Package org.apache.beehive.netui.core.urls

Source Code of org.apache.beehive.netui.core.urls.MutableURI

* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Header:$
package org.apache.beehive.netui.core.urls;

import org.apache.beehive.netui.util.internal.InternalStringBuilder;

import org.apache.beehive.netui.core.URLCodec;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.HashMap;

* Mutable class for creating URIs.
* <p> There is little checking that an instance of this class produces a legal
* URI reference as defined by <a href="">
* <i>RFC&nbsp;2396: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax</i></a>.
* The minimal checking for syntax is on constructors that take a String
* representation or the URI, a {@link URI}, or a {@link URL}.
* To avoid the cost of continually checking the syntax, it is up to the
* user to ensure that the components are set correctly. </p>
* <p> The setters of this class also assume that the data components are
* already encoded correctly for the given encoding of this URI, unless noted
* otherwise as in the methods to add unecoded parameters to the query.
* Then this class will handle the encoding.
* See {@link #addParameter( String name, String value, boolean encoded )}
* and {@link #addParameters( Map newParams, boolean encoded )}
* </p>
* <p> There is a static convenience method in this class so callers can
* easily encode unencoded components before setting it in this object. </p>
* TODO... We need to implement some conditions for opaque URIs like mailto, etc.
* to determine what to do about values of path when (path == null) => opaque and
* URI.getPath() would return "" for non-opaue URIs.
public class MutableURI
    /** Value used to set the port as undefined. */
    public static final int UNDEFINED_PORT = -1;

    /** Value used to set the encoding as undefined. */
    public static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING = "UTF-8";

    /** Character encoding used for the URI. */
    private String _encoding;

    /** Protocol scheme. */
    private String _scheme;

     * User information "may consist of a user name and, optionally,
     * scheme-specific information about how to gain authorization to
     * access the server.
    private String _userInfo;

    /** Host */
    private String _host;

    /** Port */
    private int _port = UNDEFINED_PORT;

    /** Path */
    private String _path;

    /** Query parameters */
    private LinkedHashMap/*< String, List< String > >*/ _params;

    /** Fragment */
    private String _fragment;

    /* Separators for query parameters */
    private static final String AMP_ENTITY = "&amp;";
    private static final String AMP_CHAR = "&";

    private static final Map/*< String, List< String > >*/ EMPTY_MAP =
            Collections.unmodifiableMap( new HashMap/*< String, List< String > >*/() );
     * Constructs a <code>MutableURI</code>.
    public MutableURI()

     * Constructs a <code>MutableURI</code>.
     * @param  uriString the string to be parsed into a URI
     * @param  encoded Flag indicating whether the string is
     *                 already encoded.
    public MutableURI( String uriString, boolean encoded ) throws URISyntaxException
        assert uriString != null : "The uri cannot be null.";

        if ( uriString == null )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The URI cannot be null." );

        URI uri = null;

        if ( encoded )
            // Get (parse) the components using
            uri = new URI( uriString );
            // Parse, then encode this string into its components using URI
            uri = encodeURI( uriString );

        setURI( uri );

     * Constructs a <code>MutableURI</code>. Assumes the individual components
     * are already encoded and escaped.
     * @param scheme the name of the protocol to use
     * @param userInfo the username and password
     * @param host the name of the host
     * @param port the port number on the host
     * @param path the file on the host
     * @param query the query part of this URI
     * @param fragment the fragment part of this URI (internal reference in the URL)
    public MutableURI( String scheme, String userInfo, String host, int port,
                       String path, String query, String fragment )
        setScheme( scheme );
        setUserInfo( userInfo );
        setHost( host );
        setPort( port );
        setPath( path );
        setQuery( query );
        setFragment( fragment );

     * Constructs a <code>MutableURI</code>.
     * @param  uri the initial value for this mutable URI
    public MutableURI( URI uri )
        assert uri != null : "The URI cannot be null.";

        if ( uri == null )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The URI cannot be null." );

        setURI( uri );

