Package org.apache.cassandra.config

Source Code of org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package org.apache.cassandra.config;

import org.apache.cassandra.auth.AllowAllAuthenticator;
import org.apache.cassandra.auth.IAuthenticator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLog;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.BytesType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.IPartitioner;
import org.apache.cassandra.locator.IEndPointSnitch;
import org.apache.cassandra.locator.AbstractReplicationStrategy;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.XMLUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.*;

public class DatabaseDescriptor
    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DatabaseDescriptor.class);
    public static final String STREAMING_SUBDIR = "stream";

    // don't capitalize these; we need them to match what's in the config file for CLS.valueOf to parse
    public static enum CommitLogSync {

    public static enum DiskAccessMode {

    public static final String random = "RANDOM";
    public static final String ophf = "OPHF";
    private static int storagePort = 7000;
    private static int thriftPort = 9160;
    private static boolean thriftFramed = false;
    private static InetAddress listenAddress; // leave null so we can fall through to getLocalHost
    private static InetAddress thriftAddress;
    private static String clusterName = "Test";
    private static long rpcTimeoutInMillis = 2000;
    private static int phiConvictThreshold = 8;
    private static Set<InetAddress> seeds = new HashSet<InetAddress>();
    /* Keeps the list of data file directories */
    private static String[] dataFileDirectories;
    /* Current index into the above list of directories */
    private static int currentIndex = 0;
    private static String logFileDirectory;
    private static int consistencyThreads = 4; // not configurable
    private static int concurrentReaders = 8;
    private static int concurrentWriters = 32;

    private static double flushDataBufferSizeInMB = 32;
    private static double flushIndexBufferSizeInMB = 8;
    private static int slicedReadBufferSizeInKB = 64;

    static Map<String, KSMetaData> tables = new HashMap<String, KSMetaData>();
    private static int bmtThreshold = 256;
    /* if this a row exceeds this threshold, we issue warnings during compaction */
    private static long rowWarningThreshold = 512 * 1024 * 1024;

    /* Hashing strategy Random or OPHF */
    private static IPartitioner partitioner;

    /* if the size of columns or super-columns are more than this, indexing will kick in */
    private static int columnIndexSizeInKB;
    /* Number of minutes to keep a memtable in memory */
    private static int memtableLifetimeMs = 60 * 60 * 1000;
    /* Size of the memtable in memory before it is dumped */
    private static int memtableThroughput = 64;
    /* Number of objects in millions in the memtable before it is dumped */
    private static double memtableOperations = 0.1;
     * This parameter enables or disables consistency checks.
     * If set to false the read repairs are disable for very
     * high throughput on reads but at the cost of consistency.
    private static boolean doConsistencyCheck = true;
    /* Job Jar Location */
    private static String jobJarFileLocation;
    /* Address where to run the job tracker */
    private static String jobTrackerHost;   
    /* time to wait before garbage collecting tombstones (deletion markers) */
    private static int gcGraceInSeconds = 10 * 24 * 3600; // 10 days

    // the path qualified config file (storage-conf.xml) name
    private static String configFileName;
    /* initial token in the ring */
    private static String initialToken = null;

    private static CommitLogSync commitLogSync;
    private static double commitLogSyncBatchMS;
    private static int commitLogSyncPeriodMS;

    private static DiskAccessMode diskAccessMode;
    private static DiskAccessMode indexAccessMode;

    private static boolean snapshotBeforeCompaction;
    private static boolean autoBootstrap = false;

    private static boolean hintedHandoffEnabled = true;

    private static IAuthenticator authenticator = new AllowAllAuthenticator();

    private final static String STORAGE_CONF_FILE = "storage-conf.xml";

