Package org.apache.cassandra.db

Source Code of org.apache.cassandra.db.RangeTombstoneList

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.db;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.cassandra.cache.IMeasurableMemory;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.composites.CType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.composites.Composite;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ObjectSizes;

* Data structure holding the range tombstones of a ColumnFamily.
* <p>
* This is essentially a sorted list of non-overlapping (tombstone) ranges.
* <p>
* A range tombstone has 4 elements: the start and end of the range covered,
* and the deletion infos (markedAt timestamp and local deletion time). The
* markedAt timestamp is what define the priority of 2 overlapping tombstones.
* That is, given 2 tombstones [0, 10]@t1 and [5, 15]@t2, then if t2 > t1 (and
* are the tombstones markedAt values), the 2nd tombstone take precedence over
* the first one on [5, 10]. If such tombstones are added to a RangeTombstoneList,
* the range tombstone list will store them as [[0, 5]@t1, [5, 15]@t2].
* <p>
* The only use of the local deletion time is to know when a given tombstone can
* be purged, which will be done by the purge() method.
public class RangeTombstoneList implements Iterable<RangeTombstone>, IMeasurableMemory
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RangeTombstoneList.class);

    private static long EMPTY_SIZE = ObjectSizes.measure(new RangeTombstoneList(null, 0));

    private final Comparator<Composite> comparator;

    // Note: we don't want to use a List for the markedAts and delTimes to avoid boxing. We could
    // use a List for starts and ends, but having arrays everywhere is almost simpler.
    private Composite[] starts;
    private Composite[] ends;
    private long[] markedAts;
    private int[] delTimes;

    private long boundaryHeapSize;
    private int size;

    private RangeTombstoneList(Comparator<Composite> comparator, Composite[] starts, Composite[] ends, long[] markedAts, int[] delTimes, long boundaryHeapSize, int size)
        assert starts.length == ends.length && starts.length == markedAts.length && starts.length == delTimes.length;
        this.comparator = comparator;
        this.starts = starts;
        this.ends = ends;
        this.markedAts = markedAts;
        this.delTimes = delTimes;
        this.size = size;
        this.boundaryHeapSize = boundaryHeapSize;

    public RangeTombstoneList(Comparator<Composite> comparator, int capacity)
        this(comparator, new Composite[capacity], new Composite[capacity], new long[capacity], new int[capacity], 0, 0);

    public boolean isEmpty()
        return size == 0;

    public int size()
        return size;

    public Comparator<Composite> comparator()
        return comparator;

    public RangeTombstoneList copy()
        return new RangeTombstoneList(comparator,
                                      Arrays.copyOf(starts, size),
                                      Arrays.copyOf(ends, size),
                                      Arrays.copyOf(markedAts, size),
                                      Arrays.copyOf(delTimes, size),
                                      boundaryHeapSize, size);

    public void add(RangeTombstone tombstone)
        add(tombstone.min, tombstone.max,,;

     * Adds a new range tombstone.
     * This method will be faster if the new tombstone sort after all the currently existing ones (this is a common use case),
     * but it doesn't assume it.
    public void add(Composite start, Composite end, long markedAt, int delTime)
        if (isEmpty())
            addInternal(0, start, end, markedAt, delTime);

        int c =[size-1], start);

        // Fast path if we add in sorted order
        if (c <= 0)
            addInternal(size, start, end, markedAt, delTime);
            // Note: insertFrom expect i to be the insertion point in term of interval ends
            int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(ends, 0, size, start, comparator);
            insertFrom((pos >= 0 ? pos+1 : -pos-1), start, end, markedAt, delTime);
        boundaryHeapSize += start.unsharedHeapSize() + end.unsharedHeapSize();

     * Adds all the range tombstones of {@code tombstones} to this RangeTombstoneList.
    public void addAll(RangeTombstoneList tombstones)
        if (tombstones.isEmpty())

        if (isEmpty())
            copyArrays(tombstones, this);

