Package org.apache.slide.webdav.method

Source Code of org.apache.slide.webdav.method.GetMethod

* $Header: /home/cvs/jakarta-slide/src/webdav/server/org/apache/slide/webdav/method/,v 2004/02/09 07:27:51 ozeigermann Exp $
* $Revision: $
* $Date: 2004/02/09 07:27:51 $
* ====================================================================
* Copyright 1999-2002 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package org.apache.slide.webdav.method;

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.slide.common.NamespaceAccessToken;
import org.apache.slide.common.ServiceAccessException;
import org.apache.slide.common.SlideException;
import org.apache.slide.content.NodeRevisionDescriptor;
import org.apache.slide.content.NodeRevisionDescriptors;
import org.apache.slide.content.RevisionContentNotFoundException;
import org.apache.slide.content.RevisionDescriptorNotFoundException;
import org.apache.slide.content.RevisionNotFoundException;
import org.apache.slide.structure.LinkedObjectNotFoundException;
import org.apache.slide.structure.ObjectNode;
import org.apache.slide.util.Configuration;
import org.apache.slide.webdav.WebdavException;
import org.apache.slide.webdav.WebdavServletConfig;
import org.apache.slide.webdav.util.DeltavConstants;
import org.apache.slide.webdav.util.LabeledRevisionNotFoundException;
import org.apache.slide.webdav.util.PreconditionViolationException;
import org.apache.slide.webdav.util.VersioningHelper;
import org.apache.slide.webdav.util.ViolatedPrecondition;
import org.apache.slide.webdav.util.WebdavUtils;
import org.apache.util.WebdavStatus;

* GET method.
* @author <a href="">Remy Maucherat</a>
public class GetMethod extends AbstractWebdavMethod {

    // -------------------------------------------------------------- Constants

    protected final int BUFFER_SIZE = 2048;

     * The set of SimpleDateFormat formats to use in getDateHeader().
    protected static final SimpleDateFormat formats[] = {
        new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz", Locale.US),
            new SimpleDateFormat("EEEEEE, dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss zzz", Locale.US),
            new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMMM d HH:mm:ss yyyy", Locale.US)

     * MIME multipart separation string
    protected static final String mimeSeparation = "SLIDE_MIME_BOUNDARY";

     * The input buffer size to use when serving resources.
    protected int input = 2048;

     * The output buffer size to use when serving resources.
    protected int output = 2048;

     * Print content.
    protected boolean printContent = true;

     * The VersioningHelper used by this instance.
    protected VersioningHelper vHelp = null;

    // ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables

     * Resource to be retrieved.
    protected String resourcePath;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------- Constructors

     * Constructor.
     * @param token     the token for accessing the namespace
     * @param config    configuration of the WebDAV servlet
    public GetMethod(NamespaceAccessToken token, WebdavServletConfig config) {
        super(token, config);

    // ------------------------------------------------------ Protected Methods

     * Parse XML request.
    protected void parseRequest()
        throws WebdavException {
        vHelp =  VersioningHelper.getVersioningHelper(
            slideToken, token, req, resp, getConfig() );
        resourcePath = requestUri;
        if (resourcePath == null) {
            resourcePath = "/";

        // evaluate "Label" header
        if (Configuration.useVersionControl()) {
            try {

                String labelHeader = WebdavUtils.fixTomcatHeader(requestHeaders.getLabel(), "UTF-8");
                resourcePath = vHelp.getLabeledResourceUri(resourcePath, labelHeader);
            catch (LabeledRevisionNotFoundException e) {
                ViolatedPrecondition violatedPrecondition =
                    new ViolatedPrecondition(DeltavConstants.C_MUST_SELECT_VERSION_IN_HISTORY,
                try {
                    sendPreconditionViolation(new PreconditionViolationException(violatedPrecondition,
                } catch (IOException ioe) {}
                throw new WebdavException( WebdavStatus.SC_CONFLICT );
            catch (SlideException e) {
                int statusCode = getErrorCode( (Exception)e );
                sendError( statusCode, e );
                throw new WebdavException( statusCode );


