Package org.htmlparser

Source Code of org.htmlparser.Parser

// $Header: /home/cvs/jakarta-jmeter/src/htmlparser/org/htmlparser/,v 1.2 2004/02/10 13:41:10 woolfel Exp $
* ====================================================================
* Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

// The developers of JMeter and Apache are greatful to the developers
// of HTMLParser for giving Apache Software Foundation a non-exclusive
// license. The performance benefits of HTMLParser are clear and the
// users of JMeter will benefit from the hard work the HTMLParser
// team. For detailed information about HTMLParser, the project is
// hosted on sourceforge at
// HTMLParser was originally created by Somik Raha in 2000. Since then
// a healthy community of users has formed and helped refine the
// design so that it is able to tackle the difficult task of parsing
// dirty HTML. Derrick Oswald is the current lead developer and was kind
// enough to assist JMeter.

package org.htmlparser;
// Java Imports //
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;

import org.htmlparser.parserHelper.ParserHelper;
import org.htmlparser.parserHelper.TagParser;
import org.htmlparser.scanners.AppletScanner;
import org.htmlparser.scanners.BodyScanner;
import org.htmlparser.scanners.BulletListScanner;
import org.htmlparser.scanners.DivScanner;
import org.htmlparser.scanners.DoctypeScanner;
import org.htmlparser.scanners.FormScanner;
import org.htmlparser.scanners.FrameSetScanner;
import org.htmlparser.scanners.HeadScanner;
import org.htmlparser.scanners.HtmlScanner;
import org.htmlparser.scanners.JspScanner;
import org.htmlparser.scanners.LinkScanner;
import org.htmlparser.scanners.MetaTagScanner;
import org.htmlparser.scanners.ScriptScanner;
import org.htmlparser.scanners.StyleScanner;
import org.htmlparser.scanners.TableScanner;
import org.htmlparser.scanners.TagScanner;
import org.htmlparser.scanners.TitleScanner;
import org.htmlparser.tags.EndTag;
import org.htmlparser.tags.ImageTag;
import org.htmlparser.tags.LinkTag;
import org.htmlparser.tags.MetaTag;
import org.htmlparser.tags.Tag;
import org.htmlparser.util.DefaultParserFeedback;
import org.htmlparser.util.IteratorImpl;
import org.htmlparser.util.NodeIterator;
import org.htmlparser.util.NodeList;
import org.htmlparser.util.ParserException;
import org.htmlparser.util.ParserFeedback;
import org.htmlparser.visitors.NodeVisitor;

* This is the class that the user will use, either to get an iterator into
* the html page or to directly parse the page and print the results
* <BR>
* Typical usage of the parser is as follows : <BR>
* [1] Create a parser object - passing the URL and a feedback object to the parser<BR>
* [2] Register the common scanners. See {@link #registerScanners()} <BR>
* You wouldnt do this if you want to configure a custom lightweight parser. In that case,
* you would add the scanners of your choice using {@link #addScanner(TagScanner)}<BR>
* [3] Enumerate through the elements from the parser object <BR>
* It is important to note that the parsing occurs when you enumerate, ON DEMAND. This is a thread-safe way,
* and you only get the control back after a particular element is parsed and returned.
* <BR>
* Below is some sample code to parse and print all the tags.
* <pre>
* Parser parser = new Parser("",new DefaultHTMLParserFeedback());
* // In this example, we are registering all the common scanners
* parser.registerScanners();
* for (NodeIterator i = parser.elements();e.hasMoreNodes();) {
*   Node node = i.nextNode();
*  node.print();
* }
* </pre> Below is some sample code to parse and print only the text
* information. This scanning will run faster, as there are no scanners
* registered here.
* <pre>
* Parser parser = new Parser("",new DefaultHTMLParserFeedback());
* // In this example, none of the scanners need to be registered
* // as a string node is not a tag to be scanned for.
* for (NodeIterator i = parser.elements();e.hasMoreNodes();) {
*  Node node = i.nextNode();
*  if (node instanceof StringNode) {         
*     StringNode stringNode =
*    (StringNode)node;       
*     System.out.println(stringNode.getText());   
*   }
* }
* </pre>
* The above snippet will print out only the text contents in the html document.<br>
* Here's another snippet that will only print out the link urls in a document.
* This is an example of adding a link scanner.
* <pre>
* Parser parser = new Parser("",new DefaultHTMLParserFeedback());
* parser.addScanner(new LinkScanner("-l"));
* for (NodeIterator i = parser.elements();e.hasMoreNodes();) {
*   Node node = i.nextNode();   
*   if (node instanceof LinkTag) {
*     LinkTag linkTag = (LinkTag)node;       
*     System.out.println(linkTag.getLink());   
*   }
* }
* </pre>
@see Parser#elements()
public class Parser implements Serializable
    // Please don't change the formatting of the version variables below.
    // This is done so as to facilitate ant script processing.

