Package org.apache.james.jdkim

Source Code of org.apache.james.jdkim.DKIMVerifier

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package org.apache.james.jdkim;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.james.jdkim.api.BodyHasher;
import org.apache.james.jdkim.api.Headers;
import org.apache.james.jdkim.api.PublicKeyRecord;
import org.apache.james.jdkim.api.PublicKeyRecordRetriever;
import org.apache.james.jdkim.api.SignatureRecord;
import org.apache.james.jdkim.exceptions.FailException;
import org.apache.james.jdkim.exceptions.PermFailException;
import org.apache.james.jdkim.exceptions.TempFailException;
import org.apache.james.jdkim.impl.BodyHasherImpl;
import org.apache.james.jdkim.impl.CompoundBodyHasher;
import org.apache.james.jdkim.impl.DNSPublicKeyRecordRetriever;
import org.apache.james.jdkim.impl.Message;
import org.apache.james.jdkim.impl.MultiplexingPublicKeyRecordRetriever;
import org.apache.james.jdkim.tagvalue.PublicKeyRecordImpl;
import org.apache.james.jdkim.tagvalue.SignatureRecordImpl;

public class DKIMVerifier extends DKIMCommon {

    private PublicKeyRecordRetriever publicKeyRecordRetriever;

    public DKIMVerifier() {
        this.publicKeyRecordRetriever = new MultiplexingPublicKeyRecordRetriever(
                "dns", new DNSPublicKeyRecordRetriever());

    public DKIMVerifier(PublicKeyRecordRetriever publicKeyRecordRetriever) {
        this.publicKeyRecordRetriever = publicKeyRecordRetriever;

    protected PublicKeyRecord newPublicKeyRecord(String record) {
        return new PublicKeyRecordImpl(record);

    public SignatureRecord newSignatureRecord(String record) {
        return new SignatureRecordImpl(record);

    protected BodyHasherImpl newBodyHasher(SignatureRecord signRecord)
            throws PermFailException {
        return new BodyHasherImpl(signRecord);

    protected PublicKeyRecordRetriever getPublicKeyRecordRetriever()
            throws PermFailException {
        return publicKeyRecordRetriever;

    public PublicKeyRecord publicKeySelector(List<String> records)
            throws PermFailException {
        String lastError = null;
        if (records == null || records.isEmpty()) {
            lastError = "no key for signature";
        } else {
            for (Iterator<String> i = records.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                String record =;
                try {
                    PublicKeyRecord pk = newPublicKeyRecord(record);
                    // we expect a single valid record, otherwise the result
                    // is unpredictable.
                    // in case of multiple valid records we use the first one.
                    return pk;
                } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                    // do this at last.
                    lastError = "invalid key for signature: " + e.getMessage();
        // return PERMFAIL ($error).
        throw new PermFailException(lastError);

     * asserts applicability of a signature record the a public key record.
     * throws an
     * @param pkr public key record
     * @param sign signature record
     * @throws PermFailException when the keys are not applicable
    public static void apply(PublicKeyRecord pkr, SignatureRecord sign) throws PermFailException {
        try {
            if (!pkr.getGranularityPattern().matcher(sign.getIdentityLocalPart())
                    .matches()) {
                throw new PermFailException("inapplicable key identity local="
                        + sign.getIdentityLocalPart() + " Pattern: "
                        + pkr.getGranularityPattern().pattern(), sign.getIdentity().toString());
            if (!pkr.isHashMethodSupported(sign.getHashMethod())) {
                throw new PermFailException("inappropriate hash for a="
                        + sign.getHashKeyType() + "/" + sign.getHashMethod(), sign.getIdentity().toString());
            if (!pkr.isKeyTypeSupported(sign.getHashKeyType())) {
                throw new PermFailException("inappropriate key type for a="
                        + sign.getHashKeyType() + "/" + sign.getHashMethod(), sign.getIdentity().toString());
            if (pkr.isDenySubdomains()) {
                if (!sign.getIdentity().toString().toLowerCase().endsWith(
                        ("@" + sign.getDToken()).toLowerCase())) {
                    throw new PermFailException(
                            "AUID in subdomain of SDID is not allowed by the public key record.", sign.getIdentity().toString());
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
            throw new PermFailException("Invalid public key: "+e.getMessage(), sign.getIdentity().toString());

