Package org.apache.derby.impl.sql.depend

Source Code of org.apache.derby.impl.sql.depend.BasicDependencyManager


   Derby - Class org.apache.derby.impl.sql.depend.BasicDependencyManager

   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
   The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.derby.impl.sql.depend;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;

import org.apache.derby.catalog.DependableFinder;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.CompilerContext;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.Parser;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.StatementContext;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.Dependency;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.DependencyManager;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.Dependent;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.Provider;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.ProviderInfo;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.ProviderList;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DependencyDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.SchemaDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.TableDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ViewDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.CreateViewNode;

  The dependency manager tracks needs that dependents have of providers.

public class BasicDependencyManager implements DependencyManager {
     * DataDictionary for this database.
    private final DataDictionary dd;
     * Map of in-memory dependencies for Dependents.
     * In-memory means that one or both of the Dependent
     * or Provider are non-persistent (isPersistent() returns false).
     * Key is the UUID of the Dependent (from getObjectID()).
     * Value is a List containing Dependency objects, each
     * of whihc links the same Dependent to a Provider.
     * Dependency objects in the List are unique.
    private final Hashtable dependents = new Hashtable();
     * Map of in-memory dependencies for Providers.
     * In-memory means that one or both of the Dependent
     * or Provider are non-persistent (isPersistent() returns false).
     * Key is the UUID of the Provider (from getObjectID()).
     * Value is a List containing Dependency objects, each
     * of which links the same Provider to a Dependent.
     * Dependency objects in the List are unique.
    private final Hashtable providers = new Hashtable();

  // DependencyManager interface

    adds a dependency from the dependent on the provider.
    This will be considered to be the default type of
    dependency, when dependency types show up.
    Implementations of addDependency should be fast --
    performing alot of extra actions to add a dependency would
    be a detriment.

    @param d the dependent
    @param p the provider

    @exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
  public void addDependency(Dependent d, Provider p, ContextManager cm)
    throws StandardException {
    addDependency(d, p, cm, null);
  private void addDependency(Dependent d, Provider p, ContextManager cm,
      TransactionController tc) throws StandardException {

      Dependency dy = new BasicDependency(d, p);

      /* Dependencies are either in-memory or stored, but not both */
      if (! d.isPersistent() || ! p.isPersistent())
        /* Duplicate dependencies are not added to the lists.
         * If we find that the dependency we are trying to add in
         * one list is a duplicate, then it should be a duplicate in the
         * other list.
        boolean addedToDeps = false;
        boolean addedToProvs = false;
        addedToDeps = addDependencyToTable(dependents, d.getObjectID(), dy);
        if (addedToDeps)
          addedToProvs = addDependencyToTable(providers, p.getObjectID(), dy);
        else if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
          addedToProvs = addDependencyToTable(providers, p.getObjectID(), dy);

        /* Dependency should have been added to both or neither */
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
                    if (addedToDeps != addedToProvs)
                            "addedToDeps (" + addedToDeps +
                            ") and addedToProvs (" +
                            addedToProvs + ") are expected to agree");

        /* Add the dependency to the StatementContext, so that
         * it can be cleared on a pre-execution error.
        StatementContext sc = (StatementContext) cm.getContext(org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.ContextId.LANG_STATEMENT);
        /* Add a stored dependency */
        LanguageConnectionContext  lcc = getLanguageConnectionContext(cm);
        DependencyDescriptor    dependencyDescriptor;
                // tc == null means do it in the user transaction
                TransactionController tcToUse =
                        (tc == null) ? lcc.getTransactionExecute() : tc;
        dependencyDescriptor = new DependencyDescriptor(d, p);

        /* We can finally call the DataDictionary to store the dependency */
        dd.addDescriptor(dependencyDescriptor, null,
                 DataDictionary.SYSDEPENDS_CATALOG_NUM, true,

    drops a single dependency

    @param d the dependent
    @param p the provider

    @exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
  private  void dropDependency(LanguageConnectionContext lcc, Dependent d, Provider p) throws StandardException
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
      // right now, this routine isn't called for in-memory dependencies
      if (! d.isPersistent() || ! p.isPersistent())

