Package org.apache.axis2.context

Source Code of org.apache.axis2.context.ServiceContext

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package org.apache.axis2.context;

import org.apache.axiom.util.UIDGenerator;
import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault;
import org.apache.axis2.addressing.EndpointReference;
import org.apache.axis2.context.externalize.ActivateUtils;
import org.apache.axis2.context.externalize.ExternalizeConstants;
import org.apache.axis2.context.externalize.SafeObjectInputStream;
import org.apache.axis2.context.externalize.SafeObjectOutputStream;
import org.apache.axis2.context.externalize.SafeSerializable;
import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisOperation;
import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService;
import org.apache.axis2.description.TransportInDescription;
import org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisConfiguration;
import org.apache.axis2.engine.ListenerManager;
import org.apache.axis2.i18n.Messages;
import org.apache.axis2.util.LoggingControl;
import org.apache.axis2.util.MetaDataEntry;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;

* Well this is never clearly defined, what it does or the life-cycle.
* So do NOT use this as it might not live up to your expectation.
public class ServiceContext extends AbstractContext
    implements Externalizable, SafeSerializable {

     * setup for logging
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ServiceContext.class);

    private static final String myClassName = "ServiceContext";

     * An ID which can be used to correlate operations on an instance of
     * this object in the log files
    private String logCorrelationIDString = null;

     * @serial The serialization version ID tracks the version of the class.
     * If a class definition changes, then the serialization/externalization
     * of the class is affected. If a change to the class is made which is
     * not compatible with the serialization/externalization of the class,
     * then the serialization version ID should be updated.
     * Refer to the "serialVer" utility to compute a serialization
     * version ID.
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 8265625275015738957L;

     * @serial Tracks the revision level of a class to identify changes to the
     * class definition that are compatible to serialization/externalization.
     * If a class definition changes, then the serialization/externalization
     * of the class is affected.
     * Refer to the writeExternal() and readExternal() methods.
    // supported revision levels, add a new level to manage compatible changes
    private static final int REVISION_2 = 2;
    // current revision level of this object
    private static final int revisionID = REVISION_2;

    public static final String SERVICE_OBJECT = "serviceObject";

    private EndpointReference targetEPR;
    private EndpointReference myEPR;

    private transient AxisService axisService;

    // the service group context is the same as the parent
    private transient ServiceGroupContext serviceGroupContext;

    private transient ConfigurationContext configContext;

     * Should we cache the last OperationContext?
    private boolean cachingOperationContext;
     * A cache for the last OperationContext
    private transient OperationContext lastOperationContext;

    // MetaData for data to be restored in activate after readExternal

     * Indicates whether the message context has been reconstituted
     * and needs to have its object references reconciled
    private transient boolean needsToBeReconciled = false;

     * The AxisService metadata will be used during
     * activate to match up with an existing object
    private transient MetaDataEntry metaAxisService = null;

     * The ServiceGroupContext object will be used during
     * activate to finish its restoration
    private transient ServiceGroupContext metaParent = null;

    // end MetaData section

     * Public constructor (only here because this class is Externalizable)
    public ServiceContext() {

     * Constructor (package access, should only be used by ServiceGroupContext)
     * @param axisService the AxisService for which to create a context
     * @param serviceGroupContext the parent ServiceGroupContext
    ServiceContext(AxisService axisService, ServiceGroupContext serviceGroupContext) {
        this.serviceGroupContext = serviceGroupContext;
        this.axisService = axisService;
        this.configContext = (ConfigurationContext) parent.getParent();

    public OperationContext createOperationContext(QName name) {
        AxisOperation axisOp = axisService.getOperation(name);
        return createOperationContext(axisOp);

    public OperationContext createOperationContext(AxisOperation axisOp) {
        OperationContext ctx = new OperationContext(axisOp, this);
        return ctx;

    public AxisService getAxisService() {
        return axisService;

    public ConfigurationContext getConfigurationContext() {
        return configContext;

    public ServiceGroupContext getServiceGroupContext() {
        return serviceGroupContext;

