Package org.apache.cocoon.transformation

Source Code of org.apache.cocoon.transformation.I18nTransformer$CatalogueInfo


                   The Apache Software License, Version 1.1

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package org.apache.cocoon.transformation;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import org.apache.avalon.framework.activity.Disposable;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentManager;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.Composable;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configurable;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.Parameters;
import org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException;
import org.apache.cocoon.caching.CacheableProcessingComponent;
import org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.variables.PreparedVariableResolver;
import org.apache.cocoon.environment.SourceResolver;
import org.apache.cocoon.i18n.Bundle;
import org.apache.cocoon.i18n.BundleFactory;
import org.apache.cocoon.i18n.I18nUtils;
import org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.PatternException;
import org.apache.cocoon.xml.ParamSaxBuffer;
import org.apache.cocoon.xml.SaxBuffer;
import org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceValidity;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl;

* Internationalization transformer is used to transform i18n markup into text
* based on a particular locale.
* <h3>i18n transformer</h3>
* <p>The <strong>i18n transformer</strong> works by obtaining the users locale
* based on request, session attributes or a cookie data. See
* {@link org.apache.cocoon.acting.LocaleAction#getLocaleAttribute(Map, String) } for details.
* It then attempts to find a <strong>message catalogue</strong> that satisifies
* the particular locale, and use it for for text replacement within i18n markup.
* <p>Catalogues are maintained in separate files, with a naming convention
* similar to that of ResourceBundle (See java.util.ResourceBundle).
* ie.
* <strong>basename</strong>_<strong>locale</strong>, where <i>basename</i>
* can be any name, and <i>locale</i> can be any locale specified using
* ISO 639/3166 characters (eg. en_AU, de_AT, es).<br/>
* <strong>NOTE: </strong>ISO 639 is not a stable standard; some of the language
* codes it defines (specifically iw, ji, and in) have changed
* (see java.util.Locale for details).
* <h3>Catalogues</h3>
* <p>Catalogues are of the following format:
* <pre>
* &lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
* &lt;!-- message catalogue file for locale ... --&gt;
* &lt;catalogue xml:lang=&quot;locale&quot;&gt;
*        &lt;message key="key"&gt;text&lt;/message&gt;
*        ....
* &lt;/catalogue&gt;
* </pre> Where <strong>key</strong> specifies a particular message for that
* language.
* <h3>Usage</h3>
* <p>Files to be translated contain the following markup:
* <pre>
* &lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
* ... some text, translate &lt;i18n:text&gt;key&lt;/i18n:text&gt;
* </pre>
* At runtime, the i18n transformer will find a message catalogue for the
* user's locale, and will appropriately replace the text between the
* <code>&lt;i18n:text&gt;</code> markup, using the value between the tags as
* the lookup key.
* <p>If the i18n transformer cannot find an appropriate message catalogue for
* the user's given locale, it will recursively try to locate a <i>parent</i>
* message catalogue, until a valid catalogue can be found.
* ie:
* <ul>
* </ul>
* eg: Assuming a basename of <i>messages</i> and a locale of <i>en_AU</i>
* (no variant), the following search will occur:
* <ul>
* </ul>
* This allows the developer to write a hierarchy of message catalogues,
* at each defining messages with increasing depth of variation.
* In addition, catalogues can be split across multiple locations. For example,
* there can be a default catalogue in one directory with a user or client specific
* catalogue in another directory. The catalogues will be searched in the order of
* the locations specified still following the locale ordering specified above.
* eg: Assuming a basename of <i>messages</i> and a locale of <i>en_AU</i>
* (no variant) and locations of <i>translations/client</i> and <i>translations</i>,
* the following search will occur:
* <ul>
*   <li><i>translations/client/</i><strong>messages</strong>_<i>en</i>_<i>AU</i>.xml
*   <li><i>translations/</i><strong>messages</strong>_<i>en</i>_<i>AU</i>.xml
*   <li><i>translations/client/</i><strong>messages</strong>_<i>en</i>.xml
*   <li><i>translations/</i><strong>messages</strong>_<i>en</i.xml
*   <li><i>translations/client/</i><strong>messages</strong>.xml
*   <li><i>translations/</i><strong>messages</strong>.xml
* <p>The i18n:text element can optionally take an attribute <strong>i18n:catalogue</strong>
* to specify a specific catalogue to use. The value of this attribute should be
* the id of the catalogue to use (see sitemap configuration).
* <h3>Sitemap configuration</h3>
* <pre>
* &lt;map:transformer name="i18n"
*     src="org.apache.cocoon.transformation.I18nTransformer"&gt;
*     &lt;catalogues default="someId"&gt;
*       &lt;catalogue id="someId" name="messages" [location="translations"]&gt;
*         [&lt;location&gt;translations/client&lt;/location&gt;]
*         [&lt;location&gt;translations&lt;/location&gt;]
*       &lt;/catalogue&gt;
*     &lt;/catalogues&gt;
*     &lt;untranslated-text&gt;untranslated&lt;/untranslated-text&gt;
*     &lt;cache-at-startup&gt;true&lt;/cache-at-startup&gt;
* &lt;/map:transformer&gt;
* </pre> where:
* <ul>
<li><strong>catalogues</strong>: container element in which the catalogues
*      are defined. It must have an attribute 'default' whose value is one
*      of the id's of the catalogue elements. (<i>mandatory</i>).
<li><strong>catalogue</strong>: specifies a catalogue. It takes 2 required
*      attributes: id (can be wathever you like) and name (base name of the catalogue).
*      The location (location of the message catalogue) is also required, but can be
*      specified either as an attribute or as one or more subelements, but not both.
*      If more than one location is specified the catalogues will be searched in the
*      order they appear in the configuration. The name and location can contain
*      references to inputmodules (same syntax as in other places in the
*      sitemap). They are resolved on each usage of the transformer, so they can
*      refer to e.g. request parameters. (<i>at least 1 catalogue
*      element required</i>).  After input module references are resolved the location
*      string can be the root of a URI. For example, specifying a location of
*      cocoon:/test with a name of messages and a locale of en_GB will cause the
*      sitemap to try to process cocoon:/test/messages_en_GB.xml,
*      cocoon:/test/messages_en.xml and cocoon:/test/messages.xml.
<li><strong>untranslated-text</strong>: text used for
*      untranslated keys (default is to output the key name).
<li><strong>cache-at-startup</strong>: flag whether to cache
*      messages at startup (false by default).
* </ul>
* <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> before using multiple catalogues was supported,
* the catalogue name and location was specified using elements named
* <code>catalogue-name</code> and <code>catalogue-location</code>. This syntax is
* <strong>NOT</strong> supported anymore.
* <p>To use the transformer in a pipeline, simply specify it in a particular
* transform. eg:
* <pre>
* &lt;map:match pattern="file"&gt;
*     &lt;map:generate src="file.xml"/&gt;
*     &lt;map:transform type="i18n"/&gt;
*     &lt;map:serialize/&gt;
* &lt;/map:match&gt;
* </pre>
* <p>If in certain pipeline, you want to use a different catalogue as the
* default catalogue, you can do so by specifying a parameter called
* <strong>default-catalogue-id</strong>.
* <p>The <strong>untranslated-text</strong> can also be overridden at the
* pipeline level by specifying it as a parameter.
* <p>Note: before multiple catalogues were supported, the catalogue to use
* could be overridden at the pipeline level by specifying parameters called
* <strong>catalogue-name</strong>, <strong>catalogue-location</strong>. This
* is still supported, but can't be used together with the new parameter default-catalogue-id.
* <p>For date, time and number formatting use the following tags:
* <ul>
<li><strong>&lt;i18n:date/&gt;</strong> gives localized date.</li>
<li><strong>&lt;i18n:date-time/&gt;</strong> gives localized date and time.</li>
<li><strong>&lt;i18n:time/&gt;</strong> gives localized time.</li>
* </ul>
* For <code>date</code>, <code>date-time</code> and <code>time</code> the
* <code>pattern</code> and <code>src-pattern</code> attribute may have also
* values of: <code>short</code>, <code>medium</code>, <code>long</code> or
* <code>full</code>. (See java.text.DateFormat for more info on this).
* <p>For <code>date</code>, <code>date-time</code>, <code>time</code> and
* <code>number</code> a different <code>locale</code> and
* <code>source-locale</code> can be specified:
* <pre>
* &lt;i18n:date src-pattern="short" src-locale="en_US" locale="de_DE"&gt;
*      12/24/01
* &lt;/i18n:date&gt;
* </pre> will result in 24.12.2001.
* <p>A given real <code>pattern</code> and <code>src-pattern</code> (not
* <code>short, medium, long, full</code>) overwrites the
* <code>locale</code> and <code>src-locale</code>
* <p>Future work coming:
* <ul>
<li>Introduce new &lt;get-locale /&gt; element
<li>Move all formatting routines to I18nUtils
* </ul>
* @author <a href="">Konstantin Piroumian</a>
* @author <a href="">Matthieu Sozeau</a>
* @author <a href="">Marcus Crafter</a>
* @author <a href="">Michael Enke</a>
* @version CVS $Id:,v 1.24 2004/02/04 15:16:01 sylvain Exp $
public class I18nTransformer extends AbstractTransformer
        implements CacheableProcessingComponent,
                   Composable, Configurable, Disposable {

