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import org.apache.archiva.admin.model.RepositoryAdminException;
import org.apache.archiva.admin.model.beans.ManagedRepository;
import org.apache.archiva.admin.model.beans.ProxyConnector;
import org.apache.archiva.admin.model.managed.ManagedRepositoryAdmin;
import org.apache.archiva.admin.model.proxyconnector.ProxyConnectorAdmin;
import org.apache.archiva.common.plexusbridge.MavenIndexerUtils;
import org.apache.archiva.common.plexusbridge.PlexusSisuBridge;
import org.apache.archiva.common.plexusbridge.PlexusSisuBridgeException;
import org.apache.archiva.indexer.util.SearchUtil;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.maven.index.ArtifactInfo;
import org.apache.maven.index.FlatSearchRequest;
import org.apache.maven.index.FlatSearchResponse;
import org.apache.maven.index.MAVEN;
import org.apache.maven.index.NexusIndexer;
import org.apache.maven.index.OSGI;
import org.apache.maven.index.context.IndexCreator;
import org.apache.maven.index.context.IndexingContext;
import org.apache.maven.index.expr.SourcedSearchExpression;
import org.apache.maven.index.expr.UserInputSearchExpression;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

* RepositorySearch implementation which uses the Maven Indexer for searching.
public class MavenRepositorySearch
    implements RepositorySearch
    private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( getClass() );

    private NexusIndexer indexer;

    private ManagedRepositoryAdmin managedRepositoryAdmin;

    private ProxyConnectorAdmin proxyConnectorAdmin;

    private MavenIndexerUtils mavenIndexerUtils;

    protected MavenRepositorySearch()
        // for test purpose

    public MavenRepositorySearch( PlexusSisuBridge plexusSisuBridge, ManagedRepositoryAdmin managedRepositoryAdmin,
                                  MavenIndexerUtils mavenIndexerUtils, ProxyConnectorAdmin proxyConnectorAdmin )
        throws PlexusSisuBridgeException
        this.indexer = plexusSisuBridge.lookup( NexusIndexer.class );
        this.managedRepositoryAdmin = managedRepositoryAdmin;
        this.mavenIndexerUtils = mavenIndexerUtils;
        this.proxyConnectorAdmin = proxyConnectorAdmin;

     * @see RepositorySearch#search(String, List, String, SearchResultLimits, List)
    public SearchResults search( String principal, List<String> selectedRepos, String term, SearchResultLimits limits,
                                 List<String> previousSearchTerms )
        throws RepositorySearchException
        List<String> indexingContextIds = addIndexingContexts( selectedRepos );

        // since upgrade to nexus 2.0.0, query has changed from g:[QUERIED TERM]* to g:*[QUERIED TERM]*
        //      resulting to more wildcard searches so we need to increase max clause count
        BooleanQuery.setMaxClauseCount( Integer.MAX_VALUE );
        BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery();

        if ( previousSearchTerms == null || previousSearchTerms.isEmpty() )
            constructQuery( term, q );
            for ( String previousTerm : previousSearchTerms )
                BooleanQuery iQuery = new BooleanQuery();
                constructQuery( previousTerm, iQuery );

                q.add( iQuery, Occur.MUST );

            BooleanQuery iQuery = new BooleanQuery();
            constructQuery( term, iQuery );
            q.add( iQuery, Occur.MUST );

        // we retun only artifacts without classifier in quick search, olamy cannot find a way to say with this field empty
        // FIXME  cannot find a way currently to setup this in constructQuery !!!
        return search( limits, q, indexingContextIds, NoClassifierArtifactInfoFilter.LIST, selectedRepos, false );


     * @see RepositorySearch#search(String, SearchFields, SearchResultLimits)
    public SearchResults search( String principal, SearchFields searchFields, SearchResultLimits limits )
        throws RepositorySearchException
        if ( searchFields.getRepositories() == null )
            throw new RepositorySearchException( "Repositories cannot be null." );

