Package org.apache.poi.hssf.record

Source Code of org.apache.poi.hssf.record.DVRecord$StringHandler

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package org.apache.poi.hssf.record;

import org.apache.poi.util.BitField;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
import org.apache.poi.util.StringUtil;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFCellRangeAddress;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.Ptg;

import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Enumeration;

* Title:        DV Record<P>
* Description:  This record stores data validation settings and a list of cell ranges
*               which contain these settings. The data validation settings of a sheet
*               are stored in a sequential list of DV records. This list is followed by
*               DVAL record(s)
* @author Dragos Buleandra (
* @version 2.0-pre
public class DVRecord extends Record
    public final static short sid = 0x01BE;

     * Option flags
    private int                field_option_flags;

     * Title of the prompt box
    private String             field_title_prompt;

     * Title of the error box
    private String             field_title_error;

     * Text of the prompt box
    private String             field_text_prompt;

     * Text of the error box
    private String             field_text_error;

     * Size of the formula data for first condition
    private short             field_size_first_formula;

     * Not used
    private short             field_not_used_1 = 0x3FE0;

     * Formula data for first condition (RPN token array without size field)
    private Stack             field_rpn_token_1 ;

     * Size of the formula data for second condition
    private short             field_size_sec_formula;

     * Not used
    private short             field_not_used_2 = 0x0000;

     * Formula data for second condition (RPN token array without size field)
    private Stack             field_rpn_token_2 ;

     * Cell range address list with all affected ranges
    private HSSFCellRangeAddress         field_regions;

    public static final Integer STRING_PROMPT_TITLE = new Integer(0);
    public static final Integer STRING_ERROR_TITLE  = new Integer(1);
    public static final Integer STRING_PROMPT_TEXT  = new Integer(2);
    public static final Integer STRING_ERROR_TEXT   = new Integer(3);
    private Hashtable _hash_strings ;

     * Option flags field
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFDataValidation utility class
    private BitField          opt_data_type                    = new BitField(0x0000000F);
    private BitField          opt_error_style                  = new BitField(0x00000070);
    private BitField          opt_string_list_formula          = new BitField(0x00000080);
    private BitField          opt_empty_cell_allowed           = new BitField(0x00000100);
    private BitField          opt_surppres_dropdown_arrow      = new BitField(0x00000200);
    private BitField          opt_show_prompt_on_cell_selected = new BitField(0x00040000);
    private BitField          opt_show_error_on_invalid_value  = new BitField(0x00080000);
    private BitField          opt_condition_operator           = new BitField(0x00F00000);

    public DVRecord()

     * Constructs a DV record and sets its fields appropriately.
     * @param in the RecordInputstream to read the record from

    public DVRecord(RecordInputStream in)

    protected void validateSid(short id)
        if (id != sid)
            throw new RecordFormatException("NOT a valid DV RECORD");

    protected void fillFields(RecordInputStream in)
       field_rpn_token_1 = new Stack();
       field_rpn_token_2 = new Stack();
       this.field_option_flags = in.readInt();
       this._hash_strings = new Hashtable(4);
       StringHandler strHandler_prompt_title = new StringHandler( in );
       this.field_title_prompt = strHandler_prompt_title.getStringData();
       this._hash_strings.put(DVRecord.STRING_PROMPT_TITLE, strHandler_prompt_title);

       StringHandler strHandler_error_title = new StringHandler( in );
       this.field_title_error = strHandler_error_title.getStringData();
       this._hash_strings.put(DVRecord.STRING_ERROR_TITLE, strHandler_error_title);

       StringHandler strHandler_prompt_text = new StringHandler( in );
       this.field_text_prompt = strHandler_prompt_text.getStringData();
       this._hash_strings.put(DVRecord.STRING_PROMPT_TEXT, strHandler_prompt_text);

       StringHandler strHandler_error_text = new StringHandler( in );
       this.field_text_error = strHandler_error_text.getStringData();
       this._hash_strings.put(DVRecord.STRING_ERROR_TEXT, strHandler_error_text);

       this.field_size_first_formula = in.readShort();
       this.field_not_used_1 = in.readShort();

       //read first formula data condition
       // Not sure if this was needed or not...
//       try {
//         in.skip(this.field_size_first_formula);
//       } catch(IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); }

       int token_pos = 0;
       while (token_pos < this.field_size_first_formula)
           Ptg ptg = Ptg.createPtg(in);
           token_pos += ptg.getSize();

       this.field_size_sec_formula = in.readShort();
       this.field_not_used_2 = in.readShort();

       //read sec formula data condition
       // Not sure if this was needed or not...
       try {
       } catch(IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); }

       token_pos = 0;
       while (token_pos < this.field_size_sec_formula)
           Ptg ptg = Ptg.createPtg(in);
           token_pos += ptg.getSize();