     * The floating point version number.
    public final static double VERSION_NUMBER = 1.3;

     * The type of version.
    public final static String VERSION_TYPE = "Release Build";

     * The date of the version.
    public final static String VERSION_DATE = "May 25, 2003";

     * The display version.
    public final static String VERSION_STRING =
        "" + VERSION_NUMBER + " (" + VERSION_TYPE + " " + VERSION_DATE + ")";

    // End of formatting

     * The default charset.
     * This should be <code>ISO-8859-1</code>,
     * see RFC 2616 ( section 3.7.1
     * Another alias is "8859_1".
    protected static final String DEFAULT_CHARSET = "ISO-8859-1";

     *  Trigger for charset detection.
    protected static final String CHARSET_STRING = "charset";

     * Feedback object.
    protected ParserFeedback feedback;

     * The URL or filename to be parsed.
    protected String resourceLocn;

     * The html reader associated with this parser.
    protected transient NodeReader reader;

     * The list of scanners to apply at the top level.
    private Map scanners;

     * The encoding being used to decode the connection input stream.
    protected String character_set;

     * The source for HTML.
    protected transient URLConnection url_conn;

     * The bytes extracted from the source.
    protected transient BufferedInputStream input;

     * A quiet message sink.
     * Use this for no feedback.
    public static ParserFeedback noFeedback =
        new DefaultParserFeedback(DefaultParserFeedback.QUIET);

     * A verbose message sink.
     * Use this for output on <code>System.out</code>.
    public static ParserFeedback stdout = new DefaultParserFeedback();

    private ParserHelper parserHelper = new ParserHelper();

    // Static methods

     * @param lineSeparator New Line separator to be used
    public static void setLineSeparator(String lineSeparator)

     * Return the version string of this parser.
     * @return A string of the form:
     * <pre>
     * "[floating point number] ([build-type] [build-date])"
     * </pre>
    public static String getVersion()
        return (VERSION_STRING);

     * Return the version number of this parser.
     * @return A floating point number, the whole number part is the major
     * version, and the fractional part is the minor version.
    public static double getVersionNumber()
        return (VERSION_NUMBER);

    // Constructors

     * Zero argument constructor.
     * The parser is in a safe but useless state.
     * Set the reader or connection using setReader() or setConnection().
     * @see #setReader(NodeReader)
     * @see #setConnection(URLConnection)
    public Parser()
        resourceLocn = null;
        reader = null;
        character_set = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
        url_conn = null;
        input = null;
        Tag.setTagParser(new TagParser(getFeedback()));

