Package com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.solver

Source Code of com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.solver.SolverLib$ConvertNodeIDToNode

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package com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.solver;

import static com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.lib.Lib2.printAbbrev ;

import java.util.* ;

import org.apache.jena.atlas.iterator.Filter ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.iterator.Iter ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.iterator.IteratorWrapper ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.iterator.Transform ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.Tuple ;
import org.slf4j.Logger ;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory ;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Triple ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryCancelledException ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.core.BasicPattern ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.core.Var ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.ExecutionContext ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.QueryIterator ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.binding.Binding ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.binding.BindingFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.binding.BindingMap ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.TDBException ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.lib.NodeLib ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.nodetable.NodeTable ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.nodetable.NodeTupleTable ;
import ;
import ;
import ;

/** Utilities used within the TDB BGP solver : local TDB store */
public class SolverLib
    private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SolverLib.class) ;
    public interface ConvertNodeIDToNode {
        public Iterator<Binding> convert(NodeTable nodeTable, Iterator<BindingNodeId> iterBindingIds) ;
    /** Change this to change the process of NodeId to Node conversion.
     * Normally it's this code, which puts a delayed iterator mapping
     * around the BindingNodeId stream.
    public final static ConvertNodeIDToNode converter = new ConvertNodeIDToNode(){
        public Iterator<Binding> convert(NodeTable nodeTable, Iterator<BindingNodeId> iterBindingIds)
            return, convToBinding(nodeTable)) ;
        }} ;

    /** Non-reordering execution of a basic graph pattern, given a iterator of bindings as input */
    public static QueryIterator execute(GraphTDB graph, BasicPattern pattern,
                                        QueryIterator input, Filter<Tuple<NodeId>> filter,
                                        ExecutionContext execCxt)
        return execute(graph.getNodeTupleTable(), null, pattern, input, filter, execCxt) ;
    /** Non-reordering execution of a quad pattern, given a iterator of bindings as input.
     *  GraphNode is Node.ANY for execution over the union of named graphs.
     *  GraphNode is null for execution over the real default graph.
    public static QueryIterator execute(DatasetGraphTDB ds, Node graphNode, BasicPattern pattern,
                                        QueryIterator input, Filter<Tuple<NodeId>> filter,
                                        ExecutionContext execCxt)
        return execute(ds.getQuadTable().getNodeTupleTable(), graphNode, pattern, input, filter, execCxt) ;
    public static Iterator<BindingNodeId> convertToIds(Iterator<Binding> iterBindings, NodeTable nodeTable)
    { return, convFromBinding(nodeTable)) ; }
    public static Iterator<Binding> convertToNodes(Iterator<BindingNodeId> iterBindingIds, NodeTable nodeTable)
    { return, convToBinding(nodeTable)) ; }
    // The worker.  Callers choose the NodeTupleTable. 
    //     graphNode may be Node.ANY, meaning we should make triples unique.
    //     graphNode may be null, meaning we should make triples unique.

    private static QueryIterator execute(NodeTupleTable nodeTupleTable, Node graphNode, BasicPattern pattern,
                                         QueryIterator input, Filter<Tuple<NodeId>> filter,
                                         ExecutionContext execCxt)
        List<Triple> triples = pattern.getList() ;
        boolean anyGraph = (graphNode==null ? false : (Node.ANY.equals(graphNode))) ;
        int tupleLen = nodeTupleTable.getTupleTable().getTupleLen() ;
        if ( graphNode == null ) {
            if ( 3 != tupleLen )
                throw new TDBException("SolverLib: Null graph node but tuples are of length "+tupleLen) ;
        } else {
            if ( 4 != tupleLen )
                throw new TDBException("SolverLib: Graph node specified but tuples are of length "+tupleLen) ;
        // Convert from a QueryIterator (Bindings of Var/Node) to BindingNodeId
        NodeTable nodeTable = nodeTupleTable.getNodeTable() ;
        Iterator<BindingNodeId> chain =, SolverLib.convFromBinding(nodeTable)) ;
        List<Abortable> killList = new ArrayList<Abortable>() ;
        for ( Triple triple : triples )
            Tuple<Node> tuple = null ;
            if ( graphNode == null )
                // 3-tuples
                tuple = Tuple.create(triple.getSubject(), triple.getPredicate(), triple.getObject()) ;
                // 4-tuples.
                tuple = Tuple.create(graphNode, triple.getSubject(), triple.getPredicate(), triple.getObject()) ;
            chain = solve(nodeTupleTable, tuple, anyGraph, chain, filter, execCxt) ;
            chain = makeAbortable(chain, killList) ;
        // DEBUG POINT
        if ( false )
            if ( chain.hasNext())
                chain = Iter.debug(chain) ;
                System.out.println("No results") ;
        // Timeout wrapper ****
        // QueryIterTDB gets called async.
        // Iter.abortable?
        // Or each iterator has a place to test.
        // or pass in a thing to test?
        // Need to make sure the bindings here point to parent.
        Iterator<Binding> iterBinding = converter.convert(nodeTable, chain) ;
        // "input" will be closed by QueryIterTDB but is otherwise unused.
        // "killList" will be aborted on timeout.
        return new QueryIterTDB(iterBinding, killList, input, execCxt) ;
    /** Create an abortable iterator, storing it in the killList.
     *  Just return the input iterator if kilList is null.
    static <T> Iterator<T> makeAbortable(Iterator<T> iter, List<Abortable> killList)
        if ( killList == null )
            return iter ;
        IterAbortable<T> k = new IterAbortable<T>(iter) ;
        killList.add(k) ;
        return k ;
    /** Iterator that adds an abort operation which can be called
     *  at any time, including from another thread, and causes the
     *  iterator to throw an exception when next touched (hasNext, next). 
    static class IterAbortable<T> extends IteratorWrapper<T> implements Abortable
        volatile boolean abortFlag = false ;
        public IterAbortable(Iterator<T> iterator)
            super(iterator) ;
        /** Can call asynchronously at anytime */
        public void abort() {
            abortFlag = true ;
        public boolean hasNext()
            if ( abortFlag )
                throw new QueryCancelledException() ;
            return iterator.hasNext() ;
        public T next()
            if ( abortFlag )
                throw new QueryCancelledException() ;
            return ;
    private static Iterator<BindingNodeId> solve(NodeTupleTable nodeTupleTable,
                                                 Tuple<Node> tuple,
                                                 boolean anyGraph,
                                                 Iterator<BindingNodeId> chain, Filter<Tuple<NodeId>> filter,
                                                 ExecutionContext execCxt)
        return new StageMatchTuple(nodeTupleTable, chain, tuple, anyGraph, filter, execCxt) ;
    // Transform : BindingNodeId ==> Binding
    private static Transform<BindingNodeId, Binding> convToBinding(final NodeTable nodeTable)
        return new Transform<BindingNodeId, Binding>()
            public Binding convert(BindingNodeId bindingNodeIds)
                return convToBinding(nodeTable, bindingNodeIds) ;
        } ;

