Package org.apache.axis2.client

Source Code of org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

package org.apache.axis2.client;

import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAP12Constants;
import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope;
import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPFactory;
import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPHeader;
import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPHeaderBlock;
import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault;
import org.apache.axis2.addressing.EndpointReference;
import org.apache.axis2.client.async.AxisCallback;
import org.apache.axis2.client.async.Callback;
import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext;
import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContextFactory;
import org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext;
import org.apache.axis2.context.OperationContext;
import org.apache.axis2.context.ServiceContext;
import org.apache.axis2.context.ServiceGroupContext;
import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisModule;
import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisOperation;
import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService;
import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisServiceGroup;
import org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperation;
import org.apache.axis2.description.OutOnlyAxisOperation;
import org.apache.axis2.description.Parameter;
import org.apache.axis2.description.RobustOutOnlyAxisOperation;
import org.apache.axis2.description.TransportOutDescription;
import org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisConfiguration;
import org.apache.axis2.engine.ListenerManager;
import org.apache.axis2.i18n.Messages;
import org.apache.axis2.namespace.Constants;
import org.apache.axis2.util.Counter;
import org.apache.axis2.util.JavaUtils;
import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDLConstants;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import javax.wsdl.Definition;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import java.util.ArrayList;

* Client access to a service. Each instance of this class is associated with a particular {@link
* org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService}, and the methods support operations using that service. Note that
* these instances are not intended to be thread-safe.
* {@link Options} instances are used to configure various aspects of the service access.
public class ServiceClient {
    protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ServiceClient.class);

    /** Base name used for a service created without an existing configuration. */
    public static final String ANON_SERVICE = "anonService";

    /** Option property name for automatically cleaning up old OperationContexts */
    public static final String AUTO_OPERATION_CLEANUP = "ServiceClient.autoOperationCleanup";

    /** Counter used to generate the anonymous service name. */
    private static Counter anonServiceCounter = new Counter();

     * Operation name used for an anonymous out-only operation (meaning we send a message with no
     * response allowed from the service, equivalent to a WSDL In-Only operation).
    public static final QName ANON_OUT_ONLY_OP = new QName(
            Constants.AXIS2_NAMESPACE_URI, "anonOutonlyOp", Constants.AXIS2_NAMESPACE_PREFIX);

     * Operation name used for an anonymous robust-out-only operation (meaning we send a message,
     * with the only possible response a fault, equivalent to a WSDL Robust-In-Only operation).
    public static final QName ANON_ROBUST_OUT_ONLY_OP = new QName(
            Constants.AXIS2_NAMESPACE_URI, "anonRobustOp", Constants.AXIS2_NAMESPACE_PREFIX);

     * Operation name used for an anonymous in-out operation (meaning we sent a message and receive
     * a response, equivalent to a WSDL In-Out operation).
    public static final QName ANON_OUT_IN_OP = new QName(Constants.AXIS2_NAMESPACE_URI,

    // the meta-data of the service that this client access
    private AxisService axisService;

    // the configuration in which my meta-data lives
    private AxisConfiguration axisConfig;

    // the configuration context in which I live
    private ConfigurationContext configContext;

    // service context for this specific service instance
    private ServiceContext serviceContext;

    // client options for this service interaction
    private Options options = new Options();

    // options that must override those of the child operation client also
    private Options overrideOptions;

    // list of headers to be sent with the simple APIs
    private ArrayList<OMElement> headers;

    //whether we create configctx or not
    private boolean createConfigCtx;

    private int hashCode;

    private boolean removeAxisService;

     * Create a service client configured to work with a specific AxisService. If this service is
     * already in the world that's handed in (in the form of a ConfigurationContext) then I will
     * happily work in it. If not I will create a small little virtual world and live there.
     * @param configContext The configuration context under which this service lives (may be null,
     *                      in which case a new local one will be created)
     * @param axisService   The service for which this is the client (may be <code>null</code>, in
     *                      which case an anonymous service will be created)
     * @throws AxisFault if something goes wrong while creating a config context (if needed)
    public ServiceClient(ConfigurationContext configContext,
                         AxisService axisService) throws AxisFault {
        configureServiceClient(configContext, axisService);

    private void configureServiceClient(ConfigurationContext configContext, AxisService axisService)
            throws AxisFault {
        if (configContext == null) {
            if (MessageContext.getCurrentMessageContext() == null) {
                configContext = ConfigurationContextFactory.
                        createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem(null, null);
                createConfigCtx = true;
            } else {
                configContext = MessageContext.getCurrentMessageContext().getConfigurationContext();
        this.configContext = configContext;
        hashCode = (int)anonServiceCounter.incrementAndGet();

