Package org.apache.qpid.client

Source Code of org.apache.qpid.client.AMQConnection

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package org.apache.qpid.client;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.qpid.AMQConnectionException;
import org.apache.qpid.AMQException;
import org.apache.qpid.AMQUndeliveredException;
import org.apache.qpid.AMQUnresolvedAddressException;
import org.apache.qpid.client.failover.FailoverSupport;
import org.apache.qpid.client.protocol.AMQProtocolHandler;
import org.apache.qpid.client.state.AMQState;
import org.apache.qpid.client.transport.TransportConnection;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.BasicQosBody;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.BasicQosOkBody;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.ChannelOpenBody;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.ChannelOpenOkBody;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.TxSelectBody;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.TxSelectOkBody;
import org.apache.qpid.jms.BrokerDetails;
import org.apache.qpid.jms.ChannelLimitReachedException;
import org.apache.qpid.jms.Connection;
import org.apache.qpid.jms.ConnectionListener;
import org.apache.qpid.jms.ConnectionURL;
import org.apache.qpid.jms.FailoverPolicy;
import org.apache.qpid.url.URLSyntaxException;

import javax.jms.*;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.Reference;
import javax.naming.Referenceable;
import javax.naming.StringRefAddr;
import java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

public class AMQConnection extends Closeable implements Connection, QueueConnection, TopicConnection, Referenceable
    private static final Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger(AMQConnection.class);

    private AtomicInteger _idFactory = new AtomicInteger(0);

     * This is the "root" mutex that must be held when doing anything that could be impacted by failover.
     * This must be held by any child objects of this connection such as the session, producers and consumers.
    private final Object _failoverMutex = new Object();

     * A channel is roughly analogous to a session. The server can negotiate the maximum number of channels
     * per session and we must prevent the client from opening too many. Zero means unlimited.
    private long _maximumChannelCount;

     * The maximum size of frame supported by the server
    private long _maximumFrameSize;

     * The protocol handler dispatches protocol events for this connection. For example, when the connection is dropped
     * the handler deals with this. It also deals with the initial dispatch of any protocol frames to their appropriate
     * handler.
    private AMQProtocolHandler _protocolHandler;

     * Maps from session id (Integer) to AMQSession instance
    private final Map _sessions = new LinkedHashMap(); //fixme this is map is replicated in amqprotocolsession as _channelId2SessionMap

    private String _clientName;

     * The user name to use for authentication
    private String _username;

     * The password to use for authentication
    private String _password;

     * The virtual path to connect to on the AMQ server
    private String _virtualHost;

    private ExceptionListener _exceptionListener;

    private ConnectionListener _connectionListener;

    private ConnectionURL _connectionURL;

     * Whether this connection is started, i.e. whether messages are flowing to consumers. It has no meaning for
     * message publication.
    private boolean _started;

     * Policy dictating how to failover
    private FailoverPolicy _failoverPolicy;

     * _Connected should be refactored with a suitable wait object.
    private boolean _connected;

     * The last error code that occured on the connection. Used to return the correct exception to the client
    private AMQException _lastAMQException = null;

    public AMQConnection(String broker, String username, String password,
                         String clientName, String virtualHost) throws AMQException, URLSyntaxException
        this(new AMQConnectionURL(ConnectionURL.AMQ_PROTOCOL + "://" +
                                  username + ":" + password + "@" + clientName +
                                  virtualHost + "?brokerlist='" + broker + "'"));

    public AMQConnection(String host, int port, String username, String password,
                         String clientName, String virtualHost) throws AMQException, URLSyntaxException
        this(host, port, false, username, password, clientName, virtualHost);

    public AMQConnection(String host, int port, boolean useSSL, String username, String password,
                         String clientName, String virtualHost) throws AMQException, URLSyntaxException
        this(new AMQConnectionURL(useSSL ?
                                  ConnectionURL.AMQ_PROTOCOL + "://" +
                                  username + ":" + password + "@" + clientName +
                                  virtualHost + "?brokerlist='tcp://" + host + ":" + port + "'"
                                  + "," + ConnectionURL.OPTIONS_SSL + "='true'" :
                                                                                ConnectionURL.AMQ_PROTOCOL + "://" +
                                                                                username + ":" + password + "@" + clientName +
                                                                                virtualHost + "?brokerlist='tcp://" + host + ":" + port + "'"
                                                                                + "," + ConnectionURL.OPTIONS_SSL + "='false'"