    public static Binding convToBinding(NodeTable nodeTable, BindingNodeId bindingNodeIds)
        if ( true )
            return new BindingTDB(bindingNodeIds, nodeTable) ;
            // Makes nodes immediately.  Causing unnecessary NodeTable accesses (e.g. project)
            BindingMap b = BindingFactory.create() ;
            for ( Var v : bindingNodeIds )
                NodeId id = bindingNodeIds.get(v) ;
                Node n = nodeTable.getNodeForNodeId(id) ;
                b.add(v, n) ;
            return b ;
    // Transform : Binding ==> BindingNodeId
    public static Transform<Binding, BindingNodeId> convFromBinding(final NodeTable nodeTable)
        return new Transform<Binding, BindingNodeId>()
            public BindingNodeId convert(Binding binding)
                if ( binding instanceof BindingTDB )
                    return ((BindingTDB)binding).getBindingId() ;
                BindingNodeId b = new BindingNodeId(binding) ;
                // and copy over, getting NodeIds.
                Iterator<Var> vars = binding.vars() ;
                for ( ; vars.hasNext() ; )
                    Var v = ;
                    Node n = binding.get(v)
                    if ( n == null )
                        // Variable mentioned in the binding but not actually defined.
                        // Can occur with BindingProject
                        continue ;
                    // Rely on the node table cache for efficency - we will likely be
                    // repeatedly looking up the same node in different bindings.
                    NodeId id = nodeTable.getNodeIdForNode(n) ;
                    // Even put in "does not exist" for a node now known not to be in the DB.
                    b.put(v, id) ;
                return b ;
        } ;

    /** Find all the graph names in the quads table. */
    public static QueryIterator graphNames(DatasetGraphTDB ds, Node graphNode,
                                           QueryIterator input, Filter<Tuple<NodeId>> filter,
                                           ExecutionContext execCxt)
        List<Abortable> killList = new ArrayList<Abortable>() ;
        Iterator<Tuple<NodeId>> iter1 = ds.getQuadTable().getNodeTupleTable().find(NodeId.NodeIdAny, NodeId.NodeIdAny, NodeId.NodeIdAny, NodeId.NodeIdAny) ;
        if ( filter != null )
            iter1 = Iter.filter(iter1, filter) ;
        Iterator<NodeId> iter2 = Tuple.project(0, iter1) ;
        // Project is cheap - don't brother wrapping iter1
        iter2 = makeAbortable(iter2, killList) ;
        Iterator<NodeId> iter3 = Iter.distinct(iter2) ;
        iter3 = makeAbortable(iter3, killList) ;
        Iterator<Node> iter4 = NodeLib.nodes(ds.getQuadTable().getNodeTupleTable().getNodeTable(), iter3) ;
        final Var var = Var.alloc(graphNode) ;
        Transform<Node, Binding> bindGraphName = new Transform<Node, Binding>(){
            public Binding convert(Node node)
                return BindingFactory.binding(var, node) ;
        } ;
        Iterator<Binding> iterBinding =, bindGraphName) ;
        // Not abortable.
        return new QueryIterTDB(iterBinding, killList, input, execCxt) ;
    /** Turn a BasicPattern into an abbreviated string for debugging */ 
    public static String strPattern(BasicPattern pattern)
        List<Triple> triples = pattern.getList() ;
        String x = Iter.asString(triples, "\n  ") ;
        return printAbbrev(x) ;

    public static Set<NodeId> convertToNodeIds(Collection<Node> nodes, DatasetGraphTDB dataset)
        Set<NodeId> graphIds = new HashSet<NodeId>() ;
        NodeTable nt = dataset.getQuadTable().getNodeTupleTable().getNodeTable() ;
        for ( Node n : nodes )
            graphIds.add(nt.getNodeIdForNode(n)) ;
        return graphIds ;


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