Package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.upgradeTests

Source Code of org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.upgradeTests.Changes10_6


Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.upgradeTests.Changes10_6

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package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.upgradeTests;

import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SupportFilesSetup;

import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.JDBCDataSource;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;

import javax.sql.DataSource;

import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;

import org.apache.derby.catalog.types.RoutineAliasInfo;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.TypeDescriptor;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.JDBC;

* Upgrade test cases for 10.6.
* If the old version is 10.6 or later then these tests
* will not be run.
* <BR>
    10.6 Upgrade issues

    <LI> testSetXplainSchemaProcedure - DERBY-2487
    Make sure that SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_XPLAIN_SCHEMA can only be run in Derby
    10.5 and higher.

public class Changes10_6 extends UpgradeChange {

    private static  final   String  BAD_SYNTAX = "42X01";
    private static  final   String  TABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = "42X05";
    private static  final   String  UPGRADE_REQUIRED = "XCL47";

    private static  final   String  QUERY_4215 =
        "select r.grantor\n" +
        "from sys.sysroutineperms r, sys.sysaliases a\n" +
        "where r.aliasid = a.aliasid\n" +
        "and a.alias = 'SYSCS_INPLACE_COMPRESS_TABLE'\n"

    private static final   String CREATE_TYPE_DDL = "create type fooType external name '' language java\n";
    private static final   String DROP_TYPE_DDL = "drop type fooType restrict\n";

    private static final String HASH_ALGORITHM_PROPERTY =

    public Changes10_6(String name) {

     * Return the suite of tests to test the changes made in 10.6.
     * @param phase an integer that indicates the current phase in
     *              the upgrade test.
     * @return the test suite created.
    public static Test suite(int phase) {
        TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("Upgrade test for 10.6");

        return new SupportFilesSetup((Test) suite);

     * Make sure that SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_XPLAIN_STYLE can only be run in
     * Derby 10.5 and higher.
     * DERBY-2487
     * Test added for 10.5.
     * @throws SQLException
    public void testSetXplainStyleProcedure() throws SQLException
        String []xplainProcedures = {
            "call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_XPLAIN_SCHEMA('')",
            "call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_XPLAIN_MODE(1)",
            "call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_XPLAIN_MODE(0)",
            "values SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_XPLAIN_SCHEMA()",
            "values SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_XPLAIN_MODE()",
      Statement s;
        // recognized as a function or procedure.
        switch (getPhase())
        case PH_SOFT_UPGRADE: // In soft-upgrade cases, XPLAIN should fail:
        case PH_POST_SOFT_UPGRADE:
            s = createStatement();
            for (int i = 0; i < xplainProcedures.length; i++)
                assertStatementError("42Y03", s, xplainProcedures[i]);

        case PH_HARD_UPGRADE: // After hard upgrade, XPLAIN should work:
            s = createStatement();
            for (int i = 0; i < xplainProcedures.length; i++)

     * Make sure that SYSIBM.CLOBGETSUBSTRING has the correct return value.
     * See
    public void testCLOBGETSUBSTRING() throws Exception
        Version initialVersion = new Version( getOldMajor(), getOldMinor(), 0, 0 );
        Version firstVersionHavingThisFunction = new Version( 10, 3, 0, 0 );
        Version firstVersionHavingCorrectReturnType = new Version( 10, 5, 0, 0 );
        int     wrongLength = 32672;
        int     correctLength = 10890;
        int     actualJdbcType;
        int     actualLength;
        Object   returnType;

        boolean hasFunction = initialVersion.compareTo( firstVersionHavingThisFunction ) >= 0;
        boolean hasCorrectReturnType = initialVersion.compareTo( firstVersionHavingCorrectReturnType ) >= 0;
      Statement s = createStatement();
        ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery
             "select a.aliasinfo\n" +
             "from sys.sysschemas s, sys.sysaliases a\n" +
             "where s.schemaid = a.schemaid\n" +
             "and s.schemaname = 'SYSIBM'\n" +
             "and alias = 'CLOBGETSUBSTRING'\n"
        switch (getPhase())
        case PH_CREATE:
        case PH_SOFT_UPGRADE:
        case PH_POST_SOFT_UPGRADE:
            if ( !hasFunction ) { break; }

            returnType = getTypeDescriptor( rs.getObject( 1 ) );
            actualJdbcType = getJDBCTypeId( returnType );
            actualLength = getMaximumWidth( returnType );
            int              expectedLength = hasCorrectReturnType ? correctLength : wrongLength;

            assertEquals( java.sql.Types.VARCHAR, actualJdbcType );
            assertEquals( expectedLength, actualLength );

        case PH_HARD_UPGRADE:

            RoutineAliasInfo rai = (RoutineAliasInfo) rs.getObject( 1 );
            TypeDescriptor   td = (TypeDescriptor) rai.getReturnType();

            assertEquals( java.sql.Types.VARCHAR, td.getJDBCTypeId() );
            assertEquals( correctLength, td.getMaximumWidth() );


     * Make sure that SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_INPLACE_COMPRESS_TABLE  has the correct
     * permissons granted to it.
     * See
    public void testSYSCS_INPLACE_COMPRESS_TABLE() throws Exception
        Version initialVersion = new Version( getOldMajor(), getOldMinor(), 0, 0 );
        Version firstVersionHavingPermissions = new Version( 10, 2, 0, 0 );
        boolean beforePermissionsWereAdded = ( initialVersion.compareTo( firstVersionHavingPermissions ) < 0 );
      Statement s = createStatement();
        switch (getPhase())
        case PH_CREATE:
        case PH_SOFT_UPGRADE:
        case PH_POST_SOFT_UPGRADE:
            if ( beforePermissionsWereAdded )
                assertStatementError( TABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, s, QUERY_4215 );
                vetDERBY_4215( s );


        case PH_HARD_UPGRADE:

            vetDERBY_4215( s );

     * Vet the permissions on SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_INPLACE_COMPRESS_TABLE.
     * There should be only one permissions tuple for this system procedure and
     * the grantor should be APP.
    private void vetDERBY_4215( Statement s ) throws Exception
        String    expectedGrantor = "APP";
        ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery( QUERY_4215 );

        assertTrue( );

        String actualGrantor = rs.getString( 1 );
        assertEquals( expectedGrantor, actualGrantor );

        assertFalse( );


     * Make sure that you can only create UDTs in a hard-upgraded database.
     * See
    public void testUDTs() throws Exception
      Statement s = createStatement();

        int phase = getPhase();

        //println( "Phase = " + phase );
        switch ( phase )
        case PH_CREATE:
        case PH_POST_SOFT_UPGRADE:
            assertStatementError( BAD_SYNTAX, s, CREATE_TYPE_DDL );
            assertStatementError( BAD_SYNTAX, s, DROP_TYPE_DDL );

        case PH_SOFT_UPGRADE:

            assertStatementError( UPGRADE_REQUIRED, s, CREATE_TYPE_DDL );
            assertStatementError( UPGRADE_REQUIRED, s, DROP_TYPE_DDL );

        case PH_HARD_UPGRADE:

            s.execute( CREATE_TYPE_DDL );
            s.execute( DROP_TYPE_DDL );


     * We would like to just cast the alias descriptor to
     * RoutineAliasDescriptor. However, this doesn't work if we are running on
     * an old version because the descriptor comes from a different class
     * loader. We use reflection to get the information we need.
    private Object getTypeDescriptor( Object routineAliasDescriptor )
        throws Exception
        Method  meth = routineAliasDescriptor.getClass().getMethod( "getReturnType", null );

        return meth.invoke( routineAliasDescriptor, null );
    private int getJDBCTypeId( Object typeDescriptor )
        throws Exception
        Method  meth = typeDescriptor.getClass().getMethod( "getJDBCTypeId", null );

        return ((Integer) meth.invoke( typeDescriptor, null )).intValue();
    private int getMaximumWidth( Object typeDescriptor )
        throws Exception
        Method  meth = typeDescriptor.getClass().getMethod( "getMaximumWidth", null );

        return ((Integer) meth.invoke( typeDescriptor, null )).intValue();

     * Verify that we don't enable the configurable hash authentication
     * scheme when we upgrade a database. See DERBY-4483.
    public void testBuiltinAuthenticationHashNotChangedOnUpgrade()
            throws SQLException {
        // We enable the configurable hash authentication scheme by setting
        // a property, so check that it's NULL in all phases to verify that
        // it's not enabled on upgrade.