     * Try the storage-config system property, and then inspect the classpath.
    static String getStorageConfigPath()
        String scp = System.getProperty("storage-config") + File.separator + STORAGE_CONF_FILE;
        if (new File(scp).exists())
            return scp;
        // try the classpath
        ClassLoader loader = DatabaseDescriptor.class.getClassLoader();
        URL scpurl = loader.getResource(STORAGE_CONF_FILE);
        if (scpurl != null)
            return scpurl.getFile();
        throw new RuntimeException("Cannot locate " + STORAGE_CONF_FILE + " via storage-config system property or classpath lookup.");

    private static int stageQueueSize_ = 4096;

            configFileName = getStorageConfigPath();
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("Loading settings from " + configFileName);
            XMLUtils xmlUtils = new XMLUtils(configFileName);

            /* Cluster Name */
            clusterName = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/ClusterName");

            String syncRaw = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/CommitLogSync");
                commitLogSync = CommitLogSync.valueOf(syncRaw);
            catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
                throw new ConfigurationException("CommitLogSync must be either 'periodic' or 'batch'");
            if (commitLogSync == null)
                throw new ConfigurationException("Missing required directive CommitLogSync");
            else if (commitLogSync == CommitLogSync.batch)
                    commitLogSyncBatchMS = Double.valueOf(xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/CommitLogSyncBatchWindowInMS"));
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Unrecognized value for CommitLogSyncBatchWindowInMS.  Double expected.");
                if (xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/CommitLogSyncPeriodInMS") != null)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Batch sync specified, but CommitLogSyncPeriodInMS found.  Only specify CommitLogSyncBatchWindowInMS when using batch sync.");
                logger.debug("Syncing log with a batch window of " + commitLogSyncBatchMS);
                assert commitLogSync == CommitLogSync.periodic;
                    commitLogSyncPeriodMS = Integer.valueOf(xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/CommitLogSyncPeriodInMS"));
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Unrecognized value for CommitLogSyncPeriodInMS.  Integer expected.");
                if (xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/CommitLogSyncBatchWindowInMS") != null)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Periodic sync specified, but CommitLogSyncBatchWindowInMS found.  Only specify CommitLogSyncPeriodInMS when using periodic sync.");
                logger.debug("Syncing log with a period of " + commitLogSyncPeriodMS);

            String modeRaw = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/DiskAccessMode");
                diskAccessMode = DiskAccessMode.valueOf(modeRaw);
            catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
                throw new ConfigurationException("DiskAccessMode must be either 'auto', 'mmap', 'mmap_index_only', or 'standard'");

            /* evaluate the DiskAccessMode conf directive, which also affects indexAccessMode selection */
            if (diskAccessMode ==
                diskAccessMode = System.getProperty("os.arch").contains("64") ? DiskAccessMode.mmap : DiskAccessMode.standard;
                indexAccessMode = diskAccessMode;
      "DiskAccessMode 'auto' determined to be " + diskAccessMode + ", indexAccessMode is " + indexAccessMode );
            else if (diskAccessMode == DiskAccessMode.mmap_index_only)
                diskAccessMode = DiskAccessMode.standard;
                indexAccessMode = DiskAccessMode.mmap;
      "DiskAccessMode is" + diskAccessMode + ", indexAccessMode is " + indexAccessMode );
                indexAccessMode = diskAccessMode;
      "DiskAccessMode is" + diskAccessMode + ", indexAccessMode is " + indexAccessMode );

            /* Authentication and authorization backend, implementing IAuthenticator */
            String authenticatorClassName = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/Authenticator");
            if (authenticatorClassName != null)
                    Class cls = Class.forName(authenticatorClassName);
                    authenticator = (IAuthenticator) cls.getConstructor().newInstance();
                catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid authenticator class " + authenticatorClassName);
            /* Hashing strategy */
            String partitionerClassName = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/Partitioner");
            if (partitionerClassName == null)
                throw new ConfigurationException("Missing partitioner directive /Storage/Partitioner");
                partitioner = FBUtilities.newPartitioner(partitionerClassName);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid partitioner class " + partitionerClassName);

            /* JobTracker address */
            jobTrackerHost = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/JobTrackerHost");

            /* Job Jar file location */
            jobJarFileLocation = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/JobJarFileLocation");

            String gcGrace = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/GCGraceSeconds");
            if ( gcGrace != null )
                gcGraceInSeconds = Integer.parseInt(gcGrace);

            initialToken = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/InitialToken");