    DependencyDescriptor dependencyDescriptor = new DependencyDescriptor(d, p);

    dd.dropStoredDependency( dependencyDescriptor,
                 lcc.getTransactionExecute() );

    mark all dependencies on the named provider as invalid.
    When invalidation types show up, this will use the default
    invalidation type. The dependencies will still exist once
    they are marked invalid; clearDependencies should be used
    to remove dependencies that a dependent has or provider gives.
    Implementations of this can take a little time, but are not
    really expected to recompile things against any changes
    made to the provider that caused the invalidation. The
    dependency system makes no guarantees about the state of
    the provider -- implementations can call this before or
    after actually changing the provider to its new state.
    Implementations should throw StandardException
    if the invalidation should be disallowed.

    @param p the provider
    @param action  The action causing the invalidate

    @exception StandardException thrown if unable to make it invalid
  public void invalidateFor(Provider p, int action,
          LanguageConnectionContext lcc)
     throws StandardException
    ** Non-persistent dependencies are stored in memory, and need to
    ** use "synchronized" to ensure their lists don't change while
    ** the invalidation is taking place.  Persistent dependencies are
    ** stored in the data dictionary, and we should *not* do anything
    ** transactional (like reading from a system table) from within
    ** a synchronized method, as it could cause deadlock.
    ** Presumably, the transactional locking in the data dictionary
    ** is enough to protect us, so that we don't have to put any
    ** synchronization in the DependencyManager.
    if (p.isPersistent())
      coreInvalidateFor(p, action, lcc);
    else {
      synchronized (this) {
        coreInvalidateFor(p, action, lcc);

   * A version of invalidateFor that does not provide synchronization among
   * invalidators.  If parameter "forSync" is true, it also provides
   * synchronization on the dependents.  Currently, this means synchronizing
   * on the prepared statements, which might be being executed on other
   * threads.
   * @param p      provider
   * @param action  The action causing the invalidate
   * @param lcc    Language connection context
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error.
  private void coreInvalidateFor(Provider p, int action, LanguageConnectionContext lcc)
    throws StandardException
    List list = getDependents(p);

    if (list == null)

    // affectedCols is passed in from table descriptor provider to indicate
    // which columns it cares; subsetCols is affectedCols' intersection
    // with column bit map found in the provider of SYSDEPENDS line to
    // find out which columns really matter.  If SYSDEPENDS line's
    // dependent is view (or maybe others), provider is table, yet it
    // doesn't have column bit map because the view was created in a
    // previous version of server which doesn't support column dependency,
    // and we really want it to have (such as in drop column), in any case
    // if we passed in table descriptor to this function with a bit map,
    // we really need this, we generate the bitmaps on the fly and update

    FormatableBitSet affectedCols = null, subsetCols = null;
    if (p instanceof TableDescriptor)
      affectedCols = ((TableDescriptor) p).getReferencedColumnMap();
      if (affectedCols != null)
        subsetCols = new FormatableBitSet(affectedCols.getLength());

      StandardException noInvalidate = null;
      // We cannot use an iterator here as the invalidations can remove
      // entries from this list.
      for (int ei = list.size() - 1; ei >= 0; ei--)
        if (ei >= list.size())
        Dependency dependency = (Dependency) list.get(ei);

        Dependent dep = dependency.getDependent();

        if (affectedCols != null)
          TableDescriptor td = (TableDescriptor) dependency.getProvider();
          FormatableBitSet providingCols = td.getReferencedColumnMap();
          if (providingCols == null)
            if (dep instanceof ViewDescriptor)
              ViewDescriptor vd = (ViewDescriptor) dep;
              SchemaDescriptor compSchema;
              compSchema = dd.getSchemaDescriptor(vd.getCompSchemaId(), null);
              CompilerContext newCC = lcc.pushCompilerContext(compSchema);
              Parser  pa = newCC.getParser();

