Package org.apache.tapestry.vlib.ejb.impl

Source Code of org.apache.tapestry.vlib.ejb.impl.OperationsBean

// Copyright 2004, 2005 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package org.apache.tapestry.vlib.ejb.impl;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.ejb.CreateException;
import javax.ejb.FinderException;
import javax.ejb.RemoveException;
import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
import javax.sql.DataSource;

import org.apache.tapestry.Tapestry;
import org.apache.tapestry.contrib.ejb.XCreateException;
import org.apache.tapestry.contrib.ejb.XEJBException;
import org.apache.tapestry.contrib.ejb.XRemoveException;
import org.apache.tapestry.contrib.jdbc.IStatement;
import org.apache.tapestry.contrib.jdbc.StatementAssembly;
import org.apache.tapestry.vlib.ejb.Book;
import org.apache.tapestry.vlib.ejb.BorrowException;
import org.apache.tapestry.vlib.ejb.IBook;
import org.apache.tapestry.vlib.ejb.IBookHome;
import org.apache.tapestry.vlib.ejb.IPerson;
import org.apache.tapestry.vlib.ejb.IPersonHome;
import org.apache.tapestry.vlib.ejb.IPublisher;
import org.apache.tapestry.vlib.ejb.IPublisherHome;
import org.apache.tapestry.vlib.ejb.LoginException;
import org.apache.tapestry.vlib.ejb.Person;
import org.apache.tapestry.vlib.ejb.Publisher;
import org.apache.tapestry.vlib.ejb.RegistrationException;
import org.apache.tapestry.vlib.ejb.SortColumn;
import org.apache.tapestry.vlib.ejb.SortOrdering;

* Implementation of the {@link org.apache.tapestry.vlib.ejb.IOperations} stateless session bean.
* <p>
* Implenents a number of stateless operations for the front end.
* @author Howard Lewis Ship

public class OperationsBean implements SessionBean
    private transient Context _environment;

    private transient IBookHome _bookHome;

    private transient IPersonHome _personHome;

    private transient IPublisherHome _publisherHome;

     * Data source, retrieved from the ENC property "jdbc/dataSource".

    private transient DataSource _dataSource;

     * Sets up the bean. Locates the {@link DataSource} for the bean as <code>jdbc/dataSource</code>
     * within the ENC; this data source is later used by {@link #getConnection()}.

    public void ejbCreate()
        Context initial;

            initial = new InitialContext();
            _environment = (Context) initial.lookup("java:comp/env");
        catch (NamingException e)
            throw new XEJBException("Could not lookup environment.", e);

            _dataSource = (DataSource) _environment.lookup("jdbc/dataSource");
        catch (NamingException e)
            throw new XEJBException("Could not lookup data source.", e);

    public void ejbRemove()

     * Does nothing, not invoked in stateless session beans.

    public void ejbPassivate()

    public void setSessionContext(SessionContext value)

     * Does nothing, not invoked in stateless session beans.

    public void ejbActivate()

     * Finds the book and borrower (by thier primary keys) and updates the book.
     * <p>
     * The {@link Book} value object is returned.

    public Book borrowBook(Integer bookId, Integer borrowerId) throws FinderException,
            RemoteException, BorrowException
        IBookHome bookHome = getBookHome();
        IPersonHome personHome = getPersonHome();

        IBook book = bookHome.findByPrimaryKey(bookId);

        if (!book.getLendable())
            throw new BorrowException("Book may not be borrowed.");

        // Verify that the borrower exists.


        // TBD: Check that borrower has authenticated

        // findByPrimaryKey() throws an exception if the EJB doesn't exist,
        // so we're safe.