    public AMQConnection(String connection) throws AMQException, URLSyntaxException
        this(new AMQConnectionURL(connection));

    public AMQConnection(ConnectionURL connectionURL) throws AMQException
    {"Connection:" + connectionURL);

        if (connectionURL == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connection must be specified");

        _connectionURL = connectionURL;

        _clientName = connectionURL.getClientName();
        _username = connectionURL.getUsername();
        _password = connectionURL.getPassword();
        _virtualHost = connectionURL.getVirtualHost();

        _failoverPolicy = new FailoverPolicy(connectionURL);

        _protocolHandler = new AMQProtocolHandler(this);

        // We are not currently connected
        _connected = false;

        Exception lastException = new Exception();
        lastException.initCause(new ConnectException());

        while (lastException != null && checkException(lastException) && _failoverPolicy.failoverAllowed())
                lastException = null;
            catch (Exception e)
                lastException = e;

      "Unable to connect to broker at " + _failoverPolicy.getCurrentBrokerDetails(), e.getCause());

        _logger.debug("Are we connected:" + _connected);

        // Then the Failover Thread will handle conneciton
        if (_failoverPolicy.failoverAllowed())
            //TODO this needs to be redone so that we are not spinning.
            // A suitable object should be set that is then waited on
            // and only notified when a connection is made or when
            // the AMQConnection gets closed.
            while (!_connected && !_closed.get())
                catch (InterruptedException ie)
                    _logger.debug("Woken up.");
            if (!_failoverPolicy.failoverAllowed() || _failoverPolicy.getCurrentBrokerDetails() == null)
                if (_lastAMQException != null)
                    throw _lastAMQException;
            String message = null;

            if (lastException != null)
                if (lastException.getCause() != null)
                    message = lastException.getCause().getMessage();
                    message = lastException.getMessage();

            if (message == null || message.equals(""))
                message = "Unable to Connect";

            AMQException e = new AMQConnectionException(message);

            if (lastException != null)
                if (lastException instanceof UnresolvedAddressException)
                    e = new AMQUnresolvedAddressException(message, _failoverPolicy.getCurrentBrokerDetails().toString());

            throw e;

    protected boolean checkException(Throwable thrown)
        Throwable cause = thrown.getCause();

        if (cause == null)
            cause = thrown;

        return ((cause instanceof ConnectException) || (cause instanceof UnresolvedAddressException));

    protected AMQConnection(String username, String password, String clientName, String virtualHost)
        _clientName = clientName;
        _username = username;
        _password = password;
        _virtualHost = virtualHost;

    private void makeBrokerConnection(BrokerDetails brokerDetail) throws IOException, AMQException
            TransportConnection.getInstance(brokerDetail).connect(_protocolHandler, brokerDetail);
            // this blocks until the connection has been set up or when an error
            // has prevented the connection being set up

            //Again this should be changed to a suitable notify
            _connected = true;
        catch (AMQException e)
            _lastAMQException = e;
            throw e;

    public boolean attemptReconnection(String host, int port, boolean useSSL)
        BrokerDetails bd = new AMQBrokerDetails(host, port, useSSL);


            return true;
        catch (Exception e)
  "Unable to connect to broker at " + bd);
        return false;

    public boolean attemptReconnection()
        while (_failoverPolicy.failoverAllowed())
                return true;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!(e instanceof AMQException))
          "Unable to connect to broker at " + _failoverPolicy.getCurrentBrokerDetails(), e);
           + ":Unable to connect to broker at " + _failoverPolicy.getCurrentBrokerDetails());

        //connection unsuccessful
        return false;

