Package org.apache.sshd.common.session

Source Code of org.apache.sshd.common.session.IoSessionCloser

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.sshd.common.session;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

import org.apache.sshd.common.Channel;
import org.apache.sshd.common.Cipher;
import org.apache.sshd.common.Compression;
import org.apache.sshd.common.Digest;
import org.apache.sshd.common.FactoryManager;
import org.apache.sshd.common.KeyExchange;
import org.apache.sshd.common.Mac;
import org.apache.sshd.common.NamedFactory;
import org.apache.sshd.common.Random;
import org.apache.sshd.common.Session;
import org.apache.sshd.common.SessionListener;
import org.apache.sshd.common.SshConstants;
import org.apache.sshd.common.SshException;
import org.apache.sshd.common.TcpipForwarder;
import org.apache.sshd.common.future.CloseFuture;
import org.apache.sshd.common.future.DefaultCloseFuture;
import org.apache.sshd.common.future.SshFuture;
import org.apache.sshd.common.future.SshFutureListener;
import org.apache.sshd.common.util.Buffer;
import org.apache.sshd.common.util.BufferUtils;
import org.apache.sshd.common.util.Readable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

* The AbstractSession handles all the basic SSH protocol such as key exchange, authentication,
* encoding and decoding. Both server side and client side sessions should inherit from this
* abstract class. Some basic packet processing methods are defined but the actual call to these
* methods should be done from the {@link #handleMessage(org.apache.sshd.common.util.Buffer)}
* method, which is dependant on the state and side of this session.
* TODO: if there is any very big packet, decoderBuffer and uncompressBuffer will get quite big
*        and they won't be resized down at any time. Though the packet size is really limited
*        by the channel max packet size
* @author <a href="">Apache MINA SSHD Project</a>
public abstract class AbstractSession implements Session {

     * Name of the property where this session is stored in the attributes of the
     * underlying MINA session. See {@link #getSession(IoSession, boolean)}
     * and {@link #attachSession(IoSession, AbstractSession)}.
    public static final String SESSION = "org.apache.sshd.session";
    /** Our logger */
    protected final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
    /** The factory manager used to retrieve factories of Ciphers, Macs and other objects */
    protected final FactoryManager factoryManager;
    /** The underlying MINA session */
    protected final IoSession ioSession;
    /** The pseudo random generator */
    protected final Random random;
    /** The tcpip forwarder */
    protected final TcpipForwarder tcpipForwarder;
    /** Lock object for this session state */
    protected final Object lock = new Object();
     * A future that will be set 'closed' when the connection is closed.
    protected final CloseFuture closeFuture = new DefaultCloseFuture(lock);
    /** The session is being closed */
    protected volatile boolean closing;
    /** Boolean indicating if this session has been authenticated or not */
    protected boolean authed;
    /** Map of channels keyed by the identifier */
    protected final Map<Integer, Channel> channels = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Channel>();
    /** Next channel identifier */
    protected static AtomicInteger nextChannelId = new AtomicInteger(100);

    /** Session listener */
    protected final List<SessionListener> listeners = new ArrayList<SessionListener>();

    // Key exchange support
    protected byte[] sessionId;
    protected String serverVersion;
    protected String clientVersion;
    protected String[] serverProposal;
    protected String[] clientProposal;
    protected String[] negociated;
    protected byte[] I_C; // the payload of the client's SSH_MSG_KEXINIT
    protected byte[] I_S; // the payload of the factoryManager's SSH_MSG_KEXINIT
    protected KeyExchange kex;