     * Iterates through signature's declared lookup method
     * @param sign
     *                the signature record
     * @return an "applicable" PublicKeyRecord
     * @throws TempFailException
     * @throws PermFailException
    public PublicKeyRecord publicRecordLookup(SignatureRecord sign)
            throws TempFailException, PermFailException {
        // System.out.println(sign);
        PublicKeyRecord key = null;
        TempFailException lastTempFailure = null;
        PermFailException lastPermFailure = null;
        for (Iterator<CharSequence> rlm = sign.getRecordLookupMethods().iterator(); key == null
                && rlm.hasNext();) {
            CharSequence method =;
            try {
                PublicKeyRecordRetriever pkrr = getPublicKeyRecordRetriever();
                List<String> records = pkrr.getRecords(method, sign.getSelector()
                        .toString(), sign.getDToken().toString());
                PublicKeyRecord tempKey = publicKeySelector(records);
                // checks wether the key is applicable to the signature
                // TODO check with the IETF group to understand if this is the
                // right thing to do.
                // TODO loggin
                apply(tempKey, sign);
                key = tempKey;
            } catch (TempFailException tf) {
                lastTempFailure = tf;
            } catch (PermFailException pf) {
                lastPermFailure = pf;
        if (key == null) {
            if (lastTempFailure != null) {
                if (sign != null) lastTempFailure.setRelatedRecordIdentity(sign.getIdentity().toString());
                throw lastTempFailure;
            } else if (lastPermFailure != null) {
                if (sign != null) lastPermFailure.setRelatedRecordIdentity(sign.getIdentity().toString());
                throw lastPermFailure;
            }            // this is unexpected because the publicKeySelector always returns
            // null or exception
            else {
                throw new PermFailException(
                        "no key for signature [unexpected condition]", sign.getIdentity().toString());
        return key;

     * Verifies all of the DKIM-Signature records declared in the supplied input
     * stream
     * @param is
     *                inputStream
     * @return a list of verified signature records.
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws FailException
     *                 if no signature can be verified
    public List<SignatureRecord> verify(InputStream is) throws IOException,
            FailException {
        Message message;
        try {
          try {
              message = new Message(is);
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
              throw e;
            } catch (IOException e) {
              throw e;
            } catch (Exception e1) {
              // This can only be a MimeException but we don't declare to allow usage of
              // DKIMSigner without Mime4J dependency.
              throw new PermFailException("Mime parsing exception: "
                      + e1.getMessage(), e1);
          try {
              return verify(message, message.getBodyInputStream());
          } finally {
        } finally {
    public BodyHasher newBodyHasher(Headers messageHeaders) throws FailException {
        List<String> fields = messageHeaders.getFields("DKIM-Signature");
        if (fields == null || fields.isEmpty()) {
            return null;

        // For each DKIM-signature we prepare an hashjob.
        // We calculate all hashes concurrently so to read
        // the inputstream only once.
        Map<String, BodyHasherImpl> bodyHashJobs = new HashMap<String, BodyHasherImpl>();
        Hashtable<String, FailException> signatureExceptions = new Hashtable<String, FailException>();
        for (Iterator<String> i = fields.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            String signatureField =;
            try {
                int pos = signatureField.indexOf(':');
                if (pos > 0) {
                    String v = signatureField.substring(pos + 1, signatureField
                    SignatureRecord signatureRecord;
                    try {
                        signatureRecord = newSignatureRecord(v);
                        // validate
                    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                        throw new PermFailException("Invalid signature record: "+e.getMessage(), e);

