Package org.apache.camel.model

Source Code of org.apache.camel.model.RouteDefinitionHelper

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.camel.model;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.camel.CamelContext;
import org.apache.camel.builder.ErrorHandlerBuilder;
import org.apache.camel.util.CamelContextHelper;
import org.apache.camel.util.EndpointHelper;
import org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper;

* Helper for {@link RouteDefinition}
* <p/>
* Utility methods to help preparing {@link RouteDefinition} before they are added to
* {@link org.apache.camel.CamelContext}.
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes", "deprecation"})
public final class RouteDefinitionHelper {

    private RouteDefinitionHelper() {

     * Force assigning ids to the routes
     * @param context the camel context
     * @param routes  the routes
     * @throws Exception is thrown if error force assign ids to the routes
    public static void forceAssignIds(CamelContext context, List<RouteDefinition> routes) throws Exception {
        for (RouteDefinition route : routes) {
            // force id on the route

            // if there was a custom id assigned, then make sure to support property placeholders
            if (route.hasCustomIdAssigned()) {
                String id = route.getId();

     * Validates that the target route has no duplicate id's from any of the existing routes.
     * @param target  the target route
     * @param routes  the existing routes
     * @return <tt>null</tt> if no duplicate id's detected, otherwise the first found duplicate id is returned.
    public static String validateUniqueIds(RouteDefinition target, List<RouteDefinition> routes) {
        Set<String> routesIds = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
        // gather all ids for the existing route, but only include custom ids, and no abstract ids
        // as abstract nodes is cross-cutting functionality such as interceptors etc
        for (RouteDefinition route : routes) {
            // skip target route as we gather ids in a separate set
            if (route == target) {
            ProcessorDefinitionHelper.gatherAllNodeIds(route, routesIds, true, false);

        // gather all ids for the target route, but only include custom ids, and no abstract ids
        // as abstract nodes is cross-cutting functionality such as interceptors etc
        Set<String> targetIds = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
        ProcessorDefinitionHelper.gatherAllNodeIds(target, targetIds, true, false);

        // now check for clash with the target route
        for (String id : targetIds) {
            if (routesIds.contains(id)) {
                return id;

        return null;

    public static void initParent(ProcessorDefinition parent) {
        List<ProcessorDefinition> children = parent.getOutputs();
        for (ProcessorDefinition child : children) {
            if (child.getOutputs() != null && !child.getOutputs().isEmpty()) {
                // recursive the children

    private static void initParentAndErrorHandlerBuilder(ProcessorDefinition parent) {
        List<ProcessorDefinition> children = parent.getOutputs();
        for (ProcessorDefinition child : children) {
            if (child.getOutputs() != null && !child.getOutputs().isEmpty()) {
                // recursive the children

    public static void prepareRouteForInit(RouteDefinition route, List<ProcessorDefinition<?>> abstracts,
                                           List<ProcessorDefinition<?>> lower) {
        // filter the route into abstracts and lower
        for (ProcessorDefinition output : route.getOutputs()) {
            if (output.isAbstract()) {
            } else {

     * Prepares the route.
     * <p/>
     * This method does <b>not</b> mark the route as prepared afterwards.
     * @param context the camel context
     * @param route   the route
    public static void prepareRoute(ModelCamelContext context, RouteDefinition route) {
        prepareRoute(context, route, null, null, null, null, null);

     * Prepares the route which supports context scoped features such as onException, interceptors and onCompletions
     * <p/>
     * This method does <b>not</b> mark the route as prepared afterwards.
     * @param context                            the camel context
     * @param route                              the route
     * @param onExceptions                       optional list of onExceptions
     * @param intercepts                         optional list of interceptors
     * @param interceptFromDefinitions           optional list of interceptFroms
     * @param interceptSendToEndpointDefinitions optional list of interceptSendToEndpoints
     * @param onCompletions                      optional list onCompletions
    public static void prepareRoute(ModelCamelContext context, RouteDefinition route,
                                    List<OnExceptionDefinition> onExceptions,
                                    List<InterceptDefinition> intercepts,
                                    List<InterceptFromDefinition> interceptFromDefinitions,
                                    List<InterceptSendToEndpointDefinition> interceptSendToEndpointDefinitions,
                                    List<OnCompletionDefinition> onCompletions) {

        // abstracts is the cross cutting concerns
        List<ProcessorDefinition<?>> abstracts = new ArrayList<ProcessorDefinition<?>>();