        // Here's the real work; just setting the holder of the book
        // to be the borrower.


        return getBook(bookId);

     * Adds a new book, verifying that the publisher and holder actually exist.

    public Integer addBook(Map attributes) throws CreateException, RemoteException
        IBookHome home = getBookHome();

        attributes.put("dateAdded", new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));

        IBook book = home.create(attributes);

        return (Integer) book.getPrimaryKey();

     * Adds a book, which will be owned and held by the specified owner.
     * <p>
     * The publisherName may either be the name of a known publisher, or a new name. A new
     * {@link IPublisher} will be created as necessary.
     * <p>
     * Returns the newly created book, as a {@link Map} of attributes.

    public Integer addBook(Map attributes, String publisherName) throws CreateException,
        IPublisher publisher = null;
        IPublisherHome publisherHome = getPublisherHome();

        // Find or create the publisher.

            publisher = publisherHome.findByName(publisherName);
        catch (FinderException e)
            // Ignore, means that no publisher with the given name already exists.

        if (publisher == null)
            publisher = publisherHome.create(publisherName);

        attributes.put("publisherId", publisher.getPrimaryKey());

        return addBook(attributes);

     * Updates a book.
     * <p>
     * Returns the updated book.
     * @param bookId
     *            The primary key of the book to update.

    public void updateBook(Integer bookId, Map attributes) throws FinderException, RemoteException
        IBookHome bookHome = getBookHome();

        IBook book = bookHome.findByPrimaryKey(bookId);


     * Updates a book, adding a new Publisher at the same time.
     * @param bookPK
     *            The primary key of the book to update.
     * @param attributes
     *            attributes to change
     * @param publisherName
     *            The name of the new publisher.
     * @throws FinderException
     *             if the book, holder or publisher can not be located.
     * @throws CreateException
     *             if the {@link IPublisher} can not be created.

    public void updateBook(Integer bookId, Map attributes, String publisherName)
            throws CreateException, FinderException, RemoteException
        IPublisher publisher = null;

        IPublisherHome publisherHome = getPublisherHome();

            publisher = publisherHome.findByName(publisherName);
        catch (FinderException e)
            // Ignore, means we need to create the Publisher

        if (publisher == null)
            publisher = publisherHome.create(publisherName);

        // Don't duplicate all that other code!

        attributes.put("publisherId", publisher.getPrimaryKey());

        updateBook(bookId, attributes);

    public void updatePerson(Integer personId, Map attributes) throws FinderException,
        IPersonHome home = getPersonHome();

        IPerson person = home.findByPrimaryKey(personId);


    public Publisher[] getPublishers()
        Connection connection = null;
        IStatement statement = null;
        ResultSet set = null;

        List list = new ArrayList();

            connection = getConnection();

            StatementAssembly assembly = new StatementAssembly();

            assembly.newLine("SELECT PUBLISHER_ID, NAME");
            assembly.newLine("FROM PUBLISHER");
            assembly.newLine("ORDER BY NAME");

            statement = assembly.createStatement(connection);

            set = statement.executeQuery();

            while (
                Integer primaryKey = (Integer) set.getObject(1);
                String name = set.getString(2);

                list.add(new Publisher(primaryKey, name));
        catch (SQLException ex)
            throw new XEJBException("Could not fetch all Publishers.", ex);
            close(connection, statement, set);

        // Convert from List to Publisher[]

        return (Publisher[]) list.toArray(new Publisher[list.size()]);

     * Fetchs all {@link IPerson} beans in the database and converts them to {@link Person} objects.
     * Returns the {@link Person}s sorted by last name, then first.

    public Person[] getPersons()
        Connection connection = null;
        IStatement statement = null;
        ResultSet set = null;

        List list = new ArrayList();

            connection = getConnection();

            StatementAssembly assembly = buildBasePersonQuery();
            assembly.newLine("ORDER BY LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME");

            statement = assembly.createStatement(connection);

            set = statement.executeQuery();

            Object[] columns = new Object[Person.N_COLUMNS];

            while (
                list.add(convertRowToPerson(set, columns));
        catch (SQLException ex)
            throw new XEJBException("Could not fetch all Persons.", ex);
            close(connection, statement, set);

        return (Person[]) list.toArray(new Person[list.size()]);

     * Gets the {@link Person} for primary key.
     * @throws FinderException
     *             if the Person does not exist.

    public Person getPerson(Integer personId) throws FinderException
        Connection connection = null;
        IStatement statement = null;
        ResultSet set = null;

        Person result = null;

            connection = getConnection();

