Package org.apache.tapestry.valid

Source Code of org.apache.tapestry.valid.PatternValidator$RegExpDelegate

/* $$ Clover has instrumented this file $$ */// Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package org.apache.tapestry.valid;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.hivemind.ApplicationRuntimeException;
import org.apache.tapestry.IMarkupWriter;
import org.apache.tapestry.IRequestCycle;
import org.apache.tapestry.Tapestry;
import org.apache.tapestry.form.IFormComponent;
import org.apache.tapestry.util.RegexpMatcher;

* <p>The validator bean that provides a pattern validation service.
* <p>The actual pattern matching algorithm is provided by the
* {@link org.apache.tapestry.valid.PatternDelegate}. This enables the user to provide
* custom pattern matching implementations. In the event a custom implementation is not
* provided, this validator will use the {@link org.apache.tapestry.util.RegexpMatcher}.
* <p>This validator has the ability to provide client side validation on demand.
* To enable client side validation simply set the <code>clientScriptingEnabled</code>
* property to <code>true</code>.
* The default implementation of the script will be in JavaScript and allows the user to
* override this with a custom implementation by setting the path to the custom 
* script via {@link #setScriptPath(String)}.
* @author  Harish Krishnaswamy
* @since   3.0
public class PatternValidator extends BaseValidator
{public static __CLOVER_455_0 = char[] {67,58,92,119,111,114,107,115,112,97,99,101,92,106,97,107,97,114,116,97,45,116,97,112,101,115,116,114,121,92,102,114,97,109,101,119,111,114,107,92,116,97,114,103,101,116,92,99,108,111,118,101,114,45,100,98},1096998272901L);
     * The pattern that this validator will use to validate the input. The default
     * pattern is an empty string.
    private String _patternString = "";

     * A custom message in the event of a validation failure.
    private String _patternNotMatchedMessage;

     * The object that handles pattern matching.
    private PatternDelegate _patternDelegate;

     * The location of the script specification for client side validation.
    private String _scriptPath = "/org/apache/tapestry/valid/PatternValidator.script";

     * Returns custom validation failure message. The default message comes from
     * <code></code> file for key
     * <code>pattern-not-matched</code>.
    public String getPatternNotMatchedMessage()
    {try { __CLOVER_455_0.M[2511]++;
        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10156]++;return _patternNotMatchedMessage;
    } finally { }}

     * Returns the pattern that this validator uses for validation.
    public String getPatternString()
    {try { __CLOVER_455_0.M[2512]++;
        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10157]++;return _patternString;
    } finally { }}

     * Allows for a custom message to be set typically via the bean specification.
    public void setPatternNotMatchedMessage(String message)
    {try { __CLOVER_455_0.M[2513]++;
        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10158]++;_patternNotMatchedMessage = message;
    } finally { }}

     * Allows the user to change the validation pattern.
    public void setPatternString(String pattern)
    {try { __CLOVER_455_0.M[2514]++;
        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10159]++;_patternString = pattern;
    } finally { }}

     * Static inner class that acts as a delegate to RegexpMatcher and conforms to the
     * PatternDelegate contract.
    private static class RegExpDelegate implements PatternDelegate
        private RegexpMatcher _matcher;

        private RegexpMatcher getPatternMatcher()
        {try { __CLOVER_455_0.M[2515]++;
            __CLOVER_455_0.S[10160]++;if ((((_matcher == null) && (++__CLOVER_455_0.CT[1732] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_455_0.CF[1732] == 0))){
                __CLOVER_455_0.S[10161]++;_matcher = new RegexpMatcher();}

            __CLOVER_455_0.S[10162]++;return _matcher;
        } finally { }}

        public boolean contains(String patternString, String input)
        {try { __CLOVER_455_0.M[2516]++;
            __CLOVER_455_0.S[10163]++;return getPatternMatcher().contains(patternString, input);
        } finally { }}

        public String getEscapedPatternString(String patternString)
        {try { __CLOVER_455_0.M[2517]++;
            __CLOVER_455_0.S[10164]++;return getPatternMatcher().getEscapedPatternString(patternString);
        } finally { }}