              // Since this is always nested inside another SQL
              // statement, so topLevel flag should be false
              CreateViewNode cvn = (CreateViewNode)pa.parseStatement(

              // need a current dependent for bind
              ProviderInfo[] providerInfos = cvn.getProviderInfo();

              boolean    interferent = false;
              for (int i = 0; i < providerInfos.length; i++)
                Provider provider = null;
                  provider = (Provider) providerInfos[i].
                if (provider instanceof TableDescriptor)
                  TableDescriptor tab = (TableDescriptor)provider;
                  FormatableBitSet colMap = tab.getReferencedColumnMap();
                  if (colMap == null)
                  // if later on an error is raised such as in
                  // case of interference, this dependency line
                  // upgrade will not happen due to rollback
                  dropDependency(lcc, vd, tab);
                  addDependency(vd, tab, lcc.getContextManager());

                  if (tab.getObjectID().equals(td.getObjectID()))
                    System.arraycopy(affectedCols.getByteArray(), 0,
                      subsetCols.getByteArray(), 0,
                    if (subsetCols.anySetBit() != -1)
                      interferent = true;
                      ((TableDescriptor) p).setReferencedColumnMap(subsetCols);
                }  // if provider instanceof TableDescriptor
              // for providerInfos
              if (! interferent)
            // if dep instanceof ViewDescriptor
              ((TableDescriptor) p).setReferencedColumnMap(null);
          // if providingCols == null
            System.arraycopy(affectedCols.getByteArray(), 0, subsetCols.getByteArray(), 0, affectedCols.getLengthInBytes());
            if (subsetCols.anySetBit() == -1)
            ((TableDescriptor) p).setReferencedColumnMap(subsetCols);

        // generate a list of invalidations that fail.
        try {
          dep.prepareToInvalidate(p, action, lcc);
        } catch (StandardException sqle) {

          if (noInvalidate == null) {
            noInvalidate = sqle;
          } else {
            try {
              noInvalidate = sqle;
            } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
              // We weren't able to chain the exceptions. That's
              // OK, since we always have the first exception we
              // caught. Just skip the current exception.
        if (noInvalidate == null) {

          if (affectedCols != null)
            ((TableDescriptor) p).setReferencedColumnMap(affectedCols);

          // REVISIT: future impl will want to mark the individual
          // dependency as invalid as well as the dependent...
          dep.makeInvalid(action, lcc);

      if (noInvalidate != null)
        throw noInvalidate;

    Erases all of the dependencies the dependent has, be they
    valid or invalid, of any dependency type.  This action is
    usually performed as the first step in revalidating a
    dependent; it first erases all the old dependencies, then
    revalidates itself generating a list of new dependencies,
    and then marks itself valid if all its new dependencies are
    There might be a future want to clear all dependencies for
    a particular provider, e.g. when destroying the provider.
    However, at present, they are assumed to stick around and
    it is the responsibility of the dependent to erase them when
    revalidating against the new version of the provider.
    clearDependencies will delete dependencies if they are
    stored; the delete is finalized at the next commit.

    @param d the dependent
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on failure
  public void clearDependencies(LanguageConnectionContext lcc, Dependent d) throws StandardException {
    clearDependencies(lcc, d, null);

   * @inheritDoc
  public void clearDependencies(LanguageConnectionContext lcc,
                  Dependent d, TransactionController tc) throws StandardException {
    List deps = (List) dependents.get(d.getObjectID());

      /* Remove all the stored dependencies */
      if (d.isPersistent())
        boolean wait = (tc == null);

      /* Now remove the in-memory dependencies */

      if (deps == null) return; // already removed

      // go through the list notifying providers to remove
      // the dependency from their lists
      for (ListIterator depsIterator = deps.listIterator();
        depsIterator.hasNext(); ) {

