
Source Code of

*  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
*  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
*  distributed with this work for additional information
*  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
*  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

* Tests whether or not authorization around entry renames and moves work properly.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
@CreateDS(name = "MoveRenameAuthorizationIT")
public class MoveRenameAuthorizationIT extends AbstractLdapTestUnit
    public void setService()
        AutzIntegUtils.service = getService();
        getService().setAccessControlEnabled( true );

    public void closeConnections()

    public boolean checkCanRenameAs( String uid, String password, String entryRdn, String newNameRdn ) throws Exception
        Dn entryDn = new Dn( entryRdn + ",ou=system" );
        boolean result;

        Entry testEntry = new DefaultEntry( entryDn );
        testEntry.add( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT, "organizationalUnit" );
        testEntry.add( SchemaConstants.OU_AT, "testou" );

        LdapConnection adminConnection = getAdminConnection();

        // create the new entry as the admin user
        adminConnection.add( testEntry );
        assertTrue( adminConnection.exists( entryDn ) );

        Dn userName = new Dn( "uid=" + uid + ",ou=users,ou=system" );

        LdapConnection userConnection = getConnectionAs( userName, password );
            userConnection.rename( entryDn.getName(), newNameRdn );
            adminConnection.delete( newNameRdn + ",ou=system" );
            result = true;
        catch ( LdapException le )
            adminConnection.delete( entryDn );
            assertFalse( adminConnection.exists( entryDn ) );
            result = false;

        return result;

     * Checks if a simple entry (organizationalUnit) can be renamed at an Rdn relative
     * to ou=system by a specific non-admin user.  If a permission exception
     * is encountered it is caught and false is returned, otherwise true is returned
     * when the entry is created.  The entry is deleted after being created just in case
     * subsequent calls to this method do not fail: the admin account is used to delete
     * this test entry so permissions to delete are not required to delete it by the user.
     * @param uid the unique identifier for the user (presumed to exist under ou=users,ou=system)
     * @param password the password of this user
     * @param entryRdn the relative Dn, relative to ou=system where entry renames are tested
     * @param newNameRdn the new Rdn for the entry under ou=system
     * @param newParentRdn the new parent Rdn for the entry under ou=system
     * @return true if the entry can be renamed by the user at the specified location, false otherwise
     * @throws Exception if there are problems conducting the test
    public boolean checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( String uid, String password, String entryRdn, String newNameRdn,
        String newParentRdn ) throws Exception
        Dn entryDn = new Dn( entryRdn + ",ou=system" );
        boolean result;

        Entry testEntry = new DefaultEntry( entryDn );
        testEntry.add( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT, "organizationalUnit" );
        testEntry.add( SchemaConstants.OU_AT, "testou" );

        LdapConnection adminConnection = getAdminConnection();

        // create the new entry as the admin user
        adminConnection.add( testEntry );
        assertTrue( adminConnection.exists( entryDn ) );

        Dn userName = new Dn( "uid=" + uid + ",ou=users,ou=system" );

        LdapConnection userConnection = getConnectionAs( userName, password );

        boolean isMoved = false;
        String movedName = entryRdn + "," + newParentRdn + ",ou=system";

            userConnection.move( entryDn.getName(), newParentRdn + ",ou=system" );
            isMoved = true;
            assertTrue( adminConnection.exists( movedName ) );
            assertFalse( userConnection.exists( entryDn ) );
        catch ( LdapNoPermissionException lnpe )
            assertFalse( adminConnection.exists( movedName ) );
            assertTrue( adminConnection.exists( entryDn ) );
            adminConnection.delete( entryDn );

            return false;

        String renamedName = newNameRdn + ", " + newParentRdn + ",ou=system";

            userConnection.rename( movedName, newNameRdn );
            assertTrue( adminConnection.exists( renamedName ) );
            assertFalse( adminConnection.exists( movedName ) );

            adminConnection.delete( renamedName );
            result = true;
        catch ( LdapEntryAlreadyExistsException leaee )
            adminConnection.delete( renamedName );
            result = true;
        catch ( LdapException le )
            if ( isMoved )
                adminConnection.delete( movedName );

            result = false;

        // delete the renamed context as the admin user
        return result;

     * Checks to make sure group membership based userClass works for renames,
     * moves and moves with renames.
     * @throws Exception if the test encounters an error
    public void testGrantByAdministrators() throws Exception
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Test simple Rdn change: NO SUBTREE MOVEMENT!
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // create the non-admin user
        createUser( "billyd", "billyd" );

        // try the rename operation which should fail without any ACI
        assertFalse( checkCanRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname" ) );