     * This constructor enables the construction of test cases, with readers
     * associated with test string buffers. It can also be used with readers of the user's choice
     * streaming data into the parser.<p/>
     * <B>Important:</B> If you are using this constructor, and you would like to use the parser
     * to parse multiple times (multiple calls to parser.elements()), you must ensure the following:<br>
     * <ul>
     * <li>Before the first parse, you must mark the reader for a length that you anticipate (the size of the stream).</li>
     * <li>After the first parse, calls to elements() must be preceded by calls to :
     * <pre>
     * parser.getReader().reset();
     * </pre>
     * </li>
     * </ul>
     * @param rd The reader to draw characters from.
     * @param fb The object to use when information,
     * warning and error messages are produced. If <em>null</em> no feedback
     * is provided.
    public Parser(NodeReader rd, ParserFeedback fb)
        resourceLocn = null;
        reader = null;
        character_set = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
        url_conn = null;
        input = null;
        Tag.setTagParser(new TagParser(feedback));

     * Constructor for custom HTTP access.
     * @param connection A fully conditioned connection. The connect()
     * method will be called so it need not be connected yet.
     * @param fb The object to use for message communication.
    public Parser(URLConnection connection, ParserFeedback fb)
        throws ParserException
        resourceLocn = null;
        reader = null;
        character_set = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
        url_conn = null;
        input = null;
        Tag.setTagParser(new TagParser(feedback));

     * Creates a Parser object with the location of the resource (URL or file)
     * You would typically create a DefaultHTMLParserFeedback object and pass it in.
     * @param resourceLocn Either the URL or the filename (autodetects).
     * A standard HTTP GET is performed to read the content of the URL.
     * @param feedback The HTMLParserFeedback object to use when information,
     * warning and error messages are produced. If <em>null</em> no feedback
     * is provided.
     * @see #Parser(URLConnection,ParserFeedback)
    public Parser(String resourceLocn, ParserFeedback feedback)
        throws ParserException
        this(ParserHelper.openConnection(resourceLocn, feedback), feedback);

     * Creates a Parser object with the location of the resource (URL or file).
     * A DefaultHTMLParserFeedback object is used for feedback.
     * @param resourceLocn Either the URL or the filename (autodetects).
    public Parser(String resourceLocn) throws ParserException
        this(resourceLocn, stdout);

     * This constructor is present to enable users to plugin their own readers.
     * A DefaultHTMLParserFeedback object is used for feedback. It can also be used with readers of the user's choice
     * streaming data into the parser.<p/>
     * <B>Important:</B> If you are using this constructor, and you would like to use the parser
     * to parse multiple times (multiple calls to parser.elements()), you must ensure the following:<br>
     * <ul>
     * <li>Before the first parse, you must mark the reader for a length that you anticipate (the size of the stream).</li>
     * <li>After the first parse, calls to elements() must be preceded by calls to :
     * <pre>
     * parser.getReader().reset();
     * </pre>
     * </li>
     * @param reader The source for HTML to be parsed.
    public Parser(NodeReader reader)
        this(reader, stdout);

     * Constructor for non-standard access.
     * A DefaultHTMLParserFeedback object is used for feedback.
     * @param connection A fully conditioned connection. The connect()
     * method will be called so it need not be connected yet.
     * @see #Parser(URLConnection,ParserFeedback)
    public Parser(URLConnection connection) throws ParserException
        this(connection, stdout);

    // Serialization support

    private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
        if ((null == getConnection()) || /*redundant*/
             (null == getURL()))
            if (null != getReader());
        //  commented out by Somik - why are we not allowed to serialize parsers without url
        //                throw new IOException ("can only serialize parsers with a URL");

    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
        throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
            // reopen the connection and create a reader which are transient fields
        catch (ParserException hpe)
            throw new IOException(hpe.toString());

