Package com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.impl

Source Code of com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.impl.OntModelImpl$SubjectNodeAs

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Package
package com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.impl;

// Imports
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import java.util.* ;

import org.slf4j.Logger ;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory ;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.enhanced.BuiltinPersonalities ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.enhanced.EnhNode ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Graph ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Triple ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.compose.MultiUnion ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.* ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.listeners.StatementListener ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.* ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl.IteratorFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl.ModelCom ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.Derivation ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.InfGraph ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.Reasoner ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.ValidityReport ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.ConfigException ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.* ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDF ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDFS ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.ReasonerVocabulary ;

* <p>
* Implementation of a model that can process general ontologies in OWL
* and similar languages.
* </p>
public class OntModelImpl extends ModelCom implements OntModel
    // Constants

     * This variable is how the OntModel knows how to construct
     * a syntax checker. This part of the design may change.
    static public String owlSyntaxCheckerClassName = "com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.tidy.JenaChecker";

    // Static variables

    static private Logger s_log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( OntModelImpl.class );

    /** Found from {@link owlSyntaxCheckerClassName}, must implement
     * {@link OWLSyntaxChecker}. */
    static private Class<?> owlSyntaxCheckerClass;

    // Instance variables

    /** The model specification this model is using to define its structure */
    protected OntModelSpec m_spec;

    /** List of URI strings of documents that have been imported into this one */
    protected Set<String> m_imported = new HashSet<String>();

    /** Mode switch for strict checking mode */
    protected boolean m_strictMode = true;

    /** The union graph that contains the imports closure - there is always one of these, which may also be _the_ graph for the model */
    protected MultiUnion m_union = new MultiUnion();

    /** The listener that detects dynamically added or removed imports statements */
    protected ImportsListener m_importsListener = null;

    /** Cached deductions model */
    private Model m_deductionsModel = null;

    // Constructors

     * <p>
     * Construct a new ontology model, using the given model as a base.  The document manager
     * given in the specification object
     * will be used to build the imports closure of the model if its policy permits.
     * </p>
     * @param model The base model that may contain existing statements for the ontology.
     *  if it is null, a fresh model is created as the base.
     * @param spec A specification object that allows us to specify parameters and structure for the
     *              ontology model to be constructed.
    public OntModelImpl( OntModelSpec spec, Model model ) {
        this( spec, makeBaseModel( spec, model ), true );

     * Construct a new ontology model from the given specification. The base model is
     * produced using the baseModelMaker.
    public OntModelImpl( OntModelSpec spec ) {
        this( spec, spec.createBaseModel(), true );

     * @param spec the specification for the OntModel
     * @param model the base model [must be non-null]
     * @param withImports If true, we load the imports as sub-models
    private OntModelImpl( OntModelSpec spec, Model model, boolean withImports )  {
        // we haven't built the full graph yet, so we pass a vestigial form up to the super constructor
        super( generateGraph( spec, model.getGraph() ), BuiltinPersonalities.model );
        m_spec = spec;

        // extract the union graph from whatever generateGraph() created
        m_union = (getGraph() instanceof MultiUnion) ?
                        ((MultiUnion) getGraph()) :
                        (MultiUnion) ((InfGraph) getGraph()).getRawGraph();

        if (withImports) {

        // set the default prefixes
        if (spec != null && spec.getKnownPrefixes() != null) {
            try {
                // Protect in case the graph is read-only.
                // Prefixes are hints
                String[][] p = spec.getKnownPrefixes();
                for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
                    String[] pair = p[i];
                    setNsPrefix( pair[0], pair[1] );
            } catch (Exception ex) {}

        // force the inference engine, if we have one, to see the new graph data

    // External signature methods

     * <p>
     * Answer a reference to the document manager that this model is using to manage
     * ontology &lt;-&gt; mappings, and to load the imports closure. <strong>Note</strong>
     * the default ontology model {@linkplain OntModelSpec specifications} each have
     * a contained default document manager. Changing the document managers specified by
     * these default specification may (in fact, probably will)
     * affect other models built with the same specification
     * policy. This may or may not be as desired by the programmer!
     * </p>
     * @return A reference to this model's document manager, obtained from the specification object
    public OntDocumentManager getDocumentManager() {
        return m_spec.getDocumentManager();

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator that ranges over the ontology resources in this model, i&#046;e&#046;
     * the resources with <code>rdf:type Ontology</code> or equivalent. These resources
     * typically contain metadata about the ontology document that contains them.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Specifically, the resources in this iterator will those whose type corresponds
     * to the value given in the ontology vocabulary associated with this model, see
     * {@link Profile#ONTOLOGY}.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <strong>Note:</strong> the number of nodes returned by this iterator will vary according to
     * the completeness of the deductive extension of the underlying graph.  See class
     * overview for more details.
     * </p>
     * @return An iterator over ontology resources.
    public ExtendedIterator<Ontology> listOntologies() {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().ONTOLOGY(), "ONTOLOGY" );
        return findByTypeAs( getProfile().ONTOLOGY(), Ontology.class )
            .filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<Ontology>());

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator that ranges over the property resources in this model, i&#046;e&#046;
     * the resources with <code>rdf:type Property</code> or equivalent.  An <code>OntProperty</code>
     * is equivalent to an <code>rdfs:Property</code> in a normal RDF graph; this type is
     * provided as a common super-type for the more specific {@link ObjectProperty} and
     * {@link DatatypeProperty} property types.
     * </p>
     * <p><strong>Note</strong> This method searches for nodes in the underlying model whose
     * <code>rdf:type</code> is <code>rdf:Property</code>. This type is <em>entailed</em> by
     * specific property sub-types, such as <code>owl:ObjectProperty</code>. An important
     * consequence of this is that in <em>models without an attached reasoner</em> (e.g. in the
     * <code>OWL_MEM</code> {@link OntModelSpec}), the entailed type will not be present
     * and this method will omit such properties from the returned iterator. <br />
     * <strong>Solution</strong> There are two
     * ways to address to this issue: either use a reasoning engine to ensure that type entailments
     * are taking place correctly, or call {@link #listAllOntProperties()}. Note
     * that <code>listAllOntProperties</code> is potentially less efficient than this method.</p>
     * <p>
     * The resources returned by this iterator will those whose type corresponds
     * to the value given in the ontology vocabulary associated with this model.
     * </p>
     * @return An iterator over property resources.
    public ExtendedIterator<OntProperty> listOntProperties() {
        ExtendedIterator<OntProperty> i = findByTypeAs( RDF.Property, OntProperty.class )
          .filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<OntProperty>());

        // if we are in OWL_FULL, the properties should also include the annotation properties
        if (getReasoner() != null  && getProfile().equals( ProfileRegistry.getInstance().getProfile( ProfileRegistry.OWL_LANG ) )) {
            // we are using a reasoner, and in OWL Full
            // so add the annotation properties too
            i = i.andThen( listAnnotationProperties() );

        return i;

     * <p>Answer an iterator over all of the ontology properties in this model, including
     * object properties, datatype properties, annotation properties, etc. This method
     * takes a different approach to calculating the set of property resources to return,
     * and is robust against the absence of a reasoner attached to the model (see note
     * in {@link #listOntProperties()} for explanation). However, the calculation used by
     * this method is potentially less efficient than the alternative <code>listOntProperties()</code>.
     * Users whose models have an attached reasoner are recommended to use
     * {@link #listOntProperties()}.</p>
     * @return An iterator over all available properties in a model, irrespective of
     * whether a reasoner is available to perform <code>rdf:type</code> entailments.
     * Each property will appear exactly once in the iterator.
    public ExtendedIterator<OntProperty> listAllOntProperties() {
        ExtendedIterator<OntProperty> i = findByTypeAs( RDF.Property, OntProperty.class )
                                                   .andThen( listObjectProperties() )
                                                   .andThen( listDatatypeProperties() )
                                                   .andThen( listAnnotationProperties() )
                                                   .andThen( listFunctionalProperties() )
                                                   .andThen( listTransitiveProperties() )
                                                   .andThen( listSymmetricProperties() );

        // we must filter for uniqueness
        return i.filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<OntProperty>());

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator that ranges over the object property resources in this model, i&#046;e&#046;
     * the resources with <code>rdf:type ObjectProperty</code> or equivalent.  An object
     * property is a property that is defined in the ontology language semantics as a
     * one whose range comprises individuals (rather than datatyped literals).
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Specifically, the resources in this iterator will those whose type corresponds
     * to the value given in the ontology vocabulary associated with this model: see
     * {@link Profile#OBJECT_PROPERTY}.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <strong>Note:</strong> the number of nodes returned by this iterator will vary according to
     * the completeness of the deductive extension of the underlying graph.  See class
     * overview for more details.
     * </p>
     * @return An iterator over object property resources.
    public ExtendedIterator<ObjectProperty> listObjectProperties() {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().OBJECT_PROPERTY(), "OBJECT_PROPERTY" );
        return  findByTypeAs( getProfile().OBJECT_PROPERTY(), ObjectProperty.class )
            .filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<ObjectProperty>());

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator that ranges over the datatype property resources in this model, i&#046;e&#046;
     * the resources with <code>rdf:type DatatypeProperty</code> or equivalent.  An datatype
     * property is a property that is defined in the ontology language semantics as a
     * one whose range comprises datatyped literals (rather than individuals).
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Specifically, the resources in this iterator will those whose type corresponds
     * to the value given in the ontology vocabulary associated with this model: see
     * {@link Profile#DATATYPE_PROPERTY}.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <strong>Note:</strong> the number of nodes returned by this iterator will vary according to
     * the completeness of the deductive extension of the underlying graph.  See class
     * overview for more details.
     * </p>
     * @return An iterator over datatype property resources.
    public ExtendedIterator<DatatypeProperty> listDatatypeProperties() {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().DATATYPE_PROPERTY(), "DATATYPE_PROPERTY" );
        return findByTypeAs( getProfile().DATATYPE_PROPERTY(), DatatypeProperty.class )
            .filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<DatatypeProperty>());

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator that ranges over the functional property resources in this model, i&#046;e&#046;
     * the resources with <code>rdf:type FunctionalProperty</code> or equivalent.  A functional
     * property is a property that is defined in the ontology language semantics as having
     * a unique domain element for each instance of the relationship.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Specifically, the resources in this iterator will those whose type corresponds
     * to the value given in the ontology vocabulary associated with this model: see
     * {@link Profile#FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY}.
     * </p>
     * @return An iterator over functional property resources.
    public ExtendedIterator<FunctionalProperty> listFunctionalProperties() {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY(), "FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY" );
        return findByTypeAs( getProfile().FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY(), FunctionalProperty.class )
            .filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<FunctionalProperty>());

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator that ranges over the transitive property resources in this model, i&#046;e&#046;
     * the resources with <code>rdf:type TransitiveProperty</code> or equivalent.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Specifically, the resources in this iterator will those whose type corresponds
     * to the value given in the ontology vocabulary associated with this model: see
     * {@link Profile#TRANSITIVE_PROPERTY}.
     * </p>
     * @return An iterator over transitive property resources.
    public ExtendedIterator<TransitiveProperty> listTransitiveProperties() {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().TRANSITIVE_PROPERTY(), "TRANSITIVE_PROPERTY" );
        return findByTypeAs( getProfile().TRANSITIVE_PROPERTY(), TransitiveProperty.class )
            .filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<TransitiveProperty>());