        // Initialize transports
        ListenerManager transportManager = configContext.getListenerManager();
        if (transportManager == null) {
            transportManager = new ListenerManager();

        // save the axisConfig and service
        axisConfig = configContext.getAxisConfiguration();

        if (axisService == null) {
            axisService = createAnonymousService();

        // axis service is removed from the configuration context
        // only if user has not added it to configuration context.
        if (axisConfig.getService(axisService.getName()) == null) {
            removeAxisService = true;
            this.axisService = axisService;
        } else {
            removeAxisService = false;
            this.axisService = axisConfig.getService(axisService.getName());
        AxisServiceGroup axisServiceGroup = this.axisService.getAxisServiceGroup();
        ServiceGroupContext sgc = configContext.createServiceGroupContext(axisServiceGroup);
        serviceContext = sgc.getServiceContext(this.axisService);

     * This is WSDL4J based constructor to configure the Service Client/ TODO: make this policy
     * aware
     * @param configContext    active ConfigurationContext
     * @param wsdl4jDefinition the WSDL we're going to be using to configure ourselves
     * @param wsdlServiceName  QName of the WSDL service we'd like to access
     * @param portName         name of the WSDL port we'd like to access
     * @throws AxisFault in case of error

    public ServiceClient(ConfigurationContext configContext, Definition wsdl4jDefinition,
                         QName wsdlServiceName, String portName) throws AxisFault {
        configureServiceClient(configContext, AxisService.createClientSideAxisService(
                wsdl4jDefinition, wsdlServiceName, portName, options));

     * Create a service client for WSDL service identified by the QName of the wsdl:service element
     * in a WSDL document.
     * @param configContext   The configuration context under which this service lives (may be
     *                        <code>null</code>, in which case a new local one will be created) *
     * @param wsdlURL         The URL of the WSDL document to read
     * @param wsdlServiceName The QName of the WSDL service in the WSDL document to create a client
     *                        for
     * @param portName        The name of the WSDL 1.1 port to create a client for. May be null (if
     *                        WSDL 2.0 is used or if only one port is there). .
     * @throws AxisFault if something goes wrong while creating a config context (if needed)
    public ServiceClient(ConfigurationContext configContext, URL wsdlURL,
                         QName wsdlServiceName, String portName) throws AxisFault {
        configureServiceClient(configContext, AxisService.createClientSideAxisService(wsdlURL,
        Parameter transportName = axisService.getParameter("TRANSPORT_NAME");
        if (transportName != null) {
            TransportOutDescription transportOut =
            if (transportOut == null) {
                throw new AxisFault(
                        "Cannot load transport from binding, either defin in Axis2.config " +
                        "or set it explicitely in ServiceClinet.Options");
            } else {

     * Create a service client by assuming an anonymous service and any other necessary
     * information.
     * @throws AxisFault in case of error
    public ServiceClient() throws AxisFault {
        this(null, null);

     * Create an anonymous axisService with one (anonymous) operation for each MEP that we support
     * dealing with anonymously using the convenience APIs.
     * @return the minted anonymous service
    private AxisService createAnonymousService() {
        // now add anonymous operations to the axis2 service for use with the
        // shortcut client API. NOTE: We only add the ones we know we'll use
        // later in the convenience API; if you use
        // this constructor then you can't expect any magic!
        AxisService axisService =
                new AxisService(ANON_SERVICE + anonServiceCounter.incrementAndGet());
        RobustOutOnlyAxisOperation robustoutoonlyOperation = new RobustOutOnlyAxisOperation(

        OutOnlyAxisOperation outOnlyOperation = new OutOnlyAxisOperation(

        OutInAxisOperation outInOperation = new OutInAxisOperation(
        return axisService;

     * Get the AxisConfiguration
     * @return the AxisConfiguration associated with the client.
    public AxisConfiguration getAxisConfiguration() {
        synchronized (this.axisConfig) {
            return axisConfig;

