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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

// JMS Imports
import javax.jms.Connection;

// Misc Imports
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

// QMF2 Imports
import org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.ObjectId;
import org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.QmfData;
import org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.QmfException;
import org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.Agent;
import org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.Console;
import org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.MethodResult;
import org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.QmfConsoleData;

import org.apache.qpid.qmf2.util.ConnectionHelper;
import org.apache.qpid.qmf2.util.GetOpt;

// Reuse this class as it provides a handy mechanism to parse an args String into a Map
import org.apache.qpid.messaging.util.AddressParser;

* A tool to allow QMF2 methods to be invoked from the command line.
* <pre>
* Usage: QpidCtrl [options] command [args]
* The args need to be in a Stringified Map format (similar to an Address String)
* e.g. to set broker log level: QpidCtrl setLogLevel "{level:\"debug+:Broker\"}"
* The listValues command lists property names and values of the specified object.
* The listObjects command lists all objects of the specified package and class.
* Options:
*   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
*   -v                    enable logging
*   -a &lt;address&gt;, --broker-address=&lt;address&gt;
*                         broker-addr is in the form:  [username/password@]
*                         hostname | ip-address [:&lt;port&gt;]   ex:  localhost,
*               , broker-host:10000,
*                         guest/guest@localhost
*   -c &lt;class&gt;, --class=&lt;class&gt;
*                         class of object on which command is being invoked
*                         (default broker)
*   -p &lt;package&gt;, --package=&lt;package&gt;
*                         package of object on which command is being invoked
*                         (default
*   -i &lt;id&gt;, --id=&lt;id&gt;    identifier of object on which command is being invoked
*                         (default amqp-broker)
*   --agent=&lt;agent name&gt;
*                         The name of the Agent to which commands will be sent
*                         This will try to match &lt;agent name&gt; against the Agent name
*                         the Agent product name and will also check if the Agent name
*                         contains the &lt;agent name&gt; String
*                         (default qpidd)
*   --sasl-mechanism=&lt;mech&gt;
*                         SASL mechanism for authentication (e.g. EXTERNAL,
*                         ANONYMOUS, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5, GSSAPI). SASL
*                         automatically picks the most secure available
*                         mechanism - use this option to override.
* </pre>
* Examples (Note the quotes and escaped quotes are significant!):
* <p>
* Get the current broker log level:
* <pre>QpidCtrl getLogLevel</pre>
* Set the current broker log level to notice+:
* <pre>QpidCtrl setLogLevel "{level:\"notice+\"}"</pre>
* Set the current broker log level to debug+ for all Management Objects:
* <pre>QpidCtrl setLogLevel "{level:\"debug+\"}"</pre>
* Set the current broker log level to debug+ for just the Broker Management Object:
* <pre>QpidCtrl setLogLevel "{level:\"debug+:Broker\"}"</pre>
* List the properties of the exchange:
* <pre>QpidCtrl -c exchange -i listValues</pre>
* Create a queue called test with a flow-to-disk limit policy:
* <pre>QpidCtrl create "{type:queue,name:test,properties:{'qpid.policy_type':ring}}"</pre>
* Delete a queue called test:
* <pre>QpidCtrl delete "{type:queue,name:test}"</pre>
* Create a binding called bind1 between the amq.match exchange and the test queue matching the headers name=fadams
* and gender=male:
* <pre>QpidCtrl create "{type:binding,name:'amq.match/test/bind1',properties:{x-match:all,name:fadams,gender:male}}"</pre>
* Delete the binding called bind1 between the amq.match exchange and the test queue:
* <pre>QpidCtrl delete "{type:binding,name:'amq.match/test/bind1'}"</pre>
* Get the broker to echo a message:
* <pre>QpidCtrl echo "{sequence:1234,body:'Peaches En Regalia'}"</pre>
* Invoke the event method on the gizmo Agent (launch gizmo Agent via AgentTest):
* <pre>QpidCtrl -p com.profitron.gizmo -c control -i OPERATIONAL --agent=gizmo event</pre>
* Invoke the create_child method on the gizmo Agent (launch gizmo Agent via AgentTest):
* <pre>QpidCtrl -p com.profitron.gizmo -c control -i OPERATIONAL --agent=gizmo create_child "{name:monkeyBoy}"</pre>
* Invoke the stop method on the gizmo Agent (launch gizmo Agent via AgentTest):
* <pre>QpidCtrl -p com.profitron.gizmo -c control -i OPERATIONAL --agent=gizmo stop "{message:'Will I dream?'}"</pre>
* @author Fraser Adams
public final class QpidCtrl
    private static final String _usage =
    "Usage: QpidCtrl [options] command [args]\n" +
    "The args need to be in a Stringified Map format (similar to an Address String)\n" +
    "e.g. to set broker log level: QpidCtrl setLogLevel \"{level:\\\"debug+:Broker\\\"}\"\n" +
    "The listValues command lists property names and values of the specified object.\n" +
    "The listObjects command lists all objects of the specified package and class.\n";