        List<String> indexingContextIds = addIndexingContexts( searchFields.getRepositories() );

        // if no index found in the specified ones return an empty search result instead of doing a search on all index
        // olamy: IMHO doesn't make sense
        if ( !searchFields.getRepositories().isEmpty() && ( indexingContextIds == null
            || indexingContextIds.isEmpty() ) )
            return new SearchResults();

        BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery();
        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( searchFields.getGroupId() ) )
            q.add( indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, new UserInputSearchExpression( searchFields.getGroupId() ) ),
                   Occur.MUST );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( searchFields.getArtifactId() ) )
            q.add( indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.ARTIFACT_ID,
                                           new UserInputSearchExpression( searchFields.getArtifactId() ) ),
                   Occur.MUST );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( searchFields.getVersion() ) )
            q.add( indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.VERSION, new SourcedSearchExpression( searchFields.getVersion() ) ),
                   Occur.MUST );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( searchFields.getPackaging() ) )
                indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.PACKAGING, new UserInputSearchExpression( searchFields.getPackaging() ) ),
                Occur.MUST );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( searchFields.getClassName() ) )
            q.add( indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.CLASSNAMES,
                                           new UserInputSearchExpression( searchFields.getClassName() ) ), Occur.MUST );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( searchFields.getBundleSymbolicName() ) )
            q.add( indexer.constructQuery( OSGI.SYMBOLIC_NAME,
                                           new UserInputSearchExpression( searchFields.getBundleSymbolicName() ) ),
                   Occur.MUST );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( searchFields.getBundleVersion() ) )
            q.add( indexer.constructQuery( OSGI.VERSION,
                                           new UserInputSearchExpression( searchFields.getBundleVersion() ) ),
                   Occur.MUST );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( searchFields.getBundleExportPackage() ) )
            q.add( indexer.constructQuery( OSGI.EXPORT_PACKAGE,
                                           new UserInputSearchExpression( searchFields.getBundleExportPackage() ) ),
                   Occur.MUST );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( searchFields.getBundleExportService() ) )
            q.add( indexer.constructQuery( OSGI.EXPORT_SERVICE,
                                           new UserInputSearchExpression( searchFields.getBundleExportService() ) ),
                   Occur.MUST );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( searchFields.getBundleImportPackage() ) )
            q.add( indexer.constructQuery( OSGI.IMPORT_PACKAGE,
                                           new UserInputSearchExpression( searchFields.getBundleImportPackage() ) ),
                   Occur.MUST );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( searchFields.getBundleName() ) )
            q.add( indexer.constructQuery( OSGI.NAME, new UserInputSearchExpression( searchFields.getBundleName() ) ),
                   Occur.MUST );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( searchFields.getBundleImportPackage() ) )
            q.add( indexer.constructQuery( OSGI.IMPORT_PACKAGE,
                                           new UserInputSearchExpression( searchFields.getBundleImportPackage() ) ),
                   Occur.MUST );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( searchFields.getBundleRequireBundle() ) )
            q.add( indexer.constructQuery( OSGI.REQUIRE_BUNDLE,
                                           new UserInputSearchExpression( searchFields.getBundleRequireBundle() ) ),
                   Occur.MUST );

        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( searchFields.getClassifier() ) )
            q.add( indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.CLASSIFIER,
                                           new UserInputSearchExpression( searchFields.getClassifier() ) ),
                   Occur.MUST );

        if ( q.getClauses() == null || q.getClauses().length <= 0 )
            throw new RepositorySearchException( "No search fields set." );

        return search( limits, q, indexingContextIds, Collections.<ArtifactInfoFilter>emptyList(),
                       searchFields.getRepositories(), searchFields.isIncludePomArtifacts() );

    private SearchResults search( SearchResultLimits limits, BooleanQuery q, List<String> indexingContextIds,
                                  List<? extends ArtifactInfoFilter> filters, List<String> selectedRepos,
                                  boolean includePoms )
        throws RepositorySearchException