         * We basically have 2 techniques we can use here: either we repeatedly call add() on tombstones values,
         * or we do a merge of both (sorted) lists. If this lists is bigger enough than the one we add, then
         * calling add() will be faster, otherwise it's merging that will be faster.
         * Let's note that during memtables updates, it might not be uncommon that a new update has only a few range
         * tombstones, while the CF we're adding it to (the one in the memtable) has many. In that case, using add() is
         * likely going to be faster.
         * In other cases however, like when diffing responses from multiple nodes, the tombstone lists we "merge" will
         * be likely sized, so using add() might be a bit inefficient.
         * Roughly speaking (this ignore the fact that updating an element is not exactly constant but that's not a big
         * deal), if n is the size of this list and m is tombstones size, merging is O(n+m) while using add() is O(m*log(n)).
         * But let's not crank up a logarithm computation for that. Long story short, merging will be a bad choice only
         * if this list size is lot bigger that the other one, so let's keep it simple.
        if (size > 10 * tombstones.size)
            for (int i = 0; i < tombstones.size; i++)
                add(tombstones.starts[i], tombstones.ends[i], tombstones.markedAts[i], tombstones.delTimes[i]);
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            while (i < size && j < tombstones.size)
                if ([j], ends[i]) < 0)
                    insertFrom(i, tombstones.starts[j], tombstones.ends[j], tombstones.markedAts[j], tombstones.delTimes[j]);
            // Addds the remaining ones from tombstones if any (note that addInternal will increment size if relevant).
            for (; j < tombstones.size; j++)
                addInternal(size, tombstones.starts[j], tombstones.ends[j], tombstones.markedAts[j], tombstones.delTimes[j]);

     * Returns whether the given name/timestamp pair is deleted by one of the tombstone
     * of this RangeTombstoneList.
    public boolean isDeleted(Composite name, long timestamp)
        int idx = searchInternal(name, 0);
        return idx >= 0 && markedAts[idx] >= timestamp;

     * Returns a new {@link InOrderTester}.
    InOrderTester inOrderTester()
        return new InOrderTester();

     * Returns the DeletionTime for the tombstone overlapping {@code name} (there can't be more than one),
     * or null if {@code name} is not covered by any tombstone.
    public DeletionTime searchDeletionTime(Composite name)
        int idx = searchInternal(name, 0);
        return idx < 0 ? null : new DeletionTime(markedAts[idx], delTimes[idx]);

    public RangeTombstone search(Composite name)
        int idx = searchInternal(name, 0);
        return idx < 0 ? null : rangeTombstone(idx);

     * Return is the index of the range covering name if name is covered. If the return idx is negative,
     * no range cover name and -idx-1 is the index of the first range whose start is greater than name.
    private int searchInternal(Composite name, int startIdx)
        if (isEmpty())
            return -1;

        int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(starts, startIdx, size, name, comparator);
        if (pos >= 0)
            // We're exactly on an interval start. The one subtility is that we need to check if
            // the previous is not equal to us and doesn't have a higher marked at
            if (pos > 0 &&, ends[pos-1]) == 0 && markedAts[pos-1] > markedAts[pos])
                return pos-1;
                return pos;
            // We potentially intersect the range before our "insertion point"
            int idx = -pos-2;
            if (idx < 0)
                return -1;

            return, ends[idx]) <= 0 ? idx : -idx-2;

    public int dataSize()
        int dataSize = TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(size);
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            dataSize += starts[i].dataSize() + ends[i].dataSize();
            dataSize += TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(markedAts[i]);
            dataSize += TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(delTimes[i]);
        return dataSize;

    public long minMarkedAt()
        long min = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            min = Math.min(min, markedAts[i]);
        return min;

    public long maxMarkedAt()
        long max = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            max = Math.max(max, markedAts[i]);
        return max;

    public void updateAllTimestamp(long timestamp)
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            markedAts[i] = timestamp;

     * Removes all range tombstones whose local deletion time is older than gcBefore.
    public void purge(int gcBefore)
        int j = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            if (delTimes[i] >= gcBefore)
                setInternal(j++, starts[i], ends[i], markedAts[i], delTimes[i]);
        size = j;