    private static final String _options =
    "Options:\n" +
    "  -h, --help            show this help message and exit\n" +
    "  -v                    enable logging\n" +
    "  -a <address>, --broker-address=<address>\n" +
    "                        broker-addr is in the form:  [username/password@]\n" +
    "                        hostname | ip-address [:<port>]   ex:  localhost,\n" +
    "              , broker-host:10000,\n" +
    "                        guest/guest@localhost\n" +
    "  -c <class>, --class=<class>\n" +
    "                        class of object on which command is being invoked\n" +
    "                        (default broker)\n" +
    "  -p <package>, --package=<package>\n" +
    "                        package of object on which command is being invoked\n" +
    "                        (default\n" +
    "  -i <id>, --id=<id>    identifier of object on which command is being invoked\n" +
    "                        (default amqp-broker)\n" +
    "  --agent=<agent name>\n" +
    "                        The name of the Agent to which commands will be sent\n" +
    "                        This will try to match <agent name> against the Agent name,\n" +
    "                        the Agent product name and will also check if the Agent name\n" +
    "                        contains the <agent name> String\n" +
    "                        (default qpidd)\n" +
    "  --sasl-mechanism=<mech>\n" +
    "                        SASL mechanism for authentication (e.g. EXTERNAL,\n" +
    "                        ANONYMOUS, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5, GSSAPI). SASL\n" +
    "                        automatically picks the most secure available\n" +
    "                        mechanism - use this option to override.\n";

    private Console _console;

     * Basic constructor. Creates JMS Session, Initialises Destinations, Producers & Consumers and starts connection.
     * @param url the Connection URL.
     * @param connectionOptions the connection options String to pass to ConnectionHelper.
     * @param pkg the package name of the object we're invoking the method on.
     * @param cls the class name of the object we're invoking the method on.
     * @param id the ObjectId name of the object we're invoking the method on.
     * @param agentName the name of the Agent to invoke the QMF method on.
     * @param command the QMF method we're invoking.
     * @param args the Stringified Map form of the method arguments.
    public QpidCtrl(final String url, final String connectionOptions, final String pkg, final String cls,
                    final String id, final String agentName, final String command, final String args)
            Connection connection = ConnectionHelper.createConnection(url, connectionOptions);       
            _console = new Console();

            // Find the specified Agent
            Agent agent = _console.findAgent(agentName);
            if (agent == null)
                System.out.println("Agent " + agentName + " not found");

            List<Agent> agentList = Arrays.asList(new Agent[] {agent});
            List<QmfConsoleData> objects = _console.getObjects(pkg, cls, agentList);

            // Parse the args String
            QmfData inArgs = (args == null) ? new QmfData() : new QmfData(new AddressParser(args).map());

            // Find the required QmfConsoleData object and invoke the specified command
            MethodResult results = null;
            for (QmfConsoleData object : objects)
                String objectName = object.getObjectId().getObjectName();
                if (command.equals("listObjects"))
                    if (objectName.contains(id))
                    { // Use contains as ObjectNames may comprise other identifiers tha make using equals impractical
                        if (command.equals("listValues"))
                            results = object.invokeMethod(command, inArgs);

            if (results == null)
                if (objects.size() == 0)
                    System.out.println("getObjects(" + pkg + ", " + cls + ", " + agentName + ") returned no objects.");
                    System.out.println("Id " + id + " not found in " + pkg + ":" + cls);
                if (results.succeeded())
                    System.err.println ("QmfException " + results.getQmfException().getMessage() +
                                        " returned from " + command + " method");
        catch (QmfException qmfe)
            System.err.println ("QmfException " + qmfe.getMessage() + " caught in QpidCtrl constructor");

     * Runs QpidCtrl.
     * @param args the command line arguments.
    public static void main(final String[] args)
        String logLevel = System.getProperty("amqj.logging.level");
        logLevel = (logLevel == null) ? "FATAL" : logLevel; // Set default log level to FATAL rather than DEBUG.
        System.setProperty("amqj.logging.level", logLevel);

        // As of Qpid 0.16 the Session Dispatcher Thread is non-Daemon so the JVM gets prevented from exiting.
        // Setting the following property to true makes it a Daemon Thread.
        System.setProperty("qpid.jms.daemon.dispatcher", "true");

        String[] longOpts = {"help", "broker-address=", "class=", "package=", "id=", "agent=", "sasl-mechanism="};
            String host = "localhost";
            String connectionOptions = "{reconnect: true}";
            String cls = "broker";
            String pkg = "";
            String id = "amqp-broker";
            String agentName = "qpidd";
            String command = null;
            String arg = null;

            GetOpt getopt = new GetOpt(args, "ha:c:p:i:v", longOpts);
            List<String[]> optList = getopt.getOptList();
            String[] cargs = {};
            cargs = getopt.getEncArgs().toArray(cargs);

            for (String[] opt : optList)
                if (opt[0].equals("-h") || opt[0].equals("--help"))
                else if (opt[0].equals("-a") || opt[0].equals("--broker-address"))
                    host = opt[1];
                else if (opt[0].equals("-c") || opt[0].equals("--class"))
                    cls = opt[1];
                else if (opt[0].equals("-p") || opt[0].equals("--package"))
                    pkg = opt[1];
                else if (opt[0].equals("-i") || opt[0].equals("--id"))
                    id = opt[1];
                else if (opt[0].equals("--agent"))
                    agentName = opt[1];
                else if (opt[0].equals("-v"))
                    System.setProperty("amqj.logging.level", "DEBUG");
                else if (opt[0].equals("--sasl-mechanism"))
                    connectionOptions = "{reconnect: true, sasl_mechs: " + opt[1] + "}";

            if (cargs.length < 1 || cargs.length > 2)
            command = cargs[0];

            if (cargs.length == 2)
                arg = cargs[1];
                if (!arg.startsWith("{") || !arg.endsWith("}"))
                    System.out.println("Incorrect format for args.");
                    System.out.println("This needs to be in a Stringified Map format similar to an Address String");

            QpidCtrl qpidCtrl = new QpidCtrl(host, connectionOptions, pkg, cls, id, agentName, command, arg);
        catch (IllegalArgumentException e)

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