Package org.apache.qpid.client

Source Code of org.apache.qpid.client.AMQSession_0_8$FlowControlIndicator

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* under the License.
package org.apache.qpid.client;

import static org.apache.qpid.configuration.ClientProperties.DEFAULT_FLOW_CONTROL_WAIT_FAILURE;
import static org.apache.qpid.configuration.ClientProperties.DEFAULT_FLOW_CONTROL_WAIT_NOTIFY_PERIOD;
import static org.apache.qpid.configuration.ClientProperties.QPID_FLOW_CONTROL_WAIT_FAILURE;
import static org.apache.qpid.configuration.ClientProperties.QPID_FLOW_CONTROL_WAIT_NOTIFY_PERIOD;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.qpid.AMQException;
import org.apache.qpid.AMQUndeliveredException;
import org.apache.qpid.client.failover.FailoverException;
import org.apache.qpid.client.failover.FailoverNoopSupport;
import org.apache.qpid.client.failover.FailoverProtectedOperation;
import org.apache.qpid.client.failover.FailoverRetrySupport;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.AMQMessageDelegateFactory;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.AbstractJMSMessage;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.MessageFactoryRegistry;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.ReturnMessage;
import org.apache.qpid.client.message.UnprocessedMessage;
import org.apache.qpid.client.protocol.AMQProtocolHandler;
import org.apache.qpid.client.state.AMQState;
import org.apache.qpid.client.state.AMQStateManager;
import org.apache.qpid.client.state.listener.SpecificMethodFrameListener;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.*;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.amqp_0_9.MethodRegistry_0_9;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.amqp_0_91.MethodRegistry_0_91;
import org.apache.qpid.jms.Session;
import org.apache.qpid.protocol.AMQConstant;
import org.apache.qpid.protocol.AMQMethodEvent;
import org.apache.qpid.transport.TransportException;

import javax.jms.Destination;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class AMQSession_0_8 extends AMQSession<BasicMessageConsumer_0_8, BasicMessageProducer_0_8>
    /** Used for debugging. */
    private static final Logger _logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AMQSession.class);

    public static final String QPID_SYNC_AFTER_CLIENT_ACK = "qpid.sync_after_client.ack";

    private final boolean _syncAfterClientAck =
            Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty(QPID_SYNC_AFTER_CLIENT_ACK, "true"));

     * The period to wait while flow controlled before sending a log message confirming that the session is still
     * waiting on flow control being revoked
    private final long _flowControlWaitPeriod = Long.getLong(QPID_FLOW_CONTROL_WAIT_NOTIFY_PERIOD,

     * The period to wait while flow controlled before declaring a failure
    private final long _flowControlWaitFailure = Long.getLong(QPID_FLOW_CONTROL_WAIT_FAILURE,

    /** Flow control */
    private FlowControlIndicator _flowControl = new FlowControlIndicator();

     * Creates a new session on a connection.
     * @param con                     The connection on which to create the session.
     * @param channelId               The unique identifier for the session.
     * @param transacted              Indicates whether or not the session is transactional.
     * @param acknowledgeMode         The acknowledgement mode for the session.
     * @param messageFactoryRegistry  The message factory factory for the session.
     * @param defaultPrefetchHighMark The maximum number of messages to prefetched before suspending the session.
     * @param defaultPrefetchLowMark  The number of prefetched messages at which to resume the session.
    protected AMQSession_0_8(AMQConnection con, int channelId, boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode,
                             MessageFactoryRegistry messageFactoryRegistry, int defaultPrefetchHighMark, int defaultPrefetchLowMark)


     * Creates a new session on a connection with the default message factory factory.
     * @param con                     The connection on which to create the session.
     * @param channelId               The unique identifier for the session.
     * @param transacted              Indicates whether or not the session is transactional.
     * @param acknowledgeMode         The acknowledgement mode for the session.
     * @param defaultPrefetchHigh     The maximum number of messages to prefetched before suspending the session.
     * @param defaultPrefetchLow      The number of prefetched messages at which to resume the session.
    AMQSession_0_8(AMQConnection con, int channelId, boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode, int defaultPrefetchHigh,
               int defaultPrefetchLow)
        this(con, channelId, transacted, acknowledgeMode, MessageFactoryRegistry.newDefaultRegistry(), defaultPrefetchHigh,

    private ProtocolVersion getProtocolVersion()
        return getProtocolHandler().getProtocolVersion();