     * Constructs a <code>MutableURI</code>.
     * <p> This is just a convenience constructor that functions the same as
     * {@link #MutableURI(URI)} constructor with
     * {@link} as the argument. </p>
     * <p>Note, any URL instance that complies with RFC 2396 can be converted
     * to a URI. However, some URLs that are not strictly in compliance
     * can not be converted to a URI. See {@link} </p>
     * @param  url the initial value for this mutable URI
     * @exception URISyntaxException if this URL is not formatted strictly
     *            to RFC2396 and cannot be converted to a URI.
     * @see
    public MutableURI( URL url ) throws URISyntaxException
        assert url != null : "The URL cannot be null.";

        if ( url == null )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The URL cannot be null." );

        URI uri = url.toURI();
        setURI( uri );

     * Set the value of the <code>MutableURI</code>.
     * <p> This method can also be used to clear the <code>MutableURI</code>. </p>
     * @param  uriString the string to be parsed into a URI
     * @param  encoded Flag indicating whether the string is
     *                 already encoded.
    public void setURI( String uriString, boolean encoded ) throws URISyntaxException
        if ( uriString == null )
            setScheme( null );
            setUserInfo( null );
            setHost( null );
            setPort( UNDEFINED_PORT );
            setPath( null );
            setQuery( null );
            setFragment( null );
            URI uri = null;

            if ( encoded )
                // Get (parse) the components using
                uri = new URI( uriString );
                // Parse, then encode this string into its components using URI
                uri = encodeURI( uriString );

            setURI( uri );

     * Set the value of the <code>MutableURI</code>.
     * <p> This method can also be used to clear the <code>MutableURI</code>. </p>
     * @param  uri       the URI
    public void setURI( URI uri )
        setScheme( uri.getScheme() );
        setUserInfo( uri.getRawUserInfo() );
        setHost( uri.getHost() );
        setPort( uri.getPort() );
        setPath( uri.getRawPath() );
        setQuery( uri.getRawQuery() );
        setFragment( uri.getRawFragment() );

     * Set the encoding used when adding unencoded parameters.
     * @param encoding
    public void setEncoding( String encoding )
        _encoding = encoding;

     * Returns the character encoding that is used when adding unencoded parameters.
     * @return encoding
    public String getEncoding()
        return _encoding;

     * Sets the protocol/scheme.
     * @param scheme protocol/scheme
    public void setScheme( String scheme )
        _scheme = null;
        if ( scheme != null && scheme.length() > 0 )
            _scheme = scheme;

     * Returns the protocol/scheme. If no protocol was previously set,
     * returns null.
     * @return protocol/scheme
    public String getScheme()
        return _scheme;

     * Sets the userInfo. Assumes this component is already escaped.
     * @param userInfo userInfo
    public void setUserInfo( String userInfo )
        _userInfo = null;
        if ( userInfo != null && userInfo.length() > 0 )
            _userInfo = userInfo;

     * Returns the userInfo. If no host was previously set, returns
     * null.
     * @return userInfo
    public String getUserInfo()
        return _userInfo;

     * Sets the host.
     * @param host host
    public void setHost( String host )
        _host = null;
        if ( host != null && host.length() > 0 )
            // Here's some very minimal support for IPv6 addresses.
            // If the literal IPv6 address is not enclosed in square brackets
            // then add them.
            boolean needBrackets = ( ( host.indexOf( ':' ) >= 0 )
                    && !host.startsWith( "[" )
                    && !host.endsWith( "]" ) );

            if ( needBrackets )
                _host = '[' + host + ']';
                _host = host;

        if ( _host == null )
            setUserInfo( null );
            setPort( UNDEFINED_PORT );

     * Returns the host. If no host was previously set, returns
     * null.
     * @return host
    public String getHost()
        return _host;