     * The namespace for i18n is "".
    public static final String I18N_NAMESPACE_URI =

     * The old namespace for i18n is "".
    public static final String I18N_OLD_NAMESPACE_URI =

     * Did we already encountered an old namespace? This is static to ensure that
     * the associated message will be logged only once.
    private static boolean deprecationFound = false;

    // i18n elements

     * i18n:text element is used to translate any text, with or without markup,
     * e.g.:<br/>
     * <pre>
     *  &lt;i18n:text&gt;This is a &lt;strong&gt;multilanguage&lt;/strong&gt; string&lt;/i18n:text&gt;
     * </pre>
    public static final String I18N_TEXT_ELEMENT            = "text";

     * i18n:translate element is used to translate text with parameter
     * substitution, e.g.:<br/>
     * <pre>
     * &lt;i18n:translate&gt;
     *     &lt;i:text&gt;This is a multilanguage string with {0} param&lt;/i:text&gt;
     *     &lt;i18n:param&gt;1&lt;/i18n:param&gt;
     * &lt;/i18n:translate&gt;
     * </pre>
     * The &lt;text&gt; fragment can include markup and parameters at any place.
     * Also do parameters, which can also include i18n:text, i18n:date, etc.
     * elements (without keys only).
     * <p>
     * @see #I18N_TEXT_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_PARAM_ELEMENT
    public static final String I18N_TRANSLATE_ELEMENT       = "translate";

     * <strong>i18n:choose</strong> element is used to translate elements in-place.
     * The first <strong>i18n:when</strong> element matching the current locale
     * is selected and the others are discarded.
     * <p>To specify what to do if no locale matched, simply add a node with
     * <code>locale="*"</code>.
     * <em>Note that this element must be the last child of &lt;i18n:choose&gt;.</em>
     * <pre>
     * &lt;i18n:choose&gt;
     *   &lt;i18n:when locale="en"&gt;
     *     Good Morning
     *   &lt;/en&gt;
     *   &lt;i18n:when locale="fr"&gt;
     *     Bonjour
     *   &lt;/jp&gt;
     *   &lt;i18n:when locale="jp"&gt;
     *     Aligato?
     *   &lt;/jp&gt;
     *   &lt;i18n:otherwise&gt;
     *     Sorry, i don't know how to say hello in your language
     *   &lt;/jp&gt;
     * &lt;i18n:translate&gt;
     * </pre>
     * <p>
     * You can include any markup in i18n:when nodes, minus i18n:*.
     * </p>
     * @see #I18N_IF_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE
     * @since 2.1
    public static final String I18N_CHOOSE_ELEMENT          = "choose";

     * i18n:when is used to test a locale.
     * It can be used within &lt;i18:choose&gt; elements or alone.
     * <em>Note: Using <code>locale="*"</code> here has no sense.</em>
     * e.g.:
     * <pre>
     * &lt;greeting&gt;
     *   &lt;i18n:when locale="en"&gt;Hello&lt;/i18n:when&gt;
     *   &lt;i18n:when locale="fr"&gt;Bonjour&lt;/i18n:when&gt;
     * &lt;/greeting&gt;
     * </pre>
     * @see #I18N_LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE
     * @see #I18N_CHOOSE_ELEMENT
     * @since 2.1
    public static final String I18N_WHEN_ELEMENT            = "when";

     * i18n:if is used to test a locale.
     * e.g.:
     * <pre>
     * &lt;greeting&gt;
     *   &lt;i18n:if locale="en"&gt;Hello&lt;/i18n:when&gt;
     *   &lt;i18n:if locale="fr"&gt;Bonjour&lt;/i18n:when&gt;
     * &lt;/greeting&gt;
     * </pre>
     * @see #I18N_LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE
     * @see #I18N_CHOOSE_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_WHEN_ELEMENT
     * @since 2.1
    public static final String I18N_IF_ELEMENT            = "if";

     * i18n:otherwise is used to match any locale when no matching
     * locale has been found inside an i18n:choose block.
     * @see #I18N_CHOOSE_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_WHEN_ELEMENT
     * @since 2.1
    public static final String I18N_OTHERWISE_ELEMENT       = "otherwise";

     * i18n:param is used with i18n:translate to provide substitution params.
     * The param can have i18n:text as its value to provide multilungual value.
     * Parameters can have additional attributes to be used for formatting:
     * <ul>
     *      <li><code>type</code> - can be <code>date, date-time, time,
     *      number, currency, currency-no-unit or percent</code>.
     *      Used to format params before substitution.
     *      </li>
     *      <li><code>value</code> - the value of the param. If no value is
     *      specified then the text inside of the param element will be used.
     *      </li>
     *      <li><code>locale</code> - used only with <code>number, date, time,
     *      date-time</code> types and used to override the current locale to
     *      format the given value.
     *      </li>
     *      <li><code>src-locale</code> - used with <code>number, date, time,
     *      date-time</code> types and specify the locale that should be used to
     *      parse the given value.
     *      </li>
     *      <li><code>pattern</code> - used with <code>number, date, time,
     *      date-time</code> types and specify the pattern that should be used
     *      to format the given value.
     *      </li>
     *      <li><code>src-pattern</code> - used with <code>number, date, time,
     *      date-time</code> types and specify the pattern that should be used
     *      to parse the given value.
     *      </li>
     * </ul>
     * @see #I18N_DATE_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_TIME_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_DATE_TIME_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_NUMBER_ELEMENT
    public static final String I18N_PARAM_ELEMENT           = "param";

     * This attribute affects a name to the param that could be used
     * for substitution.
     * @since 2.1
    public static final String I18N_PARAM_NAME_ATTRIBUTE    = "name";

     * i18n:date is used to provide a localized date string. Allowed attributes
     * are: <code>pattern, src-pattern, locale, src-locale</code>
     * Usage examples:
     * <pre>
     *  &lt;i18n:date src-pattern="short" src-locale="en_US" locale="de_DE"&gt;
     *      12/24/01
     *  &lt;/i18n:date&gt;
     * &lt;i18n:date pattern="dd/MM/yyyy" /&gt;
     * </pre>
     * If no value is specified then the current date will be used. E.g.:
     * <pre>
     * &lt;i18n:date /&gt;
     * </pre> displays the current date formatted with default pattern for
     * the current locale.
     * @see #I18N_PARAM_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_DATE_TIME_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_TIME_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_NUMBER_ELEMENT
    public static final String I18N_DATE_ELEMENT            = "date";