    protected void acknowledgeImpl() throws JMSException
        boolean syncRequired = false;
        while (true)
            Long tag = getUnacknowledgedMessageTags().poll();
            if (tag == null)

            acknowledgeMessage(tag, false);
            syncRequired = true;

            if (syncRequired && _syncAfterClientAck)
        catch (AMQException a)
            throw new JMSAMQException("Failed to sync after acknowledge", a);

    public void acknowledgeMessage(long deliveryTag, boolean multiple)
        BasicAckBody body = getMethodRegistry().createBasicAckBody(deliveryTag, multiple);

        final AMQFrame ackFrame = body.generateFrame(getChannelId());

        if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
            _logger.debug("Sending ack for delivery tag " + deliveryTag + " on channel " + getChannelId());

        getProtocolHandler().writeFrame(ackFrame, !isTransacted());

    public void sendQueueBind(final AMQShortString queueName, final AMQShortString routingKey, final FieldTable arguments,
                              final AMQShortString exchangeName, final AMQDestination dest,
                              final boolean nowait) throws AMQException, FailoverException
                                        generateFrame(getChannelId()), QueueBindOkBody.class);

    public void sendClose(long timeout) throws AMQException, FailoverException
        // we also need to check the state manager for 08/09 as the
        // _connection variable may not be updated in time by the error receiving
        // thread.
        // We can't close the session if we are already in the process of
        // closing/closed the connection.

        if (!(getProtocolHandler().getStateManager().getCurrentState().equals(AMQState.CONNECTION_CLOSED)
            || getProtocolHandler().getStateManager().getCurrentState().equals(AMQState.CONNECTION_CLOSING)))

                                                                                                           new AMQShortString("JMS client closing channel"), 0, 0).generateFrame(getChannelId()),
                                           ChannelCloseOkBody.class, timeout);
            // When control resumes at this point, a reply will have been received that
            // indicates the broker has closed the channel successfully.

    public void commitImpl() throws AMQException, FailoverException, TransportException
        // Acknowledge all delivered messages
        while (true)
            Long tag = getDeliveredMessageTags().poll();
            if (tag == null)

            acknowledgeMessage(tag, false);

        final AMQProtocolHandler handler = getProtocolHandler();

        handler.syncWrite(getProtocolHandler().getMethodRegistry().createTxCommitBody().generateFrame(getChannelId()), TxCommitOkBody.class);

    public void sendCreateQueue(AMQShortString name, final boolean autoDelete, final boolean durable, final boolean exclusive, final Map<String, Object> arguments) throws AMQException,
        FieldTable table = null;
        if(arguments != null && !arguments.isEmpty())
            table = new FieldTable();
            for(Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : arguments.entrySet())
                table.setObject(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        QueueDeclareBody body = getMethodRegistry().createQueueDeclareBody(getTicket(),name,false,durable,exclusive,autoDelete,false,table);
        AMQFrame queueDeclare = body.generateFrame(getChannelId());
        getProtocolHandler().syncWrite(queueDeclare, QueueDeclareOkBody.class);

    public void sendRecover() throws AMQException, FailoverException

        if (isStrictAMQP())
            // We can't use the BasicRecoverBody-OK method as it isn't part of the spec.

            BasicRecoverBody body = getMethodRegistry().createBasicRecoverBody(false);
            _logger.warn("Session Recover cannot be guaranteed with STRICT_AMQP. Messages may arrive out of order.");
            // in Qpid the 0-8 spec was hacked to have a recover-ok method... this is bad
            // in 0-9 we used the cleaner addition of a new sync recover method with its own ok
                BasicRecoverBody body = getMethodRegistry().createBasicRecoverBody(false);
                getAMQConnection().getProtocolHandler().syncWrite(body.generateFrame(getChannelId()), BasicRecoverOkBody.class);
            else if(getProtocolVersion().equals(ProtocolVersion.v0_9))
                BasicRecoverSyncBody body = ((MethodRegistry_0_9)getMethodRegistry()).createBasicRecoverSyncBody(false);
                getAMQConnection().getProtocolHandler().syncWrite(body.generateFrame(getChannelId()), BasicRecoverSyncOkBody.class);
            else if(getProtocolVersion().equals(ProtocolVersion.v0_91))
                BasicRecoverSyncBody body = ((MethodRegistry_0_91)getMethodRegistry()).createBasicRecoverSyncBody(false);
                getAMQConnection().getProtocolHandler().syncWrite(body.generateFrame(getChannelId()), BasicRecoverSyncOkBody.class);
                throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported version of the AMQP Protocol: " + getProtocolVersion());