     * Sets the port.
     * @param port port
    public void setPort( int port )
        assert ( port >= 0 && port <= 65535 ) || ( port == UNDEFINED_PORT )
                 : "Invalid port" ;

        if ( ( port > 65535 ) || ( port < 0 && port != UNDEFINED_PORT ) )
             throw new IllegalArgumentException( "A port must be between 0 and 65535 or equal to "
                                                 + UNDEFINED_PORT + ".");

        _port = port;

     * Returns the port. If no port was previously set, returns
     * null.
     * @return port
    public int getPort()
        return _port;

     * Sets the path. Assumes this component is already escaped.
     * @param path path
    public void setPath( String path )
        // Note that an empty path is OK
        if ( path == null )
            _path = null;
            setQuery( null );
            setFragment( null );
            _path = path;

     * Returns the path.
     * @return path
    public String getPath()
        return _path;

     * Sets (and resets) the query string.
     * This method assumes that the query is already encoded and
     * escaped.
     * @param query Query string
    public void setQuery( String query )
        _params = null;

        if ( query == null || query.length() == 0 ) { return; }

        for ( StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( query, "&" ); tok.hasMoreElements(); )
            String queryItem = tok.nextToken();

            if ( queryItem.startsWith( "amp;" ) )
                queryItem = queryItem.substring( 4 );

            int eq = queryItem.indexOf( '=' );
            if ( eq != -1 )
                addParameter( queryItem.substring( 0, eq ) , queryItem.substring( eq + 1 ), true );
                addParameter( queryItem, null, true );

     * Returns the query string (encoded/escaped).
     * <p> The context states whether or not to use the default delimiter,
     * usually the &quot;&amp;amp;&quot; entity, to separate the parameters.
     * Otherwise, the &quot;&amp;&quot; character is used. </p>
     * @param uriContext has property indicating if we use the HTML Amp entity
     *        to separate the query parameters.
     * @return encoded query string.
    public String getQuery( URIContext uriContext )
        if ( _params == null || _params.isEmpty() ) { return null; }

        String paramSeparator = AMP_ENTITY;
        if ( uriContext == null )
            uriContext = getDefaultContext();

        if ( !uriContext.useAmpEntity() )
            paramSeparator = AMP_CHAR;

        InternalStringBuilder query = new InternalStringBuilder( 64 );
        boolean firstParam = true;
        for ( Iterator i = _params.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();
            String name = ( String );
            for ( Iterator j = ( ( List ) _params.get( name ) ).iterator(); j.hasNext();
                String value = ( String );
                if ( firstParam )
                    firstParam = false;
                    query.append( paramSeparator );

                query.append( name );

                if ( value != null ) { query.append( '=' ).append( value ); }

        return query.toString();

     * Add a parameter for the query string.
     * <p> If the encoded flag is true then this method assumes that
     * the name and value do not need encoding or are already encoded
     * correctly. Otherwise, it translates the name and value with the
     * character encoding of this URI and adds them to the set of
     * parameters for the query. If the encoding for this URI has
     * not been set, then the default encoding used is "UTF-8". </p>
     * <p> Multiple values for the same parameter can be set by
     * calling this method multiple times with the same name. </p>
     * @param name  name
     * @param value value
     * @param encoded Flag indicating whether the names and values are
     *                already encoded.
    public void addParameter( String name, String value, boolean encoded )
        if ( name == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "A parameter name may not be null." );

        if ( !encoded )
            name = encode( name );
            value = encode( value );

        if ( _params == null ) _params = new LinkedHashMap/*< String, List< String > >*/();
        List/*< String >*/ values = ( List ) _params.get( name );
        if ( values == null )
            values = new ArrayList/*< String >*/();
            _params.put( name, values );

        values.add( value );

     * Add a parameter to the query string.
     * <p> If the encoded flag is true then this method assumes that
     * the name and value do not need encoding or are already encoded
     * correctly. Otherwise, it translates the name and value with the
     * character encoding of this URI and adds them to the set of
     * parameters for the query. If the encoding for this URI has
     * not been set, then the default encoding used is "UTF-8". </p>
     * @param newParams the map of new parameters to add to the URI
     * @param encoded Flag indicating whether the names and values are
     *                already encoded.
    public void addParameters( Map newParams, boolean encoded )
        if ( newParams == null )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot add null map of parameters." );
        if ( newParams.size() == 0 )

        if ( _params == null )
            _params = new LinkedHashMap/*< String, List< String > >*/();