    // SSH packets encoding / decoding support
    protected Cipher outCipher;
    protected Cipher inCipher;
    protected int outCipherSize = 8;
    protected int inCipherSize = 8;
    protected Mac outMac;
    protected Mac inMac;
    protected byte[] inMacResult;
    protected Compression outCompression;
    protected Compression inCompression;
    protected long seqi;
    protected long seqo;
    protected Buffer decoderBuffer = new Buffer();
    protected Buffer uncompressBuffer;
    protected int decoderState;
    protected int decoderLength;
    protected final Object encodeLock = new Object();
    protected final Object decodeLock = new Object();
    protected final Object requestLock = new Object();
    protected final AtomicReference<Buffer> requestResult = new AtomicReference<Buffer>();
    protected final Map<AttributeKey<?>, Object> attributes = new ConcurrentHashMap<AttributeKey<?>, Object>();
    protected String username;

    private State state = State.ReceiveKexInit;

     * Create a new session.
     * @param factoryManager the factory manager
     * @param ioSession the underlying MINA session
    public AbstractSession(FactoryManager factoryManager, IoSession ioSession) {
        this.factoryManager = factoryManager;
        this.ioSession = ioSession;
        this.random = factoryManager.getRandomFactory().create();
        this.tcpipForwarder = factoryManager.getTcpipForwarderFactory().create(this);

     * Retrieve the session from the MINA session.
     * If the session has not been attached, an IllegalStateException
     * will be thrown
     * @param ioSession the MINA session
     * @return the session attached to the MINA session
    public static final AbstractSession getSession(IoSession ioSession) {
        return getSession(ioSession, false);

     * Retrieve the session from the MINA session.
     * If the session has not been attached and allowNull is <code>false</code>,
     * an IllegalStateException will be thrown, else a <code>null</code> will
     * be returned
     * @param ioSession the MINA session
     * @param allowNull if <code>true</code>, a <code>null</code> value may be
     *        returned if no session is attached
     * @return the session attached to the MINA session or <code>null</code>
    public static final AbstractSession getSession(IoSession ioSession, boolean allowNull) {
        AbstractSession session = (AbstractSession) ioSession.getAttribute(SESSION);
        if (!allowNull && session == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("No session available");
        return session;

     * Attach a session to the MINA session
     * @param ioSession the MINA session
     * @param session the session to attach
    public static final void attachSession(IoSession ioSession, AbstractSession session) {
        ioSession.setAttribute(SESSION, session);

    public State getState() {
        return state;

    protected void setState(State state) {
        this.state = state;
        final ArrayList<SessionListener> l = new ArrayList<SessionListener>(listeners);
        for (SessionListener sl : l) {

     * Retrieve the mina session
     * @return the mina session
    public IoSession getIoSession() {
        return ioSession;

     * Retrieve the factory manager
     * @return the factory manager for this session
    public FactoryManager getFactoryManager() {
        return factoryManager;

     * Main input point for the MINA framework.
     * This method will be called each time new data is received on
     * the socket and will append it to the input buffer before
     * calling the {@link #decode()} method.
     * @param buffer the new buffer received
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs while decoding or handling the data
    public void messageReceived(Readable buffer) throws Exception {
        synchronized (decodeLock) {
            // One of those property will be set by the constructor and the other
            // one should be set by the readIdentification method
            if (clientVersion == null || serverVersion == null) {
                if (readIdentification(decoderBuffer)) {
                } else {

     * Abstract method for processing incoming decoded packets.
     * The given buffer will hold the decoded packet, starting from
     * the command byte at the read position.
     * Packets must be processed within this call or be copied because
     * the given buffer is meant to be changed and updated when this
     * method returns.
     * @param buffer the buffer containing the packet
     * @throws Exception if an exeption occurs while handling this packet.
    protected abstract void handleMessage(Buffer buffer) throws Exception;

     * Handle any exceptions that occured on this session.
     * The session will be closed and a disconnect packet will be
     * sent before if the given exception is an
     * {@link org.apache.sshd.common.SshException}.
     * @param t the exception to process
     * @throws IOException
    public void exceptionCaught(Throwable t) {
        // Ignore exceptions that happen while closing
        synchronized (lock) {
            if (closing) {
        log.warn("Exception caught", t);
        try {
            if (t instanceof SshException) {
                int code = ((SshException) t).getDisconnectCode();
                if (code > 0) {
                    disconnect(code, t.getMessage());
        } catch (Throwable t2) {
            // Ignore