            /* RPC Timeout */
            String rpcTimeout = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/RpcTimeoutInMillis");
            if ( rpcTimeout != null )
                rpcTimeoutInMillis = Integer.parseInt(rpcTimeout);

            /* phi convict threshold for FailureDetector */
            String phiThreshold = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/PhiConvictThreshold");
            if ( phiThreshold != null )
                    phiConvictThreshold = Integer.parseInt(phiThreshold);

            if (phiConvictThreshold < 5 || phiConvictThreshold > 16)
                throw new ConfigurationException("PhiConvictThreshold must be between 5 and 16");
            /* Thread per pool */
            String rawReaders = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/ConcurrentReads");
            if (rawReaders != null)
                concurrentReaders = Integer.parseInt(rawReaders);
            if (concurrentReaders < 2)
                throw new ConfigurationException("ConcurrentReads must be at least 2");

            String rawWriters = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/ConcurrentWrites");
            if (rawWriters != null)
                concurrentWriters = Integer.parseInt(rawWriters);
            if (concurrentWriters < 2)
                throw new ConfigurationException("ConcurrentWrites must be at least 2");

            String rawFlushData = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/FlushDataBufferSizeInMB");
            if (rawFlushData != null)
                flushDataBufferSizeInMB = Double.parseDouble(rawFlushData);
            String rawFlushIndex = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/FlushIndexBufferSizeInMB");
            if (rawFlushIndex != null)
                flushIndexBufferSizeInMB = Double.parseDouble(rawFlushIndex);

            String rawSlicedBuffer = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/SlicedBufferSizeInKB");
            if (rawSlicedBuffer != null)
                slicedReadBufferSizeInKB = Integer.parseInt(rawSlicedBuffer);

            String bmtThresh = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/BinaryMemtableThroughputInMB");
            if (bmtThresh != null)
                bmtThreshold = Integer.parseInt(bmtThresh);

            /* TCP port on which the storage system listens */
            String port = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/StoragePort");
            if ( port != null )
                storagePort = Integer.parseInt(port);

            /* Local IP or hostname to bind services to */
            String listenAddr = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/ListenAddress");
            if (listenAddr != null)
                if (listenAddr.equals(""))
                    throw new ConfigurationException("ListenAddress must be a single interface.  See");
                    listenAddress = InetAddress.getByName(listenAddr);
                catch (UnknownHostException e)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Unknown ListenAddress '" + listenAddr + "'");

            /* Local IP or hostname to bind thrift server to */
            String thriftAddr = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/ThriftAddress");
            if ( thriftAddr != null )
                thriftAddress = InetAddress.getByName(thriftAddr);

            /* get the thrift port from conf file */
            port = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/ThriftPort");
            if (port != null)
                thriftPort = Integer.parseInt(port);

            /* Framed (Thrift) transport (default to "no") */
            String framedRaw = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/ThriftFramedTransport");
            if (framedRaw != null)
                if (framedRaw.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || framedRaw.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
                    thriftFramed = Boolean.valueOf(framedRaw);
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Unrecognized value for ThriftFramedTransport.  Use 'true' or 'false'.");

            /* snapshot-before-compaction.  defaults to false */
            String sbc = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/SnapshotBeforeCompaction");
            if (sbc != null)
                if (sbc.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || sbc.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                        logger.debug("setting snapshotBeforeCompaction to " + sbc);
                    snapshotBeforeCompaction = Boolean.valueOf(sbc);
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Unrecognized value for SnapshotBeforeCompaction.  Use 'true' or 'false'.");

            /* snapshot-before-compaction.  defaults to false */
            String autoBootstr = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/AutoBootstrap");
            if (autoBootstr != null)
                if (autoBootstr.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || autoBootstr.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                        logger.debug("setting autoBootstrap to " + autoBootstr);
                    autoBootstrap = Boolean.valueOf(autoBootstr);
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Unrecognized value for AutoBootstrap.  Use 'true' or 'false'.");