        Dependency dy = (Dependency);
        clearProviderDependency(dy.getProviderKey(), dy);


   * Clear the specified in memory dependency.
   * This is useful for clean-up when an exception occurs.
   * (We clear all in-memory dependencies added in the current
   * StatementContext.)
  public void clearInMemoryDependency(Dependency dy)
      List deps =
        (List) dependents.get(dy.getDependent().getObjectID());

      // NOTE - this is a NEGATIVE Sanity mode check, in sane mode we continue
      // to ensure the dependency manager is consistent.
      if (!SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        // dependency has already been removed
        if (deps == null)

      List provs =
        (List) providers.get(dy.getProvider().getObjectID());

      if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
        // if both are null then everything is OK
        if ((deps != null) || (provs != null)) {

          // ensure that the Dependency dy is either
          // in both lists or in neither. Even if dy
          // is out of the list we can have non-null
          // deps and provs here because other dependencies
          // with the the same providers or dependents can exist

          int depCount = 0;
          if (deps != null) {
            for (int ci = 0; ci < deps.size(); ci++) {
              if (dy.equals(deps.get(ci)))

          int provCount = 0;
          if (provs != null) {
            for (int ci = 0; ci < provs.size(); ci++) {
              if (dy.equals(provs.get(ci)))

          if (depCount != provCount) {
            SanityManager.THROWASSERT("Dependency count mismatch count in deps: " + depCount +
              ", count in provs " + provCount +
              ", dy.getDependent().getObjectID() = " + dy.getDependent().getObjectID() +
              ", dy.getProvider().getObjectID() = " + dy.getProvider().getObjectID());

        // dependency has already been removed,
        // matches code that is protected by !DEBUG above
        if (deps == null)

      // dependency has already been removed
      if (provs == null)

      if (deps.size() == 0)
      if (provs.size() == 0)

   * @see DependencyManager#getAllProviders
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error
//  public SList getAllProviders(Dependent dependent)
//              throws StandardException
//  {
//    synchronized(this)
//    {
//      SList list = getProviders(dependent);
//      return list;
//    }
//  }

   * @see DependencyManager#getAllProviderInfos
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error
/*  public ProviderInfo[] getAllProviderInfos(Dependent dependent)
              throws StandardException
      ProviderInfo[]  retval;
      SList list = getProviders(dependent);
      retval = new ProviderInfo[list.size()];
      if (list == null)
        return retval;
      int piCtr = 0;

      Enumeration enum = list.elements();
      while (enum != null && enum.hasMoreElements())
        Dependency dep = (Dependency) enum.nextElement();

        retval[piCtr++] = new BasicProviderInfo(

      return retval;

   * @see DependencyManager#getPersistentProviderInfos
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error
  public synchronized ProviderInfo[] getPersistentProviderInfos(Dependent dependent)
              throws StandardException
    List list = getProviders(dependent);
    if (list == null)

    java.util.ArrayList pih = new java.util.ArrayList();

    for (ListIterator depsIterator = list.listIterator();
          depsIterator.hasNext(); )
      Dependency dep = (Dependency);

      if (dep.getProvider().isPersistent())
        pih.add(new BasicProviderInfo(

    return (ProviderInfo[]) pih.toArray(EMPTY_PROVIDER_INFO);

  private static final ProviderInfo[] EMPTY_PROVIDER_INFO = new ProviderInfo[0];

   * @see DependencyManager#getPersistentProviderInfos
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error
  public ProviderInfo[] getPersistentProviderInfos(ProviderList pl)
              throws StandardException
    Enumeration e = pl.elements();
    int      numProviders = 0;
    ProviderInfo[]  retval;