     * Close this session.
     * This method will close all channels, then close the underlying MINA session.
     * The call will not block until the mina session is actually closed.
    public CloseFuture close(final boolean immediately) {
      final AbstractSession s = this;
        class IoSessionCloser implements SshFutureListener<IoCloseFuture> {
            public void operationComplete(IoCloseFuture future) {
                synchronized (lock) {
                    log.debug("IoSession closed");
                state = State.Closed;
      "Session {}@{} closed", s.getUsername(), s.getIoSession().getRemoteAddress());
                // Fire 'close' event
                final ArrayList<SessionListener> l = new ArrayList<SessionListener>(listeners);
                for (SessionListener sl : l) {
        synchronized (lock) {
            if (!closing) {
                try {
                    closing = true;
                    log.debug("Closing session");
                    Channel[] channelToClose = channels.values().toArray(new Channel[channels.values().size()]);
                    if (channelToClose.length > 0) {
                        final AtomicInteger latch = new AtomicInteger(channelToClose.length);
                        for (Channel channel : channelToClose) {
                            log.debug("Closing channel {}", channel.getId());
                            channel.close(immediately).addListener(new SshFutureListener() {
                                public void operationComplete(SshFuture sshFuture) {
                                    if (latch.decrementAndGet() == 0) {
                                        log.debug("Closing IoSession");
                                        ioSession.close(true).addListener(new IoSessionCloser());
                    } else {
                        log.debug("Closing IoSession");
                        ioSession.close(immediately).addListener(new IoSessionCloser());
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    log.warn("Error closing session", t);
            return closeFuture;

     * Encode and send the given buffer.
     * The buffer has to have 5 bytes free at the beginning to allow the encoding to take place.
     * Also, the write position of the buffer has to be set to the position of the last byte to write.
     * @param buffer the buffer to encode and send
     * @return a future that can be used to check when the packet has actually been sent
     * @throws if an error occured when encoding sending the packet
    public IoWriteFuture writePacket(Buffer buffer) throws IOException {
        // Synchronize all write requests as needed by the encoding algorithm
        // and also queue the write request in this synchronized block to ensure
        // packets are sent in the correct order
        synchronized (encodeLock) {
            return ioSession.write(buffer);

     * Send a global request and wait for the response.
     * This must only be used when sending a SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST with a result expected,
     * else it will wait forever.
     * @param buffer the buffer containing the global request
     * @return <code>true</code> if the request was successful, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * @throws if an error occured when encoding sending the packet
    public Buffer request(Buffer buffer) throws IOException {
        synchronized (requestLock) {
            try {
                synchronized (requestResult) {
                    return requestResult.get();
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw (InterruptedIOException) new InterruptedIOException().initCause(e);

     * Create a new buffer for the specified SSH packet and reserve the needed space
     * (5 bytes) for the packet header.
     * @param cmd the SSH command
     * @param len estimated number of bytes the buffer will hold, 0 if unknown.
     * @return a new buffer ready for write
    public Buffer createBuffer(SshConstants.Message cmd, int len) {
        Buffer buffer;
        if (len <= 0) {
            buffer = new Buffer();
        } else {
            // Since the caller claims to know how many bytes they will need
            // increase their request to account for our headers/footers if
            // they actually send exactly this amount.
            int bsize = outCipherSize;
            int oldLen = len;
            len += 5;
            int pad = (-len) & (bsize - 1);
            if (pad < bsize) {
                pad += bsize;
            len = len + pad - 4;
            if (outMac != null) {
                len += outMac.getBlockSize();
            buffer = new Buffer(new byte[Math.max(len, Buffer.DEFAULT_SIZE)], false);
        return buffer;