     * Return the AxisService this is a client for. This is primarily useful when the AxisService is
     * created anonymously or from WSDL as otherwise the user had the AxisService to start with.
     * @return the axisService
    public AxisService getAxisService() {
        return axisService;

     * Set the basic client configuration related to this service interaction.
     * @param options (non-<code>null</code>)
    public void setOptions(Options options) {
        this.options = options;

     * Get the basic client configuration from this service interaction.
     * @return options
    public Options getOptions() {
        return options;

     * Set a client configuration to override the normal options used by an operation client. Any
     * values set in this configuration will be used for each client, with the standard values for
     * the client still used for any values not set in the override configuration.
     * @param overrideOptions the Options to use
    public void setOverrideOptions(Options overrideOptions) {
        this.overrideOptions = overrideOptions;

     * Get the client configuration used to override the normal options set by an operation client.
     * @return override options
    public Options getOverrideOptions() {
        return overrideOptions;

     * Engage a module for this service client.
     * @param moduleName name of the module to engage
     * @throws AxisFault if something goes wrong
     * @deprecated Please use String version instead
    public void engageModule(QName moduleName) throws AxisFault {

     * Engage a module for this service client.
     * @param moduleName name of the module to engage
     * @throws AxisFault if something goes wrong
    public void engageModule(String moduleName) throws AxisFault {
        synchronized (this.axisConfig) {
            AxisModule module = axisConfig.getModule(moduleName);
            if (module != null) {
            } else {
                throw new AxisFault("Unable to engage module : " + moduleName);

     * Disengage a module for this service client
     * @param moduleName name of Module to disengage
     * @deprecated Please use String version instead
    public void disengageModule(QName moduleName) {

     * Disengage a module for this service client
     * @param moduleName name of Module to disengage
    public void disengageModule(String moduleName) {
        synchronized (this.axisConfig) {
            AxisModule module = axisConfig.getModule(moduleName);
            if (module != null) {
                try {
                } catch (AxisFault axisFault) {
                    log.error(axisFault.getMessage(), axisFault);

     * Add an arbitrary XML element as a header to be sent with outgoing messages.
     * @param header header to be sent (non-<code>null</code>)
    public void addHeader(OMElement header) {
        if (headers == null) {
            headers = new ArrayList<OMElement>();

     * Add SOAP Header to be sent with outgoing messages.
     * @param header header to be sent (non-<code>null</code>)
    public void addHeader(SOAPHeaderBlock header) {
        if (headers == null) {
            headers = new ArrayList<OMElement>();

    /** Remove all headers for outgoing message. */
    public void removeHeaders() {
        if (headers != null) {

     * Add a simple header containing some text to be sent with interactions.
     * @param headerName name of header to add
     * @param headerText text content for header
     * @throws AxisFault in case of error
    public void addStringHeader(QName headerName, String headerText) throws AxisFault {
        if (headerName.getNamespaceURI() == null || "".equals(headerName.getNamespaceURI())) {
            throw new AxisFault(
                    "Failed to add string header, you have to have namespaceURI for the QName");
        OMElement omElement = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory().createOMElement(headerName, null);

     * Directly invoke an anonymous operation with a Robust In-Only MEP. This method just sends your
     * supplied XML and possibly receives a fault. For more control, you can instead create a client
     * for the operation and use that client to execute the send.
     * @param elem XML to send
     * @throws AxisFault if something goes wrong while sending, or if a fault is received in
     *                   response (per the Robust In-Only MEP).
     * @see #createClient(QName)
    public void sendRobust(OMElement elem) throws AxisFault {
        sendRobust(ANON_ROBUST_OUT_ONLY_OP, elem);

     * Directly invoke a named operation with a Robust In-Only MEP. This method just sends your
     * supplied XML and possibly receives a fault. For more control, you can instead create a client
     * for the operation and use that client to execute the send.
     * @param operation name of operation to be invoked (non-<code>null</code>)
     * @param elem      XML to send
     * @throws AxisFault if something goes wrong while sending it or if a fault is received in
     *                   response (per the Robust In-Only MEP).
     * @see #createClient(QName)
    public void sendRobust(QName operation, OMElement elem) throws AxisFault {
        MessageContext mc = new MessageContext();
        fillSOAPEnvelope(mc, elem);
        OperationClient mepClient = createClient(operation);