     * i18n:date-time is used to provide a localized date and time string.
     * Allowed attributes are: <code>pattern, src-pattern, locale,
     * src-locale</code>
     * Usage examples:
     * <pre>
     *  &lt;i18n:date-time src-pattern="short" src-locale="en_US" locale="de_DE"
     *  &gt;
     *      12/24/01 1:00 AM
     *  &lt;/i18n:date&gt;
     *  &lt;i18n:date-time pattern="dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm" /&gt;
     * </pre>
     * If no value is specified then the current date and time will be used.
     * E.g.:
     * <pre>
     * &lt;i18n:date-time /&gt;
     * </pre> displays the current date formatted with default pattern for
     * the current locale.
     * @see #I18N_PARAM_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_DATE_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_TIME_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_NUMBER_ELEMENT
    public static final String I18N_DATE_TIME_ELEMENT       = "date-time";

     * i18n:time is used to provide a localized time string. Allowed attributes
     * are: <code>pattern, src-pattern, locale, src-locale</code>
     * Usage examples:
     * <pre>
     *  &lt;i18n:time src-pattern="short" src-locale="en_US" locale="de_DE"&gt;
     *      1:00 AM
     *  &lt;/i18n:time&gt;
     * &lt;i18n:time pattern="hh:mm:ss" /&gt;
     * </pre>
     * If no value is specified then the current time will be used. E.g.:
     * <pre>
     * &lt;i18n:time /&gt;
     * </pre> displays the current time formatted with default pattern for
     * the current locale.
     * @see #I18N_PARAM_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_DATE_TIME_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_DATE_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_NUMBER_ELEMENT
    public static final String I18N_TIME_ELEMENT            = "time";

     * i18n:number is used to provide a localized number string. Allowed
     * attributes are: <code>pattern, src-pattern, locale, src-locale, type
     * </code>
     * Usage examples:
     * <pre>
     *  &lt;i18n:number src-pattern="short" src-locale="en_US" locale="de_DE"&gt;
     *      1000.0
     *  &lt;/i18n:number&gt;
     * &lt;i18n:number type="currency" /&gt;
     * </pre>
     * If no value is specifies then 0 will be used.
     * @see #I18N_PARAM_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_DATE_TIME_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_TIME_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_DATE_ELEMENT
    public static final String I18N_NUMBER_ELEMENT      = "number";

     * Currency element name
    public static final String I18N_CURRENCY_ELEMENT    = "currency";

     * Percent element name
    public static final String I18N_PERCENT_ELEMENT     = "percent";

     * Integer currency element name
    public static final String I18N_INT_CURRENCY_ELEMENT = "int-currency";

     * Currency without unit element name
    public static final String I18N_CURRENCY_NO_UNIT_ELEMENT = "currency-no-unit";

     * Integer currency without unit element name
    public static final String I18N_INT_CURRENCY_NO_UNIT_ELEMENT = "int-currency-no-unit";

    // i18n general attributes

     * This attribute is used with i18n:text element to indicate the key of
     * the according message. The character data of the element will be used
     * if no message is found by this key. E.g.:
     * <pre>
     * &lt;i18n:text i18n:key="a_key"&gt;article_text1&lt;/i18n:text&gt;
     * </pre>
    public static final String I18N_KEY_ATTRIBUTE           = "key";

     * This attribute is used with <strong>any</strong> element (even not i18n)
     * to translate attribute values. Should contain whitespace separated
     * attribute names that should be translated. E.g.
     * <pre>
     * &lt;para title="first" name="article" i18n:attr="title name" /&gt;
     * </pre>
    public static final String I18N_ATTR_ATTRIBUTE          = "attr";

    // i18n number and date formatting attributes

     * This attribute is used with date and number formatting elements to
     * indicate the pattern that should be used to parse the element value.
     * @see #I18N_PARAM_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_DATE_TIME_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_DATE_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_TIME_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_NUMBER_ELEMENT
    public static final String I18N_SRC_PATTERN_ATTRIBUTE   = "src-pattern";

     * This attribute is used with date and number formatting elements to
     * indicate the pattern that should be used to format the element value.
     * @see #I18N_PARAM_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_DATE_TIME_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_DATE_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_TIME_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_NUMBER_ELEMENT
    public static final String I18N_PATTERN_ATTRIBUTE       = "pattern";

     * This attribute is used with date and number formatting elements to
     * indicate the locale that should be used to format the element value.
     * Also used for in-place translations.
     * @see #I18N_PARAM_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_DATE_TIME_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_DATE_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_TIME_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_NUMBER_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_WHEN_ELEMENT
    public static final String I18N_LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE        = "locale";

     * This attribute is used with date and number formatting elements to
     * indicate the locale that should be used to parse the element value.
     * @see #I18N_PARAM_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_DATE_TIME_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_DATE_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_TIME_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_NUMBER_ELEMENT
    public static final String I18N_SRC_LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE    = "src-locale";

     * This attribute is used with date and number formatting elements to
     * indicate the value that should be parsed and formatted. If value
     * attribute is not used then the character data of the element will be used.
     * @see #I18N_PARAM_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_DATE_TIME_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_DATE_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_TIME_ELEMENT
     * @see #I18N_NUMBER_ELEMENT
    public static final String I18N_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE         = "value";

     * This attribute is used with <code>i18:param</code> to
     * indicate the parameter type: <code>date, time, date-time</code> or
     * <code>number, currency, percent, int-currency, currency-no-unit,
     * int-currency-no-unit</code>.
     * Also used with <code>i18:translate</code> to indicate inplace
     * translations: <code>inplace</code>
     * @deprecated since 2.1. Use nested tags instead, e.g.:
     * &lt;i18n:param&gt;&lt;i18n:date/&gt;&lt;/i18n:param&gt;
    public static final String I18N_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE          = "type";

     * This attribute is used to specify a different locale for the
     * currency. When specified, this locale will be combined with
     * the "normal" locale: e.g. the seperator symbols are taken from
     * the normal locale but the currency symbol and possition will
     * be taken from the currency locale.
     * This enables to see a currency formatted for Euro but with US
     * grouping and decimal char.
    public static final String CURRENCY_LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE = "currency";

     * This attribute can be used on <code>i18n:text</code> to indicate the catalogue
     * from which the key should be retrieved. This attribute is optional,
     * if it is not mentioned the default catalogue is used.
    public static final String I18N_CATALOGUE_ATTRIBUTE = "catalogue";

    // Configuration parameters

     * This configuration parameter specifies the default locale to be used.
    public static final String I18N_LOCALE      = "locale";

     * This configuration parameter specifies the message catalog name.
    public static final String I18N_CATALOGUE_NAME      = "catalogue-name";

     * This configuration parameter specifies the message catalog location
     * relative to the current sitemap.
    public static final String I18N_CATALOGUE_LOCATION  = "catalogue-location";

     * This configuration parameter specifies the id of the catalogue to be used as
     * default catalogue, allowing to redefine the default catalogue on the pipeline
     * level.
    public static final String I18N_DEFAULT_CATALOGUE_ID = "default-catalogue-id";

     * This configuration parameter specifies the message that should be
     * displayed in case of a not translated text (message not found).
    public static final String I18N_UNTRANSLATED        = "untranslated-text";

     * This configuration parameter specifies if the message catalog should be
     * cached at startup.
    public static final String I18N_CACHE_STARTUP       = "cache-at-startup";

     * <code>fraction-digits</code> attribute is used with
     * <code>i18:number</code> to
     * indicate the number of digits behind the fraction
    public static final String I18N_FRACTION_DIGITS_ATTRIBUTE = "fraction-digits";

    // States of the transformer

    private static final int STATE_OUTSIDE                       = 0;
    private static final int STATE_INSIDE_TEXT                   = 10;
    private static final int STATE_INSIDE_PARAM                  = 20;
    private static final int STATE_INSIDE_TRANSLATE              = 30;
    private static final int STATE_INSIDE_CHOOSE                 = 50;
    private static final int STATE_INSIDE_WHEN                   = 51;
    private static final int STATE_INSIDE_OTHERWISE              = 52;
    private static final int STATE_INSIDE_DATE                   = 60;
    private static final int STATE_INSIDE_DATE_TIME              = 61;
    private static final int STATE_INSIDE_TIME                   = 62;
    private static final int STATE_INSIDE_NUMBER                 = 63;