     * Execute request.
     * @exception WebdavException Can't access resource
    protected void executeRequest()
        throws WebdavException {
        // check lock-null resources
        try {
            if (isLockNull(resourcePath)) {
                int statusCode = WebdavStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND;
                sendError( statusCode, "lock-null resource", new Object[]{resourcePath} );
                throw new WebdavException( statusCode );
        catch (ServiceAccessException e) {
            int statusCode = getErrorCode((Exception)e);
            sendError( statusCode, e );
            throw new WebdavException( statusCode );

        try {

            // Then we must get object contents ...

            ObjectNode object = structure.retrieve(slideToken, resourcePath);
            NodeRevisionDescriptors revisionDescriptors =
                content.retrieve(slideToken, resourcePath);

            if (revisionDescriptors.hasRevisions()) {

                // Retrieve latest revision descriptor
                NodeRevisionDescriptor revisionDescriptor =
                    content.retrieve(slideToken, revisionDescriptors);

                if (revisionDescriptor != null) {

                    ResourceInfo resourceInfo =
                        new ResourceInfo(resourcePath, revisionDescriptor);

                    // Checking If headers
                    if (!checkIfHeaders(req, resp, resourceInfo))

                    ServletOutputStream os = resp.getOutputStream();
                    InputStream         is = null;

                    if (printContent) {
                        is = content.retrieve
                            (slideToken, revisionDescriptors,

                    Vector ranges = parseRange(req, resp, resourceInfo);

                    // ETag header
                    resp.setHeader("ETag", revisionDescriptor.getETag() );
                        ("Content-Language", revisionDescriptor.getContentLanguage());

                    if ( ((ranges == null) || (ranges.isEmpty()))
                        && (req.getHeader("Range") == null) ) {

                            ((int) revisionDescriptor.getContentLength());

                        // Copy the input stream to our output stream
                        // (if requested)
                        if (printContent) {
                            copy(resourceInfo, is, os);

                    } else {

                        if ((ranges == null) || (ranges.isEmpty()))

                        // Partial content response.


                        if (ranges.size() == 1) {

                            Range range = (Range) ranges.elementAt(0);
                            resp.addHeader("Content-Range", "bytes "
                                               + range.start
                                               + "-" + range.end + "/"
                                               + range.fileLength);
                            resp.setContentLength((int) range.length);

                            if (printContent) {
                                copy(resourceInfo, is, os, range);

                        } else {

                                ("multipart/byteranges; boundary="
                                     + mimeSeparation);

                            if (printContent) {
                                copy(resourceInfo, is, os,



                } else {

            } else {

        } catch (Exception e) {
            int statusCode = getErrorCode( e );
            sendError( statusCode, e );
            throw new WebdavException( statusCode );


     * Get return status based on exception type.
    protected int getErrorCode(Exception ex) {
        try {
            throw ex;
        } catch (RevisionNotFoundException e) {
            return WebdavStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND;
        } catch (RevisionContentNotFoundException e) {
            return WebdavStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND;
        } catch (RevisionDescriptorNotFoundException e) {
            return WebdavStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND;
        } catch (LinkedObjectNotFoundException e) {
            return WebdavStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return super.getErrorCode(e);

    // -------------------------------------------------------- Private Methods

     * Check if the conditions specified in the optional If headers are
     * satisfied.
     * @param request The servlet request we are processing
     * @param response The servlet response we are creating
     * @param resourceInfo File object
     * @return boolean true if the resource meets all the specified conditions,
     * and false if any of the conditions is not satisfied, in which case
     * request processing is stopped
    private boolean checkIfHeaders(HttpServletRequest request,
                                   HttpServletResponse response,
                                   ResourceInfo resourceInfo)
        throws IOException {