     * Encode a buffer into the SSH protocol.
     * This method need to be called into a synchronized block around encodeLock
     * @param buffer the buffer to encode
     * @throws IOException if an exception occurs during the encoding process
    private void encode(Buffer buffer) throws IOException {
        try {
            // Check that the packet has some free space for the header
            if (buffer.rpos() < 5) {
                log.warn("Performance cost: when sending a packet, ensure that "
                           + "5 bytes are available in front of the buffer");
                Buffer nb = new Buffer();
                buffer = nb;
            // Grab the length of the packet (excluding the 5 header bytes)
            int len = buffer.available();
            int off = buffer.rpos() - 5;
            // Debug log the packet
            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace("Sending packet #{}: {}", seqo, buffer.printHex());
            // Compress the packet if needed
            if (outCompression != null && (authed || !outCompression.isDelayed())) {
                len = buffer.available();
            // Compute padding length
            int bsize = outCipherSize;
            int oldLen = len;
            len += 5;
            int pad = (-len) & (bsize - 1);
            if (pad < bsize) {
                pad += bsize;
            len = len + pad - 4;
            // Write 5 header bytes
            buffer.putByte((byte) pad);
            // Fill padding
            buffer.wpos(off + oldLen + 5 + pad);
            random.fill(buffer.array(), buffer.wpos() - pad, pad);
            // Compute mac
            if (outMac != null) {
                int macSize = outMac.getBlockSize();
                int l = buffer.wpos();
                buffer.wpos(l + macSize);
                outMac.update(buffer.array(), off, l);
                outMac.doFinal(buffer.array(), l);
            // Encrypt packet, excluding mac
            if (outCipher != null) {
                outCipher.update(buffer.array(), off, len + 4);
            // Increment packet id
            seqo = (seqo + 1) & 0xffffffffL;
            // Make buffer ready to be read
        } catch (SshException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SshException(e);

     * Decode the incoming buffer and handle packets as needed.
     * @throws Exception
    protected void decode() throws Exception {
        // Decoding loop
        for (;;) {
            // Wait for beginning of packet
            if (decoderState == 0) {
                // The read position should always be 0 at this point because we have compacted this buffer
                assert decoderBuffer.rpos() == 0;
                // If we have received enough bytes, start processing those
                if (decoderBuffer.available() > inCipherSize) {
                    // Decrypt the first bytes
                    if (inCipher != null) {
                        inCipher.update(decoderBuffer.array(), 0, inCipherSize);
                    // Read packet length
                    decoderLength = decoderBuffer.getInt();
                    // Check packet length validity
                    if (decoderLength < 5 || decoderLength > (256 * 1024)) {
              "Error decoding packet (invalid length) {}", decoderBuffer.printHex());
                        throw new SshException(SshConstants.SSH2_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR,
                                               "Invalid packet length: " + decoderLength);
                    // Ok, that's good, we can go to the next step
                    decoderState = 1;
                } else {
                    // need more data
            // We have received the beinning of the packet
            } else if (decoderState == 1) {
                // The read position should always be 4 at this point
                assert decoderBuffer.rpos() == 4;
                int macSize = inMac != null ? inMac.getBlockSize() : 0;
                // Check if the packet has been fully received
                if (decoderBuffer.available() >= decoderLength + macSize) {
                    byte[] data = decoderBuffer.array();
                    // Decrypt the remaining of the packet
                    if (inCipher != null){
                        inCipher.update(data, inCipherSize, decoderLength + 4 - inCipherSize);
                    // Check the mac of the packet
                    if (inMac != null) {
                        // Update mac with packet id
                        // Update mac with packet data
                        inMac.update(data, 0, decoderLength + 4);
                        // Compute mac result
                        inMac.doFinal(inMacResult, 0);
                        // Check the computed result with the received mac (just after the packet data)
                        if (!BufferUtils.equals(inMacResult, 0, data, decoderLength + 4, macSize)) {
                            throw new SshException(SshConstants.SSH2_DISCONNECT_MAC_ERROR,
                                                   "MAC Error");
                    // Increment incoming packet sequence number
                    seqi = (seqi + 1) & 0xffffffffL;
                    // Get padding
                    byte pad = decoderBuffer.getByte();
                    Buffer buf;
                    int wpos = decoderBuffer.wpos();
                    // Decompress if needed
                    if (inCompression != null && (authed || !inCompression.isDelayed())) {
                        if (uncompressBuffer == null) {
                            uncompressBuffer = new Buffer();
                        } else {
                        decoderBuffer.wpos(decoderBuffer.rpos() + decoderLength - 1 - pad);
                        inCompression.uncompress(decoderBuffer, uncompressBuffer);
                        buf = uncompressBuffer;
                    } else {
                        decoderBuffer.wpos(decoderLength + 4 - pad);
                        buf = decoderBuffer;
                    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                        log.trace("Received packet #{}: {}", seqi, buf.printHex());
                    // Process decoded packet
                    // Set ready to handle next packet
                    decoderBuffer.rpos(decoderLength + 4 + macSize);
                    decoderState = 0;
                } else {
                    // need more data