    // All date-time related parameter types and element names
    private static final Set dateTypes;

    // All number related parameter types and element names
    private static final Set numberTypes;

    // Date pattern types map: short, medium, long, full
    private static final Map datePatterns;

    static {
        // initialize date types set
        HashSet set = new HashSet(5);
        dateTypes = Collections.unmodifiableSet(set);

        // initialize number types set
        set = new HashSet(9);
        numberTypes = Collections.unmodifiableSet(set);

        // Initialize date patterns map
        Map map = new HashMap(7);
        map.put("SHORT", new Integer(DateFormat.SHORT));
        map.put("MEDIUM", new Integer(DateFormat.MEDIUM));
        map.put("LONG", new Integer(DateFormat.LONG));
        map.put("FULL", new Integer(DateFormat.FULL));
        datePatterns = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);

     * Component Manager
    protected ComponentManager manager;

    // i18n configuration variables

     * Default catalogue id
    private String defaultCatalogueId;

     * Default (global) untranslated message value
    private String globalUntranslated;

     * Current (local) untranslated message value
    private String untranslated;

     * SaxBuffer containing the contents of {@link #untranslated}.
    private ParamSaxBuffer untranslatedRecorder;

     * Cache at startup configuration parameter value
    private boolean cacheAtStartup;

    // Default catalogue
    private Bundle defaultCatalogue;

    // All catalogues (hashed on catalgue id). The values are instances of CatalogueInfo.
    private Map catalogues = new HashMap();

    // Dictionary loader factory
    protected BundleFactory factory;

    // Current state of the transformer

    protected Map objectModel;

     * Current state of the transformer. Default value is STATE_OUTSIDE.
    private int current_state;

     * Previous state of the transformer.
     * Used in text translation inside params and translate elements.
    private int prev_state;

     * Character data buffer. used to concat chunked character data
    private StringBuffer strBuffer;

     * The i18n:key attribute is stored for the current element.
     * If no translation found for the key then the character data of element is
     * used as default value.
    private String current_key;

     * Contains the id of the current catalogue if it was explicitely mentioned
     * on an i18n:text element, otherwise it is null.
    private String currentCatalogueId;

    // A flag for copying the node when doing in-place translation
    private boolean translate_copy;

    // A flag for copying the _GOOD_ node and not others
    // when doing in-place translation within i18n:choose
    private boolean translate_end;

    // Translated text. Inside i18n:translate, collects character events.
    private ParamSaxBuffer tr_text_recorder;

    // Current "i18n:text" events
    private ParamSaxBuffer text_recorder;

    // Current parameter events
    private SaxBuffer param_recorder;

    // Param count when not using i18n:param name="..."
    private int param_count;

    // Param name attribute for substitution.
    private String param_name;

    // i18n:param's hashmap for substitution
    private HashMap indexedParams;

    // Current parameter value (translated or not)
    private String param_value;

    // Message formatter for param substitution.
    private MessageFormat formatter;

    // Current locale
    protected Locale locale;

    // Date and number elements and params formatting attributes with values.
    private HashMap formattingParams;

     * Returns the current locale setting of this transformer instance.
     * @return current Locale object
    public Locale getLocale() {
        return this.locale;

     * Implemenation of CacheableProcessingComponents.
     * Generates unique key for the current locale.
    public getKey() {
        // TODO: Key should be composed out of used catalogues locations, and locale.
        //       Right now it is hardcoded only to default catalogue location.
        CatalogueInfo catalogueInfo = (CatalogueInfo)catalogues.get(defaultCatalogueId);
        StringBuffer key = new StringBuffer();
        if (catalogueInfo != null) {
        if (locale != null) {
        return key.toString();

     * Implementation of CacheableProcessingComponent.
     * Generates validity object for this transformer or <code>null</code>
     * if this instance is not cacheable.
    public SourceValidity getValidity() {
        // FIXME (KP): Cache validity should be generated by
        // Bundle implementations.
        return org.apache.excalibur.source.impl.validity.NOPValidity.SHARED_INSTANCE;

     * Implementation of composable interface.
     * Looksup the Bundle Factory to be used.
    public void compose(ComponentManager manager) throws ComponentException {
        this.manager = manager;
        try {
            this.factory = (BundleFactory)manager.lookup(BundleFactory.ROLE);
        } catch (ComponentException e) {
            getLogger().debug("Failed to load BundleFactory", e);
            throw e;

     * Implementation of Configurable interface.
     * Configure this transformer.
    public void configure(Configuration conf) throws ConfigurationException {
        // read in the config options from the transformer definition
        Configuration cataloguesConf = conf.getChild("catalogues", false);
        if (cataloguesConf == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("I18NTransformer needs a 'catalogues' configuration at " + conf.getLocation());

        // new configuration style
        Configuration[] catalogueConfs = cataloguesConf.getChildren("catalogue");
        for (int i = 0; i < catalogueConfs.length; i++) {
            String id = catalogueConfs[i].getAttribute("id");
            String name = catalogueConfs[i].getAttribute("name");
            String[] locations = null;
            String location = catalogueConfs[i].getAttribute("location", null);
            Configuration[] locationConf =
            if (location != null) {
                if (locationConf.length > 0) {
                    String msg = "I18nTransformer: location attribute cannot be " +
                                 "specified with location elements";
                    throw new ConfigurationException(msg);
                if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                    getLogger().debug("I18nTransformer: name=" + name + ", location=" +
                locations = new String[1];
                locations[0] = location;
                if (locationConf.length == 0) {
                    String msg = "I18nTransformer: A location attribute or location " +
                        "elements must be specified";
                    throw new ConfigurationException(msg);

                locations = new String[locationConf.length];
                for (int j=0; j < locationConf.length; ++j) {
                    locations[j] = locationConf[j].getValue();
                    if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                        getLogger().debug("I18nTransformer: name=" + name + ", location=" +

            CatalogueInfo newCatalogueInfo;
            try {
                newCatalogueInfo = new CatalogueInfo(name, locations);
            } catch (PatternException e) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("I18nTransformer: error in name or location " +
                                                 "attribute on catalogue element with id " + id, e);
            catalogues.put(id, newCatalogueInfo);

        this.defaultCatalogueId = cataloguesConf.getAttribute("default");
        if (!catalogues.containsKey(this.defaultCatalogueId)) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("I18nTransformer: default catalogue id '" +
                                             this.defaultCatalogueId + "' denotes a nonexisting catalogue");

        // obtain default text to use for untranslated messages
        globalUntranslated = conf.getChild(I18N_UNTRANSLATED).getValue(null);
        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
            getLogger().debug("Default untranslated text is '" + globalUntranslated + "'");

        // obtain config option, whether to cache messages at startup time
        cacheAtStartup = conf.getChild(I18N_CACHE_STARTUP).getValueAsBoolean(false);
        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
            getLogger().debug((cacheAtStartup ? "will" : "won't") +
              " cache messages during startup, by default"

     * Setup current instance of transformer.
    public void setup(SourceResolver resolver, Map objectModel, String source,
                      Parameters parameters)
    throws ProcessingException, SAXException, IOException {

        this.objectModel = objectModel;

        try {
            untranslated = parameters.getParameter(I18N_UNTRANSLATED, globalUntranslated);
            if (untranslated != null) {
                untranslatedRecorder = new ParamSaxBuffer();
                untranslatedRecorder.characters(untranslated.toCharArray(), 0, untranslated.length());

            String lc = parameters.getParameter(I18N_LOCALE, null);
            String localDefaultCatalogueId = parameters.getParameter(I18N_DEFAULT_CATALOGUE_ID, null);

            // Get current locale
            Locale locale = I18nUtils.parseLocale(lc);
            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                getLogger().debug("Using locale '" + locale.toString() + "'");

