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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import java.util.List;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.naming.AuthenticationException;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import javax.naming.NamingException;

import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration;


* A UserManager performs {@link}
* object related tasks on behalf of the
* {@link}.
* This implementation uses ldap for retrieving user data. It
* expects that the User interface implementation will be castable to
* {@link}.
* @author <a href="">Jon S. Stevens</a>
* @author <a href="">John D. McNally</a>
* @author <a href="">Frank Y. Kim</a>
* @author <a href="">Craig D. Berry</a>
* @author <a href="">Rafal Krzewski</a>
* @author <a href="">Tracy M. Adewunmi</a>
* @author <a href="">Leonard J. Flournoy</a>
* @author <a href="">Jason van Zyl</a>
* @author <a href="">Daniel Rall</a>
* @author <a href="">Humberto Hernandez</a>
* @version $Id: 1096130 2011-04-23 10:37:19Z ludwig $
public class LDAPUserManager implements UserManager
     * Initializes the UserManager
     * @param conf A Configuration object to init this Manager
    public void init(Configuration conf)
        // GNDN

     * Check wether a specified user's account exists.
     * The login name is used for looking up the account.
     * @param user The user to be checked.
     * @return true if the specified account exists
     * @throws DataBackendException Error accessing the data backend.
    public boolean accountExists(User user) throws DataBackendException
        return accountExists(user.getName());

     * Check wether a specified user's account exists.
     * The login name is used for looking up the account.
     * @param username The name of the user to be checked.
     * @return true if the specified account exists
     * @throws DataBackendException Error accessing the data backend.
    public boolean accountExists(String username)
            throws DataBackendException
            User ldapUser = retrieve(username);
        catch (UnknownEntityException ex)
            return false;

        return true;

     * Retrieve a user from persistent storage using username as the
     * key.
     * @param username the name of the user.
     * @return an User object.
     * @exception UnknownEntityException if the user's account does not
     *            exist in the database.
     * @exception DataBackendException Error accessing the data backend.
    public User retrieve(String username)
            throws UnknownEntityException, DataBackendException
            DirContext ctx = bindAsAdmin();

             * Define the search.
            String userBaseSearch = LDAPSecurityConstants.getBaseSearch();
            String filter = LDAPSecurityConstants.getNameAttribute();

            filter = "(" + filter + "=" + username + ")";

             * Create the default search controls.
            SearchControls ctls = new SearchControls();

            NamingEnumeration answer =
          , filter, ctls);

            if (answer.hasMore())
                SearchResult sr = (SearchResult);
                Attributes attribs = sr.getAttributes();
                LDAPUser ldapUser = createLDAPUser();

                ldapUser.setTemp("turbine.user", ldapUser);

                return ldapUser;
                throw new UnknownEntityException("The given user: "
                        + username + "\n does not exist.");
        catch (NamingException ex)
            throw new DataBackendException(
                    "The LDAP server specified is unavailable", ex);

     * This is currently not implemented to behave as expected.  It
     * ignores the Criteria argument and returns all the users.
     * Retrieve a set of users that meet the specified criteria.
     * As the keys for the criteria, you should use the constants that
     * are defined in {@link User} interface, plus the the names
     * of the custom attributes you added to your user representation
     * in the data storage. Use verbatim names of the attributes -
     * without table name prefix in case of DB implementation.
     * @param criteria The criteria of selection.
     * @return a List of users meeting the criteria.
     * @throws DataBackendException Error accessing the data backend.
     * @deprecated Use <a href="#retrieveList">retrieveList</a> instead.
    public User[] retrieve(Object criteria)
            throws DataBackendException
        return (User []) retrieveList(criteria).toArray(new User[0]);

     * Retrieve a list of users that meet the specified criteria.
     * As the keys for the criteria, you should use the constants that
     * are defined in {@link User} interface, plus the names
     * of the custom attributes you added to your user representation
     * in the data storage. Use verbatim names of the attributes -
     * without table name prefix in case of Torque implementation.
     * @param criteria The criteria of selection.
     * @return a List of users meeting the criteria.
     * @throws DataBackendException if there is a problem accessing the
     *         storage.
    public List retrieveList(Object criteria)
            throws DataBackendException
        List users = new Vector(0);