       //read cell range address list with all affected ranges
       this.field_regions = new HSSFCellRangeAddress(in);

    // --> start option flags
     * set the condition data type
     * @param type - condition data type
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFDataValidation utility class
    public void setDataType(int type)
        this.field_option_flags =  this.opt_data_type.setValue(this.field_option_flags, type);

     * get the condition data type
     * @return the condition data type
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFDataValidation utility class
    public int getDataType()
       return this.opt_data_type.getValue(this.field_option_flags);

     * set the condition error style
     * @param type - condition error style
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFDataValidation utility class
    public void setErrorStyle(int style)
        this.field_option_flags =  this.opt_error_style.setValue(this.field_option_flags, style);

     * get the condition error style
     * @return the condition error style
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFDataValidation utility class
    public int getErrorStyle()
       return this.opt_error_style.getValue(this.field_option_flags);

     * set if in list validations the string list is explicitly given in the formula
     * @param type - true if in list validations the string list is explicitly given in the formula; false otherwise
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFDataValidation utility class
    public void setListExplicitFormula(boolean explicit)
        this.field_option_flags = this.opt_string_list_formula.setBoolean(this.field_option_flags, explicit);

     * return true if in list validations the string list is explicitly given in the formula, false otherwise
     * @return true if in list validations the string list is explicitly given in the formula, false otherwise
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFDataValidation utility class
    public boolean getListExplicitFormula()
       return (this.opt_string_list_formula.isSet(this.field_option_flags));

     * set if empty values are allowed in cells
     * @param type - true if empty values are allowed in cells, false otherwise
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFDataValidation utility class
    public void setEmptyCellAllowed(boolean allowed)
        this.field_option_flags =  this.opt_empty_cell_allowed.setBoolean(this.field_option_flags, allowed);

     * return true if empty values are allowed in cells, false otherwise
     * @return if empty values are allowed in cells, false otherwise
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFDataValidation utility class
    public boolean getEmptyCellAllowed()
       return (this.opt_empty_cell_allowed.isSet(this.field_option_flags));

     * set if drop down arrow should be surppressed when list validation is used
     * @param type - true if drop down arrow should be surppressed when list validation is used, false otherwise
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFDataValidation utility class
    public void setSurppresDropdownArrow(boolean surppress)
        this.field_option_flags =  this.opt_surppres_dropdown_arrow.setBoolean(this.field_option_flags, surppress);

     * return true if drop down arrow should be surppressed when list validation is used, false otherwise
     * @return if drop down arrow should be surppressed when list validation is used, false otherwise
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFDataValidation utility class
    public boolean getSurppresDropdownArrow()
       return (this.opt_surppres_dropdown_arrow.isSet(this.field_option_flags));

     * set if a prompt window should appear when cell is selected
     * @param type - true if a prompt window should appear when cell is selected, false otherwise
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFDataValidation utility class
    public void setShowPromptOnCellSelected(boolean show)
        this.field_option_flags =  this.opt_show_prompt_on_cell_selected.setBoolean(this.field_option_flags, show);

     * return true if a prompt window should appear when cell is selected, false otherwise
     * @return if a prompt window should appear when cell is selected, false otherwise
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFDataValidation utility class
    public boolean getShowPromptOnCellSelected()
       return (this.opt_show_prompt_on_cell_selected.isSet(this.field_option_flags));

     * set if an error window should appear when an invalid value is entered in the cell
     * @param type - true if an error window should appear when an invalid value is entered in the cell, false otherwise
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFDataValidation utility class
    public void setShowErrorOnInvalidValue(boolean show)
        this.field_option_flags =  this.opt_show_error_on_invalid_value.setBoolean(this.field_option_flags, show);

     * return true if an error window should appear when an invalid value is entered in the cell, false otherwise
     * @return if an error window should appear when an invalid value is entered in the cell, false otherwise
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFDataValidation utility class
    public boolean getShowErrorOnInvalidValue()
       return (this.opt_show_error_on_invalid_value.isSet(this.field_option_flags));

     * set the condition operator
     * @param type - condition operator
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFDataValidation utility class
    public void setConditionOperator(int operator)
        this.field_option_flags =  this.opt_condition_operator.setValue(this.field_option_flags, operator);

     * get the condition operator
     * @return the condition operator
     * @see org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFDataValidation utility class
    public int getConditionOperator()
       return this.opt_condition_operator.getValue(this.field_option_flags);
    // <-- end option flags

    public void setFirstFormulaRPN( Stack rpn )
        this.field_rpn_token_1 = rpn;

    public void setFirstFormulaSize( short size )
        this.field_size_first_formula = size;

    public void setSecFormulaRPN( Stack rpn )
        this.field_rpn_token_2 = rpn;

    public void setSecFormulaSize( short size )
        this.field_size_sec_formula = size;

    public void setStringField( Integer type, String str_data )
       if ( this._hash_strings == null )
          this._hash_strings = new Hashtable();
       StringHandler strHandler = new StringHandler();
       if ( str_data == null )
          str_data = "";

       this._hash_strings.put( type, strHandler);

    public String getStringField( Integer type )
        return ((StringHandler)this._hash_strings.get(type)).getStringData();

    public void setCellRangeAddress( HSSFCellRangeAddress range )
        this.field_regions = range;

    public HSSFCellRangeAddress getCellRangeAddress( )
        return this.field_regions;

