Package com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.resultset

Source Code of com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.resultset.TestResultSet

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* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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package com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.resultset;

import ;
import ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

import org.apache.jena.atlas.junit.BaseTest ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.StrUtils ;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test ;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSet ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSetFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSetFormatter ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSetRewindable ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.core.Var ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.QueryIterator ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.ResultSetStream ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.binding.Binding ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.binding.BindingFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.binding.BindingMap ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.iterator.QueryIterPlainWrapper ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.iterator.QueryIterSingleton ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.sse.SSE ;
import ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.util.NodeFactoryExtra ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.util.ResultSetUtils ;

public class TestResultSet extends BaseTest
    public static void setup() {
        // Disable warnings these tests will produce
        ResultSetPeeking.warnOnSyncErrors = false;
    public static void teardown() {
        // Re-enable warnings
        ResultSetPeeking.warnOnSyncErrors = true;
    // Test reading, writing and comparison
    @Test public void test_RS_1()
        ResultSetRewindable rs1 = new ResultSetMem() ;
        ByteArrayOutputStream arr = new ByteArrayOutputStream() ;
        ResultSetFormatter.outputAsXML(arr, rs1) ;
        rs1.reset() ;
        ByteArrayInputStream ins = new ByteArrayInputStream(arr.toByteArray()) ;
        ResultSet rs2 = ResultSetFactory.fromXML(ins) ;
        assertTrue(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2)) ;
    @Test public void test_RS_1_str()
        ResultSetRewindable rs1 = new ResultSetMem() ;
        String x = ResultSetFormatter.asXMLString(rs1) ;
        rs1.reset() ;
        ResultSet rs2 = ResultSetFactory.fromXML(x) ;
        assertTrue(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2)) ;

    @Test public void test_RS_2()
        ResultSetRewindable rs1 = makeRewindable("x", com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")) ;
        ByteArrayOutputStream arr = new ByteArrayOutputStream() ;
        ResultSetFormatter.outputAsXML(arr, rs1) ;
        rs1.reset() ;
        ByteArrayInputStream ins = new ByteArrayInputStream(arr.toByteArray()) ;
        ResultSet rs2 = ResultSetFactory.fromXML(ins) ;
        assertTrue(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2)) ;
    @Test public void test_RS_2_str()
        ResultSetRewindable rs1 = makeRewindable("x", com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")) ;
        String x = ResultSetFormatter.asXMLString(rs1) ;
        rs1.reset() ;
        ResultSet rs2 = ResultSetFactory.fromXML(x) ;
        assertTrue(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2)) ;

    // RDF
    @Test public void test_RS_3()
        ResultSetRewindable rs1 = new ResultSetMem() ;
        Model model = ResultSetFormatter.toModel(rs1) ;
        rs1.reset() ;
        ResultSet rs2 = ResultSetFactory.fromRDF(model) ;
        assertTrue(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2)) ;
    @Test public void test_RS_4()
        ResultSetRewindable rs1 = makeRewindable("x", com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")) ;
        Model model = ResultSetFormatter.toModel(rs1) ;
        rs1.reset() ;
        ResultSetRewindable rs2 = ResultSetFactory.makeRewindable(ResultSetFactory.fromRDF(model)) ;
        boolean b = ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2) ;
        if ( ! b )
            rs1.reset() ;
            rs2.reset() ;
            ResultSetFormatter.out(rs1) ;
            ResultSetFormatter.out(rs2) ;
        assertTrue(b) ;
    // JSON
    @Test public void test_RS_5()
        ResultSetRewindable rs1 = new ResultSetMem() ;
        ByteArrayOutputStream arr = new ByteArrayOutputStream() ;
        ResultSetFormatter.outputAsJSON(arr, rs1) ;
        rs1.reset() ;
        ByteArrayInputStream ins = new ByteArrayInputStream(arr.toByteArray()) ;
        ResultSet rs2 = ResultSetFactory.fromJSON(ins) ;
        assertTrue(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2)) ;
    @Test public void test_RS_6()
        ResultSetRewindable rs1 = make2Rewindable("x", com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")) ;
        ByteArrayOutputStream arr = new ByteArrayOutputStream() ;
        ResultSetFormatter.outputAsJSON(arr, rs1) ;
        rs1.reset() ;
        ByteArrayInputStream ins = new ByteArrayInputStream(arr.toByteArray()) ;
        ResultSet rs2 = ResultSetFactory.fromJSON(ins) ;    // Test using the DAWG examples
        assertTrue(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2)) ;
    // Into some format.
    @Test public void test_RS_7()
        ResultSet rs = ResultSetFactory.load("testing/ResultSet/output.srx") ;
        test_RS_fmt(rs, ResultsFormat.FMT_RS_XML, true) ;
    @Test public void test_RS_8()
        ResultSet rs = ResultSetFactory.load("testing/ResultSet/output.srx") ;
        test_RS_fmt(rs, ResultsFormat.FMT_RS_JSON, true) ;
    @Test public void test_RS_9()
        ResultSet rs = ResultSetFactory.load("testing/ResultSet/output.srx") ;
        test_RS_fmt(rs, ResultsFormat.FMT_RDF_XML, false) ;
    @Test public void test_RS_10()
        ResultSet rs = ResultSetFactory.load("testing/ResultSet/output.srx") ;
        for ( ; rs.hasNext(); { }
        // We should be able to call hasNext() as many times as we want!