            DirContext ctx = bindAsAdmin();

            String userBaseSearch = LDAPSecurityConstants.getBaseSearch();
            String filter = LDAPSecurityConstants.getNameAttribute();

            filter = "(" + filter + "=*)";

             * Create the default search controls.
            SearchControls ctls = new SearchControls();

            NamingEnumeration answer =
          , filter, ctls);

            while (answer.hasMore())
                SearchResult sr = (SearchResult);
                Attributes attribs = sr.getAttributes();
                LDAPUser ldapUser = createLDAPUser();

                ldapUser.setTemp("turbine.user", ldapUser);
        catch (NamingException ex)
            throw new DataBackendException(
                    "The LDAP server specified is unavailable", ex);
        return users;

     * Retrieve a user from persistent storage using username as the
     * key, and authenticate the user. The implementation may chose
     * to authenticate to the server as the user whose data is being
     * retrieved.
     * @param username the name of the user.
     * @param password the user supplied password.
     * @return an User object.
     * @exception PasswordMismatchException if the supplied password was
     *            incorrect.
     * @exception UnknownEntityException if the user's account does not
     *            exist in the database.
     * @exception DataBackendException Error accessing the data backend.
    public User retrieve(String username, String password)
            throws PasswordMismatchException,
            UnknownEntityException, DataBackendException
        User user = retrieve(username);

        authenticate(user, password);
        return user;

     * Save a User object to persistent storage. User's account is
     * required to exist in the storage.
     * @param user an User object to store.
     * @throws UnknownEntityException if the user's account does not
     *            exist in the database.
     * @throws DataBackendException if there is an LDAP error
    public void store(User user)
            throws UnknownEntityException, DataBackendException
        if (!accountExists(user))
            throw new UnknownEntityException("The account '"
                    + user.getName() + "' does not exist");

            LDAPUser ldapUser = (LDAPUser) user;
            Attributes attrs = ldapUser.getLDAPAttributes();
            String name = ldapUser.getDN();

            DirContext ctx = bindAsAdmin();

            ctx.modifyAttributes(name, DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attrs);
        catch (NamingException ex)
            throw new DataBackendException("NamingException caught", ex);

     * This method is not yet implemented.
     * Saves User data when the session is unbound. The user account is required
     * to exist in the storage.
     * LastLogin, AccessCounter, persistent pull tools, and any data stored
     * in the permData hashtable that is not mapped to a column will be saved.
     * @exception UnknownEntityException if the user's account does not
     *            exist in the database.
     * @exception DataBackendException if there is a problem accessing the
     *            storage.
    public void saveOnSessionUnbind(User user)
            throws UnknownEntityException, DataBackendException
        if (!accountExists(user))
            throw new UnknownEntityException("The account '" +
                    user.getName() + "' does not exist");

     * Authenticate a User with the specified password. If authentication
     * is successful the method returns nothing. If there are any problems,
     * exception was thrown.
     * @param user a User object to authenticate.
     * @param password the user supplied password.
     * @exception PasswordMismatchException if the supplied password was
     *            incorrect.
     * @exception UnknownEntityException if the user's account does not
     *            exist in the database.
     * @exception DataBackendException Error accessing the data backend.
    public void authenticate(User user, String password)
            throws PasswordMismatchException,
        LDAPUser ldapUser = (LDAPUser) user;

            bind(ldapUser.getDN(), password);
        catch (AuthenticationException ex)
            throw new PasswordMismatchException(
                    "The given password for: "
                    + ldapUser.getDN() + " is invalid\n");
        catch (NamingException ex)
            throw new DataBackendException(
                    "NamingException caught:", ex);