            StatementAssembly assembly = buildBasePersonQuery();
            assembly.newLine("WHERE ");
            assembly.add("PERSON_ID = ");
            assembly.newLine("ORDER BY LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME");

            statement = assembly.createStatement(connection);

            set = statement.executeQuery();

            if (!
                throw new FinderException("Person #" + personId + " does not exist.");

            Object[] columns = new Object[Person.N_COLUMNS];
            result = convertRowToPerson(set, columns);

        catch (SQLException ex)
            throw new XEJBException("Unable to perform database query.", ex);
            close(connection, statement, set);

        return result;

    public Person login(String email, String password) throws RemoteException, LoginException
        IPersonHome home = getPersonHome();
        IPerson person = null;
        Person result = null;

            person = home.findByEmail(email);
        catch (FinderException ex)
            throw new LoginException("Unknown e-mail address.", false);

        if (!person.getPassword().equals(password))
            throw new LoginException("Invalid password.", true);

            result = getPerson((Integer) person.getPrimaryKey());
        catch (FinderException ex)
            throw new LoginException("Could not read person.", false);

        if (result.isLockedOut())
            throw new LoginException("You have been locked out of the Virtual Library.", false);

        // Set the last access time for any subsequent login.

        person.setLastAccess(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));

        return result;

    public Map getPersonAttributes(Integer personId) throws FinderException, RemoteException
        IPersonHome home = getPersonHome();

        IPerson person = home.findByPrimaryKey(personId);

        return person.getEntityAttributes();

     * Retrieves a single {@link Book} by its primary key.
     * @throws FinderException
     *             if the Book does not exist.

    public Book getBook(Integer bookId) throws FinderException
        Connection connection = null;
        IStatement statement = null;
        ResultSet set = null;

        Book result = null;

            connection = getConnection();

            StatementAssembly assembly = buildBaseBookQuery();
            assembly.addSep(" AND ");
            assembly.add("book.BOOK_ID = ");

            statement = assembly.createStatement(connection);

            set = statement.executeQuery();

            if (!
                throw new FinderException("Book " + bookId + " does not exist.");

            Object[] columns = new Object[Book.N_COLUMNS];
            result = convertRowToBook(set, columns);

        catch (SQLException ex)
            throw new XEJBException("Unable to perform database query.", ex);
            close(connection, statement, set);

        return result;

    public Map getBookAttributes(Integer bookId) throws FinderException, RemoteException
        IBookHome home = getBookHome();

        IBook book = home.findByPrimaryKey(bookId);

        return book.getEntityAttributes();

     * Attempts to register a new user, first checking that the e-mail and names are unique. Returns
     * the primary key of the new {@link IPerson}.

    public Person registerNewUser(String firstName, String lastName, String email, String password)
            throws RegistrationException, CreateException, RemoteException
        IPersonHome home;

        if (password == null || password.trim().length() == 0)
            throw new RegistrationException("Must specify a password.");

        validateUniquePerson(firstName, lastName, email);

        home = getPersonHome();

        Map attributes = new HashMap();

        attributes.put("lastName", lastName.trim());
        attributes.put("firstName", firstName.trim());
        attributes.put("email", email.trim());
        attributes.put("password", password.trim());
        attributes.put("lastAccess", new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));

        IPerson person = home.create(attributes);

        Integer personId = (Integer) person.getPrimaryKey();

            return getPerson(personId);
        catch (FinderException ex)
            throw new XCreateException("Unable to find newly created Person.", ex);

    public Book deleteBook(Integer bookId) throws RemoveException, RemoteException
        IBookHome home = getBookHome();
        Book result = null;

            result = getBook(bookId);
        catch (FinderException ex)
            throw new XRemoveException(ex);


        return result;


     * Transfers a number of books to a new owner.

    public void transferBooks(Integer newOwnerId, Integer[] bookIds) throws FinderException,
        if (bookIds == null)
            throw new RemoteException("Must supply non-null list of books to transfer.");

        if (newOwnerId == null)
            throw new RemoteException("Must provide an owner for the books.");

        // Verify that the new owner exists.

        IPersonHome personHome = getPersonHome();

        // Direct SQL would be more efficient, but this'll probably do.