    @Test public void test_RS_union_1()
      ResultSet rs1 = make("x", com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")) ;
      ResultSet rs2 = make("x", com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")) ;
      ResultSet rs3 = make2("x", com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")) ;
      assertTrue(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs3, ResultSetUtils.union(rs1, rs2))) ;

    @Test(expected = ResultSetException.class)
    public void test_RS_union_2()
      ResultSet rs1 = make("x", com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")) ;
      ResultSet rs2 = make("y", com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")) ;
      ResultSetUtils.union(rs1, rs2) ;

    private void test_RS_fmt(ResultSet rs, ResultsFormat fmt, boolean ordered)
        ResultSetRewindable rs1 = ResultSetFactory.makeRewindable(rs) ;
        ByteArrayOutputStream arr = new ByteArrayOutputStream() ;
        ResultSetFormatter.output(arr, rs1, fmt) ;
        byte bytes[] = arr.toByteArray() ;
        rs1.reset() ;
        ByteArrayInputStream ins = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes) ;
        ResultSetRewindable rs2 = ResultSetFactory.makeRewindable(ResultSetFactory.load(ins, fmt)) ;

        // Ordered? Unordered?
        boolean b = ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2) ;
        if ( ordered )
            rs1.reset() ;
            rs2.reset() ;
            b = b & ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2) ;
        if ( !b )
            System.out.println(new String(bytes)) ;
            rs1.reset() ;
            rs2.reset() ;
            ResultSetFormatter.out(rs1) ;
            ResultSetFormatter.out(rs2) ;

        assertTrue(b) ;
    // Test comparison
    @Test public void test_RS_cmp_1()
        ResultSetRewindable rs1 = new ResultSetMem() ;
        ResultSetRewindable rs2 = new ResultSetMem() ;
        assertTrue(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2)) ;
        rs1.reset() ;
        rs2.reset() ;
        assertTrue(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2)) ;
    @Test public void test_RS_cmp_2()
        ResultSet rs1 = make("x", com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")) ;
        ResultSet rs2 = new ResultSetMem() ;
        assertFalse(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2)) ;


    @Test public void test_RS_cmp_3()
        ResultSet rs1 = make("x", com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")) ;
        ResultSet rs2 = new ResultSetMem() ;
        assertFalse(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2)) ;

    @Test public void test_RS_cmp_4()
        ResultSet rs1 = make("x", com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")) ;
        ResultSet rs2 = make("x", com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")) ;
        assertTrue(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2)) ;
        assertTrue(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2)) ;

    @Test public void test_RS_cmp_5()
        // Same variable, different values
        ResultSetRewindable rs1 = makeRewindable("x", com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local:1")) ;
        ResultSetRewindable rs2 = makeRewindable("x", com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local:2")) ;
        assertFalse(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2)) ;
        rs1.reset() ;
        rs2.reset() ;
        assertFalse(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2)) ;