            // Initialize instance state variables
            this.locale             = locale;
            this.current_state      = STATE_OUTSIDE;
            this.prev_state         = STATE_OUTSIDE;
            this.current_key        = null;
            this.currentCatalogueId = null;
            this.translate_copy     = false;
            this.tr_text_recorder   = null;
            this.text_recorder      = new ParamSaxBuffer();
            this.param_count        = 0;
            this.param_name         = null;
            this.param_value        = null;
            this.param_recorder     = null;
            this.indexedParams      = new HashMap(3);
            this.formattingParams   = null;
            this.strBuffer          = null;

            // give the defaultCatalogue variable its value -- first look if it's locally overridden
            // and otherwise use the component-wide defaults.
            if (localDefaultCatalogueId != null) {
                CatalogueInfo catalogueInfo = (CatalogueInfo)catalogues.get(localDefaultCatalogueId);
                if (catalogueInfo == null) {
                    throw new ProcessingException("I18nTransformer: '" +
                                                  localDefaultCatalogueId +
                                                  "' is not an existing catalogue id.");
                defaultCatalogue = catalogueInfo.getCatalogue();
            } else {
                defaultCatalogue = ((CatalogueInfo)catalogues.get(defaultCatalogueId)).getCatalogue();
            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                getLogger().debug("Using default catalogue " + defaultCatalogue);

            // Create and initialize a formatter
            this.formatter = new MessageFormat("");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            getLogger().debug("exception generated, leaving unconfigured");
            throw new ProcessingException(e.getMessage(), e);

    // Standard SAX event handlers

    public void startElement(String uri, String name, String raw,
                             Attributes attr)
    throws SAXException {

        // Handle previously buffered characters
        if (current_state != STATE_OUTSIDE && strBuffer != null) {
            strBuffer = null;

        // Process start element event
        if (I18N_NAMESPACE_URI.equals(uri)) {
            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                getLogger().debug("Starting i18n element: " + name);
            startI18NElement(name, attr);

        } else if (I18N_OLD_NAMESPACE_URI.equals(uri)) {
            if (!deprecationFound) {
                deprecationFound = true;
                getLogger().warn("The namespace '" +
                                 I18N_OLD_NAMESPACE_URI +
                                 "' for i18n is deprecated, use: '" +
                                 I18N_NAMESPACE_URI + "'");
            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                getLogger().debug("Starting deprecated i18n element: " + name);
            startI18NElement(name, attr);

        } else {
            // We have a non i18n element event
            if (current_state == STATE_OUTSIDE) {
                super.startElement(uri, name, raw,
                                   translateAttributes(name, attr));
            } else if (current_state == STATE_INSIDE_PARAM) {
                param_recorder.startElement(uri, name, raw, attr);
            } else if (current_state == STATE_INSIDE_TEXT) {
                text_recorder.startElement(uri, name, raw, attr);
            } else if ((current_state == STATE_INSIDE_WHEN ||
                    current_state == STATE_INSIDE_OTHERWISE)
                    && translate_copy) {

                super.startElement(uri, name, raw, attr);

    public void endElement(String uri, String name, String raw)
            throws SAXException {

        // Handle previously buffered characters
        if (current_state != STATE_OUTSIDE && strBuffer != null) {
            strBuffer = null;

        if (I18N_NAMESPACE_URI.equals(uri) || I18N_OLD_NAMESPACE_URI.equals(uri)) {
        } else if (current_state == STATE_INSIDE_PARAM) {
            param_recorder.endElement(uri, name, raw);
        } else if (current_state == STATE_INSIDE_TEXT) {
            text_recorder.endElement(uri, name, raw);
        } else if (current_state == STATE_INSIDE_CHOOSE ||
                (current_state == STATE_INSIDE_WHEN ||
                current_state == STATE_INSIDE_OTHERWISE)
                && !translate_copy) {

            // Output nothing
        } else {
            super.endElement(uri, name, raw);

    public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int len)
            throws SAXException {

        if (current_state == STATE_OUTSIDE ||
                ((current_state == STATE_INSIDE_WHEN ||
                current_state == STATE_INSIDE_OTHERWISE) && translate_copy)) {

            super.characters(ch, start, len);
        } else {
            // Perform buffering to prevent chunked character data
            if (strBuffer == null) {
                strBuffer = new StringBuffer();
            strBuffer.append(ch, start, len);

    // i18n specific event handlers

    private void startI18NElement(String name, Attributes attr)
            throws SAXException {

        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
            getLogger().debug("Start i18n element: " + name);

        if (I18N_TEXT_ELEMENT.equals(name)) {
            if (current_state != STATE_OUTSIDE
                    && current_state != STATE_INSIDE_PARAM
                    && current_state != STATE_INSIDE_TRANSLATE) {

                throw new SAXException(
                        + ": nested i18n:text elements are not allowed."
                        + " Current state: " + current_state

            prev_state = current_state;
            current_state = STATE_INSIDE_TEXT;

            current_key = attr.getValue("", I18N_KEY_ATTRIBUTE);
            if (current_key == null) {
                // Try the namespaced attribute
                current_key = attr.getValue(I18N_NAMESPACE_URI, I18N_KEY_ATTRIBUTE);
                if (current_key == null) {
                    // Try the old namespace
                    current_key = attr.getValue(I18N_OLD_NAMESPACE_URI, I18N_KEY_ATTRIBUTE);

            currentCatalogueId = attr.getValue("", I18N_CATALOGUE_ATTRIBUTE);
            if (currentCatalogueId == null) {
                // Try the namespaced attribute
                currentCatalogueId = attr.getValue(I18N_NAMESPACE_URI, I18N_CATALOGUE_ATTRIBUTE);
            if (prev_state != STATE_INSIDE_PARAM) {
                tr_text_recorder = null;

            if (current_key != null) {
                tr_text_recorder = getMessage(current_key, (ParamSaxBuffer)null);

        } else if (I18N_TRANSLATE_ELEMENT.equals(name)) {
            if (current_state != STATE_OUTSIDE) {
                throw new SAXException(
                        + ": i18n:translate element must be used "
                        + "outside of other i18n elements. Current state: "
                        + current_state

            prev_state = current_state;
            current_state = STATE_INSIDE_TRANSLATE;
        } else if (I18N_PARAM_ELEMENT.equals(name)) {
            if (current_state != STATE_INSIDE_TRANSLATE) {
                throw new SAXException(
                        + ": i18n:param element can be used only inside "
                        + "i18n:translate element. Current state: "
                        + current_state

            param_name = attr.getValue(I18N_PARAM_NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
            if (param_name == null) {
                param_name = String.valueOf(param_count++);

            param_recorder = new SaxBuffer();
            current_state = STATE_INSIDE_PARAM;
        } else if (I18N_CHOOSE_ELEMENT.equals(name)) {
            if (current_state != STATE_OUTSIDE) {
                throw new SAXException(
                        + ": i18n:choose elements cannot be used"
                        + "inside of other i18n elements."

            translate_copy = false;
            translate_end = false;
            prev_state = current_state;
            current_state = STATE_INSIDE_CHOOSE;
        } else if (I18N_WHEN_ELEMENT.equals(name) ||
                I18N_IF_ELEMENT.equals(name)) {

            if (I18N_WHEN_ELEMENT.equals(name) &&
                    current_state != STATE_INSIDE_CHOOSE) {
                throw new SAXException(
                        + ": i18n:when elements are can be used only"
                        + "inside of i18n:choose elements."

            if (I18N_IF_ELEMENT.equals(name) &&
                    current_state != STATE_OUTSIDE) {
                throw new SAXException(
                        + ": i18n:if elements cannot be nested."