     * To get the ERP for a given service , if the transport is present and not
     * running then it will add as a listener to ListenerManager , there it will
     * init that and start the listener , and finally ask the EPR from transport
     * for a given service
     * @param transport : Name of the transport
     * @return
     * @throws AxisFault
    public EndpointReference getMyEPR(String transport) throws AxisFault {
        ConfigurationContext configctx = this.configContext;
        if (configctx != null) {
            ListenerManager lm = configctx.getListenerManager();
            if (!lm.isListenerRunning(transport)) {
                TransportInDescription trsin =
                if (trsin != null) {
                    lm.addListener(trsin, false);
                } else {
                    throw new AxisFault(Messages.getMessage("transportnotfound",
            if (!lm.isStopped()) {
                return lm.getEPRforService(axisService.getName(), null, transport);
        return null;

    public EndpointReference getTargetEPR() {
        return targetEPR;

    public void setTargetEPR(EndpointReference targetEPR) {
        this.targetEPR = targetEPR;

    public void setMyEPR(EndpointReference myEPR) {
        this.myEPR = myEPR;

    public OperationContext getLastOperationContext() {
        return lastOperationContext;

    public void setLastOperationContext(OperationContext lastOperationContext) {
        this.lastOperationContext = lastOperationContext;

    public boolean isCachingOperationContext() {
        return cachingOperationContext;

    public void setCachingOperationContext(boolean cacheLastOperationContext) {
        this.cachingOperationContext = cacheLastOperationContext;

     * Returns a name associated with this ServiceContext.
     * <p/>
     * Note: this name is from the corresponding
     * AxisService object.
     * @return The name string, or null if no name can be found
    public String getName() {
        if (axisService != null) {
            return axisService.getName();

        if (metaAxisService != null) {
            return metaAxisService.getName();

        return null;

     * Returns a name associated with the ServiceGroupContext
     * associated with this ServiceContext.
     * @return The name string, or null if no name can be found
    public String getGroupName() {
        if (serviceGroupContext != null) {
            return serviceGroupContext.getId();

        if (metaParent != null) {
            return metaParent.getId();

        return null;

    /* ===============================================================
     * Externalizable support
     * ===============================================================

     * Save the contents of this object.
     * <p/>
     * NOTE: Transient fields and static fields are not saved.
     * Also, objects that represent "static" data are
     * not saved, except for enough information to be
     * able to find matching objects when the message
     * context is re-constituted.
     * @param out The stream to write the object contents to
     * @throws IOException
    public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput o) throws IOException {
        SafeObjectOutputStream out = SafeObjectOutputStream.install(o);
        // in order to handle future changes to the message
        // context definition, be sure to maintain the
        // object level identifiers
        // serialization version ID

        // revision ID

        // various simple fields


        // EndpointReference targetEPR
        // EndpointReference myEPR
        // properties
        // AxisService
        metaAxisService = null;
        if (axisService != null) {
            String serviceAndPortNames = ActivateUtils.getAxisServiceExternalizeExtraName(axisService);
            // If there is a service & port QName stored on the AxisService then write it out so
            // it can be used during deserialization to hook up the message context to the
            // correct AxisService.
            metaAxisService =
                    new MetaDataEntry(axisService.getClass().getName(), axisService.getName(),

        // parent

     * Restore the contents of the object that was previously saved.
     * <p/>
     * NOTE: The field data must read back in the same order and type
     * as it was written.  Some data will need to be validated when
     * resurrected.
     * @param in The stream to read the object contents from
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    public void readExternal(ObjectInput inObject) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        SafeObjectInputStream in = SafeObjectInputStream.install(inObject);
        // set the flag to indicate that the message context is being
        // reconstituted and will need to have certain object references
        // to be reconciled with the current engine setup
        needsToBeReconciled = true;

        // trace point
        if (LoggingControl.debugLoggingAllowed && log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(myClassName + ":readExternal():  BEGIN  bytes available in stream [" +
                in.available() + "]  ");

        // object level identifiers

        // serialization version ID
        long suid = in.readLong();

        // revision ID
        int revID = in.readInt();

        // make sure the object data is in a version we can handle
        if (suid != serialVersionUID) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(ExternalizeConstants.UNSUPPORTED_SUID);

        // make sure the object data is in a revision level we can handle
        if (revID != REVISION_2) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(ExternalizeConstants.UNSUPPORTED_REVID);

        // various simple fields

        long time = in.readLong();
        cachingOperationContext = in.readBoolean();
        logCorrelationIDString = (String) in.readObject();

        // trace point
        if (LoggingControl.debugLoggingAllowed && log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(myClassName + ":readExternal():  reading input stream for [" +
                      getLogCorrelationIDString()+ "]  ");

        // EndpointReference targetEPR
        targetEPR = (EndpointReference) in.readObject();

