Package org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.databinding.datagrid

Source Code of org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.databinding.datagrid.AbstractDataGridHtmlTag

* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Header:$
package org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.databinding.datagrid;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;

import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.AbstractSimpleTag;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.TagConfig;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.javascript.ScriptRequestState;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.html.Form;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.rendering.AbstractHtmlState;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.rendering.AbstractHtmlControlState;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.databinding.datagrid.api.rendering.DataGridTagModel;

* <p>
* This class is a base class for all data grid tags that render HTML output for the grid.  This base
* class provides services to its subclasses including lookup of the {@link DataGridTagModel} for the
* current data grid.  In addition, this class exposes tagId generation functionality.  These methods
* are used to create strings that will be written onto HTML tags for the "id" or "name" attributes.
* Such identifiers can be created in one of two ways -- indexed or un-indexed.  An un-indexed tag
* identifier is one that the page author is responsible for making unique within a given
* scope in the rendered output.  An indexed tag identifier is one that the data grid will suffix
* with the index for the current row in the grid.  This is used to help create unique identifiers
* from JSP tags that are rendered repeatedly.  For example, a {@link SpanCell} renders an HTML
* &lt;span&gt; tag; with its <code>tagId</code> attribute set, it will render a tag identifier for
* every row in the page.  The indexed is added as a suffix in order to help page authors create
* more unique identifiers.  Ultimately, the page author is responsible for ensuring that their
* tag identifiers are unique within a scope.
* </p>
public abstract class AbstractDataGridHtmlTag
    extends AbstractSimpleTag {

     * Get the {@link DataGridTagModel} for the data grid.
     * @return the data grid tag model
    protected final DataGridTagModel lookupDataGridTagModel() {
        return DataGridUtil.getDataGridTagModel(getJspContext());

     * Create an indexed tag identifier given a state object and a base tag identifier.  The <code>tagId</code>
     * will have the index of the current item in the data grid attached as a suffix to the
     * the given base identifier.
     * @param state the {@link AbstractHtmlState} upon which the tag identifier will be set once created
     * @param tagId the base tag identifier name
     * @throws JspException
    protected final void applyIndexedTagId(AbstractHtmlState state, String tagId)
        throws JspException { = indexTagId(generateTagId(tagId));

     * Create an un-indexed tag identifier for the given state object.
     * @param state the {@link AbstractHtmlState} upon which the tag identifier will be set once created
     * @param tagId the base tag identifier
     * @throws JspException
    protected final void applyTagId(AbstractHtmlState state, String tagId)
        throws JspException { = generateTagId(tagId);

     * Generate a tag ID.
     * @param tagId the tag id
     * @return the generated tag id
     * @throws JspException if an error occurs creating the value of the tag id attribute
    private final String generateTagId(String tagId)
        throws JspException {
        return setRequiredValueAttribute(tagId, "tagId");

     * Generate an indexed tag ID.  This method will use the
     * {@link org.apache.beehive.netui.databinding.datagrid.api.rendering.DataGridTagModel#getCurrentIndex()} method
     * to scope a given name to a particular row in the data grid.
     * @param tagId the base tag id
     * @return an index-scoped tag id
    private final String indexTagId(String tagId) {
        DataGridTagModel dataGridTagModel = lookupDataGridTagModel();
        assert dataGridTagModel != null;

        int index = dataGridTagModel.getCurrentIndex();
        assert index >= 0;

        return tagId + index;

     * <p>
     * Generate a name and id given a {@link AbstractHtmlState} object.  Data grid callers may invoke this
     * method with subclasses rendering markup containing tags that must set HTML tag IDs for use
     * via JavaScript on the client.
     * <br/>
     * Assumptions:
     * <ul>
     * <li>The must be fully formed or the "real name" of the form.</li>
     * <li>The is the tagId value set on the tag and <b>has not</b> be rewritten yet to form the "real id"</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * @param state the HTML state whose tag id to set
     * @param parentForm a {@link Form} tag if one contains this tag
     * @return String a block of JavaScript if script must e rendered to the page in order to support
     *         lookups of HTML elements using a tag id.  If returned, the String <b>must</b> be rendered
     *         to the output stream.  <code>null</code> if no script must be rendered.
    protected final String renderNameAndId(HttpServletRequest request, AbstractHtmlState state, Form parentForm) {
        // if id is not set then we need to exit
        if ( == null)
            return null;

        // check to see if this is an instance of a HTML Control
        boolean ctrlState = (state instanceof AbstractHtmlControlState);

        // form keeps track of this so that it can add this control to it's focus map
        if (parentForm != null && ctrlState) {
            AbstractHtmlControlState hcs = (AbstractHtmlControlState) state;
            if ( == null && parentForm.isFocusSet())
            parentForm.addTagID(, ((AbstractHtmlControlState) state).name);

        // rewrite the id, save the original value so it can be used in maps
        String id =; = getIdForTagId(id);

        // Legacy Java Script support -- This writes out a single table with both the id and names
        // mixed.  This is legacy support to match the pre beehive behavior.
        String idScript = null;
        if (TagConfig.isLegacyJavaScript()) {
            ScriptRequestState srs = ScriptRequestState.getScriptRequestState(request);
            if (!ctrlState) {
                idScript = srs.mapLegacyTagId(getScriptReporter(), id,;
            else {
                AbstractHtmlControlState cState = (AbstractHtmlControlState) state;
                if ( != null)
                    idScript = srs.mapLegacyTagId(getScriptReporter(), id,;
                    idScript = srs.mapLegacyTagId(getScriptReporter(), id,;

        // map the tagId to the real id
        String name = null;
        if (ctrlState) {
            AbstractHtmlControlState cState = (AbstractHtmlControlState) state;
            name =;

        String script = renderDefaultNameAndId((HttpServletRequest)request, state, id, name);
        if (script != null) {
            if (idScript != null)
                idScript = idScript + script;
            else idScript = script;
        return idScript;

    protected String renderDefaultNameAndId(HttpServletRequest request, AbstractHtmlState state, String id, String name) {
        // map the tagId to the real id
        String script = null;
        if (TagConfig.isDefaultJavaScript()) {
            ScriptRequestState srs = ScriptRequestState.getScriptRequestState(request);
            script = srs.mapTagId(getScriptReporter(), id,, name);
        return script;

Related Classes of org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.databinding.datagrid.AbstractDataGridHtmlTag

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