        // upper is the cross cutting concerns such as interceptors, error handlers etc
        List<ProcessorDefinition<?>> upper = new ArrayList<ProcessorDefinition<?>>();

        // lower is the regular route
        List<ProcessorDefinition<?>> lower = new ArrayList<ProcessorDefinition<?>>();

        RouteDefinitionHelper.prepareRouteForInit(route, abstracts, lower);

        // parent and error handler builder should be initialized first
        initParentAndErrorHandlerBuilder(context, route, abstracts, onExceptions);
        // then interceptors
        initInterceptors(context, route, abstracts, upper, intercepts, interceptFromDefinitions, interceptSendToEndpointDefinitions);
        // then on completion
        initOnCompletions(abstracts, upper, onCompletions);
        // then transactions
        initTransacted(abstracts, lower);
        // then on exception
        initOnExceptions(abstracts, upper, onExceptions);

        // rebuild route as upper + lower
        route.getOutputs().addAll(0, upper);

     * Sanity check the route, that it has input(s) and outputs.
     * @param route the route
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException is thrown if the route is invalid
    public static void sanityCheckRoute(RouteDefinition route) {
        ObjectHelper.notNull(route, "route");

        if (route.getInputs() == null || route.getInputs().isEmpty()) {
            String msg = "Route has no inputs: " + route;
            if (route.getId() != null) {
                msg = "Route " + route.getId() + " has no inputs: " + route;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

        if (route.getOutputs() == null || route.getOutputs().isEmpty()) {
            String msg = "Route has no outputs: " + route;
            if (route.getId() != null) {
                msg = "Route " + route.getId() + " has no outputs: " + route;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

    private static void initParentAndErrorHandlerBuilder(ModelCamelContext context, RouteDefinition route,
                                                         List<ProcessorDefinition<?>> abstracts, List<OnExceptionDefinition> onExceptions) {

        if (context != null) {
            // let the route inherit the error handler builder from camel context if none already set

            // must clone to avoid side effects while building routes using multiple RouteBuilders
            ErrorHandlerBuilder builder = context.getErrorHandlerBuilder();
            if (builder != null) {
                builder = builder.cloneBuilder();

        // init parent and error handler builder on the route

        // set the parent and error handler builder on the global on exceptions
        if (onExceptions != null) {
            for (OnExceptionDefinition global : onExceptions) {

    private static void initOnExceptions(List<ProcessorDefinition<?>> abstracts, List<ProcessorDefinition<?>> upper,
                                         List<OnExceptionDefinition> onExceptions) {
        // add global on exceptions if any
        if (onExceptions != null && !onExceptions.isEmpty()) {
            for (OnExceptionDefinition output : onExceptions) {
                // these are context scoped on exceptions so set this flag

        // now add onExceptions to the route
        for (ProcessorDefinition output : abstracts) {
            if (output instanceof OnExceptionDefinition) {
                // on exceptions must be added at top, so the route flow is correct as
                // on exceptions should be the first outputs

                // find the index to add the on exception, it should be in the top
                // but it should add itself after any existing onException
                int index = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < upper.size(); i++) {
                    ProcessorDefinition up = upper.get(i);
                    if (!(up instanceof OnExceptionDefinition)) {
                        index = i;
                    } else {
                upper.add(index, output);

    private static void initInterceptors(CamelContext context, RouteDefinition route,
                                         List<ProcessorDefinition<?>> abstracts, List<ProcessorDefinition<?>> upper,
                                         List<InterceptDefinition> intercepts,
                                         List<InterceptFromDefinition> interceptFromDefinitions,
                                         List<InterceptSendToEndpointDefinition> interceptSendToEndpointDefinitions) {

        // move the abstracts interceptors into the dedicated list
        for (ProcessorDefinition processor : abstracts) {
            if (processor instanceof InterceptSendToEndpointDefinition) {
                if (interceptSendToEndpointDefinitions == null) {
                    interceptSendToEndpointDefinitions = new ArrayList<InterceptSendToEndpointDefinition>();
                interceptSendToEndpointDefinitions.add((InterceptSendToEndpointDefinition) processor);
            } else if (processor instanceof InterceptFromDefinition) {
                if (interceptFromDefinitions == null) {
                    interceptFromDefinitions = new ArrayList<InterceptFromDefinition>();
                interceptFromDefinitions.add((InterceptFromDefinition) processor);
            } else if (processor instanceof InterceptDefinition) {
                if (intercepts == null) {
                    intercepts = new ArrayList<InterceptDefinition>();
                intercepts.add((InterceptDefinition) processor);

        doInitInterceptors(context, route, upper, intercepts, interceptFromDefinitions, interceptSendToEndpointDefinitions);

    private static void doInitInterceptors(CamelContext context, RouteDefinition route, List<ProcessorDefinition<?>> upper,
                                           List<InterceptDefinition> intercepts,
                                           List<InterceptFromDefinition> interceptFromDefinitions,
                                           List<InterceptSendToEndpointDefinition> interceptSendToEndpointDefinitions) {