     * Returns whether {@code purge(gcBefore)} would remove something or not.
    public boolean hasPurgeableTombstones(int gcBefore)
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            if (delTimes[i] < gcBefore)
                return true;
        return false;

    private RangeTombstone rangeTombstone(int idx)
        return new RangeTombstone(starts[idx], ends[idx], markedAts[idx], delTimes[idx]);

    public Iterator<RangeTombstone> iterator()
        return new AbstractIterator<RangeTombstone>()
            private int idx;

            protected RangeTombstone computeNext()
                if (idx >= size)
                    return endOfData();

                return rangeTombstone(idx++);

    public Iterator<RangeTombstone> iterator(Composite from, Composite till)
        int startIdx = from.isEmpty() ? 0 : searchInternal(from, 0);
        final int start = startIdx < 0 ? -startIdx-1 : startIdx;

        if (start >= size)
            return Iterators.<RangeTombstone>emptyIterator();

        int finishIdx = till.isEmpty() ? size : searchInternal(till, start);
        // if stopIdx is the first range after 'till' we care only until the previous range
        final int finish = finishIdx < 0 ? -finishIdx-2 : finishIdx;

        // Note: the following is true because we know 'from' is before 'till' in sorted order.
        if (start > finish)
            return Iterators.<RangeTombstone>emptyIterator();
        else if (start == finish)
            return Iterators.<RangeTombstone>singletonIterator(rangeTombstone(start));

        return new AbstractIterator<RangeTombstone>()
            private int idx = start;

            protected RangeTombstone computeNext()
                if (idx >= size || idx > finish)
                    return endOfData();

                return rangeTombstone(idx++);
     * Evaluates a diff between superset (known to be all merged tombstones) and this list for read repair
     * @return null if there is no difference
    public RangeTombstoneList diff(RangeTombstoneList superset)
        if (isEmpty())
            return superset;

        assert size <= superset.size;

        RangeTombstoneList diff = null;

        int j = 0; // index to iterate through our own list
        for (int i = 0; i < superset.size; i++)
            boolean sameStart = j < size && starts[j].equals(superset.starts[i]);
            // don't care about local deletion time here. for RR it doesn't makes sense
            if (!sameStart
                || !ends[j].equals(superset.ends[i])
                || markedAts[j] != superset.markedAts[i])
                if (diff == null)
                    diff = new RangeTombstoneList(comparator, Math.min(8, superset.size - i));
                diff.add(superset.starts[i], superset.ends[i], superset.markedAts[i], superset.delTimes[i]);

                if (sameStart)

        return diff;
     * Calculates digest for triggering read repair on mismatch
    public void updateDigest(MessageDigest digest)
        ByteBuffer longBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8);
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < starts[i].size(); j++)
            for (int j = 0; j < ends[i].size(); j++)

            longBuffer.putLong(0, markedAts[i]);
            digest.update(longBuffer.array(), 0, 8);

    public boolean equals(Object o)
        if(!(o instanceof RangeTombstoneList))
            return false;
        RangeTombstoneList that = (RangeTombstoneList)o;
        if (size != that.size)
            return false;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            if (!starts[i].equals(that.starts[i]))
                return false;
            if (!ends[i].equals(that.ends[i]))
                return false;
            if (markedAts[i] != that.markedAts[i])
                return false;
            if (delTimes[i] != that.delTimes[i])
                return false;
        return true;

    public final int hashCode()
        int result = size;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            result += starts[i].hashCode() + ends[i].hashCode();
            result += (int)(markedAts[i] ^ (markedAts[i] >>> 32));
            result += delTimes[i];
        return result;

    private static void copyArrays(RangeTombstoneList src, RangeTombstoneList dst)
        System.arraycopy(src.starts, 0, dst.starts, 0, src.size);
        System.arraycopy(src.ends, 0, dst.ends, 0, src.size);
        System.arraycopy(src.markedAts, 0, dst.markedAts, 0, src.size);
        System.arraycopy(src.delTimes, 0, dst.delTimes, 0, src.size);
        dst.size = src.size;
        dst.boundaryHeapSize = src.boundaryHeapSize;

     * Inserts a new element starting at index i. This method assumes that i is the insertion point
     * in term of intervals for start:
     *    ends[i-1] <= start < ends[i]
    private void insertFrom(int i, Composite start, Composite end, long markedAt, int delTime)
        while (i < size)
            assert i == 0 ||, ends[i-1]) >= 0;
            assert i >= size ||, ends[i]) < 0;

            // Do we overwrite the current element?
            if (markedAt > markedAts[i])
                // We do overwrite.