        IBookHome home = getBookHome();

        for (int i = 0; i < bookIds.length; i++)
            IBook book = home.findByPrimaryKey(bookIds[i]);


    public void updatePublishers(Publisher[] updated, Integer[] deleted) throws FinderException,
            RemoveException, RemoteException
        IPublisherHome home = getPublisherHome();

        if (updated != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < updated.length; i++)
                IPublisher publisher = home.findByPrimaryKey(updated[i].getId());

        if (deleted != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < deleted.length; i++)

    public void updatePersons(Person[] updated, Integer[] resetPassword, String newPassword,
            Integer[] deleted, Integer adminId) throws FinderException, RemoveException,
        IPersonHome home = getPersonHome();

        int count = Tapestry.size(updated);

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            Person u = updated[i];
            IPerson person = home.findByPrimaryKey(u.getId());


        count = Tapestry.size(resetPassword);

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            IPerson person = home.findByPrimaryKey(resetPassword[i]);


        count = Tapestry.size(deleted);

        if (count > 0)
            moveBooksFromDeletedPersons(deleted, adminId);

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

     * Invoked to update all books owned by people about to be deleted, to reassign the books holder
     * back to the owner.

    private void returnBooksFromDeletedPersons(Integer deletedPersonIds[]) throws RemoveException
        StatementAssembly assembly = new StatementAssembly();

        assembly.add("UPDATE BOOK");
        assembly.newLine("SET HOLDER_ID = OWNER_ID");
        assembly.newLine("WHERE HOLDER_ID IN (");
        assembly.addParameterList(deletedPersonIds, ", ");


     * Invoked to execute a bulk update that moves books to the new admin.

    private void moveBooksFromDeletedPersons(Integer deletedPersonIds[], Integer adminId)
            throws RemoveException
        StatementAssembly assembly = new StatementAssembly();

        assembly.add("UPDATE BOOK");
        assembly.newLine("SET OWNER_ID = ");
        assembly.newLine("WHERE OWNER_ID IN (");
        assembly.addParameterList(deletedPersonIds, ", ");



    private void executeUpdate(StatementAssembly assembly) throws XRemoveException
        Connection connection = null;
        IStatement statement = null;

            connection = getConnection();

            statement = assembly.createStatement(connection);


            statement = null;

            connection = null;
        catch (SQLException ex)
            throw new XRemoveException("Unable to execute " + assembly + ": " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
            close(connection, statement, null);

     * Translates the next row from the result set into a {@link Book}.
     * <p>
     * This works with queries generated by {@link #buildBaseBookQuery()}.

    protected Book convertRowToBook(ResultSet set, Object[] columns) throws SQLException
        int column = 1;

        columns[Book.ID_COLUMN] = set.getObject(column++);
        columns[Book.TITLE_COLUMN] = set.getString(column++);
        columns[Book.DESCRIPTION_COLUMN] = set.getString(column++);
        columns[Book.ISBN_COLUMN] = set.getString(column++);
        columns[Book.OWNER_ID_COLUMN] = set.getObject(column++);
        columns[Book.OWNER_NAME_COLUMN] = buildName(set.getString(column++), set
        columns[Book.HOLDER_ID_COLUMN] = set.getObject(column++);
        columns[Book.HOLDER_NAME_COLUMN] = buildName(set.getString(column++), set
        columns[Book.PUBLISHER_ID_COLUMN] = set.getObject(column++);
        columns[Book.PUBLISHER_NAME_COLUMN] = set.getString(column++);
        columns[Book.AUTHOR_COLUMN] = set.getString(column++);
        columns[Book.HIDDEN_COLUMN] = getBoolean(set, column++);
        columns[Book.LENDABLE_COLUMN] = getBoolean(set, column++);
        columns[Book.DATE_ADDED_COLUMN] = set.getTimestamp(column++);

        return new Book(columns);

    private String buildName(String firstName, String lastName)
        if (firstName == null)
            return lastName;

        return firstName + " " + lastName;

     * All queries must use this exact set of select columns, so that
     * {@link #convertRow(ResultSet, Object[])} can build the correct {@link Book} from each row.