        Iterator keys = newParams.keySet().iterator();
        while ( keys.hasNext() )
            String name = ( String );
            String encodedName = name;

            if ( !encoded ) { encodedName = encode( name ); }

            List/*< String >*/ values = ( List ) _params.get( encodedName );
            if ( values == null )
                values = new ArrayList/*< String >*/();
                _params.put( encodedName, values );

            Object newValue = newParams.get( name );
            if ( newValue == null )
                values.add( null );
            else if ( newValue instanceof String )
                addValue( values, ( String ) newValue, encoded );
            else if ( newValue instanceof String[] )
                String newValues[] = ( String[] ) newValue;
                for ( int i = 0; i < newValues.length; i++ )
                    addValue( values, newValues[i], encoded );
            else if ( newValue instanceof List )
                Iterator newValues = ( ( List ) newValue ).iterator();
                while ( newValues.hasNext() )
                    addValue( values,, encoded );
            else /* Convert other objects to a string */
                addValue( values, newValue.toString(), encoded );

    private void addValue( List/*< String >*/ list, String value, boolean encoded )
        if ( !encoded )
            value = encode( value );

        list.add( value );

     * Returns the value of the parameter. If the parameter has
     * several values, returns the first value.
     * @param name name of the parameter
     * @return value of the given parameter name (or just the first in the list
     *         if there are multiple values for the given name)
    public String getParameter( String name )
        if ( _params == null ) { return null; }

        List/*< String >*/ values = ( List ) _params.get( name );
        if ( values != null && values.size() > 0 )
            return ( String ) values.get( 0 );
            return null;

     * Returns the values of the given parameter.
     * @param name name of the parameter
     * @return an unmodifable {@link java.util.List} of values for the given parameter name
    public List/*< String >*/ getParameters( String name )
        if ( _params == null )
            return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
            List/*< String >*/ values = ( List ) _params.get( name );

            if ( values == null )
                return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
                return Collections.unmodifiableList( values );

     * Returns an unmodifiable Map of all parameters.
     * @return an unmodifiable {@link java.util.Map} of names and values for all parameters
    public Map/*< String, List< String > >*/ getParameters()
        if ( _params == null )
            return EMPTY_MAP;
            return Collections.unmodifiableMap( _params );

     * Removes the given parameter.
     * @param name name
    public void removeParameter( String name )
        if ( _params == null ) { return; }

        _params.remove( name );

     * Sets the fragment.
     * @param fragment fragment
    public void setFragment( String fragment )
        _fragment = null;
        if ( fragment != null && fragment.length() > 0 )
            _fragment = fragment;

     * Returns the fragment.
     * @return fragment
    public String getFragment()
        return _fragment;

     * Tells whether or not this URI is absolute.
     * <p> A URI is absolute if, and only if, it has a scheme component. </p>
     * @return  <tt>true</tt> if, and only if, this URI is absolute
    public boolean isAbsolute() {
        return getScheme() != null;

     * Returns a string form of this URI. The {@link URIContext}
     * encapsulates the data needed to write out the string form.
     * <p> E.g. Defines if the &quot;&amp;amp;&quot; entity or the
     * '&amp;' character should be used to separate quary parameters. </p>
     * @param uriContext data required to write out the string form.
     * @return the URI as a <code>String</code>
    public String getURIString( URIContext uriContext )
        InternalStringBuilder buf = new InternalStringBuilder( 128 );

        // Append the scheme
        if ( getScheme() != null )
            buf.append( getScheme() ).append( ':' );