                // First deal with what might come before the newly added one.
                if ([i], start) < 0)
                    addInternal(i, starts[i], start, markedAts[i], delTimes[i]);
                    // We don't need to do the following line, but in spirit that's what we want to do
                    // setInternal(i, start, ends[i], markedAts, delTime])

                // now, start <= starts[i]

                // If the new element stops before the current one, insert it and
                // we're done
                if (, starts[i]) <= 0)
                    addInternal(i, start, end, markedAt, delTime);

                // Do we overwrite the current element fully?
                int cmp =[i], end);
                if (cmp <= 0)
                    // We do overwrite fully:
                    // update the current element until it's end and continue
                    // on with the next element (with the new inserted start == current end).

                    // If we're on the last element, we can optimize
                    if (i == size-1)
                        setInternal(i, start, end, markedAt, delTime);

                    setInternal(i, start, ends[i], markedAt, delTime);
                    if (cmp == 0)

                    start = ends[i];
                    // We don't ovewrite fully. Insert the new interval, and then update the now next
                    // one to reflect the not overwritten parts. We're then done.
                    addInternal(i, start, end, markedAt, delTime);
                    setInternal(i, end, ends[i], markedAts[i], delTimes[i]);
                // we don't overwrite the current element

                // If the new interval starts before the current one, insert that new interval
                if (, starts[i]) < 0)
                    // If we stop before the start of the current element, just insert the new
                    // interval and we're done; otherwise insert until the beginning of the
                    // current element
                    if (, starts[i]) <= 0)
                        addInternal(i, start, end, markedAt, delTime);
                    addInternal(i, start, starts[i], markedAt, delTime);

                // After that, we're overwritten on the current element but might have
                // some residual parts after ...

                // ... unless we don't extend beyond it.
                if (, ends[i]) <= 0)

                start = ends[i];

        // If we got there, then just insert the remainder at the end
        addInternal(i, start, end, markedAt, delTime);

    private int capacity()
        return starts.length;

     * Adds the new tombstone at index i, growing and/or moving elements to make room for it.
    private void addInternal(int i, Composite start, Composite end, long markedAt, int delTime)
        assert i >= 0;

        if (size == capacity())
        else if (i < size)

        setInternal(i, start, end, markedAt, delTime);

     * Grow the arrays, leaving index i "free" in the process.
    private void growToFree(int i)
        int newLength = (capacity() * 3) / 2 + 1;
        grow(i, newLength);

     * Grow the arrays to match newLength capacity.
    private void grow(int newLength)
        if (capacity() < newLength)
            grow(-1, newLength);

    private void grow(int i, int newLength)
        starts = grow(starts, size, newLength, i);
        ends = grow(ends, size, newLength, i);
        markedAts = grow(markedAts, size, newLength, i);
        delTimes = grow(delTimes, size, newLength, i);

    private static Composite[] grow(Composite[] a, int size, int newLength, int i)
        if (i < 0 || i >= size)
            return Arrays.copyOf(a, newLength);

        Composite[] newA = new Composite[newLength];
        System.arraycopy(a, 0, newA, 0, i);
        System.arraycopy(a, i, newA, i+1, size - i);
        return newA;

    private static long[] grow(long[] a, int size, int newLength, int i)
        if (i < 0 || i >= size)
            return Arrays.copyOf(a, newLength);

        long[] newA = new long[newLength];
        System.arraycopy(a, 0, newA, 0, i);
        System.arraycopy(a, i, newA, i+1, size - i);
        return newA;

    private static int[] grow(int[] a, int size, int newLength, int i)
        if (i < 0 || i >= size)
            return Arrays.copyOf(a, newLength);

        int[] newA = new int[newLength];
        System.arraycopy(a, 0, newA, 0, i);
        System.arraycopy(a, i, newA, i+1, size - i);
        return newA;

     * Move elements so that index i is "free", assuming the arrays have at least one free slot at the end.
    private void moveElements(int i)
        if (i >= size)