     * Send our identification.
     * @param ident our identification to send
    protected void sendIdentification(String ident) {
        byte[] data = (ident + "\r\n").getBytes();
        ioSession.write(new Buffer(data));

     * Read the other side identification.
     * This method is specific to the client or server side, but both should call
     * {@link #doReadIdentification(org.apache.sshd.common.util.Buffer)} and
     * store the result in the needed property.
     * @param buffer the buffer containing the remote identification
     * @return <code>true</code> if the identification has been fully read or
     *         <code>false</code> if more data is needed
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs such as a bad protocol version
    protected abstract boolean readIdentification(Buffer buffer) throws IOException;

     * Read the remote identification from this buffer.
     * If more data is needed, the buffer will be reset to its original state
     * and a <code>null</code> value will be returned.  Else the identification
     * string will be returned and the data read will be consumed from the buffer.
     * @param buffer the buffer containing the identification string
     * @return the remote identification or <code>null</code> if more data is needed
    protected String doReadIdentification(Buffer buffer) {
        byte[] data = new byte[256];
        for (;;) {
            int rpos = buffer.rpos();
            int pos = 0;
            boolean needLf = false;
            for (;;) {
                if (buffer.available() == 0) {
                    // Need more data, so undo reading and return null
                    return null;
                byte b = buffer.getByte();
                if (b == '\r') {
                    needLf = true;
                if (b == '\n') {
                if (needLf) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Incorrect identification: bad line ending");
                if (pos >= data.length) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Incorrect identification: line too long");
                data[pos++] = b;
            String str = new String(data, 0, pos);
            if (str.startsWith("SSH-")) {
                return str;
            if (buffer.rpos() > 16 * 1024) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Incorrect identification: too many header lines");

     * Create our proposal for SSH negociation
     * @param hostKeyTypes the list of supported host key types
     * @return an array of 10 strings holding this proposal
    protected String[] createProposal(String hostKeyTypes) {
        return new String[] {

     * Send the key exchange initialization packet.
     * This packet contains random data along with our proposal.
     * @param proposal our proposal for key exchange negociation
     * @return the sent packet which must be kept for later use
     * @throws IOException if an error occured sending the packet
    protected byte[] sendKexInit(String[] proposal) throws IOException {
        Buffer buffer = createBuffer(SshConstants.Message.SSH_MSG_KEXINIT, 0);
        int p = buffer.wpos();
        buffer.wpos(p + 16);
        random.fill(buffer.array(), p, 16);
        for (String s : proposal) {
        buffer.putByte((byte) 0);
        byte[] data = buffer.getCompactData();
        return data;