            String locale = attr.getValue(I18N_LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE);
            if (locale == null)
                throw new SAXException(
                        + ": i18n:" + name
                        + " element cannot be used without 'locale' attribute."

            if ((!translate_end && current_state == STATE_INSIDE_CHOOSE)
                    || current_state == STATE_OUTSIDE) {

                // Perform soft locale matching
                if (this.locale.toString().startsWith(locale)) {
                    if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                        getLogger().debug("Locale matching: " + locale);
                    translate_copy = true;

            prev_state = current_state;
            current_state = STATE_INSIDE_WHEN;

        } else if (I18N_OTHERWISE_ELEMENT.equals(name)) {
            if (current_state != STATE_INSIDE_CHOOSE) {
                throw new SAXException(
                        + ": i18n:otherwise elements are not allowed "
                        + "only inside i18n:choose."

            getLogger().debug("Matching any locale");
            if (!translate_end) {
                translate_copy = true;

            prev_state = current_state;
            current_state = STATE_INSIDE_OTHERWISE;

        } else if (I18N_DATE_ELEMENT.equals(name)) {
            if (current_state != STATE_OUTSIDE
                    && current_state != STATE_INSIDE_TEXT
                    && current_state != STATE_INSIDE_PARAM) {
                throw new SAXException(
                        + ": i18n:date elements are not allowed "
                        + "inside of other i18n elements."

            prev_state = current_state;
            current_state = STATE_INSIDE_DATE;
        } else if (I18N_DATE_TIME_ELEMENT.equals(name)) {
            if (current_state != STATE_OUTSIDE
                    && current_state != STATE_INSIDE_TEXT
                    && current_state != STATE_INSIDE_PARAM) {
                throw new SAXException(
                        + ": i18n:date-time elements are not allowed "
                        + "inside of other i18n elements."

            prev_state = current_state;
            current_state = STATE_INSIDE_DATE_TIME;
        } else if (I18N_TIME_ELEMENT.equals(name)) {
            if (current_state != STATE_OUTSIDE
                    && current_state != STATE_INSIDE_TEXT
                    && current_state != STATE_INSIDE_PARAM) {
                throw new SAXException(
                        + ": i18n:date elements are not allowed "
                        + "inside of other i18n elements."

            prev_state = current_state;
            current_state = STATE_INSIDE_TIME;
        } else if (I18N_NUMBER_ELEMENT.equals(name)) {
            if (current_state != STATE_OUTSIDE
                    && current_state != STATE_INSIDE_TEXT
                    && current_state != STATE_INSIDE_PARAM) {
                throw new SAXException(
                        + ": i18n:number elements are not allowed "
                        + "inside of other i18n elements."

            prev_state = current_state;
            current_state = STATE_INSIDE_NUMBER;

    // Get all possible i18n formatting attribute values and store in a Map
    private void setFormattingParams(Attributes attr) {
        formattingParams = new HashMap(3)// average number of attributes is 3

        String attr_value = attr.getValue(I18N_SRC_PATTERN_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (attr_value != null) {
            formattingParams.put(I18N_SRC_PATTERN_ATTRIBUTE, attr_value);

        attr_value = attr.getValue(I18N_PATTERN_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (attr_value != null) {
            formattingParams.put(I18N_PATTERN_ATTRIBUTE, attr_value);

        attr_value = attr.getValue(I18N_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (attr_value != null) {
            formattingParams.put(I18N_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE, attr_value);

        attr_value = attr.getValue(I18N_LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (attr_value != null) {
            formattingParams.put(I18N_LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE, attr_value);

        attr_value = attr.getValue(CURRENCY_LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (attr_value != null) {
            formattingParams.put(CURRENCY_LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE, attr_value);

        attr_value = attr.getValue(I18N_SRC_LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (attr_value != null) {
            formattingParams.put(I18N_SRC_LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE, attr_value);

        attr_value = attr.getValue(I18N_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (attr_value != null) {
            formattingParams.put(I18N_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, attr_value);

        attr_value = attr.getValue(I18N_FRACTION_DIGITS_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (attr_value != null) {
            formattingParams.put(I18N_FRACTION_DIGITS_ATTRIBUTE, attr_value);

    private void endI18NElement(String name) throws SAXException {
        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
            getLogger().debug("End i18n element: " + name);
        switch (current_state) {
            case STATE_INSIDE_TEXT:

            case STATE_INSIDE_TRANSLATE:

            case STATE_INSIDE_CHOOSE:

            case STATE_INSIDE_WHEN:
            case STATE_INSIDE_OTHERWISE:

            case STATE_INSIDE_PARAM:

            case STATE_INSIDE_DATE:
            case STATE_INSIDE_DATE_TIME:
            case STATE_INSIDE_TIME:

            case STATE_INSIDE_NUMBER:

    private void i18nCharacters(String textValue) throws SAXException {
        // Trim text values to avoid parsing errors.
        textValue = textValue.trim();
        if (textValue.length() == 0) {

        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
            getLogger().debug( "i18n message text = '" + textValue + "'" );

        char[] ch = textValue.toCharArray();
        switch (current_state) {
            case STATE_INSIDE_TEXT:
                text_recorder.characters(ch, 0, ch.length);

            case STATE_INSIDE_PARAM:
                param_recorder.characters(ch, 0, ch.length);

            case STATE_INSIDE_WHEN:
            case STATE_INSIDE_OTHERWISE:
                // Previously handeld to avoid the String() conversion.

            case STATE_INSIDE_TRANSLATE:
                if(tr_text_recorder == null) {
                    tr_text_recorder = new ParamSaxBuffer();
                tr_text_recorder.characters(ch, 0, ch.length);

            case STATE_INSIDE_CHOOSE:
                // No characters allowed. Send an exception ?
                getLogger().debug("No characters allowed inside <i18n:choose> tags");

            case STATE_INSIDE_DATE:
            case STATE_INSIDE_DATE_TIME:
            case STATE_INSIDE_TIME:
            case STATE_INSIDE_NUMBER:
                if (formattingParams.get(I18N_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE) == null) {
                    formattingParams.put(I18N_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE, textValue);
                } else {
                    // ignore the text inside of date element

                throw new IllegalStateException(getClass().getName() +
                                                " developer's fault: characters not handled. " +
                                                "Current state: " + current_state);

    // Translate all attributes that are listed in i18n:attr attribute
    private Attributes translateAttributes(String name, Attributes attr) {
        if (attr == null) {
            return attr;

        AttributesImpl temp_attr = new AttributesImpl(attr);

        // Translate all attributes from i18n:attr="name1 name2 ..."
        // using their values as keys
        int i18n_attr_index = temp_attr.getIndex(I18N_NAMESPACE_URI,I18N_ATTR_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (i18n_attr_index == -1) {
            // Try the old namespace
            i18n_attr_index = temp_attr.getIndex(I18N_OLD_NAMESPACE_URI,I18N_ATTR_ATTRIBUTE);

        if (i18n_attr_index != -1) {
            StringTokenizer st =
                    new StringTokenizer(temp_attr.getValue(i18n_attr_index));
            // remove the i18n:attr attribute - we don't need it anymore

            // iterate through listed attributes and translate them
            while (st.hasMoreElements()) {
                String attr_name = st.nextToken();

                int attr_index = temp_attr.getIndex(attr_name);
                if (attr_index != -1) {
                    String text2translate = temp_attr.getValue(attr_index);
                    // check if the text2translate contains a colon, if so the text before
                    // the colon denotes a catalogue id
                    int colonPos = text2translate.indexOf(":");
                    String catalogueID = null;
                    if (colonPos != -1) {
                        catalogueID = text2translate.substring(0, colonPos);
                        text2translate = text2translate.substring(colonPos + 1, text2translate.length());
                    String result = getString(catalogueID, text2translate,
                                              untranslated == null? text2translate : untranslated);

                    // set the translated value
                    if (result != null) {
                        temp_attr.setValue(attr_index, result);
                    } else {
                        getLogger().warn("translation not found for attribute "
                                         + attr_name + " in element: " + name);
                } else {
                    getLogger().warn("i18n attribute '" + attr_name
                                     + "' not found in element: " + name);

            return temp_attr;