    ** We make 2 passes - the first to count the number of persistent
     ** providers and the second to populate the array of ProviderInfos.
    while (e != null && e.hasMoreElements())
      Provider prov = (Provider) e.nextElement();

      if (prov.isPersistent())

    e = pl.elements();
    retval = new ProviderInfo[numProviders];
    int piCtr = 0;
    while (e != null && e.hasMoreElements())
      Provider prov = (Provider) e.nextElement();

      if (prov.isPersistent())
        retval[piCtr++] = new BasicProviderInfo(

    return retval;

   * @see DependencyManager#clearColumnInfoInProviders
   * @param pl    provider list
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error
  public void clearColumnInfoInProviders(ProviderList pl)
          throws StandardException
    Enumeration e = pl.elements();
    while (e.hasMoreElements())
      Provider pro = (Provider) e.nextElement();
      if (pro instanceof TableDescriptor)
        ((TableDescriptor) pro).setReferencedColumnMap(null);

    * Copy dependencies from one dependent to another.
   * @param copy_From the dependent to copy from 
   * @param copyTo the dependent to copy to
   * @param persistentOnly only copy persistent dependencies
   * @param cm    Current ContextManager
   * @exception StandardException    Thrown on error.
  public void copyDependencies(Dependent  copy_From,
                Dependent  copyTo,
                boolean    persistentOnly,
                ContextManager cm) throws StandardException
    copyDependencies(copy_From, copyTo, persistentOnly, cm, null);
   * @inheritDoc
  public synchronized void copyDependencies(
                  Dependent  copy_From,
                  Dependent  copyTo,
                  boolean    persistentOnly,
                  ContextManager cm,
                  TransactionController tc)
    throws StandardException

    List list = getProviders(copy_From);
    if (list == null)

    for (ListIterator depsIterator = list.listIterator(); depsIterator.hasNext(); )
      Provider provider = ((Dependency);
      if (!persistentOnly || provider.isPersistent())
        this.addDependency(copyTo, provider, cm, tc);

   * Returns a string representation of the SQL action, hence no
   * need to internationalize, which is causing the invokation
   * of the Dependency Manager.
   * @param action    The action
   * @return String  The String representation
  public String getActionString(int action)
    switch (action)
      case ALTER_TABLE:
        return "ALTER TABLE";

      case RENAME: //for rename table and column
        return "RENAME";

      case RENAME_INDEX:
        return "RENAME INDEX";

      case COMPILE_FAILED:
        return "COMPILE FAILED";

      case DROP_TABLE:
        return "DROP TABLE";

      case DROP_INDEX:
        return "DROP INDEX";

      case DROP_VIEW:
        return "DROP VIEW";

      case CREATE_INDEX:
        return "CREATE INDEX";

      case ROLLBACK:
        return "ROLLBACK";

      case CHANGED_CURSOR:
        return "CHANGED CURSOR";

        return "CREATE CONSTRAINT";

        return "DROP CONSTRAINT";

        return "DROP ROUTINE";


      case DROP_SPS:


      case BULK_INSERT:
        return "BULK INSERT";

        case CREATE_VIEW:
        return "CREATE_VIEW";
      case DROP_JAR:
        return "DROP_JAR";

      case REPLACE_JAR:
        return "REPLACE_JAR";

        return "SET_CONSTRAINTS_ENABLE";



      case CREATE_TRIGGER:
        return "CREATE TRIGGER";

      case DROP_TRIGGER:
        return "DROP TRIGGER";

        return "SET TRIGGERS ENABLED";

        return "SET TRIGGERS DISABLED";

        return "MODIFY COLUMN DEFAULT";

      case COMPRESS_TABLE:
        return "COMPRESS TABLE";

      case DROP_COLUMN:
        return "DROP COLUMN";

        return "DROP COLUMN RESTRICT";

        case DROP_STATISTICS:
        return "DROP STATISTICS";

        return "UPDATE STATISTICS";

        case TRUNCATE_TABLE:
          return "TRUNCATE TABLE";

        case DROP_SYNONYM:
          return "DROP SYNONYM";

        case REVOKE_PRIVILEGE:
          return "REVOKE PRIVILEGE";


        case REVOKE_ROLE:
        return "REVOKE ROLE";

        return "RECHECK PRIVILEGES";

            case DROP_SEQUENCE:
        return "DROP SEQUENCE";

            case DROP_UDT:
        return "DROP TYPE";

