Package org.apache.maven.shared.release.phase

Source Code of org.apache.maven.shared.release.phase.CheckDependencySnapshotsPhase

package org.apache.maven.shared.release.phase;

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.ArtifactUtils;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.project.artifact.InvalidDependencyVersionException;
import org.apache.maven.shared.release.ReleaseExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.shared.release.ReleaseFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.shared.release.ReleaseResult;
import org.apache.maven.shared.release.config.ReleaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.maven.shared.release.env.ReleaseEnvironment;
import org.apache.maven.shared.release.versions.DefaultVersionInfo;
import org.apache.maven.shared.release.versions.VersionInfo;
import org.apache.maven.shared.release.versions.VersionParseException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.components.interactivity.Prompter;
import org.codehaus.plexus.components.interactivity.PrompterException;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

* Check the dependencies of all projects being released to see if there are any unreleased snapshots.
* @author <a href="">Brett Porter</a>
* @todo plugins with no version will be resolved to RELEASE which is not a snapshot, but remains unresolved to this point. This is a potential hole in the check, and should be revisited after the release pom writing is done and resolving versions to verify whether it is.
* @todo plugins injected by the lifecycle are not tested here. They will be injected with a RELEASE version so are covered under the above point.
* @plexus.component role="org.apache.maven.shared.release.phase.ReleasePhase" role-hint="check-dependency-snapshots"
public class CheckDependencySnapshotsPhase
    extends AbstractReleasePhase
    public static final String RESOLVE_SNAPSHOT_MESSAGE = "There are still some remaining snapshot dependencies.\n";

    public static final String RESOLVE_SNAPSHOT_PROMPT = "Do you want to resolve them now?";

    public static final String RESOLVE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE_MESSAGE = "Dependency type to resolve,";

    public static final String RESOLVE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE_PROMPT =
        "specify the selection number ( 0:All 1:Project Dependencies 2:Plugins 3:Reports 4:Extensions ):";

     * Component used to prompt for input.
     * @plexus.requirement
    private Prompter prompter;

     * Component used to create artifacts
     * @plexus.requirement
    private ArtifactFactory artifactFactory;

    public ReleaseResult execute( ReleaseDescriptor releaseDescriptor, ReleaseEnvironment releaseEnvironment, List<MavenProject> reactorProjects )
        throws ReleaseExecutionException, ReleaseFailureException
        ReleaseResult result = new ReleaseResult();

        if ( !releaseDescriptor.isAllowTimestampedSnapshots() )
            logInfo( result, "Checking dependencies and plugins for snapshots ..." );

            Map<String, String> originalVersions = releaseDescriptor.getOriginalVersions( reactorProjects );

            for ( MavenProject project : reactorProjects )
                checkProject( project, originalVersions, releaseDescriptor );
            logInfo( result, "Ignoring SNAPSHOT depenedencies and plugins ..." );
        result.setResultCode( ReleaseResult.SUCCESS );

        return result;

    private void checkProject( MavenProject project, Map<String, String> originalVersions, ReleaseDescriptor releaseDescriptor )
        throws ReleaseFailureException, ReleaseExecutionException
        @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
        Map<String, Artifact> artifactMap = ArtifactUtils.artifactMapByVersionlessId( project.getArtifacts() );

        Set<Artifact> snapshotDependencies = new HashSet<Artifact>();
        Set<Artifact> snapshotReportDependencies = new HashSet<Artifact>();
        Set<Artifact> snapshotExtensionsDependencies = new HashSet<Artifact>();
        Set<Artifact> snapshotPluginDependencies = new HashSet<Artifact>();

        if ( project.getParentArtifact() != null )
            if ( checkArtifact( project.getParentArtifact(), originalVersions, artifactMap, releaseDescriptor ) )
                snapshotDependencies.add( project.getParentArtifact() );

            @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
            Set<Artifact> dependencyArtifacts = project.createArtifacts( artifactFactory, null, null );

            for ( Artifact artifact : dependencyArtifacts )
                if ( checkArtifact( artifact, originalVersions, artifactMap, releaseDescriptor ) )
                    snapshotDependencies.add( getArtifactFromMap( artifact, artifactMap ) );
        catch ( InvalidDependencyVersionException e )
            throw new ReleaseExecutionException( "Failed to create dependency artifacts", e );

