Package org.ofbiz.shark.repository

Source Code of org.ofbiz.shark.repository.NextVersions

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* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.ofbiz.shark.repository;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.enhydra.shark.api.RepositoryTransaction;
import org.enhydra.shark.api.RootException;
import org.enhydra.shark.api.TransactionException;
import org.enhydra.shark.api.internal.repositorypersistence.RepositoryException;
import org.enhydra.shark.api.internal.repositorypersistence.RepositoryPersistenceManager;
import org.enhydra.shark.api.internal.working.CallbackUtilities;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate;
import org.ofbiz.entity.Delegator;

import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityCondition;
import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityConditionList;
import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityExpr;
import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityOperator;

import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtil;
import org.ofbiz.shark.container.SharkContainer;
import org.ofbiz.shark.transaction.JtaTransaction;

public class EntityRepositoryMgr implements RepositoryPersistenceManager {

    public static final String module = EntityRepositoryMgr.class.getName();
    protected CallbackUtilities callBack = null;
    private NextVersions nextVersions;

    public void configure(CallbackUtilities callBack) throws RootException
        this.callBack = callBack;
        nextVersions=new NextVersions();
    public void updateXPDL(RepositoryTransaction t, String xpdlId, String xpdlVersion, byte[] xpdl) throws RepositoryException {
        GenericValue value = this.getXpdlValue(xpdlId, xpdlVersion, false);
        if (value != null) {
            value.setBytes(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.xpdlData, xpdl);

            try {
            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                throw new RepositoryException(e);

    public void deleteXPDL(RepositoryTransaction t, String xpdlId, String xpdlVersion) throws RepositoryException {
        Debug.logInfo("XPDL Delete : " + xpdlId + "/" + xpdlVersion, module);
        Delegator delegator = SharkContainer.getDelegator();
        GenericValue value = this.getXpdlValue(xpdlId, xpdlVersion, false);
        if (value != null) {
            try {
                delegator.removeByAnd(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.WfRepositoryRef, UtilMisc.toMap(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.xpdlId, xpdlId));
            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                throw new RepositoryException(e);

    public void moveToHistory(RepositoryTransaction t, String xpdlId, String xpdlVersion) throws RepositoryException {
        Debug.logInfo("XPDL Move to History : " + xpdlId + "/" + xpdlVersion, module);
        Delegator delegator = SharkContainer.getDelegator();
        GenericValue value = this.getXpdlValue(xpdlId, xpdlVersion, false);
        value.set(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.isHistorical, "Y");
        try {
            delegator.removeByAnd(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.WfRepositoryRef, UtilMisc.toMap(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.xpdlId, xpdlId));
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(e);

    public void deleteFromHistory(RepositoryTransaction t, String xpdlId, String xpdlVersion) throws RepositoryException {
        Debug.logInfo("XPDL Delete from History: " + xpdlId + "/" + xpdlVersion, module);
        GenericValue value = this.getXpdlValue(xpdlId, xpdlVersion, true);
        if (value != null) {
            try {
            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                throw new RepositoryException(e);

    public void clearRepository(RepositoryTransaction t) throws RepositoryException {
        Debug.logInfo("XPDL Clear Repository", module);
        Delegator delegator = SharkContainer.getDelegator();
        try {
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(e);

    public String getCurrentVersion(RepositoryTransaction t, String xpdlId) throws RepositoryException
        Debug.logInfo("XPDL get current version : " + xpdlId, module);
        List lookupList = this.getXpdlValues(xpdlId, null, false);
        GenericValue value = EntityUtil.getFirst(lookupList);
        if (value != null) {
            return value.getString(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.xpdlVersion);
        } else {
            throw new RepositoryException("XPDL not found in repository!");

    public String getNextVersion(RepositoryTransaction t, String xpdlId) throws RepositoryException {
        try {
            return nextVersions.getNextVersion(xpdlId);
         } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RepositoryException(ex);

    public byte[] getXPDL(RepositoryTransaction t, String xpdlId) throws RepositoryException {
        Debug.logInfo("XPDL Get : " + xpdlId, module);
        List lookupList = this.getXpdlValues(xpdlId, null, false);
        GenericValue value = EntityUtil.getFirst(lookupList);
        if (value != null) {
            return value.getBytes(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.serializedPkg);
        } else {
            throw new RepositoryException("XPDL not found in repository!");

    public byte[] getXPDL(RepositoryTransaction t, String xpdlId, String xpdlVersion) throws RepositoryException {
        Debug.logInfo("XPDL Get : " + xpdlId + "/" + xpdlVersion, module);
        GenericValue value = this.getXpdlValue(xpdlId, xpdlVersion, false);
        if (value != null) {
            return value.getBytes(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.xpdlData);
        } else {
            throw new RepositoryException("XPDL not found in repository!");