        // configure intercept
        if (intercepts != null && !intercepts.isEmpty()) {
            for (InterceptDefinition intercept : intercepts) {
                // init the parent
                // add as first output so intercept is handled before the actual route and that gives
                // us the needed head start to init and be able to intercept all the remaining processing steps
                upper.add(0, intercept);

        // configure intercept from
        if (interceptFromDefinitions != null && !interceptFromDefinitions.isEmpty()) {
            for (InterceptFromDefinition intercept : interceptFromDefinitions) {

                // should we only apply interceptor for a given endpoint uri
                boolean match = true;
                if (intercept.getUri() != null) {
                    match = false;
                    for (FromDefinition input : route.getInputs()) {
                        // a bit more logic to lookup the endpoint as it can be uri/ref based
                        String uri = input.getUri();
                        if (uri != null && uri.startsWith("ref:")) {
                            // its a ref: so lookup the endpoint to get its url
                            uri = CamelContextHelper.getMandatoryEndpoint(context, uri).getEndpointUri();
                        } else if (input.getRef() != null) {
                            // lookup the endpoint to get its url
                            uri = CamelContextHelper.getMandatoryEndpoint(context, "ref:" + input.getRef()).getEndpointUri();
                        if (EndpointHelper.matchEndpoint(context, uri, intercept.getUri())) {
                            match = true;

                if (match) {
                    // init the parent
                    // add as first output so intercept is handled before the actual route and that gives
                    // us the needed head start to init and be able to intercept all the remaining processing steps
                    upper.add(0, intercept);

        // configure intercept send to endpoint
        if (interceptSendToEndpointDefinitions != null && !interceptSendToEndpointDefinitions.isEmpty()) {
            for (InterceptSendToEndpointDefinition intercept : interceptSendToEndpointDefinitions) {
                // init the parent
                // add as first output so intercept is handled before the actual route and that gives
                // us the needed head start to init and be able to intercept all the remaining processing steps
                upper.add(0, intercept);

    private static void initOnCompletions(List<ProcessorDefinition<?>> abstracts, List<ProcessorDefinition<?>> upper,
                                          List<OnCompletionDefinition> onCompletions) {
        List<OnCompletionDefinition> completions = new ArrayList<OnCompletionDefinition>();

        // find the route scoped onCompletions
        for (ProcessorDefinition out : abstracts) {
            if (out instanceof OnCompletionDefinition) {
                completions.add((OnCompletionDefinition) out);

        // only add global onCompletion if there are no route already
        if (completions.isEmpty() && onCompletions != null) {
            completions = onCompletions;
            // init the parent
            for (OnCompletionDefinition global : completions) {

        // are there any completions to init at all?
        if (completions.isEmpty()) {


    private static void initTransacted(List<ProcessorDefinition<?>> abstracts, List<ProcessorDefinition<?>> lower) {
        TransactedDefinition transacted = null;

        // add to correct type
        for (ProcessorDefinition<?> type : abstracts) {
            if (type instanceof TransactedDefinition) {
                if (transacted == null) {
                    transacted = (TransactedDefinition) type;
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("The route can only have one transacted defined");

        if (transacted != null) {
            // the outputs should be moved to the transacted policy
            // and add it as the single output

     * Force assigning ids to the give node and all its children (recursively).
     * <p/>
     * This is needed when doing tracing or the likes, where each node should have its id assigned
     * so the tracing can pin point exactly.
     * @param context the camel context
     * @param processor the node
    public static void forceAssignIds(CamelContext context, ProcessorDefinition processor) {
        // force id on the child

        // if there was a custom id assigned, then make sure to support property placeholders
        if (processor.hasCustomIdAssigned()) {
            String id = processor.getId();
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw ObjectHelper.wrapRuntimeCamelException(e);

        List<ProcessorDefinition> children = processor.getOutputs();
        if (children != null && !children.isEmpty()) {
            for (ProcessorDefinition child : children) {
                forceAssignIds(context, child);


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