Package org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.validators

Source Code of org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.validators.TypeCheckingVisitor

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.validators;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.apache.pig.EvalFunc;
import org.apache.pig.FuncSpec;
import org.apache.pig.LoadFunc;
import org.apache.pig.Algebraic;
import org.apache.pig.PigException;
import org.apache.pig.PigWarning;
import org.apache.pig.impl.PigContext;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.ExpressionOperator;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.FrontendException;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LOConst;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LOUserFunc;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LogicalOperator;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LogicalPlan;

import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.* ;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.parser.ParseException;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.schema.Schema;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.schema.SchemaMergeException;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.schema.Schema.FieldSchema;
import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.CompilationMessageCollector.MessageType ;
import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.*;
import org.apache.pig.impl.util.MultiMap;
import org.apache.pig.impl.util.Pair;
import org.apache.pig.impl.streaming.StreamingCommand;
import org.apache.pig.impl.streaming.StreamingCommand.Handle;
import org.apache.pig.impl.streaming.StreamingCommand.HandleSpec;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

* Visitor for type checking. For simplicity of the first implementation,
* we throw exception immediately once something doesn't look alright.
* This is not quite smart e.g. if the plan has another unrelated branch.
public class TypeCheckingVisitor extends LOVisitor {

    private static final int INF = -1;

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TypeCheckingVisitor.class);

    private CompilationMessageCollector msgCollector = null ;

    private boolean strictMode = false ;
    public static MultiMap<Byte, Byte> castLookup = new MultiMap<Byte, Byte>();
        //Ordering here decides the score for the best fit function.
        //Do not change the order. Conversions to a smaller type is preferred
        //over conversion to a bigger type where ordering of types is:
        //from small to big
//        castLookup.put(DataType.BOOLEAN, DataType.INTEGER);
//        castLookup.put(DataType.BOOLEAN, DataType.LONG);
//        castLookup.put(DataType.BOOLEAN, DataType.FLOAT);
//        castLookup.put(DataType.BOOLEAN, DataType.DOUBLE);
//        castLookup.put(DataType.BOOLEAN, DataType.CHARARRAY);
        castLookup.put(DataType.INTEGER, DataType.LONG);
        castLookup.put(DataType.INTEGER, DataType.FLOAT);
        castLookup.put(DataType.INTEGER, DataType.DOUBLE);
//        castLookup.put(DataType.INTEGER, DataType.CHARARRAY);
        castLookup.put(DataType.LONG, DataType.FLOAT);
        castLookup.put(DataType.LONG, DataType.DOUBLE);
//        castLookup.put(DataType.LONG, DataType.CHARARRAY);
        castLookup.put(DataType.FLOAT, DataType.DOUBLE);
//        castLookup.put(DataType.FLOAT, DataType.CHARARRAY);
//        castLookup.put(DataType.DOUBLE, DataType.CHARARRAY);
//        castLookup.put(DataType.BYTEARRAY, DataType.BOOLEAN);
        castLookup.put(DataType.BYTEARRAY, DataType.INTEGER);
        castLookup.put(DataType.BYTEARRAY, DataType.LONG);
        castLookup.put(DataType.BYTEARRAY, DataType.FLOAT);
        castLookup.put(DataType.BYTEARRAY, DataType.DOUBLE);
        castLookup.put(DataType.BYTEARRAY, DataType.CHARARRAY);
        castLookup.put(DataType.BYTEARRAY, DataType.TUPLE);
        castLookup.put(DataType.BYTEARRAY, DataType.BAG);
        castLookup.put(DataType.BYTEARRAY, DataType.MAP);

    public TypeCheckingVisitor(LogicalPlan plan,
                        CompilationMessageCollector messageCollector) {
        super(plan, new DependencyOrderWalker<LogicalOperator, LogicalPlan>(plan));
        msgCollector = messageCollector ;

    // Just in case caller is lazy
    protected void visit(ExpressionOperator eOp)
                                throws VisitorException {
        if (eOp instanceof BinaryExpressionOperator) {
            visit((BinaryExpressionOperator) eOp) ;
        else if (eOp instanceof UnaryExpressionOperator) {
            visit((UnaryExpressionOperator) eOp) ;
        else if (eOp instanceof LOConst) {
            visit((LOConst) eOp) ;
        else if (eOp instanceof LOBinCond) {
            visit((LOBinCond) eOp) ;
        else if (eOp instanceof LOCast) {
            visit((LOCast) eOp) ;
        else if (eOp instanceof LORegexp) {
            visit((LORegexp) eOp) ;
        else if (eOp instanceof LOUserFunc) {
            visit((LOUserFunc) eOp) ;
        else if (eOp instanceof LOProject) {
            visit((LOProject) eOp) ;
        else if (eOp instanceof LONegative) {
            visit((LONegative) eOp) ;
        else if (eOp instanceof LONot) {
            visit((LONot) eOp) ;
        else if (eOp instanceof LOMapLookup) {
            visit((LOMapLookup) eOp) ;
        // TODO: Check that all operators are included here

    // Just in case caller is lazy
    protected void visit(LogicalOperator lOp)
                                throws VisitorException {
        if (lOp instanceof LOLoad) {
            visit((LOLoad) lOp) ;
        else if (lOp instanceof LODistinct) {
            visit((LODistinct) lOp) ;
        else if (lOp instanceof LOFilter) {
            visit((LOFilter) lOp) ;
        else if (lOp instanceof LOUnion) {
            visit((LOUnion) lOp) ;
        else if (lOp instanceof LOSplit) {
            visit((LOSplit) lOp) ;
        else if (lOp instanceof LOSplitOutput) {
            visit((LOSplitOutput) lOp) ;
        else if (lOp instanceof LOCogroup) {
            visit((LOCogroup) lOp) ;
        else if (lOp instanceof LOSort) {
            visit((LOSort) lOp) ;
        else if (lOp instanceof LOForEach) {
            visit((LOForEach) lOp) ;
        else if (lOp instanceof LOGenerate) {
            visit((LOGenerate) lOp) ;
        else if (lOp instanceof LOCross) {
            visit((LOCross) lOp) ;
        // TODO: Check that all operators are included here

    protected void visit(LOProject pj) throws VisitorException {
        resolveLOProjectType(pj) ;

    private void resolveLOProjectType(LOProject pj) throws VisitorException {

        try {
            pj.getFieldSchema() ;
        catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1035;
            String msg = "Error getting LOProject's input schema" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;

     * LOConst. Type information should be associated with LOConst
     * in the parsing stage so we don't need any logic here
    protected void visit(LOConst cs)
                        throws VisitorException {


    public void visit(LOMapLookup map)
                        throws VisitorException {
        if(!DataType.isAtomic(DataType.findType(map.getLookUpKey()))) {
            int errCode = 1036;
            String msg = "Map key should be a basic type" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;



     * LORegexp expects CharArray as input
     * Itself always returns Boolean
     * @param rg
    protected void visit(LORegexp rg)
            throws VisitorException {

        // We allow BYTEARRAY to be converted to CHARARRAY
        if (rg.getOperand().getType() == DataType.BYTEARRAY)
            insertCastForRegexp(rg) ;

        // Other than that if it's not CharArray just say goodbye
        if (rg.getOperand().getType() != DataType.CHARARRAY)
            int errCode = 1037;
            String msg = "Operand of Regex can be CharArray only" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;

    private void insertCastForRegexp(LORegexp rg) throws VisitorException {
        LogicalPlan currentPlan =  (LogicalPlan) mCurrentWalker.getPlan() ;
        collectCastWarning(rg, DataType.BYTEARRAY, DataType.CHARARRAY) ;
        OperatorKey newKey = genNewOperatorKey(rg) ;
        LOCast cast = new LOCast(currentPlan, newKey, rg.getOperand(), DataType.CHARARRAY) ;
        currentPlan.add(cast) ;
        currentPlan.disconnect(rg.getOperand(), rg) ;
        try {
            currentPlan.connect(rg.getOperand(), cast) ;
            currentPlan.connect(cast, rg) ;
        catch (PlanException pe) {
            int errCode = 2059;
            String msg = "Problem with inserting cast operator for regular expression in plan.";
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, pe);
        rg.setOperand(cast) ;

    public void visit(LOAnd binOp) throws VisitorException {
        // if lhs or rhs is null constant then cast it to boolean
        ExpressionOperator lhs = binOp.getLhsOperand();
        ExpressionOperator rhs = binOp.getRhsOperand();

        byte lhsType = lhs.getType() ;
        byte rhsType = rhs.getType() ;
        Schema.FieldSchema fs = new Schema.FieldSchema(null, DataType.BOOLEAN);

        if (  (lhsType != DataType.BOOLEAN||
              (rhsType != DataType.BOOLEAN)  ) {
            int errCode = 1038;
            String msg = "Operands of AND/OR can be boolean only" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;


     * @param binOp
     * @throws VisitorException
    private void insertCastsForNullToBoolean(BinaryExpressionOperator binOp)
            throws VisitorException {
        if (binOp.getLhsOperand() instanceof LOConst
                && ((LOConst) binOp.getLhsOperand()).getValue() == null)
            insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, DataType.BOOLEAN);
        if (binOp.getRhsOperand() instanceof LOConst
                && ((LOConst) binOp.getRhsOperand()).getValue() == null)
            insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, DataType.BOOLEAN);

    public void visit(LOOr binOp) throws VisitorException {
        // if lhs or rhs is null constant then cast it to boolean
        ExpressionOperator lhs = binOp.getLhsOperand();
        ExpressionOperator rhs = binOp.getRhsOperand();

        byte lhsType = lhs.getType() ;
        byte rhsType = rhs.getType() ;
        Schema.FieldSchema fs = new Schema.FieldSchema(null, DataType.BOOLEAN);

        if (  (lhsType != DataType.BOOLEAN||
              (rhsType != DataType.BOOLEAN)  ) {
            int errCode = 1038;
            String msg = "Operands of AND/OR can be boolean only" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;


    public void visit(LOMultiply binOp) throws VisitorException {
        ExpressionOperator lhs = binOp.getLhsOperand() ;
        ExpressionOperator rhs = binOp.getRhsOperand() ;

        byte lhsType = lhs.getType() ;
        byte rhsType = rhs.getType() ;

        if ( DataType.isNumberType(lhsType) &&
             DataType.isNumberType(rhsType) ) {

            // return the bigger type
            byte biggerType = lhsType > rhsType ? lhsType:rhsType ;

            // Cast smaller type to the bigger type
            if (lhsType != biggerType) {
                insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;
            else if (rhsType != biggerType) {
                insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  (DataType.isNumberType(rhsType)) ) {
            insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, rhsType) ;
        else if ( (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  (DataType.isNumberType(lhsType)) ) {
            insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, lhsType) ;
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) ) {
            // Cast both operands to double
            insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, DataType.DOUBLE) ;
            insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, DataType.DOUBLE) ;
        else {
            int errCode = 1039;
            String msg = "Incompatible types in Multiplication Operator"
                            + " left hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(lhsType)
                            + " right hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(rhsType) ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;

        try {
        } catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1040;
            String msg = "Could not set Multiply field schema";
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;

    public void visit(LODivide binOp) throws VisitorException {
        ExpressionOperator lhs = binOp.getLhsOperand() ;
        ExpressionOperator rhs = binOp.getRhsOperand() ;

        byte lhsType = lhs.getType() ;
        byte rhsType = rhs.getType() ;

        if ( DataType.isNumberType(lhsType) &&
             DataType.isNumberType(rhsType) ) {

            // return the bigger type
            byte biggerType = lhsType > rhsType ? lhsType:rhsType ;