            FlatSearchRequest request = new FlatSearchRequest( q );
            request.setContexts( getIndexingContexts( indexingContextIds ) );

            FlatSearchResponse response = indexer.searchFlat( request );

            if ( response == null || response.getTotalHits() == 0 )
                SearchResults results = new SearchResults();
                results.setLimits( limits );
                return results;

            return convertToSearchResults( response, limits, filters, selectedRepos, includePoms );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new RepositorySearchException( e.getMessage(), e );
        catch ( RepositoryAdminException e )
            throw new RepositorySearchException( e.getMessage(), e );


    private List<IndexingContext> getIndexingContexts( List<String> ids )
        List<IndexingContext> contexts = new ArrayList<IndexingContext>( ids.size() );

        for ( String id : ids )
            IndexingContext context = indexer.getIndexingContexts().get( id );
            if ( context != null )
                contexts.add( context );
                log.warn( "context with id {} not exists", id );

        return contexts;

    private void constructQuery( String term, BooleanQuery q )
        q.add( indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, new UserInputSearchExpression( term ) ), Occur.SHOULD );
        q.add( indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.ARTIFACT_ID, new UserInputSearchExpression( term ) ), Occur.SHOULD );
        q.add( indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.VERSION, new UserInputSearchExpression( term ) ), Occur.SHOULD );
        q.add( indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.PACKAGING, new UserInputSearchExpression( term ) ), Occur.SHOULD );
        q.add( indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.CLASSNAMES, new UserInputSearchExpression( term ) ), Occur.SHOULD );

        //Query query =
        //    new WildcardQuery( new Term( MAVEN.CLASSNAMES.getFieldName(), "*" ) );
        //q.add( query, Occur.MUST_NOT );
        // olamy IMHO we could set this option as at least one must match
        //q.setMinimumNumberShouldMatch( 1 );

     * @param selectedRepos
     * @return indexing contextId used
    private List<String> addIndexingContexts( List<String> selectedRepos )
        Set<String> indexingContextIds = new HashSet<String>();
        for ( String repo : selectedRepos )
                ManagedRepository repoConfig = managedRepositoryAdmin.getManagedRepository( repo );

                if ( repoConfig != null )

                    IndexingContext context = managedRepositoryAdmin.createIndexContext( repoConfig );
                    if ( context.isSearchable() )
                        indexingContextIds.addAll( getRemoteIndexingContextIds( repo ) );
                        indexingContextIds.add( context.getId() );
                        log.warn( "indexingContext with id {} not searchable", repoConfig.getId() );

                    log.warn( "Repository '{}' not found in configuration.", repo );
            catch ( RepositoryAdminException e )
                log.warn( "RepositoryAdminException occured while accessing index of repository '{}' : {}", repo,
                          e.getMessage() );

        return new ArrayList<String>( indexingContextIds );

    public Set<String> getRemoteIndexingContextIds( String managedRepoId )
        throws RepositoryAdminException
        Set<String> ids = new HashSet<String>();

        List<ProxyConnector> proxyConnectors = proxyConnectorAdmin.getProxyConnectorAsMap().get( managedRepoId );

        if ( proxyConnectors == null || proxyConnectors.isEmpty() )
            return ids;

        for ( ProxyConnector proxyConnector : proxyConnectors )
            String remoteId = "remote-" + proxyConnector.getTargetRepoId();
            IndexingContext context = indexer.getIndexingContexts().get( remoteId );
            if ( context != null && context.isSearchable() )
                ids.add( remoteId );

        return ids;

    public Collection<String> getAllGroupIds( String principal, List<String> selectedRepos )
        throws RepositorySearchException
        List<IndexingContext> indexContexts = getIndexingContexts( selectedRepos );

        if ( indexContexts == null || indexContexts.isEmpty() )
            return Collections.emptyList();