        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
          SanityManager.THROWASSERT("getActionString() passed an invalid value (" + action + ")");
        // NOTE: This is not internationalized because we should never
        // reach here.
        return "UNKNOWN";

   * Count the number of active dependencies, both stored and in memory,
   * in the system.
   * @return int    The number of active dependencies in the system.

    @exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
  public int countDependencies()
    throws StandardException
      int numDependencies = 0;
      Enumeration deps = dependents.elements();
      Enumeration provs = providers.elements();
      List storedDeps = dd.getAllDependencyDescriptorsList();

      /* Count the in memory dependencies */
      while (deps.hasMoreElements())
        numDependencies += ((List) deps.nextElement()).size();

      while (provs.hasMoreElements())
        numDependencies += ((List) provs.nextElement()).size();

      /* Add in the stored dependencies */
      numDependencies += storedDeps.size();

      return numDependencies;

   * Dump out debugging info on all of the dependencies currently
   * within the system.
   * @return String  Debugging info on the dependencies.
   *          (null if SanityManger.DEBUG is false)

   * @exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
   * @exception java.sql.SQLException thrown if something goes wrong
  public String dumpDependencies() throws StandardException, java.sql.SQLException
      boolean foundInMemory = false;
      boolean foundStored = false;
      StringBuffer debugBuf = new StringBuffer();

      if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
        Enumeration deps = dependents.keys();
        UUID[]    depKeys = new UUID[dependents.size()];

        /* Record the in memory dependencies */
        for (int i = 0; deps.hasMoreElements(); i++)
          ** Get all the keys and sort them, so that they will always
          ** be printed in the same order (we have tests that canonize
          ** the order of printing the dependencies, and since the key
          ** is a UUID, the order they are returned from
          ** hasMoreElements() changes from run to run).
          depKeys[i] = (UUID) deps.nextElement();

        /* Do a bubble sort - there aren't likely to be many elements */

        /* Iterate through the sorted keys */
        for (int i = 0; i < depKeys.length; i++)
          List depsSList = (List) dependents.get(depKeys[i]);

          for (ListIterator depsIterator = depsSList.listIterator();
             depsIterator.hasNext(); )
            Dependency dy = (Dependency);

            if (! foundInMemory)
              debugBuf.append("In Memory Dependencies:\n");
              foundInMemory = true;

            debugBuf.append(dy.getDependent().toString() +
                    ", type " +
                    dy.getDependent().getClassType() +
                    ", " +
                    " is dependent on " +
                    dy.getProvider().getObjectName() +
                    ", type " +
                    dy.getProvider().getClassType() +

        /* Record the in memory dependencies */
        Enumeration provs = providers.keys();
        UUID[]    provKeys = new UUID[providers.size()];
        for (int i = 0; provs.hasMoreElements(); i++)
          ** Get all the keys and sort them, so that they will always
          ** be printed in the same order (we have tests that canonize
          ** the order of printing the dependencies, and since the key
          ** is a UUID, the order they are returned from
          ** hasMoreElements() changes from run to run).
          provKeys[i] = (UUID) provs.nextElement();

        /* Do a bubble sort - there aren't likely to be many elements */

        /* Iterate through the sorted keys */
        for (int i = 0; i < provKeys.length; i++)
          List depsSList = (List) providers.get(provKeys[i]);

          for (ListIterator depsIterator = depsSList.listIterator();
            depsIterator.hasNext(); )