            // Cast smaller type to the bigger type
            if (lhsType != biggerType) {
                insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;
            else if (rhsType != biggerType) {
                insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  (DataType.isNumberType(rhsType)) ) {
            insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, rhsType) ;
        else if ( (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  (DataType.isNumberType(lhsType)) ) {
            insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, lhsType) ;
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) ) {
            // Cast both operands to double
            insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, DataType.DOUBLE) ;
            insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, DataType.DOUBLE) ;
        else {
            int errCode = 1039;
            String msg = "Incompatible types in Division Operator"
                            + " left hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(lhsType)
                            + " right hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(rhsType) ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;

        try {
        } catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1040;
            String msg = "Could not set Divide field schema";
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;

    public void visit(LOAdd binOp) throws VisitorException {
        ExpressionOperator lhs = binOp.getLhsOperand() ;
        ExpressionOperator rhs = binOp.getRhsOperand() ;

        byte lhsType = lhs.getType() ;
        byte rhsType = rhs.getType() ;

        if ( DataType.isNumberType(lhsType) &&
             DataType.isNumberType(rhsType) ) {

            // return the bigger type
            byte biggerType = lhsType > rhsType ? lhsType:rhsType ;

            // Cast smaller type to the bigger type
            if (lhsType != biggerType) {
                insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;
            else if (rhsType != biggerType) {
                insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  (DataType.isNumberType(rhsType)) ) {
            insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, rhsType) ;
        else if ( (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  (DataType.isNumberType(lhsType)) ) {
            insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, lhsType) ;
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) ) {
            // Cast both operands to double
            insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, DataType.DOUBLE) ;
            insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, DataType.DOUBLE) ;
        else {
            int errCode = 1039;
            String msg = "Incompatible types in Add Operator"
                            + " left hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(lhsType)
                            + " right hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(rhsType) ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;
        try {
        } catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1040;
            String msg = "Could not set Add field schema";
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;

    public void visit(LOSubtract binOp) throws VisitorException {
        ExpressionOperator lhs = binOp.getLhsOperand() ;
        ExpressionOperator rhs = binOp.getRhsOperand() ;

        byte lhsType = lhs.getType() ;
        byte rhsType = rhs.getType() ;

        if ( DataType.isNumberType(lhsType) &&
                DataType.isNumberType(rhsType) ) {

            // return the bigger type
            byte biggerType = lhsType > rhsType ? lhsType:rhsType ;

            // Cast smaller type to the bigger type
            if (lhsType != biggerType) {
                insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;
            else if (rhsType != biggerType) {
                insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                (DataType.isNumberType(rhsType)) ) {
            insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, rhsType) ;
        else if ( (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  (DataType.isNumberType(lhsType)) ) {
            insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, lhsType) ;
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) ) {
            // Cast both operands to double
            insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, DataType.DOUBLE) ;
            insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, DataType.DOUBLE) ;
        else {
            int errCode = 1039;
            String msg = "Incompatible types in Subtract Operator"
                            + " left hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(lhsType)
                            + " right hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(rhsType) ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;
        try {
        } catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1040;
            String msg = "Could not set Subtract field schema";
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;

    public void visit(LOGreaterThan binOp) throws VisitorException {
        ExpressionOperator lhs = binOp.getLhsOperand() ;
        ExpressionOperator rhs = binOp.getRhsOperand() ;

        byte lhsType = lhs.getType() ;
        byte rhsType = rhs.getType() ;

        if ( DataType.isNumberType(lhsType) &&
             DataType.isNumberType(rhsType) ) {
            // If not the same type, we cast them to the same
            byte biggerType = lhsType > rhsType ? lhsType:rhsType ;

            // Cast smaller type to the bigger type
            if (lhsType != biggerType) {
                insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;
            else if (rhsType != biggerType) {
                insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) ) {
            // good
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) ) {
            // good
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  ( (rhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) || (DataType.isNumberType(rhsType)) )
                ) {
            // Cast byte array to the type on rhs
            insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, rhsType) ;
        else if ( (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  ( (lhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) || (DataType.isNumberType(lhsType)) )
                ) {
            // Cast byte array to the type on lhs
            insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, lhsType) ;
        else {
            int errCode = 1039;
            String msg = "Incompatible types in GreaterThan operator"
                            + " left hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(lhsType)
                            + " right hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(rhsType) ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;


    public void visit(LOGreaterThanEqual binOp) throws VisitorException {
        ExpressionOperator lhs = binOp.getLhsOperand() ;
        ExpressionOperator rhs = binOp.getRhsOperand() ;

        byte lhsType = lhs.getType() ;
        byte rhsType = rhs.getType() ;

        if ( DataType.isNumberType(lhsType) &&
             DataType.isNumberType(rhsType) ) {
            // If not the same type, we cast them to the same
            byte biggerType = lhsType > rhsType ? lhsType:rhsType ;

            // Cast smaller type to the bigger type
            if (lhsType != biggerType) {
                insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;
            else if (rhsType != biggerType) {
                insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) ) {
            // good
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) ) {
            // good
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  ( (rhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) || (DataType.isNumberType(rhsType)) )
                ) {
            // Cast byte array to the type on rhs
            insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, rhsType) ;
        else if ( (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  ( (lhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) || (DataType.isNumberType(lhsType)) )
                ) {
            // Cast byte array to the type on lhs
            insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, lhsType) ;
        else {
            int errCode = 1039;
            String msg = "Incompatible types in GreaterThanEqualTo operator"
                            + " left hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(lhsType)
                            + " right hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(rhsType) ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;


    public void visit(LOLesserThan binOp) throws VisitorException {
        ExpressionOperator lhs = binOp.getLhsOperand() ;
        ExpressionOperator rhs = binOp.getRhsOperand() ;

        byte lhsType = lhs.getType() ;
        byte rhsType = rhs.getType() ;
        if ( DataType.isNumberType(lhsType) &&
                DataType.isNumberType(rhsType) ) {
            // If not the same type, we cast them to the same
            byte biggerType = lhsType > rhsType ? lhsType:rhsType ;

            // Cast smaller type to the bigger type
            if (lhsType != biggerType) {
                insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;
            else if (rhsType != biggerType) {
                insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) ) {
            // good
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) ) {
            // good
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  ( (rhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) || (DataType.isNumberType(rhsType)) )
                ) {
            // Cast byte array to the type on rhs
            insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, rhsType) ;
        else if ( (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  ( (lhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) || (DataType.isNumberType(lhsType)) )
                ) {
            // Cast byte array to the type on lhs
            insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, lhsType) ;
        else {
            int errCode = 1039;
            String msg = "Incompatible types in LesserThan operator"
                            + " left hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(lhsType)
                            + " right hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(rhsType) ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;


    public void visit(LOLesserThanEqual binOp) throws VisitorException {
        ExpressionOperator lhs = binOp.getLhsOperand() ;
        ExpressionOperator rhs = binOp.getRhsOperand() ;

        byte lhsType = lhs.getType() ;
        byte rhsType = rhs.getType() ;

        if ( DataType.isNumberType(lhsType) &&
                DataType.isNumberType(rhsType) ) {
            // If not the same type, we cast them to the same
            byte biggerType = lhsType > rhsType ? lhsType:rhsType ;

            // Cast smaller type to the bigger type
            if (lhsType != biggerType) {
                insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;
            else if (rhsType != biggerType) {
                insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) ) {
            // good
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) ) {
            // good
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  ( (rhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) || (DataType.isNumberType(rhsType)) )
                ) {
            // Cast byte array to the type on rhs
            insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, rhsType) ;
        else if ( (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  ( (lhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) || (DataType.isNumberType(lhsType)) )
                ) {
            // Cast byte array to the type on lhs
            insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, lhsType) ;
        else {
            int errCode = 1039;
            String msg = "Incompatible types in LesserThanEqualTo operator"
                            + " left hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(lhsType)
                            + " right hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(rhsType) ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;


    public void visit(LOEqual binOp) throws VisitorException {
        ExpressionOperator lhs = binOp.getLhsOperand() ;
        ExpressionOperator rhs = binOp.getRhsOperand() ;

        byte lhsType = lhs.getType() ;
        byte rhsType = rhs.getType() ;

        if ( DataType.isNumberType(lhsType) &&
                DataType.isNumberType(rhsType) ) {

            byte biggerType = lhsType > rhsType ? lhsType:rhsType ;

            // Cast smaller type to the bigger type
            if (lhsType != biggerType) {
                insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;
            else if (rhsType != biggerType) {
                insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;

        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) ) {
            // good
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) ) {
            // good
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  ( (rhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) || (DataType.isNumberType(rhsType)) )
                ) {
            // Cast byte array to the type on rhs
            insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, rhsType) ;
        else if ( (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  ( (lhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) || (DataType.isNumberType(lhsType)) )
                ) {
            // Cast byte array to the type on lhs
            insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, lhsType) ;
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.TUPLE) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.TUPLE) ) {
            // good
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.MAP) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.MAP) ) {
            // good
        // A constant null is always bytearray - so cast it
        // to rhs type
        else if (binOp.getLhsOperand() instanceof LOConst
                && ((LOConst) binOp.getLhsOperand()).getValue() == null) {
            insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, rhsType);
        } else if (binOp.getRhsOperand() instanceof LOConst
                && ((LOConst) binOp.getRhsOperand()).getValue() == null) {
            insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, lhsType);
        } else {
            int errCode = 1039;
            String msg = "Incompatible types in EqualTo Operator"
                    + " left hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(lhsType) + " right hand side:"
                    + DataType.findTypeName(rhsType);
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;


    public void visit(LONotEqual binOp) throws VisitorException {
        ExpressionOperator lhs = binOp.getLhsOperand() ;
        ExpressionOperator rhs = binOp.getRhsOperand() ;

        byte lhsType = lhs.getType() ;
        byte rhsType = rhs.getType() ;

        if ( DataType.isNumberType(lhsType) &&
                DataType.isNumberType(rhsType) ) {

            byte biggerType = lhsType > rhsType ? lhsType:rhsType ;

            // Cast smaller type to the bigger type
            if (lhsType != biggerType) {
                insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;
            else if (rhsType != biggerType) {
                insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, biggerType) ;