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator that ranges over the symmetric property resources in this model, i&#046;e&#046;
     * the resources with <code>rdf:type SymmetricProperty</code> or equivalent.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Specifically, the resources in this iterator will those whose type corresponds
     * to the value given in the ontology vocabulary associated with this model: see
     * {@link Profile#SYMMETRIC_PROPERTY}.
     * </p>
     * @return An iterator over symmetric property resources.
    public ExtendedIterator<SymmetricProperty> listSymmetricProperties() {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().SYMMETRIC_PROPERTY(), "SYMMETRIC_PROPERTY" );
        return findByTypeAs( getProfile().SYMMETRIC_PROPERTY(), SymmetricProperty.class )
            .filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<SymmetricProperty>());

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator that ranges over the inverse functional property resources in this model, i&#046;e&#046;
     * the resources with <code>rdf:type InverseFunctionalProperty</code> or equivalent.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Specifically, the resources in this iterator will those whose type corresponds
     * to the value given in the ontology vocabulary associated with this model: see
     * </p>
     * @return An iterator over inverse functional property resources.
    public ExtendedIterator<InverseFunctionalProperty> listInverseFunctionalProperties() {
        return findByTypeAs( getProfile().INVERSE_FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY(), InverseFunctionalProperty.class )
            .filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<InverseFunctionalProperty>());

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator over the individuals in this model. Where possible, an individual
     * is defined as an instance of the <em>top</em> class in an ontology, i.e. <code>owl:Thing</code>
     * or <code>daml:Thing</code>. However, since this test relies on the presence of an inference
     * capability, and is not defined in cases where there is no <em>top</em> class (such as RDFS),
     * a secondary heuristic is used when needed: an individual is an instance of a class defined
     * in the ontology (i.e. it is a resource with an <code>rdf:type</code>, where the
     * <code>rdf:type</code> of that resource is a class or restriction in the ontology.
     * </p>
     * @return An iterator over Individuals.
    public ExtendedIterator<Individual> listIndividuals() {
        // since the reasoner implements some OWL full functionality for RDF compatibility, we
        // have to decide which strategy to use for identifying individuals depending on whether
        // or not a powerful reasoner (i.e. owl:Thing/daml:Thing aware) is being used with this model
        boolean supportsIndAsThing = false;
        if (getGraph() instanceof InfGraph) {
            supportsIndAsThing = ((InfGraph) getGraph()).getReasoner()
                                                        .contains( null, ReasonerVocabulary.supportsP, ReasonerVocabulary.individualAsThingP );

        if (!supportsIndAsThing || (getProfile().THING() == null) || getProfile().CLASS().equals( RDFS.Class )) {
            // no inference, or we are in RDFS land, so we pick things that have rdf:type whose rdf:type is Class

            // it's tricky to make this efficient and cover all possible cases. I've changed the code to
            // make use of the isIndividual() test on OntResource, at the expense of some redundant queries
            // to the model, which could become expensive in the case of a DB model - ijd Apr-23-09
            Set<Individual> results = new HashSet<Individual>();
            for (Iterator<Statement> i = listStatements( null, RDF.type, (RDFNode) null); i.hasNext(); ) {
                OntResource r = OntResource.class );
                if (r.isIndividual()) {
                    results.add( Individual.class ) );

            return WrappedIterator.create( results.iterator() );
        else {
            // we have inference, so we pick the nodes that are of type Thing
            return findByTypeAs( getProfile().THING(), Individual.class ).filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<Individual>());

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator that ranges over the resources in this model that are
     * instances of the given class.
     * </p>
     * @return An iterator over individual resources whose <code>rdf:type</code>
     * is <code>cls</code>.
    public ExtendedIterator<Individual> listIndividuals( Resource cls ) {
        return findByTypeAs( cls, Individual.class )
          .filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<Individual>());

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator that ranges over all of the various forms of class description resource
     * in this model.  Class descriptions include {@link #listEnumeratedClasses enumerated}
     * classes, {@link #listUnionClasses union} classes, {@link #listComplementClasses complement}
     * classes, {@link #listIntersectionClasses intersection} classes, {@link #listClasses named}
     * classes and {@link #listRestrictions property restrictions}.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <strong>Note:</strong> the number of nodes returned by this iterator will vary according to
     * the completeness of the deductive extension of the underlying graph.  See class
     * overview for more details.
     * </p>
     * @return An iterator over class description resources.
    public ExtendedIterator<OntClass> listClasses() {
        return findByTypeAs( getProfile().getClassDescriptionTypes(), OntClass.class )
          .filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<OntClass>());

     * <p>Answer an iterator over the classes in this ontology model that represent
     * the uppermost nodes of the class hierarchy.  Depending on the underlying
     * reasoner configuration, if any, these will be calculated as the classes
     * that have Top (i.e. <code>owl:Thing</code> or <code>daml:Thing</code>)
     * as a direct super-class, or the classes which have no declared super-class.</p>
     * @return An iterator of the root classes in the local class hierarchy
    public ExtendedIterator<OntClass> listHierarchyRootClasses() {
        // look for the shortcut of using direct subClass on :Thing
        if (getReasoner() != null) {
            Model conf = getReasoner().getReasonerCapabilities();
            if (conf != null && conf.contains( null, ReasonerVocabulary.supportsP, ReasonerVocabulary.directSubClassOf ) &&
                getProfile().THING() != null)
                // we have have both direct sub-class of and a :Thing class to test against
                return listStatements( null, ReasonerVocabulary.directSubClassOf, getProfile().THING() )
                       .mapWith( new OntResourceImpl.SubjectAsMapper<OntClass>( OntClass.class ));

        // no easy shortcut, so we use brute force
        return listClasses()
                 .filterDrop( new Filter<OntClass>() {
                    public boolean accept( OntClass o ) {
                         return ((OntResource) o).isOntLanguageTerm();
                     }} )
                 .filterKeep( new Filter<OntClass>() {
                    public boolean accept( OntClass o ) {
                         return o.isHierarchyRoot();
                     }} )

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator that ranges over the enumerated class class-descriptions
     * in this model, i&#046;e&#046; the class resources specified to have a property
     * <code>oneOf</code> (or equivalent) and a list of values.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <strong>Note:</strong> the number of nodes returned by this iterator will vary according to
     * the completeness of the deductive extension of the underlying graph.  See class
     * overview for more details.
     * </p>
     * @return An iterator over enumerated class resources.
     * @see Profile#ONE_OF
    public ExtendedIterator<EnumeratedClass> listEnumeratedClasses()  {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().ONE_OF(), "ONE_OF" );
        return findByDefiningPropertyAs( getProfile().ONE_OF(), EnumeratedClass.class )
            .filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<EnumeratedClass>());

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator that ranges over the union class-descriptions
     * in this model, i&#046;e&#046; the class resources specified to have a property
     * <code>unionOf</code> (or equivalent) and a list of values.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <strong>Note:</strong> the number of nodes returned by this iterator will vary according to
     * the completeness of the deductive extension of the underlying graph.  See class
     * overview for more details.
     * </p>
     * @return An iterator over union class resources.
     * @see Profile#UNION_OF
    public ExtendedIterator<UnionClass> listUnionClasses() {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().UNION_OF(), "UNION_OF" );
        return findByDefiningPropertyAs( getProfile().UNION_OF(), UnionClass.class )
            .filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<UnionClass>());

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator that ranges over the complement class-descriptions
     * in this model, i&#046;e&#046; the class resources specified to have a property
     * <code>complementOf</code> (or equivalent) and a list of values.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <strong>Note:</strong> the number of nodes returned by this iterator will vary according to
     * the completeness of the deductive extension of the underlying graph.  See class
     * overview for more details.
     * </p>
     * @return An iterator over complement class resources.
     * @see Profile#COMPLEMENT_OF
    public ExtendedIterator<ComplementClass> listComplementClasses() {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().COMPLEMENT_OF(), "COMPLEMENT_OF" );
        return findByDefiningPropertyAs( getProfile().COMPLEMENT_OF(), ComplementClass.class )
            .filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<ComplementClass>());

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator that ranges over the intersection class-descriptions
     * in this model, i&#046;e&#046; the class resources specified to have a property
     * <code>intersectionOf</code> (or equivalent) and a list of values.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <strong>Note:</strong> the number of nodes returned by this iterator will vary according to
     * the completeness of the deductive extension of the underlying graph.  See class
     * overview for more details.
     * </p>
     * @return An iterator over complement class resources.
     * @see Profile#INTERSECTION_OF
    public ExtendedIterator<IntersectionClass> listIntersectionClasses() {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().INTERSECTION_OF(), "INTERSECTION_OF" );
        return findByDefiningPropertyAs( getProfile().INTERSECTION_OF(), IntersectionClass.class )
            .filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<IntersectionClass>());

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator that ranges over the named class-descriptions
     * in this model, i&#046;e&#046; resources with <code>rdf:type
     * Class</code> (or equivalent) and a node URI.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <strong>Note:</strong> the number of nodes returned by this iterator will vary according to
     * the completeness of the deductive extension of the underlying graph.  See class
     * overview for more details.
     * </p>
     * @return An iterator over named class resources.
    public ExtendedIterator<OntClass> listNamedClasses() {
        return listClasses().filterDrop(
            new Filter<OntClass>() {
                public boolean accept( OntClass x ) {
                    return x.isAnon();

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator that ranges over the property restriction class-descriptions
     * in this model, i&#046;e&#046; resources with <code>rdf:type
     * Restriction</code> (or equivalent).
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <strong>Note:</strong> the number of nodes returned by this iterator will vary according to
     * the completeness of the deductive extension of the underlying graph.  See class
     * overview for more details.
     * </p>
     * @return An iterator over restriction class resources.
     * @see Profile#RESTRICTION
    public ExtendedIterator<Restriction> listRestrictions() {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().RESTRICTION(), "RESTRICTION" );
        return findByTypeAs( getProfile().RESTRICTION(), Restriction.class )
            .filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<Restriction>());

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator that ranges over the nodes that denote pair-wise disjointness between
     * sets of classes.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <strong>Note:</strong> the number of nodes returned by this iterator will vary according to
     * the completeness of the deductive extension of the underlying graph.  See class
     * overview for more details.
     * </p>
     * @return An iterator over AllDifferent nodes.
    public ExtendedIterator<AllDifferent> listAllDifferent() {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().ALL_DIFFERENT(), "ALL_DIFFERENT" );
        return findByTypeAs( getProfile().ALL_DIFFERENT(), AllDifferent.class )
            .filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<AllDifferent>());

     * <p>Answer an iterator over the DataRange objects in this ontology, if there
     * are any.</p>
     * @return An iterator, whose values are {@link DataRange} objects.
    public ExtendedIterator<DataRange> listDataRanges() {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().DATARANGE(), "DATARANGE" );
        return findByTypeAs( getProfile().DATARANGE(), DataRange.class )
            .filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<DataRange>());       

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator that ranges over the properties in this model that are declared
     * to be annotation properties. Not all supported languages define annotation properties
     * (the category of annotation properties is chiefly an OWL innovation).
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <strong>Note:</strong> the number of nodes returned by this iterator will vary according to
     * the completeness of the deductive extension of the underlying graph.  See class
     * overview for more details.
     * </p>
     * @return An iterator over annotation properties.
     * @see Profile#getAnnotationProperties()
    public ExtendedIterator<AnnotationProperty> listAnnotationProperties() {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().ANNOTATION_PROPERTY(), "ANNOTATION_PROPERTY" );
        Resource r = getProfile().ANNOTATION_PROPERTY();

        if (r == null) {
            return new NullIterator<AnnotationProperty>();
        else {
            return findByType( r )
                .mapWith( new SubjectNodeAs<AnnotationProperty>( AnnotationProperty.class ) )
                .filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<AnnotationProperty>());