        // nothing to translate, just return
        return attr;

    private void endTextElement() throws SAXException {
        switch (prev_state) {
            case STATE_OUTSIDE:
                if (tr_text_recorder == null) {
                    if (current_key == null) {
                        // Use the text as key. Not recommended for large strings,
                        // especially if they include markup.
                        tr_text_recorder = getMessage(text_recorder.toString(), text_recorder);
                    } else {
                        // We have the key, but couldn't find a translation
                        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                            getLogger().debug("Translation not found for key '" + current_key + "'");

                        // Use the untranslated-text only when the content of the i18n:text
                        // element was empty
                        if (text_recorder.isEmpty() && untranslatedRecorder != null) {
                            tr_text_recorder = untranslatedRecorder;
                        } else {
                            tr_text_recorder = text_recorder;

                if (tr_text_recorder != null) {

                tr_text_recorder = null;
                current_key = null;
                currentCatalogueId = null;

            case STATE_INSIDE_TRANSLATE:
                if (tr_text_recorder == null) {
                    if (!text_recorder.isEmpty()) {
                        tr_text_recorder = getMessage(text_recorder.toString(), text_recorder);
                        if (tr_text_recorder == text_recorder) {
                            // If the default value was returned, make a copy
                            tr_text_recorder = new ParamSaxBuffer(text_recorder);


            case STATE_INSIDE_PARAM:
                // We send the translated text to the param recorder, after trying to translate it.
                // Remember you can't give a key when inside a param, that'll be nonsense!
                // No need to clone. We just send the events.
                if (!text_recorder.isEmpty()) {
                    getMessage(text_recorder.toString(), text_recorder).toSAX(param_recorder);

        current_state = prev_state;
        prev_state = STATE_OUTSIDE;

    // Process substitution parameter
    private void endParamElement() throws SAXException {
        String paramType = (String)formattingParams.get(I18N_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (paramType != null) {
            // We have a typed parameter

            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                getLogger().debug("Param type: " + paramType);
            if (formattingParams.get(I18N_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE) == null && param_value != null) {
                if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                    getLogger().debug("Put param value: " + param_value);
                formattingParams.put(I18N_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE, param_value);

            // Check if we have a date or a number parameter
            if (dateTypes.contains(paramType)) {
                if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                    getLogger().debug("Formatting date_time param: " + formattingParams);
                param_value = formatDate_Time(formattingParams);
            } else if (numberTypes.contains(paramType)) {
                if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                    getLogger().debug("Formatting number param: " + formattingParams);
                param_value = formatNumber(formattingParams);
            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                getLogger().debug("Added substitution param: " + param_value);

        param_value = null;
        current_state = STATE_INSIDE_TRANSLATE;

        if(param_recorder == null) {

        indexedParams.put(param_name, param_recorder);
        param_recorder = null;

    private void endTranslateElement() throws SAXException {
        if (tr_text_recorder != null) {
            if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                getLogger().debug("End of translate with params. " +
                                  "Fragment for substitution : " + tr_text_recorder);
            tr_text_recorder.toSAX(super.contentHandler, indexedParams);
            tr_text_recorder = null;

        param_count = 0;
        current_state = STATE_OUTSIDE;

    private void endChooseElement() {
        current_state = STATE_OUTSIDE;

    private void endWhenElement() {
        current_state = prev_state;
        if (translate_copy) {
            translate_copy = false;
            translate_end = true;

    private void endDate_TimeElement() throws SAXException {
        String result = formatDate_Time(formattingParams);
        switch(prev_state) {
            case STATE_OUTSIDE:
                super.contentHandler.characters(result.toCharArray(), 0,
            case STATE_INSIDE_PARAM:
                param_recorder.characters(result.toCharArray(), 0, result.length());
            case STATE_INSIDE_TEXT:
                text_recorder.characters(result.toCharArray(), 0, result.length());
        current_state = prev_state;

    // Helper method: creates Locale object from a string value in a map
    private Locale getLocale(Map params, String attribute) {
        // the specific locale value
        String lc = (String)params.get(attribute);
        return I18nUtils.parseLocale(lc, this.locale);

    private String formatDate_Time(Map params) throws SAXException {
        // Check that we have not null params
        if (params == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nothing to format");

        // Formatters
        SimpleDateFormat to_fmt = null;
        SimpleDateFormat from_fmt = null;

        // Date formatting styles
        int srcStyle = DateFormat.DEFAULT;
        int style = DateFormat.DEFAULT;

        // Date formatting patterns
        boolean realPattern = false;
        boolean realSrcPattern = false;

        // From locale
        Locale srcLoc = getLocale(params, I18N_SRC_LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE);
        // To locale
        Locale loc = getLocale(params, I18N_LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE);

        // From pattern
        String srcPattern = (String)params.get(I18N_SRC_PATTERN_ATTRIBUTE);
        // To pattern
        String pattern = (String)params.get(I18N_PATTERN_ATTRIBUTE);
        // The date value
        String value = (String)params.get(I18N_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE);

        // A src-pattern attribute is present
        if (srcPattern != null) {
            // Check if we have a real pattern
            Integer patternValue = (Integer)datePatterns.get(srcPattern.toUpperCase());
            if (patternValue != null) {
                srcStyle = patternValue.intValue();
            } else {
                realSrcPattern = true;

        // A pattern attribute is present
        if (pattern != null) {
            Integer patternValue = (Integer)datePatterns.get(pattern.toUpperCase());
            if (patternValue != null) {
                style = patternValue.intValue();
            } else {
                realPattern = true;

        // If we are inside of a typed param
        String paramType = (String)formattingParams.get(I18N_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE);

        // Initializing date formatters
        if (current_state == STATE_INSIDE_DATE ||
                I18N_DATE_ELEMENT.equals(paramType)) {

            to_fmt = (SimpleDateFormat)DateFormat.getDateInstance(style, loc);
            from_fmt = (SimpleDateFormat)DateFormat.getDateInstance(
        } else if (current_state == STATE_INSIDE_DATE_TIME ||
                I18N_DATE_TIME_ELEMENT.equals(paramType)) {
            to_fmt = (SimpleDateFormat)DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(
            from_fmt = (SimpleDateFormat)DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(
        } else {
            // STATE_INSIDE_TIME or param type='time'
            to_fmt = (SimpleDateFormat)DateFormat.getTimeInstance(style, loc);
            from_fmt = (SimpleDateFormat)DateFormat.getTimeInstance(

        // parsed date object
        Date dateValue = null;

        // pattern overwrites locale format
        if (realSrcPattern) {

        if (realPattern) {

        // get current date and time by default
        if (value == null) {
            dateValue = new Date();
        } else {
            try {
                dateValue = from_fmt.parse(value);
            } catch (ParseException pe) {
                throw new SAXException(
                        + "i18n:date - parsing error.", pe

        // we have all necessary data here: do formatting.
        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
            getLogger().debug("### Formatting date: " + dateValue + " with localized pattern " +
                              to_fmt.toLocalizedPattern() + " for locale: " + locale);
        return to_fmt.format(dateValue);

    private void endNumberElement() throws SAXException {
        String result = formatNumber(formattingParams);
        switch(prev_state) {
            case STATE_OUTSIDE:
                super.contentHandler.characters(result.toCharArray(), 0, result.length());
            case STATE_INSIDE_PARAM:
                param_recorder.characters(result.toCharArray(), 0, result.length());
            case STATE_INSIDE_TEXT:
                text_recorder.characters(result.toCharArray(), 0, result.length());
        current_state = prev_state;

    private String formatNumber(Map params) throws SAXException {
        if (params == null) {
            throw new SAXException(
                    + ": i18n:number - error in element attributes."