    private static final String[] BOOK_SELECT_COLUMNS =
    { "book.BOOK_ID", "book.TITLE", "book.DESCRIPTION", "book.ISBN", "owner.PERSON_ID",
            "owner.FIRST_NAME", "owner.LAST_NAME", "holder.PERSON_ID", "holder.FIRST_NAME",
            "holder.LAST_NAME", "publisher.PUBLISHER_ID", "publisher.NAME", "book.AUTHOR",
            "book.HIDDEN", "book.LENDABLE", "book.DATE_ADDED" };

    private static final String[] BOOK_ALIAS_COLUMNS =
    { "BOOK book", "PERSON owner", "PERSON holder", "PUBLISHER publisher" };

    private static final String[] BOOK_JOINS =
    { "book.OWNER_ID = owner.PERSON_ID", "book.HOLDER_ID = holder.PERSON_ID",
            "book.PUBLISHER_ID = publisher.PUBLISHER_ID" };

    private static final Map BOOK_SORT_ASCENDING = new HashMap();

    private static final Map BOOK_SORT_DESCENDING = new HashMap();

        BOOK_SORT_ASCENDING.put(SortColumn.TITLE, "book.TITLE");
        BOOK_SORT_ASCENDING.put(SortColumn.HOLDER, "holder.LAST_NAME, holder.FIRST_NAME");
        BOOK_SORT_ASCENDING.put(SortColumn.OWNER, "owner.FIRST_NAME, owner.LAST_NAME");
        BOOK_SORT_ASCENDING.put(SortColumn.PUBLISHER, "publisher.NAME");
        BOOK_SORT_ASCENDING.put(SortColumn.AUTHOR, "book.AUTHOR");

        BOOK_SORT_DESCENDING.put(SortColumn.TITLE, "book.TITLE DESC");
                .put(SortColumn.HOLDER, "holder.LAST_NAME DESC, holder.FIRST_NAME DESC");
        BOOK_SORT_DESCENDING.put(SortColumn.PUBLISHER, "publisher.NAME DESC");
        BOOK_SORT_DESCENDING.put(SortColumn.AUTHOR, "book.AUTHOR DESC");

    protected StatementAssembly buildBaseBookQuery()
        StatementAssembly result = new StatementAssembly();

        result.newLine("SELECT ");
        result.addList(BOOK_SELECT_COLUMNS, ", ");

        result.newLine("FROM ");
        result.addList(BOOK_ALIAS_COLUMNS, ", ");

        result.newLine("WHERE ");
        result.addList(BOOK_JOINS, " AND ");

        return result;

     * Adds a sort ordering clause to the statement. If ordering is null, orders by book title.
     * @param assembly
     *            to update
     * @param ordering
     *            defines the column to sort on, and the order (ascending or descending)
     * @since 3.0

    protected void addSortOrdering(StatementAssembly assembly, SortOrdering ordering)
        if (ordering == null)
            assembly.newLine("ORDER BY book.TITLE");

        Map sorts = ordering.isDescending() ? BOOK_SORT_DESCENDING : BOOK_SORT_ASCENDING;

        String term = (String) sorts.get(ordering.getColumn());

        assembly.newLine("ORDER BY ");

    protected void addSubstringSearch(StatementAssembly assembly, String column, String value)
        if (value == null)

        String trimmed = value.trim();
        if (trimmed.length() == 0)

        // Here's the McKoi dependency: LOWER() is a database-specific
        // SQL function.

        assembly.addSep(" AND LOWER(");
        assembly.add(") LIKE");
        assembly.addParameter("%" + trimmed.toLowerCase() + "%");

     * Closes the resultSet (if not null), then the statement (if not null), then the Connection (if
     * not null). Exceptions are written to System.out.

    protected void close(Connection connection, IStatement statement, ResultSet resultSet)
        if (resultSet != null)
            catch (SQLException ex)
                System.out.println("Exception closing result set.");

        if (statement != null)
            catch (SQLException ex)
                System.out.println("Exception closing statement.");

        if (connection != null)
            catch (SQLException ex)
                System.out.println("Exception closing connection.");

    private IPersonHome getPersonHome()
        if (_personHome == null)
                Object raw = _environment.lookup("ejb/Person");