                    // Specification say we MAY refuse to verify the signature.
                    if (signatureRecord.getSignatureTimestamp() != null) {
                        long signedTime = signatureRecord.getSignatureTimestamp().longValue();
                        long elapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis()/1000 - signedTime);
                        if (elapsed < -3600*24*365*3) {
                            throw new PermFailException("Signature date is more than "
                                    + -elapsed/(3600*24*365) + " years in the future.");
                        } else if (elapsed < -3600*24*30*3) {
                            throw new PermFailException("Signature date is more than "
                                    + -elapsed/(3600*24*30) + " months in the future.");
                        } else if (elapsed < -3600*24*3) {
                            throw new PermFailException("Signature date is more than "
                                        + -elapsed/(3600*24) + " days in the future.");
                        } else if (elapsed < -3600*3) {
                            throw new PermFailException("Signature date is more than "
                                    + -elapsed/3600 + " hours in the future.");
                        } else if (elapsed < -60*3) {
                            throw new PermFailException("Signature date is more than "
                                    + -elapsed/60 + " minutes in the future.");
                        } else if (elapsed < 0) {
                            throw new PermFailException("Signature date is "
                                    + elapsed + " seconds in the future.");

                    // TODO here we could check more parameters for
                    // validation before running a network operation like the
                    // dns lookup.
                    // e.g: the canonicalization method could be checked now.
                    PublicKeyRecord publicKeyRecord = publicRecordLookup(signatureRecord);

                    List<CharSequence> signedHeadersList = signatureRecord.getHeaders();

                    byte[] decoded = signatureRecord.getSignature();
                    signatureVerify(messageHeaders, signatureRecord, decoded,
                            publicKeyRecord, signedHeadersList);

                    // we track all canonicalizations+limit+bodyHash we
                    // see so to be able to check all of them in a single
                    // stream run.
                    BodyHasherImpl bhj = newBodyHasher(signatureRecord);

                    bodyHashJobs.put(signatureField, bhj);

                } else {
                    throw new PermFailException(
                            "unexpected bad signature field");
            } catch (TempFailException e) {
                signatureExceptions.put(signatureField, e);
            } catch (PermFailException e) {
                signatureExceptions.put(signatureField, e);
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                signatureExceptions.put(signatureField, new PermFailException(
                        "Unexpected exception processing signature", e));

        if (bodyHashJobs.isEmpty()) {
            if (signatureExceptions.size() > 0) {
                throw prepareException(signatureExceptions);
            } else {
                throw new PermFailException("Unexpected condition with "+fields);

        return new CompoundBodyHasher(bodyHashJobs, signatureExceptions);

     * Verifies all of the DKIM-Signature records declared in the Headers
     * object.
     * @param messageHeaders
     *                parsed headers
     * @param bodyInputStream
     *                input stream for the body.
     * @return a list of verified signature records
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws FailException
     *                 if no signature can be verified
    public List<SignatureRecord> verify(Headers messageHeaders,
            InputStream bodyInputStream) throws IOException, FailException {
        BodyHasher bh = newBodyHasher(messageHeaders);
        if (bh == null) return null;
        CompoundBodyHasher cbh = validateBodyHasher(bh);

        // simultaneous computation of all the hashes.
        DKIMCommon.streamCopy(bodyInputStream, cbh.getOutputStream());

        return verify(cbh);
     * Completes the simultaneous verification of multiple
     * signatures given the previously prepared compound body hasher where
     * the user already written the body to the outputstream and closed it.
     * @param compoundBodyHasher the BodyHasher previously obtained by this class.
     * @return a list of valid (verified) signatures or null on null input.
     * @throws FailException if no valid signature is found
    public List<SignatureRecord> verify(BodyHasher bh) throws FailException {
        if (bh == null) return null;
        CompoundBodyHasher cbh = validateBodyHasher(bh);
        return verify(cbh);