            /* Number of days to keep the memtable around w/o flushing */
            String lifetime = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/MemtableFlushAfterMinutes");
            if (lifetime != null)
                memtableLifetimeMs = Integer.parseInt(lifetime) * 60 * 1000;

            /* Size of the memtable in memory in MB before it is dumped */
            String memtableSize = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/MemtableThroughputInMB");
            if ( memtableSize != null )
                memtableThroughput = Integer.parseInt(memtableSize);
            /* Number of objects in millions in the memtable before it is dumped */
            String memtableObjectCount = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/MemtableOperationsInMillions");
            if ( memtableObjectCount != null )
                memtableOperations = Double.parseDouble(memtableObjectCount);
            if (memtableOperations <= 0)
                throw new ConfigurationException("Memtable object count must be a positive double");

            /* This parameter enables or disables consistency checks.
             * If set to false the read repairs are disable for very
             * high throughput on reads but at the cost of consistency.*/
            String doConsistency = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/DoConsistencyChecksBoolean");
            if ( doConsistency != null )
                doConsistencyCheck = Boolean.parseBoolean(doConsistency);

            /* read the size at which we should do column indexes */
            String columnIndexSize = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/ColumnIndexSizeInKB");
            if(columnIndexSize == null)
                columnIndexSizeInKB = 64;
                columnIndexSizeInKB = Integer.parseInt(columnIndexSize);

            String rowWarning = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/RowWarningThresholdInMB");
            if (rowWarning != null)
                rowWarningThreshold = Long.parseLong(rowWarning) * 1024 * 1024;
                if (rowWarningThreshold <= 0)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Row warning threshold must be a positive integer");
            /* data file and commit log directories. they get created later, when they're needed. */
            dataFileDirectories = xmlUtils.getNodeValues("/Storage/DataFileDirectories/DataFileDirectory");
            logFileDirectory = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/CommitLogDirectory");

            for (String datadir : dataFileDirectories)
                if (datadir.equals(logFileDirectory))
                    throw new ConfigurationException("CommitLogDirectory must not be the same as any DataFileDirectory");

            /* threshold after which commit log should be rotated. */
            String value = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/CommitLogRotationThresholdInMB");
            if ( value != null)
                CommitLog.setSegmentSize(Integer.parseInt(value) * 1024 * 1024);

            /* should Hinted Handoff be on? */
            String hintedHandOffStr = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/HintedHandoffEnabled");
            if (hintedHandOffStr != null)
                if (hintedHandOffStr.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
                    hintedHandoffEnabled = true;
                else if (hintedHandOffStr.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
                    hintedHandoffEnabled = false;
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Unrecognized value for HintedHandoff.  Use 'true' or 'false'.");
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("setting hintedHandoffEnabled to " + hintedHandoffEnabled);

            if (tables.isEmpty())
                throw new ConfigurationException("No keyspaces configured");

            // Hardcoded system tables
            KSMetaData systemMeta = new KSMetaData(Table.SYSTEM_TABLE, null, -1, null);
            tables.put(Table.SYSTEM_TABLE, systemMeta);
            systemMeta.cfMetaData.put(SystemTable.STATUS_CF, new CFMetaData(Table.SYSTEM_TABLE,
                                                                            new UTF8Type(),
                                                                            "persistent metadata for the local node",

            systemMeta.cfMetaData.put(HintedHandOffManager.HINTS_CF, new CFMetaData(Table.SYSTEM_TABLE,
                                                                                    new BytesType(),
                                                                                    new BytesType(),
                                                                                    "hinted handoff data",

            /* Load the seeds for node contact points */
            String[] seedsxml = xmlUtils.getNodeValues("/Storage/Seeds/Seed");
            if (seedsxml.length <= 0)
                throw new ConfigurationException("A minimum of one seed is required.");
            for( int i = 0; i < seedsxml.length; ++i )
        catch (ConfigurationException e)
            logger.error("Fatal error: " + e.getMessage());
            System.err.println("Bad configuration; unable to start server");
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    private static void readTablesFromXml() throws ConfigurationException
        XMLUtils xmlUtils = null;
            xmlUtils = new XMLUtils(configFileName);
        catch (ParserConfigurationException e)
            ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage());
            throw ex;
        catch (SAXException e)
            ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage());
            throw ex;
        catch (IOException e)
            ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage());
            throw ex;