        @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
        Set<Artifact> pluginArtifacts = project.getPluginArtifacts();

        for ( Artifact artifact : pluginArtifacts )
            if ( checkArtifact( artifact, originalVersions, artifactMap, releaseDescriptor ) )
                boolean addToFailures;

                if ( "org.apache.maven.plugins".equals( artifact.getGroupId() ) && "maven-release-plugin".equals(
                    artifact.getArtifactId() ) )
                    // It's a snapshot of the release plugin. Maybe just testing - ask
                    // By default, we fail as for any other plugin
                    if ( releaseDescriptor.isSnapshotReleasePluginAllowed() )
                        addToFailures = false;
                    else if ( releaseDescriptor.isInteractive() )
                            String result;
                            if ( !releaseDescriptor.isSnapshotReleasePluginAllowed() )
                                prompter.showMessage( "This project relies on a SNAPSHOT of the release plugin. "
                                                          + "This may be necessary during testing.\n" );
                                result = prompter.prompt( "Do you want to continue with the release?",
                                                          Arrays.asList( new String[]{ "yes", "no" } ), "no" );
                                result = "yes";

                            if ( result.toLowerCase( Locale.ENGLISH ).startsWith( "y" ) )
                                addToFailures = false;
                                releaseDescriptor.setSnapshotReleasePluginAllowed( true );
                                addToFailures = true;
                        catch ( PrompterException e )
                            throw new ReleaseExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
                        addToFailures = true;
                    addToFailures = true;

                if ( addToFailures )
                    snapshotPluginDependencies.add( artifact );

        @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
        Set<Artifact> reportArtifacts = project.getReportArtifacts();

        for ( Artifact artifact : reportArtifacts )
            if ( checkArtifact( artifact, originalVersions, artifactMap, releaseDescriptor ) )
                //snapshotDependencies.add( artifact );
                snapshotReportDependencies.add( artifact );

        @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
        Set<Artifact> extensionArtifacts = project.getExtensionArtifacts();

        for ( Artifact artifact : extensionArtifacts )
            if ( checkArtifact( artifact, originalVersions, artifactMap, releaseDescriptor ) )
                snapshotExtensionsDependencies.add( artifact );

        if ( !snapshotDependencies.isEmpty() || !snapshotReportDependencies.isEmpty()
                        || !snapshotExtensionsDependencies.isEmpty() || !snapshotPluginDependencies.isEmpty() )
            if ( releaseDescriptor.isInteractive() )
                resolveSnapshots( snapshotDependencies, snapshotReportDependencies, snapshotExtensionsDependencies,
                                  snapshotPluginDependencies, releaseDescriptor );

            if ( !snapshotDependencies.isEmpty() || !snapshotReportDependencies.isEmpty()
                            || !snapshotExtensionsDependencies.isEmpty() || !snapshotPluginDependencies.isEmpty() )
                StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();

                printSnapshotDependencies( snapshotDependencies, message );
                printSnapshotDependencies( snapshotReportDependencies, message );
                printSnapshotDependencies( snapshotExtensionsDependencies, message );
                printSnapshotDependencies( snapshotPluginDependencies, message );
                message.append( "in project '" + project.getName() + "' (" + project.getId() + ")" );

                throw new ReleaseFailureException(
                    "Can't release project due to non released dependencies :\n" + message );

    private static boolean checkArtifact( Artifact artifact, Map<String, String> originalVersions, Map<String, Artifact> artifactMapByVersionlessId, ReleaseDescriptor releaseDescriptor )
        Artifact checkArtifact = getArtifactFromMap( artifact, artifactMapByVersionlessId );

        return checkArtifact( checkArtifact, originalVersions, releaseDescriptor );

    private static Artifact getArtifactFromMap( Artifact artifact, Map<String, Artifact> artifactMapByVersionlessId )
        String versionlessId = ArtifactUtils.versionlessKey( artifact );
        Artifact checkArtifact = artifactMapByVersionlessId.get( versionlessId );

        if ( checkArtifact == null )
            checkArtifact = artifact;
        return checkArtifact;

    private static boolean checkArtifact( Artifact artifact, Map<String, String> originalVersions, ReleaseDescriptor releaseDescriptor )
        String versionlessArtifactKey = ArtifactUtils.versionlessKey( artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId() );

        // We are only looking at dependencies external to the project - ignore anything found in the reactor as
        // it's version will be updated
        boolean result =
            artifact.isSnapshot() && !artifact.getBaseVersion().equals( originalVersions.get( versionlessArtifactKey ) );