        String eTag = getETag(resourceInfo, true);
        long fileLength = resourceInfo.length;
        long lastModified =;

        StringTokenizer commaTokenizer;

        String headerValue;

        // Checking If-Match
        headerValue = request.getHeader("If-Match");
        if (headerValue != null) {
            if (headerValue.indexOf("*") == -1) {

                commaTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(headerValue, ",");
                boolean conditionSatisfied = false;

                while (!conditionSatisfied && commaTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    String currentToken = commaTokenizer.nextToken();
                    if (currentToken.trim().equals(eTag))
                        conditionSatisfied = true;

                // If none of the given ETags match, 412 Precodition failed is
                // sent back
                if (!conditionSatisfied) {
                    return false;


        // Checking If-Modified-Since
        headerValue = request.getHeader("If-Modified-Since");
        if (headerValue != null) {

            // If an If-None-Match header has been specified, if modified since
            // is ignored.
            if (request.getHeader("If-None-Match") == null) {

                Date date = null;

                // Parsing the HTTP Date
                for (int i = 0; (date == null) && (i < formats.length); i++) {
                    try {
                        synchronized (formats[i]) {
                            date = formats[i].parse(headerValue);
                    } catch (ParseException e) {

                if ((date != null)
                    && (lastModified <= (date.getTime() + 1000)) ) {
                    // The entity has not been modified since the date
                    // specified by the client. This is not an error case.
                    return false;



        // Checking If-None-Match
        headerValue = request.getHeader("If-None-Match");
        if (headerValue != null) {
            if (headerValue.indexOf("*") == -1) {

                commaTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(headerValue, ",");
                boolean conditionSatisfied = false;

                while (!conditionSatisfied && commaTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    String currentToken = commaTokenizer.nextToken();
                    if (currentToken.trim().equals(eTag))
                        conditionSatisfied = true;

                if (conditionSatisfied) {

                    // For GET and HEAD, we should respond with
                    // 304 Not Modified.
                    // For every other method, 412 Precondition Failed is sent
                    // back.
                    if ( ("GET".equals(request.getMethod()))
                        || ("HEAD".equals(request.getMethod())) ) {
                        return false;
                    } else {
                        return false;

            } else {
                if (resourceInfo.exists()) {


        // Checking If-Unmodified-Since
        headerValue = request.getHeader("If-Unmodified-Since");
        if (headerValue != null) {

            Date date = null;

            // Parsing the HTTP Date
            for (int i = 0; (date == null) && (i < formats.length); i++) {
                try {
                    synchronized (formats[i]) {
                        date = formats[i].parse(headerValue);
                } catch (ParseException e) {

            if ( (date != null) && (lastModified > date.getTime()) ) {
                // The entity has not been modified since the date
                // specified by the client. This is not an error case.
                return false;


        return true;

     * Get the ETag value associated with a file.
     * @param resourceInfo File object
     * @param strong True if we want a strong ETag, in which case a checksum
     * of the file has to be calculated
    private String getETagValue(ResourceInfo resourceInfo, boolean strong) {
        // FIXME : Compute a strong ETag if requested, using an MD5 digest
        // of the file contents
        return resourceInfo.length + "-" +;

     * Get the ETag associated with a file.
     * @param resourceInfo File object
     * @param strong True if we want a strong ETag, in which case a checksum
     * of the file has to be calculated
    private String getETag(ResourceInfo resourceInfo, boolean strong) {
        if (strong)
            return "\"" + getETagValue(resourceInfo, strong) + "\"";
            return "W/\"" + getETagValue(resourceInfo, strong) + "\"";

     * Copy the contents of the specified input stream to the specified
     * output stream, and ensure that both streams are closed before returning
     * (even in the face of an exception).
     * @param istream The input stream to read from
     * @param ostream The output stream to write to
     * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
    private void copy(ResourceInfo resourceInfo,
                      InputStream resourceInputStream,
                      ServletOutputStream ostream)
        throws IOException {