            Set<String> allGroupIds = new HashSet<String>();
            for ( IndexingContext indexingContext : indexContexts )
                allGroupIds.addAll( indexingContext.getAllGroups() );
            return allGroupIds;
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new RepositorySearchException( e.getMessage(), e );


    protected List<? extends IndexCreator> getAllIndexCreators()
        return mavenIndexerUtils.getAllIndexCreators();

    private SearchResults convertToSearchResults( FlatSearchResponse response, SearchResultLimits limits,
                                                  List<? extends ArtifactInfoFilter> artifactInfoFilters,
                                                  List<String> selectedRepos, boolean includePoms )
        throws RepositoryAdminException
        SearchResults results = new SearchResults();
        Set<ArtifactInfo> artifactInfos = response.getResults();

        for ( ArtifactInfo artifactInfo : artifactInfos )
            if ( StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase( "pom", artifactInfo.fextension ) && !includePoms )
            String id = SearchUtil.getHitId( artifactInfo.groupId, artifactInfo.artifactId, artifactInfo.classifier,
                                             artifactInfo.packaging );
            Map<String, SearchResultHit> hitsMap = results.getHitsMap();

            if ( !applyArtifactInfoFilters( artifactInfo, artifactInfoFilters, hitsMap ) )

            SearchResultHit hit = hitsMap.get( id );
            if ( hit != null )
                if ( !hit.getVersions().contains( artifactInfo.version ) )
                    hit.addVersion( artifactInfo.version );
                hit = new SearchResultHit();
                hit.setArtifactId( artifactInfo.artifactId );
                hit.setGroupId( artifactInfo.groupId );
                hit.setRepositoryId( artifactInfo.repository );
                hit.addVersion( artifactInfo.version );
                hit.setBundleExportPackage( artifactInfo.bundleExportPackage );
                hit.setBundleExportService( artifactInfo.bundleExportService );
                hit.setBundleSymbolicName( artifactInfo.bundleSymbolicName );
                hit.setBundleVersion( artifactInfo.bundleVersion );
                hit.setBundleDescription( artifactInfo.bundleDescription );
                hit.setBundleDocUrl( artifactInfo.bundleDocUrl );
                hit.setBundleRequireBundle( artifactInfo.bundleRequireBundle );
                hit.setBundleImportPackage( artifactInfo.bundleImportPackage );
                hit.setBundleLicense( artifactInfo.bundleLicense );
                hit.setBundleName( artifactInfo.bundleName );
                hit.setContext( artifactInfo.context );
                hit.setGoals( artifactInfo.goals );
                hit.setPrefix( artifactInfo.prefix );
                hit.setPackaging( artifactInfo.packaging );
                hit.setClassifier( artifactInfo.classifier );
                hit.setFileExtension( artifactInfo.fextension );
                hit.setUrl( getBaseUrl( artifactInfo, selectedRepos ) );

            results.addHit( id, hit );

        results.setTotalHits( response.getTotalHitsCount() );
        results.setTotalHitsMapSize( results.getHitsMap().values().size() );
        results.setReturnedHitsCount( response.getReturnedHitsCount() );
        results.setLimits( limits );

        if ( limits == null || limits.getSelectedPage() == SearchResultLimits.ALL_PAGES )
            return results;
            return paginate( results );

     * calculate baseUrl without the context and base Archiva Url
     * @param artifactInfo
     * @return
    protected String getBaseUrl( ArtifactInfo artifactInfo, List<String> selectedRepos )
        throws RepositoryAdminException
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        if ( StringUtils.startsWith( artifactInfo.context, "remote-" ) )
            // it's a remote index result we search a managed which proxying this remote and on which
            // current user has read karma
            String managedRepoId =
                getManagedRepoId( StringUtils.substringAfter( artifactInfo.context, "remote-" ), selectedRepos );
            if ( managedRepoId != null )
                sb.append( '/' ).append( managedRepoId );
                artifactInfo.context = managedRepoId;
            sb.append( '/' ).append( artifactInfo.context );