            /* Read the table related stuff from config */
            NodeList tablesxml = xmlUtils.getRequestedNodeList("/Storage/Keyspaces/Keyspace");
            int size = tablesxml.getLength();
            for ( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
                String value = null;
                Node table = tablesxml.item(i);

                /* parsing out the table ksName */
                String ksName = XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(table, "Name");
                if (ksName == null)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Table name attribute is required");
                if (ksName.equalsIgnoreCase(Table.SYSTEM_TABLE))
                    throw new ConfigurationException("'system' is a reserved table name for Cassandra internals");

                /* See which replica placement strategy to use */
                String replicaPlacementStrategyClassName = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/Keyspaces/Keyspace[@Name='" + ksName + "']/ReplicaPlacementStrategy");
                if (replicaPlacementStrategyClassName == null)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Missing replicaplacementstrategy directive for " + ksName);
                Class<? extends AbstractReplicationStrategy> repStratClass = null;
                    repStratClass = (Class<? extends AbstractReplicationStrategy>) Class.forName(replicaPlacementStrategyClassName);
                catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid replicaplacementstrategy class " + replicaPlacementStrategyClassName);

                /* Data replication factor */
                String replicationFactor = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/Keyspaces/Keyspace[@Name='" + ksName + "']/ReplicationFactor");
                int repFact = -1;
                if (replicationFactor == null)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Missing replicationfactor directory for keyspace " + ksName);
                    repFact = Integer.parseInt(replicationFactor);

                /* end point snitch */
                String endPointSnitchClassName = xmlUtils.getNodeValue("/Storage/Keyspaces/Keyspace[@Name='" + ksName + "']/EndPointSnitch");
                if (endPointSnitchClassName == null)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Missing endpointsnitch directive for keyspace " + ksName);
                IEndPointSnitch epSnitch = null;
                    Class cls = Class.forName(endPointSnitchClassName);
                    epSnitch = (IEndPointSnitch)cls.getConstructor().newInstance();
                catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid endpointsnitch class " + endPointSnitchClassName);
                catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid endpointsnitch class " + endPointSnitchClassName + " " + e.getMessage());
                catch (InstantiationException e)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid endpointsnitch class " + endPointSnitchClassName + " " + e.getMessage());
                catch (IllegalAccessException e)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid endpointsnitch class " + endPointSnitchClassName + " " + e.getMessage());
                catch (InvocationTargetException e)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid endpointsnitch class " + endPointSnitchClassName + " " + e.getMessage());

                String xqlTable = "/Storage/Keyspaces/Keyspace[@Name='" + ksName + "']/";
                NodeList columnFamilies = xmlUtils.getRequestedNodeList(xqlTable + "ColumnFamily");

                KSMetaData meta = new KSMetaData(ksName, repStratClass, repFact, epSnitch);

                //NodeList columnFamilies = xmlUtils.getRequestedNodeList(table, "ColumnFamily");
                int size2 = columnFamilies.getLength();

                for ( int j = 0; j < size2; ++j )
                    Node columnFamily = columnFamilies.item(j);
                    String tableName = ksName;
                    String cfName = XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(columnFamily, "Name");
                    if (cfName == null)
                        throw new ConfigurationException("ColumnFamily name attribute is required");
                    if (cfName.contains("-"))
                        throw new ConfigurationException("ColumnFamily names cannot contain hyphens");
                    String xqlCF = xqlTable + "ColumnFamily[@Name='" + cfName + "']/";

                    // Parse out the column type
                    String rawColumnType = XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(columnFamily, "ColumnType");
                    String columnType = ColumnFamily.getColumnType(rawColumnType);
                    if (columnType == null)
                        throw new ConfigurationException("ColumnFamily " + cfName + " has invalid type " + rawColumnType);

                    if (XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(columnFamily, "ColumnSort") != null)
                        throw new ConfigurationException("ColumnSort is no longer an accepted attribute.  Use CompareWith instead.");