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource that represents an ontology description node in this model. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as an Ontology, return the
     * Ontology facet, otherwise return null.
     * </p>
     * @param uri The uri for the ontology node. Conventionally, this corresponds to the base URI
     * of the document itself.
     * @return An Ontology resource or null.
    public Ontology getOntology( String uri ) {
        return (Ontology) findByURIAs( uri, Ontology.class );

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource that represents an Individual node in this model. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as an Individual, return the
     * Individual facet, otherwise return null.
     * </p>
     * @param uri The URI for the requried individual
     * @return An Individual resource or null.
    public Individual getIndividual( String uri ) {
        return (Individual) findByURIAs( uri, Individual.class );

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource representing an generic property in this model. If a property
     * with the given uri exists in the model, return the
     * OntProperty facet, otherwise return null.
     * </p>
     * @param uri The uri for the property.
     * @return An OntProperty resource or null.
    public OntProperty getOntProperty( String uri ) {
        return (OntProperty) findByURIAs( uri, OntProperty.class );

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource representing an object property in this model. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as an ObjectProperty, return the
     * ObjectProperty facet, otherwise return null.
     * </p>
     * @param uri The uri for the object property. May not be null.
     * @return An ObjectProperty resource or null.
    public ObjectProperty getObjectProperty( String uri ) {
        return (ObjectProperty) findByURIAs( uri, ObjectProperty.class );

     * <p>Answer a resource representing a transitive property. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as a TransitiveProperty, return the
     * TransitiveProperty facet, otherwise return null. </p>
     * @param uri The uri for the property. May not be null.
     * @return A TransitiveProperty resource or null
    public TransitiveProperty getTransitiveProperty( String uri ) {
        return (TransitiveProperty) findByURIAs( uri, TransitiveProperty.class );

     * <p>Answer a resource representing a symmetric property. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as a SymmetricProperty, return the
     * SymmetricProperty facet, otherwise return null. </p>
     * @param uri The uri for the property. May not be null.
     * @return A SymmetricProperty resource or null
    public SymmetricProperty getSymmetricProperty( String uri ) {
        return (SymmetricProperty) findByURIAs( uri, SymmetricProperty.class );

     * <p>Answer a resource representing an inverse functional property. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as a InverseFunctionalProperty, return the
     * InverseFunctionalProperty facet, otherwise return null. </p>
     * @param uri The uri for the property. May not be null.
     * @return An InverseFunctionalProperty resource or null
    public InverseFunctionalProperty getInverseFunctionalProperty( String uri ) {
        return (InverseFunctionalProperty) findByURIAs( uri, InverseFunctionalProperty.class );

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource that represents datatype property in this model. . If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as a DatatypeProperty, return the
     * DatatypeProperty facet, otherwise return null.
     * </p>
     * @param uri The uri for the datatype property. May not be null.
     * @return A DatatypeProperty resource or null
    public DatatypeProperty getDatatypeProperty( String uri ) {
        return (DatatypeProperty) findByURIAs( uri, DatatypeProperty.class );

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource that represents an annotation property in this model. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as an AnnotationProperty, return the
     * AnnotationProperty facet, otherwise return null.
     * </p>
     * @param uri The uri for the annotation property. May not be null.
     * @return An AnnotationProperty resource or null
    public AnnotationProperty getAnnotationProperty( String uri ) {
        return (AnnotationProperty) findByURIAs( uri, AnnotationProperty.class );

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource that represents a class description node in this model. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as an OntClass, return the
     * OntClass facet, otherwise return null.
     * </p>
     * @param uri The uri for the class node, or null for an anonymous class.
     * @return An OntClass resource or null.
    public OntClass getOntClass( String uri ) {
        OntClass c = (OntClass) findByURIAs( uri, OntClass.class );

        // special case for nothing and thing
        if (c == null) {
            Resource thing = getProfile().THING();
            if (thing != null && thing.getURI().equals( uri )) {
                c = thing.inModel( this ).as( OntClass.class );

            Resource nothing = getProfile().NOTHING();
            if (nothing != null && nothing.getURI().equals( uri )) {
                c = nothing.inModel( this ).as( OntClass.class );

        return c;

     * <p>Answer a resource representing the class that is the complement of another class. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as a ComplementClass, return the
     * ComplementClass facet, otherwise return null. </p>
     * @param uri The URI of the new complement class.
     * @return A complement class or null
    public ComplementClass getComplementClass( String uri ) {
        return (ComplementClass) findByURIAs( uri, ComplementClass.class );

     * <p>Answer a resource representing the class that is the enumeration of a list of individuals. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as an EnumeratedClass, return the
     * EnumeratedClass facet, otherwise return null. </p>
     * @param uri The URI of the new enumeration class.
     * @return An enumeration class or null
    public EnumeratedClass getEnumeratedClass( String uri ) {
        return (EnumeratedClass) findByURIAs( uri, EnumeratedClass.class );

     * <p>Answer a resource representing the class that is the union of a list of class desctiptions. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as a UnionClass, return the
     * UnionClass facet, otherwise return null. </p>
     * @param uri The URI of the new union class.
     * @return A union class description or null
    public UnionClass getUnionClass( String uri ) {
        return (UnionClass) findByURIAs( uri, UnionClass.class );

     * <p>Answer a resource representing the class that is the intersection of a list of class descriptions. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as a IntersectionClass, return the
     * IntersectionClass facet, otherwise return null. </p>
     * @param uri The URI of the new intersection class.
     * @return An intersection class description or null
    public IntersectionClass getIntersectionClass( String uri ) {
        return (IntersectionClass) findByURIAs( uri, IntersectionClass.class );

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource that represents a property restriction in this model. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as a Restriction, return the
     * Restriction facet, otherwise return null.
     * </p>
     * @param uri The uri for the restriction node.
     * @return A Restriction resource or null
    public Restriction getRestriction( String uri ) {
        return (Restriction) findByURIAs( uri, Restriction.class );

     * <p>Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have the given
     * resource as the value of the given property. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as a HasValueRestriction, return the
     * HasValueRestriction facet, otherwise return null. </p>
     * @param uri The URI for the restriction
     * @return A resource representing a has-value restriction or null
    public HasValueRestriction getHasValueRestriction( String uri ) {
        return (HasValueRestriction) findByURIAs( uri, HasValueRestriction.class );

     * <p>Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have at least
     * one property with a value belonging to the given class. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as a SomeValuesFromRestriction, return the
     * SomeValuesFromRestriction facet, otherwise return null. </p>
     * @param uri The URI for the restriction
     * @return A resource representing a some-values-from restriction, or null
    public SomeValuesFromRestriction getSomeValuesFromRestriction( String uri ) {
        return (SomeValuesFromRestriction) findByURIAs( uri, SomeValuesFromRestriction.class );

     * <p>Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals for which all values
     * of the given property belong to the given class. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as an AllValuesFromResriction, return the
     * AllValuesFromRestriction facet, otherwise return null. </p>
     * @param uri The URI for the restriction
     * @return A resource representing an all-values-from restriction or null
    public AllValuesFromRestriction getAllValuesFromRestriction( String uri ) {
        return (AllValuesFromRestriction) findByURIAs( uri, AllValuesFromRestriction.class );

     * <p>Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have exactly
     * the given number of values for the given property. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as a CardinalityRestriction, return the
     * CardinalityRestriction facet, otherwise return null. </p>
     * @param uri The URI for the restriction
     * @return A resource representing a has-value restriction, or null
    public CardinalityRestriction getCardinalityRestriction( String uri ) {
        return (CardinalityRestriction) findByURIAs( uri, CardinalityRestriction.class );

     * <p>Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have at least
     * the given number of values for the given property. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as a MinCardinalityRestriction, return the
     * MinCardinalityRestriction facet, otherwise return null. </p>
     * @param uri The URI for the restriction
     * @return A resource representing a min-cardinality restriction, or null
    public MinCardinalityRestriction getMinCardinalityRestriction( String uri ) {
        return (MinCardinalityRestriction) findByURIAs( uri, MinCardinalityRestriction.class );

     * <p>Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have at most
     * the given number of values for the given property. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as a MaxCardinalityRestriction, return the
     * MaxCardinalityRestriction facet, otherwise return null.</p>
     * @param uri The URI for the restriction
     * @return A resource representing a mas-cardinality restriction, or null
    public MaxCardinalityRestriction getMaxCardinalityRestriction( String uri ) {
        return (MaxCardinalityRestriction) findByURIAs( uri, MaxCardinalityRestriction.class );

     * <p>Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have a property
     * p, all values of which are members of a given class. Typically used with a cardinality constraint.
     * If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as a QualifiedRestriction, return the
     * QualifiedRestriction facet, otherwise return null.</p>
     * @param uri The URI for the restriction
     * @return A resource representing a qualified restriction, or null
    public QualifiedRestriction getQualifiedRestriction( String uri ) {
        return (QualifiedRestriction) findByURIAs( uri, QualifiedRestriction.class );

     * <p>Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have a property
     * p, with cardinality N, all values of which are members of a given class.
     * If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as a CardinalityQRestriction, return the
     * CardinalityQRestriction facet, otherwise return null.</p>
     * @param uri The URI for the restriction
     * @return A resource representing a qualified cardinality restriction, or null
    public CardinalityQRestriction getCardinalityQRestriction( String uri ) {
        return (CardinalityQRestriction) findByURIAs( uri, CardinalityQRestriction.class );

     * <p>Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have a property
     * p, with min cardinality N, all values of which are members of a given class.
     * If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as a MinCardinalityQRestriction, return the
     * MinCardinalityQRestriction facet, otherwise return null.</p>
     * @param uri The URI for the restriction
     * @return A resource representing a qualified min cardinality restriction, or null
    public MinCardinalityQRestriction getMinCardinalityQRestriction( String uri ) {
        return (MinCardinalityQRestriction) findByURIAs( uri, MinCardinalityQRestriction.class );

     * <p>Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have a property
     * p, with max cardinality N, all values of which are members of a given class.
     * If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, and can be viewed as a MaxCardinalityQRestriction, return the
     * MaxCardinalityQRestriction facet, otherwise return null.</p>
     * @param uri The URI for the restriction
     * @return A resource representing a qualified max cardinality restriction, or null
    public MaxCardinalityQRestriction getMaxCardinalityQRestriction( String uri ) {
        return (MaxCardinalityQRestriction) findByURIAs( uri, MaxCardinalityQRestriction.class );

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource that represents an ontology description node in this model. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, it will be re-used.  If not, a new one is created in
     * the updateable sub-graph of the ontology model.
     * </p>
     * @param uri The uri for the ontology node. Conventionally, this corresponds to the base URI
     * of the document itself.
     * @return An Ontology resource.
    public Ontology createOntology( String uri ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().ONTOLOGY(), "ONTOLOGY" );
        return createOntResource( Ontology.class, getProfile().ONTOLOGY(), uri );

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource that represents an Indvidual node in this model. A new anonymous resource
     * will be created in the updateable sub-graph of the ontology model.
     * </p>
     * @param cls Resource representing the ontology class to which the individual belongs
     * @return A new anoymous Individual of the given class.
    public Individual createIndividual( Resource cls ) {
        return createOntResource( Individual.class, cls, null );

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource that represents an Individual node in this model. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, it will be re-used.  If not, a new one is created in
     * the updateable sub-graph of the ontology model.
     * </p>
     * @param cls Resource representing the ontology class to which the individual belongs
     * @param uri The uri for the individual, or null for an anonymous individual.
     * @return An Individual resource.
    public Individual createIndividual( String uri, Resource cls ) {
        return createOntResource( Individual.class, cls, uri );