     * Get the details of the currently active broker
     * @return null if no broker is active (i.e. no successful connection has been made, or
     *         the BrokerDetail instance otherwise
    public BrokerDetails getActiveBrokerDetails()
        return _failoverPolicy.getCurrentBrokerDetails();

    public boolean failoverAllowed()
        return _failoverPolicy.failoverAllowed();

    public Session createSession(final boolean transacted, final int acknowledgeMode) throws JMSException
        return createSession(transacted, acknowledgeMode, AMQSession.DEFAULT_PREFETCH_HIGH_MARK);

    public org.apache.qpid.jms.Session createSession(final boolean transacted, final int acknowledgeMode,
                                                     final int prefetch) throws JMSException
        return createSession(transacted, acknowledgeMode, prefetch, prefetch);

    public org.apache.qpid.jms.Session createSession(final boolean transacted, final int acknowledgeMode,
                                                     final int prefetchHigh, final int prefetchLow) throws JMSException
        if (channelLimitReached())
            throw new ChannelLimitReachedException(_maximumChannelCount);
            return (org.apache.qpid.jms.Session) new FailoverSupport()
                public Object operation() throws JMSException
                    int channelId = _idFactory.incrementAndGet();

                    if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                        _logger.debug("Write channel open frame for channel id " + channelId);

                    // We must create the session and register it before actually sending the frame to the server to
                    // open it, so that there is no window where we could receive data on the channel and not be set
                    // up to handle it appropriately.
                    AMQSession session = new AMQSession(AMQConnection.this, channelId, transacted, acknowledgeMode,
                                                        prefetchHigh, prefetchLow);
                    _protocolHandler.addSessionByChannel(channelId, session);
                    registerSession(channelId, session);

                    boolean success = false;
                        createChannelOverWire(channelId, prefetchHigh, prefetchLow, transacted);
                        success = true;
                    catch (AMQException e)
                        JMSException jmse = new JMSException("Error creating session: " + e);
                        throw jmse;
                        if (!success)

                    if (_started)
                    return session;

    private void createChannelOverWire(int channelId, int prefetchHigh, int prefetchLow, boolean transacted)
            throws AMQException
                ChannelOpenBody.createAMQFrame(channelId, null), ChannelOpenOkBody.class);

        //todo send low water mark when protocol allows.
                BasicQosBody.createAMQFrame(channelId, 0, prefetchHigh, false),

        if (transacted)
            if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                _logger.debug("Issuing TxSelect for " + channelId);
            _protocolHandler.syncWrite(TxSelectBody.createAMQFrame(channelId), TxSelectOkBody.class);

    private void reopenChannel(int channelId, int prefetchHigh, int prefetchLow, boolean transacted) throws AMQException
            createChannelOverWire(channelId, prefetchHigh, prefetchLow, transacted);
        catch (AMQException e)
            throw new AMQException("Error reopening channel " + channelId + " after failover: " + e);

    public void setFailoverPolicy(FailoverPolicy policy)
        _failoverPolicy = policy;

    public FailoverPolicy getFailoverPolicy()
        return _failoverPolicy;

     * Returns an AMQQueueSessionAdaptor which wraps an AMQSession and throws IllegalStateExceptions
     * where specified in the JMS spec
     * @param transacted
     * @param acknowledgeMode
     * @return QueueSession
     * @throws JMSException
    public QueueSession createQueueSession(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode) throws JMSException
        return new AMQQueueSessionAdaptor(createSession(transacted, acknowledgeMode));

     * Returns an AMQTopicSessionAdapter which wraps an AMQSession and throws IllegalStateExceptions
     * where specified in the JMS spec
     * @param transacted
     * @param acknowledgeMode
     * @return TopicSession
     * @throws JMSException
    public TopicSession createTopicSession(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode) throws JMSException
        return new AMQTopicSessionAdaptor(createSession(transacted, acknowledgeMode));

    private boolean channelLimitReached()
        return _maximumChannelCount != 0 && _sessions.size() == _maximumChannelCount;

    public String getClientID() throws JMSException
        return _clientName;

    public void setClientID(String clientID) throws JMSException
        _clientName = clientID;

    public ConnectionMetaData getMetaData() throws JMSException
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return null;

    public ExceptionListener getExceptionListener() throws JMSException
        return _exceptionListener;

    public void setExceptionListener(ExceptionListener listener) throws JMSException
        _exceptionListener = listener;