                    // Parse out the column comparator
                    AbstractType comparator = getComparator(columnFamily, "CompareWith");
                    AbstractType subcolumnComparator = null;
                    if (columnType.equals("Super"))
                        subcolumnComparator = getComparator(columnFamily, "CompareSubcolumnsWith");
                    else if (XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(columnFamily, "CompareSubcolumnsWith") != null)
                        throw new ConfigurationException("CompareSubcolumnsWith is only a valid attribute on super columnfamilies (not regular columnfamily " + cfName + ")");

                    double keyCacheSize = CFMetaData.DEFAULT_KEY_CACHE_SIZE;
                    if ((value = XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(columnFamily, "KeysCachedFraction")) != null)
                        keyCacheSize = Double.valueOf(value);
                        // TODO: KeysCachedFraction deprecated: remove in 1.0
                        logger.warn("KeysCachedFraction is deprecated: use KeysCached instead.");
                    if ((value = XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(columnFamily, "KeysCached")) != null)
                        keyCacheSize = FBUtilities.parseDoubleOrPercent(value);

                    double rowCacheSize = CFMetaData.DEFAULT_ROW_CACHE_SIZE;
                    if ((value = XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(columnFamily, "RowsCached")) != null)
                        rowCacheSize = FBUtilities.parseDoubleOrPercent(value);

                    // Parse out user-specified logical names for the various dimensions
                    // of a the column family from the config.
                    String comment = xmlUtils.getNodeValue(xqlCF + "Comment");

                    // insert it into the table dictionary.
                    meta.cfMetaData.put(cfName, new CFMetaData(tableName, cfName, columnType, comparator, subcolumnComparator, comment, rowCacheSize, keyCacheSize));

                tables.put(, meta);
        catch (XPathExpressionException e)
            ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage());
            throw ex;
        catch (TransformerException e)
            ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage());
            throw ex;

    public static IAuthenticator getAuthenticator()
        return authenticator;

    public static boolean isThriftFramed()
        return thriftFramed;

    private static AbstractType getComparator(Node columnFamily, String attr) throws ConfigurationException
        String compareWith = null;
            compareWith = XMLUtils.getAttributeValue(columnFamily, attr);
        catch (TransformerException e)
            ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage());
            throw ex;

            return FBUtilities.getComparator(compareWith);
        catch (Exception e)
            ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage());
            throw ex;

     * Creates all storage-related directories.
     * @throws IOException when a disk problem is encountered.
    public static void createAllDirectories() throws IOException
        try {
            if (dataFileDirectories.length == 0)
                throw new ConfigurationException("At least one DataFileDirectory must be specified");
            for ( String dataFileDirectory : dataFileDirectories )
            if (logFileDirectory == null)
                throw new ConfigurationException("CommitLogDirectory must be specified");
        catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
            logger.error("Fatal error: " + ex.getMessage());
            System.err.println("Bad configuration; unable to start server");
        /* make sure we have a directory for each table */
        for (String dataFile : dataFileDirectories)
            FileUtils.createDirectory(dataFile + File.separator + Table.SYSTEM_TABLE);
            for (String table : tables.keySet())
                String oneDir = dataFile + File.separator + table;
                File streamingDir = new File(oneDir, STREAMING_SUBDIR);
                if (streamingDir.exists())