     * Receive the remote key exchange init message.
     * The packet data is returned for later use.
     * @param buffer the buffer containing the key exchange init packet
     * @param proposal the remote proposal to fill
     * @return the packet data
    protected byte[] receiveKexInit(Buffer buffer, String[] proposal) {
        // Recreate the packet payload which will be needed at a later time
        int size = 22;
        byte[] d = buffer.array();
        byte[] data = new byte[buffer.available() + 1];
        data[0] = SshConstants.Message.SSH_MSG_KEXINIT.toByte();
        System.arraycopy(d, buffer.rpos(), data, 1, data.length - 1);
        // Skip 16 bytes of random data
        buffer.rpos(buffer.rpos() + 16);
        // Read proposal
        for (int i = 0; i < proposal.length; i++) {
            size += 4;
            proposal[i] = buffer.getString();
            size += proposal[i].length();
        // Skip 5 bytes
        // Return data
        byte[] dataShrinked = new byte[size];
        System.arraycopy(data, 0, dataShrinked, 0, size);
        return dataShrinked;

     * Send a message to put new keys into use.
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs sending the message
    protected void sendNewKeys() throws IOException {
        log.debug("Send SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS");
        Buffer buffer = createBuffer(SshConstants.Message.SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS, 0);

     * Put new keys into use.
     * This method will intialize the ciphers, digests, macs and compression
     * according to the negociated server and client proposals.
     * @param isServer boolean indicating if this session is on the server or the client side
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    protected void receiveNewKeys(boolean isServer) throws Exception {
        byte[] IVc2s;
        byte[] IVs2c;
        byte[] Ec2s;
        byte[] Es2c;
        byte[] MACc2s;
        byte[] MACs2c;
        byte[] K = kex.getK();
        byte[] H = kex.getH();
        Digest hash = kex.getHash();
        Cipher s2ccipher;
        Cipher c2scipher;
        Mac s2cmac;
        Mac c2smac;
        Compression s2ccomp;
        Compression c2scomp;

        if (sessionId == null) {
            sessionId = new byte[H.length];
            System.arraycopy(H, 0, sessionId, 0, H.length);

        Buffer buffer = new Buffer();
        buffer.putByte((byte) 0x41);
        int pos = buffer.available();
        byte[] buf = buffer.array();
        hash.update(buf, 0, pos);
        IVc2s = hash.digest();

        int j = pos - sessionId.length - 1;

        hash.update(buf, 0, pos);
        IVs2c = hash.digest();

        hash.update(buf, 0, pos);
        Ec2s = hash.digest();

        hash.update(buf, 0, pos);
        Es2c = hash.digest();

        hash.update(buf, 0, pos);
        MACc2s = hash.digest();

        hash.update(buf, 0, pos);
        MACs2c = hash.digest();

        s2ccipher = NamedFactory.Utils.create(factoryManager.getCipherFactories(), negociated[SshConstants.PROPOSAL_ENC_ALGS_STOC]);
        Es2c = resizeKey(Es2c, s2ccipher.getBlockSize(), hash, K, H);
        s2ccipher.init(isServer ? Cipher.Mode.Encrypt : Cipher.Mode.Decrypt, Es2c, IVs2c);

        s2cmac = NamedFactory.Utils.create(factoryManager.getMacFactories(), negociated[SshConstants.PROPOSAL_MAC_ALGS_STOC]);

        c2scipher = NamedFactory.Utils.create(factoryManager.getCipherFactories(), negociated[SshConstants.PROPOSAL_ENC_ALGS_CTOS]);
        Ec2s = resizeKey(Ec2s, c2scipher.getBlockSize(), hash, K, H);
        c2scipher.init(isServer ? Cipher.Mode.Decrypt : Cipher.Mode.Encrypt, Ec2s, IVc2s);

        c2smac = NamedFactory.Utils.create(factoryManager.getMacFactories(), negociated[SshConstants.PROPOSAL_MAC_ALGS_CTOS]);

        s2ccomp = NamedFactory.Utils.create(factoryManager.getCompressionFactories(), negociated[SshConstants.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_STOC]);
        c2scomp = NamedFactory.Utils.create(factoryManager.getCompressionFactories(), negociated[SshConstants.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_CTOS]);

        if (isServer) {
            outCipher = s2ccipher;
            outMac = s2cmac;
            outCompression = s2ccomp;
            inCipher = c2scipher;
            inMac = c2smac;
            inCompression = c2scomp;
        } else {
            outCipher = c2scipher;
            outMac = c2smac;
            outCompression = c2scomp;
            inCipher = s2ccipher;
            inMac = s2cmac;
            inCompression = s2ccomp;
        outCipherSize = outCipher.getIVSize();
        if (outCompression != null) {
            outCompression.init(Compression.Type.Deflater, -1);
        inCipherSize = inCipher.getIVSize();
        inMacResult = new byte[inMac.getBlockSize()];
        if (inCompression != null) {
            inCompression.init(Compression.Type.Inflater, -1);