     * Start the connection, i.e. start flowing messages. Note that this method must be called only from a single thread
     * and is not thread safe (which is legal according to the JMS specification).
     * @throws JMSException
    public void start() throws JMSException
        if (!_started)
            final Iterator it = _sessions.entrySet().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext())
                final AMQSession s = (AMQSession) ((Map.Entry);
            _started = true;

    public void stop() throws JMSException

        if (_started)
            for (Iterator i = _sessions.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
            _started = false;

    public void close() throws JMSException
            if (!_closed.getAndSet(true))
                catch (AMQException e)
                    throw new JMSException("Error closing connection: " + e);

     * Marks all sessions and their children as closed without sending any protocol messages. Useful when
     * you need to mark objects "visible" in userland as closed after failover or other significant event that
     * impacts the connection.
     * <p/>
     * The caller must hold the failover mutex before calling this method.
    private void markAllSessionsClosed()
        final LinkedList sessionCopy = new LinkedList(_sessions.values());
        final Iterator it = sessionCopy.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext())
            final AMQSession session = (AMQSession);


     * Close all the sessions, either due to normal connection closure or due to an error occurring.
     * @param cause if not null, the error that is causing this shutdown
     *              <p/>
     *              The caller must hold the failover mutex before calling this method.
    private void closeAllSessions(Throwable cause) throws JMSException
        final LinkedList sessionCopy = new LinkedList(_sessions.values());
        final Iterator it = sessionCopy.iterator();
        JMSException sessionException = null;
        while (it.hasNext())
            final AMQSession session = (AMQSession);
            if (cause != null)
                catch (JMSException e)
                    _logger.error("Error closing session: " + e);
                    sessionException = e;
        if (sessionException != null)
            throw sessionException;

    public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer(Destination destination, String messageSelector,
                                                       ServerSessionPool sessionPool,
                                                       int maxMessages) throws JMSException
        return null;

    public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer(Queue queue, String messageSelector,
                                                       ServerSessionPool sessionPool,
                                                       int maxMessages) throws JMSException
        return null;

    public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer(Topic topic, String messageSelector,
                                                       ServerSessionPool sessionPool,
                                                       int maxMessages) throws JMSException
        return null;

    public ConnectionConsumer createDurableConnectionConsumer(Topic topic, String subscriptionName,
                                                              String messageSelector, ServerSessionPool sessionPool,
                                                              int maxMessages)
            throws JMSException
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return null;

    public long getMaximumChannelCount() throws JMSException
        return _maximumChannelCount;

    public void setConnectionListener(ConnectionListener listener)
        _connectionListener = listener;

    public ConnectionListener getConnectionListener()
        return _connectionListener;

    public void setMaximumChannelCount(long maximumChannelCount)
        _maximumChannelCount = maximumChannelCount;

    public void setMaximumFrameSize(long frameMax)
        _maximumFrameSize = frameMax;

    public long getMaximumFrameSize()
        return _maximumFrameSize;

    public Map getSessions()
        return _sessions;

    public String getUsername()
        return _username;

    public String getPassword()
        return _password;

    public String getVirtualHost()
        return _virtualHost;

    public AMQProtocolHandler getProtocolHandler()
        return _protocolHandler;

    public void bytesSent(long writtenBytes)
        if (_connectionListener != null)

    public void bytesReceived(long receivedBytes)
        if (_connectionListener != null)

     * Fire the preFailover event to the registered connection listener (if any)
     * @param redirect true if this is the result of a redirect request rather than a connection error
     * @return true if no listener or listener does not veto change
    public boolean firePreFailover(boolean redirect)
        boolean proceed = true;
        if (_connectionListener != null)
            proceed = _connectionListener.preFailover(redirect);
        return proceed;