        // EndpointReference myEPR
        myEPR = (EndpointReference) in.readObject();

        // properties
        properties = in.readMap(new HashMap());

        // AxisService

        // axisService is not usable until the meta data has been reconciled
        metaAxisService = (MetaDataEntry) in.readObject();

        // parent

        // ServiceGroupContext is not usable until it has been activated
        metaParent = (ServiceGroupContext) in.readObject();

        // other

        // currently not saving this object
        lastOperationContext = null;

        // done

     * This method checks to see if additional work needs to be
     * done in order to complete the object reconstitution.
     * Some parts of the object restored from the readExternal()
     * cannot be completed until we have a configurationContext
     * from the active engine. The configurationContext is used
     * to help this object to plug back into the engine's
     * configuration and deployment objects.
     * @param cc The configuration context object representing the active configuration
    public void activate(ConfigurationContext cc) {
        // see if there's any work to do
        if (!needsToBeReconciled) {
            // return quick

        // use the supplied configuration context
        configContext = cc;

        // get the axis configuration
        AxisConfiguration axisConfig = cc.getAxisConfiguration();

        // We previously saved metaAxisService; restore it
        axisService = null;

        if (metaAxisService != null) {
            axisService = ActivateUtils.findService(axisConfig, metaAxisService.getClassName(),

        // the parent ServiceGroupContext object was saved
        // either use the restored object or sync up with
        // an existing ServiceGroupContext object
        if (metaParent != null) {
            // find out if a copy of the ServiceGroupContext object exists on this
            // engine where this ServiceContext is being restored/activated
            // if so, use that object instead of the restored object
            // in order to make sure that future changes to group-level
            // properties are preserved for future operations
            String groupName = metaParent.getId();

            ServiceGroupContext existingSGC = cc.getServiceGroupContext(groupName);

            if (existingSGC == null) {
                // could not find an existing ServiceGroupContext
                // use the restored object

                // set parent
            } else {
                // switch over to the existing object

                // do a copy of the properties from the restored object
                // to the existing ServiceContext
                // Should the copy be a non-destructive one?  That is,
                // if the key already exists in the properties table of the
                // existing object, should the value be overwritten from the
                // restored ojbect? For now, the decision is that the state
                // that has been preserved for a saved context object is
                // is important to be restored.

        } else {
            // set parent to null

        // this is another pointer to our parent object
        serviceGroupContext = (ServiceGroupContext) this.getParent();

        if (serviceGroupContext != null) {
            // add the service context to the table

        // done, reset the flag
        needsToBeReconciled = false;

        // make sure this restored object is in the parent's list
        if (metaParent != null) {
            // make sure this restored object is in the parent's list


     * This will do a copy of the properties from this context object
     * to the properties of the specified context object.
     * @param context            The ServiceContext object to hold the merged properties
     * @param doParentProperties Indicates whether to go up the context hierachy
     *                           copy the properties at each level
    public void putContextProperties(ServiceContext context, boolean doParentProperties) {
        if (context != null) {
            // get the current properties on this context object
            Map<String, Object> props = getProperties();

            // copy them to the specified context object

            if (doParentProperties) {
                ServiceGroupContext mySGC = null;

                if (serviceGroupContext != null) {
                    mySGC = serviceGroupContext;
                } else if (metaParent != null) {
                    mySGC = metaParent;

                if (mySGC != null) {
                    ServiceGroupContext sgc = context.getServiceGroupContext();

     * Get the ID associated with this object instance.
     * @return A string that can be output to a log file as an identifier
     *         for this object instance.  It is suitable for matching related log
     *         entries.
    public String getLogCorrelationIDString() {
        if (logCorrelationIDString == null) {
            logCorrelationIDString = myClassName + "@" + UIDGenerator.generateUID();
        return logCorrelationIDString;

     * Trace a warning message, if needed, indicating that this
     * object needs to be activated before accessing certain fields.
     * @param methodname The method where the warning occurs
    private void checkActivateWarning(String methodname) {
        if (needsToBeReconciled) {
            if (LoggingControl.debugLoggingAllowed && log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug(getLogCorrelationIDString()+ ":" + methodname + "(): ****WARNING**** "
                        + myClassName + ".activate(configurationContext) needs to be invoked.");

    public ConfigurationContext getRootContext() {
        return configContext;


Related Classes of org.apache.axis2.context.ServiceContext

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