    public List getXPDLVersions(RepositoryTransaction t, String xpdlId) throws RepositoryException {
        List lookupList = this.getXpdlValues(xpdlId, null, false);
        List versionList = new ArrayList();
        if (!UtilValidate.isEmpty(lookupList)) {
            Iterator i = lookupList.iterator();
            while (i.hasNext()) {
                GenericValue v = (GenericValue);
        return versionList;

    public boolean doesXPDLExist(RepositoryTransaction t, String xpdlId) throws RepositoryException {
        List xpdls = this.getXpdlValues(xpdlId, null, false);
        Debug.logInfo("Does XPDL [" + xpdlId + "] Exist - " + xpdls + "(" + (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(xpdls) ? true : false) + ")", module);
        return (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(xpdls) ? true : false);

    public boolean doesXPDLExist(RepositoryTransaction t, String xpdlId, String xpdlVersion) throws RepositoryException {
        GenericValue xpdl = this.getXpdlValue(xpdlId, xpdlVersion, false);
        Debug.logInfo("Does XPDL [" + xpdlId + "/" + xpdlVersion + "] Exist - " + xpdl + "(" + (xpdl != null) + ")", module);
        return (xpdl != null);

    public List getExistingXPDLIds(RepositoryTransaction t) throws RepositoryException {
        Debug.logInfo("Get Existing XPDL IDs", module);
        List lookupList = this.getXpdlValues(null, null, true);
        List idList = new ArrayList();
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(lookupList)) {
            Iterator i = lookupList.iterator();
            while (i.hasNext()) {
                GenericValue v = (GenericValue);
                Debug.logInfo("Checking - " + v, module);
                String id = v.getString(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.xpdlId);
                if (!idList.contains(id)) {
        return idList;

    public List getReferringXPDLIds(RepositoryTransaction t, String referredXPDLId) throws RepositoryException {
        Debug.logInfo("Get XPDL Reference IDs", module);
        Delegator delegator = SharkContainer.getDelegator();
        List referringIds = new ArrayList();
        List refs = null;
        try {
            refs = delegator.findByAnd(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.WfRepositoryRef, UtilMisc.toMap(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.refXpdlId, referredXPDLId));

        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(e);
        if (!UtilValidate.isEmpty(refs)) {
            Iterator i = refs.iterator();
            while (i.hasNext()) {
                GenericValue v = (GenericValue);
        return referringIds;

    public List getReferringXPDLVersions(RepositoryTransaction t, String referredXPDLId, String referringXPDLId) throws RepositoryException {
        Debug.logInfo("Get Referring XPDL Versions", module);
        Delegator delegator = SharkContainer.getDelegator();
        List referringVers = new ArrayList();
        List refs = null;
        try {
            refs = delegator.findByAnd(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.WfRepositoryRef, UtilMisc.toMap(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.refXpdlId, referredXPDLId, org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.xpdlId, referringXPDLId));
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(e);
        if (!UtilValidate.isEmpty(refs)) {
            Iterator i = refs.iterator();
            while (i.hasNext()) {
                GenericValue v = (GenericValue);
        return referringVers;

    public List getReferredXPDLIds(RepositoryTransaction t, String referringXPDLId, String referringXPDLVersion) throws RepositoryException {
        Debug.logInfo("Get Referring XPDL IDs", module);
        Delegator delegator = SharkContainer.getDelegator();
        List referringIds = new ArrayList();
        List refs = null;
        try {
            refs = delegator.findByAnd(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.WfRepositoryRef, UtilMisc.toMap(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.xpdlId, referringXPDLId, org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.xpdlVersion, referringXPDLVersion));
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(e);
            if (!UtilValidate.isEmpty(refs)) {
                Iterator i = refs.iterator();
                while (i.hasNext()) {
                    GenericValue v = (GenericValue);
        catch (Exception e)
        return referringIds;

    public RepositoryTransaction createTransaction() throws TransactionException {
        return new JtaTransaction();

    private GenericValue getXpdlValue(String xpdlId, String xpdlVersion, boolean includeHistorical) throws RepositoryException {
        Delegator delegator = SharkContainer.getDelegator();
        GenericValue xpdl = null;
        try {
            xpdl = delegator.findByPrimaryKey(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.WfRepository, UtilMisc.toMap(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.xpdlId, xpdlId, org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.xpdlVersion, xpdlVersion));
            if (!includeHistorical && xpdl.get(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.isHistorical) != null && xpdl.getString(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.isHistorical).equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) {
                xpdl = null;