        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) ) {
            // good
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) ) {
            // good
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  ( (rhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) || (DataType.isNumberType(rhsType)) )
                ) {
            // Cast byte array to the type on rhs
            insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, rhsType) ;
        else if ( (rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  ( (lhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) || (DataType.isNumberType(lhsType)) )
                ) {
            // Cast byte array to the type on lhs
            insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, lhsType) ;
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.TUPLE) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.TUPLE) ) {
            // good
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.MAP) &&
                  (rhsType == DataType.MAP) ) {
            // good
        // A constant null is always bytearray - so cast it
        // to rhs type
        else if (binOp.getLhsOperand() instanceof LOConst
                && ((LOConst) binOp.getLhsOperand()).getValue() == null) {
            insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, rhsType);
        } else if (binOp.getRhsOperand() instanceof LOConst
                && ((LOConst) binOp.getRhsOperand()).getValue() == null) {
            insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, lhsType);
        } else {
            int errCode = 1039;
            String msg = "Incompatible types in NotEqual Operator"
                            + " left hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(lhsType)
                            + " right hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(rhsType) ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;


    public void visit(LOMod binOp) throws VisitorException {
        ExpressionOperator lhs = binOp.getLhsOperand() ;
        ExpressionOperator rhs = binOp.getRhsOperand() ;

        byte lhsType = lhs.getType() ;
        byte rhsType = rhs.getType() ;

        if ( (lhsType == DataType.INTEGER) &&
             (rhsType == DataType.INTEGER)
           ) {
           //do nothing
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.LONG) &&
                  ( (rhsType == DataType.INTEGER) || (rhsType == DataType.LONG) )
                ) {
            if (rhsType == DataType.INTEGER) {
                insertRightCastForBinaryOp(binOp, DataType.LONG) ;
        else if ( (rhsType == DataType.LONG) &&
                  ( (lhsType == DataType.INTEGER) || (lhsType == DataType.LONG) )
                ) {
            if (lhsType == DataType.INTEGER) {
                insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, DataType.LONG) ;
        else if ( (lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) &&
                  ( (rhsType == DataType.INTEGER) || (rhsType == DataType.LONG) )
                ) {
            insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(binOp, rhsType) ;
        else {
            int errCode = 1039;
            String msg = "Incompatible types in Mod Operator"
                            + " left hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(lhsType)
                            + " right hand side:" + DataType.findTypeName(rhsType) ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;
        try {
        } catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1040;
            String msg = "Could not set Mod field schema";
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;

    public void visit(LONegative uniOp) throws VisitorException {
        byte type = uniOp.getOperand().getType() ;

        if (DataType.isNumberType(type)) {
            //do nothing
        else if (type == DataType.BYTEARRAY) {
            insertCastForUniOp(uniOp, DataType.DOUBLE) ;
        else {
            int errCode = 1041;
            String msg = "NEG can be used with numbers or Bytearray only" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;

        try {
        } catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1040;
            String msg = "Could not set Negative field schema";
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
    public void visit(LONot uniOp) throws VisitorException {
        if (uniOp.getOperand() instanceof LOConst
                && ((LOConst) uniOp.getOperand()).getValue() == null) {
            insertCastForUniOp(uniOp, DataType.BOOLEAN);
        byte type = uniOp.getOperand().getType();
        if (type != DataType.BOOLEAN) {
            int errCode = 1042;
            String msg = "NOT can be used with boolean only" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;


    public void visit(LOIsNull uniOp) throws VisitorException {

    private void insertLeftCastForBinaryOp(BinaryExpressionOperator binOp,
                                           byte toType ) throws VisitorException {
        LogicalPlan currentPlan =  (LogicalPlan) mCurrentWalker.getPlan() ;
                           toType) ;
        OperatorKey newKey = genNewOperatorKey(binOp) ;
        LOCast cast = new LOCast(currentPlan, newKey, binOp.getLhsOperand(), toType) ;
        currentPlan.add(cast) ;
        currentPlan.disconnect(binOp.getLhsOperand(), binOp) ;
        try {
            currentPlan.connect(binOp.getLhsOperand(), cast) ;
            currentPlan.connect(cast, binOp) ;
        catch (PlanException pe) {
            int errCode = 2059;
            String msg = "Problem with inserting cast operator for binary conditional in plan.";
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, pe);
        binOp.setLhsOperand(cast) ;

    private void insertRightCastForBinaryOp(BinaryExpressionOperator binOp,
                                            byte toType ) throws VisitorException {
        LogicalPlan currentPlan =  (LogicalPlan) mCurrentWalker.getPlan() ;
                           toType) ;
        OperatorKey newKey = genNewOperatorKey(binOp) ;
        LOCast cast = new LOCast(currentPlan, newKey, binOp.getRhsOperand(), toType) ;
        currentPlan.add(cast) ;
        currentPlan.disconnect(binOp.getRhsOperand(), binOp) ;
        try {
            currentPlan.connect(binOp.getRhsOperand(), cast) ;
            currentPlan.connect(cast, binOp) ;
        catch (PlanException pe) {
            int errCode = 2059;
            String msg = "Problem with inserting cast operator for binary conditional in plan.";
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, pe);
        binOp.setRhsOperand(cast) ;

     * Currently, there are two unaryOps: Neg and Not.
    protected void visit(UnaryExpressionOperator uniOp) throws VisitorException {

        byte type = uniOp.getOperand().getType() ;

        if (uniOp instanceof LONegative) {
            if (DataType.isNumberType(type)) {
                uniOp.setType(type) ;
            else if (type == DataType.BYTEARRAY) {
                insertCastForUniOp(uniOp, DataType.DOUBLE) ;
                uniOp.setType(DataType.DOUBLE) ;
            else {
                int errCode = 1041;
                String msg = "NEG can be used with numbers or Bytearray only" ;
                msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
                throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;
        else if (uniOp instanceof LONot) {
            if (type == DataType.BOOLEAN) {
                uniOp.setType(DataType.BOOLEAN) ;
            else {
                int errCode = 1042;
                String msg = "NOT can be used with boolean only" ;
                msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
                throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;
        else {
            // undefined for this unknown unary operator
            int errCode = 1079;
            String msg = "Undefined type checking logic for unary operator: " + uniOp.getClass().getSimpleName();
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;


    private void insertCastForUniOp(UnaryExpressionOperator uniOp, byte toType) throws VisitorException {
                           toType) ;
        LogicalPlan currentPlan =  (LogicalPlan) mCurrentWalker.getPlan() ;
        List<LogicalOperator> list = currentPlan.getPredecessors(uniOp) ;
        if (list==null) {
            int errCode = 1080;
            String msg = "Did not find inputs for operator: " + uniOp.getClass().getSimpleName();
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;
        // All uniOps at the moment only work with Expression input
        ExpressionOperator input = (ExpressionOperator) list.get(0) ;               
        OperatorKey newKey = genNewOperatorKey(uniOp) ;
        LOCast cast = new LOCast(currentPlan, newKey, input, toType) ;
        currentPlan.disconnect(input, uniOp) ;
        try {
            currentPlan.connect(input, cast) ;
            currentPlan.connect(cast, uniOp) ;
        catch (PlanException pe) {
            int errCode = 2059;
            String msg = "Problem with inserting cast operator for unary operator in plan.";
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, pe);


    // Currently there is no input type information support in UserFunc
    // So we can just check if all inputs are not of any stupid type
    protected void visit(LOUserFunc func) throws VisitorException {

        List<ExpressionOperator> list = func.getArguments() ;

        // If the dependency graph is right, all the inputs
        // must already know the types
        Schema s = new Schema();
        for(ExpressionOperator op: list) {
            if (!DataType.isUsableType(op.getType())) {
                int errCode = 1014;
                String msg = "Problem with input " + op + " of User-defined function: " + func;
                msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
                throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;
            try {
            } catch (FrontendException e) {
                int errCode = 1043;
                String msg = "Unable to retrieve field schema.";
                throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, e);

        EvalFunc<?> ef = (EvalFunc<?>) PigContext.instantiateFuncFromSpec(func.getFuncSpec());

        // If the function is algebraic and the project is just sentinel
        // (special case when we apply aggregate on flattened members)
        // then it will never match algebraic functions' schemas
        // without this

        // Assuming all aggregates has only one argument at this stage
        if(func.getArguments()!=null && func.getArguments().size()>0){
            ExpressionOperator tmpExp = func.getArguments().get(0) ;
            if ( (ef instanceof Algebraic)
                 && (tmpExp instanceof LOProject)
                 && (((LOProject)tmpExp).getSentinel())) {
                FieldSchema tmpField ;
                try {
                    // embed the schema above inside a bag
                    tmpField = new FieldSchema(null, s, DataType.BAG) ;
                catch (FrontendException e) {
                    int errCode = 1023;
                    String msg = "Unable to create new field schema.";
                    throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, e) ;
                s = new Schema(tmpField) ;
        // ask the EvalFunc what types of inputs it can handle
        List<FuncSpec> funcSpecs = null;
        try {
            funcSpecs = ef.getArgToFuncMapping();   
        } catch (Exception e) {
            int errCode = 1044;
            String msg = "Unable to get list of overloaded methods.";
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, e);
         * Here is an explanation of the way the matching UDF funcspec will be chosen
         * based on actual types in the input schema.
         * First an "exact" match is tried for each of the fields in the input schema
         * with the corresponding fields in the candidate funcspecs' schemas.
         * If exact match fails, then first a check if made if the input schema has any
         * bytearrays in it.
         * If there are NO bytearrays in the input schema, then a best fit match is attempted
         * for the different fields. Essential a permissible cast from one type to another
         * is given a "score" based on its position in the "castLookup" table. A final
         * score for a candidate funcspec is deduced as 
         *               SUM(score_of_particular_cast*noOfCastsSoFar).
         * If no permissible casts are possible, the score for the candidate is -1. Among
         * the non -1 score candidates, the candidate with the lowest score is chosen.
         * If there are bytearrays in the input schema, a modified exact match is tried. In this
         * matching, bytearrays in the input schema are not considered. As a result of
         * ignoring the bytearrays, we could get multiple candidate funcspecs which match
         * "exactly" for the other columns - if this is the case, we notify the user of
         * the ambiguity and error out. Else if all other (non byte array) fields
         * matched exactly, then we can cast bytearray(s) to the corresponding type(s)
         * in the matched udf schema. If this modified exact match fails, the above best fit
         * algorithm is attempted by initially coming up with scores and candidate funcSpecs
         * (with bytearray(s) being ignored in the scoring process). Then a check is
         * made to ensure that the positions which have bytearrays in the input schema
         * have the same type (for a given position) in the corresponding positions in
         * all the candidate funcSpecs. If this is not the case, it indicates a conflict
         * and the user is notified of the error (because we have more than
         * one choice for the destination type of the cast for the bytearray). If this is the case,
         * the candidate with the lowest score is chosen.
        FuncSpec matchingSpec = null;
        boolean notExactMatch = false;
        if(funcSpecs!=null && funcSpecs.size()!=0){
            //Some function mappings found. Trying to see
            //if one of them fits the input schema
            if((matchingSpec = exactMatch(funcSpecs, s, func))==null){
                //Oops, no exact match found. Trying to see if we
                //have mappings that we can fit using casts.
                notExactMatch = true;
                    // try "exact" matching all other fields except the byte array
                    // fields and if they all exact match and we have only one candidate
                    // for the byte array cast then that's the matching one!
                    if((matchingSpec = exactMatchWithByteArrays(funcSpecs, s, func))==null){
                        // "exact" match with byte arrays did not work - try best fit match
                        if((matchingSpec = bestFitMatchWithByteArrays(funcSpecs, s, func)) == null) {
                            int errCode = 1045;
                            String msg = "Could not infer the matching function for "
                                + func.getFuncSpec()
                                + " as multiple or none of them fit. Please use an explicit cast.";
                            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
                            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT);
                } else if ((matchingSpec = bestFitMatch(funcSpecs, s)) == null) {
                    // Either no byte arrays found or there are byte arrays
                    // but only one mapping exists.
                    // However, we could not find a match as there were either
                    // none fitting the input schema or it was ambiguous.
                    // Throw exception that we can't infer a fit.
                    int errCode = 1045;
                    String msg = "Could not infer the matching function for "
                            + func.getFuncSpec()
                            + " as multiple or none of them fit. Please use an explicit cast.";
                    msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
                    throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT);
            //Voila! We have a fitting match. Lets insert casts and make
            //it work.
            // notify the user about the match we picked if it was not
            // an exact match
            if(notExactMatch) {
                String msg = "Function " + func.getFuncSpec().getClassName() + "()" +
                             " will be called with following argument types: " +
                             matchingSpec.getInputArgsSchema() + ". If you want to use " +
                             "different input argument types, please use explicit casts.";
                msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Warning, PigWarning.USING_OVERLOADED_FUNCTION);
            insertCastsForUDF(func, s, matchingSpec.getInputArgsSchema());
        //Regenerate schema as there might be new additions
        try {
        } catch (FrontendException fee) {
            int errCode = 1040;
            String msg = "Could not set UserFunc field schema";
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fee) ;
     * Finds if there is an exact match between the schema supported by
     * one of the funcSpecs and the input schema s. Here first exact match
     * for all non byte array fields is first attempted and if there is
     * exactly one candidate, it is chosen (since the bytearray(s) can
     * just be cast to corresponding type(s) in the candidate)
     * @param funcSpecs - mappings provided by udf
     * @param s - input schema
     * @param func - LOUserfunc for which matching is requested
     * @return the matching spec if found else null
     * @throws VisitorException
    private FuncSpec exactMatchWithByteArrays(List<FuncSpec> funcSpecs,
            Schema s, LOUserFunc func) throws VisitorException {
        // exact match all fields except byte array fields
        // ignore byte array fields for matching
        return exactMatchHelper(funcSpecs, s, func, true);