     * Private method used while putting new keys into use that will resize the key used to
     * initialize the cipher to the needed length.
     * @param E the key to resize
     * @param blockSize the cipher block size
     * @param hash the hash algorithm
     * @param K the key exchange K parameter
     * @param H the key exchange H parameter
     * @return the resize key
     * @throws Exception if a problem occur while resizing the key
    private byte[] resizeKey(byte[] E, int blockSize, Digest hash, byte[] K, byte[] H) throws Exception {
        while (blockSize > E.length) {
            Buffer buffer = new Buffer();
            hash.update(buffer.array(), 0, buffer.available());
            byte[] foo = hash.digest();
            byte[] bar = new byte[E.length + foo.length];
            System.arraycopy(E, 0, bar, 0, E.length);
            System.arraycopy(foo, 0, bar, E.length, foo.length);
            E = bar;
        return E;

     * Send a disconnect packet with the given reason and message.
     * Once the packet has been sent, the session will be closed
     * asynchronously.
     * @param reason the reason code for this disconnect
     * @param msg the text message
     * @throws IOException if an error occured sending the packet
    public void disconnect(int reason, String msg) throws IOException {
        Buffer buffer = createBuffer(SshConstants.Message.SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT, 0);
        writePacket(buffer).addListener(new SshFutureListener<IoWriteFuture>() {
            public void operationComplete(IoWriteFuture future) {

     * Send an unimplemented packet.  This packet should contain the
     * sequence id of the usupported packet: this number is assumed to
     * be the last packet received.
     * @throws IOException if an error occured sending the packet
    protected void notImplemented() throws IOException {
        Buffer buffer = createBuffer(SshConstants.Message.SSH_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED, 0);
        buffer.putInt(seqi - 1);

     * Compute the negociated proposals by merging the client and
     * server proposal.  The negocatiated proposal will be stored in
     * the {@link #negociated} property.
    protected void negociate() {
        String[] guess = new String[SshConstants.PROPOSAL_MAX];
        for (int i = 0; i < SshConstants.PROPOSAL_MAX; i++) {
            String[] c = clientProposal[i].split(",");
            String[] s = serverProposal[i].split(",");
            for (String ci : c) {
                for (String si : s) {
                    if (ci.equals(si)) {
                        guess[i] = ci;
                if (guess[i] != null) {
            if (guess[i] == null && i != SshConstants.PROPOSAL_LANG_CTOS && i != SshConstants.PROPOSAL_LANG_STOC) {
                final String[] items = new String[] {
                    "kex algorithms",
                    "server host key algorithms",
                    "encryption algorithms (client to server)",
                    "encryption algorithms (server to client)",
                    "mac algorithms (client to server)",
                    "mac algorithms (server to client)",
                    "compression algorithms (client to server)",
                    "compression algorithms (server to client)"
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to negociate key exchange for " + items[i] +
                        " (client: " + clientProposal[i] + " / server: " + serverProposal[i] + ")");
        negociated = guess;

    protected void requestSuccess(Buffer buffer) throws Exception{
        synchronized (requestResult) {
            requestResult.set(new Buffer(buffer.getCompactData()));

    protected void requestFailure(Buffer buffer) throws Exception{
        synchronized (requestResult) {

    protected int getNextChannelId() {
        return nextChannelId.incrementAndGet();

    public int registerChannel(Channel channel) throws IOException {
        int channelId = getNextChannelId();
        channel.init(this, channelId);
        channels.put(channelId, channel);
        return channelId;