        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(e);
        return xpdl;

    private List getXpdlValues(String xpdlId, String xpdlVersion, boolean includeHistory) throws RepositoryException {
        Delegator delegator = SharkContainer.getDelegator();
        List exprList = new ArrayList();
        if (xpdlId != null) {
            exprList.add(EntityCondition.makeCondition(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.xpdlId, EntityOperator.EQUALS, xpdlId));
        if (xpdlVersion != null) {
            exprList.add(EntityCondition.makeCondition(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.xpdlVersion, EntityOperator.EQUALS, xpdlVersion));
        if (!includeHistory) {
            exprList.add(EntityCondition.makeCondition(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.isHistorical, EntityOperator.NOT_EQUAL, "Y"));

        EntityCondition cond = EntityCondition.makeCondition(exprList, EntityOperator.AND);
        List lookupList = null;
        try {
            lookupList = delegator.findList(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.WfRepository, cond, null, UtilMisc.toList("-xpdlVersion"), null, false);
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(e);
        } finally {
            Debug.set(Debug.VERBOSE, false);
        return lookupList;

    public void uploadXPDL(RepositoryTransaction t,
                            String xpdlId,
                            byte[] xpdl,
                            byte[] serializedPkg,
                            long xpdlClassVer) throws RepositoryException
        Debug.logInfo("XPDL Upload : " + xpdlId, module);
        //try {throw new Exception ("XPDL Upload");} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();};
        String newVersion = null;
        try {
            newVersion = nextVersions.updateNextVersion(xpdlId);
        } catch (Exception e1) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        Delegator delegator = SharkContainer.getDelegator();
        try {
            GenericValue v = delegator.makeValue(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.WfRepository);
            v.set(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.xpdlId, xpdlId);
            v.set(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.xpdlVersion, newVersion);
            v.set(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.isHistorical, "N");
            v.set(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.XPDLClassVersion, (new Long (xpdlClassVer)).toString());
            v.setBytes(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.xpdlData, xpdl);
            Debug.logInfo("Created Value - " + v, module);
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(e);

    public void updateXPDL(RepositoryTransaction t,String xpdlId,String xpdlVersion,byte[] xpdl,byte[] serializedPkg,long xpdlClassVer) throws RepositoryException {
        GenericValue value = this.getXpdlValue(xpdlId, xpdlVersion, false);
        if (value != null) {
            value.setBytes(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.xpdlData, xpdl);
            try {
            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                throw new RepositoryException(e);

    public byte[] getSerializedXPDLObject(RepositoryTransaction arg0, String arg1, String arg2) throws RepositoryException
        Debug.logInfo("XPDL Get : " + arg1, module);
        List lookupList = this.getXpdlValues(arg1, null, false);
        GenericValue value = EntityUtil.getFirst(lookupList);
        if (value != null) {
            return value.getBytes(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.serializedPkg);
        } else {
            throw new RepositoryException("XPDL not found in repository!");
    public void addXPDLReference(RepositoryTransaction t,
            String referredXPDLId,
            String referringXPDLId,
            String referringXPDLVersion,
            int referredXPDLNumber) throws RepositoryException
            Debug.logInfo("Add XPDL Reference", module);
            Delegator delegator = SharkContainer.getDelegator();
            GenericValue ref = delegator.makeValue(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.WfRepositoryRef);
            ref.set(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.xpdlId, referringXPDLId);
            ref.set(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.xpdlVersion, referringXPDLVersion);
            ref.set(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.refXpdlId, referredXPDLId);
            ref.set(org.ofbiz.shark.SharkConstants.refNumber, (new Long(referredXPDLNumber)).toString());
            try {
            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                throw new RepositoryException(e);


    public long getSerializedXPDLObjectVersion(RepositoryTransaction arg0, String xpdlId, String xpdlVersion) throws RepositoryException
            return (new Long(getCurrentVersion(null, xpdlId))).longValue();
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw new RepositoryException(ex);

    public byte[] getSerializedXPDLObject(RepositoryTransaction arg0, String xpdlId) throws RepositoryException
            byte [] b = getXPDL(null, xpdlId);
            if (b == null)
                return null;
            return b;
        catch (Exception e)
        return null;
class NextVersions extends HashMap implements Serializable
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private static final String INITIAL_VERSION = "1";

    public synchronized String getNextVersion (String xpdlId)
        if (containsKey(xpdlId))
            return (String)get(xpdlId);
        return INITIAL_VERSION;

    public synchronized String updateNextVersion (String xpdlId) throws Exception
        String curVersion=INITIAL_VERSION;
        String nextVersion=INITIAL_VERSION;
        if (containsKey(xpdlId))
        int nver=Integer.parseInt(curVersion)+1;

        return curVersion;

Related Classes of org.ofbiz.shark.repository.NextVersions

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