        // Gives grantRename perm to all users in the Administrators group for entries
        createAccessControlSubentry( "grantRenameByAdmin",
            "{ " +
                "  identificationTag \"addAci\", " +
                "  precedence 14, " +
                "  authenticationLevel none, " +
                "  itemOrUserFirst userFirst: " +
                "  { " +
                "    userClasses " +
                "    { " +
                "      userGroup { \"cn=Administrators,ou=groups,ou=system\" } " +
                "    }, " +
                "    userPermissions " +
                "    { " +
                "      { " +
                "        protectedItems {entry}, " +
                "        grantsAndDenials { grantRename, grantBrowse } " +
                "      } " +
                "    } " +
                "  } " +
                "}" );

        // see if we can now rename that test entry which we could not before
        // rename op should still fail since billyd is not in the admin group
        assertFalse( checkCanRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname" ) );

        // now add billyd to the Administrator group and try again
        addUserToGroup( "billyd", "Administrators" );

        // try a rename operation which should succeed with ACI and group membership change
        assertTrue( checkCanRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname" ) );

        // now let's cleanup
        removeUserFromGroup( "billyd", "Administrators" );
        deleteAccessControlSubentry( "grantRenameByAdmin" );
        deleteUser( "billyd" );

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Test move and Rdn change at the same time.
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // create the non-admin user
        createUser( "billyd", "billyd" );

        // try an move w/ rdn change which should fail without any ACI
        assertFalse( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname", "ou=groups" ) );

        // Gives grantRename, grantImport, grantExport perm to all users in the Administrators
        // group for entries - browse is needed just to read navigate the tree at root
        createAccessControlSubentry( "grantRenameMoveByAdmin",
            "{ " +
                "  identificationTag \"addAci\", " +
                "  precedence 14, " +
                "  authenticationLevel none, " +
                "  itemOrUserFirst userFirst: " +
                "  { " +
                "    userClasses " +
                "    { " +
                "      userGroup { \"cn=Administrators,ou=groups,ou=system\" } " +
                "    }, " +
                "    userPermissions " +
                "    { " +
                "      { " +
                "        protectedItems {entry}, " +
                "        grantsAndDenials { grantExport, grantImport, grantRename, grantBrowse } " +
                "      } " +
                "    } " +
                "  } " +
                "}" );

        // see if we can move and rename the test entry which we could not before
        // op should still fail since billyd is not in the admin group
        assertFalse( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname", "ou=groups" ) );

        // now add billyd to the Administrator group and try again
        addUserToGroup( "billyd", "Administrators" );

        // try move w/ rdn change which should succeed with ACI and group membership change
        assertTrue( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname", "ou=groups" ) );

        // now let's cleanup
        removeUserFromGroup( "billyd", "Administrators" );
        deleteAccessControlSubentry( "grantRenameMoveByAdmin" );
        deleteUser( "billyd" );

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Test move ONLY without any Rdn changes.
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // create the non-admin user
        createUser( "billyd", "billyd" );

        // try move operation which should fail without any ACI
        assertFalse( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou1", "ou=testou2", "ou=groups" ) );

        // Gives grantImport, and grantExport perm to all users in the Administrators group for entries
        createAccessControlSubentry( "grantMoveByAdmin",
            "{ " +
                "  identificationTag \"addAci\", "
                + "  precedence 14, " +
                "  authenticationLevel none, " +
                "  itemOrUserFirst userFirst: " +
                "  { " +
                "    userClasses " +
                "    { " +
                "      userGroup { \"cn=Administrators,ou=groups,ou=system\" } " +
                "    }, " +
                "    userPermissions " +
                "    { " +
                "      { " +
                "        protectedItems {entry}, " +
                "        grantsAndDenials { grantExport, grantImport, grantBrowse } " +
                "      } " +
                "    } " +
                "  } " +
                "}" );

        // see if we can now move that test entry which we could not before
        // op should still fail since billyd is not in the admin group
        assertFalse( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou1", "ou=testou2", "ou=groups" ) );

        // now add billyd to the Administrator group and try again
        addUserToGroup( "billyd", "Administrators" );

        // try move operation which should succeed with ACI and group membership change
        assertTrue( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou1", "ou=testou2", "ou=groups" ) );

        // now let's cleanup
        removeUserFromGroup( "billyd", "Administrators" );
        deleteAccessControlSubentry( "grantMoveByAdmin" );
        deleteUser( "billyd" );

     * Checks to make sure name based userClass works for rename, move, and
     * rename with move operation access controls.
     * @throws Exception if the test encounters an error
    public void testGrantByName() throws Exception
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Test simple Rdn change: NO SUBTREE MOVEMENT!
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // create the non-admin user
        createUser( "billyd", "billyd" );