    private void enforceRejectBehaviourDuringRecover()
        if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
            _logger.debug("Prefetched message: _unacknowledgedMessageTags :" + getUnacknowledgedMessageTags());
        ArrayList<BasicMessageConsumer_0_8> consumersToCheck = new ArrayList<BasicMessageConsumer_0_8>(getConsumers().values());
        boolean messageListenerFound = false;
        boolean serverRejectBehaviourFound = false;
        for(BasicMessageConsumer_0_8 consumer : consumersToCheck)
            if (consumer.isMessageListenerSet())
                messageListenerFound = true;
            if (RejectBehaviour.SERVER.equals(consumer.getRejectBehaviour()))
                serverRejectBehaviourFound = true;
        _logger.debug("about to pre-reject messages for " + consumersToCheck.size() + " consumer(s)");

        if (serverRejectBehaviourFound)
            //reject(false) any messages we don't want returned again
                case Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE:
                case Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE:
                    if (!messageListenerFound)
                case Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE:
                    for(Long tag : getUnacknowledgedMessageTags())
                        rejectMessage(tag, false);

    public void releaseForRollback()
        // Reject all the messages that have been received in this session and
        // have not yet been acknowledged. Should look to remove
        // _deliveredMessageTags and use _txRangeSet as used by 0-10.
        // Otherwise messages will be able to arrive out of order to a second
        // consumer on the queue. Whilst this is within the JMS spec it is not
        // user friendly and avoidable.
        boolean normalRejectBehaviour = true;
        for (BasicMessageConsumer_0_8 consumer : getConsumers().values())
                normalRejectBehaviour = false;
                //no need to consult other consumers now, found server behaviour.

        while (true)
            Long tag = getDeliveredMessageTags().poll();
            if (tag == null)

            rejectMessage(tag, normalRejectBehaviour);

    public void rejectMessage(long deliveryTag, boolean requeue)
        if ((getAcknowledgeMode() == CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE) || (getAcknowledgeMode() == SESSION_TRANSACTED)||
                ((getAcknowledgeMode() == AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE || getAcknowledgeMode() == DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE ) && hasMessageListeners()))
            if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                _logger.debug("Rejecting delivery tag:" + deliveryTag + ":SessionHC:" + this.hashCode());

            BasicRejectBody body = getMethodRegistry().createBasicRejectBody(deliveryTag, requeue);
            AMQFrame frame = body.generateFrame(getChannelId());


    public boolean isQueueBound(final AMQDestination destination) throws JMSException
        return isQueueBound(destination.getExchangeName(),destination.getAMQQueueName(),destination.getAMQQueueName());

    public boolean isQueueBound(final AMQShortString exchangeName, final AMQShortString queueName, final AMQShortString routingKey)
            throws JMSException
            AMQMethodEvent response = new FailoverRetrySupport<AMQMethodEvent, AMQException>(
                    new FailoverProtectedOperation<AMQMethodEvent, AMQException>()
                        public AMQMethodEvent execute() throws AMQException, FailoverException
                            return sendExchangeBound(exchangeName, routingKey, queueName);

                    }, getAMQConnection()).execute();

            // Extract and return the response code from the query.
            ExchangeBoundOkBody responseBody = (ExchangeBoundOkBody) response.getMethod();

            return (responseBody.getReplyCode() == 0);
        catch (AMQException e)
            throw new JMSAMQException("Queue bound query failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    protected boolean isBound(final AMQShortString exchangeName, final AMQShortString queueName, final AMQShortString routingKey)
            throws AMQException

        AMQMethodEvent response = new FailoverNoopSupport<AMQMethodEvent, AMQException>(
                new FailoverProtectedOperation<AMQMethodEvent, AMQException>()
                    public AMQMethodEvent execute() throws AMQException, FailoverException
                        return sendExchangeBound(exchangeName, routingKey, queueName);

                }, getAMQConnection()).execute();

        // Extract and return the response code from the query.
        ExchangeBoundOkBody responseBody = (ExchangeBoundOkBody) response.getMethod();

        return (responseBody.getReplyCode() == 0);

    private AMQMethodEvent sendExchangeBound(AMQShortString exchangeName,
                                             AMQShortString routingKey,
                                             AMQShortString queueName) throws AMQException, FailoverException
        AMQFrame boundFrame = getProtocolHandler().getMethodRegistry().createExchangeBoundBody
                                (exchangeName, routingKey, queueName).generateFrame(getChannelId());

        return getProtocolHandler().syncWrite(boundFrame, ExchangeBoundOkBody.class);

    public void sendConsume(BasicMessageConsumer_0_8 consumer,
                                      AMQShortString queueName,
                                      boolean nowait,
                                      int tag) throws AMQException, FailoverException

