Package snippet

Source Code of snippet.SnippetMacro

package snippet;

import com.atlassian.renderer.RenderContext;
import com.atlassian.renderer.v2.RenderMode;
import com.atlassian.renderer.v2.SubRenderer;
import com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.BaseMacro;
import com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.MacroException;
import com.atlassian.mail.Email;
import com.atlassian.mail.MailFactory;
import com.atlassian.mail.server.SMTPMailServer;
import com.atlassian.confluence.renderer.PageContext;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

* <p/>
* Macro that gets a snippet of the content from a URL. The content will be trimmed down to the content
* found between some special tags. This is very handy for documentation that includes code. The code
* can be in CVS (whatever build system is used will make sure it builds properly) and the URL can
* be a ViewCVS URL. (In case of ViewCVS the URL should point to the download URL of a file). The content
* is cached for one hour in order to improve performance. The snippet is also unindented to remove excess space.
* Example of content of the URL:
* </p>
* <p/>
* <pre>
* this
* // START SNIPPET: something
* macro
* // START SNIPPET: somethingElse
* is
* // END SNIPPET: somethingElse
* very
* // END SNIPPET: something
* cool
* </pre>
* </p>
* <p/>
* Example usage:
* <pre>
* {snippet:lang=java|id=something|linenumbers=true|url=http://some/url/to/viewcvs}
* </pre>
* </p>
* <p/>
* This will give the following content
* <pre>
* {code:java}
* 1. macro
* 2. is
* 3. very
* {code}
* </pre>
* </p>
* <p/>
* Parameters:
* <ul>
* <li>id - (required) the id of the snippet in the URL content</li>
* <li>url - (required) the location of the content</li>
* <li>lang - (optional) if present, will wrap the content in {code:lang}</li>
* <li>linenumbers (optional) if present and true, will add line numbers</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @author Jon Tirs&eacute;n
* @author Aslak Helles&oslash;y
* @author Carlos Villela
* @version $Revision: 272 $
public class SnippetMacro extends BaseMacro
    public static boolean TOGGLE = true;

    private static final int MINUTE = 60 * 1000;
    public static final Map cache = new HashMap();
    public static final Map timeCached = new HashMap();
    private long timeout = 60 * MINUTE; // one hour default cache
    private SubRenderer subRenderer;

    public RenderMode getBodyRenderMode()
        return RenderMode.ALL;

    public boolean hasBody()
        return false;

    public boolean isInline()
        return false;

    public String execute(Map parameters, String string, RenderContext renderContext) throws MacroException
        String id = (String) parameters.get("id");
        required(id, "id");
        String urlParam = (String) parameters.get("url");
        required(urlParam, "url");

         if (urlParam.startsWith("com.opensymphony.")) {
            // ok, this is a direct class reference, we can fix this
            // first, figure out which module we're talking about
            int nextDot = urlParam.indexOf('.', "com.opensymphony.".length());
            String module = urlParam.substring("com.opensymphony.".length(), nextDot);

            if ("xwork2".equals(module)) {
                String url = "";
                urlParam = url + urlParam.replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ".java";
            } else if ("xwork".equals(module)) {
                String url = "";
                urlParam = url + urlParam.replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ".java";
            } else {
                urlParam = module + "/src/java/" + urlParam.replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ".java";
        } else if ((urlParam.startsWith("org.apache.struts.action2")) // special-case for old edits
                 (urlParam.startsWith("org.apache.struts2."))) {
            // ex:
            // support for Struts 2.0
            String url = "";
            urlParam = url + urlParam.replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ".java";
        } else if (urlParam.startsWith("org.apache.struts.")) {
            // ex:
            // support for Struts 1.0
            String url = "";
            urlParam = url + urlParam.replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ".java";

        if (!urlParam.startsWith("http")) {
            if (urlParam.startsWith("struts2/")) {
                // cut out the struts2 part
                urlParam = urlParam.substring("struts2/".length());
                urlParam = "" + urlParam;
            } else if (urlParam.startsWith("struts1/")) {
                // cut out the struts2 part
                urlParam = urlParam.substring("struts1/".length());
                urlParam = "" + urlParam;
            else {
                urlParam = "*checkout*/" + urlParam;

        // one last check to short-circuit any xwork access
        if (urlParam.startsWith("*checkout*/xwork/")) {
            urlParam = urlParam.substring("*checkout*/xwork/".length());
            urlParam = "" + urlParam;

        String linesParam = (String) parameters.get("linenumbers");
        URL url = null;
        try {
            url = new URL(urlParam);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
        String lang = (String) parameters.get("lang");

        try {
            boolean withLineNumbers = "true".equals(linesParam);
            Snippet snippet = null;
            String encoded = null;

            encoded = URLEncoder.encode(urlParam, "UTF-8");
            snippet = getSnippet(url, id, renderContext);

            List lines = snippet.getLines();
            // if there are no actual lines, this snippet is invalid!
            if (lines == null || lines.isEmpty()) {
                email(renderContext, url, id, "An invalid snippet was found", null);