            Dependency dy = (Dependency);

            if (! foundInMemory)
              debugBuf.append("In Memory Dependencies:\n");
              foundInMemory = true;

                    dy.getProvider().toString() +
                    ", type " +
                    dy.getProvider().getClassType() +
                    ", provides for " +
                    dy.getDependent().getObjectName() +
                    ", type " +
                    dy.getDependent().getClassType() +
        /* Record the stored dependencies in sorted order to avoid
           ordering problems in canons. Also the dependencyDescriptor.getUUID()
           in this list is not unique, hence the sort on the output string values instead
        List storedDeps = dd.getAllDependencyDescriptorsList();

        String[] dependStr = new String[storedDeps.size()];

        int i = 0;
        for (ListIterator depsIterator = storedDeps.listIterator();
           depsIterator.hasNext(); )
          DependencyDescriptor dependDescr =

          if (! foundStored)
            debugBuf.append("Stored Dependencies:\n");
            foundStored = true;
                    DependableFinder providerFinder = dependDescr.getProviderFinder();
                    DependableFinder dependentFinder = dependDescr.getDependentFinder();

          dependStr[i++] =
                        providerFinder.getDependable(dd, dependDescr.getProviderID()).getObjectName() +
                        ", type " + providerFinder.getSQLObjectType() +
                        ", provides for " +
                        dependentFinder.getDependable(dd, dependDescr.getUUID()).getObjectName() +
                        ", type " + dependentFinder.getSQLObjectType() +

        // sort stored dependencies; dependStr
        for (i = 0; i < dependStr.length; i++)
          for (int j = i + 1; j < dependStr.length; j++)
            if (dependStr[i].compareTo(dependStr[j]) > 0)
              String save = dependStr[i];
              dependStr[i] = dependStr[j];
              dependStr[j] = save;

        for(i=0; i < dependStr.length; i++)


      return debugBuf.toString();

  // class interface
  public BasicDependencyManager(DataDictionary dd) {
        this.dd = dd;

  // class implementation

   * Add a new dependency to the specified table if it does not
   * already exist in that table.
   * @return boolean    Whether or not the dependency get added.
  private boolean addDependencyToTable(Hashtable table,
    Object key, Dependency dy) {

    List deps = (List) table.get(key);
    if (deps == null) {
      deps = newSList();
      table.put(key, deps);
    else {
      /* Make sure that we're not adding a duplicate dependency */
      UUID  provKey = dy.getProvider().getObjectID();
      UUID  depKey = dy.getDependent().getObjectID();

      for (ListIterator depsIT = deps.listIterator();  depsIT.hasNext(); )
        Dependency curDY = (Dependency);
        if (curDY.getProvider().getObjectID().equals(provKey) &&
          return false;


    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {

      if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("memoryLeakTrace")) {

        if (table.size() > 100)
          System.out.println("memoryLeakTrace:BasicDependencyManager:table " + table.size());
        if (deps.size() > 50)
          System.out.println("memoryLeakTrace:BasicDependencyManager:deps " + deps.size());

    return true;

   * removes a dependency for a given provider. assumes
   * that the dependent removal is being dealt with elsewhere.
   * Won't assume that the dependent only appears once in the list.
  protected void clearProviderDependency(UUID p, Dependency d) {
    List deps = (List) providers.get(p);

    if (deps == null)


    if (deps.size() == 0)

   * Replace the DependencyDescriptors in an List with Dependencys.
   * @param storedList  The List of DependencyDescriptors representing
   *            stored dependencies.
   * @param providerForList The provider if this list is being created
   *                        for a list of dependents. Null otherwise.
   * @return List    The converted List
   * @exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
  private List getDependencyDescriptorList(List storedList,
      Provider providerForList)
    throws StandardException
    if (storedList.size() != 0)
      /* For each DependencyDescriptor, we need to instantiate
       * object descriptors of the appropriate type for both
       * the dependent and provider, create a Dependency with
       * that Dependent and Provider and substitute the Dependency
       * back into the same place in the List
       * so that the call gets an enumerations of Dependencys.
      for (ListIterator depsIterator = storedList.listIterator();
         depsIterator.hasNext(); )
        Dependent       tempD;
        Provider        tempP;
        DependableFinder  finder = null;