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource representing an generic property in this model.  Effectively
     * this method is an alias for {@link #createProperty( String )}, except that
     * the return type is {@link OntProperty}, which allow more convenient access to
     * a property's position in the property hierarchy, domain, range, etc.
     * </p>
     * @param uri The uri for the property. May not be null.
     * @return An OntProperty resource.
    public OntProperty createOntProperty( String uri ) {
        Property p = createProperty( uri );
        p.addProperty( RDF.type, getProfile().PROPERTY() );
        return OntProperty.class );

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource representing an object property in this model,
     * and that is not a functional property.
     * </p>
     * @param uri The uri for the object property. May not be null.
     * @return An ObjectProperty resource.
     * @see #createObjectProperty( String, boolean )
    public ObjectProperty createObjectProperty( String uri ) {
        return createObjectProperty( uri, false );

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource that represents an object property in this model.  An object property
     * is defined to have a range of individuals, rather than datatypes.
     * If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, it will be re-used.  If not, a new one is created in
     * the updateable sub-graph of the ontology model.
     * </p>
     * @param uri The uri for the object property. May not be null.
     * @param functional If true, the resource will also be typed as a {@link FunctionalProperty},
     * that is, a property that has a unique range value for any given domain value.
     * @return An ObjectProperty resource, optionally also functional.
    public ObjectProperty createObjectProperty( String uri, boolean functional ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().OBJECT_PROPERTY(), "OBJECT_PROPERTY" );
        ObjectProperty p = createOntResource( ObjectProperty.class, getProfile().OBJECT_PROPERTY(), uri );

        if (functional) {
            checkProfileEntry( getProfile().FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY(), "FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY" );
            p.addProperty( RDF.type, getProfile().FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY() );

        return p;

     * <p>Answer a resource representing a transitive property</p>
     * @param uri The uri for the property. May not be null.
     * @return An TransitiveProperty resource
     * @see #createTransitiveProperty( String, boolean )
    public TransitiveProperty createTransitiveProperty( String uri ) {
        return createTransitiveProperty( uri, false );

     * <p>Answer a resource representing a transitive property, which is optionally
     * also functional. <strong>Note:</strong> although it is permitted in OWL full
     * to have functional transitive properties, it makes the language undecideable.
     * Functional transitive properties are not permitted in OWL Lite or OWL DL.</p>
     * @param uri The uri for the property. May not be null.
     * @param functional If true, the property is also functional
     * @return An TransitiveProperty resource, optionally also functional.
    public TransitiveProperty createTransitiveProperty( String uri, boolean functional ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().TRANSITIVE_PROPERTY(), "TRANSITIVE_PROPERTY" );
        TransitiveProperty p = createOntResource( TransitiveProperty.class, getProfile().TRANSITIVE_PROPERTY(), uri );

        if (functional) {
            checkProfileEntry( getProfile().FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY(), "FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY" );
            p.addProperty( RDF.type, getProfile().FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY() );

        return p;

     * <p>Answer a resource representing a symmetric property</p>
     * @param uri The uri for the property. May not be null.
     * @return An SymmetricProperty resource
     * @see #createSymmetricProperty( String, boolean )
    public SymmetricProperty createSymmetricProperty( String uri ) {
        return createSymmetricProperty( uri, false );

     * <p>Answer a resource representing a symmetric property, which is optionally
     * also functional.</p>
     * @param uri The uri for the property. May not be null.
     * @param functional If true, the property is also functional
     * @return An SymmetricProperty resource, optionally also functional.
    public SymmetricProperty createSymmetricProperty( String uri, boolean functional ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().SYMMETRIC_PROPERTY(), "SYMMETRIC_PROPERTY" );
        SymmetricProperty p = createOntResource( SymmetricProperty.class, getProfile().SYMMETRIC_PROPERTY(), uri );

        if (functional) {
            checkProfileEntry( getProfile().FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY(), "FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY" );
            p.addProperty( RDF.type, getProfile().FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY() );

        return p;

     * <p>Answer a resource representing an inverse functional property</p>
     * @param uri The uri for the property. May not be null.
     * @return An InverseFunctionalProperty resource
     * @see #createInverseFunctionalProperty( String, boolean )
    public InverseFunctionalProperty createInverseFunctionalProperty( String uri ) {
        return createInverseFunctionalProperty( uri, false );

     * <p>Answer a resource representing an inverse functional property, which is optionally
     * also functional.</p>
     * @param uri The uri for the property. May not be null.
     * @param functional If true, the property is also functional
     * @return An InverseFunctionalProperty resource, optionally also functional.
    public InverseFunctionalProperty createInverseFunctionalProperty( String uri, boolean functional ) {
        InverseFunctionalProperty p = createOntResource( InverseFunctionalProperty.class, getProfile().INVERSE_FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY(), uri );

        if (functional) {
            checkProfileEntry( getProfile().FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY(), "FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY" );
            p.addProperty( RDF.type, getProfile().FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY() );

        return p;

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource that represents datatype property in this model, and that is
     * not a functional property.
     * </p>
     * @param uri The uri for the datatype property. May not be null.
     * @return A DatatypeProperty resource.
     * @see #createDatatypeProperty( String, boolean )
    public DatatypeProperty createDatatypeProperty( String uri ) {
        return createDatatypeProperty( uri, false );

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource that represents datatype property in this model. A datatype property
     * is defined to have a range that is a concrete datatype, rather than an individual.
     * If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, it will be re-used.  If not, a new one is created in
     * the updateable sub-graph of the ontology model.
     * </p>
     * @param uri The uri for the datatype property. May not be null.
     * @param functional If true, the resource will also be typed as a {@link FunctionalProperty},
     * that is, a property that has a unique range value for any given domain value.
     * @return A DatatypeProperty resource.
    public DatatypeProperty createDatatypeProperty( String uri, boolean functional ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().DATATYPE_PROPERTY(), "DATATYPE_PROPERTY" );
        DatatypeProperty p = createOntResource( DatatypeProperty.class, getProfile().DATATYPE_PROPERTY(), uri );

        if (functional) {
            checkProfileEntry( getProfile().FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY(), "FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY" );
            p.addProperty( RDF.type, getProfile().FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY() );

        return p;

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource that represents an annotation property in this model. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, it will be re-used.  If not, a new one is created in
     * the updateable sub-graph of the ontology model.
     * </p>
     * @param uri The uri for the annotation property.
     * @return An AnnotationProperty resource.
    public AnnotationProperty createAnnotationProperty( String uri ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().ANNOTATION_PROPERTY(), "ANNOTATION_PROPERTY" );
        return createOntResource( AnnotationProperty.class, getProfile().ANNOTATION_PROPERTY(), uri );

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource that represents an anonymous class description in this model. A new
     * anonymous resource of <code>rdf:type C</code>, where C is the class type from the
     * language profile.
     * </p>
     * @return An anonymous Class resource.
    public OntClass createClass() {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().CLASS(), "CLASS" );
        return createOntResource( OntClass.class, getProfile().CLASS(), null );

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource that represents a class description node in this model. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, it will be re-used.  If not, a new one is created in
     * the updateable sub-graph of the ontology model.
     * </p>
     * @param uri The uri for the class node, or null for an anonymous class.
     * @return A Class resource.
    public OntClass createClass( String uri ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().CLASS(), "CLASS" );
        return createOntResource( OntClass.class, getProfile().CLASS(), uri );

     * <p>Answer a resource representing the class that is the complement of the given argument class</p>
     * @param uri The URI of the new complement class, or null for an anonymous class description.
     * @param cls Resource denoting the class that the new class is a complement of
     * @return A complement class
    public ComplementClass createComplementClass( String uri, Resource cls ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().CLASS(), "CLASS" );
        OntClass c = createOntResource( OntClass.class, getProfile().CLASS(), uri );

        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().COMPLEMENT_OF(), "COMPLEMENT_OF" );
        // if the class that this class is a complement of is not specified, use owl:nothing or daml:nothing
        c.addProperty( getProfile().COMPLEMENT_OF(), (cls == null) ? getProfile().NOTHING() : cls );

        return ComplementClass.class );

     * <p>Answer a resource representing the class that is the enumeration of the given list of individuals</p>
     * @param uri The URI of the new enumeration class, or null for an anonymous class description.
     * @param members An optional list of resources denoting the individuals in the enumeration
     * @return An enumeration class
    public EnumeratedClass createEnumeratedClass( String uri, RDFList members ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().CLASS(), "CLASS" );
        OntClass c = createOntResource( OntClass.class, getProfile().CLASS(), uri );

        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().ONE_OF(), "ONE_OF" );
        c.addProperty( getProfile().ONE_OF(), (members == null) ? createList() : members );

        return EnumeratedClass.class );

     * <p>Answer a resource representing the class that is the union of the given list of class desctiptions</p>
     * @param uri The URI of the new union class, or null for an anonymous class description.
     * @param members A list of resources denoting the classes that comprise the union
     * @return A union class description
    public UnionClass createUnionClass( String uri, RDFList members ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().CLASS(), "CLASS" );
        OntClass c = createOntResource( OntClass.class, getProfile().CLASS(), uri );

        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().UNION_OF(), "UNION_OF" );
        c.addProperty( getProfile().UNION_OF(), (members == null) ? createList() : members );

        return UnionClass.class );

     * <p>Answer a resource representing the class that is the intersection of the given list of class descriptions.</p>
     * @param uri The URI of the new intersection class, or null for an anonymous class description.
     * @param members A list of resources denoting the classes that comprise the intersection
     * @return An intersection class description
    public IntersectionClass createIntersectionClass( String uri, RDFList members ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().CLASS(), "CLASS" );
        OntClass c = createOntResource( OntClass.class, getProfile().CLASS(), uri );

        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().INTERSECTION_OF(), "INTERSECTION_OF" );
        c.addProperty( getProfile().INTERSECTION_OF(), (members == null) ? createList() : members );

        return IntersectionClass.class );

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource that represents an anonymous property restriction in this model. A new
     * anonymous resource of <code>rdf:type R</code>, where R is the restriction type from the
     * language profile.
     * </p>
     * @param p The property that is restricted by this restriction
     * @return An anonymous Restriction resource.
    public Restriction createRestriction( Property p ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().RESTRICTION(), "RESTRICTION" );
        Restriction r = createOntResource( Restriction.class, getProfile().RESTRICTION(), null );
        if (p != null) {
            r.setOnProperty( p );

        return r;

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource that represents a property restriction in this model. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, it will be re-used.  If not, a new one is created in
     * the updateable sub-graph of the ontology model.
     * </p>
     * @param uri The uri for the restriction node, or null for an anonymous restriction.
     * @param p The property that is restricted by this restriction
     * @return A Restriction resource.
    public Restriction createRestriction( String uri, Property p ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().RESTRICTION(), "RESTRICTION" );
        Restriction r = createOntResource( Restriction.class, getProfile().RESTRICTION(), uri );
        if (p != null) {
            r.setOnProperty( p );

        return r;

     * <p>Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have the given
     * resource as the value of the given property</p>
     * @param uri The optional URI for the restriction, or null for an anonymous restriction (which
     * should be the normal case)
     * @param prop The property the restriction applies to
     * @param value The value of the property, as a resource or RDF literal
     * @return A new resource representing a has-value restriction
    public HasValueRestriction createHasValueRestriction( String uri, Property prop, RDFNode value ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().RESTRICTION(), "RESTRICTION" );
        Restriction r = createOntResource( Restriction.class, getProfile().RESTRICTION(), uri );

        if (prop == null || value == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create hasValueRestriction with a null property or value" );