        // try the rename operation which should fail without any ACI
        assertFalse( checkCanRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname" ) );

        // Gives grantRename perm specifically to the billyd user
        createAccessControlSubentry( "grantRenameByName",
            "{ " +
                "  identificationTag \"addAci\", " +
                "  precedence 14, " +
                "  authenticationLevel none, " +
                "  itemOrUserFirst userFirst: " +
                "  { " +
                "    userClasses { name { \"uid=billyd,ou=users,ou=system\" } }, " +
                "    userPermissions " +
                "    { " +
                "      { " +
                "        protectedItems {entry}, " +
                "        grantsAndDenials { grantRename, grantBrowse } " +
                "      } " +
                "    } " +
                "  } " +
                "}" );

        // try a rename operation which should succeed with ACI
        assertTrue( checkCanRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname" ) );

        // now let's cleanup
        deleteAccessControlSubentry( "grantRenameByName" );
        deleteUser( "billyd" );

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Test move and Rdn change at the same time.
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // create the non-admin user
        createUser( "billyd", "billyd" );

        // try an move w/ rdn change which should fail without any ACI
        assertFalse( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou,ou=users", "ou=newname", "ou=groups" ) );

        // Gives grantRename, grantImport, grantExport perm to billyd user on entries
        createAccessControlSubentry( "grantRenameMoveByName",
            "{ " +
                "  identificationTag \"addAci\", " +
                "  precedence 14, " +
                "  authenticationLevel none, " +
                "  itemOrUserFirst userFirst: " +
                "  { " +
                "    userClasses { name { \"uid=billyd,ou=users,ou=system\" } }, " +
                "    userPermissions " +
                "    { " +
                "      { " +
                "        protectedItems {entry}, " +
                "        grantsAndDenials { grantExport, grantImport, grantRename, grantBrowse } " +
                "      } " +
                "    } " +
                "  } " +
                "}" );

        // try move w/ rdn change which should succeed with ACI
        assertTrue( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname", "ou=groups" ) );

        // now let's cleanup
        deleteAccessControlSubentry( "grantRenameMoveByName" );
        deleteUser( "billyd" );

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Test move ONLY without any Rdn changes.
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // create the non-admin user
        createUser( "billyd", "billyd" );

        // try move operation which should fail without any ACI
        assertFalse( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=testou", "ou=groups" ) );

        // Gives grantImport, and grantExport perm to billyd user for entries
        createAccessControlSubentry( "grantMoveByName",
            "{ " +
                "  identificationTag \"addAci\", " +
                "  precedence 14, " +
                "  authenticationLevel none, " +
                "  itemOrUserFirst userFirst: " +
                "  { " +
                "    userClasses { name { \"uid=billyd,ou=users,ou=system\" } }, " +
                "    userPermissions " +
                "    { " +
                "      { " +
                "        protectedItems {entry}, " +
                "        grantsAndDenials { grantExport, grantImport, grantRename, grantBrowse } " +
                "      } " +
                "    } " +
                "  } " +
                "}" );

        // try move operation which should succeed with ACI
        assertTrue( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou1", "ou=testou2", "ou=groups" ) );

        // now let's cleanup
        deleteAccessControlSubentry( "grantMoveByName" );
        deleteUser( "billyd" );

     * Checks to make sure subtree based userClass works for rename, move, and
     * rename with move operation access controls.
     * @throws Exception if the test encounters an error
    public void testGrantBySubtree() throws Exception
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Test simple Rdn change: NO SUBTREE MOVEMENT!
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // create the non-admin user
        createUser( "billyd", "billyd" );

        // try the rename operation which should fail without any ACI
        assertFalse( checkCanRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname" ) );

        // Gives grantRename perm for entries to those users selected by the subtree
        createAccessControlSubentry( "grantRenameByTree",
            "{ " +
                "  identificationTag \"addAci\", " +
                "  precedence 14, " +
                "  authenticationLevel none, " +
                "  itemOrUserFirst userFirst: " +
                "  { " +
                "    userClasses " +
                "    { " +
                "      subtree { { base \"ou=users,ou=system\" } } " +
                "    }, " +
                "    userPermissions " +
                "    { " +
                "      { " +
                "        protectedItems {entry}, " +
                "        grantsAndDenials { grantRename, grantBrowse } " +
                "      } " +
                "    } " +
                "  } " +
                "}" );

        // try a rename operation which should succeed with ACI
        assertTrue( checkCanRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname" ) );

        // now let's cleanup
        deleteAccessControlSubentry( "grantRenameByTree" );
        deleteUser( "billyd" );

