Package org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.pig

Source Code of org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.pig.CqlStorage

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.pig;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
import java.util.*;

import org.apache.cassandra.db.Column;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.cql3.CqlConfigHelper;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.*;
import org.apache.pig.Expression;
import org.apache.pig.Expression.OpType;
import org.apache.pig.ResourceSchema;
import org.apache.pig.ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema;
import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigSplit;
import org.apache.pig.impl.util.UDFContext;
import org.apache.thrift.TException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

* A LoadStoreFunc for retrieving data from and storing data to Cassandra
* A row from a standard CF will be returned as nested tuples:
* (((key1, value1), (key2, value2)), ((name1, val1), (name2, val2))).
public class CqlStorage extends AbstractCassandraStorage
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CqlStorage.class);

    private RecordReader<Map<String, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, ByteBuffer>> reader;
    private RecordWriter<Map<String, ByteBuffer>, List<ByteBuffer>> writer;

    private int pageSize = 1000;
    private String columns;
    private String outputQuery;
    private String whereClause;

    public CqlStorage()

    /** @param pageSize limit number of CQL rows to fetch in a thrift request */
    public CqlStorage(int pageSize)
        this.pageSize = pageSize;
        DEFAULT_INPUT_FORMAT = "org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.cql3.CqlPagingInputFormat";
        DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FORMAT = "org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.cql3.CqlOutputFormat";

    public void prepareToRead(RecordReader reader, PigSplit split)
        this.reader = reader;

    /** get next row */
    public Tuple getNext() throws IOException
            // load the next pair
            if (!reader.nextKeyValue())
                return null;

            CfDef cfDef = getCfDef(loadSignature);
            Map<String, ByteBuffer> keys = reader.getCurrentKey();
            Map<String, ByteBuffer> columns = reader.getCurrentValue();
            assert keys != null && columns != null;

            // add key columns to the map
            for (Map.Entry<String,ByteBuffer> key : keys.entrySet())
                columns.put(key.getKey(), key.getValue());

            Tuple tuple = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(cfDef.column_metadata.size());
            Iterator<ColumnDef> itera = cfDef.column_metadata.iterator();
            int i = 0;
            while (itera.hasNext())
                ColumnDef cdef =;
                ByteBuffer columnValue = columns.get(ByteBufferUtil.string(;
                if (columnValue != null)
                    Column column = new Column(, columnValue);
                    tuple.set(i, columnToTuple(column, cfDef, UTF8Type.instance));
                    tuple.set(i, TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple());
            return tuple;
        catch (InterruptedException e)
            throw new IOException(e.getMessage());

    /** set read configuration settings */
    public void setLocation(String location, Job job) throws IOException
        conf = job.getConfiguration();

        if (username != null && password != null)
            ConfigHelper.setInputKeyspaceUserNameAndPassword(conf, username, password);
        if (splitSize > 0)
            ConfigHelper.setInputSplitSize(conf, splitSize);
        if (partitionerClass!= null)
            ConfigHelper.setInputPartitioner(conf, partitionerClass);

        ConfigHelper.setInputColumnFamily(conf, keyspace, column_family);

        CqlConfigHelper.setInputCQLPageRowSize(conf, String.valueOf(pageSize));
        if (columns != null && !columns.trim().isEmpty())
            CqlConfigHelper.setInputColumns(conf, columns);

        String whereClauseForPartitionFilter = getWhereClauseForPartitionFilter();
        String wc = whereClause != null && !whereClause.trim().isEmpty()
                               ? whereClauseForPartitionFilter == null ? whereClause: String.format("%s AND %s", whereClause.trim(), whereClauseForPartitionFilter)
                               : whereClauseForPartitionFilter;

        if (wc != null)
            logger.debug("where clause: {}", wc);
            CqlConfigHelper.setInputWhereClauses(conf, wc);

        if (System.getenv(PIG_INPUT_SPLIT_SIZE) != null)
                ConfigHelper.setInputSplitSize(conf, Integer.parseInt(System.getenv(PIG_INPUT_SPLIT_SIZE)));
            catch (NumberFormatException e)
                throw new RuntimeException("PIG_INPUT_SPLIT_SIZE is not a number", e);

        if (ConfigHelper.getInputRpcPort(conf) == 0)
            throw new IOException("PIG_INPUT_RPC_PORT or PIG_RPC_PORT environment variable not set");
        if (ConfigHelper.getInputInitialAddress(conf) == null)
            throw new IOException("PIG_INPUT_INITIAL_ADDRESS or PIG_INITIAL_ADDRESS environment variable not set");
        if (ConfigHelper.getInputPartitioner(conf) == null)
            throw new IOException("PIG_INPUT_PARTITIONER or PIG_PARTITIONER environment variable not set");
        if (loadSignature == null)
            loadSignature = location;