     * Directly invoke an anonymous operation with an In-Only MEP. This method just sends your
     * supplied XML without the possibility of any response from the service (even an error - though
     * you can still get client-side errors such as "Host not found"). For more control, you can
     * instead create a client for the operation and use that client to execute the send.
     * @param elem XML to send
     * @throws AxisFault ff something goes wrong trying to send the XML
     * @see #createClient(QName)
    public void fireAndForget(OMElement elem) throws AxisFault {
        fireAndForget(ANON_OUT_ONLY_OP, elem);

     * Directly invoke a named operation with an In-Only MEP. This method just sends your supplied
     * XML without the possibility of any response from the service (even an error - though you can
     * still get client-side errors such as "Host not found"). For more control, you can instead
     * create a client for the operation and use that client to execute the send.
     * @param operation name of operation to be invoked (non-<code>null</code>)
     * @param elem      XML to send
     * @throws AxisFault if something goes wrong trying to send the XML
     * @see #createClient(QName)
    public void fireAndForget(QName operation, OMElement elem) throws AxisFault {
        // look up the appropriate axisop and create the client
        OperationClient mepClient = createClient(operation);
        // create a message context and put the payload in there along with any
        // headers
        MessageContext mc = new MessageContext();
        fillSOAPEnvelope(mc, elem);
        // add the message context there and have it go

     * Directly invoke an anonymous operation with an In-Out MEP. This method sends your supplied
     * XML and receives a response. For more control, you can instead create a client for the
     * operation and use that client to execute the exchange.
     * <p>
     * Unless the <code>callTransportCleanup</code> property on the {@link Options} object has been
     * set to <code>true</code>, the caller must invoke {@link #cleanupTransport()} after
     * processing the response.
     * @param elem the data to send (becomes the content of SOAP body)
     * @return response
     * @throws AxisFault in case of error
     * @see #createClient(QName)
     * @see #cleanupTransport()
    public OMElement sendReceive(OMElement elem) throws AxisFault {
        return sendReceive(ANON_OUT_IN_OP, elem);

     * Directly invoke a named operationQName with an In-Out MEP. This method sends your supplied
     * XML and receives a response. For more control, you can instead create a client for the
     * operationQName and use that client to execute the exchange.
     * <p>
     * Unless the <code>callTransportCleanup</code> property on the {@link Options} object has been
     * set to <code>true</code>, the caller must invoke {@link #cleanupTransport()} after
     * processing the response.
     * @param operationQName name of operationQName to be invoked (non-<code>null</code>)
     * @param xmlPayload     the data to send (becomes the content of SOAP body)
     * @return response OMElement
     * @throws AxisFault in case of error
     * @see #cleanupTransport()
    public OMElement sendReceive(QName operationQName, OMElement xmlPayload)
            throws AxisFault {
        MessageContext messageContext = new MessageContext();
        fillSOAPEnvelope(messageContext, xmlPayload);
        OperationClient operationClient = createClient(operationQName);
        MessageContext response = operationClient
        if (options.isCallTransportCleanup()) {
        return response.getEnvelope().getBody().getFirstElement();

     * Directly invoke an anonymous operation with an In-Out MEP without waiting for a response.
     * This method sends your supplied XML with response notification to your callback handler. For
     * more control, you can instead create a client for the operation and use that client to
     * execute the exchange.
     * @param elem     the data to send (becomes the content of SOAP body)
     * @param callback a Callback which will be notified upon completion
     * @throws AxisFault in case of error
     * @see #createClient(QName)
     * @deprecated Please use the AxisCallback interface rather than Callback, which has been
     *             deprecated
    public void sendReceiveNonBlocking(OMElement elem, Callback callback)
            throws AxisFault {
        sendReceiveNonBlocking(ANON_OUT_IN_OP, elem, callback);

     * Directly invoke an anonymous operation with an In-Out MEP without waiting for a response.
     * This method sends your supplied XML with response notification to your callback handler. For
     * more control, you can instead create a client for the operation and use that client to
     * execute the exchange.
     * @param elem     the data to send (becomes the content of SOAP body)
     * @param callback a Callback which will be notified upon completion
     * @throws AxisFault in case of error
     * @see #createClient(QName)
    public void sendReceiveNonBlocking(OMElement elem, AxisCallback callback)
            throws AxisFault {
        sendReceiveNonBlocking(ANON_OUT_IN_OP, elem, callback);