     * Finds if there is an exact match between the schema supported by
     * one of the funcSpecs and the input schema s. Here an exact match
     * for all fields is attempted.
     * @param funcSpecs - mappings provided by udf
     * @param s - input schema
     * @param func - LOUserfunc for which matching is requested
     * @return the matching spec if found else null
     * @throws VisitorException
    private FuncSpec exactMatch(List<FuncSpec> funcSpecs, Schema s,
            LOUserFunc func) throws VisitorException {
        // exact match all fields, don't ignore byte array fields
        return exactMatchHelper(funcSpecs, s, func, false);

     * Tries to find the schema supported by one of funcSpecs which can
     * be obtained by inserting a set of casts to the input schema
     * @param funcSpecs - mappings provided by udf
     * @param s - input schema
     * @return the funcSpec that supports the schema that is best suited
     *          to s. The best suited schema is one that has the
     *          lowest score as returned by fitPossible().
    private FuncSpec bestFitMatch(List<FuncSpec> funcSpecs, Schema s) {
        FuncSpec matchingSpec = null;
        long score = INF;
        long prevBestScore = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        long bestScore = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        for (Iterator<FuncSpec> iterator = funcSpecs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            FuncSpec fs =;
            score = fitPossible(s,fs.getInputArgsSchema());
            if(score!=INF && score<=bestScore){
                matchingSpec = fs;
                prevBestScore = bestScore;
                bestScore = score;
        if(matchingSpec!=null && bestScore!=prevBestScore)
            return matchingSpec;

        return null;

    private class ScoreFuncSpecListComparator implements Comparator<Pair<Long, FuncSpec>> {

        /* (non-Javadoc)
         * @see java.util.Comparator#compare(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
        public int compare(Pair<Long, FuncSpec> o1, Pair<Long, FuncSpec> o2) {
            if(o1.first < o2.first)
                return -1;
            else if (o1.first > o2.first)
                return 1;
                return 0;
     * Tries to find the schema supported by one of funcSpecs which can be
     * obtained by inserting a set of casts to the input schema
     * @param funcSpecs -
     *            mappings provided by udf
     * @param s -
     *            input schema
     * @return the funcSpec that supports the schema that is best suited to s.
     *         The best suited schema is one that has the lowest score as
     *         returned by fitPossible().
     * @throws VisitorException
    private FuncSpec bestFitMatchWithByteArrays(List<FuncSpec> funcSpecs,
            Schema s, LOUserFunc func) throws VisitorException {
    List<Pair<Long, FuncSpec>> scoreFuncSpecList = new ArrayList<Pair<Long,FuncSpec>>();
        for (Iterator<FuncSpec> iterator = funcSpecs.iterator(); iterator
                .hasNext();) {
            FuncSpec fs =;
            long score = fitPossible(s, fs.getInputArgsSchema());
            if (score != INF) {
                scoreFuncSpecList.add(new Pair<Long, FuncSpec>(score, fs));

        // if no candidates found, return null
        if(scoreFuncSpecList.size() == 0)
            return null;
        if(scoreFuncSpecList.size() > 1) {
            // sort the candidates based on score
            Collections.sort(scoreFuncSpecList, new ScoreFuncSpecListComparator());
            // if there are two (or more) candidates with the same *lowest* score
            // we cannot choose one of them - notify the user
            if (scoreFuncSpecList.get(0).first == scoreFuncSpecList.get(1).first) {
                int errCode = 1046;
                String msg = "Multiple matching functions for "
                        + func.getFuncSpec() + " with input schemas: " + "("
                        + scoreFuncSpecList.get(0).second.getInputArgsSchema() + ", "
                        + scoreFuncSpecList.get(1).second.getInputArgsSchema() + "). Please use an explicit cast.";
                msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
                throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT);
            // now consider the bytearray fields
            List<Integer> byteArrayPositions = getByteArrayPositions(s);
            // make sure there is only one type to "cast to" for the byte array
            // positions among the candidate funcSpecs
            Map<Integer, Pair<FuncSpec, Byte>> castToMap = new HashMap<Integer, Pair<FuncSpec, Byte>>();
            for (Iterator<Pair<Long, FuncSpec>> it = scoreFuncSpecList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                FuncSpec funcSpec =;
                Schema sch = funcSpec.getInputArgsSchema();
                for (Iterator<Integer> iter = byteArrayPositions.iterator(); iter
                        .hasNext();) {
                    Integer i =;
                    try {
                        if (!castToMap.containsKey(i)) {
                            // first candidate
                            castToMap.put(i, new Pair<FuncSpec, Byte>(funcSpec, sch
                        } else {
                            // make sure the existing type from an earlier candidate
                            // matches
                            Pair<FuncSpec, Byte> existingPair = castToMap.get(i);
                            if (sch.getField(i).type != existingPair.second) {
                                int errCode = 1046;
                                String msg = "Multiple matching functions for "
                                        + func.getFuncSpec() + " with input schema: "
                                        + "(" + existingPair.first.getInputArgsSchema()
                                        + ", " + funcSpec.getInputArgsSchema()
                                        + "). Please use an explicit cast.";
                                msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
                                throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT);
                    } catch (FrontendException fee) {
                        int errCode = 1043;
                        String msg = "Unalbe to retrieve field schema.";
                        throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fee);
        // if we reached here, it means we have >= 1 candidates and these candidates
        // have the same type for position which have bytearray in the input
        // Also the candidates are stored sorted by score in a list - we can now
        // just return the first candidate (the one with the lowest score)
        return scoreFuncSpecList.get(0).second;
     * Checks to see if any field of the input schema is a byte array
     * @param s - input schema
     * @return true if found else false
     * @throws VisitorException
    private boolean byteArrayFound(Schema s) throws VisitorException {
        for(int i=0;i<s.size();i++){
            try {
                FieldSchema fs=s.getField(i);
                    return true;
            } catch (FrontendException fee) {
                int errCode = 1043;
                String msg = "Unable to retrieve field schema.";
                throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fee);
        return false;

     * Gets the positions in the schema which are byte arrays
     * @param s -
     *            input schema
     * @throws VisitorException
    private List<Integer> getByteArrayPositions(Schema s)
            throws VisitorException {
        List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
            try {
                FieldSchema fs = s.getField(i);
                if (fs.type == DataType.BYTEARRAY) {
            } catch (FrontendException fee) {
                int errCode = 1043;
                String msg = "Unable to retrieve field schema.";
                throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fee);            }
        return result;

     * Finds if there is an exact match between the schema supported by
     * one of the funcSpecs and the input schema s
     * @param funcSpecs - mappings provided by udf
     * @param s - input schema
     * @param ignoreByteArrays - flag for whether the exact match is to computed
     * after ignoring bytearray (if true) or without ignoring bytearray (if false)
     * @return the matching spec if found else null
     * @throws VisitorException
    private FuncSpec exactMatchHelper(List<FuncSpec> funcSpecs, Schema s, LOUserFunc func, boolean ignoreByteArrays) throws VisitorException {
        List<FuncSpec> matchingSpecs = new ArrayList<FuncSpec>();
        for (Iterator<FuncSpec> iterator = funcSpecs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            FuncSpec fs =;
            if (schemaEqualsForMatching(s, fs.getInputArgsSchema(), ignoreByteArrays)) {
        if(matchingSpecs.size() == 0)
            return null;
        if(matchingSpecs.size() > 1) {
            int errCode = 1046;
            String msg = "Multiple matching functions for "
                                        + func.getFuncSpec() + " with input schema: "
                                        + "(" + matchingSpecs.get(0).getInputArgsSchema()
                                        + ", " + matchingSpecs.get(1).getInputArgsSchema()
                                        + "). Please use an explicit cast.";
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT);
        // exactly one matching spec - return it
        return matchingSpecs.get(0);

     * Compare two schemas for equality for argument matching purposes. This is
     * a more relaxed form of Schema.equals wherein first the Datatypes of the
     * field schema are checked for equality. Then if a field schema in the udf
     * schema is for a complex type AND if the inner schema is NOT null, check
     * for schema equality of the inner schemas of the UDF field schema and
     * input field schema
     * @param inputSchema
     * @param udfSchema
     * @param ignoreByteArrays
     * @return true if FieldSchemas are equal for argument matching, false
     *         otherwise
    public static boolean schemaEqualsForMatching(Schema inputSchema,
            Schema udfSchema, boolean ignoreByteArrays) {
        // If both of them are null, they are equal
        if ((inputSchema == null) && (udfSchema == null)) {
            return true;

        // otherwise
        if (inputSchema == null) {
            return false;

        if (udfSchema == null) {
            return false;

        if (inputSchema.size() != udfSchema.size())
            return false;

        Iterator<FieldSchema> i = inputSchema.getFields().iterator();
        Iterator<FieldSchema> j = udfSchema.getFields().iterator();

        while (i.hasNext()) {

            FieldSchema inputFieldSchema =;
            FieldSchema udfFieldSchema =;

            if(ignoreByteArrays && inputFieldSchema.type == DataType.BYTEARRAY) {
            if (inputFieldSchema.type != udfFieldSchema.type) {
                return false;

            // if a field schema in the udf schema is for a complex
            // type AND if the inner schema is NOT null, check for schema
            // equality of the inner schemas of the UDF field schema and
            // input field schema. If the field schema in the udf schema is
            // for a complex type AND if the inner schema IS null it means
            // the udf is applicable for all input which has the same type
            // for that field (irrespective of inner schema)
            if (DataType.isSchemaType(udfFieldSchema.type)
                    && udfFieldSchema.schema != null) {
                // Compare recursively using field schema
                if (!FieldSchema.equals(inputFieldSchema, udfFieldSchema,
                        false, true)) {
                    return false;

        return true;

     * Computes a modified version of manhattan distance between
     * the two schemas: s1 & s2. Here the value on the same axis
     * are preferred over values that change axis as this means
     * that the number of casts required will be lesser on the same
     * axis.
     * However, this function ceases to be a metric as the triangle
     * inequality does not hold.
     * Each schema is an s1.size() dimensional vector.
     * The ordering for each axis is as defined by castLookup.
     * Unallowed casts are returned a dist of INFINITY.
     * @param s1
     * @param s2
     * @return
    private long fitPossible(Schema s1, Schema s2) {
        if(s1==null || s2==null) return INF;
        List<FieldSchema> sFields = s1.getFields();
        List<FieldSchema> fsFields = s2.getFields();
            return INF;
        long score = 0;
        int castCnt=0;
        for(int i=0;i<sFields.size();i++){
            FieldSchema sFS = sFields.get(i);