    /** set store configuration settings */
    public void setStoreLocation(String location, Job job) throws IOException
        conf = job.getConfiguration();

        if (username != null && password != null)
            ConfigHelper.setOutputKeyspaceUserNameAndPassword(conf, username, password);
        if (splitSize > 0)
            ConfigHelper.setInputSplitSize(conf, splitSize);
        if (partitionerClass!= null)
            ConfigHelper.setOutputPartitioner(conf, partitionerClass);

        ConfigHelper.setOutputColumnFamily(conf, keyspace, column_family);
        CqlConfigHelper.setOutputCql(conf, outputQuery);


        if (ConfigHelper.getOutputRpcPort(conf) == 0)
            throw new IOException("PIG_OUTPUT_RPC_PORT or PIG_RPC_PORT environment variable not set");
        if (ConfigHelper.getOutputInitialAddress(conf) == null)
            throw new IOException("PIG_OUTPUT_INITIAL_ADDRESS or PIG_INITIAL_ADDRESS environment variable not set");
        if (ConfigHelper.getOutputPartitioner(conf) == null)
            throw new IOException("PIG_OUTPUT_PARTITIONER or PIG_PARTITIONER environment variable not set");

    /** schema: (value, value, value) where keys are in the front. */
    public ResourceSchema getSchema(String location, Job job) throws IOException
        setLocation(location, job);
        CfDef cfDef = getCfDef(loadSignature);

        // top-level schema, no type
        ResourceSchema schema = new ResourceSchema();

        // get default marshallers and validators
        Map<MarshallerType, AbstractType> marshallers = getDefaultMarshallers(cfDef);
        Map<ByteBuffer, AbstractType> validators = getValidatorMap(cfDef);

        // will contain all fields for this schema
        List<ResourceFieldSchema> allSchemaFields = new ArrayList<ResourceFieldSchema>();

        for (ColumnDef cdef : cfDef.column_metadata)
            ResourceFieldSchema valSchema = new ResourceFieldSchema();
            AbstractType validator = validators.get(;
            if (validator == null)
                validator = marshallers.get(MarshallerType.DEFAULT_VALIDATOR);
            valSchema.setName(new String(cdef.getName()));

        // top level schema contains everything
        schema.setFields(allSchemaFields.toArray(new ResourceFieldSchema[allSchemaFields.size()]));
        return schema;

    public void setPartitionFilter(Expression partitionFilter)
        UDFContext context = UDFContext.getUDFContext();
        Properties property = context.getUDFProperties(AbstractCassandraStorage.class);
        property.setProperty(PARTITION_FILTER_SIGNATURE, partitionFilterToWhereClauseString(partitionFilter));

    /** retrieve where clause for partition filter */
    private String getWhereClauseForPartitionFilter()
        UDFContext context = UDFContext.getUDFContext();
        Properties property = context.getUDFProperties(AbstractCassandraStorage.class);
        return property.getProperty(PARTITION_FILTER_SIGNATURE);
    public void prepareToWrite(RecordWriter writer)
        this.writer = writer;

    /** output: (((name, value), (name, value)), (value ... value), (value...value)) */
    public void putNext(Tuple t) throws IOException
        if (t.size() < 1)
            // simply nothing here, we can't even delete without a key
            logger.warn("Empty output skipped, filter empty tuples to suppress this warning");

        if (t.getType(0) == DataType.TUPLE)
            Map<String, ByteBuffer> key = tupleToKeyMap((Tuple)t.get(0));
            if (t.getType(1) == DataType.TUPLE)
                cqlQueryFromTuple(key, t, 1);
                throw new IOException("Second argument in output must be a tuple");
            throw new IOException("First argument in output must be a tuple");

    /** convert key tuple to key map */
    private Map<String, ByteBuffer> tupleToKeyMap(Tuple t) throws IOException
        Map<String, ByteBuffer> keys = new HashMap<String, ByteBuffer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++)
            if (t.getType(i) == DataType.TUPLE)
                Tuple inner = (Tuple) t.get(i);
                if (inner.size() == 2)
                    Object name = inner.get(0);
                    if (name != null)
                        keys.put(name.toString(), objToBB(inner.get(1)));
                        throw new IOException("Key name was empty");
                    throw new IOException("Keys were not in name and value pairs");
                throw new IOException("keys was not a tuple");
        return keys;