        BasicConsumeBody body = getMethodRegistry().createBasicConsumeBody(getTicket(),
                                                                           new AMQShortString(String.valueOf(tag)),
                                                                           consumer.getAcknowledgeMode() == Session.NO_ACKNOWLEDGE,

        AMQFrame jmsConsume = body.generateFrame(getChannelId());

        if (nowait)
            getProtocolHandler().syncWrite(jmsConsume, BasicConsumeOkBody.class);

    public void sendExchangeDeclare(final AMQShortString name, final AMQShortString type, final boolean nowait,
            boolean durable, boolean autoDelete, boolean internal) throws AMQException, FailoverException
        //The 'noWait' parameter is only used on the 0-10 path, it is ignored on the 0-8/0-9/0-9-1 path

        ExchangeDeclareBody body = getMethodRegistry().createExchangeDeclareBody(getTicket(),name,type,
                                                                                 durable, autoDelete, internal, false, null);
        AMQFrame exchangeDeclare = body.generateFrame(getChannelId());

        getProtocolHandler().syncWrite(exchangeDeclare, ExchangeDeclareOkBody.class);

    private void sendQueueDeclare(final AMQDestination amqd, boolean passive) throws AMQException, FailoverException
        QueueDeclareBody body =

        AMQFrame queueDeclare = body.generateFrame(getChannelId());

        getProtocolHandler().syncWrite(queueDeclare, QueueDeclareOkBody.class);

    protected AMQShortString declareQueue(final AMQDestination amqd, final boolean noLocal,
                                          final boolean nowait, final boolean passive) throws AMQException
        //The 'noWait' parameter is only used on the 0-10 path, it is ignored on the 0-8/0-9/0-9-1 path

        final AMQProtocolHandler protocolHandler = getProtocolHandler();
        return new FailoverNoopSupport<AMQShortString, AMQException>(
                new FailoverProtectedOperation<AMQShortString, AMQException>()
                    public AMQShortString execute() throws AMQException, FailoverException
                        // Generate the queue name if the destination indicates that a client generated name is to be used.
                        if (amqd.isNameRequired())

                        sendQueueDeclare(amqd, passive);

                        return amqd.getAMQQueueName();
                }, getAMQConnection()).execute();

    public void sendQueueDelete(final AMQShortString queueName) throws AMQException, FailoverException
        QueueDeleteBody body = getMethodRegistry().createQueueDeleteBody(getTicket(),
        AMQFrame queueDeleteFrame = body.generateFrame(getChannelId());

        getProtocolHandler().syncWrite(queueDeleteFrame, QueueDeleteOkBody.class);

    public void sendSuspendChannel(boolean suspend) throws AMQException, FailoverException
        ChannelFlowBody body = getMethodRegistry().createChannelFlowBody(!suspend);
        AMQFrame channelFlowFrame = body.generateFrame(getChannelId());
        getAMQConnection().getProtocolHandler().syncWrite(channelFlowFrame, ChannelFlowOkBody.class);

    public BasicMessageConsumer_0_8 createMessageConsumer(final AMQDestination destination, final int prefetchHigh,
            final int prefetchLow, final boolean noLocal, final boolean exclusive, String messageSelector, final FieldTable arguments,
            final boolean noConsume, final boolean autoClosethrows JMSException
       return new BasicMessageConsumer_0_8(getChannelId(), getAMQConnection(), destination, messageSelector, noLocal,
               getMessageFactoryRegistry(),this, arguments, prefetchHigh, prefetchLow,
                                 exclusive, getAcknowledgeMode(), noConsume, autoClose);

    public BasicMessageProducer_0_8 createMessageProducer(final Destination destination, final Boolean mandatory,
            final Boolean immediate, long producerId) throws JMSException
           return new BasicMessageProducer_0_8(getAMQConnection(), (AMQDestination) destination, isTransacted(), getChannelId(),
                                 this, getProtocolHandler(), producerId, immediate, mandatory);
       catch (AMQException e)
           JMSException ex = new JMSException("Error creating producer");

           throw ex;