            // if we have a byte array do not include it
            // in the computation of the score - bytearray
            // fields will be looked at separately outside
            // of this function
            if (sFS.type == DataType.BYTEARRAY)

            FieldSchema fsFS = fsFields.get(i);
                if(!FieldSchema.equals(sFS, fsFS, false, true))
                    return INF;
            if(FieldSchema.equals(sFS, fsFS, true, true)) continue;
                return INF;
                return INF;
            score += ((List)castLookup.get(sFS.type)).indexOf(fsFS.type) + 1;
        return score * castCnt;
    private void insertCastsForUDF(LOUserFunc udf, Schema fromSch, Schema toSch) throws VisitorException {
        List<FieldSchema> fsLst = fromSch.getFields();
        List<FieldSchema> tsLst = toSch.getFields();
        List<ExpressionOperator> args = udf.getArguments();
        List<ExpressionOperator> newArgs = new ArrayList<ExpressionOperator>(args.size());
        int i=-1;
        for (FieldSchema fFSch : fsLst) {
            FieldSchema tFSch = tsLst.get(i);
            if(fFSch.type==tFSch.type) {
            LogicalPlan currentPlan = (LogicalPlan) mCurrentWalker.getPlan();
            /*List<LogicalOperator> list = currentPlan.getPredecessors(udf);
            if (list == null) {
                throw new AssertionError("No input for " + udf.getClass());
            // All uniOps at the moment only work with Expression input
            ExpressionOperator input = args.get(i);
            OperatorKey newKey = genNewOperatorKey(udf);
            LOCast cast = new LOCast(currentPlan, newKey, input, tFSch.type);
            try {
                currentPlan.insertBetween(input, cast, udf);
            } catch (PlanException pe) {
                int errCode = 2059;
                String msg = "Problem with inserting cast operator for user defined function in plan.";
                throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, pe);
            } catch (VisitorException ve) {
                throw ve;


     * For Bincond, lhsOp and rhsOp must have the same output type
     * or both sides have to be number
    protected void visit(LOBinCond binCond) throws VisitorException {
        // high-level type checking
        if (binCond.getCond().getType() != DataType.BOOLEAN) {
            int errCode = 1047;
            String msg = "Condition in BinCond must be boolean" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;
        byte lhsType = binCond.getLhsOp().getType() ;
        byte rhsType = binCond.getRhsOp().getType() ;
        // If both sides are number, we can convert the smaller type to the bigger type
        if (DataType.isNumberType(lhsType) && DataType.isNumberType(rhsType)) {
            byte biggerType = lhsType > rhsType ? lhsType:rhsType ;
            if (biggerType > lhsType) {
                insertLeftCastForBinCond(binCond, biggerType) ;
            else if (biggerType > rhsType) {
                insertRightCastForBinCond(binCond, biggerType) ;
            binCond.setType(biggerType) ;
        else if ((lhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY)
                && ((rhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) || (DataType
                        .isNumberType(rhsType)))) {
            // Cast byte array to the type on rhs
            insertLeftCastForBinCond(binCond, rhsType);
            binCond.setType(DataType.mergeType(lhsType, rhsType));
        } else if ((rhsType == DataType.BYTEARRAY)
                && ((lhsType == DataType.CHARARRAY) || (DataType
                        .isNumberType(lhsType)))) {
            // Cast byte array to the type on lhs
            insertRightCastForBinCond(binCond, lhsType);
            binCond.setType(DataType.mergeType(lhsType, rhsType));
        // A constant null is always bytearray - so cast it
        // to rhs type
        else if (binCond.getLhsOp() instanceof LOConst
                && ((LOConst) binCond.getLhsOp()).getValue() == null) {
            insertLeftCastForBinCond(binCond, rhsType);
        } else if (binCond.getRhsOp() instanceof LOConst
                && ((LOConst) binCond.getRhsOp()).getValue() == null) {
            insertRightCastForBinCond(binCond, lhsType);
        } else if (lhsType == rhsType) {
            // Matching schemas if we're working with tuples
            if (DataType.isSchemaType(lhsType)) {           
                try {
                    if (!Schema.FieldSchema.equals(binCond.getLhsOp().getFieldSchema(), binCond.getRhsOp().getFieldSchema(), false, true)) {
                        int errCode = 1048;
                        String msg = "Two inputs of BinCond must have compatible schemas."
                            + " left hand side: " + binCond.getLhsOp().getFieldSchema()
                            + " right hand side: " + binCond.getRhsOp().getFieldSchema();
                        msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
                        throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;
                    // TODO: We may have to merge the schema here
                    //       if the previous check is not exact match
                    //       Is Schema.reconcile good enough?
                catch (FrontendException fe) {
                    int errCode = 1049;
                    String msg = "Problem during evaluaton of BinCond output type" ;
                    msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
                    throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
                binCond.setType(DataType.TUPLE) ;
        else {
            int errCode = 1050;
            String msg = "Unsupported input type for BinCond: left hand side: " + DataType.findTypeName(lhsType) + "; right hand side: " + DataType.findTypeName(rhsType);
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;

        try {
        } catch (FrontendException fee) {
            int errCode = 1040;
            String msg = "Could not set BinCond field schema";
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fee) ;


    private void insertLeftCastForBinCond(LOBinCond binCond, byte toType) throws VisitorException {
        LogicalPlan currentPlan =  (LogicalPlan) mCurrentWalker.getPlan() ;

                           toType) ;

        OperatorKey newKey = genNewOperatorKey(binCond) ;
        LOCast cast = new LOCast(currentPlan, newKey, binCond.getLhsOp(), toType) ;
        // if we are casting a null constant, also set its field schema to the
        // field schema of the other operator in the bincond
        if (binCond.getLhsOp() instanceof LOConst
                && ((LOConst) binCond.getLhsOp()).getValue() == null) {
            try {
            } catch (FrontendException e) {
                int errCode = 1043;
                String msg = "Unable to retrieve field schema of operator";
                throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, e);
        currentPlan.add(cast) ;
        try {
            currentPlan.insertBetween(binCond.getLhsOp(), cast, binCond);
        catch (PlanException pe) {
            int errCode = 2059;
            String msg = "Problem with inserting cast operator for binary conditional in plan.";
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, pe);
        binCond.setLhsOp(cast) ;


    private void insertRightCastForBinCond(LOBinCond binCond, byte toType) throws VisitorException {
        LogicalPlan currentPlan =  (LogicalPlan) mCurrentWalker.getPlan() ;

                           toType) ;

        OperatorKey newKey = genNewOperatorKey(binCond) ;
        LOCast cast = new LOCast(currentPlan, newKey, binCond.getRhsOp(), toType) ;
        // if we are casting a null constant, also set its field schema to the
        // field schema of the other operator in the bincond
        if (binCond.getRhsOp() instanceof LOConst
                && ((LOConst) binCond.getRhsOp()).getValue() == null) {
            try {
            } catch (FrontendException e) {
                int errCode = 1043;
                String msg = "Unable to retrieve field schema of operator";
                throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, e);
        currentPlan.add(cast) ;
        try {
            currentPlan.insertBetween(binCond.getRhsOp(), cast, binCond) ;
        catch (PlanException pe) {
            int errCode = 2059;
            String msg = "Problem with inserting cast operator for binary conditional in plan.";
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, pe);
        binCond.setRhsOp(cast) ;


     * For Basic Types:
     * 0) Casting to itself is always ok
     * 1) Casting from number to number is always ok
     * 2) ByteArray to anything is ok
     * 3) (number or chararray) to (bytearray or chararray) is ok
     * For Composite Types:
     * Recursively traverse the schemas till you get a basic type
    protected void visit(LOCast cast) throws VisitorException {     
        byte inputType = cast.getExpression().getType();
        byte expectedType = cast.getType();

        if(expectedType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) {
            int errCode = 1051;
            String msg = "Cannot cast to bytearray";
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;
        Schema.FieldSchema castFs;
        Schema.FieldSchema inputFs;
        try {
            castFs = cast.getFieldSchema();
            inputFs = cast.getExpression().getFieldSchema();
        } catch(FrontendException fee) {
            int errCode = 1076;
            String msg = "Problem while reading field schema of cast operator.";
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, fee);
        boolean castable = Schema.FieldSchema.castable(castFs, inputFs);
        if(!castable) {
            int errCode = 1052;
            String msg = "Cannot cast "
                           + DataType.findTypeName(inputType)
                           + ((DataType.isSchemaType(inputType))? " with schema " + inputFs : "")
                           + " to "
                           + DataType.findTypeName(expectedType)
                           + ((DataType.isSchemaType(expectedType))? " with schema " + castFs : "");
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;
        // cast.getType() already returns the correct type so don't have to
        // set here. This is a special case where output type is not
        // automatically determined.
        if(inputType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) {
            try {
                FuncSpec loadFuncSpec = getLoadFuncSpec(cast.getExpression());
            } catch (FrontendException fee) {
                int errCode = 1053;
                String msg = "Cannot resolve load function to use for casting from " +
                            DataType.findTypeName(inputType) + " to " +
                            DataType.findTypeName(expectedType) + ". ";
                msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
                throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fee);
    /*                  Relational Operators                               */                                                            
        All the getType() of these operators always return BAG.
        We just have to :-
        1) Check types of inputs, inner plans
        2) Compute output schema with type information
           (At the moment, the parser does only return GetSchema with correct aliases)
        3) Insert casting if necessary


        The output schema of LOUnion is the merge of all input schemas.
        Operands on left side always take precedance on aliases.

        We allow type promotion here

    protected void visit(LOUnion u) throws VisitorException {
        // Have to make a copy, because as we insert operators, this list will
        // change under us.
        List<LogicalOperator> inputs =
            new ArrayList<LogicalOperator>(u.getInputs());

        // There is no point to union only one operand
        // it should be a problem in the parser
        if (inputs.size() < 2) {
            AssertionError err =  new AssertionError("Union with Count(Operand) < 2") ;

        Schema schema = null ;
        try {

            if (strictMode) {
                // Keep merging one by one just to check if there is
                // any problem with types in strict mode
                Schema tmpSchema = inputs.get(0).getSchema() ;
                for (int i=1; i< inputs.size() ;i++) {
                    // Assume the first input's aliases take precedance
                    tmpSchema = tmpSchema.merge(inputs.get(i).getSchema(), false) ;

                    // if they cannot be merged, we just give up
                    if (tmpSchema == null) {
                        int errCode = 1054;
                        String msg = "Cannot merge schemas from inputs of UNION" ;
                        msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
                        throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;

            // Compute the schema
            schema = u.getSchema() ;

        catch (FrontendException fee) {
            int errCode = 1055;
            String msg = "Problem while reading schemas from inputs of Union" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fee) ;

        // Do cast insertion only if we are typed
        if (schema != null) {
            // Insert casting to inputs if necessary
            for (int i=0; i< inputs.size() ;i++) {
                LOForEach insertedOp
                        = insertCastForEachInBetweenIfNecessary(inputs.get(i), u, schema) ;

                // We may have to compute the schema of the input again
                // because we have just inserted
                if (insertedOp != null) {
                    try {
                    catch (FrontendException fee) {
                        int errCode = 1056;
                        String msg = "Problem while casting inputs of Union" ;
                        msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
                        throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fee) ;

    protected void visit(LOSplitOutput op) throws VisitorException {
        LogicalPlan currentPlan =  mCurrentWalker.getPlan() ;

        // LOSplitOutput can only have 1 input
        List<LogicalOperator> list = currentPlan.getPredecessors(op) ;
        if (list.size() != 1) {
            int errCode = 2008;
            String msg = "LOSplitOutput cannot have more than one input. Found: " + list.size() + " input(s).";
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG) ;