    @Test public void test_RS_cmp_6()
        // Different variable, same values
        ResultSetRewindable rs1 = makeRewindable("x", com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")) ;
        ResultSetRewindable rs2 = makeRewindable("y", com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")) ;
        assertFalse(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTermAndOrder(rs1, rs2)) ;
        rs1.reset() ;
        rs2.reset() ;
        assertFalse(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2)) ;
    // Value based
    @Test public void test_RS_cmp_value_1()
        ResultSetRewindable rs1 = makeRewindable("x", NodeFactoryExtra.parseNode("123")) ;
        ResultSetRewindable rs2 = makeRewindable("x", NodeFactoryExtra.parseNode("0123")) ;
        assertFalse(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2)) ;
        assertTrue(ResultSetCompare.equalsByValue(rs1, rs2)) ;
    // Peeking
    public void test_RS_peeking_1() {
        ResultSetPeekable rs = makePeekable("x",  NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local"));
        // Peeking should not move the result set onwards so hasNext() should still report true
    public void test_RS_peeking_2() {
        ResultSetPeekable rs = makePeekable("x",  NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local"));
        // Peeking should not move the result set onwards so hasNext() should still report true
        // Peeking beyond end of results throws an error
    public void test_RS_peeking_3() {
        // Expect that a rewindable result set will be peekable
        ResultSetPeekable rs = (ResultSetPeekable)makeRewindable("x",  NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local"));
        // Peeking should not move the result set onwards so hasNext() should still report true
    public void test_RS_peeking_4() {
        // Expect that a rewindable result set will be peekable
        ResultSetPeekable rs = (ResultSetPeekable) makeRewindable("x",  NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local"));
        // Peeking should not move the result set onwards so hasNext() should still report true
        // Peeking beyond end of results throws an error
    public void test_RS_peeking_5() {
        // Peeking should be able to cope with people moving on the underlying result set independently
        ResultSet inner = new ResultSetMem(make("x", NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")), make("x", NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")));
        ResultSetPeekable rs = ResultSetFactory.makePeekable(inner);
        // Move on the inner result set independently;
        // Since we fiddled with the underlying result set there won't be further elements available anymore
    public void test_RS_peeking_6() {
        // Peeking should be able to cope with people moving on the underlying result set independently
        ResultSet inner = new ResultSetMem(make("x", NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")), make("x", NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")), make("x", NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")));
        ResultSetPeekable rs = ResultSetFactory.makePeekable(inner);
        // Move on the inner result set independently;
        // Since we fiddled with the underlying result set we'll be out of sync
        // but there should still be further data available
    public void test_RS_peeking_7() {
        // Peeking may fail if someone moves backwards in the result set
        // If we hadn't moved pass the first item this should be safe
        ResultSetRewindable inner = makeRewindable("x", NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local"));
        ResultSetPeekable rs = ResultSetFactory.makePeekable(inner);
        // Reset the inner result set independently
        // Since we moved the underlying result set backwards but we hadn't gone anywhere
        // we should still be able to safely access the underlying results
    public void test_RS_peeking_8() {
        // Peeking may fail if someone moves backwards in the result set
        // If we had moved past the first item this should be an error
        ResultSetRewindable inner = new ResultSetMem(make("x", NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")), make("x", NodeFactory.createURI("tag:local")));
        ResultSetPeekable rs = ResultSetFactory.makePeekable(inner);
        // Reset the inner result set independently
        // Since we moved the underlying result set backwards and had moved somewhere we
        // are now in an illegal state
    public void test_RS_peeking_9() {
        // Check that peeking causes the correct row to be returned when we actually access the rows
        Node first = NodeFactory.createURI("tag:first");
        Node second = NodeFactory.createURI("tag:second");
        Var x = Var.alloc("x");
        ResultSet inner = new ResultSetMem(make("x", first), make("x", second));
        ResultSetPeekable rs = ResultSetFactory.makePeekable(inner);
        // Peek and check row is as expected
        Binding peeked = rs.peekBinding();
        // Check first row is as expected
        Binding next = rs.nextBinding();
        // Repeat for second row
        peeked = rs.peekBinding();
        next = rs.nextBinding();
    // ---- Isomorphism.
    /* This is from the DAWG test suite.
     * Result set 1:
     *   ---------------
     *   | x    | y    |
     *   ===============
     *   | _:b0 | _:b1 |
     *   | _:b2 | _:b3 |
     *   | _:b1 | _:b0 |
     *   ---------------
     * Result set 2:
     *   ---------------
     *   | x    | y    |
     *   ===============
     *   | _:b1 | _:b0 |
     *   | _:b3 | _:b2 |
     *   | _:b2 | _:b3 |
     *   ---------------
    // nasty result set.
    // These are the same but the first row of rs2$ throws in a wrong mapping of b0/c1