        // If we have a snapshot but allowTimestampedSnapshots is true, accept the artifact if the version
        // indicates that it is a timestamped snapshot.
        if ( result && releaseDescriptor.isAllowTimestampedSnapshots() )
            result = artifact.getVersion().indexOf( "SNAPSHOT" ) >= 0;

        return result;

    public ReleaseResult simulate( ReleaseDescriptor releaseDescriptor, ReleaseEnvironment releaseEnvironment, List<MavenProject> reactorProjects )
        throws ReleaseExecutionException, ReleaseFailureException
        // It makes no modifications, so simulate is the same as execute
        return execute( releaseDescriptor, releaseEnvironment, reactorProjects );

    public void setPrompter( Prompter prompter )
        this.prompter = prompter;

    private StringBuilder printSnapshotDependencies( Set<Artifact> snapshotsSet, StringBuilder message )
        List<Artifact> snapshotsList = new ArrayList<Artifact>( snapshotsSet );

        Collections.sort( snapshotsList );

        for ( Artifact artifact : snapshotsList )
            message.append( "    " );

            message.append( artifact );

            message.append( "\n" );

        return message;

    private void resolveSnapshots( Set<Artifact> projectDependencies, Set<Artifact> reportDependencies, Set<Artifact> extensionDependencies,
                                   Set<Artifact> pluginDependencies, ReleaseDescriptor releaseDescriptor )
        throws ReleaseExecutionException
            prompter.showMessage( RESOLVE_SNAPSHOT_MESSAGE );
            String result =
                prompter.prompt( RESOLVE_SNAPSHOT_PROMPT, Arrays.asList( new String[]{"yes", "no"} ), "no" );

            if ( result.toLowerCase( Locale.ENGLISH ).startsWith( "y" ) )
                Map<String, Map<String, String>> resolvedSnapshots = null;
                prompter.showMessage( RESOLVE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE_MESSAGE );
                result = prompter.prompt( RESOLVE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE_PROMPT,
                                          Arrays.asList( new String[]{"0", "1", "2", "3"} ), "1" );

                switch ( Integer.parseInt( result.toLowerCase( Locale.ENGLISH ) ) )
                    // all
                    case 0:
                        resolvedSnapshots = processSnapshot( projectDependencies );
                        resolvedSnapshots.putAll( processSnapshot( pluginDependencies ) );
                        resolvedSnapshots.putAll( processSnapshot( reportDependencies ) );
                        resolvedSnapshots.putAll( processSnapshot( extensionDependencies ) );

                        // project dependencies
                    case 1:
                        resolvedSnapshots = processSnapshot( projectDependencies );

                        // plugins
                    case 2:
                        resolvedSnapshots = processSnapshot( pluginDependencies );

                        // reports
                    case 3:
                        resolvedSnapshots = processSnapshot( reportDependencies );

                        // extensions
                    case 4:
                        resolvedSnapshots = processSnapshot( extensionDependencies );

                if ( releaseDescriptor.getResolvedSnapshotDependencies() != null )
                    releaseDescriptor.getResolvedSnapshotDependencies().putAll( resolvedSnapshots );
                    releaseDescriptor.setResolvedSnapshotDependencies( resolvedSnapshots );
        catch ( PrompterException e )
            throw new ReleaseExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
        catch ( VersionParseException e )
            throw new ReleaseExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );

    private Map<String, Map<String, String>> processSnapshot( Set<Artifact> snapshotSet )
        throws PrompterException, VersionParseException
        Map<String, Map<String, String>> resolvedSnapshots = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
        Iterator<Artifact> iterator = snapshotSet.iterator();

        while ( iterator.hasNext() )
            Artifact currentArtifact =;
            String versionlessKey = ArtifactUtils.versionlessKey( currentArtifact );

            Map<String, String> versionMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
            VersionInfo versionInfo = new DefaultVersionInfo( currentArtifact.getVersion() );
            versionMap.put( ReleaseDescriptor.ORIGINAL_VERSION, versionInfo.toString() );

                "Dependency '" + versionlessKey + "' is a snapshot (" + currentArtifact.getVersion() + ")\n" );
            String result = prompter.prompt( "Which release version should it be set to?",
                                             versionInfo.getReleaseVersionString() );
            versionMap.put( ReleaseDescriptor.RELEASE_KEY, result );


            // by default, keep the same version for the dependency after release, unless it was previously newer
            // the user may opt to type in something different
            VersionInfo nextVersionInfo = new DefaultVersionInfo( result );

            String nextVersion;
            if ( nextVersionInfo.compareTo( versionInfo ) > 0 )
                nextVersion = nextVersionInfo.toString();
                nextVersion = versionInfo.toString();

            result = prompter.prompt( "What version should the dependency be reset to for development?", nextVersion );
            versionMap.put( ReleaseDescriptor.DEVELOPMENT_KEY, result );

            resolvedSnapshots.put( versionlessKey, versionMap );

        return resolvedSnapshots;

Related Classes of org.apache.maven.shared.release.phase.CheckDependencySnapshotsPhase

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