                _personHome = (IPersonHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(raw, IPersonHome.class);
            catch (NamingException ex)
                throw new XEJBException("Could not lookup Person home interface.", ex);


        return _personHome;

    private IPublisherHome getPublisherHome()
        if (_publisherHome == null)
                Object raw = _environment.lookup("ejb/Publisher");

                _publisherHome = (IPublisherHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(
            catch (NamingException e)
                throw new XEJBException("Could not lookup Publisher home interface.", e);


        return _publisherHome;

    private IBookHome getBookHome()
        if (_bookHome == null)
                Object raw = _environment.lookup("ejb/Book");

                _bookHome = (IBookHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(raw, IBookHome.class);
            catch (NamingException e)
                throw new XEJBException("Could not lookup Book home interface.", e);


        return _bookHome;

     * Gets a new connection from the data source.

    protected Connection getConnection()
            return _dataSource.getConnection();
        catch (SQLException e)
            throw new XEJBException("Unable to get database connection from pool.", e);

    protected StatementAssembly buildBasePersonQuery()
        StatementAssembly result;

        result = new StatementAssembly();

        result.newLine("SELECT PERSON_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, EMAIL, ");
        result.newLine("   LOCKED_OUT, ADMIN, LAST_ACCESS");
        result.newLine("FROM PERSON");

        return result;

     * Translates the next row from the result set into a {@link Person}.
     * <p>
     * This works with queries generated by {@link #buildBasePersonQuery()}.

    protected Person convertRowToPerson(ResultSet set, Object[] columns) throws SQLException
        int column = 1;

        columns[Person.ID_COLUMN] = set.getObject(column++);
        columns[Person.FIRST_NAME_COLUMN] = set.getString(column++);
        columns[Person.LAST_NAME_COLUMN] = set.getString(column++);
        columns[Person.EMAIL_COLUMN] = set.getString(column++);
        columns[Person.LOCKED_OUT_COLUMN] = getBoolean(set, column++);
        columns[Person.ADMIN_COLUMN] = getBoolean(set, column++);
        columns[Person.LAST_ACCESS_COLUMN] = set.getTimestamp(column++);

        return new Person(columns);

    private Boolean getBoolean(ResultSet set, int index) throws SQLException
        return set.getBoolean(index) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;

    private void validateUniquePerson(String firstName, String lastName, String email)
            throws RegistrationException
        Connection connection = null;
        IStatement statement = null;
        ResultSet set = null;

        String trimmedEmail = email.trim().toLowerCase();
        String trimmedLastName = lastName.trim().toLowerCase();
        String trimmedFirstName = firstName.trim().toLowerCase();

            connection = getConnection();

            StatementAssembly assembly = new StatementAssembly();
            assembly.newLine("SELECT PERSON_ID");
            assembly.newLine("FROM PERSON");
            assembly.newLine("WHERE ");

            assembly.add("LOWER(EMAIL) = ");

            statement = assembly.createStatement(connection);
            set = statement.executeQuery();

            if (
                throw new RegistrationException("Email address is already in use by another user.");

            close(null, statement, set);

            assembly = new StatementAssembly();
            assembly.newLine("SELECT PERSON_ID");
            assembly.newLine("FROM PERSON");
            assembly.newLine("WHERE ");

            assembly.add("LOWER(FIRST_NAME) = ");
            assembly.addSep(" AND ");
            assembly.add("LOWER(LAST_NAME) = ");

            statement = assembly.createStatement(connection);
            set = statement.executeQuery();

            if (
                throw new RegistrationException("Name provided is already in use by another user.");

        catch (SQLException e)
            throw new RegistrationException("Could not access database: " + e.getMessage(), e);
            close(connection, statement, set);

    public Book returnBook(Integer bookId) throws RemoteException, FinderException
        IBookHome bookHome = getBookHome();
        IBook book = bookHome.findByPrimaryKey(bookId);

        Integer ownerPK = book.getOwnerId();


        return getBook(bookId);


Related Classes of org.apache.tapestry.vlib.ejb.impl.OperationsBean

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