     * Create the metadata tables. This table has information about
     * the table name and the column families that make up the table.
     * Each column family also has an associated ID which is an int.
    // TODO duplicating data b/t tablemetadata and CFMetaData is confusing and error-prone
    public static void storeMetadata() throws IOException
        int cfId = 0;
        Set<String> tableset = tables.keySet();

        for (String table : tableset)
            Table.TableMetadata tmetadata = Table.TableMetadata.instance(table);
            if (tmetadata.isEmpty())
                tmetadata = Table.TableMetadata.instance(table);
                /* Column families associated with this table */
                Map<String, CFMetaData> columnFamilies = tables.get(table).cfMetaData;

                for (String columnFamily : columnFamilies.keySet())
                    tmetadata.add(columnFamily, cfId++, DatabaseDescriptor.getColumnType(table, columnFamily));

    public static int getGcGraceInSeconds()
        return gcGraceInSeconds;

    public static IPartitioner getPartitioner()
        return partitioner;
    public static IEndPointSnitch getEndPointSnitch(String table)
        return tables.get(table).epSnitch;

    public static Class<? extends AbstractReplicationStrategy> getReplicaPlacementStrategyClass(String table)
        return tables.get(table).repStratClass;
    public static String getJobTrackerAddress()
        return jobTrackerHost;
    public static int getColumnIndexSize()
      return columnIndexSizeInKB * 1024;

    public static int getMemtableLifetimeMS()
      return memtableLifetimeMs;

    public static String getInitialToken()
      return initialToken;

    public static int getMemtableThroughput()
      return memtableThroughput;

    public static double getMemtableOperations()
      return memtableOperations;

    public static boolean getConsistencyCheck()
      return doConsistencyCheck;

    public static String getClusterName()
        return clusterName;

    public static String getConfigFileName() {
        return configFileName;

    public static String getJobJarLocation()
        return jobJarFileLocation;
    public static Map<String, CFMetaData> getTableMetaData(String tableName)
        assert tableName != null;
        KSMetaData ksm = tables.get(tableName);
        assert ksm != null;
        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(ksm.cfMetaData);

     * Given a table name & column family name, get the column family
     * meta data. If the table name or column family name is not valid
     * this function returns null.
    public static CFMetaData getCFMetaData(String tableName, String cfName)
        assert tableName != null;
        KSMetaData ksm = tables.get(tableName);
        if (ksm == null)
            return null;
        return ksm.cfMetaData.get(cfName);
    public static String getColumnType(String tableName, String cfName)
        assert tableName != null;
        CFMetaData cfMetaData = getCFMetaData(tableName, cfName);
        if (cfMetaData == null)
            return null;
        return cfMetaData.columnType;

    public static Set<String> getTables()
        return tables.keySet();

    public static List<String> getNonSystemTables()
        List<String> tableslist = new ArrayList<String>(tables.keySet());
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(tableslist);

    public static int getStoragePort()
        return storagePort;

    public static int getThriftPort()
        return thriftPort;

    public static int getReplicationFactor(String table)
        return tables.get(table).replicationFactor;

    public static int getQuorum(String table)
        return (tables.get(table).replicationFactor / 2) + 1;

    public static long getRpcTimeout()
        return rpcTimeoutInMillis;

    public static int getPhiConvictThreshold()
        return phiConvictThreshold;

    public static int getConsistencyThreads()
        return consistencyThreads;

    public static int getConcurrentReaders()
        return concurrentReaders;

    public static int getConcurrentWriters()
        return concurrentWriters;

    public static long getRowWarningThreshold()
        return rowWarningThreshold;
    public static String[] getAllDataFileLocations()
        return dataFileDirectories;

     * Get a list of data directories for a given table
     * @param table name of the table.
     * @return an array of path to the data directories.
    public static String[] getAllDataFileLocationsForTable(String table)
        String[] tableLocations = new String[dataFileDirectories.length];

        for (int i = 0; i < dataFileDirectories.length; i++)
            tableLocations[i] = dataFileDirectories[i] + File.separator + table;

        return tableLocations;

    public synchronized static String getNextAvailableDataLocation()
        String dataFileDirectory = dataFileDirectories[currentIndex];
        currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % dataFileDirectories.length;
        return dataFileDirectory;

    public static String getLogFileLocation()
        return logFileDirectory;

    public static Set<InetAddress> getSeeds()
        return seeds;

    public static String getColumnFamilyType(String tableName, String cfName)
        assert tableName != null;
        String cfType = getColumnType(tableName, cfName);
        if ( cfType == null )
            cfType = "Standard";
      return cfType;