     * Allows for a custom implementation to do the pattern matching. The default pattern
     * matching is done with {@link org.apache.tapestry.util.RegexpMatcher}.
    public void setPatternDelegate(PatternDelegate patternDelegate)
    {try { __CLOVER_455_0.M[2518]++;
        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10165]++;_patternDelegate = patternDelegate;
    } finally { }}

     * Returns the custom pattern matcher if one is provided or creates and returns the
     * default matcher laziliy.
    public PatternDelegate getPatternDelegate()
    {try { __CLOVER_455_0.M[2519]++;
        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10166]++;if ((((_patternDelegate == null) && (++__CLOVER_455_0.CT[1733] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_455_0.CF[1733] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_455_0.S[10167]++;_patternDelegate = new RegExpDelegate();}

        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10168]++;return _patternDelegate;
    } finally { }}

     * @see org.apache.tapestry.valid.IValidator#toString(org.apache.tapestry.form.IFormComponent, java.lang.Object)
    public String toString(IFormComponent field, Object value)
    {try { __CLOVER_455_0.M[2520]++;
        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10169]++;if ((((value == null) && (++__CLOVER_455_0.CT[1734] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_455_0.CF[1734] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_455_0.S[10170]++;return null;}

        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10171]++;return value.toString();
    } finally { }}

    private String buildPatternNotMatchedMessage(IFormComponent field, String patternString)
    {try { __CLOVER_455_0.M[2521]++;
        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10172]++;String templateMessage =

        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10173]++;return formatString(templateMessage, field.getDisplayName(), patternString);
    } finally { }}

     * @see org.apache.tapestry.valid.IValidator#toObject(org.apache.tapestry.form.IFormComponent, java.lang.String)
    public Object toObject(IFormComponent field, String input) throws ValidatorException
    {try { __CLOVER_455_0.M[2522]++;
        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10174]++;if ((((checkRequired(field, input)) && (++__CLOVER_455_0.CT[1735] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_455_0.CF[1735] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_455_0.S[10175]++;return null;}

        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10176]++;boolean matched = false;

            __CLOVER_455_0.S[10178]++;matched = getPatternDelegate().contains(_patternString, input);
        catch (Throwable t)
            __CLOVER_455_0.S[10179]++;throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(

        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10180]++;if ((((!matched) && (++__CLOVER_455_0.CT[1736] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_455_0.CF[1736] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_455_0.S[10181]++;throw new ValidatorException(
                buildPatternNotMatchedMessage(field, _patternString),

        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10182]++;return input;
    } finally { }}

     * Allows for a custom implementation of the client side validation.
    public void setScriptPath(String scriptPath)
    {try { __CLOVER_455_0.M[2523]++;
        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10183]++;_scriptPath = scriptPath;
    } finally { }}

     * @see org.apache.tapestry.valid.IValidator#renderValidatorContribution(org.apache.tapestry.form.IFormComponent, org.apache.tapestry.IMarkupWriter, org.apache.tapestry.IRequestCycle)
    public void renderValidatorContribution(
        IFormComponent field,
        IMarkupWriter writer,
        IRequestCycle cycle)
    {try { __CLOVER_455_0.M[2524]++;
        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10184]++;if ((((!isClientScriptingEnabled()) && (++__CLOVER_455_0.CT[1737] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_455_0.CF[1737] == 0))){

        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10186]++;Map symbols = new HashMap();

        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10187]++;if ((((isRequired()) && (++__CLOVER_455_0.CT[1738] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_455_0.CF[1738] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_455_0.S[10188]++;symbols.put("requiredMessage", buildRequiredMessage(field));}

            buildPatternNotMatchedMessage(field, getEscapedPatternString()));

        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10190]++;processValidatorScript(_scriptPath, cycle, field, symbols);
    } finally { }}

     * Returns the escaped sequence of the pattern string for rendering in the error message.
    public String getEscapedPatternString()
    {try { __CLOVER_455_0.M[2525]++;
        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10191]++;return getPatternDelegate().getEscapedPatternString(_patternString);
    } finally { }}

    public String toString()
    {try { __CLOVER_455_0.M[2526]++;
        __CLOVER_455_0.S[10192]++;return "Pattern: "
            + _patternString
            + "; Script Path: "
            + _scriptPath
            + "; Pattern Delegate: "
            + _patternDelegate;
    } finally { }}

Related Classes of org.apache.tapestry.valid.PatternValidator$RegExpDelegate

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