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Test move and Rdn change at the same time.
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // create the non-admin user
        createUser( "billyd", "billyd" );

        // try an move w/ rdn change which should fail without any ACI
        assertFalse( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname", "ou=groups" ) );

        // Gives grantRename, grantImport, grantExport for entries to users selected by subtree
        createAccessControlSubentry( "grantRenameMoveByTree",
            "{ " +
                "  identificationTag \"addAci\", " +
                "  precedence 14, " +
                "  authenticationLevel none, " +
                "  itemOrUserFirst userFirst: { " +
                "    userClasses " +
                "    { " +
                "      subtree { { base \"ou=users,ou=system\" } } " +
                "    }, " +
                "    userPermissions " +
                "    { " +
                "      { " +
                "        protectedItems {entry}, " +
                "        grantsAndDenials { grantExport, grantImport, grantRename, grantBrowse } " +
                "      } " +
                "    } " +
                "  } " +
                "}" );

        // try move w/ rdn change which should succeed with ACI
        assertTrue( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname", "ou=groups" ) );

        // now let's cleanup
        deleteAccessControlSubentry( "grantRenameMoveByTree" );
        deleteUser( "billyd" );

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Test move ONLY without any Rdn changes.
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // create the non-admin user
        createUser( "billyd", "billyd" );

        // try move operation which should fail without any ACI
        assertFalse( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou1", "ou=testou2", "ou=groups" ) );

        // Gives grantImport, and grantExport perm for entries to subtree selected users
        createAccessControlSubentry( "grantMoveByTree",
            "{ " +
                "  identificationTag \"addAci\", " +
                "  precedence 14, " +
                "  authenticationLevel none, " +
                "  itemOrUserFirst userFirst: " +
                "  { " +
                "    userClasses " +
                "    { " +
                "      subtree { { base \"ou=users,ou=system\" } } " +
                "    }, " +
                "    userPermissions " +
                "    { " +
                "      { " +
                "        protectedItems {entry}, " +
                "        grantsAndDenials { grantExport, grantImport, grantRename, grantBrowse } " +
                "      } " +
                "    } " +
                "  } " +
                "}" );

        // try move operation which should succeed with ACI
        assertTrue( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou1", "ou=testou2", "ou=groups" ) );

        // now let's cleanup
        deleteAccessControlSubentry( "grantMoveByTree" );
        deleteUser( "billyd" );

     * Checks to make sure the <b>anyUser</b> userClass works for rename, move, and
     * rename with move operation access controls.
     * @throws Exception if the test encounters an error
    public void testGrantByAnyuser() throws Exception
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Test simple Rdn change: NO SUBTREE MOVEMENT!
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // create the non-admin user
        createUser( "billyd", "billyd" );

        // try the rename operation which should fail without any ACI
        assertFalse( checkCanRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname" ) );

        // Gives grantRename perm for entries to any user
        createAccessControlSubentry( "grantRenameByAny",
            "{ " +
                "  identificationTag \"addAci\", " +
                "  precedence 14, " +
                "  authenticationLevel none, " +
                "  itemOrUserFirst userFirst: " +
                "  { " +
                "    userClasses { allUsers }, " +
                "    userPermissions " +
                "    { " +
                "      { " +
                "        protectedItems {entry}, " +
                "        grantsAndDenials { grantRename, grantBrowse } " +
                "      } " +
                "    } " +
                "  } " +
                "}" );

        // try a rename operation which should succeed with ACI
        assertTrue( checkCanRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname" ) );

        // now let's cleanup
        deleteAccessControlSubentry( "grantRenameByAny" );
        deleteUser( "billyd" );

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Test move and Rdn change at the same time.
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // create the non-admin user
        createUser( "billyd", "billyd" );

        // try an move w/ rdn change which should fail without any ACI
        assertFalse( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname", "ou=groups" ) );

        // Gives grantRename, grantImport, grantExport for entries to any user
        createAccessControlSubentry( "grantRenameMoveByAny",
            "{ " +
                "  identificationTag \"addAci\", " +
                "  precedence 14, " +
                "  authenticationLevel none, " +
                "  itemOrUserFirst userFirst: " +
                "  { " +
                "    userClasses { allUsers }, " +
                "    userPermissions " +
                "    { " +
                "      { " +
                "        protectedItems {entry}, " +
                "        grantsAndDenials { grantExport, grantImport, grantRename, grantBrowse } " +
                "      } " +
                "    } " +
                "  } " +
                "}" );

        // try move w/ rdn change which should succeed with ACI
        assertTrue( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname", "ou=groups" ) );