        sb.append( '/' ).append( StringUtils.replaceChars( artifactInfo.groupId, '.', '/' ) );
        sb.append( '/' ).append( artifactInfo.artifactId );
        sb.append( '/' ).append( artifactInfo.version );
        sb.append( '/' ).append( artifactInfo.artifactId );
        sb.append( '-' ).append( artifactInfo.version );
        if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( artifactInfo.classifier ) )
            sb.append( '-' ).append( artifactInfo.classifier );
        // maven-plugin packaging is a jar
        if ( StringUtils.equals( "maven-plugin", artifactInfo.packaging ) )
            sb.append( "jar" );
            sb.append( '.' ).append( artifactInfo.packaging );

        return sb.toString();

     * return a managed repo for a remote result
     * @param remoteRepo
     * @param selectedRepos
     * @return
     * @throws RepositoryAdminException
    private String getManagedRepoId( String remoteRepo, List<String> selectedRepos )
        throws RepositoryAdminException
        Map<String, List<ProxyConnector>> proxyConnectorMap = proxyConnectorAdmin.getProxyConnectorAsMap();
        if ( proxyConnectorMap == null || proxyConnectorMap.isEmpty() )
            return null;
        if ( selectedRepos != null && !selectedRepos.isEmpty() )
            for ( Map.Entry<String, List<ProxyConnector>> entry : proxyConnectorMap.entrySet() )
                if ( selectedRepos.contains( entry.getKey() ) )
                    for ( ProxyConnector proxyConnector : entry.getValue() )
                        if ( StringUtils.equals( remoteRepo, proxyConnector.getTargetRepoId() ) )
                            return proxyConnector.getSourceRepoId();

        // we don't find in search selected repos so return the first one
        for ( Map.Entry<String, List<ProxyConnector>> entry : proxyConnectorMap.entrySet() )

            for ( ProxyConnector proxyConnector : entry.getValue() )
                if ( StringUtils.equals( remoteRepo, proxyConnector.getTargetRepoId() ) )
                    return proxyConnector.getSourceRepoId();

        return null;

    private boolean applyArtifactInfoFilters( ArtifactInfo artifactInfo,
                                              List<? extends ArtifactInfoFilter> artifactInfoFilters,
                                              Map<String, SearchResultHit> currentResult )
        if ( artifactInfoFilters == null || artifactInfoFilters.isEmpty() )
            return true;

        for ( ArtifactInfoFilter filter : artifactInfoFilters )
            if ( !filter.addArtifactInResult( artifactInfo, currentResult ) )
                return false;
        return true;

    protected SearchResults paginate( SearchResults results )
        SearchResultLimits limits = results.getLimits();
        SearchResults paginated = new SearchResults();

        int fetchCount = limits.getPageSize();
        int offset = ( limits.getSelectedPage() * limits.getPageSize() );

        if ( fetchCount > results.getTotalHits() )
            fetchCount = results.getTotalHits();

        // Goto offset.
        if ( offset < results.getTotalHits() )
            // only process if the offset is within the hit count.
            for ( int i = 0; i < fetchCount; i++ )
                // Stop fetching if we are past the total # of available hits.
                if ( offset + i >= results.getHits().size() )

                SearchResultHit hit = results.getHits().get( ( offset + i ) );
                if ( hit != null )
                    String id = SearchUtil.getHitId( hit.getGroupId(), hit.getArtifactId(), hit.getClassifier(),
                                                     hit.getPackaging() );
                    paginated.addHit( id, hit );
        paginated.setTotalHits( results.getTotalHits() );
        paginated.setReturnedHitsCount( paginated.getHits().size() );
        paginated.setTotalHitsMapSize( results.getTotalHitsMapSize() );
        paginated.setLimits( limits );

        return paginated;


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