $input_4 = $connection_2.getInputStream();           // rmi-iiop
//                $connection_2.forget($key_1);
//                $connection_2.close();
//                java.lang.String $et_5 = $connection_2.getExceptionType();
//                if ($et_5 != null)
//                {
//                    throw gcc.rmi.iiop.SystemExceptionFactory.getException($connection_2.getException());
//                }
//                boolean $djc_result;
//                $djc_result = $input_4.readBoolean();
//                return $djc_result;
//            }
//            catch (gcc.rmi.iiop.client.RetryInvokeException $ex_6)
//            {
//                if ($retry == 3)
//                {
//                    throw $ex_6.getRuntimeException();
//                }
//            }
//        }

        //JParameter jpID = new JParameter( java.lang.String.class, "id" );
        JMethod jm = jc.newMethod( jrc, name, jparms, excepts );

        JLocalVariable jlvKey = jm.newLocalVariable( Object.class, "$key", new JExpression( new JCodeStatement( "$getRequestKey()" ) ) );
        JLocalVariable jlvRetry = jm.newLocalVariable( int.class, "$retry" );

        JForStatement jfs = new JForStatement( new JCodeStatement( jlvRetry.getName() + " = 0" ),
                                               new JExpression( new JCodeStatement( " ; ") ),
                                               new JCodeStatement( jlvRetry.getName() + "++" ) );

        jm.addStatement( jfs );

        JTryCatchFinallyStatement tcfs = new JTryCatchFinallyStatement();
        JTryStatement ts = tcfs.getTryStatement();

        JBlockStatement jbs = (JBlockStatement)ts;

        JLocalVariable jlvConn  = jbs.newLocalVariable( gcc.rmi.iiop.client.Connection.class, "$conn" );
        JLocalVariable jlvOutput  = jbs.newLocalVariable( gcc.rmi.iiop.ObjectOutputStream.class, "$out" );
        JLocalVariable jlvEt  = jbs.newLocalVariable( java.lang.String.class, "$et" );
        JLocalVariable jlvInput  = null;

        JLocalVariable jlvRc  = null;
        if (jrc != null && jrc.getType() != void.class)
            jlvRc = jbs.newLocalVariable( jrc.getType(), "$rc" );
            jlvInput  = jbs.newLocalVariable( gcc.rmi.iiop.ObjectInputStream.class, "$in" );

        jbs.addStatement( new JCodeStatement( jlvConn.getName() + " = this.$connect();" ) );
        jbs.addStatement( new JCodeStatement( jlvOutput.getName() + " = " + jlvConn.getName() + "." + _outStreamName + "();" ) );

        String writeMethod = null;
        String writeCall = "";
        for( int i=0; i<jparms.length; i++ )
            writeMethod = getWriteMethod( jparms[i] );

            if (writeMethod != null)
                writeCall = writeMethod + "( " + jparms[i].getName() + " )";
                writeCall = "writeObject( " + _vtc.getValueTypeVarName(jc,jparms[i]) + ", " + jparms[i].getName() + ")";

            jbs.addStatement( new JCodeStatement( jlvOutput.getName() + "." + writeCall + ";") );

        jbs.addStatement( new JCodeStatement( jlvConn.getName() + ".invoke(this, \"" + name + "\", " + jlvKey.getName() + ", $retry);" ) );
        if (jlvRc != null)
            jbs.addStatement( new JCodeStatement( jlvInput.getName() + " = " + jlvConn.getName() + "." + _inStreamName + "();" ) );
        jbs.addStatement( new JCodeStatement( jlvConn.getName() + ".forget(" + jlvKey.getName() + ");" ) );
        jbs.addStatement( new JCodeStatement( jlvConn.getName() + ".close();" ) );
        jbs.addStatement( new JCodeStatement( jlvEt.getName() + " = " + jlvConn.getName() + ".getExceptionType();" ) );

        JIfElseIfElseStatement jiefs = new JIfElseIfElseStatement( new JExpression( new JCodeStatement(jlvEt.getName() + " != null") ) );
        JIfStatement jis = jiefs.getIfStatement();
        jis.addStatement( new JCodeStatement( "throw gcc.rmi.iiop.SystemExceptionFactory.getException(" + jlvConn.getName() + ".getException());" ) );
        jbs.addStatement( jiefs );

        if (jlvRc != null)
            String readMethod = getReadMethod( jlvRc );
            String readCall = "";

            if (readMethod != null)
                readCall = jlvInput.getName() + "." + readMethod + "()";
                readCall = "("+ jlvRc.getTypeDecl() + ")" + jlvInput.getName() + "." + "readObject( " + _vtc.getValueTypeVarName(jc,jlvRc) + ")";

            jbs.addStatement( new JCodeStatement( jlvRc.getName() + " = " + readCall + ";" ) );
            jbs.addStatement( new JCodeStatement( "return " + jlvRc.getName() + ";" ) );

        ts.addStatement( jbs );

        JVariable jv = new JVariable( gcc.rmi.iiop.client.RetryInvokeException.class, "$ex" );
        JCatchStatement cs = tcfs.newCatch( jv );

        jiefs = new JIfElseIfElseStatement( new JExpression( new JCodeStatement(jlvRetry.getName() + " == 3") ) );
        jis = jiefs.getIfStatement();
        jis.addStatement( new JCodeStatement( "throw " + jv.getName() + ".getRuntimeException();" ) );
        cs.addStatement( jiefs );

        jfs.addStatement( tcfs );