     * Used by public "verify" methods to make sure the input
     * bodyHasher is a CompoundBodyHasher as expected.
     * @param bh the BodyHasher previously obtained by this class.
     * @return a casted CompoundBodyHasher
     * @throws PermFailException if it wasn't a CompoundBodyHasher
    private CompoundBodyHasher validateBodyHasher(BodyHasher bh)
            throws PermFailException {
        if (!(bh instanceof CompoundBodyHasher)) {
            throw new PermFailException("Unexpected BodyHasher type: this is not generated by DKIMVerifier!");
        CompoundBodyHasher cbh = (CompoundBodyHasher) bh;
        return cbh;

     * Internal method to complete the simultaneous verification of multiple
     * signatures given the previously prepared compound body hasher where
     * the user already written the body to the outputstream and closed it.
     * @param compoundBodyHasher the BodyHasher previously obtained by this class.
     * @return a list of valid (verified) signatures
     * @throws FailException if no valid signature is found
    private List<SignatureRecord> verify(CompoundBodyHasher compoundBodyHasher)
            throws FailException {
        List<SignatureRecord> verifiedSignatures = new LinkedList<SignatureRecord>();
        for (Iterator<BodyHasherImpl> i = compoundBodyHasher.getBodyHashJobs().values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            BodyHasherImpl bhj =;

            byte[] computedHash = bhj.getDigest();
            byte[] expectedBodyHash = bhj.getSignatureRecord().getBodyHash();

            if (!Arrays.equals(expectedBodyHash, computedHash)) {
                                new PermFailException(
                                        "Computed bodyhash is different from the expected one"));
            } else {

        if (verifiedSignatures.isEmpty()) {
            throw prepareException(compoundBodyHasher.getSignatureExceptions());
        } else {
            // There is no access to the signatureExceptions when
            // there is at least one valid signature (JDKIM-14)
            for (Iterator i = signatureExceptions.keySet().iterator(); i
                    .hasNext();) {
                String f = (String);
                        + ((FailException) signatureExceptions.get(f))
                                .getMessage() + " FIELD: " + f);
            for (Iterator i = verifiedSignatures.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                SignatureRecord sr = (SignatureRecord);
                System.out.println("DKIM-Pass:" + sr);
            return verifiedSignatures;

     * Given a map of exceptions prepares a human readable exception.
     * This simply return the exception if it is only one, otherwise returns
     * a cumulative exception
     * @param signatureExceptions input exceptions
     * @return the resulting "compact" exception
    private FailException prepareException(Map<String, FailException> signatureExceptions) {
        if (signatureExceptions.size() == 1) {
            return signatureExceptions.values().iterator()
        } else {
            // TODO loops signatureExceptions to give a more complete
            // response, using nested exception or a compound exception.
            // System.out.println(signatureExceptions);
            return new PermFailException("found " + signatureExceptions.size()
                    + " invalid signatures");

     * Performs signature verification (excluding the body hash).
     * @param h the headers
     * @param sign the signature record
     * @param decoded the expected signature hash
     * @param key the DKIM public key record
     * @param headers the list of signed headers
     * @throws PermFailException
    private void signatureVerify(Headers h, SignatureRecord sign,
            byte[] decoded, PublicKeyRecord key, List<CharSequence> headers)
            throws PermFailException {
        try {
            Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(sign.getHashMethod()
                    + "with" + sign.getHashKeyType().toString().toUpperCase());
            PublicKey publicKey;
            try {
                publicKey = key.getPublicKey();
            } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                throw new PermFailException("Invalid Public Key: "+e.getMessage(), e);

            signatureCheck(h, sign, headers, signature);

            if (!signature.verify(decoded))
                throw new PermFailException("Header signature does not verify");
        } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
            throw new PermFailException(e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            throw new PermFailException(e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (SignatureException e) {
            throw new PermFailException(e.getMessage(), e);


Related Classes of org.apache.james.jdkim.DKIMVerifier

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