        System.arraycopy(starts, i, starts, i+1, size - i);
        System.arraycopy(ends, i, ends, i+1, size - i);
        System.arraycopy(markedAts, i, markedAts, i+1, size - i);
        System.arraycopy(delTimes, i, delTimes, i+1, size - i);
        // we set starts[i] to null to indicate the position is now empty, so that we update boundaryHeapSize
        // when we set it
        starts[i] = null;

    private void setInternal(int i, Composite start, Composite end, long markedAt, int delTime)
        if (starts[i] != null)
            boundaryHeapSize -= starts[i].unsharedHeapSize() + ends[i].unsharedHeapSize();
        starts[i] = start;
        ends[i] = end;
        markedAts[i] = markedAt;
        delTimes[i] = delTime;
        boundaryHeapSize += start.unsharedHeapSize() + end.unsharedHeapSize();

    public long unsharedHeapSize()
        return EMPTY_SIZE
                + boundaryHeapSize
                + ObjectSizes.sizeOfArray(starts)
                + ObjectSizes.sizeOfArray(ends)
                + ObjectSizes.sizeOfArray(markedAts)
                + ObjectSizes.sizeOfArray(delTimes);

    public static class Serializer implements IVersionedSerializer<RangeTombstoneList>
        private final CType type;

        public Serializer(CType type)
            this.type = type;

        public void serialize(RangeTombstoneList tombstones, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException
            if (tombstones == null)

            for (int i = 0; i < tombstones.size; i++)
                type.serializer().serialize(tombstones.starts[i], out);
                type.serializer().serialize(tombstones.ends[i], out);

        public RangeTombstoneList deserialize(DataInput in, int version) throws IOException
            int size = in.readInt();
            if (size == 0)
                return null;

            RangeTombstoneList tombstones = new RangeTombstoneList(type, size);

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                Composite start = type.serializer().deserialize(in);
                Composite end = type.serializer().deserialize(in);
                int delTime =  in.readInt();
                long markedAt = in.readLong();

                if (version >= MessagingService.VERSION_20)
                    tombstones.setInternal(i, start, end, markedAt, delTime);
                     * The old implementation used to have range sorted by left value, but with potentially
                     * overlapping range. So we need to use the "slow" path.
                    tombstones.add(start, end, markedAt, delTime);

            // The "slow" path take care of updating the size, but not the fast one
            if (version >= MessagingService.VERSION_20)
                tombstones.size = size;
            return tombstones;

        public long serializedSize(RangeTombstoneList tombstones, TypeSizes typeSizes, int version)
            if (tombstones == null)
                return typeSizes.sizeof(0);

            long size = typeSizes.sizeof(tombstones.size);
            for (int i = 0; i < tombstones.size; i++)
                size += type.serializer().serializedSize(tombstones.starts[i], typeSizes);
                size += type.serializer().serializedSize(tombstones.ends[i], typeSizes);
                size += typeSizes.sizeof(tombstones.delTimes[i]);
                size += typeSizes.sizeof(tombstones.markedAts[i]);
            return size;

        public long serializedSize(RangeTombstoneList tombstones, int version)
            return serializedSize(tombstones, TypeSizes.NATIVE, version);

     * This object allow testing whether a given column (name/timestamp) is deleted
     * or not by this RangeTombstoneList, assuming that the column given to this
     * object are passed in (comparator) sorted order.
     * This is more efficient that calling RangeTombstoneList.isDeleted() repeatedly
     * in that case since we're able to take the sorted nature of the RangeTombstoneList
     * into account.
    public class InOrderTester
        private int idx;

        public boolean isDeleted(Composite name, long timestamp)
            while (idx < size)
                int cmp =, starts[idx]);
                if (cmp == 0)
                    // As for searchInternal, we need to check the previous end
                    if (idx > 0 &&, ends[idx-1]) == 0 && markedAts[idx-1] > markedAts[idx])
                        return markedAts[idx-1] >= timestamp;
                        return markedAts[idx] >= timestamp;
                else if (cmp < 0)
                    return false;
                    if (, ends[idx]) <= 0)
                        return markedAts[idx] >= timestamp;
            return false;


Related Classes of org.apache.cassandra.db.RangeTombstoneList

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