    // Right mapping is:
    // b0->c3, b1->c2, b2->c1, b3->c0
    // Currently we get, working simply top to bottom, no backtracking:
    // b0->c1, b1->c0, b2->c3, b3->c2, then last row fails as _:b1 is mapped to c0, b0 to c1 not (c2, c3)
    private static String[] rs1$ = {
        "(resultset (?x ?y)",
        "   (row (?x _:b0) (?y _:b1))",
        "   (row (?x _:b2) (?y _:b3))",
        "   (row (?x _:b1) (?y _:b0))",
        ")"} ;
    private static String[] rs2$ = {
        "(resultset (?x ?y)",
        "   (row (?x _:c1) (?y _:c0))",
        "   (row (?x _:c3) (?y _:c2))",
        "   (row (?x _:c2) (?y _:c3))",
        ")"} ;
    @Test public void test_RS_iso_1()       { isotest(rs1$, rs2$) ; }
    private void isotest(String[] rs1$2, String[] rs2$2)
        ResultSetRewindable rs1 = ResultSetFactory.makeRewindable($)))) ;
        ResultSetRewindable rs2 = ResultSetFactory.makeRewindable($)))) ;
        assertTrue(ResultSetCompare.isomorphic(rs1, rs2)) ;
        rs1.reset() ;
        rs2.reset() ;  
        assertTrue(ResultSetCompare.equalsByTerm(rs1, rs2)) ;
        assertTrue(ResultSetCompare.equalsByValue(rs1, rs2)) ;

    // -------- Support functions
    private ResultSet make(String var, Node val)
        BindingMap b = BindingFactory.create() ;
        b.add(Var.alloc(var), val) ;
        List<String> vars = new ArrayList<String>() ;
        vars.add(var) ;
        QueryIterator qIter = QueryIterSingleton.create(b, null) ;
        ResultSet rs = new ResultSetStream(vars, null, qIter) ;
        return rs ;

    private ResultSet make2(String var, Node val)
        BindingMap b1 = BindingFactory.create() ;
        b1.add(Var.alloc(var), val) ;
        BindingMap b2 = BindingFactory.create() ;
        b2.add(Var.alloc(var), val) ;
        List<String> vars = new ArrayList<String>() ;
        vars.add(var) ;

        List<Binding> solutions = new ArrayList<Binding>() ;
        solutions.add(b1) ;
        solutions.add(b2) ;
        QueryIterator qIter = new QueryIterPlainWrapper(solutions.iterator(), null) ;
        ResultSet rs = new ResultSetStream(vars, null, qIter) ;
        return rs ;

    private ResultSetRewindable makeRewindable(String var, Node val)
        ResultSet rs = make(var, val) ;
        ResultSetRewindable rsw = ResultSetFactory.makeRewindable(rs) ;
        return rsw ;
    private ResultSetRewindable make2Rewindable(String var, Node val)
        ResultSet rs = make2(var, val) ;
        ResultSetRewindable rsw = ResultSetFactory.makeRewindable(rs) ;
        return rsw ;
    private ResultSet make(String var1, Node val1, String var2, Node val2 )
        BindingMap b = BindingFactory.create() ;
        b.add(Var.alloc(var1), val1) ;
        b.add(Var.alloc(var2), val2) ;
        List<String> vars = new ArrayList<String>() ;
        vars.add(var1) ;
        vars.add(var2) ;
        QueryIterator qIter = QueryIterSingleton.create(b, null) ;
        ResultSet rs = new ResultSetStream(vars, null, qIter) ;
        return rs ;

    private ResultSetRewindable makeRewindable(String var1, Node val1, String var2, Node val2 )
        ResultSet rs = make(var1, val1, var2, val2) ;
        ResultSetRewindable rsw = ResultSetFactory.makeRewindable(rs) ;
        return rsw ;
    private ResultSetPeekable makePeekable(String var, Node val) {
        ResultSet rs = make(var, val);
        ResultSetPeekable rsp = ResultSetFactory.makePeekable(rs);
        return rsp;
    private ResultSetPeekable make2Peekable(String var1, Node val1, String var2, Node val2) {
        ResultSet rs = make(var1, val1, var2, val2);
        ResultSetPeekable rsp = ResultSetFactory.makePeekable(rs);
        return rsp;

Related Classes of com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.resultset.TestResultSet

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