        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().HAS_VALUE(), "HAS_VALUE" );
        r.addProperty( getProfile().ON_PROPERTY(), prop );
        r.addProperty( getProfile().HAS_VALUE(), value );

        return HasValueRestriction.class );

     * <p>Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have at least
     * one property with a value belonging to the given class</p>
     * @param uri The optional URI for the restriction, or null for an anonymous restriction (which
     * should be the normal case)
     * @param prop The property the restriction applies to
     * @param cls The class to which at least one value of the property belongs
     * @return A new resource representing a some-values-from restriction
    public SomeValuesFromRestriction createSomeValuesFromRestriction( String uri, Property prop, Resource cls ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().RESTRICTION(), "RESTRICTION" );
        Restriction r = createOntResource( Restriction.class, getProfile().RESTRICTION(), uri );

        if (prop == null || cls == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create someValuesFromRestriction with a null property or class" );

        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().SOME_VALUES_FROM(), "SOME_VALUES_FROM" );
        r.addProperty( getProfile().ON_PROPERTY(), prop );
        r.addProperty( getProfile().SOME_VALUES_FROM(), cls );

        return SomeValuesFromRestriction.class );

     * <p>Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals for which all values
     * of the given property belong to the given class</p>
     * @param uri The optional URI for the restriction, or null for an anonymous restriction (which
     * should be the normal case)
     * @param prop The property the restriction applies to
     * @param cls The class to which any value of the property belongs
     * @return A new resource representing an all-values-from restriction
    public AllValuesFromRestriction createAllValuesFromRestriction( String uri, Property prop, Resource cls ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().RESTRICTION(), "RESTRICTION" );
        Restriction r = createOntResource( Restriction.class, getProfile().RESTRICTION(), uri );

        if (prop == null || cls == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create allValuesFromRestriction with a null property or class" );

        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().ALL_VALUES_FROM(), "ALL_VALUES_FROM" );
        r.addProperty( getProfile().ON_PROPERTY(), prop );
        r.addProperty( getProfile().ALL_VALUES_FROM(), cls );

        return AllValuesFromRestriction.class );

     * <p>Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have exactly
     * the given number of values for the given property.</p>
     * @param uri The optional URI for the restriction, or null for an anonymous restriction (which
     * should be the normal case)
     * @param prop The property the restriction applies to
     * @param cardinality The exact cardinality of the property
     * @return A new resource representing a has-value restriction
    public CardinalityRestriction createCardinalityRestriction( String uri, Property prop, int cardinality ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().RESTRICTION(), "RESTRICTION" );
        Restriction r = createOntResource( Restriction.class, getProfile().RESTRICTION(), uri );

        if (prop == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create cardinalityRestriction with a null property" );

        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().CARDINALITY(), "CARDINALITY" );
        r.addProperty( getProfile().ON_PROPERTY(), prop );
        r.addProperty( getProfile().CARDINALITY(), createTypedLiteral( cardinality ) );

        return CardinalityRestriction.class );

     * <p>Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have at least
     * the given number of values for the given property.</p>
     * @param uri The optional URI for the restriction, or null for an anonymous restriction (which
     * should be the normal case)
     * @param prop The property the restriction applies to
     * @param cardinality The minimum cardinality of the property
     * @return A new resource representing a min-cardinality restriction
    public MinCardinalityRestriction createMinCardinalityRestriction( String uri, Property prop, int cardinality ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().RESTRICTION(), "RESTRICTION" );
        Restriction r = createOntResource( Restriction.class, getProfile().RESTRICTION(), uri );

        if (prop == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create minCardinalityRestriction with a null property" );

        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().MIN_CARDINALITY(), "MIN_CARDINALITY" );
        r.addProperty( getProfile().ON_PROPERTY(), prop );
        r.addProperty( getProfile().MIN_CARDINALITY(), createTypedLiteral( cardinality ) );

        return MinCardinalityRestriction.class );

     * <p>Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have at most
     * the given number of values for the given property.</p>
     * @param uri The optional URI for the restriction, or null for an anonymous restriction (which
     * should be the normal case)
     * @param prop The property the restriction applies to
     * @param cardinality The maximum cardinality of the property
     * @return A new resource representing a mas-cardinality restriction
    public MaxCardinalityRestriction createMaxCardinalityRestriction( String uri, Property prop, int cardinality ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().RESTRICTION(), "RESTRICTION" );
        Restriction r = createOntResource( Restriction.class, getProfile().RESTRICTION(), uri );

        if (prop == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create maxCardinalityRestriction with a null property" );

        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().MAX_CARDINALITY(), "MAX_CARDINALITY" );
        r.addProperty( getProfile().ON_PROPERTY(), prop );
        r.addProperty( getProfile().MAX_CARDINALITY(), createTypedLiteral( cardinality ) );

        return MaxCardinalityRestriction.class );

     * <p>Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have at most
     * the given number of values for the given property, all values of which belong to the given
     * class.</p>
     * @param uri The optional URI for the restriction, or null for an anonymous restriction (which
     * should be the normal case)
     * @param prop The property the restriction applies to
     * @param cardinality The maximum cardinality of the property
     * @param cls The class to which all values of the restricted property should belong
     * @return A new resource representing a mas-cardinality restriction
    public MaxCardinalityQRestriction createMaxCardinalityQRestriction( String uri, Property prop, int cardinality, OntClass cls ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().RESTRICTION(), "RESTRICTION" );
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().ON_PROPERTY(), "ON_PROPERTY" );
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().MAX_CARDINALITY_Q(), "MAX_CARDINALITY_Q" );
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().HAS_CLASS_Q(), "HAS_CLASS_Q" );

        if (prop == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create MaxCardinalityQRestriction with a null property" );
        if (cls == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create MaxCardinalityQRestriction with a null class" );

        Restriction r = createOntResource( Restriction.class, getProfile().RESTRICTION(), uri );

        r.addProperty( getProfile().ON_PROPERTY(), prop );
        r.addProperty( getProfile().MAX_CARDINALITY_Q(), createTypedLiteral( cardinality ) );
        r.addProperty( getProfile().HAS_CLASS_Q(), cls );

        return MaxCardinalityQRestriction.class );

     * <p>Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have at least
     * the given number of values for the given property, all values of which belong to the given
     * class.</p>
     * @param uri The optional URI for the restriction, or null for an anonymous restriction (which
     * should be the normal case)
     * @param prop The property the restriction applies to
     * @param cardinality The minimun cardinality of the property
     * @param cls The class to which all values of the restricted property should belong
     * @return A new resource representing a mas-cardinality restriction
    public MinCardinalityQRestriction createMinCardinalityQRestriction( String uri, Property prop, int cardinality, OntClass cls ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().RESTRICTION(), "RESTRICTION" );
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().ON_PROPERTY(), "ON_PROPERTY" );
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().MIN_CARDINALITY_Q(), "MIN_CARDINALITY_Q" );
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().HAS_CLASS_Q(), "HAS_CLASS_Q" );

        if (prop == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create MinCardinalityQRestriction with a null property" );
        if (cls == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create MinCardinalityQRestriction with a null class" );

        Restriction r = createOntResource( Restriction.class, getProfile().RESTRICTION(), uri );

        r.addProperty( getProfile().ON_PROPERTY(), prop );
        r.addProperty( getProfile().MIN_CARDINALITY_Q(), createTypedLiteral( cardinality ) );
        r.addProperty( getProfile().HAS_CLASS_Q(), cls );

        return MinCardinalityQRestriction.class );

     * <p>Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have exactly
     * the given number of values for the given property, all values of which belong to the given
     * class.</p>
     * @param uri The optional URI for the restriction, or null for an anonymous restriction (which
     * should be the normal case)
     * @param prop The property the restriction applies to
     * @param cardinality The cardinality of the property
     * @param cls The class to which all values of the restricted property should belong
     * @return A new resource representing a mas-cardinality restriction
    public CardinalityQRestriction createCardinalityQRestriction( String uri, Property prop, int cardinality, OntClass cls ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().RESTRICTION(), "RESTRICTION" );
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().ON_PROPERTY(), "ON_PROPERTY" );
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().CARDINALITY_Q(), "CARDINALITY_Q" );
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().HAS_CLASS_Q(), "HAS_CLASS_Q" );

        if (prop == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create CardinalityQRestriction with a null property" );
        if (cls == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create CardinalityQRestriction with a null class" );

        Restriction r = createOntResource( Restriction.class, getProfile().RESTRICTION(), uri );

        r.addProperty( getProfile().ON_PROPERTY(), prop );
        r.addProperty( getProfile().CARDINALITY_Q(), createTypedLiteral( cardinality ) );
        r.addProperty( getProfile().HAS_CLASS_Q(), cls );

        return CardinalityQRestriction.class );

     * <p>Answer a data range defined as the given set of concrete data values.  DataRange resources
     * are necessarily bNodes.</p>
     * @param literals An iterator over a set of literals that will be the members of the data range,
     *                 or null to define an empty data range
     * @return A new data range containing the given literals as permissible values
    public DataRange createDataRange( RDFList literals ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().DATARANGE(), "DATARANGE" );
        DataRange d = createOntResource( DataRange.class, getProfile().DATARANGE(), null );

        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().ONE_OF(), "ONE_OF" );
        d.addProperty( getProfile().ONE_OF(), (literals == null) ? createList() : literals );

        return d;

     * <p>
     * Answer a new, anonymous node representing the fact that a given set of classes are all
     * pair-wise distinct.  <code>AllDifferent</code> is a feature of OWL only, and is something
     * of an anomoly in that it exists only to give a place to anchor the <code>distinctMembers</code>
     * property, which is the actual expression of the fact.
     * </p>
     * @return A new AllDifferent resource
    public AllDifferent createAllDifferent() {
        return createAllDifferent( null );

     * <p>
     * Answer a new, anonymous node representing the fact that a given set of classes are all
     * pair-wise distinct.  <code>AllDifferent</code> is a feature of OWL only, and is something
     * of an anomoly in that it exists only to give a place to anchor the <code>distinctMembers</code>
     * property, which is the actual expression of the fact.
     * </p>
     * @param differentMembers A list of the class expressions that denote a set of mutually disjoint classes
     * @return A new AllDifferent resource
    public AllDifferent createAllDifferent( RDFList differentMembers ) {
        checkProfileEntry( getProfile().ALL_DIFFERENT(), "ALL_DIFFERENT" );
        AllDifferent ad = createOntResource( AllDifferent.class, getProfile().ALL_DIFFERENT(), null );

        ad.setDistinctMembers( (differentMembers == null) ? createList() : differentMembers );

        return ad;

     * <p>
     * Answer a resource that represents a generic ontology node in this model. If a resource
     * with the given uri exists in the model, it will be re-used.  If not, a new one is created in
     * the updateable sub-graph of the ontology model.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * This is a generic method for creating any known ontology value.  The selector that determines
     * which resource to create is the same as as the argument to the {@link RDFNode#as as()}
     * method: the Java class object of the desired abstraction.  For example, to create an
     * ontology class via this mechanism, use:
     * <code><pre>
     *     OntClass c = (OntClass) myModel.createOntResource( OntClass.class, null,
     *                                                        "" );
     * </pre></code>
     * </p>
     * @param javaClass The Java class object that represents the ontology abstraction to create
     * @param rdfType Optional resource denoting the ontology class to which an individual or
     * axiom belongs, if that is the type of resource being created.
     * @param uri The uri for the ontology resource, or null for an anonymous resource.
     * @return An ontology resource, of the type specified by the <code>javaClass</code>
    public <T extends OntResource> T createOntResource( Class<T> javaClass, Resource rdfType, String uri ) {
        return getResourceWithType( uri, rdfType ).as( javaClass );