        LogicalOperator input = list.get(0);
        LogicalPlan condPlan = op.getConditionPlan() ;

        // Check that the inner plan has only 1 output port
        if (!condPlan.isSingleLeafPlan()) {
            int errCode = 1057;
            String msg = "Split's inner plan can only have one output (leaf)" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;
        checkInnerPlan(condPlan) ;
        byte innerCondType = condPlan.getLeaves().get(0).getType() ;
        if (innerCondType != DataType.BOOLEAN) {
            int errCode = 1058;
            String msg = "Split's condition must evaluate to boolean. Found: " + DataType.findTypeName(innerCondType) ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;

        try {
            // Compute the schema
            op.getSchema() ;
        catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1055;
            String msg = "Problem while reading"
                         + " schemas from inputs of SplitOutput" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;

     *  LODistinct, output schema should be the same as input
     * @param op
     * @throws VisitorException
    protected void visit(LODistinct op) throws VisitorException {
        LogicalPlan currentPlan = mCurrentWalker.getPlan() ;
        List<LogicalOperator> list = currentPlan.getPredecessors(op) ;

        try {
            // Compute the schema
            op.getSchema() ;
        catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1055;
            String msg = "Problem while reading"
                         + " schemas from inputs of Distinct" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;

    protected void visit(LOLimit op) throws VisitorException {
        try {
            // Compute the schema
            op.regenerateSchema() ;
        catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1055;
            String msg = "Problem while reading"
                         + " schemas from inputs of Limit" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;

     * Return concatenated of all fields from all input operators
     * If one of the inputs have no schema then we cannot construct
     * the output schema.
     * @param cs
     * @throws VisitorException
    protected void visit(LOCross cs) throws VisitorException {
        List<LogicalOperator> inputs = cs.getInputs() ;
        List<FieldSchema> fsList = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>() ;

        try {
            // Compute the schema
            cs.getSchema() ;
        catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1055;
            String msg = "Problem while reading"
                        + " schemas from inputs of Cross" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
     * The schema of sort output will be the same as sort input.

    protected void visit(LOSort s) throws VisitorException {
        LogicalOperator input = s.getInput() ;
        // Type checking internal plans.
        for(int i=0;i < s.getSortColPlans().size(); i++) {
            LogicalPlan sortColPlan = s.getSortColPlans().get(i) ;

            // Check that the inner plan has only 1 output port
            if (!sortColPlan.isSingleLeafPlan()) {
                int errCode = 1057;
                String msg = "Sort's inner plan can only have one output (leaf)" ;
                msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
                throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;

            checkInnerPlan(sortColPlan) ;
            // TODO: May have to check SortFunc compatibility here in the future
        s.setType(input.getType()) // This should be bag always.

        try {
            // Compute the schema
            s.getSchema() ;
        catch (FrontendException fee) {
            int errCode = 1059;
            String msg = "Problem while reconciling output schema of Sort" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fee) ;

     * The schema of filter output will be the same as filter input

    protected void visit(LOFilter filter) throws VisitorException {
        LogicalOperator input = filter.getInput() ;
        LogicalPlan comparisonPlan = filter.getComparisonPlan() ;
        // Check that the inner plan has only 1 output port
        if (!comparisonPlan.isSingleLeafPlan()) {
            int errCode = 1057;
            String msg = "Filter's cond plan can only have one output (leaf)" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;

        checkInnerPlan(comparisonPlan) ;
        byte innerCondType = comparisonPlan.getLeaves().get(0).getType() ;
        if (innerCondType != DataType.BOOLEAN) {
            int errCode = 1058;
            String msg = "Filter's condition must evaluate to boolean. Found: " + DataType.findTypeName(innerCondType);
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;

        try {
            // Compute the schema
            filter.getSchema() ;
        catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1059;
            String msg = "Problem while reconciling output schema of Filter" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;

     * The schema of split output will be the same as split input

    protected void visit(LOSplit split) throws VisitorException {
        // TODO: Why doesn't LOSplit have getInput() ???
        List<LogicalOperator> inputList = mPlan.getPredecessors(split) ;
        if (inputList.size() != 1) {           
            int errCode = 2008;
            String msg = "LOSplit cannot have more than one input. Found: " + inputList.size() + " input(s).";
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG) ;
        LogicalOperator input = inputList.get(0) ;
        try {
            // Compute the schema
            split.regenerateSchema() ;
        catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1059;
            String msg = "Problem while reconciling output schema of Split" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
     * Mimics the type checking of LOCogroup
    protected void visit(LOFRJoin frj) throws VisitorException {
        try {
        } catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1060;
            String msg = "Cannot resolve Fragment Replicate Join output schema" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
        MultiMap<LogicalOperator, LogicalPlan> joinColPlans
                                                    = frj.getJoinColPlans() ;
        List<LogicalOperator> inputs = frj.getInputs() ;
        // Type checking internal plans.
        for(int i=0;i < inputs.size(); i++) {
            LogicalOperator input = inputs.get(i) ;
            List<LogicalPlan> innerPlans
                        = new ArrayList<LogicalPlan>(joinColPlans.get(input)) ;

            for(int j=0; j < innerPlans.size(); j++) {

                LogicalPlan innerPlan = innerPlans.get(j) ;
                // Check that the inner plan has only 1 output port
                if (!innerPlan.isSingleLeafPlan()) {
                    int errCode = 1057;
                    String msg = "Fragment Replicate Join's inner plans can only"
                                 + "have one output (leaf)" ;
                    msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
                    throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;

                checkInnerPlan(innerPlans.get(j)) ;
        try {

            if (!frj.isTupleJoinCol()) {
                // merge all the inner plan outputs so we know what type
                // our group column should be

                // TODO: Don't recompute schema here
                //byte groupType = schema.getField(0).type ;
                byte groupType = frj.getAtomicJoinColType() ;

                // go through all inputs again to add cast if necessary
                for(int i=0;i < inputs.size(); i++) {
                    LogicalOperator input = inputs.get(i) ;
                    List<LogicalPlan> innerPlans
                                = new ArrayList<LogicalPlan>(joinColPlans.get(input)) ;
                    // Checking innerPlan size already done above
                    byte innerType = innerPlans.get(0).getSingleLeafPlanOutputType() ;
                    if (innerType != groupType) {
                                                            groupType) ;
            else {

                // TODO: Don't recompute schema here
                //Schema groupBySchema = schema.getField(0).schema ;
                Schema groupBySchema = frj.getTupleJoinColSchema() ;

                // go through all inputs again to add cast if necessary
                for(int i=0;i < inputs.size(); i++) {
                    LogicalOperator input = inputs.get(i) ;
                    List<LogicalPlan> innerPlans
                                = new ArrayList<LogicalPlan>(joinColPlans.get(input)) ;
                    for(int j=0;j < innerPlans.size(); j++) {
                        LogicalPlan innerPlan = innerPlans.get(j) ;
                        byte innerType = innerPlan.getSingleLeafPlanOutputType() ;
                        byte expectedType = DataType.BYTEARRAY ;

                        if (!DataType.isAtomic(innerType) && (DataType.TUPLE != innerType)) {
                            int errCode = 1057;
                            String msg = "Fragment Replicate Join's inner plans can only"
                                         + "have one output (leaf)" ;
                            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
                            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;

                        try {
                            expectedType = groupBySchema.getField(j).type ;
                        catch(FrontendException fee) {
                            int errCode = 1060;
                            String msg = "Cannot resolve Fragment Replicate Join output schema" ;
                            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
                            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fee) ;

                        if (innerType != expectedType) {
                                                                expectedType) ;
        catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1060;
            String msg = "Cannot resolve Fragment Replicate Join output schema" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;

        try {
            Schema outputSchema = frj.regenerateSchema() ;
        catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1060;
            String msg = "Cannot resolve Fragment Replicate Join output schema" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;

     * COGroup
     * All group by cols from all inputs have to be of the
     * same type
    protected void visit(LOCogroup cg) throws VisitorException {
        try {
        } catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1060;
            String msg = "Cannot resolve COGroup output schema" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
        MultiMap<LogicalOperator, LogicalPlan> groupByPlans
                                                    = cg.getGroupByPlans() ;
        List<LogicalOperator> inputs = cg.getInputs() ;

        // Type checking internal plans.
        for(int i=0;i < inputs.size(); i++) {
            LogicalOperator input = inputs.get(i) ;
            List<LogicalPlan> innerPlans
                        = new ArrayList<LogicalPlan>(groupByPlans.get(input)) ;

            for(int j=0; j < innerPlans.size(); j++) {

                LogicalPlan innerPlan = innerPlans.get(j) ;
                // Check that the inner plan has only 1 output port
                if (!innerPlan.isSingleLeafPlan()) {
                    int errCode = 1057;
                    String msg = "COGroup's inner plans can only"
                                 + "have one output (leaf)" ;
                    msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
                    throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;

                checkInnerPlan(innerPlans.get(j)) ;


        try {

            if (!cg.isTupleGroupCol()) {
                // merge all the inner plan outputs so we know what type
                // our group column should be

                // TODO: Don't recompute schema here
                //byte groupType = schema.getField(0).type ;
                byte groupType = cg.getAtomicGroupByType() ;

                // go through all inputs again to add cast if necessary
                for(int i=0;i < inputs.size(); i++) {
                    LogicalOperator input = inputs.get(i) ;
                    List<LogicalPlan> innerPlans
                                = new ArrayList<LogicalPlan>(groupByPlans.get(input)) ;
                    // Checking innerPlan size already done above
                    byte innerType = innerPlans.get(0).getSingleLeafPlanOutputType() ;
                    if (innerType != groupType) {
                                                            groupType) ;
            else {

                // TODO: Don't recompute schema here
                //Schema groupBySchema = schema.getField(0).schema ;
                Schema groupBySchema = cg.getTupleGroupBySchema() ;

                // go through all inputs again to add cast if necessary
                for(int i=0;i < inputs.size(); i++) {
                    LogicalOperator input = inputs.get(i) ;
                    List<LogicalPlan> innerPlans
                                = new ArrayList<LogicalPlan>(groupByPlans.get(input)) ;
                    for(int j=0;j < innerPlans.size(); j++) {
                        LogicalPlan innerPlan = innerPlans.get(j) ;
                        byte innerType = innerPlan.getSingleLeafPlanOutputType() ;
                        byte expectedType = DataType.BYTEARRAY ;

                        if (!DataType.isAtomic(innerType) && (DataType.TUPLE != innerType)) {
                            int errCode = 1061;
                            String msg = "Sorry, group by complex types"
                                       + " will be supported soon" ;
                            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
                            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;

                        try {
                            expectedType = groupBySchema.getField(j).type ;
                        catch(FrontendException fee) {
                            int errCode = 1060;
                            String msg = "Cannot resolve COGroup output schema" ;
                            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
                            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fee) ;

                        if (innerType != expectedType) {
                                                                expectedType) ;
        catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1060;
            String msg = "Cannot resolve COGroup output schema" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;

        // TODO: Don't recompute schema here. Remove all from here!
        // Generate output schema based on the schema generated from
        // COGroup itself

        try {
            Schema outputSchema = cg.regenerateSchema() ;
        catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1060;
            String msg = "Cannot resolve COGroup output schema" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
    private void insertAtomicCastForFRJInnerPlan(LogicalPlan innerPlan,
            LOFRJoin frj, byte toType) throws VisitorException {
        if (!DataType.isUsableType(toType)) {
            int errCode = 1051;
            String msg = "Cannot cast to "
                + DataType.findTypeName(toType);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT);