            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

            // check if each line starts with a whitespace and a "*" (JavaDocs)
            boolean javaDoc = true;
            if (!"true".equals(parameters.get("javadoc"))) {
                // ok, we weren't told specifically, let's try to figure it out
                for (Iterator iterator = lines.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                    String line = (String);
                    if (!Snippet.stripEOL(line).trim().startsWith("* ")) {
                        javaDoc = false;

            if (lang != null)
                writer.write("{code:lang=" + lang + "}\n");
            snippet.writeContent(writer, withLineNumbers, javaDoc);
            if (lang != null)

            String msg;
            if (lang != null) {
                String content = writer.getBuffer().toString();
                if (javaDoc) {
                    // this is in a javadoc, so we can assume that XML content is escaped, we need to fix that
                    content = content.replaceAll("\\&lt;", "<").replaceAll("\\&gt;", ">").replaceAll("\\&#64;", "@");

                msg = subRenderer.render(content, new RenderContext());
            } else {
                msg = subRenderer.render(writer.getBuffer().toString(), new RenderContext(),
                        RenderMode.suppress(RenderMode.F_MACROS | RenderMode.F_HTMLESCAPE | RenderMode.F_LINEBREAKS | RenderMode.F_LINKS));

                if (javaDoc) {
                    // @{link Writer} -> Writer
                    // @{link Foo#bar()} ->
                    // @{link #foo()} -> foo()
                    msg = cleanupJavadoc(msg);

            if (TOGGLE) {
                return "<table bgcolor='#ffffe0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%' border='0'>" +
                        "<tr>" +
                        "<td>" +
                        "<div stlye='font-size:8px; text-align:center;'>" +
                        "<center>Content pulled from external source. Click <a href='/plugins/snippet/clearCache.action?id=" + id + "&amp;url=" + encoded + "'>here</a> to refresh.</center>" +
                        "</div>" +
                        "</td>" +
                        "</tr>" +
                        "<tr>" +
                        "<td>" +
                        msg +
                        "</td>" +
                        "</tr>" +
            } else {
                return msg;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            email(renderContext, url, id, null, e);
            return "An error occurred: " + e.getMessage() + ". The system administrator has been notified.";

    private void email(RenderContext renderContext, URL url, String id, String msg, Exception e) {
        if (true) {
            // disabled for now

        try {
            PageContext pc = (PageContext) renderContext;

            Email mail = new Email("");
            mail.setFromName("OpenSymphony Wiki");
            mail.setSubject("Bad Snippet");
            String append = "";
            if (e != null) {
                msg = "Exception: " + e.getMessage();
                StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
                e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer));
                append = writer.toString();
            mail.setBody(msg + ":\n" +
                    "\n" +
                    " Page: " + "" + pc.getEntity().getUrlPath() + "\n" +
                    " URL:  " + url + "\n" +
                    " ID:   " + id + "\n" +
                    "\n" +

            SMTPMailServer mailServer = MailFactory.getServerManager().getDefaultSMTPMailServer();
            if (mailServer != null) {
        } catch (Exception ex) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String s = "foo {@link Writer} bar {@link Foo#bar()} baz {@link #foo()} qoz";

    public static String cleanupJavadoc(String msg) {
        return msg.replaceAll("\\{\\@link ([^ \\}]+)\\}", "$1");

    Snippet getSnippet(URL url, String id, RenderContext renderContext) throws IOException
        Snippet result = getCachedSnippet(url, id);
        if (result == null)
            result = new SnippetReader(url).readSnippet(id);
            cacheSnippet(url, id, result);

        return result;

    public static void clearCacheSnippet(URL url, String id) {
        cache.remove(globalSnippetId(url, id));

    private Snippet getCachedSnippet(URL url, String id)
        if (isCacheTimedout(url, id))
            removeFromCache(url, id);
        return (Snippet) cache.get(globalSnippetId(url, id));

    boolean isCacheTimedout(URL url, String id)
        return timeInCache(url, id) >= timeout;

    long timeInCache(URL url, String id)
        return System.currentTimeMillis() - getTimeCached(url, id);

    long getTimeCached(URL url, String id)
        String globalId = globalSnippetId(url, id);
        return timeCached.containsKey(globalId) ? ((Long) timeCached.get(globalId)).longValue() : 0;

    private void removeFromCache(URL url, String id)
        String globalId = globalSnippetId(url, id);

    private static String globalSnippetId(URL url, String id)
        return url + " " + id;

    private void required(String id, String param)
        if (id == null || "".equals(id))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(param + " is a required parameter");

    public void cacheSnippet(URL url, String id, Snippet snippet)
        cache.put(globalSnippetId(url, id), snippet);
        timeCached.put(globalSnippetId(url, id), new Long(System.currentTimeMillis()));

    public void setCacheTimeout(int timeout)
        this.timeout = timeout;

    public void setSubRenderer(SubRenderer subRenderer)
        this.subRenderer = subRenderer;

Related Classes of snippet.SnippetMacro

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