        IOException exception = null;

        InputStream istream = new BufferedInputStream
            (resourceInputStream, input);

        // Copy the input stream to the output stream
        exception = copyRange(istream, ostream);

        // Clean up the input and output streams
        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {

        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {
        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {

        // Rethrow any exception that has occurred
        if (exception != null)
            throw exception;


     * Copy the contents of the specified input stream to the specified
     * output stream, and ensure that both streams are closed before returning
     * (even in the face of an exception).
     * @param resourceInfo The ResourceInfo object
     * @param ostream The output stream to write to
     * @param range Range the client wanted to retrieve
     * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
    private void copy(ResourceInfo resourceInfo,
                      InputStream resourceInputStream,
                      ServletOutputStream ostream,
                      Range range)
        throws IOException {

        IOException exception = null;

        InputStream istream =
            new BufferedInputStream(resourceInputStream, input);
        exception = copyRange(istream, ostream, range.start, range.end);

        // Clean up the input and output streams
        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {
        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {
        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {

        // Rethrow any exception that has occurred
        if (exception != null)
            throw exception;


     * Copy the contents of the specified input stream to the specified
     * output stream, and ensure that both streams are closed before returning
     * (even in the face of an exception).
     * @param resourceInfo The ResourceInfo object
     * @param ostream The output stream to write to
     * @param ranges Enumeration of the ranges the client wanted to retrieve
     * @param contentType Content type of the resource
     * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
    private void copy(ResourceInfo resourceInfo,
                      InputStream resourceInputStream,
                      ServletOutputStream ostream,
                      Enumeration ranges, String contentType)
        throws IOException {

        IOException exception = null;

        while ( (exception == null) && (ranges.hasMoreElements()) ) {

            InputStream istream =
                new BufferedInputStream(resourceInputStream, input);

            Range currentRange = (Range) ranges.nextElement();

            // Writing MIME header.
            ostream.println("--" + mimeSeparation);
            if (contentType != null)
                ostream.println("Content-Type: " + contentType);
            ostream.println("Content-Range: bytes " + currentRange.start
                                + "-" + currentRange.end + "/"
                                + currentRange.fileLength);

            // Printing content
            exception = copyRange(istream, ostream, currentRange.start,

            try {
            } catch (Throwable t) {


        ostream.print("--" + mimeSeparation + "--");

        // Clean up the output streams
        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {
        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {

        // Rethrow any exception that has occurred
        if (exception != null)
            throw exception;


     * Copy the contents of the specified input stream to the specified
     * output stream, and ensure that both streams are closed before returning
     * (even in the face of an exception).
     * @param istream The input stream to read from
     * @param ostream The output stream to write to
     * @return Exception which occured during processing
    private IOException copyRange(InputStream istream,
                                  ServletOutputStream ostream) {

        // Copy the input stream to the output stream
        IOException exception = null;
        byte buffer[] = new byte[input];
        int len = buffer.length;
        while (true) {
            try {
                len =;
                if (len == -1)
                ostream.write(buffer, 0, len);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                exception = e;
                len = -1;
        return exception;


     * Copy the contents of the specified input stream to the specified
     * output stream, and ensure that both streams are closed before returning
     * (even in the face of an exception).
     * @param istream The input stream to read from
     * @param ostream The output stream to write to
     * @param start Start of the range which will be copied
     * @param end End of the range which will be copied
     * @return Exception which occured during processing
    private IOException copyRange(InputStream istream,
                                  ServletOutputStream ostream,
                                  long start, long end) {

        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return e;

        IOException exception = null;
        long bytesToRead = end - start + 1;

        byte buffer[] = new byte[input];
        int len = buffer.length;
        while ( (bytesToRead > 0) && (len >= buffer.length)) {
            try {
                len =;
                if (bytesToRead >= len) {
                    ostream.write(buffer, 0, len);
                    bytesToRead -= len;
                } else {
                    ostream.write(buffer, 0, (int) bytesToRead);
                    bytesToRead = 0;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                exception = e;
                len = -1;
            if (len < buffer.length)

        return exception;