        List<LogicalOperator> leaves = innerPlan.getLeaves();
        if (leaves.size() > 1) {
            int errCode = 2060;
            String msg = "Expected one leaf. Found " + leaves.size() + " leaves.";
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);
        ExpressionOperator currentOutput = (ExpressionOperator) leaves.get(0);
        collectCastWarning(frj, currentOutput.getType(), toType);
        OperatorKey newKey = genNewOperatorKey(currentOutput);
        LOCast cast = new LOCast(innerPlan, newKey, currentOutput, toType);
        try {
            innerPlan.connect(currentOutput, cast);
        } catch (PlanException pe) {
            int errCode = 2059;
            String msg = "Problem with inserting cast operator for fragment replicate join in plan.";
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, pe);

    // This helps insert casting to atomic types in COGroup's inner plans
    // as a new leave of the plan
    private void insertAtomicCastForCOGroupInnerPlan(LogicalPlan innerPlan,
                                                     LOCogroup cg,
                                                     byte toType) throws VisitorException {
        if(!DataType.isUsableType(toType)) {
            int errCode = 1051;
            String msg = "Cannot cast to "
                + DataType.findTypeName(toType);
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT);
        List<LogicalOperator> leaves = innerPlan.getLeaves() ;
        if (leaves.size() > 1) {
            int errCode = 2060;
            String msg = "Expected one leaf. Found " + leaves.size() + " leaves.";
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);
        ExpressionOperator currentOutput = (ExpressionOperator) leaves.get(0) ;
        collectCastWarning(cg, currentOutput.getType(), toType) ;
        OperatorKey newKey = genNewOperatorKey(currentOutput) ;
        LOCast cast = new LOCast(innerPlan, newKey, currentOutput, toType) ;
        innerPlan.add(cast) ;
        try {
            innerPlan.connect(currentOutput, cast) ;
        catch (PlanException pe) {
            int errCode = 2059;
            String msg = "Problem with inserting cast operator for cogroup in plan.";
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, pe);

     * This can be used to get the merged type of output group col
     * only when the group col is of atomic type
     * TODO: This doesn't work with group by complex type
     * @return The type of the group by
    public byte getAtomicGroupByType(LOCogroup cg) throws VisitorException {
        if (cg.isTupleGroupCol()) {
            int errCode = 2061;
            String msg = "Expected single group by element but found multiple elements.";
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);
        byte groupType = DataType.BYTEARRAY ;
        // merge all the inner plan outputs so we know what type
        // our group column should be
        for(int i=0;i < cg.getInputs().size(); i++) {
            LogicalOperator input = cg.getInputs().get(i) ;
            List<LogicalPlan> innerPlans
                        = new ArrayList<LogicalPlan>(cg.getGroupByPlans().get(input)) ;
            if (innerPlans.size() != 1) {
                int errCode = 2062;
                String msg = "Each COGroup input has to have "
                    + "the same number of inner plans.";
                throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG) ;
            byte innerType = innerPlans.get(0).getSingleLeafPlanOutputType() ;
            groupType = DataType.mergeType(groupType, innerType) ;
            if (groupType == DataType.ERROR) {
                // We just warn about mismatch type in non-strict mode
                if (!strictMode) {
                    String msg = "COGroup by incompatible types results in ByteArray" ;
                    msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Warning, PigWarning.GROUP_BY_INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES) ;
                    groupType = DataType.BYTEARRAY ;
                // We just die if in strict mode
                else {
                    int errCode = 1062;
                    String msg = "COGroup by incompatible types" ;
                    msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
                    throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;


        return groupType ;


        This implementation is based on the assumption that all the
        inputs have the same group col tuple arity.
        TODO: This doesn't work with group by complex type
    public Schema getTupleGroupBySchema(LOCogroup cg) throws VisitorException {
        if (!cg.isTupleGroupCol()) {
            int errCode = 2063;
            String msg = "Expected multiple group by element but found single element.";
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);

        // this fsList represents all the columns in group tuple
        List<Schema.FieldSchema> fsList = new ArrayList<Schema.FieldSchema>() ;

        int outputSchemaSize = cg.getGroupByPlans().get(cg.getInputs().get(0)).size() ;

        // by default, they are all bytearray
        // for type checking, we don't care about aliases
        for(int i=0; i<outputSchemaSize; i++) {
            fsList.add(new Schema.FieldSchema(null, DataType.BYTEARRAY)) ;

        // merge all the inner plan outputs so we know what type
        // our group column should be
        for(int i=0;i < cg.getInputs().size(); i++) {
            LogicalOperator input = cg.getInputs().get(i) ;
            List<LogicalPlan> innerPlans
                        = new ArrayList<LogicalPlan>(cg.getGroupByPlans().get(input)) ;

            for(int j=0;j < innerPlans.size(); j++) {
                byte innerType = innerPlans.get(j).getSingleLeafPlanOutputType() ;
                fsList.get(j).type = DataType.mergeType(fsList.get(j).type,
                                                        innerType) ;
                if (fsList.get(j).type == DataType.ERROR) {
                    // We just warn about mismatch type in non-strict mode
                    if (!strictMode) {
                        String msg = "COGroup by incompatible types results in ByteArray" ;
                        msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Warning, PigWarning.GROUP_BY_INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES) ;
                        fsList.get(j).type = DataType.BYTEARRAY ;
                    // We just die if in strict mode
                    else {
                        int errCode = 1062;
                        String msg = "COGroup by incompatible types" ;
                        msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
                        throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;

        return new Schema(fsList) ;

     * Output schema of LOForEach is a tuple schma
     * which is the output of all inner plans
     * Flatten also has to be taken care on in here

    protected void visit(LOForEach f) throws VisitorException {
        List<LogicalPlan> plans = f.getForEachPlans() ;
        List<Boolean> flattens = f.getFlatten() ;

        try {

            // Have to resolve all inner plans before calling getSchema
            int outputSchemaIdx = 0 ;
            for(int i=0;i < plans.size(); i++) {

                LogicalPlan plan = plans.get(i) ;

                // Check that the inner plan has only 1 output port
                if (!plan.isSingleLeafPlan()) {
                    int errCode = 1057;
                    String msg = "Generate's expression plan can "
                                 + " only have one output (leaf)" ;
                    msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
                    throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;

                List<LogicalOperator> rootList = plan.getRoots() ;
                for(int j=0; j<rootList.size(); j++) {
                    LogicalOperator innerRoot = rootList.get(j) ;
                    // TODO: Support MAP dereference
                    if (innerRoot instanceof LOProject) {
                        resolveLOProjectType((LOProject) innerRoot) ;
                    else if (innerRoot instanceof LOConst) {
                        // it's ok because LOConst always has
                        // the right type information
                    else {
                        int errCode = 2064;
                        String msg = "Unsupported root type in "
                            +"LOForEach: " + innerRoot.getClass().getSimpleName();
                        throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG) ;

                checkInnerPlan(plan) ;



        } catch (VisitorException ve) {
            throw ve;
        } catch (FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1060;
            String msg = "Cannot resolve ForEach output schema.";
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
     * This does:-
     * 1) Propagate typing information from a schema to
     *    an inner plan of a relational operator
     * 2) Type checking of the inner plan
     * NOTE: This helper method only supports one source schema
     * @param innerPlan  the inner plan
     * @throws VisitorException

    private void checkInnerPlan(LogicalPlan innerPlan)
                                    throws VisitorException {
        // Preparation
        int errorCount = 0 ;    
        List<LogicalOperator> rootList = innerPlan.getRoots() ;
        if (rootList.size() < 1) {
            int errCode = 2065;
            String msg = "Did not find roots of the inner plan.";
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG) ;

        Schema inputSchema = null ;
        try {
            inputSchema = srcOuterOp.getSchema() ;
        catch(FrontendException fe) {
            String msg = "Cannot not get schema out of "
                         + srcOuterOp.getClass().getSimpleName() ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            throw new VisitorException(msg) ;

        // Actual checking
        for(LogicalOperator op: rootList) {
            // TODO: Support map dereference
            if (op instanceof LOProject) {
                resolveLOProjectType((LOProject) op);
            // TODO: I think we better need a sentinel connecting to LOForEach
            else if (op instanceof LOForEach) {
                PlanWalker<LogicalOperator, LogicalPlan> walker
                        = new DependencyOrderWalker<LogicalOperator, LogicalPlan>(innerPlan) ;
                pushWalker(walker) ;
                this.visit((LOForEach) op) ;
                popWalker() ;
            else if (op instanceof LOConst) {
                // don't have to do anything
            else if (op instanceof LOUserFunc){
            else {
                int errCode = 2066;               
                String msg = "Unsupported root operator in inner plan:"
                             + op.getClass().getSimpleName() ;
                throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG) ;
        // Throw an exception if we found errors
        // TODO: add it back
        if (errorCount > 0) {
            // TODO: Should indicate the field names or indexes here
            String msg =  "Some required fields in inner plan cannot be found in input" ;
            msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
            VisitorException vse = new VisitorException(msg) ;
            throw vse ;
        } */
        // Check typing of the inner plan by visiting it
        PlanWalker<LogicalOperator, LogicalPlan> walker
            = new DependencyOrderWalker<LogicalOperator, LogicalPlan>(innerPlan) ;
        pushWalker(walker) ;      
        this.visit() ;
        popWalker() ;

    protected void visit(LOLoad load)
                        throws VisitorException {
        // do nothing

    protected void visit(LOStore store) {
        // do nothing

     * For casting insertion for relational operators
     * only if it's necessary
     * Currently this only does "shallow" casting
     * @param fromOp
     * @param toOp
     * @param targetSchema array of target types
     * @return the inserted operator. null is no insertion
    private LOForEach insertCastForEachInBetweenIfNecessary(LogicalOperator fromOp,
                                                       LogicalOperator toOp,
                                                       Schema targetSchema)
                                                    throws VisitorException {
        LogicalPlan currentPlan =  mCurrentWalker.getPlan() ;

        // Make sure that two operators are in the same plan
        if (fromOp.getPlan() != toOp.getPlan()) {
            throw new AssertionError("Two operators have toOp be in the same plan") ;
        // Mare sure that they are in the plan we're looking at
        if (fromOp.getPlan() != toOp.getPlan()) {
            throw new AssertionError("Cannot manipulate any other plan"
                                    +" than the current one") ;

        // Make sure that they are adjacent and the direction
        // is from "fromOp" to "toOp"
        List<LogicalOperator> preList = currentPlan.getPredecessors(toOp) ;
        boolean found = false ;
        for(LogicalOperator tmpOp: preList) {
            // compare by reference
            if (tmpOp == fromOp) {
                found = true ;
                break ;

        if (!found) {
            int errCode = 1077;
            String msg = "Two operators that require a cast in between are not adjacent.";
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT);

        // retrieve input schema to be casted
        // this will be used later
        Schema fromSchema = null ;
        try {
            fromSchema = fromOp.getSchema() ;
        catch(FrontendException fe) {
            int errCode = 1055;
            String msg = "Problem while reading schema from input of " + fromOp.getClass().getSimpleName();
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, fe);

        // make sure the supplied targetSchema has the same number of members
        // as number of output fields from "fromOp"
        if (fromSchema.size() != targetSchema.size()) {
            int errCode = 1078;
            String msg = "Schema size mismatch for casting. Input schema size: " + fromSchema.size() + ". Target schema size: " + targetSchema.size();
            throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT);

        // Compose the new inner plan to be used in ForEach
        LogicalPlan foreachPlan = new LogicalPlan() ;