        // from pattern
        String srcPattern = (String)params.get(I18N_SRC_PATTERN_ATTRIBUTE);
        // to pattern
        String pattern = (String)params.get(I18N_PATTERN_ATTRIBUTE);
        // the number value
        String value = (String)params.get(I18N_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE);

        if (value == null) return "";
        // type
        String type = (String)params.get(I18N_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE);

        // fraction-digits
        int fractionDigits = -1;
        try {
            String fd = (String)params.get(I18N_FRACTION_DIGITS_ATTRIBUTE);
            if (fd != null)
                fractionDigits = Integer.parseInt(fd);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            getLogger().warn("Error in number format with fraction-digits", nfe);

        // parsed number
        Number numberValue = null;

        // locale, may be switched locale
        Locale loc = getLocale(params, I18N_LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE);
        Locale srcLoc = getLocale(params, I18N_SRC_LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE);
        // currency locale
        Locale currencyLoc = getLocale(params, CURRENCY_LOCALE_ATTRIBUTE);
        // decimal and grouping locale
        Locale dgLoc = null;
        if (currencyLoc != null) {
            // the reasoning here is: if there is a currency locale, then start from that
            // one but take certain properties (like decimal and grouping seperation symbols)
            // from the default locale (this happens further on).
            dgLoc = loc;
            loc = currencyLoc;

        // src format
        DecimalFormat from_fmt = (DecimalFormat)NumberFormat.getInstance(srcLoc);
        int int_currency = 0;

        // src-pattern overwrites locale format
        if (srcPattern != null) {

        // to format
        DecimalFormat to_fmt = null;
        char dec = from_fmt.getDecimalFormatSymbols().getDecimalSeparator();
        int decAt = 0;
        boolean appendDec = false;

        if (type == null || type.equals( I18N_NUMBER_ELEMENT )) {
            to_fmt = (DecimalFormat)NumberFormat.getInstance(loc);
            for (int i = value.length() - 1;
                 i >= 0 && value.charAt(i) != dec; i--, decAt++) {

            if (decAt < value.length())to_fmt.setMinimumFractionDigits(decAt);
            decAt = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < value.length() && value.charAt(i) != dec; i++) {
                if (Character.isDigit(value.charAt(i))) {

            if (value.charAt(value.length() - 1) == dec) {
                appendDec = true;
        } else if (type.equals( I18N_CURRENCY_ELEMENT )) {
            to_fmt = (DecimalFormat)NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(loc);
        } else if (type.equals( I18N_INT_CURRENCY_ELEMENT )) {
            to_fmt = (DecimalFormat)NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(loc);
            int_currency = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < to_fmt.getMaximumFractionDigits(); i++) {
                int_currency *= 10;
        } else if ( type.equals( I18N_CURRENCY_NO_UNIT_ELEMENT ) ) {
            DecimalFormat tmp = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance( loc );
            to_fmt = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance( loc );
        } else if ( type.equals( I18N_INT_CURRENCY_NO_UNIT_ELEMENT ) ) {
            DecimalFormat tmp = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance( loc );
            int_currency = 1;
            for ( int i = 0; i < tmp.getMaximumFractionDigits(); i++ )
                int_currency *= 10;
            to_fmt = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance( loc );
        } else if (type.equals( I18N_PERCENT_ELEMENT )) {
            to_fmt = (DecimalFormat)NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(loc);
        } else {
            throw new SAXException("&lt;i18n:number>: unknown type: " + type);

        if(fractionDigits > -1) {

        if(dgLoc != null) {
            DecimalFormat df = (DecimalFormat)NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(dgLoc);
            DecimalFormatSymbols dfsNew = df.getDecimalFormatSymbols();
            DecimalFormatSymbols dfsOrig = to_fmt.getDecimalFormatSymbols();

        // pattern overwrites locale format
        if (pattern != null) {

        if (value == null) {
            numberValue = new Long(0);
        } else {
            try {
                numberValue = from_fmt.parse(value);
                if (int_currency > 0) {
                    numberValue = new Double(numberValue.doubleValue() /
                } else {
                    // what?
            } catch (ParseException pe) {
                throw new SAXException(
                        + "i18n:number - parsing error.", pe

        // we have all necessary data here: do formatting.
        String result = to_fmt.format(numberValue);
        if (appendDec) result = result + dec;
        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
            getLogger().debug("i18n:number result: " + result);
        return result;

    //-- Dictionary handling routines

     * Helper method to retrieve a message from the dictionary.
     * @param catalogueID if not null, this catalogue will be used instead of the default one.
     * @return SaxBuffer containing message, or null if not found.
    private ParamSaxBuffer getMessage(String catalogueID, String key) {
        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
            getLogger().debug("Getting key " + key + " from catalogue " + catalogueID);
        try {
            Bundle catalogue = defaultCatalogue;
            if (catalogueID != null) {
                CatalogueInfo catalogueInfo = (CatalogueInfo)catalogues.get(catalogueID);
                if (catalogueInfo == null) {
                    if (getLogger().isWarnEnabled()) {
                        getLogger().warn("Catalogue not found: " + catalogueID +
                                         ", will not translate key " + key);
                    return null;
                try {
                    catalogue = catalogueInfo.getCatalogue();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    getLogger().error("Error getting catalogue " + catalogueInfo.getName() +
                                      " from location " + catalogueInfo.getLocation() +
                                      " for locale " + locale +
                                      ", will not translate key " + key);
                    return null;
            return (ParamSaxBuffer)catalogue.getObject(key);
        } catch (MissingResourceException e)  {
            getLogger().debug("Untranslated key: '" + key + "'");
            return null;

     * Helper method to retrieve a message from the dictionary.
     * mattam: now only used for i:attr.
     * A default value is returned if message is not found
     * @param catalogueID if not null, this catalogue will be used instead of the default one.
    private String getString(String catalogueID, String key, String defaultValue) {
        final SaxBuffer res = getMessage(catalogueID, key);
        if (res == null) {
            return defaultValue;
        return res.toString();

     * Helper method to retrieve a message from the current dictionary.
     * A default value is returned if message is not found.
     * @return SaxBuffer containing message, or defaultValue if not found.
    private ParamSaxBuffer getMessage(String key, ParamSaxBuffer defaultValue) {
        SaxBuffer value = getMessage(currentCatalogueId, key);
        if (value == null) {
            return defaultValue;

        return new ParamSaxBuffer(value);

    public void recycle() {
        untranslatedRecorder = null;

        // clean up default catalogue
        defaultCatalogue = null;

        // clean up the other catalogues
        Iterator i = catalogues.values().iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            CatalogueInfo catalogueInfo = (CatalogueInfo);

        objectModel = null;

    public void dispose() {
        if (manager != null) {
        factory = null;
        manager = null;

     * Holds information about one catalogue. The location and name of the catalogue
     * can contain references to input modules, and are resolved upon each transformer
     * usage. It is important that releaseCatalog is called when the transformer is recycled.
    private final class CatalogueInfo {
        PreparedVariableResolver name;
        PreparedVariableResolver[] locations;
        String resolvedName;
        String[] resolvedLocations;
        Bundle catalogue;

        public CatalogueInfo(String name, String[] locations) throws PatternException {
   = new PreparedVariableResolver(name, manager);
            this.locations = new PreparedVariableResolver[locations.length];
            for (int i=0; i < locations.length; ++i) {
                this.locations[i] = new PreparedVariableResolver(locations[i], manager);

        public String getName() {
            try {
                if (resolvedName == null) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // Ignore the error for now
            return resolvedName;

        public String[] getLocation() {
            try {
                if (resolvedName == null) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // Ignore the error for now
            return resolvedLocations;

        private void resolve() throws Exception {
            if (resolvedLocations == null) {
                resolvedLocations = new String[locations.length];
                for (int i=0; i < resolvedLocations.length; ++i) {
                    resolvedLocations[i] = locations[i].resolve(null, objectModel);
            if (resolvedName == null) {
                resolvedName = name.resolve(null, objectModel);

        public Bundle getCatalogue() throws Exception {
            if (catalogue == null) {
                catalogue =, resolvedName, locale);
            return catalogue;

        public void releaseCatalog() {
            if (catalogue != null) {
            catalogue = null;
            resolvedName = null;
            resolvedLocations = null;

Related Classes of org.apache.cocoon.transformation.I18nTransformer$CatalogueInfo

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