        // Append the user info, host and, port
        if ( getHost() != null)
            buf.append( "//" );

            if ( getUserInfo() != null )
                buf.append( getUserInfo() );
                buf.append( '@' );

            buf.append( getHost() );

            if ( getPort() != UNDEFINED_PORT )
                buf.append( ':' ).append( getPort() );

        // Append the path.
        if ( getPath() != null )
            if ( isAbsolute() )
                // absolute URI so
                appendEnsureSeparator( buf, getPath() );
                buf.append( getPath() );

        // Append the parameters (the query)
        if ( _params != null && _params.size() > 0 )
            buf.append( '?' );
            buf.append( getQuery( uriContext ) );

        // Append the fragment
        if ( getFragment() != null && getFragment().length() > 0 )
            buf.append( '#' ).append( getFragment() );

        String url = buf.toString();

        return url;

     * Returns a default <code>URIContext</code>.
     * @return the URIContext with default data.
    public static URIContext getDefaultContext()
        URIContext uriContext = new URIContext();
        uriContext.setUseAmpEntity( true );

        return uriContext;

    private static void appendEnsureSeparator( InternalStringBuilder buf, String token )
        if ( token != null && token.length() > 0 )
            if ( buf.charAt( buf.length() - 1 ) != '/' && token.charAt( 0 ) != '/' )
                buf.append( '/' );
            if ( buf.charAt( buf.length() - 1 ) == '/' && token.charAt( 0 ) == '/' )
                token = token.substring( 1 );
            buf.append( token );

     * Convenience method to encode unencoded components of a URI.
     * @param url      the string to be encoded by {@link URLCodec}
     * @param encoding the character encoding to use
     * @return         the encoded string
    public static String encode( String url, String encoding )
        String encodedURL = null;
            encodedURL = URLCodec.encode( url, encoding );
        catch ( e )
            // try utf-8 as a default encoding
                encodedURL = URLCodec.encode( url, DEFAULT_ENCODING );
            catch ( ignore )
        return encodedURL;

     * Convenience method to encode unencoded components of a URI.
     * This implementation uses the value of the character encoding
     * field of this instance.
     * @param url      the string to be encoded by {@link URLCodec}
     * @return         the encoded string
    public String encode( String url )
        return encode( url, _encoding );

     * Determines if the passed-in Object is equivalent to this MutableURI.
     * @param object the Object to test for equality.
     * @return true if object is a MutableURI with all values equal to this
     *         MutableURI, false otherwise
    public boolean equals( Object object )
        if ( object == this ) { return true; }

        if ( object == null || !object.getClass().equals( this.getClass() ) )
            return false;

        MutableURI testURI = ( MutableURI ) object;

        if ( ( _scheme == testURI.getScheme() || ( _scheme != null && _scheme.equalsIgnoreCase( testURI.getScheme() ) ) ) &&
                ( _userInfo == testURI.getUserInfo() || ( _userInfo != null && _userInfo.equals( testURI.getUserInfo() ) ) ) &&
                ( _host == testURI.getHost() || ( _host != null && _host.equalsIgnoreCase( testURI.getHost() ) ) ) &&
                _port == testURI.getPort() &&
                ( _path == testURI.getPath() || ( _path != null && _path.equals( testURI.getPath() ) ) ) &&
                ( _fragment == testURI.getFragment() || ( _fragment != null && _fragment.equals( testURI.getFragment() ) ) ) &&
                ( _encoding == testURI.getEncoding() || ( _encoding != null && _encoding.equals( testURI.getEncoding() ) ) ) )
            Map/*< String, List< String > >*/ params = getParameters();
            Map/*< String, List< String > >*/ testParams = testURI.getParameters();

            if ( params == testParams || ( params != null && params.equals( testParams ) ) ) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Returns a hash code value for the object.
     * <p> Implemented in conjunction with equals() override. </p>
     * <p> This is a mutable class implying that we're basing the hash
     * code on the member data that can change. Therefor it's important
     * not to use this class as a key in a hashtable as it would still
     * appear with an enumeration but not when calling contains.
     * I.E. The object could get lost in the hashtable. A call for the
     * hashcode would return a different value than when it was first
     * placed in the hashtable. </p>
     * <p> With this in mind, we simply return the same value to support
     * the rules of equality. </p>
     * @return a hash code value for this object.
    public int hashCode()
        return 0;

