Package org.apache.mahout.clustering.dirichlet

Source Code of org.apache.mahout.clustering.dirichlet.DirichletClusterer

package org.apache.mahout.clustering.dirichlet;

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.mahout.clustering.dirichlet.models.Model;
import org.apache.mahout.clustering.dirichlet.models.ModelDistribution;
import org.apache.mahout.matrix.DenseVector;
import org.apache.mahout.matrix.TimesFunction;
import org.apache.mahout.matrix.Vector;

* Performs Bayesian mixture modeling.
* <p/>
* The idea is that we use a probabilistic mixture of a number of models that we use to explain some observed data.
* The idea here is that each observed data point is assumed to have come from one of the models in the mixture, but
* we don't know which.  The way we deal with that is to use a so-called latent parameter which specifies which model
* each data point came from.
* <p/>
* In addition, since this is a Bayesian clustering algorithm, we don't want to actually commit to any single explanation,
* but rather to sample from the distribution of models and latent assignments of data points to models given the
* observed data and the prior distributions of model parameters.
* <p/>
* This sampling process is initialized by taking models at random from the prior distribution for models.
* <p/>
* Then, we iteratively assign points to the different models using the mixture probabilities and the degree
* of fit between the point and each model expressed as a probability that the point was generated by that model.
* <p/>
* After points are assigned, new parameters for each model are sampled from the posterior distribution for the model
* parameters considering all of the observed data points that were assigned to the model.  Models without any
* data points are also sampled, but since they have no points assigned, the new samples are effectively taken from
* the prior distribution for model parameters.
* <p/>
* The result is a number of samples that represent mixing probabilities, models and assignment of points to models.
* If the total number of possible models is substantially larger than the number that ever have points assigned to
* them, then this algorithm provides a (nearly) non-parametric clustering algorithm.
* <p/>
* These samples can give us interesting information that is lacking from a normal clustering that consists of a
* single assignment of points to clusters.  Firstly, by examining the number of models in each sample that actually
* has any points assigned to it, we can get information about how many models (clusters) that the data support.
* <p/>
* Morevoer, by examining how often two points are assigned to the same model, we can get an approximate measure
* of how likely these points are to be explained by the same model.  Such soft membership information is difficult
* to come by with conventional clustering methods.
* <p/>
* Finally, we can get an idea of the stability of how the data can be described.  Typically, aspects of the data
* with lots of data available wind up with stable descriptions while at the edges, there are aspects that are
* phenomena that we can't really commit to a solid description, but it is still clear that the well supported
* explanations are insufficient to explain these additional aspects.
* <p/>
* One thing that can be difficult about these samples is that we can't always assign a correlation between the models
* in the different samples.  Probably the best way to do this is to look for overlap in the assignments of data
* observations to the different models.
* <p/>
* <pre>
*    \theta_i ~ prior()
*    \lambda_i ~ Dirichlet(\alpha_0)
*    z_j ~ Multinomial( \lambda )
*    x_j ~ model(\theta_i)
* </pre>
public class DirichletClusterer<Observation> {

  // observed data
  private final List<Observation> sampleData;

  // the ModelDistribution for the computation
  private final ModelDistribution<Observation> modelFactory;

  // the state of the clustering process
  private final DirichletState<Observation> state;

  private final int thin;

  private final int burnin;

  private final int numClusters;

  public final List<Model<Observation>[]> clusterSamples = new ArrayList<Model<Observation>[]>();

   * Create a new instance on the sample data with the given additional parameters
   * @param sampleData    the observed data to be clustered
   * @param modelFactory  the ModelDistribution to use
   * @param alpha_0       the double value for the beta distributions
   * @param numClusters   the int number of clusters
   * @param thin          the int thinning interval, used to report every n iterations
   * @param burnin        the int burnin interval, used to suppress early iterations
  public DirichletClusterer(List<Observation> sampleData,
      ModelDistribution<Observation> modelFactory, double alpha_0,
      int numClusters, int thin, int burnin) {
    this.sampleData = sampleData;
    this.modelFactory = modelFactory;
    this.thin = thin;
    this.burnin = burnin;
    this.numClusters = numClusters;
    state = new DirichletState<Observation>(modelFactory, numClusters, alpha_0,
        thin, burnin);

   * Iterate over the sample data, obtaining cluster samples periodically
   * and returning them.
   * @param numIterations the int number of iterations to perform
   * @return a List<List<Model<Observation>>> of the observed models
  public List<Model<Observation>[]> cluster(int numIterations) {
    for (int iteration = 0; iteration < numIterations; iteration++)
      iterate(iteration, state);
    return clusterSamples;

   * Perform one iteration of the clustering process, iterating over the samples to build
   * a new array of models, then updating the state for the next iteration
   * @param state the DirichletState<Observation> of this iteration
  private void iterate(int iteration, DirichletState<Observation> state) {

    // create new posterior models
    Model<Observation>[] newModels = modelFactory.sampleFromPosterior(state

    // iterate over the samples, assigning each to a model
    for (Observation x : sampleData) {
      // compute normalized vector of probabilities that x is described by each model
      Vector pi = normalizedProbabilities(state, x);
      // then pick one cluster by sampling a Multinomial distribution based upon them
      // see:
      int k = UncommonDistributions.rMultinom(pi);
      // ask the selected model to observe the datum

    // periodically add models to the cluster samples after the burn-in period
    if ((iteration >= burnin) && (iteration % thin == 0))
    // update the state from the new models

   * Compute a normalized vector of probabilities that x is described
   * by each model using the mixture and the model pdfs
   * @param state the DirichletState<Observation> of this iteration
   * @param x an Observation
   * @return the Vector of probabilities
  private Vector normalizedProbabilities(DirichletState<Observation> state,
      Observation x) {
    Vector pi = new DenseVector(numClusters);
    double max = 0;
    for (int k = 0; k < numClusters; k++) {
      double p = state.adjustedProbability(x, k);
      pi.set(k, p);
      if (max < p)
        max = p;
    // normalize the probabilities by largest observed value
    pi.assign(new TimesFunction(), 1.0 / max);
    return pi;


Related Classes of org.apache.mahout.clustering.dirichlet.DirichletClusterer

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