    // Bean patterns

     * Set the connection for this parser.
     * This method sets four of the fields in the parser object;
     * <code>resourceLocn</code>, <code>url_conn</code>, <code>character_set</code>
     * and <code>reader</code>. It does not adjust the <code>scanners</code> list
     * or <code>feedback</code> object. The four fields are set atomicly by
     * this method, either they are all set or none of them is set. Trying to
     * set the connection to null is a noop.
     * @param connection A fully conditioned connection. The connect()
     * method will be called so it need not be connected yet.
     * @exception ParserException if the character set specified in the
     * HTTP header is not supported, or an i/o exception occurs creating the
     * reader.
    public void setConnection(URLConnection connection) throws ParserException
        String res;
        NodeReader rd;
        String chs;
        URLConnection con;

        if (null != connection)
            res = getURL();
            rd = getReader();
            chs = getEncoding();
            con = getConnection();
                resourceLocn = connection.getURL().toExternalForm();
                url_conn = connection;
                character_set = getCharacterSet(url_conn);
            catch (IOException ioe)
                String msg =
                    "setConnection() : Error in opening a connection to "
                        + connection.getURL().toExternalForm();
                ParserException ex = new ParserException(msg, ioe);
                feedback.error(msg, ex);
                resourceLocn = res;
                url_conn = con;
                character_set = chs;
                reader = rd;
                throw ex;

     * Return the current connection.
     * @return The connection either created by the parser or passed into this
     * parser via <code>setConnection</code>.
     * @see #setConnection(URLConnection)
    public URLConnection getConnection()
        return (url_conn);

     * Set the URL for this parser.
     * This method sets four of the fields in the parser object;
     * <code>resourceLocn</code>, <code>url_conn</code>, <code>character_set</code>
     * and <code>reader</code>. It does not adjust the <code>scanners</code> list
     * or <code>feedback</code> object.Trying to set the url to null or an
     * empty string is a noop.
     * @see #setConnection(URLConnection)
    public void setURL(String url) throws ParserException
        if ((null != url) && !"".equals(url))
            setConnection(ParserHelper.openConnection(url, getFeedback()));

     * Return the current URL being parsed.
     * @return The url passed into the constructor or the file name
     * passed to the constructor modified to be a URL.
    public String getURL()
        return (resourceLocn);

     * Set the encoding for this parser.
     * If there is no connection (getConnection() returns null) it simply sets
     * the character set name stored in the parser (Note: the reader object
     * which must have been set in the constructor or by <code>setReader()</code>,
     * may or may not be using this character set).
     * Otherwise (getConnection() doesn't return null) it does this by reopening the
     * input stream of the connection and creating a reader that uses this
     * character set. In this case, this method sets two of the fields in the
     * parser object; <code>character_set</code> and <code>reader</code>.
     * It does not adjust <code>resourceLocn</code>, <code>url_conn</code>,
     * <code>scanners</code> or <code>feedback</code>. The two fields are set
     * atomicly by this method, either they are both set or none of them is set.
     * Trying to set the encoding to null or an empty string is a noop.
     * @exception ParserException If the opening of the reader
    public void setEncoding(String encoding) throws ParserException
        String chs;
        NodeReader rd;
        BufferedInputStream in;

        if ((null != encoding) && !"".equals(encoding))
            if (null == getConnection())
                character_set = encoding;
                rd = getReader();
                chs = getEncoding();
                in = input;
                    character_set = encoding;
                catch (IOException ioe)
                    String msg =
                        "setEncoding() : Error in opening a connection to "
                            + getConnection().getURL().toExternalForm();
                    ParserException ex = new ParserException(msg, ioe);
                    feedback.error(msg, ex);
                    character_set = chs;
                    reader = rd;
                    input = in;
                    throw ex;

     * The current encoding.
     * This item is et from the HTTP header but may be overridden by meta
     * tags in the head, so this may change after the head has been parsed.
    public String getEncoding()
        return (character_set);

     * Set the reader for this parser.
     * This method sets four of the fields in the parser object;
     * <code>resourceLocn</code>, <code>url_conn</code>, <code>character_set</code>
     * and <code>reader</code>. It does not adjust the <code>scanners</code> list
     * or <code>feedback</code> object. The <code>url_conn</code> is set to
     * null since this cannot be determined from the reader. The
     * <code>character_set</code> is set to the default character set since
     * this cannot be determined from the reader.
     * Trying to set the reader to <code>null</code> is a noop.
     * @param rd The reader object to use. This reader will be bound to this
     * parser after this call.
    public void setReader(NodeReader rd)
        if (null != rd)
            resourceLocn = rd.getURL();
            reader = rd;
            character_set = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
            url_conn = null;