    @Override public void messageReceived(UnprocessedMessage message)

        if (message instanceof ReturnMessage)
            // Return of the bounced message.
            returnBouncedMessage((ReturnMessage) message);

    private void returnBouncedMessage(final ReturnMessage msg)
        getAMQConnection().performConnectionTask(new Runnable()
            public void run()
                    // Bounced message is processed here, away from the mina thread
                    AbstractJMSMessage bouncedMessage =
                            getMessageFactoryRegistry().createMessage(0, false, msg.getExchange(),
                                    msg.getRoutingKey(), msg.getContentHeader(), msg.getBodies(), _queueDestinationCache, _topicDestinationCache);
                    AMQConstant errorCode = AMQConstant.getConstant(msg.getReplyCode());
                    AMQShortString reason = msg.getReplyText();
                    _logger.debug("Message returned with error code " + errorCode + " (" + reason + ")");

                    // @TODO should this be moved to an exception handler of sorts. Somewhere errors are converted to correct execeptions.
                    if (errorCode == AMQConstant.NO_CONSUMERS)
                        getAMQConnection().exceptionReceived(new AMQNoConsumersException("Error: " + reason, bouncedMessage, null));
                    } else if (errorCode == AMQConstant.NO_ROUTE)
                        getAMQConnection().exceptionReceived(new AMQNoRouteException("Error: " + reason, bouncedMessage, null));
                    } else
                                new AMQUndeliveredException(errorCode, "Error: " + reason, bouncedMessage, null));

                } catch (Exception e)
                            "Caught exception trying to raise undelivered message exception (dump follows) - ignoring...",

    public void sendRollback() throws AMQException, FailoverException
        TxRollbackBody body = getMethodRegistry().createTxRollbackBody();
        AMQFrame frame = body.generateFrame(getChannelId());
        getProtocolHandler().syncWrite(frame, TxRollbackOkBody.class);

    public void setPrefetchLimits(final int messagePrefetch, final long sizePrefetch) throws AMQException
        new FailoverRetrySupport<Object, AMQException>(
                new FailoverProtectedOperation<Object, AMQException>()
                    public Object execute() throws AMQException, FailoverException

                        BasicQosBody basicQosBody = getProtocolHandler().getMethodRegistry().createBasicQosBody(sizePrefetch, messagePrefetch, false);

                        // todo send low water mark when protocol allows.
                        // todo Be aware of possible changes to parameter order as versions change.
                        getProtocolHandler().syncWrite(basicQosBody.generateFrame(getChannelId()), BasicQosOkBody.class);

                        return null;
                 }, getAMQConnection()).execute();

    public DestinationCache<AMQQueue> getQueueDestinationCache()
        return _queueDestinationCache;

    public DestinationCache<AMQTopic> getTopicDestinationCache()
        return _topicDestinationCache;

    class QueueDeclareOkHandler extends SpecificMethodFrameListener

        private long _messageCount;
        private long _consumerCount;

        public QueueDeclareOkHandler()
            super(getChannelId(), QueueDeclareOkBody.class);

        public boolean processMethod(int channelId, AMQMethodBody frame) //throws AMQException
            boolean matches = super.processMethod(channelId, frame);
            if (matches)
                QueueDeclareOkBody declareOk = (QueueDeclareOkBody) frame;
                _messageCount = declareOk.getMessageCount();
                _consumerCount = declareOk.getConsumerCount();
            return matches;

        public long getMessageCount()
            return _messageCount;

        public long getConsumerCount()
            return _consumerCount;

    protected Long requestQueueDepth(AMQDestination amqd, boolean sync) throws AMQException, FailoverException
        AMQFrame queueDeclare =
        QueueDeclareOkHandler okHandler = new QueueDeclareOkHandler();
        getProtocolHandler().writeCommandFrameAndWaitForReply(queueDeclare, okHandler);
        return okHandler.getMessageCount();

    protected boolean tagLE(long tag1, long tag2)
        return tag1 <= tag2;

    protected boolean updateRollbackMark(long currentMark, long deliveryTag)
        return false;

    public AMQMessageDelegateFactory getMessageDelegateFactory()
        return AMQMessageDelegateFactory.FACTORY_0_8;

    public void sync() throws AMQException
        declareExchange(new AMQShortString(""), new AMQShortString("direct"), false);

    public void resolveAddress(AMQDestination dest,
                                              boolean isConsumer,
                                              boolean noLocal) throws AMQException
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The new addressing based syntax is "
                + "not supported for AMQP 0-8/0-9 versions");

    protected void flushAcknowledgments()


    protected void deleteTemporaryDestination(final TemporaryDestination amqQueue)
            throws JMSException
        // Currently TemporaryDestination is set to be auto-delete which, for 0-8..0-9-1, means that the queue will be deleted
        // by the server when there are no more subscriptions to that queue/topic (rather than when the client disconnects).
        // This is not quite right for JMSCompliance as the queue/topic should remain until the connection closes, or the
        // client explicitly deletes it.