     * <p>Answer a resource presenting the {@link OntResource} facet, which has the
     * given URI.</p>
     * @param uri The URI of the resource, or null for an anonymous resource (aka bNode)
     * @return An OntResource with the given URI
    public OntResource createOntResource( String uri ) {
        return getResource( uri ).as( OntResource.class );

     * <p>Answer a new empty list.  This method overrides the list create method in ModelCom,
     * to allow both DAML and RDFS lists to be created.</p>
     * @return An RDF-encoded list of no elements, using the current language profile
    public RDFList createList() {
        Resource list = getResource( getProfile().NIL().getURI() );

        return RDFList.class );

     * <p>
     * Answer the language profile (for example, OWL or DAML+OIL) that this model is
     * working to.
     * </p>
     * @return A language profile
    public Profile getProfile() {
        return m_spec.getProfile();

     * <p>Determine which models this model imports (by looking for, for example,
     * <code>owl:imports</code> statements, and load each of those models as an
     * import. A check is made to determine if a model has already been imported,
     * if so, the import is ignored. Thus this method is safe against circular
     * sets of import statements. Note that actual implementation is delegated to
     * the associated {@link OntDocumentManager}.
    public void loadImports() {
        // load the imports closure, according to the policies in my document manager
        getDocumentManager().loadImports( this );

     * <p>
     * Answer true if this model has had the given URI document imported into it. This is
     * important to know since an import only occurs once, and we also want to be able to
     * detect cycles of imports.
     * </p>
     * @param uri An ontology URI
     * @return True if the document corresponding to the URI has been successfully loaded
     * into this model
    public boolean hasLoadedImport( String uri ) {
        return m_imported.contains( uri );

     * <p>
     * Record that this model has now imported the document with the given
     * URI, so that it will not be re-imported in the future.
     * </p>
     * @param uri A document URI that has now been imported into the model.
    public void addLoadedImport( String uri ) {
        m_imported.add( uri );

     * <p>
     * Record that this model no longer imports the document with the given
     * URI.
     * </p>
     * @param uri A document URI that is no longer imported into the model.
    public void removeLoadedImport( String uri ) {
        m_imported.remove( uri );

     * <p>
     * Answer a list of the imported URI's in this ontology model. Detection of <code>imports</code>
     * statments will be according to the local language profile
     * </p>
     * @return The imported ontology URI's as a set. Note that since the underlying graph is
     * not ordered, the order of values in the list in successive calls to this method is
     * not guaranteed to be preserved.
    public Set<String> listImportedOntologyURIs() {
        return listImportedOntologyURIs( false );

     * <p>
     * Answer a list of the imported URI's in this ontology model, and optionally in the closure
     * of this model's imports. Detection of <code>imports</code>
     * statments will be according to the local language profile.  Note that, in order to allow this
     * method to be called during the imports closure process, we <b>only query the base model</b>,
     * thus side-stepping the any attached reasoner.
     * </p>
     * @param closure If true, the set of uri's returned will include not only those directly
     * imported by this model, but those imported by the model's imports transitively.
     * @return The imported ontology URI's as a list. Note that since the underlying graph is
     * not ordered, the order of values in the list in successive calls to this method is
     * not guaranteed to be preserved.
    public Set<String> listImportedOntologyURIs( boolean closure ) {
        Set<String> results = new HashSet<String>();
        List<Model> queue = new ArrayList<Model>();
        queue.add( getBaseModel() );

        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            Model m = queue.remove( 0 );

            // list the ontology nodes
            if (getProfile().ONTOLOGY() != null  &&  getProfile().IMPORTS() != null) {
                StmtIterator i = m.listStatements(null, getProfile().IMPORTS(), (RDFNode)null);
                while (i.hasNext()) {
                    Statement s = i.nextStatement();
                    String uri = s.getResource().getURI();

                    if (!results.contains( uri )) {
                        // this is a new uri, so we add it
                        results.add( uri );

                        // and push the model on the stack if we know it
                        Model mi = getDocumentManager().getModel( uri );
                        if (closure && mi != null && !queue.contains( mi )) {
                            queue.add( mi );

        return results;

     * <p>
     * Answer the model maker associated with this model (used for constructing the
     * constituent models of the imports closure).
     * </p>
     * @return The local graph factory
    public ModelMaker getImportModelMaker() {
        return m_spec.getImportModelMaker();

         @deprecated use getImportModelMaker instead.
    public ModelMaker getModelMaker() {
        return getImportModelMaker();

     * <p>Read statements into the model from the given source, and then load
     * imported ontologies (according to the document manager policy).</p>
     * @param uri URI to read from, may be mapped to a local source by the document manager
    public Model read( String uri ) {
        return read( uri, null, null );

     * <p>Read statements into the model from the given source, and then load
     * imported ontologies (according to the document manager policy).</p>
     * @param reader An input reader
     * @param base The base URI
    public Model read( Reader reader, String base ) { reader, base );

        return this;

     * <p>Read statements into the model from the given source, and then load
     * imported ontologies (according to the document manager policy).</p>
     * @param reader An input stream
     * @param base The base URI
    public Model read(InputStream reader, String base) { reader, base );

        return this;

     * <p>Read statements into the model from the given source, and then load
     * imported ontologies (according to the document manager policy).</p>
     * @param uri URI to read from, may be mapped to a local source by the document manager
     * @param syntax The source syntax
     * @return This model, to allow chaining calls
    public Model read( String uri, String syntax ) {
        return read( uri, null, syntax );

     * <p>Read statements into the model from the given source, and then load
     * imported ontologies (according to the document manager policy).</p>
     * @param uri URI to read from, may be mapped to a local source by the document manager
     * @param base The base URI for this model
     * @param syntax The source syntax
     * @return This model, to allow chaining calls
    public Model read( String uri, String base, String syntax ) {
        // we don't want to load this document again if imported by one of the imports
        addLoadedImport( uri );

        OntDocumentManager odm = getDocumentManager();

        String sourceURL = odm.doAltURLMapping( uri );

        // invoke the read hook from the ODM
        String source = odm.getReadHook().beforeRead( this, sourceURL, odm );
        if (source == null) {
            s_log.warn( "ReadHook returned null, so skipping assuming previous value: " + sourceURL );
            source = sourceURL;
        else {
            // now we can actually do the read, check first if we should use negotiation
            if (base == null &&                         // require non-null base
                !ignoreFileURI( source ) &&             // and that negotiation makes sense (don't conneg to file:)
                source.equals( uri )                    // and that we haven't remapped the URI
                if (syntax == null ) {
                    readDelegate( source );
                else {
                    readDelegate( source, syntax );
            else {
                // if we were given the base, use it ... otherwise default to the base being the source
                readDelegate( source, (base == null ? uri : base), syntax );

        // the post read hook
        odm.getReadHook().afterRead( this, source, odm );

        // cache this model against the public uri (if caching enabled)
        getDocumentManager().addModel( uri, this );

        return this;

     * <p>Read statements into the model from the given source, and then load
     * imported ontologies (according to the document manager policy).</p>
     * @param reader An input reader
     * @param base The base URI
     * @param syntax The source syntax
     * @return This model, to allow chaining calls
    public Model read(Reader reader, String base, String syntax) { reader, base, syntax );

        return this;

     * <p>Read statements into the model from the given source, and then load
     * imported ontologies (according to the document manager policy).</p>
     * @param reader An input stream
     * @param base The base URI
     * @param syntax The source syntax
     * @return This model, to allow chaining calls
    public Model read(InputStream reader, String base, String syntax) { reader, base, syntax );

        return this;

     * <p>
     * Answer the sub-graphs of this model. A sub-graph is defined as a graph that
     * is used to contain the triples from an imported document.
     * </p>
     * @return A list of sub graphs for this ontology model
    public List<Graph> getSubGraphs() {
        return getUnionGraph().getSubGraphs();

     * <p>Answer an iterator over the ontologies that this ontology imports,
     * each of which will have been wrapped as an ontology model using the same
     * {@link OntModelSpec} as this model.  If this model has no imports,
     * the iterator will be non-null but will not have any values.</p>
     * @return An iterator, each value of which will be an <code>OntModel</code>
     * representing an imported ontology.
     * @deprecated This method has been re-named to <code>listSubModels</code>,
     * but note that to obtain the same behaviour as <code>listImportedModels</code>
     * from Jena 2.4 and earlier, callers should invoke {@link #listSubModels(boolean)}
     * with parameter <code>true</code>.
     * @see #listSubModels()
     * @see #listSubModels(boolean)
    public ExtendedIterator<OntModel> listImportedModels() {
        return listSubModels( true );

     * <p>Answer an iterator over the ontology models that are sub-models of
     * this model. Sub-models are used, for example, to represent composite
     * documents such as the imports of a model. So if ontology A imports
     * ontologies B and C, each of B and C will be available as one of
     * the sub-models of the model containing A. This method replaces the
     * older {@link #listImportedModels}. Note that to fully replicate
     * the behaviour of <code>listImportedModels</code>, the
     * <code>withImports</code> flag must be set to true. Each model
     * returned by this method will have been wrapped as an ontology model using the same
     * {@link OntModelSpec} as this model.  If this model has no sub-models,
     * the returned iterator will be non-null but will not have any values.</p>
     * @param withImports If true, each sub-model returned by this method
     * will also include its import models. So if model A imports D, and D
     * imports D, when called with <code>withImports</code> set to true, the
     * return value for <code>modelA.listSubModels(true)</code> will be an
     * iterator, whose only value is a model for D, and that model will contain
     * a sub-model representing the import of E. If <code>withImports</code>
     * is false, E will not be included as a sub-model of D.
     * @return An iterator, each value of which will be an <code>OntModel</code>
     * representing a sub-model of this ontology.
    public ExtendedIterator<OntModel> listSubModels( final boolean withImports ) {
        ExtendedIterator<Graph> i = WrappedIterator.create( getSubGraphs().iterator() );

        return i.mapWith( new Map1<Graph, OntModel>() {
                    public OntModel map1( Graph o ) {
                        Model base = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph( o );
                        OntModel om = new OntModelImpl( m_spec, base, withImports );
                        return om;
                    }} );

     * <p>Answer an iterator over the ontology models that are sub-models of
     * this model. Sub-models are used, for example, to represent composite
     * documents such as the imports of a model. So if ontology A imports
     * ontologies B and C, each of B and C will be available as one of
     * the sub-models of the model containing A.
     * <strong>Important note on behaviour change:</strong> please see
     * the comment on {@link #listSubModels(boolean)} for explanation
     * of the <code>withImports</code> flag. This zero-argument form
     * of <code>listSubModels</code> sets <code>withImports</code> to
     * false, so the returned models will not themselves contain imports.
     * This behaviour differs from the zero-argument method
     * {@link #listImportedModels()} in Jena 2.4 an earlier.</p>
     * @return An iterator, each value of which will be an <code>OntModel</code>
     * representing a sub-model of this ontology.
     * @see #listSubModels(boolean)
    public ExtendedIterator<OntModel> listSubModels() {
        return listSubModels( false );

     * <p>Answer the number of sub-models of this model, not including the
     * base model.</p>
     * @return The number of sub-models, &ge; zero.
    public int countSubModels() {
        int count = 0;
        for (Iterator<Graph> i = getSubGraphs().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        return count;