     * gets the option flags field.
     * @return options - the option flags field
    public int getOptionFlags()
       return this.field_option_flags;

    public String toString()
      /** @todo DVRecord string representation */
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

        return buffer.toString();

    public int serialize(int offset, byte [] data)
        int size = this.getRecordSize();
        LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0 + offset, sid);
        LittleEndian.putShort(data, 2 + offset, ( short ) (size-4));

        int pos = 4;
        LittleEndian.putInt(data, pos + offset, this.getOptionFlags());
        pos += 4;
        pos += ((StringHandler)this._hash_strings.get( DVRecord.STRING_PROMPT_TITLE )).serialize(pos+offset, data);
        pos += ((StringHandler)this._hash_strings.get( DVRecord.STRING_ERROR_TITLE )).serialize(pos+offset, data);
        pos += ((StringHandler)this._hash_strings.get( DVRecord.STRING_PROMPT_TEXT )).serialize(pos+offset, data);
        pos += ((StringHandler)this._hash_strings.get( DVRecord.STRING_ERROR_TEXT )).serialize(pos+offset, data);
        LittleEndian.putShort(data, offset+pos, this.field_size_first_formula);
        pos += 2;
        LittleEndian.putShort(data, offset+pos, this.field_not_used_1);
        pos += 2;

        for (int k = 0; k < this.field_rpn_token_1.size(); k++)
            Ptg ptg = ( Ptg ) this.field_rpn_token_1.get(k);
            ptg.writeBytes(data, pos+offset);
            pos += ptg.getSize();

        LittleEndian.putShort(data, offset+pos, this.field_size_sec_formula);
        pos += 2;
        LittleEndian.putShort(data, offset+pos, this.field_not_used_2);
        pos += 2;
        if ( this.field_size_sec_formula > 0 )
          for (int k = 0; k < this.field_rpn_token_2.size(); k++)
              Ptg ptg = ( Ptg ) this.field_rpn_token_2.get(k);
              ptg.writeBytes(data, pos+offset);
              pos += ptg.getSize();
        this.field_regions.serialize(pos+offset, data);
        return size;

    public int getRecordSize()
        int size = 4+4+2+2+2+2;//header+options_field+first_formula_size+first_unused+sec_formula_size+sec+unused;
        if ( this._hash_strings != null )
            Enumeration enum_keys = this._hash_strings.keys();
            while ( enum_keys.hasMoreElements() )
                size += ((StringHandler)this._hash_strings.get( (Integer)enum_keys.nextElement() )).getSize();
        size += this.field_size_first_formula+ this.field_size_sec_formula;
        size += this.field_regions.getSize();
        return size;

    public short getSid()
        return this.sid;

    /**@todo DVRecord = Serializare */

    private class StringHandler
        private int     _string_length       = 0x0001;
        private byte    _string_unicode_flag = 0x00;
        private String  _string_data         = "0x00";
        private int     _start_offset;
        private int     _end_offset;



        StringHandler(RecordInputStream in)

        protected void fillFields(RecordInputStream in)
            this._string_length       = in.readUShort();
            this._string_unicode_flag = in.readByte();
            if (this._string_unicode_flag == 1)
              this._string_data = in.readUnicodeLEString(this._string_length);
                this._string_data = in.readCompressedUnicode(this._string_length);

        private void setStringData( String string_data )
          this._string_data = string_data;

        private String getStringData()
            return this._string_data;

        private int getEndOffset()
            return this._end_offset;

        public int serialize( int offset, byte[] data )
            LittleEndian.putUShort(data, offset, this._string_length );
            data[2 + offset] = this._string_unicode_flag;
            if (this._string_unicode_flag == 1)
                StringUtil.putUnicodeLE(this._string_data, data, 3 + offset);
                StringUtil.putCompressedUnicode(this._string_data, data, 3 + offset);
            return getSize();

        private void setUnicodeFlag( byte flag )
            this._string_unicode_flag = flag;

        private void setStringLength( int len )
           this._string_length = len;

        private int getStringByteLength()
            return (this._string_unicode_flag == 1) ? this._string_length * 2 : this._string_length;

        public int getSize()
            return 2 + 1 + getStringByteLength();

Related Classes of org.apache.poi.hssf.record.DVRecord$StringHandler

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