        /* intentional no-op */

    public boolean isQueueBound(String exchangeName, String queueName,
            String bindingKey, Map<String, Object> args) throws JMSException
        return isQueueBound(exchangeName == null ? null : new AMQShortString(exchangeName),
                            queueName == null ? null : new AMQShortString(queueName),
                            bindingKey == null ? null : new AMQShortString(bindingKey));

    private AMQProtocolHandler getProtocolHandler()
        return getAMQConnection().getProtocolHandler();

    public MethodRegistry getMethodRegistry()
        MethodRegistry methodRegistry = getProtocolHandler().getMethodRegistry();
        return methodRegistry;

    public AMQException getLastException()
        // if the Connection has closed then we should throw any exception that
        // has occurred that we were not waiting for
        AMQStateManager manager = getProtocolHandler().getStateManager();

        Exception e = manager.getLastException();
        if (manager.getCurrentState().equals(AMQState.CONNECTION_CLOSED)
                && e != null)
            if (e instanceof AMQException)
                return (AMQException) e;
                AMQException amqe = new AMQException(AMQConstant
                        e.getMessage(), e.getCause());
                return amqe;
            return null;

    public boolean isFlowBlocked()
        synchronized (_flowControl)
            return !_flowControl.getFlowControl();

    public void setFlowControl(final boolean active)
        if (_logger.isInfoEnabled())
  "Broker enforced flow control " + (active ? "no longer in effect" : "has been enforced"));

    void checkFlowControl() throws InterruptedException, JMSException
        long expiryTime = 0L;
        synchronized (_flowControl)
            while (!_flowControl.getFlowControl() &&
                   (expiryTime == 0L ? (expiryTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + _flowControlWaitFailure)
                                     : expiryTime) >= System.currentTimeMillis() )

                if (_logger.isInfoEnabled())
          "Message send delayed by " + (System.currentTimeMillis() + _flowControlWaitFailure - expiryTime)/1000 + "s due to broker enforced flow control");
                _logger.error("Message send failed due to timeout waiting on broker enforced flow control");
                throw new JMSException("Unable to send message for " + _flowControlWaitFailure /1000 + " seconds due to broker enforced flow control");

    public abstract static class DestinationCache<T extends AMQDestination>
        private final Map<AMQShortString, Map<AMQShortString, T>> cache = new HashMap<AMQShortString, Map<AMQShortString, T>>();

        public T getDestination(AMQShortString exchangeName, AMQShortString routingKey)
            Map<AMQShortString, T> routingMap = cache.get(exchangeName);
            if(routingMap == null)
                routingMap = new LinkedHashMap<AMQShortString, T>()

                    protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<AMQShortString, T> eldest)
                        return size() >= 200;
            T destination = routingMap.get(routingKey);
            if(destination == null)
                destination = newDestination(exchangeName, routingKey);
            return destination;

        protected abstract T newDestination(AMQShortString exchangeName, AMQShortString routingKey);

    private static class TopicDestinationCache extends DestinationCache<AMQTopic>
        protected AMQTopic newDestination(AMQShortString exchangeName, AMQShortString routingKey)
            return new AMQTopic(exchangeName, routingKey, null);

    private static class QueueDestinationCache extends DestinationCache<AMQQueue>
        protected AMQQueue newDestination(AMQShortString exchangeName, AMQShortString routingKey)
            return new AMQQueue(exchangeName, routingKey, routingKey);

    private static final class FlowControlIndicator
        private volatile boolean _flowControl = true;

        public synchronized void setFlowControl(boolean flowControl)
            _flowControl = flowControl;

        public boolean getFlowControl()
            return _flowControl;

    private final TopicDestinationCache _topicDestinationCache = new TopicDestinationCache();
    private final QueueDestinationCache _queueDestinationCache = new QueueDestinationCache();


Related Classes of org.apache.qpid.client.AMQSession_0_8$FlowControlIndicator

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