     * Returns the reader associated with the parser
     * @return NodeReader
    public NodeReader getReader()
        return reader;

     * Get the number of scanners registered currently in the scanner.
     * @return int number of scanners registered
    public int getNumScanners()
        return scanners.size();

     * This method is to be used to change the set of scanners in the current parser.
     * @param newScanners Vector holding scanner objects to be used during the parsing process.
    public void setScanners(Map newScanners)
        scanners = (null == newScanners) ? new HashMap() : newScanners;

     * Get an enumeration of scanners registered currently in the parser
     * @return Enumeration of scanners currently registered in the parser
    public Map getScanners()
        return scanners;

     * Sets the feedback object used in scanning.
     * @param fb The new feedback object to use.
    public void setFeedback(ParserFeedback fb)
        feedback = (null == fb) ? noFeedback : fb;

     * Returns the feedback.
     * @return HTMLParserFeedback
    public ParserFeedback getFeedback()
        return feedback;

    // Internal methods

     * Open a stream reader on the <code>InputStream</code>.
     * Revise the character set to it's default value if an
     * <code>UnsupportedEncodingException</code> is thrown.
     * @exception UnsupportedEncodingException in the unlikely event that
     * the default character set is not supported on this platform.
    protected InputStreamReader createInputStreamReader()
        throws UnsupportedEncodingException
        InputStreamReader ret;

            ret = new InputStreamReader(input, character_set);
        catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee)
            StringBuffer msg;
            String message;

            msg = new StringBuffer(1024);
            msg.append(" has an encoding (");
            msg.append(") which is not supported, using ");
            message = msg.toString();
            character_set = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
            ret = new InputStreamReader(input, character_set);

        return (ret);

     * Create a new reader for the URLConnection object.
     * The current character set is used to transform the input stream
     * into a character reader.
     * @exception IOException if there is a problem constructing the reader.
     * @see #createInputStreamReader()
     * @see #getEncoding()
    protected void createReader() throws IOException
        InputStream stream;
        InputStreamReader in;

        stream = url_conn.getInputStream();
        input = new BufferedInputStream(stream);
        in = createInputStreamReader();
        reader = new NodeReader(in, resourceLocn);

     * Create a new reader for the URLConnection object but reuse the input stream.
     * The current character set is used to transform the input stream
     * into a character reader. Defaults to <code>createReader()</code> if
     * there is no existing input stream.
     * @exception IOException if there is a problem constructing the reader.
     * @see #createReader()
     * @see #createInputStreamReader()
     * @see #getEncoding()
    protected void recreateReader() throws IOException
        InputStreamReader in;

        if (null == input)
            in = createInputStreamReader();
            reader = new NodeReader(in, resourceLocn);

     * Try and extract the character set from the HTTP header.
     * @param connection The connection with the charset info.
     * @return The character set name to use for this HTML page.
    protected String getCharacterSet(URLConnection connection)
        final String field = "Content-Type";

        String string;
        String ret;

        ret = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
        string = connection.getHeaderField(field);
        if (null != string)
            ret = getCharset(string);

        return (ret);