     * This method is not yet implemented
     * Change the password for an User.
     * @param user an User to change password for.
     * @param newPass the new password.
     * @param oldPass the old password.
     * @exception PasswordMismatchException if the supplied password was
     *            incorrect.
     * @exception UnknownEntityException if the user's account does not
     *            exist in the database.
     * @exception DataBackendException Error accessing the data backend.
    public void changePassword(User user, String oldPass, String newPass)
            throws PasswordMismatchException,
            UnknownEntityException, DataBackendException
        throw new DataBackendException(
                "The method changePassword has no implementation.");

     * This method is not yet implemented
     * Forcibly sets new password for an User.
     * This is supposed to be used by the administrator to change the forgotten
     * or compromised passwords. Certain implementatations of this feature
     * would require adminstrative level access to the authenticating
     * server / program.
     * @param user an User to change password for.
     * @param password the new password.
     * @exception UnknownEntityException if the user's record does not
     *            exist in the database.
     * @exception DataBackendException Error accessing the data backend.
    public void forcePassword(User user, String password)
            throws UnknownEntityException, DataBackendException
        throw new DataBackendException(
                "The method forcePassword has no implementation.");

     * Creates new user account with specified attributes.
     * @param user the object describing account to be created.
     * @param initialPassword Not used yet.
     * @throws DataBackendException Error accessing the data backend.
     * @throws EntityExistsException if the user account already exists.
    public void createAccount(User user, String initialPassword)
            throws EntityExistsException, DataBackendException
        if (accountExists(user))
            throw new EntityExistsException("The account '"
                    + user.getName() + "' already exist");

            LDAPUser ldapUser = (LDAPUser) user;
            Attributes attrs = ldapUser.getLDAPAttributes();
            String name = ldapUser.getDN();

            DirContext ctx = bindAsAdmin();

            ctx.bind(name, null, attrs);
        catch (NamingException ex)
            throw new DataBackendException("NamingException caught", ex);

     * Removes an user account from the system.
     * @param user the object describing the account to be removed.
     * @throws DataBackendException Error accessing the data backend.
     * @throws UnknownEntityException if the user account is not present.
    public void removeAccount(User user)
            throws UnknownEntityException, DataBackendException
        if (!accountExists(user))
            throw new UnknownEntityException("The account '"
                    + user.getName() + "' does not exist");

            LDAPUser ldapUser = (LDAPUser) user;
            String name = ldapUser.getDN();

            DirContext ctx = bindAsAdmin();

        catch (NamingException ex)
            throw new DataBackendException("NamingException caught", ex);

     * Bind as the admin user.
     * @throws NamingException when an error occurs with the named server.
     * @return a new DirContext.
    public static DirContext bindAsAdmin()
            throws NamingException
        String adminUser = LDAPSecurityConstants.getAdminUsername();
        String adminPassword = LDAPSecurityConstants.getAdminPassword();

        return bind(adminUser, adminPassword);

     * Creates an initial context.
     * @param username admin username supplied in TRP.
     * @param password admin password supplied in TRP
     * @throws NamingException when an error occurs with the named server.
     * @return a new DirContext.
    public static DirContext bind(String username, String password)
            throws NamingException
        String host = LDAPSecurityConstants.getLDAPHost();
        String port = LDAPSecurityConstants.getLDAPPort();
        String providerURL = "ldap://" + host + ":" + port;
        String ldapProvider = LDAPSecurityConstants.getLDAPProvider();
        String authentication = LDAPSecurityConstants.getLDAPAuthentication();

         * creating an initial context using Sun's client
         * LDAP Provider.
        Hashtable env = new Hashtable();

        env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, ldapProvider);
        env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, providerURL);
        env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, authentication);
        env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, username);
        env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);

        DirContext ctx = new;

        return ctx;

     * Create a new instance of the LDAP User according to the value
     * configured in
     * @return a new instance of the LDAP User.
     * @throws DataBackendException if there is an error creating the
    private LDAPUser createLDAPUser()
            throws DataBackendException
            return (LDAPUser) TurbineSecurity.getUserInstance();
        catch (ClassCastException ex)
            throw new DataBackendException("ClassCastException:", ex);
        catch (UnknownEntityException ex)
            throw new DataBackendException("UnknownEntityException:", ex);


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