    /** send CQL query request using data from tuple */
    private void cqlQueryFromTuple(Map<String, ByteBuffer> key, Tuple t, int offset) throws IOException
        for (int i = offset; i < t.size(); i++)
            if (t.getType(i) == DataType.TUPLE)
                Tuple inner = (Tuple) t.get(i);
                if (inner.size() > 0)
                    List<ByteBuffer> bindedVariables = bindedVariablesFromTuple(inner);
                    if (bindedVariables.size() > 0)
                        sendCqlQuery(key, bindedVariables);
                        throw new IOException("Missing binded variables");
                throw new IOException("Output type was not a tuple");

    /** compose a list of binded variables */
    private List<ByteBuffer> bindedVariablesFromTuple(Tuple t) throws IOException
        List<ByteBuffer> variables = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++)
        return variables;

    /** writer write the data by executing CQL query */
    private void sendCqlQuery(Map<String, ByteBuffer> key, List<ByteBuffer> bindedVariables) throws IOException
            writer.write(key, bindedVariables);
        catch (InterruptedException e)
            throw new IOException(e);
    /** include key columns */
    protected List<ColumnDef> getColumnMetadata(Cassandra.Client client, boolean cql3Table)
            throws InvalidRequestException,
        List<ColumnDef> keyColumns = null;
        // get key columns
            keyColumns = getKeysMeta(client);
        catch(IOException e)
            logger.error("Error in retrieving key columns" , e);  

        // get other columns
        List<ColumnDef> columns = getColumnMeta(client);

        // combine all columns in a list
        if (keyColumns != null && columns != null)

        return keyColumns;
    /** cql://[username:password@]<keyspace>/<columnfamily>[?[page_size=<size>]
     * [&columns=<col1,col2>][&output_query=<prepared_statement_query>][&where_clause=<clause>]
     * [&split_size=<size>][&partitioner=<partitioner>][&use_secondary=true|false]] */
    private void setLocationFromUri(String location) throws IOException
            if (!location.startsWith("cql://"))
                throw new Exception("Bad scheme: " + location);

            String[] urlParts = location.split("\\?");
            if (urlParts.length > 1)
                Map<String, String> urlQuery = getQueryMap(urlParts[1]);

                // each page row size
                if (urlQuery.containsKey("page_size"))
                    pageSize = Integer.parseInt(urlQuery.get("page_size"));

                // input query select columns
                if (urlQuery.containsKey("columns"))
                    columns = urlQuery.get("columns");

                // output prepared statement
                if (urlQuery.containsKey("output_query"))
                    outputQuery = urlQuery.get("output_query").replaceAll("#", "?").replaceAll("@", "=");

                // user defined where clause
                if (urlQuery.containsKey("where_clause"))
                    whereClause = urlQuery.get("where_clause");

                //split size
                if (urlQuery.containsKey("split_size"))
                    splitSize = Integer.parseInt(urlQuery.get("split_size"));
                if (urlQuery.containsKey("partitioner"))
                    partitionerClass = urlQuery.get("partitioner");
                if (urlQuery.containsKey("use_secondary"))
                    usePartitionFilter = Boolean.parseBoolean(urlQuery.get("use_secondary"));
            String[] parts = urlParts[0].split("/+");
            String[] credentialsAndKeyspace = parts[1].split("@");
            if (credentialsAndKeyspace.length > 1)
                String[] credentials = credentialsAndKeyspace[0].split(":");
                username = credentials[0];
                password = credentials[1];
                keyspace = credentialsAndKeyspace[1];
                keyspace = parts[1];
            column_family = parts[2];
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new IOException("Expected 'cql://[username:password@]<keyspace>/<columnfamily>" +
                                         "[?[page_size=<size>][&columns=<col1,col2>][&output_query=<prepared_statement>]" +
                                         "[&where_clause=<clause>][&split_size=<size>][&partitioner=<partitioner>][&use_secondary=true|false]]': " + e.getMessage());

     * Return cql where clauses for the corresponding partition filter. Make sure the data format matches
     * Only support the following Pig data types: int, long, float, double, boolean and chararray
     * */
    private String partitionFilterToWhereClauseString(Expression expression)
        Expression.BinaryExpression be = (Expression.BinaryExpression) expression;
        String name = be.getLhs().toString();
        String value = be.getRhs().toString();
        OpType op = expression.getOpType();
        String opString =;
        switch (op)
            case OP_EQ:
                opString = " = ";
            case OP_GE:
            case OP_GT:
            case OP_LE:
            case OP_LT:
                return String.format("%s %s %s", name, opString, value);
            case OP_AND:
                return String.format("%s AND %s", partitionFilterToWhereClauseString(be.getLhs()), partitionFilterToWhereClauseString(be.getRhs()));
                throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported expression type: " + opString);

Related Classes of org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.pig.CqlStorage

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