     * Fire the preResubscribe event to the registered connection listener (if any). If the listener
     * vetoes resubscription then all the sessions are closed.
     * @return true if no listener or listener does not veto resubscription.
     * @throws JMSException
    public boolean firePreResubscribe() throws JMSException
        if (_connectionListener != null)
            boolean resubscribe = _connectionListener.preResubscribe();
            if (!resubscribe)
            return resubscribe;
            return true;

     * Fires a failover complete event to the registered connection listener (if any).
    public void fireFailoverComplete()
        if (_connectionListener != null)

     * In order to protect the consistency of the connection and its child sessions, consumers and producers,
     * the "failover mutex" must be held when doing any operations that could be corrupted during failover.
     * @return a mutex. Guaranteed never to change for the lifetime of this connection even if failover occurs.
    public final Object getFailoverMutex()
        return _failoverMutex;

     * If failover is taking place this will block until it has completed. If failover
     * is not taking place it will return immediately.
     * @throws InterruptedException
    public void blockUntilNotFailingOver() throws InterruptedException

     * Invoked by the AMQProtocolSession when a protocol session exception has occurred.
     * This method sends the exception to a JMS exception listener, if configured, and
     * propagates the exception to sessions, which in turn will propagate to consumers.
     * This allows synchronous consumers to have exceptions thrown to them.
     * @param cause the exception
    public void exceptionReceived(Throwable cause)

        _logger.debug("Connection Close done by:" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
        _logger.debug("exceptionReceived is ", cause);

        final JMSException je;
        if (cause instanceof JMSException)
            je = (JMSException) cause;
            je = new JMSException("Exception thrown against " + toString() + ": " + cause);
            if (cause instanceof Exception)
                je.setLinkedException((Exception) cause);

        // in the case of an IOException, MINA has closed the protocol session so we set _closed to true
        // so that any generic client code that tries to close the connection will not mess up this error
        // handling sequence
        if (cause instanceof IOException)

        if (_exceptionListener != null)

        if (!(cause instanceof AMQUndeliveredException) && !(cause instanceof AMQAuthenticationException))
      "Closing AMQConnection due to :" + cause.getMessage());
                closeAllSessions(cause); // FIXME: when doing this end up with RejectedExecutionException from executor.
            catch (JMSException e)
                _logger.error("Error closing all sessions: " + e, e);

  "Not a hard-error connection not closing.");

    void registerSession(int channelId, AMQSession session)
        _sessions.put(channelId, session);

    void deregisterSession(int channelId)

     * For all sessions, and for all consumers in those sessions, resubscribe. This is called during failover handling.
     * The caller must hold the failover mutex before calling this method.
    public void resubscribeSessions() throws JMSException, AMQException
        ArrayList sessions = new ArrayList(_sessions.values());"Resubscribing sessions = {0} sessions.size={1}", sessions, sessions.size())); // FIXME: remove?
        for (Iterator it = sessions.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
            AMQSession s = (AMQSession);
            _protocolHandler.addSessionByChannel(s.getChannelId(), s);
            reopenChannel(s.getChannelId(), s.getDefaultPrefetchHigh(), s.getDefaultPrefetchLow(), s.getTransacted());

    public String toString()
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("AMQConnection:\n");
        if (_failoverPolicy.getCurrentBrokerDetails() == null)
            buf.append("No active broker connection");
            BrokerDetails bd = _failoverPolicy.getCurrentBrokerDetails();
            buf.append("Host: ").append(String.valueOf(bd.getHost()));
            buf.append("\nPort: ").append(String.valueOf(bd.getPort()));
        buf.append("\nVirtual Host: ").append(String.valueOf(_virtualHost));
        buf.append("\nClient ID: ").append(String.valueOf(_clientName));
        buf.append("\nActive session count: ").append(_sessions == null ? 0 : _sessions.size());
        return buf.toString();

    public String toURL()
        return _connectionURL.toString();

    public Reference getReference() throws NamingException
        return new Reference(
                new StringRefAddr(AMQConnection.class.getName(), toURL()),
                null);          // factory location

Related Classes of org.apache.qpid.client.AMQConnection

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