     * <p>Answer an <code>OntModel</code> representing the imported ontology
     * with the given URI. If an ontology with that URI has not been imported,
     * answer null.</p>
     * @param uri The URI of an ontology that may have been imported into the
     * ontology represented by this model
     * @return A model representing the imported ontology with the given URI, or
     * null.
    public OntModel getImportedModel( String uri ) {
        if (listImportedOntologyURIs( true ).contains( uri )) {
            Model mi = getDocumentManager().getModel( uri );

            if (mi != null) {
                if (mi instanceof OntModel) {
                    // already a suitable ont model
                    return (OntModel) mi;
                else {
                    // not in ont-model clothing yet, so re-wrap
                    return ModelFactory.createOntologyModel( m_spec, mi );

        return null;

     * <p>
     * Answer the base-graph of this model. The base-graph is the graph that
     * contains the triples read from the source document for this ontology.
     * </p>
     * @return The base-graph for this ontology model
    public Graph getBaseGraph() {
        return getUnionGraph().getBaseGraph();

     * <p>
     * Answer the base model of this model. The base model is the model wrapping
     * the graph that contains the triples read from the source document for this
     * ontology.  It is therefore the model that will be updated if statements are
     * added to a model that is built from a union of documents (via the
     * <code>imports</code> statements in the source document).
     * </p>
     * @return The base model for this ontology model
    public Model getBaseModel() {
        return ModelFactory.createModelForGraph( getBaseGraph() );

     * <p>
     * Add the given model as one of the sub-models of the enclosed ontology union model.
     * <strong>Note</strong> that if <code>model</code> is a composite model (i.e. an
     * {@link OntModel} or {@link InfModel}), the model and all of its submodels will
     * be added to the union of sub-models of this model. If this is <strong>not</strong> required,
     * callers should explicitly add only the base model:
     * </p>
     * <pre>
     * parent.addSubModel( child.getBaseModel() );
     * </pre>
     * @param model A sub-model to add
    public void addSubModel( Model model) {
        addSubModel( model, true );

     * <p>
     * Add the given model as one of the sub-models of the enclosed ontology union model.
     * <strong>Note</strong> that if <code>model</code> is a composite model (i.e. an
     * {@link OntModel} or {@link InfModel}), the model and all of its submodels will
     * be added to the union of sub-models of this model. If this is <strong>not</strong> required,
     * callers should explicitly add only the base model:
     * </p>
     * <pre>
     * parent.addSubModel( child.getBaseModel(), true );
     * </pre>
     * @param model A sub-model to add
     * @param rebind If true, rebind any associated inferencing engine to the new data (which
     * may be an expensive operation)
    public void addSubModel( Model model, boolean rebind ) {
        getUnionGraph().addGraph( model.getGraph() );
        if (rebind) {

     * <p>
     * Remove the given model as one of the sub-models of the enclosed ontology union model.    Will
     * cause the associated infererence engine (if any) to update, so this may be
     * an expensive operation in some cases.
     * </p>
     * @param model A sub-model to remove
     * @see #addSubModel( Model, boolean )
    public void removeSubModel( Model model ) {
        removeSubModel( model, true );

     * <p>
     * Remove the given model as one of the sub-models of the enclosed ontology union model.
     * </p>
     * @param model A sub-model to remove
     * @param rebind If true, rebind any associated inferencing engine to the new data (which
     * may be an expensive operation)
    public void removeSubModel( Model model, boolean rebind ) {
        Graph subG = model.getGraph();
        getUnionGraph().removeGraph( subG );

        // note that it may be the base graph of the given model that was added
        // originally
        if (subG instanceof MultiUnion) {
            // we need to get the base graph when removing a ontmodel
            getUnionGraph().removeGraph( ((MultiUnion) subG).getBaseGraph() );

        if (rebind) {

     * <p>Answer true if the given node is a member of the base model of this ontology model.
     * This is an important distiction, because only the base model receives updates when the
     * ontology model is updated. Thus, removing properties of a resource that is not in the base
     * model will not actually side-effect the overall model.</p>
     * @param node An RDF node (Resource, Property or Literal) to test
     * @return True if the given node is from the base model
    public boolean isInBaseModel( RDFNode node ) {
        Node n = node.asNode();
        Graph b = getBaseGraph();
        return b.contains( n, Node.ANY, Node.ANY ) ||
               b.contains( Node.ANY, n, Node.ANY ) ||
               b.contains( Node.ANY, Node.ANY, n );

     * <p>Answer true if the given statement is defined in the base model of this ontology model.
     * This is an important distiction, because only the base model receives updates when the
     * ontology model is updated. Thus, removing a statement that is not in the base
     * model will not actually side-effect the overall model.</p>
     * @param stmt A statement to test
     * @return True if the given statement is from the base model
    public boolean isInBaseModel( Statement stmt ) {
        Node s = stmt.getSubject().asNode();
        Node p = stmt.getPredicate().asNode();
        Node o = stmt.getObject().asNode();
        Graph b = getBaseGraph();
        return b.contains( s, p, o );

     * <p>
     * Answer true if this model is currently in <i>strict checking mode</i>. Strict
     * mode means
     * that converting a common resource to a particular language element, such as
     * an ontology class, will be subject to some simple syntactic-level checks for
     * appropriateness.
     * </p>
     * @return True if in strict checking mode
    public boolean strictMode() {
        return m_strictMode;

     * <p>
     * Set the checking mode to strict or non-strict.
     * </p>
     * @param strict
     * @see #strictMode()
    public void setStrictMode( boolean strict ) {
        m_strictMode = strict;

     * <p>Set the flag that controls whether adding or removing <i>imports</i>
     * statements into the
     * model will result in the imports closure changing dynamically.</p>
     * @param dynamic If true, adding or removing an imports statement to the
     * model will result in a change in the imports closure.  If false, changes
     * to the imports are not monitored dynamically. Default false.
    public void setDynamicImports( boolean dynamic ) {
        if (dynamic) {
            if (m_importsListener == null) {
                // turn on dynamic processing
                m_importsListener = new ImportsListener();
                register( m_importsListener );
        else {
            if (m_importsListener != null) {
                // turn off dynamic processing
                unregister( m_importsListener );
                m_importsListener = null;

     * <p>Answer true if the imports closure of the model will be dynamically
     * updated as imports statements are added and removed.</p>
     * @return True if the imports closure is updated dynamically.
    public boolean getDynamicImports() {
        return m_importsListener != null;

     * <p>Answer the ontology model specification that was used to construct this model</p>
     * @return An ont model spec instance.
    public OntModelSpec getSpecification() {
        return m_spec;

    // output operations - delegate to base model

    public Model write( Writer writer )                             { return getBaseModel().write( writer ); }
    public Model write( Writer writer, String lang )                { return getBaseModel().write( writer, lang ); }
    public Model write( Writer writer, String lang, String base )   { return getBaseModel().write( writer, lang, base ); }
    public Model write( OutputStream out )                          { return getBaseModel().write( out ); }
    public Model write( OutputStream out, String lang )             { return getBaseModel().write( out, lang ); }
    public Model write( OutputStream out, String lang, String base) { return getBaseModel().write( out, lang, base ); }

    public Model writeAll( Writer writer, String lang, String base ) {
        return super.write( writer, lang, base );

    public Model writeAll( OutputStream out, String lang, String base ) {
        return super.write( out, lang, base );

    // Implementation of inf model interface methods

     * Return the raw RDF model being processed (i.e. the argument
     * to the Reasonder.bind call that created this InfModel).
    public Model getRawModel() {
        return getBaseModel();

     * Return the Reasoner which is being used to answer queries to this graph.
    public Reasoner getReasoner() {
        return (getGraph() instanceof InfGraph) ? ((InfGraph) getGraph()).getReasoner() : null;

     * Cause the inference model  to reconsult the underlying data to take
     * into account changes. Normally changes are made through the InfModel's add and
     * remove calls are will be handled appropriately. However, in some cases changes
     * are made "behind the InfModels's back" and this forces a full reconsult of
     * the changed data.
    public void rebind() {
        if (getGraph() instanceof InfGraph) {
            ((InfGraph) getGraph()).rebind();

     * Perform any initial processing and caching. This call is optional. Most
     * engines either have negligable set up work or will perform an implicit
     * "prepare" if necessary. The call is provided for those occasions where
     * substantial preparation work is possible (e.g. running a forward chaining
     * rule system) and where an application might wish greater control over when
     * this prepration is done rather than just leaving to be done at first query time.
    public void prepare() {
        if (getGraph() instanceof InfGraph) {
            ((InfGraph) getGraph()).prepare();

     * Reset any internal caches. Some systems, such as the tabled backchainer,
     * retain information after each query. A reset will wipe this information preventing
     * unbounded memory use at the expense of more expensive future queries. A reset
     * does not cause the raw data to be reconsulted and so is less expensive than a rebind.
    public void reset() {
        if (getGraph() instanceof InfGraph) {
            ((InfGraph) getGraph()).reset();

     * <p>Returns a derivations model. The rule reasoners typically create a
     * graph containing those triples added to the base graph due to rule firings.
     * In some applications it can useful to be able to access those deductions
     * directly, without seeing the raw data which triggered them. In particular,
     * this allows the forward rules to be used as if they were rewrite transformation
     * rules.</p>
     * @return The derivations model, if one is defined, or else null
    public Model getDeductionsModel() {
        if (m_deductionsModel == null) {
            InfGraph infGraph = getInfGraph();
            if (infGraph != null) {
                Graph deductionsGraph = infGraph.getDeductionsGraph();
                if (deductionsGraph != null) {
                    m_deductionsModel = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph( deductionsGraph );
        else {
            // ensure that the cached model sees the updated changes from the
            // underlying reasoner graph

        return m_deductionsModel;

     * Test the consistency of the underlying data. This normally tests
     * the validity of the bound instance data against the bound
     * schema data.
     * @return a ValidityReport structure
    public ValidityReport validate() {
        return (getGraph() instanceof InfGraph) ? ((InfGraph) getGraph()).validate() : null;

    /** Find all the statements matching a pattern.
     * <p>Return an iterator over all the statements in a model
     *  that match a pattern.  The statements selected are those
     *  whose subject matches the <code>subject</code> argument,
     *  whose predicate matches the <code>predicate</code> argument
     *  and whose object matches the <code>object</code> argument.
     *  If an argument is <code>null</code> it matches anything.</p>
     * <p>
     * The s/p/o terms may refer to resources which are temporarily defined in the "posit" model.
     * This allows one, for example, to query what resources are of type CE where CE is a
     * class expression rather than a named class - put CE in the posit arg.</p>
     * @return an iterator over the subjects
     * @param subject   The subject sought
     * @param predicate The predicate sought
     * @param object    The value sought
     * @param posit Model containing additional assertions to be considered when matching statements
    public StmtIterator listStatements( Resource subject, Property predicate, RDFNode object, Model posit ) {
        if (getGraph() instanceof InfGraph) {
            Graph gp = posit == null ? ModelFactory.createDefaultModel().getGraph() : posit.getGraph();
            Iterator<Triple> iter = getInfGraph().find( asNode(subject), asNode(predicate), asNode(object), gp );
            return IteratorFactory.asStmtIterator(iter,this);
        else {
            return null;

     * Switch on/off drivation logging. If this is switched on then every time an inference
     * is a made that fact is recorded and the resulting record can be access through a later
     * getDerivation call. This may consume a lot of space!
    public void setDerivationLogging(boolean logOn) {
        if (getGraph() instanceof InfGraph) {
            ((InfGraph) getGraph()).setDerivationLogging( logOn );