     * Make sure builtin authentication only uses the new configurable hash
     * scheme in hard-upgraded databases. See DERBY-4483.
    public void testBuiltinAuthenticationWithConfigurableHash()
            throws SQLException {

        // This test needs to enable authentication, which is not supported
        // in the default database for the upgrade tests, so roll our own.
        DataSource ds = JDBCDataSource.getDataSourceLogical("BUILTIN_10_6");

        // Add create=true or upgrade=true, as appropriate, since we don't
        // get this for free when we don't use the default database.
        if (getPhase() == PH_CREATE) {
            JDBCDataSource.setBeanProperty(ds, "createDatabase", "create");
        } else if (getPhase() == PH_HARD_UPGRADE) {
                    ds, "connectionAttributes", "upgrade=true");

        // Connect as database owner, possibly creating or upgrading the
        // database.
        Connection c = ds.getConnection("dbo", "the boss");

        // Let's first verify that all the users can connect after the changes
        // in the previous phase. Would for instance fail in post soft upgrade
        // if soft upgrade saved passwords using the new scheme.

        CallableStatement setProp = c.prepareCall(
                "call syscs_util.syscs_set_database_property(?, ?)");

        if (getPhase() == PH_CREATE) {
            // The database is being created. Make sure that builtin
            // authentication is enabled.

            setProp.setString(1, "derby.connection.requireAuthentication");
            setProp.setString(2, "true");

            setProp.setString(1, "derby.authentication.provider");
            setProp.setString(2, "BUILTIN");

        // Set (or reset) passwords for all users.

        // We should still be able to connect.

        // Check that the passwords are stored using the expected scheme (new
        // configurable hash scheme in hard upgrade, old scheme otherwise).
        verifyPasswords(c, getPhase() == PH_HARD_UPGRADE);


        // The framework doesn't know how to shutdown a database using
        // authentication, so do it manually as database owner here.
        JDBCDataSource.setBeanProperty(ds, "user", "dbo");
        JDBCDataSource.setBeanProperty(ds, "password", "the boss");

     * Information about users for the test of builtin authentication with
     * configurable hash algorithm. Two-dimensional array of strings where
     * each row contains (1) a user name, (2) a password, (3) the name of a
     * digest algorithm with which the password should be hashed, (4) the
     * hashed password when the old scheme is used, and (5) the hashed
     * password when the new scheme is used.
    private static final String[][] USERS = {
        { "dbo", "the boss", null,
        { "pat", "postman", "MD5",
        { "sam", "fireman", "SHA-1",

     * Set the passwords for all users specified in {@code USERS}.
     * @param cs a callable statement that sets database properties
    private void setPasswords(CallableStatement cs) throws SQLException {
        for (int i = 0; i < USERS.length; i++) {
            // Use the specified algorithm, if possible. (Will be ignored if
            // the data dictionary doesn't support the new scheme.)
            cs.setString(1, HASH_ALGORITHM_PROPERTY);
            cs.setString(2, USERS[i][2]);
            // Set the password.
            cs.setString(1, "derby.user." + USERS[i][0]);
            cs.setString(2, USERS[i][1]);

     * Verify that all passwords for the users in {@code USERS} are stored
     * as expected. Raise an assert failure on mismatch.
     * @param c a connection to the database
     * @param newScheme if {@code true}, the passwords are expected to have
     * been hashed with the new scheme; otherwise, the passwords are expected
     * to have been hashed with the old scheme
    private void verifyPasswords(Connection c, boolean newScheme)
            throws SQLException {
        PreparedStatement ps = c.prepareStatement(
                "values syscs_util.syscs_get_database_property(?)");
        for (int i = 0; i < USERS.length; i++) {
            String expectedToken = USERS[i][newScheme ? 4 : 3];
            ps.setString(1, "derby.user." + USERS[i][0]);
            JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(ps.executeQuery(), expectedToken);

     * Verify that all users specified in {@code USERS} can connect to the
     * database.
     * @param ds a data source for connecting to the database
     * @throws SQLException if one of the users cannot connect to the database
    private void verifyCanConnect(DataSource ds) throws SQLException {
        for (int i = 0; i < USERS.length; i++) {
            Connection c = ds.getConnection(USERS[i][0], USERS[i][1]);

Related Classes of org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.upgradeTests.Changes10_6

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