     * Parse the range header.
     * @param request The servlet request we are processing
     * @param response The servlet response we are creating
     * @return Vector of ranges
    private Vector parseRange(HttpServletRequest request,
                              HttpServletResponse response,
                              ResourceInfo resourceInfo)
        throws IOException {

        // Checking If-Range
        String headerValue = request.getHeader("If-Range");
        if (headerValue != null) {

            String eTag = getETag(resourceInfo, true);
            long lastModified =;

            Date date = null;

            // Parsing the HTTP Date
            for (int i = 0; (date == null) && (i < formats.length); i++) {
                try {
                    synchronized (formats[i]) {
                        date = formats[i].parse(headerValue);
                } catch (ParseException e) {

            if (date == null) {

                // If the ETag the client gave does not match the entity
                // etag, then the entire entity is returned.
                if (!eTag.equals(headerValue.trim()))
                    return null;

            } else {

                // If the timestamp of the entity the client got is older than
                // the last modification date of the entity, the entire entity
                // is returned.
                if (lastModified > (date.getTime() + 1000))
                    return null;



        long fileLength = resourceInfo.length;

        if (fileLength == 0)
            return null;

        // Retrieving the range header (if any is specified
        String rangeHeader = request.getHeader("Range");

        if (rangeHeader == null)
            return null;
        // bytes is the only range unit supported (and I don't see the point
        // of adding new ones).
        if (!rangeHeader.startsWith("bytes")) {
            return null;

        rangeHeader = rangeHeader.substring(6);

        // Vector which will contain all the ranges which are successfully
        // parsed.
        Vector result = new Vector();
        StringTokenizer commaTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(rangeHeader, ",");

        // Parsing the range list
        while (commaTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String rangeDefinition = commaTokenizer.nextToken();

            Range currentRange = new Range();
            currentRange.fileLength = fileLength;

            int dashPos = rangeDefinition.indexOf('-');

            if (dashPos == -1) {
                return null;

            if (dashPos == 0) {

                try {
                    long offset = Long.parseLong(rangeDefinition);
                    currentRange.start = fileLength + offset;
                    currentRange.end = fileLength - 1;
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    return null;

            } else {

                try {
                    currentRange.start = Long.parseLong
                        (rangeDefinition.substring(0, dashPos));
                    if (dashPos < rangeDefinition.length() - 1)
                        currentRange.end = Long.parseLong
                                 (dashPos + 1, rangeDefinition.length()));
                        currentRange.end = fileLength - 1;
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    return null;


            currentRange.length = (currentRange.end - currentRange.start + 1);
            if (!currentRange.validate()) {
                return null;


        return result;

    // ------------------------------------------------------ Range Inner Class

    private class Range {

        public long start;
        public long end;
        public long length;
        public long fileLength;

         * Validate range.
        public boolean validate() {
            return ( (start >= 0) && (end >= 0) && (length > 0)
                        && (start <= end) && (end < fileLength) && (fileLength >= length));


    // ----------------------------------------------  ResourceInfo Inner Class

    private class ResourceInfo {

         * Constructor.
         * @param pathname Path name of the file
        public ResourceInfo(String path, NodeRevisionDescriptor properties) {

            this.path = path;
            this.exists = true;
            this.creationDate = properties.getCreationDateAsDate().getTime();
   = properties.getLastModifiedAsDate().getTime();
            this.httpDate = properties.getLastModified();
            this.length = properties.getContentLength();


        public String path;
        public long creationDate;
        public String httpDate;
        public long date;
        public long length;
        //public boolean collection;
        public boolean exists;

         * Test if the associated resource exists.
        public boolean exists() {
            return exists;

         * String representation.
        public String toString() {
            return path;



Related Classes of org.apache.slide.webdav.method.GetMethod

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