     * Directly invoke a named operation with an In-Out MEP without waiting for a response. This
     * method sends your supplied XML with response notification to your callback handler. For more
     * control, you can instead create a client for the operation and use that client to execute the
     * exchange.
     * @param operation name of operation to be invoked (non-<code>null</code>)
     * @param elem      the data to send (becomes the content of SOAP body)
     * @param callback  a Callback which will be notified upon completion
     * @throws AxisFault in case of error
     * @see #createClient(QName)
     * @deprecated Please use the AxisCallback interface rather than Callback, which has been
     *             deprecated
    public void sendReceiveNonBlocking(QName operation, OMElement elem, Callback callback)
            throws AxisFault {
        MessageContext mc = new MessageContext();
        fillSOAPEnvelope(mc, elem);
        OperationClient mepClient = createClient(operation);
        // here a blocking invocation happens in a new thread, so the
        // progamming model is non blocking

     * Directly invoke a named operation with an In-Out MEP without waiting for a response. This
     * method sends your supplied XML with response notification to your callback handler. For more
     * control, you can instead create a client for the operation and use that client to execute the
     * exchange.
     * @param operation name of operation to be invoked (non-<code>null</code>)
     * @param elem      the data to send (becomes the content of SOAP body)
     * @param callback  a Callback which will be notified upon completion
     * @throws AxisFault in case of error
     * @see #createClient(QName)
    public void sendReceiveNonBlocking(QName operation, OMElement elem, AxisCallback callback)
            throws AxisFault {
        MessageContext mc = new MessageContext();
        fillSOAPEnvelope(mc, elem);
        OperationClient mepClient = createClient(operation);
        // here a blocking invocation happens in a new thread, so the
        // progamming model is non blocking

     * Create an operation client with the appropriate message exchange pattern (MEP). This method
     * creates a full-function MEP client which can be used to exchange messages for a specific
     * operation. It configures the constructed operation client to use the current normal and
     * override options. This method is used internally, and also by generated client stub code.
     * @param operationQName qualified name of operation (local name is operation name, namespace
     *                       URI is just the empty string)
     * @return client configured to talk to the given operation
     * @throws AxisFault if the operation is not found
    public OperationClient createClient(QName operationQName) throws AxisFault {
        // If we're configured to do so, clean up the last OperationContext (thus
        // releasing its resources) each time we create a new one.
        if (JavaUtils.isTrue(getOptions().getProperty(AUTO_OPERATION_CLEANUP), true) &&
                !getOptions().isUseSeparateListener()) {

        AxisOperation axisOperation = axisService.getOperation(operationQName);
        if (axisOperation == null) {
            throw new AxisFault(Messages
                    .getMessage("operationnotfound", operationQName.getLocalPart()));

        // add the option properties to the service context
        String key;
        for (Object o : options.getProperties().keySet()) {
            key = (String)o;
            serviceContext.setProperty(key, options.getProperties().get(key));
        OperationClient operationClient = axisOperation.createClient(serviceContext, options);

        // if overide options have been set, that means we need to make sure
        // those options override the options of even the operation client. So,
        // what we do is switch the parents around to make that work.
        if (overrideOptions != null) {
        return operationClient;

     * Return the SOAP factory to use depending on what options have been set. If the SOAP version
     * can not be seen in the options, version 1.1 is the default.
     * @return the SOAP factory
     * @see Options#setSoapVersionURI(String)
    private SOAPFactory getSOAPFactory() {
        String soapVersionURI = options.getSoapVersionURI();
        if (SOAP12Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI.equals(soapVersionURI)) {
            return OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP12Factory();
        } else {
            // make the SOAP 1.1 the default SOAP version
            return OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP11Factory();

     * Prepare a SOAP envelope with the stuff to be sent.
     * @param messageContext the message context to be filled
     * @param xmlPayload     the payload content
     * @throws AxisFault if something goes wrong
    private void fillSOAPEnvelope(MessageContext messageContext, OMElement xmlPayload)
            throws AxisFault {
        SOAPFactory soapFactory = getSOAPFactory();
        SOAPEnvelope envelope = soapFactory.getDefaultEnvelope();
        if (xmlPayload != null) {