     * Return the derivation of the given statement (which should be the result of
     * some previous list operation).
     * Not all reasoneers will support derivations.
     * @return an iterator over Derivation records or null if there is no derivation information
     * available for this triple.
    public Iterator<Derivation> getDerivation(Statement statement) {
        return (getGraph() instanceof InfGraph) ? ((InfGraph) getGraph()).getDerivation( statement.asTriple() ) : null;

    // Internal implementation methods

    private static void initSyntaxCheckerClass() {
        if (owlSyntaxCheckerClass == null ) {
            try {
              owlSyntaxCheckerClass = Class.forName(owlSyntaxCheckerClassName);
            catch (Exception e){
                throw new ConfigException("owlsyntax.jar must be on the classpath.",e);

     * <p>Helper method to the constructor, which interprets the spec and generates an appropriate
     * graph for this model</p>
     * @param spec The model spec to interpret
     * @param base The base model, or null
    private static Graph generateGraph( OntModelSpec spec, Graph base ) {
        // create a empty union graph
        MultiUnion u = new MultiUnion();
        u.addGraph( base );
        u.setBaseGraph( base );

        Reasoner r = spec.getReasoner();
        // if we have a reasoner in the spec, bind to the union graph and return
        return r == null ? (Graph) u : r.bind( u );

     * <p>Answer the union graph that contains the imports closure for this ontology</p>
     * @return The union graph
    protected MultiUnion getUnionGraph() {
        return m_union;

    /** Answer the resource with the given URI, if present, as the given facet */
    protected <T extends Resource> Resource findByURIAs( String uri, Class<T> asKey ) {
        if (uri == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot get() ontology value with a null URI" );

        Node n = NodeFactory.createURI( uri );

        if (getGraph().contains( n, Node.ANY, Node.ANY )) {
            // this resource is a subject in the graph
            try {
                return getNodeAs( n, asKey );
            catch (ConversionException ignore) {/**/}

        // not present, or cannot be as'ed to the desired facet
        return null;

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator over all of the resources that have
     * <code>rdf:type</code> type.
     * </p>
     * @param type The resource that is the value of <code>rdf:type</code> we
     * want to match
     * @return An iterator over all triples <code>_x rdf:type type</code>
    protected ExtendedIterator<Triple> findByType( Resource type ) {
        return getGraph().find( null, RDF.type.asNode(), type.asNode() );

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator over all of the resources that have
     * <code>rdf:type type</code>, or optionally, one of the alternative types.
     * </p>
     * @param type The resource that is the value of <code>rdf:type</code> we
     * want to match
     * @param alternates An iterator over alternative types to search for, or null
     * @return An iterator over all triples <code>_x rdf:type t</code> where t
     * is <code>type</code> or one of the values from <code>types</code>.
    protected ExtendedIterator<Triple> findByType( Resource type, Iterator<Resource> alternates ) {
        ExtendedIterator<Triple> i = findByType( type );
        // compose onto i the find iterators for the alternate types
        if (alternates != null) {
            while (alternates.hasNext()) {
                i = i.andThen( findByType( ) );
        return i.filterKeep( new UniqueFilter<Triple>());

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator over all of the resources that have
     * <code>rdf:type type</code>, or optionally, one of the alternative types,
     * and present the results <code>as()</code> the given class.
     * </p>
     * @param type The resource that is the value of <code>rdf:type</code> we
     * want to match
     * @param types An iterator over alternative types to search for, or null
     * @param asKey The value to use to present the polymorphic results
     * @return An iterator over all triples <code>_x rdf:type type</code>
    protected <T extends RDFNode> ExtendedIterator<T> findByTypeAs( Resource type, Iterator<Resource> types, Class<T> asKey ) {
        return findByType( type, types ).mapWith( new SubjectNodeAs<T>( asKey ) );

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator over all of the resources that has an
     * <code>rdf:type</code> from the types iterator,
     * and present the results <code>as()</code> the given class.
     * </p>
     * @param types An iterator over types to search for.  An exception will
     * be raised if this iterator does not have at least one next() element.
     * @param asKey The value to use to present the polymorphic results
     * @return An iterator over all triples <code>_x rdf:type type</code>
    protected <T extends RDFNode> ExtendedIterator<T> findByTypeAs( Iterator<Resource> types, Class<T> asKey ) {
        return findByTypeAs(, types, asKey );

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator over resources with the given rdf:type; for each value
     * in the iterator, ensure that is is presented <code>as()</code> the
     * polymorphic object denoted by the given class key.
     * </p>
     * @param type The rdf:type to search for
     * @param asKey The key to pass to as() on the subject nodes
     * @return An iterator over subjects with the given type, presenting as
     * the given polymorphic class.
    protected <T extends RDFNode> ExtendedIterator<T> findByTypeAs( Resource type, Class<T> asKey ) {
        return findByType( type ).mapWith( new SubjectNodeAs<T>( asKey ) );

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator over nodes that have p as a subject
     * </p>
     * @param p A property
     * @return ExtendedIterator over subjects of p.
    protected ExtendedIterator<Triple> findByDefiningProperty( Property p ) {
        return getGraph().find( null, p.asNode(), null );

     * <p>
     * Answer an iterator over nodes that have p as a subject, presented as
     * polymorphic enh resources of the given facet.
     * </p>
     * @param p A property
     * @param asKey A facet type
     * @return ExtendedIterator over subjects of p, presented as the facet.
    protected <T extends RDFNode> ExtendedIterator<T> findByDefiningPropertyAs( Property p, Class<T> asKey ) {
        return findByDefiningProperty( p ).mapWith( new SubjectNodeAs<T>( asKey ) );

     * <p>
     * Answer the resource with the given uri and that optionally has the given <code>rdf:type</code>,
     * creating the resource if necessary.
     * </p>
     * @param uri The uri to use, or null for an anonymous resource
     * @param rdfType The resource to assert as the <code>rdf:type</code>, or null to leave untyped
     * @return A new or existing Resource
    protected Resource getResourceWithType( String uri, Resource rdfType ) {
        Resource r = getResource( uri );
        if (rdfType != null) {
            r.addProperty( RDF.type, rdfType );
        return r;

     * <p>Answer a resource presenting the {@link OntResource} facet, which has the given
     * URI. If no such resource is currently present in the model, return null.</p>
     * @param uri The URI of a resource
     * @return An OntResource with the given URI, or null
    public OntResource getOntResource( String uri ) {
        Resource r = getResource( uri );
        if (containsResource( r )) {
            return OntResource.class );
        return null;

     * <p>Answer a resource presenting the {@link OntResource} facet, which
     * corresponds to the given resource but attached to this model.</p>
     * @param res An existing resource
     * @return An {@link OntResource} attached to this model that has the same URI
     * or anonID as the given resource
    public OntResource getOntResource( Resource res ) {
        return res.inModel( this ).as( OntResource.class );

     * <p>Throw an OntologyException if the term is not in language profile</p>
     * @param profileTerm The entry from the profile
     * @param desc A label for the profile term
     * @exception OntologyException if profileTerm is null.
    protected void checkProfileEntry( Object profileTerm, String desc ) {
        if (profileTerm == null) {
            // not in the profile
            throw new ProfileException( desc, getProfile() );

     * <p>Check that every member of the given list has the given rdf:type, and throw an exception if not.</p>
     * @param list The list to be checked
     * @param rdfType The rdf:type value to check for
     * @exception LanguageConsistencyException if any member of the list does not have <code>rdf:type <i>rdfType</i></code>
    protected void checkListMembersRdfType( RDFList list, Resource rdfType ) {
        if (strictMode() && ! ((Boolean) list.reduce( new RdfTypeTestFn( rdfType), Boolean.TRUE )).booleanValue()) {
            // not all of the members of the list are of the given type
            throw new LanguageConsistencyException( "The members of the given list are expected to be of rdf:type " + rdfType.toString() );

         Answer the supplied model, unless it's null, in which case answer a new model
         constructed as per spec.
    private static Model makeBaseModel( OntModelSpec spec, Model model ) {
        return model == null ? spec.createBaseModel() : model;

     * <p>Answer the InfGraph that this model is wrapping, or null if this ontology
     * model is not wrapping an inf graph.</p>
     * @return The model's graph as an InfGraph, or null
    private InfGraph getInfGraph() {
        return (getGraph() instanceof InfGraph) ? ((InfGraph) getGraph()) : null;

     * Test for whether we ignore <code>file:</code> URI's when testing for content
     * negotiation.
     * @param source
     * @return
    protected boolean ignoreFileURI( String source ) {
        return source.startsWith( "file:" );

    /* delegation points to allow unit testing of read operations */

    protected Model readDelegate( String url ) { return url )}
    protected Model readDelegate( String url, String lang ) { return url, lang ); }
    protected Model readDelegate( String url, String base, String lang ) { return url, base, lang ); }

    // Inner class definitions

    /** Map triple subjects or single nodes to subject enh nodes, presented as() the given class */
    protected class SubjectNodeAs<To extends RDFNode> implements Map1<Triple, To>
        protected Class<To> m_asKey;

        protected SubjectNodeAs( Class<To> asKey ) { m_asKey = asKey; }

        public To map1( Triple x ) {
            return getNodeAs( x.getSubject(), m_asKey );


    /** Map triple subjects or single nodes to subject enh nodes, presented as() the given class */
    protected class NodeAs<To extends RDFNode> implements Map1<Node, To>
        protected Class<To> m_asKey;
        protected NodeAs( Class<To> asKey ) { m_asKey = asKey; }

        public To map1( Node x ) {
            return getNodeAs( x, m_asKey );

    protected class NodeCanAs<T extends RDFNode> extends Filter<Node>
        protected Class<T> m_asKey;
        protected NodeCanAs( Class<T> asKey ) { m_asKey = asKey; }

        public boolean accept( Node x ) {
                try { getNodeAs( x, m_asKey )}
                catch (Exception ignore) { return false; }
        return true;


    /** Filter that accepts nodes that can be mapped to the given facet */
    protected class SubjectNodeCanAs<T extends RDFNode> extends Filter<T>
        protected Class<T> m_asKey;
        protected SubjectNodeCanAs( Class<T> asKey ) { m_asKey = asKey; }

        public boolean accept( T x ) {
            Node n = (x instanceof Triple)
                    ? ((Triple) x).getSubject()
                    : ((x instanceof EnhNode) ? ((EnhNode) x).asNode() (Node) x);
            try {
                getNodeAs( n, m_asKey );
            catch (Exception ignore) {
                return false;
            return true;

    /** Function to test the rdf type of a list */
    protected class RdfTypeTestFn implements RDFList.ReduceFn
        protected Resource m_type;
        protected RdfTypeTestFn( Resource type ) { m_type = type; }
        public Object reduce( RDFNode node, Object accumulator ) {
            Boolean acc = (Boolean) accumulator;
            if (acc.booleanValue()) {
                // true so far
                Resource r = (Resource) node;
                return new Boolean( r.hasProperty( RDF.type, m_type ) );
            else {
                return acc;

    /** Listener for model changes that indicate a change in the imports to the model */
    protected class ImportsListener
        extends StatementListener
        public void addedStatement( Statement added ) {
            if (added.getPredicate().equals( getProfile().IMPORTS() )) {
                getDocumentManager().loadImport( OntModelImpl.this, added.getResource().getURI() );

        public void removedStatement( Statement removed ) {
            if (removed.getPredicate().equals( getProfile().IMPORTS() )) {
                getDocumentManager().unloadImport( OntModelImpl.this, removed.getResource().getURI() );

Related Classes of com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.impl.OntModelImpl$SubjectNodeAs

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