        // Plans inside Generate. Fields that do not need casting will only
        // have Project. Fields that need casting will have Project + Cast
        ArrayList<LogicalPlan> generatePlans = new ArrayList<LogicalPlan>() ;

        int castNeededCounter = 0 ;
        for(int i=0;i < fromSchema.size(); i++) {

            LogicalPlan genPlan = new LogicalPlan() ;
            LOProject project = new LOProject(genPlan,
                                              i) ;

            // add casting if necessary by comparing target types
            // to the input schema
            FieldSchema fs = null ;
            try {
                fs = fromSchema.getField(i) ;
            catch(FrontendException fee) {
                int errCode = 1063;
                String msg = "Problem while reading"
                                + " field schema from input while"
                                + " inserting cast " ;
                msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
                throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fee) ;

            // This only does "shallow checking"

            byte inputFieldType ;

            try {
                inputFieldType = targetSchema.getField(i).type ;
            catch (FrontendException fee) {
                int errCode = 1064;
                String msg = "Problem reading column " + i + " from schema: " + targetSchema;
                throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fee) ;               

            if (inputFieldType != fs.type) {
                castNeededCounter++ ;
                LOCast cast = new LOCast(genPlan,
                                         inputFieldType) ;
                genPlan.add(cast) ;
                try {
                    genPlan.connect(project, cast);
                catch (PlanException pe) {
                    // This should never happen
                    int errCode = 2059;
                    String msg = "Problem with inserting cast operator for project in plan.";
                    throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, pe);

            generatePlans.add(genPlan) ;


        // if we really need casting
        if (castNeededCounter > 0)  {
            // Flatten List
            // This is just cast insertion so we don't have any flatten
            ArrayList<Boolean> flattenList = new ArrayList<Boolean>() ;
            for(int i=0;i < targetSchema.size(); i++) {
                flattenList.add(new Boolean(false)) ;

            // Create ForEach to be inserted
            LOForEach foreach = new LOForEach(currentPlan, genNewOperatorKey(fromOp), generatePlans, flattenList) ;

            // Manipulate the plan structure
            currentPlan.disconnect(fromOp, toOp) ;

            try {
                currentPlan.connect(fromOp, foreach);
                currentPlan.connect(foreach, toOp);
            catch (PlanException pe) {
                int errCode = 2059;
                String msg = "Problem with inserting foeach operator for " + toOp.getClass().getSimpleName() + " in plan.";
                throw new TypeCheckerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, pe);

            return foreach;
        else {
            log.debug("Tried to insert relational casting when not necessary");
            return null ;

     * Helper for collecting warning when casting is inserted
     * to the plan (implicit casting)
     * @param op
     * @param originalType
     * @param toType
    private void collectCastWarning(LogicalOperator op,
                                   byte originalType,
                                   byte toType) {
        String originalTypeName = DataType.findTypeName(originalType) ;
        String toTypeName = DataType.findTypeName(toType) ;
        String opName = op.getClass().getSimpleName() ;
        Enum kind = null;
        switch(toType) {
        case DataType.BAG:
          kind = PigWarning.IMPLICIT_CAST_TO_BAG;
        case DataType.CHARARRAY:
          kind = PigWarning.IMPLICIT_CAST_TO_CHARARRAY;
        case DataType.DOUBLE:
          kind = PigWarning.IMPLICIT_CAST_TO_DOUBLE;
        case DataType.FLOAT:
          kind = PigWarning.IMPLICIT_CAST_TO_FLOAT;
        case DataType.INTEGER:
          kind = PigWarning.IMPLICIT_CAST_TO_INT;
        case DataType.LONG:
          kind = PigWarning.IMPLICIT_CAST_TO_LONG;
        case DataType.MAP:
          kind = PigWarning.IMPLICIT_CAST_TO_MAP;
        case DataType.TUPLE:
          kind = PigWarning.IMPLICIT_CAST_TO_TUPLE;
        msgCollector.collect(originalTypeName + " is implicitly cast to "
                             + toTypeName +" under " + opName + " Operator",
                             MessageType.Warning, kind) ;

     * We need the neighbor to make sure that the new key is in the same scope
    private OperatorKey genNewOperatorKey(LogicalOperator neighbor) {
        String scope = neighbor.getOperatorKey().getScope() ;
        long newId = NodeIdGenerator.getGenerator().getNextNodeId(scope) ;
        return new OperatorKey(scope, newId) ;

    private FuncSpec getLoadFuncSpec(ExpressionOperator exOp) throws FrontendException {
        Schema.FieldSchema fs = ((ExpressionOperator)exOp).getFieldSchema();
        if(null == fs) {
            return null;

        Map<String, LogicalOperator> canonicalMap = fs.getCanonicalMap();
        MultiMap<LogicalOperator, String> reverseCanonicalMap = fs.getReverseCanonicalMap();
        MultiMap<String, FuncSpec> loadFuncSpecMap = new MultiMap<String, FuncSpec>();
        if(canonicalMap.keySet().size() > 0) {
            for(String parentCanonicalName: canonicalMap.keySet()) {
                FuncSpec lfSpec = getLoadFuncSpec(exOp, parentCanonicalName);
                if(null != lfSpec) loadFuncSpecMap.put(lfSpec.getClassName(), lfSpec);
        } else {
            for(LogicalOperator op: reverseCanonicalMap.keySet()) {
                for(String parentCanonicalName: reverseCanonicalMap.get(op)) {
                    FuncSpec lfSpec = getLoadFuncSpec(op, parentCanonicalName);
                    if(null != lfSpec) loadFuncSpecMap.put(lfSpec.getClassName(), lfSpec);
        if(loadFuncSpecMap.keySet().size() == 0) {
            return null;
        if(loadFuncSpecMap.keySet().size() == 1) {
            String lfString = loadFuncSpecMap.keySet().iterator().next();
            return loadFuncSpecMap.get(lfString).iterator().next();

            int errCode = 1065;
            String msg = "Found more than one load function to use: " + loadFuncSpecMap.keySet();
            throw new FrontendException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT);

    private FuncSpec getLoadFuncSpec(LogicalOperator op, String parentCanonicalName) throws FrontendException {
        MultiMap<String, FuncSpec> loadFuncSpecMap = new MultiMap<String, FuncSpec>();
        if(op instanceof ExpressionOperator) {
            if(op instanceof LOUserFunc) {
                return null;
            Schema.FieldSchema fs = ((ExpressionOperator)op).getFieldSchema();
            Map<String, LogicalOperator> canonicalMap = fs.getCanonicalMap();
            MultiMap<LogicalOperator, String> reverseCanonicalMap = fs.getReverseCanonicalMap();
            if(canonicalMap.keySet().size() > 0) {
                for(String canonicalName: canonicalMap.keySet()) {
                    FuncSpec lfSpec = getLoadFuncSpec(fs, canonicalName);
                    if(null != lfSpec) loadFuncSpecMap.put(lfSpec.getClassName(), lfSpec);
            } else {
                for(LogicalOperator lop: reverseCanonicalMap.keySet()) {
                    for(String canonicalName: reverseCanonicalMap.get(lop)) {
                        FuncSpec lfSpec = getLoadFuncSpec(fs, canonicalName);
                        if(null != lfSpec) loadFuncSpecMap.put(lfSpec.getClassName(), lfSpec);
        } else {
            if(op instanceof LOLoad) {
                return ((LOLoad)op).getInputFile().getFuncSpec();
            } else if (op instanceof LOStream) {
                StreamingCommand command = ((LOStream)op).getStreamingCommand();
                HandleSpec streamOutputSpec = command.getOutputSpec();
                FuncSpec streamLoaderSpec = new FuncSpec(streamOutputSpec.getSpec());
                return streamLoaderSpec;
            } else if ((op instanceof LOFilter)
                    || (op instanceof LODistinct)
                    || (op instanceof LOSort)
                    || (op instanceof LOSplit)
                    || (op instanceof LOSplitOutput)
                    || (op instanceof LOLimit)) {
                LogicalPlan lp = op.getPlan();
                return getLoadFuncSpec(lp.getPredecessors(op).get(0), parentCanonicalName);       
            Schema s = op.getSchema();
            if(null != s) {
                for(Schema.FieldSchema fs: s.getFields()) {
                    if(null != parentCanonicalName && (parentCanonicalName.equals(fs.canonicalName))) {
                        if(fs.getCanonicalMap().keySet().size() > 0) {
                            for(String canonicalName: fs.getCanonicalMap().keySet()) {
                                FuncSpec lfSpec = getLoadFuncSpec(fs, canonicalName);
                                if(null != lfSpec) loadFuncSpecMap.put(lfSpec.getClassName(), lfSpec);
                        } else {
                            FuncSpec lfSpec = getLoadFuncSpec(fs, null);
                            if(null != lfSpec) loadFuncSpecMap.put(lfSpec.getClassName(), lfSpec);
                    } else if (null == parentCanonicalName) {
                        FuncSpec lfSpec = getLoadFuncSpec(fs, null);
                        if(null != lfSpec) loadFuncSpecMap.put(lfSpec.getClassName(), lfSpec);
            } else {
                LogicalPlan lp = op.getPlan();
                for(LogicalOperator pred: lp.getPredecessors(op)) {
                    FuncSpec lfSpec = getLoadFuncSpec(pred, parentCanonicalName);
                    if(null != lfSpec) loadFuncSpecMap.put(lfSpec.getClassName(), lfSpec);
        if(loadFuncSpecMap.keySet().size() == 0) {
            return null;
        if(loadFuncSpecMap.keySet().size() == 1) {
            String lfString = loadFuncSpecMap.keySet().iterator().next();
            return loadFuncSpecMap.get(lfString).iterator().next();
            int errCode = 1065;
            String msg = "Found more than one load function to use: " + loadFuncSpecMap.keySet();
            throw new FrontendException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT);

    private FuncSpec getLoadFuncSpec(Schema.FieldSchema fs, String parentCanonicalName) throws FrontendException {
        if(null == fs) {
            return null;
        Map<String, LogicalOperator> canonicalMap = fs.getCanonicalMap();
        MultiMap<LogicalOperator, String> reverseCanonicalMap = fs.getReverseCanonicalMap();
        MultiMap<String, FuncSpec> loadFuncSpecMap = new MultiMap<String, FuncSpec>();

        if(canonicalMap.keySet().size() > 0) {
            for(String canonicalName: canonicalMap.keySet()) {
                if((null == parentCanonicalName) || (parentCanonicalName.equals(canonicalName))) {
                    FuncSpec lfSpec = getLoadFuncSpec(canonicalMap.get(canonicalName), parentCanonicalName);
                    if(null != lfSpec) loadFuncSpecMap.put(lfSpec.getClassName(), lfSpec);
        } else {
            for(LogicalOperator op: reverseCanonicalMap.keySet()) {
                for(String canonicalName: reverseCanonicalMap.get(op)) {
                    if((null == parentCanonicalName) || (parentCanonicalName.equals(canonicalName))) {
                        FuncSpec lfSpec = getLoadFuncSpec(op, parentCanonicalName);
                        if(null != lfSpec) loadFuncSpecMap.put(lfSpec.getClassName(), lfSpec);
        if(loadFuncSpecMap.keySet().size() == 0) {
            return null;
        if(loadFuncSpecMap.keySet().size() == 1) {
            String lfString = loadFuncSpecMap.keySet().iterator().next();
            return loadFuncSpecMap.get(lfString).iterator().next();

            int errCode = 1065;
            String msg = "Found more than one load function to use: " + loadFuncSpecMap.keySet();
            throw new FrontendException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT);


Related Classes of org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.validators.TypeCheckingVisitor

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