     * Parse a URI reference, as a <code>String</code>, into its
     * components and use {@link} to encode the
     * components correctly. This comes from the parsing
     * algorithm of the Apache Commons HttpClient code for
     * its URI class.
     * @param original the original character sequence
     * @throws URISyntaxException If an error occurs.
    protected static URI encodeURI( String original ) throws URISyntaxException
        if ( original == null )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "URI-Reference required" );

        String scheme = null;
        String authority = null;
        String path = null;
        String query = null;
        String fragment = null;
        String tmp = original.trim();
        int length = tmp.length();
        int from = 0;

        // The test flag whether the URI is started from the path component.
        boolean isStartedFromPath = false;
        int atColon = tmp.indexOf( ':' );
        int atSlash = tmp.indexOf( '/' );

        if ( atColon < 0 || ( atSlash >= 0 && atSlash < atColon ) )
            isStartedFromPath = true;

        int at = indexFirstOf( tmp, isStartedFromPath ? "/?#" : ":/?#", from );

        if ( at == -1 )
            at = 0;

        // Parse the scheme.
        if ( at < length && tmp.charAt( at ) == ':' )
            scheme = tmp.substring( 0, at ).toLowerCase();
            from = ++at;

        // Parse the authority component.
        if ( 0 <= at && at < length )
            if ( tmp.charAt( at ) == '/' )
                if ( at + 2 < length && tmp.charAt( at + 1 ) == '/' )
                    // the temporary index to start the search from
                    int next = indexFirstOf( tmp, "/?#", at + 2 );
                    if ( next == -1 )
                        next = ( tmp.substring( at + 2 ).length() == 0 ) ? at + 2 : tmp.length();
                    authority = tmp.substring( at + 2, next );
                    from = at = next;
            else if ( scheme != null && tmp.indexOf( '/', at + 1 ) < 0 )
                int next = tmp.indexOf( '#', at );
                if ( next == -1 )
                    next = length;
                String ssp = tmp.substring( at, next );
                if ( next != length )
                    fragment = tmp.substring( next + 1 );
                return new URI( scheme, ssp, fragment );

        // Parse the path component.
        if ( from < length )
            int next = indexFirstOf( tmp, "?#", from );
            if ( next == -1 )
                next = length;
            path = tmp.substring( from, next );
            at = next;

        // Parse the query component.
        if ( 0 <= at && at + 1 < length && tmp.charAt( at ) == '?' )
            int next = tmp.indexOf( '#', at + 1 );
            if ( next == -1 )
                next = length;
            query = tmp.substring( at + 1, next );
            at = next;

        // Parse the fragment component.
        if ( 0 <= at && at + 1 <= length && tmp.charAt( at ) == '#' )
            if ( at + 1 == length )
            { // empty fragment
                fragment = "";
                fragment = tmp.substring( at + 1 );

        // Use to encode components and return.
        return new URI( scheme, authority, path, query, fragment );

     * Get the earliest index, searching for the first occurrance of
     * any one of the given delimiters.
     * @param s      the string to be indexed
     * @param delims the delimiters used to index
     * @param offset the from index
     * @return the earlier index if there are delimiters
    protected static int indexFirstOf( String s, String delims, int offset )
        if ( s == null || s.length() == 0 )
            return -1;
        if ( delims == null || delims.length() == 0 )
            return -1;

        // check boundaries
        if ( offset < 0 )
            offset = 0;
        else if ( offset > s.length() )
            return -1;

        // s is never null
        int min = s.length();
        char[] delim = delims.toCharArray();
        for ( int i = 0; i < delim.length; i++ )
            int at = s.indexOf( delim[i], offset );
            if ( at >= 0 && at < min )
                min = at;

        return ( min == s.length() ) ? -1 : min;

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