        DependencyDescriptor depDesc = (DependencyDescriptor);

          finder = depDesc.getDependentFinder();
          tempD = (Dependent) finder.getDependable(dd, depDesc.getUUID() );

          if (providerForList != null)
            // Use the provider being passed in.
            tempP = providerForList;
            // Sanity check the object identifiers match.
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
              if (!tempP.getObjectID().equals(depDesc.getProviderID()))
                SanityManager.THROWASSERT("mismatch providers");
            finder = depDesc.getProviderFinder();
            tempP = (Provider) finder.getDependable(dd, depDesc.getProviderID() );

        depsIterator.set(new BasicDependency(tempD, tempP));

    return storedList;

   * Returns the LanguageConnectionContext to use.
   * @param cm  Current ContextManager
   * @return LanguageConnectionContext  The LanguageConnectionContext to use.
  private LanguageConnectionContext getLanguageConnectionContext(ContextManager cm)
    // find the language context.
    return (LanguageConnectionContext) cm.getContext(LanguageConnectionContext.CONTEXT_ID);

   * Do a bubble sort on the given array of UUIDs.  This sorts by the
   * String values of the UUIDs.  It's slow, but it doesn't matter
   * because this is only for testing and debugging.  Sorting by
   * UUID.toString() always gives the same order because, within a
   * single boot of the system, UUIDs are distinguished only by a
   * sequence number.
   * @param uuids    The array of UUIDs to sort.
  private void bubbleSort(UUID[] uuids)
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
      for (int i = 0; i < uuids.length; i++)
        for (int j = i + 1; j < uuids.length; j++)
          if (uuids[i].toString().compareTo(uuids[j].toString()) > 0)
            UUID  save = uuids[i];
            uuids[i] = uuids[j];
            uuids[j] = save;

    Returns an enumeration of all dependencies that this
    dependent has with any provider (even
    invalid ones). Includes all dependency types.

    @param d the dependent

    @exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
  private List getProviders (Dependent d) throws StandardException {

    List deps = (List) dependents.get(d.getObjectID());

    /* If the Dependent is not persistent, then we only have to
     * worry about in-memory dependencies.  Otherwise, we have to
     * integrate the 2.
    if (! d.isPersistent())
      return (deps == null? null : deps);
      if (deps == null)
        deps = newSList();
        deps = newSList(deps);

      /* Now we need to add any persistent dependencies to the
       * list before returning
      List storedList = getDependencyDescriptorList(
                (Provider) null

      if (storedList.size() > 0)
        deps.addAll(0, storedList);

      return deps;

    Returns an enumeration of all dependencies that this
    provider is supporting for any dependent at all (even
    invalid ones). Includes all dependency types.

    @param p the provider

    @exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
  private List getDependents (Provider p)
      throws StandardException {

    List deps = (List) providers.get(p.getObjectID());

    /* If the Provider is not persistent, then we only have to
    * worry about in-memory dependencies.  Otherwise, we have to
    * integrate the 2.
    if (! p.isPersistent())
      return deps;
      if (deps == null)
        deps = newSList();
        deps = newSList(deps);

      /* Now we need to add any persistent dependencies to the
       * list before returning
      List storedList = getDependencyDescriptorList(
      if (storedList.size() > 0)
        deps.addAll(0, storedList);

      return deps;

  private static List newSList() {
    return java.util.Collections.synchronizedList(new java.util.LinkedList());
  private static List newSList(List list) {
    return java.util.Collections.synchronizedList(new java.util.LinkedList(list));

Related Classes of org.apache.derby.impl.sql.depend.BasicDependencyManager

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