    protected void channelOpenConfirmation(Buffer buffer) throws IOException {
        Channel channel = getChannel(buffer);
        log.debug("Received SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION on channel {}", channel.getId());
        int recipient = buffer.getInt();
        int rwsize = buffer.getInt();
        int rmpsize = buffer.getInt();
        channel.handleOpenSuccess(recipient, rwsize, rmpsize, buffer);

    protected void channelOpenFailure(Buffer buffer) throws IOException {
        AbstractClientChannel channel = (AbstractClientChannel) getChannel(buffer);
        log.debug("Received SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE on channel {}", channel.getId());

     * Process incoming data on a channel
     * @param buffer the buffer containing the data
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    protected void channelData(Buffer buffer) throws IOException {
        Channel channel = getChannel(buffer);

     * Process incoming extended data on a channel
     * @param buffer the buffer containing the data
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    protected void channelExtendedData(Buffer buffer) throws IOException {
        Channel channel = getChannel(buffer);

     * Process a window adjust packet on a channel
     * @param buffer the buffer containing the window adjustement parameters
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    protected void channelWindowAdjust(Buffer buffer) throws IOException {
        try {
            Channel channel = getChannel(buffer);
        } catch (SshException e) {

     * Process end of file on a channel
     * @param buffer the buffer containing the packet
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    protected void channelEof(Buffer buffer) throws IOException {
        Channel channel = getChannel(buffer);

     * Close a channel due to a close packet received
     * @param buffer the buffer containing the packet
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    protected void channelClose(Buffer buffer) throws IOException {
        Channel channel = getChannel(buffer);

     * Remove this channel from the list of managed channels
     * @param channel the channel
    public void unregisterChannel(Channel channel) {

     * Service a request on a channel
     * @param buffer the buffer containing the request
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    protected void channelRequest(Buffer buffer) throws IOException {
        Channel channel = getChannel(buffer);

     * Process a failure on a channel
     * @param buffer the buffer containing the packet
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    protected void channelFailure(Buffer buffer) throws IOException {
        Channel channel = getChannel(buffer);

     * Retrieve the channel designated by the given packet
     * @param buffer the incoming packet
     * @return the target channel
     * @throws IOException if the channel does not exists
    protected Channel getChannel(Buffer buffer) throws IOException {
        int recipient = buffer.getInt();
        Channel channel = channels.get(recipient);
        if (channel == null) {
            buffer.rpos(buffer.rpos() - 5);
            SshConstants.Message cmd = buffer.getCommand();
            throw new SshException("Received " + cmd + " on unknown channel " + recipient);
        return channel;

     * Retrieve a configuration property as an integer
     * @param name the name of the property
     * @param defaultValue the default value
     * @return the value of the configuration property or the default value if not found
    public int getIntProperty(String name, int defaultValue) {
        try {
            String v = factoryManager.getProperties().get(name);
            if (v != null) {
                return Integer.parseInt(v);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Ignore
        return defaultValue;

     * Returns the value of the user-defined attribute of this session.
     * @param key the key of the attribute; must not be null.
     * @return <tt>null</tt> if there is no attribute with the specified key
    public <T> T getAttribute(AttributeKey<T> key) {
        return (T)attributes.get(key);

     * Sets a user-defined attribute.
     * @param key   the key of the attribute; must not be null.
     * @param value the value of the attribute; must not be null.
     * @return The old value of the attribute.  <tt>null</tt> if it is new.
    public <T, E extends T> T setAttribute(AttributeKey<T> key, E value) {
        return (T)attributes.put(key, value);

    public String getUsername() {
        return username;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void addListener(SessionListener listener) {
        if (listener == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        synchronized (this.listeners) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void removeListener(SessionListener listener) {
        synchronized (this.listeners) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public TcpipForwarder getTcpipForwarder() {
        return this.tcpipForwarder;

Related Classes of org.apache.sshd.common.session.IoSessionCloser

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