     * Get a CharacterSet name corresponding to a charset parameter.
     * @param content A text line of the form:
     * <pre>
     * text/html; charset=Shift_JIS
     * </pre>
     * which is applicable both to the HTTP header field Content-Type and
     * the meta tag http-equiv="Content-Type".
     * Note this method also handles non-compliant quoted charset directives such as:
     * <pre>
     * text/html; charset="UTF-8"
     * </pre>
     * and
     * <pre>
     * text/html; charset='UTF-8'
     * </pre>
     * @return The character set name to use when reading the input stream.
     * For JDKs that have the Charset class this is qualified by passing
     * the name to findCharset() to render it into canonical form.
     * If the charset parameter is not found in the given string, the default
     * character set is returned.
     * @see ParserHelper#findCharset
     * @see #DEFAULT_CHARSET
    protected String getCharset(String content)
        int index;
        String ret;

        ret = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
        if (null != content)
            index = content.indexOf(CHARSET_STRING);

            if (index != -1)
                content =
                    content.substring(index + CHARSET_STRING.length()).trim();
                if (content.startsWith("="))
                    content = content.substring(1).trim();
                    index = content.indexOf(";");
                    if (index != -1)
                        content = content.substring(0, index);

                    //remove any double quotes from around charset string
                    if (content.startsWith("\"")
                        && content.endsWith("\"")
                        && (1 < content.length()))
                        content = content.substring(1, content.length() - 1);

                    //remove any single quote from around charset string
                    if (content.startsWith("'")
                        && content.endsWith("'")
                        && (1 < content.length()))
                        content = content.substring(1, content.length() - 1);

                    ret = ParserHelper.findCharset(content, ret);
                    // Charset names are not case-sensitive;
                    // that is, case is always ignored when comparing charset names.
                    if (!ret.equalsIgnoreCase(content))
                            "detected charset \""
                                + content
                                + "\", using \""
                                + ret
                                + "\"");

        return (ret);

    // Public methods

     * Add a new Tag Scanner.
     * In typical situations where you require a no-frills parser, use the registerScanners() method to add the most
     * common parsers. But when you wish to either compose a parser with only certain scanners registered, use this method.
     * It is advantageous to register only the scanners you want, in order to achieve faster parsing speed. This method
     * would also be of use when you have developed custom scanners, and need to register them into the parser.
     * @param scanner TagScanner object (or derivative) to be added to the list of registered scanners
    public void addScanner(TagScanner scanner)
        String ids[] = scanner.getID();
        for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++)
            scanners.put(ids[i], scanner);

     * Returns an iterator (enumeration) to the html nodes. Each node can be a tag/endtag/
     * string/link/image<br>
     * This is perhaps the most important method of this class. In typical situations, you will need to use
     * the parser like this :
     * <pre>
     * Parser parser = new Parser("");
     * parser.registerScanners();
     * for (NodeIterator i = parser.elements();i.hasMoreElements();) {
     *    Node node = i.nextHTMLNode();
     *    if (node instanceof StringNode) {
     *      // Downcasting to StringNode
     *      StringNode stringNode = (StringNode)node;
     *      // Do whatever processing you want with the string node
     *      System.out.println(stringNode.getText());
     *    }
     *    // Check for the node or tag that you want
     *    if (node instanceof ...) {
     *      // Downcast, and process
     *    }
     * }
     * </pre>
    public NodeIterator elements() throws ParserException
        boolean remove_scanner;
        Node node;
        MetaTag meta;
        String httpEquiv;
        String charset;
        boolean restart;
        EndTag end;
        IteratorImpl ret;

        remove_scanner = false;
        restart = false;
        ret = new IteratorImpl(reader, resourceLocn, feedback);
        ret = createIteratorImpl(remove_scanner, ret);

        return (ret);

    public IteratorImpl createIteratorImpl(
        boolean remove_scanner,
        IteratorImpl ret)
        throws ParserException
        Node node;
        MetaTag meta;
        String httpEquiv;
        String charset;
        EndTag end;
        if (null != url_conn)
                if (null == scanners.get("-m"))
                    addScanner(new MetaTagScanner("-m"));
                    remove_scanner = true;