    // public methods

    public void addMethod_is_a( JClass jc )
        JParameter jpID = new JParameter( java.lang.String.class, "id" );
        addMethod( jc, new JReturnType(boolean.class),
                       new JParameter[] { jpID },
                       (Class[]) null );


    public void addMethod( Method m, JClass jc )
        String name = m.getName();
        JParameter[] sparms = getMethodParms(m);

        addMethod( jc, new JReturnType(m.getReturnType()),
                                   m.getExceptionTypes() );


    protected Method[] getMethods()
        Method myMethods[] = _riClass.getDeclaredMethods();
        Method myOpsMethods[] = null;
        Class myInterfaces[] = _riClass.getInterfaces();

        if (myInterfaces != null && myInterfaces.length > 0)
            String opsName = _riClass.getName() + "Operations";

            for( int i=0; i<myInterfaces.length; i++ )
                if (myInterfaces[i].getName().equals(opsName))
                    myOpsMethods = myInterfaces[i].getDeclaredMethods();

        Method m[] = null;

        if (myOpsMethods == null)
            m = myMethods;
            m = new Method[ myMethods.length + myOpsMethods.length ];
            System.arraycopy( myMethods, 0, m, 0, myMethods.length );
            System.arraycopy( myOpsMethods, 0, m, myMethods.length, myOpsMethods.length );

        return m;

    public void generate()
        throws Exception

        if (_simpleIDL)
            _inStreamName = "getSimpleInputStream";
            _outStreamName = "getSimpleOutputStream";

        JavaGenerator jg = new JavaGenerator( _genOptions );

        String className;
        JPackage p = new JPackage( JavaClass.getNamePrefix(_stubClassName) );
        className = JavaClass.getNameSuffix( _stubClassName );

        JClass jc = p.newClass( className );
        jc.addImport( "gcc.rmi.iiop", "ObjectRef" );
        jc.setExtends( "ObjectRef" );
        jc.addImplements( _riClass.getName() );

        JField idsField     = jc.newField( String[].class, "_ids", new JExpression( new JCodeStatement( "{ \"" + _riClass.getName() + "\", \"RMI:" + _riClass.getName() + ":0000000000000000\"}" ) ), true );

        JConstructor jcCon = jc.newConstructor( (JParameter[]) null, (Class[]) null );
        jcCon.addStatement( new JCodeStatement( "super();" ) );

        addMethod_is_a( jc );

        Method m[] = null;
        m = getMethods();
        for (int i=0; m != null && i<m.length; i++)
            addMethod( m[i], jc  );

        jg.generate( p );

    public void compile()
        throws Exception
        String className = _riClass.getName();
        String stubClassName = JavaClass.addPackageSuffix(className, "iiop_stubs");
        String stubPackage = JavaClass.getNamePrefix(stubClassName);

        System.out.println( "Compiling Package: " + stubPackage );
        System.out.println( "Compiling Stub: " + stubClassName );

        String javac = "javac -d ../classes -classpath ../classes;D:/Dev/3rdparty.jag/ejb21/ejb-2_1-api.jar " + stubPackage.replace( '.', '/' ) + "/*.java";

        ProcessUtil pu = ProcessUtil.getInstance();
        pu.setEcho( System.out ); javac, (String[])null, "./src" );

    public Class getStubClass()
        System.out.println( "StubCompiler.getStubClass(): riClass: " + _riClass );

        if (_stubClass == null)
                _stubClass = Class.forName( _stubClassName );
            catch( Exception e )

                if( _stubClass == null )
                    _stubClass = Class.forName( _stubClassName );
            catch( Exception e )

        return _stubClass;

    public static void main( String args[] )
        throws Exception
        boolean    generate = false;
        boolean    compile = false;
        boolean    loadclass = false;
        boolean    simpleidl = false;
        List       interfaces = new LinkedList();
        GenOptions go = new GenOptions();

        go.setGenDir( "./" );
        go.setOverwrite( false );
        go.setVerbose( false );

        for( int i=0; i<args.length; i++ )
            if (args[i].equals( "-g" ))
                generate = true;
            else if (args[i].equals( "-c" ))
                compile = true;
            else if (args[i].equals( "-l" ))
                loadclass = true;
            else if (args[i].equals( "-s" ))
                simpleidl = true;
            else if (args[i].equals( "-d" ) && ((i+1) < args.length))
                go.setGenDir( args[++i] );
            else if (args[i].equals( "-v" ))
                go.setVerbose( true );
            else if (args[i].equals( "-o" ))
                go.setOverwrite( true );
            else if (args[i].startsWith("-"))
                System.out.println( "Warning: Ignoring unrecognized options: '" + args[i] + "'" );
                interfaces.add( args[i] );

        Iterator i = interfaces.iterator();
        while( i != null && i.hasNext() )
            String intfName = (String);

            if (intfName.startsWith("RMI:"))
                simpleidl = false;
                intfName = intfName.substring( 4 );
            else if (intfName.startsWith( "IDL:" ))
                simpleidl = true;
                intfName = intfName.substring( 4 );

            Class riClass = Class.forName( intfName );
            StubCompiler sg = new StubCompiler(riClass,go);
            sg.setSimpleIDL( simpleidl );

            if (generate)

            if (compile)

            if (loadclass)
                Class c = sg.getStubClass();
                System.out.println( "StubClass: " + c );

        //sg.setSimpleIDL( true );
        //sg.generate( "gcc.rmi.iiop.NameServiceOperations");


Related Classes of gcc.rmi.iiop.compiler.StubCompiler

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