        // now let's cleanup
        deleteAccessControlSubentry( "grantRenameMoveByAny" );
        deleteUser( "billyd" );

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Test move ONLY without any Rdn changes.
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // create the non-admin user
        createUser( "billyd", "billyd" );

        // try move operation which should fail without any ACI
        assertFalse( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou1", "ou=testou2", "ou=groups" ) );

        // Gives grantImport, and grantExport perm for entries to any user
        createAccessControlSubentry( "grantMoveByAny",
            "{ " +
                "  identificationTag \"addAci\", " +
                "  precedence 14, " +
                "  authenticationLevel none, " +
                "  itemOrUserFirst userFirst: " +
                "  { " +
                "    userClasses { allUsers }, " +
                "    userPermissions " +
                "    { " +
                "      { " +
                "        protectedItems {entry}, " +
                "        grantsAndDenials { grantExport, grantImport, grantRename, grantBrowse } " +
                "      } " +
                "    } " +
                "  } " +
                "}" );

        // try move operation which should succeed with ACI
        assertTrue( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou1", "ou=testou2", "ou=groups" ) );

        // now let's cleanup
        deleteAccessControlSubentry( "grantMoveByAny" );
        deleteUser( "billyd" );

     * Checks to make sure Export and Import permissions work correctly
     * when they are defined on seperate contexts.
     * @throws Exception if the test encounters an error
    public void testExportAndImportSeperately() throws Exception
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Test move and Rdn change at the same time.
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // create the non-admin user
        createUser( "billyd", "billyd" );

        // try an move w/ rdn change which should fail without any ACI
        assertFalse( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname", "ou=groups" ) );

        // Gives grantBrowse perm to all users in the Administrators
        // group for entries
        // It's is needed just to read navigate the tree at root
        createAccessControlSubentry( "grantBrowseForTheWholeNamingContext", "{ }",
            "{ " +
                "  identificationTag \"browseACI\", " +
                "  precedence 14, " +
                "  authenticationLevel none, " +
                "  itemOrUserFirst userFirst: " +
                "  { " +
                "    userClasses { userGroup { \"cn=Administrators,ou=groups,ou=system\" } }, " +
                "    userPermissions " +
                "    { " +
                "      { " +
                "        protectedItems { entry }, " +
                "        grantsAndDenials { grantBrowse } " +
                "      } " +
                "    } " +
                "  } " +
                "}" );

        // Gives grantExport, grantRename perm to all users in the Administrators
        // group for entries
        createAccessControlSubentry( "grantExportFromASubtree", "{ base \"ou=users\" }",
            "{ " +
                "  identificationTag \"exportACI\", " +
                "  precedence 14, " +
                "  authenticationLevel none, " +
                "  itemOrUserFirst userFirst: " +
                "  { " +
                "    userClasses { userGroup { \"cn=Administrators,ou=groups,ou=system\" } }, " +
                "    userPermissions " +
                "    { " +
                "      { " +
                "        protectedItems { entry }, " +
                "        grantsAndDenials { grantExport, grantRename } " +
                "      } " +
                "    } " +
                "  } " +
                "}" );

        // Gives grantImport perm to all users in the Administrators
        // group for the target context
        createAccessControlSubentry( "grantImportToASubtree", "{ base \"ou=groups\" }",
            "{ " +
                "  identificationTag \"importACI\", " +
                "  precedence 14, " +
                "  authenticationLevel none, " +
                "  itemOrUserFirst userFirst: " +
                "  { " +
                "    userClasses { userGroup { \"cn=Administrators,ou=groups,ou=system\" } }, " +
                "    userPermissions " +
                "    { " +
                "      { " +
                "        protectedItems { entry }, " +
                "        grantsAndDenials { grantImport } " + "      } " +
                "    } " +
                "  } " +
                "}" );

        // see if we can move and rename the test entry which we could not before
        // op should still fail since billyd is not in the admin group
        assertFalse( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname", "ou=groups" ) );

        // now add billyd to the Administrator group and try again
        addUserToGroup( "billyd", "Administrators" );

        // try move w/ rdn change which should succeed with ACI and group membership change
        assertTrue( checkCanMoveAndRenameAs( "billyd", "billyd", "ou=testou", "ou=newname", "ou=groups" ) );

        // now let's cleanup
        removeUserFromGroup( "billyd", "Administrators" );
        deleteAccessControlSubentry( "grantBrowseForTheWholeNamingContext" );
        deleteAccessControlSubentry( "grantExportFromASubtree" );
        deleteAccessControlSubentry( "grantImportToASubtree" );
        deleteUser( "billyd" );

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