                /* pre-read up to </HEAD> looking for charset directive */
                while (null != (node = ret.peek()))
                    if (node instanceof MetaTag)
                    { // check for charset on Content-Type
                        meta = (MetaTag) node;
                        httpEquiv = meta.getAttribute("HTTP-EQUIV");
                        if ("Content-Type".equalsIgnoreCase(httpEquiv))
                            charset = getCharset(meta.getAttribute("CONTENT"));
                            if (!charset.equalsIgnoreCase(character_set))
                            { // oops, different character set, restart
                                character_set = charset;
                                ret =
                                    new IteratorImpl(
                            // once we see the Content-Type meta tag we're finished the pre-read
                    else if (node instanceof EndTag)
                        end = (EndTag) node;
                        if (end.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("HEAD"))
                            // or, once we see the </HEAD> tag we're finished the pre-read
            catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee)
                String msg =
                    "elements() : The content of "
                        + url_conn.getURL().toExternalForm()
                        + " has an encoding which is not supported";
                ParserException ex = new ParserException(msg, uee);
                feedback.error(msg, ex);
                throw ex;
            catch (IOException ioe)
                String msg =
                    "elements() : Error in opening a connection to "
                        + url_conn.getURL().toExternalForm();
                ParserException ex = new ParserException(msg, ioe);
                feedback.error(msg, ex);
                throw ex;
                if (remove_scanner)
        return ret;

     * Flush the current scanners registered. The registered scanners list becomes empty with this call.
    public void flushScanners()
        scanners = new Hashtable();

     * Return the scanner registered in the parser having the
     * given id
     * @param id The id of the requested scanner
     * @return TagScanner The Tag Scanner
    public TagScanner getScanner(String id)
        return (TagScanner) scanners.get(id);

     * Parse the given resource, using the filter provided
    public void parse(String filter) throws Exception
        Node node;
        for (NodeIterator e = elements(); e.hasMoreNodes();)
            node = e.nextNode();
            if (node != null)
                if (filter == null)
                    // There is a filter. Find if the associated filter of this node
                    // matches the specified filter
                    if (!(node instanceof Tag))
                    Tag tag = (Tag) node;
                    TagScanner scanner = tag.getThisScanner();
                    if (scanner == null)

                    String tagFilter = scanner.getFilter();
                    if (tagFilter == null)
                    if (tagFilter.equals(filter))
                System.out.println("Node is null");


     * This method should be invoked in order to register some common scanners. The scanners that get added are : <br>
     * LinkScanner    (filter key "-l")<br>
     * HTMLImageScanner   (filter key "-i")<br>
     * HTMLScriptScanner  (filter key "-s") <br>
     * HTMLStyleScanner   (filter key "-t") <br>
     * HTMLJspScanner     (filter key "-j") <br>
     * HTMLAppletScanner  (filter key "-a") <br>
     * HTMLMetaTagScanner (filter key "-m") <br>
     * HTMLTitleScanner   (filter key "-t") <br>
     * HTMLDoctypeScanner (filter key "-d") <br>
     * HTMLFormScanner    (filter key "-f") <br>
     * HTMLFrameSetScanner(filter key "-r") <br>
     * HTMLBaseHREFScanner(filter key "-b") <br>
     * <br>
     * Call this method after creating the Parser object. e.g. <BR>
     * <pre>
     * Parser parser = new Parser("");
     * parser.registerScanners();
     * </pre>
    public void registerScanners()
        if (scanners.size() > 0)
                "registerScanners() should be called first, when no other scanner has been registered.");
                "Other scanners already exist, hence this method call wont have any effect");
        LinkScanner linkScanner = new LinkScanner(LinkTag.LINK_TAG_FILTER);
        // Note - The BaseHREF and Image scanners share the same
        // link processor - internally linked up with the factory
        // method in the link scanner class
        addScanner(new ScriptScanner("-s"));
        addScanner(new StyleScanner("-t"));
        addScanner(new JspScanner("-j"));
        addScanner(new AppletScanner("-a"));
        addScanner(new MetaTagScanner("-m"));
        addScanner(new TitleScanner("-T"));
        addScanner(new DoctypeScanner("-d"));
        addScanner(new FormScanner("-f", this));
        addScanner(new FrameSetScanner("-r"));
        addScanner(new BulletListScanner("-bulletList", this));
        //  addScanner(new SpanScanner("-p"));
        addScanner(new DivScanner("-div"));
        addScanner(new TableScanner(this));