     * Add all configured headers to a SOAP envelope.
     * @param envelope the SOAPEnvelope in which to write the headers
    public void addHeadersToEnvelope(SOAPEnvelope envelope) {
        if (headers != null) {
            SOAPHeader soapHeader = envelope.getHeader();
            for (Object header : headers) {

     * Get the endpoint reference for this client using a particular transport.
     * @param transport transport name (non-<code>null</code>)
     * @return local endpoint
     * @throws AxisFault in case of error
    public EndpointReference getMyEPR(String transport) throws AxisFault {
        return serviceContext.getMyEPR(transport);

     * Get the endpoint reference for the service.
     * @return service endpoint
    public EndpointReference getTargetEPR() {
        return serviceContext.getTargetEPR();

     * Set the endpoint reference for the service.
     * @param targetEpr the EPR this ServiceClient should target
    public void setTargetEPR(EndpointReference targetEpr) {

     * Gets the last OperationContext
     * @return the last OperationContext that was invoked by this ServiceClient
    public OperationContext getLastOperationContext() {
        return serviceContext.getLastOperationContext();

     * Sets whether or not to cache the last OperationContext
     * @param cachingOpContext true if we should hold onto the last active OperationContext
     * @deprecated
    public void setCachingOperationContext(boolean cachingOpContext) {

     * Get the service context.
     * @return context
    public ServiceContext getServiceContext() {
        return serviceContext;

    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
        try {
        } finally {

     * Clean up configuration created with this client. Call this method when you're done using the
     * client, in order to discard any associated resources.
     * @throws AxisFault in case of error
    public void cleanup() throws AxisFault {
        // if a configuration context was created for this client there'll also
        //  be a service group, so discard that
        if (!createConfigCtx) {
            String serviceGroupName = axisService.getAxisServiceGroup().getServiceGroupName();
            AxisConfiguration axisConfiguration = configContext.getAxisConfiguration();
            AxisServiceGroup asg = axisConfiguration.getServiceGroup(serviceGroupName);
            if ((asg != null) && removeAxisService) {
        } else {

     * Release resources allocated by the transport during the last service invocation.
     * This method will call
     * {@link org.apache.axis2.transport.TransportSender#cleanup(MessageContext)} on the
     * transport sender used during that invocation.
     * <p>
     * If the <code>callTransportCleanup</code> property on the {@link Options} object is
     * set to <code>false</code> (which is the default), then this method must be called
     * after each invocation of an operation with an in-out MEP, but not before the response
     * from that operation has been completely processed (or {@link OMElement#build()}
     * has been called on the response element).
     * <p>
     * If the <code>callTransportCleanup</code> property is set to <code>true</code>,
     * then this method is called automatically. Note that in this case, {@link OMElement#build()}
     * will be called on the response element before is returned. This effectively disables
     * deferred parsing of the response and prevents the code from starting to process the
     * response before it has been completely received. Therefore this approach is not recommended
     * whenever performance is important.
     * @throws AxisFault
    public void cleanupTransport() throws AxisFault {
        final OperationContext lastOperationContext = getLastOperationContext();
        if (lastOperationContext != null) {
            MessageContext outMessageContext =
            if (outMessageContext != null) {
                if (outMessageContext.getTransportOut() != null &&
                        outMessageContext.getTransportOut().getSender() != null) {

     * Configure the ServiceClient to interact with the Web service described by the specified
     * AxisService object.
     * @param axisService the AxisService that represents the new Web service.
     * @throws AxisFault if an error occurs while configuring the ServiceClient.
    public void setAxisService(AxisService axisService) throws AxisFault {

        if (axisService == null) {
            // AxisFault?
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("AxisService is null");

        synchronized (this.axisConfig) {
            this.axisService = axisService;

        AxisServiceGroup axisServiceGroup = axisService.getAxisServiceGroup();
        ServiceGroupContext serviceGroupContext =
        this.serviceContext = serviceGroupContext.getServiceContext(axisService);

    /** @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() */
    public int hashCode() {
        return this.hashCode;

    /** @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj)
            return true;
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (!(obj instanceof ServiceClient))
            return false;
        final ServiceClient other = (ServiceClient)obj;
        return hashCode == other.hashCode;


Related Classes of org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient

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