     * Loop through all the disks to see which disk has the max free space
     * return the disk with max free space for compactions. If the size of the expected
     * compacted file is greater than the max disk space available return null, we cannot
     * do compaction in this case.
    public static String getDataFileLocationForTable(String table, long expectedCompactedFileSize)
      long maxFreeDisk = 0;
      int maxDiskIndex = 0;
      String dataFileDirectory = null;
      String[] dataDirectoryForTable = getAllDataFileLocationsForTable(table);

      for ( int i = 0 ; i < dataDirectoryForTable.length ; i++ )
        File f = new File(dataDirectoryForTable[i]);
        if( maxFreeDisk < f.getUsableSpace())
          maxFreeDisk = f.getUsableSpace();
          maxDiskIndex = i;
      // Load factor of 0.9 we do not want to use the entire disk that is too risky.
      maxFreeDisk = (long)(0.9 * maxFreeDisk);
      if( expectedCompactedFileSize < maxFreeDisk )
        dataFileDirectory = dataDirectoryForTable[maxDiskIndex];
        currentIndex = (maxDiskIndex + 1 )%dataDirectoryForTable.length ;
        currentIndex = maxDiskIndex;
        return dataFileDirectory;
    public static AbstractType getComparator(String tableName, String cfName)
        assert tableName != null;
        CFMetaData cfmd = getCFMetaData(tableName, cfName);
        if (cfmd == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("Unknown ColumnFamily " + cfName + " in keyspace " + tableName);
        return cfmd.comparator;

    public static AbstractType getSubComparator(String tableName, String cfName)
        assert tableName != null;
        return getCFMetaData(tableName, cfName).subcolumnComparator;

    public static int getStageQueueSize()
        return stageQueueSize_;

     * @return The absolute number of keys that should be cached per table.
    public static int getKeysCachedFor(String tableName, String columnFamilyName, long expectedKeys)
        CFMetaData cfm = getCFMetaData(tableName, columnFamilyName);
        double v = (cfm == null) ? CFMetaData.DEFAULT_KEY_CACHE_SIZE : cfm.keyCacheSize;
        return (int)Math.min(FBUtilities.absoluteFromFraction(v, expectedKeys), Integer.MAX_VALUE);

     * @return The absolute number of rows that should be cached for the columnfamily.
    public static int getRowsCachedFor(String tableName, String columnFamilyName, long expectedRows)
        CFMetaData cfm = getCFMetaData(tableName, columnFamilyName);
        double v = (cfm == null) ? CFMetaData.DEFAULT_ROW_CACHE_SIZE : cfm.rowCacheSize;
        return (int)Math.min(FBUtilities.absoluteFromFraction(v, expectedRows), Integer.MAX_VALUE);

    private static class ConfigurationException extends Exception
        public ConfigurationException(String message)

    public static InetAddress getListenAddress()
        return listenAddress;
    public static InetAddress getThriftAddress()
        return thriftAddress;

    public static double getCommitLogSyncBatchWindow()
        return commitLogSyncBatchMS;

    public static int getCommitLogSyncPeriod() {
        return commitLogSyncPeriodMS;

    public static CommitLogSync getCommitLogSync()
        return commitLogSync;

    public static DiskAccessMode getDiskAccessMode()
        return diskAccessMode;

    public static DiskAccessMode getIndexAccessMode()
        return indexAccessMode;

    public static double getFlushDataBufferSizeInMB()
        return flushDataBufferSizeInMB;

    public static double getFlushIndexBufferSizeInMB()
        return flushIndexBufferSizeInMB;

    public static int getIndexedReadBufferSizeInKB()
        return columnIndexSizeInKB;

    public static int getSlicedReadBufferSizeInKB()
        return slicedReadBufferSizeInKB;

    public static int getBMTThreshold()
        return bmtThreshold;

    public static boolean isSnapshotBeforeCompaction()
        return snapshotBeforeCompaction;

    public static boolean isAutoBootstrap()
        return autoBootstrap;

    public static boolean hintedHandoffEnabled()
        return hintedHandoffEnabled;

Related Classes of org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor

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