     * Make a call to registerDomScanners(), instead of registerScanners(),
     * when you are interested in retrieving a Dom representation of the html
     * page. Upon parsing, you will receive an Html object - which will contain
     * children, one of which would be the body. This is still evolving, and in
     * future releases, you might see consolidation of Html - to provide you
     * with methods to access the body and the head.
    public void registerDomScanners()
        addScanner(new HtmlScanner());
        addScanner(new BodyScanner());
        addScanner(new HeadScanner());

     * Removes a specified scanner object. You can create
     * an anonymous object as a parameter. This method
     * will use the scanner's key and remove it from the
     * registry of scanners.
     * e.g.
     * <pre>
     * removeScanner(new FormScanner(""));
     * </pre>
     * @param scanner TagScanner object to be removed from the list of registered scanners
    public void removeScanner(TagScanner scanner)

     * The main program, which can be executed from the command line
    public static void main(String[] args)
        System.out.println("HTMLParser v" + VERSION_STRING);
        if (args.length < 1 || args[0].equals("-help"))
                "Syntax : java -jar htmlparser.jar <resourceLocn/website> -l");
                "   <resourceLocn> the name of the file to be parsed (with complete path if not in current directory)");
                "   -l Show only the link tags extracted from the document");
                "   -i Show only the image tags extracted from the document");
                "   -s Show only the Javascript code extracted from the document");
                "   -t Show only the Style code extracted from the document");
                "   -a Show only the Applet tag extracted from the document");
            System.out.println("   -j Parse JSP tags");
            System.out.println("   -m Parse Meta tags");
            System.out.println("   -T Extract the Title");
            System.out.println("   -f Extract forms");
            System.out.println("   -r Extract frameset");
            System.out.println("   -help This screen");
                "HTML Parser home page :");
                "Example : java -jar htmlparser.jar");
                "If you have any doubts, please join the HTMLParser mailing list (user/developer) from the HTML Parser home page instead of mailing any of the contributors directly. You will be surprised with the quality of open source support. ");
            if (args[0].indexOf("http") < 0)
                File input = new File(args[0]);
                    args[0] = input.toURL().toString();
                    System.out.println("file converted to URL: " + args[0]);
                catch (MalformedURLException e)
            Parser parser = new Parser(args[0]);
            System.out.println("Parsing " + parser.getURL());
                long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                if (args.length == 2)
                    "Elapsed Time ms: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
            catch (Exception e)
        catch (ParserException e)

    public void visitAllNodesWith(NodeVisitor visitor) throws ParserException
        Node node;
        for (NodeIterator e = elements(); e.hasMoreNodes();)
            node = e.nextNode();

    /** Initializes the parser with the given input HTML String.
     * @param inputHTML the input HTML that is to be parsed.
    public void setInputHTML(String inputHTML)
        if ("".equals(inputHTML))
            reader = new NodeReader(new StringReader(inputHTML), "");

    public Node[] extractAllNodesThatAre(Class nodeType) throws ParserException
        NodeList nodeList = new NodeList();
        for (NodeIterator e = elements(); e.hasMoreNodes();)
            e.nextNode().collectInto(nodeList, nodeType);
        return nodeList.toNodeArray();

     * Creates the parser on an input string.
     * @param inputHTML
     * @return Parser
    public static Parser createParser(String inputHTML)
        NodeReader reader = new NodeReader(new StringReader(inputHTML), "");
        return new Parser(reader);

    public static Parser createLinkRecognizingParser(String inputHTML)
        Parser parser = createParser(inputHTML);
        parser.addScanner(new LinkScanner(LinkTag.LINK_TAG_FILTER));
        return parser;

Related Classes of org.htmlparser.Parser

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