Package com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.test

Source Code of com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.test.AbstractTestModel

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package com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.test;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.*;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl.ModelCom;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.*;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.*;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.test.NodeCreateUtils;

   @author kers
public abstract class AbstractTestModel extends ModelTestBase
    public AbstractTestModel( String name )
        { super(name); }

    public abstract Model getModel();
    private Model model;
    public void setUp()
        { model = getModel(); }
    public void tearDown()
        { model.close(); }
    public void testTransactions()
        Command cmd = new Command()
          { @Override
            public Object execute() { return null; } };
        if (model.supportsTransactions()) model.executeInTransaction( cmd );
    public void testCreateResourceFromNode()
        RDFNode S = model.getRDFNode( NodeCreateUtils.create( "spoo:S" ) );
        assertInstanceOf( Resource.class, S );
        assertEquals( "spoo:S", ((Resource) S).getURI() );
    public void testCreateLiteralFromNode()
        RDFNode S = model.getRDFNode( NodeCreateUtils.create( "42" ) );
        assertInstanceOf( Literal.class, S );
        assertEquals( "42", ((Literal) S).getLexicalForm() );
   public void testCreateBlankFromNode()
        RDFNode S = model.getRDFNode( NodeCreateUtils.create( "_Blank" ) );
        assertInstanceOf( Resource.class, S );
        assertEquals( new AnonId( "_Blank" ), ((Resource) S).getId() );
    public void testIsEmpty()
        Statement S1 = statement( model, "model rdf:type nonEmpty" );
        Statement S2 = statement( model, "pinky rdf:type Pig" );
        assertTrue( model.isEmpty() );
        model.add( S1 );
        assertFalse( model.isEmpty() );
        model.add( S2 );
        assertFalse( model.isEmpty() );
        model.remove( S1 );
        assertFalse( model.isEmpty() );
        model.remove( S2 );
        assertTrue( model.isEmpty() );
    public void testContainsResource()
        modelAdd( model, "x R y; _a P _b" );
        assertTrue( model.containsResource( resource( model, "x" ) ) );
        assertTrue( model.containsResource( resource( model, "R" ) ) );
        assertTrue( model.containsResource( resource( model, "y" ) ) );
        assertTrue( model.containsResource( resource( model, "_a" ) ) );
        assertTrue( model.containsResource( resource( model, "P" ) ) );
        assertTrue( model.containsResource( resource( model, "_b" ) ) );
        assertFalse( model.containsResource( resource( model, "i" ) ) );
        assertFalse( model.containsResource( resource( model, "_j" ) ) );
        Test the new version of getProperty(), which delivers null for not-found
    public void testGetProperty()
        modelAdd( model, "x P a; x P b; x R c" );
        Resource x = resource( model, "x" );
        assertEquals( resource( model, "c" ), x.getProperty( property( model, "R" ) ).getObject() );
        RDFNode ob = x.getProperty( property( model, "P" ) ).getObject();
        assertTrue( ob.equals( resource( model, "a" ) ) || ob.equals( resource( model, "b" ) ) );
        assertNull( x.getProperty( property( model, "noSuchPropertyHere" ) ) );
    public void testToStatement()
        Triple t = triple( "a P b" );
        Statement s = model.asStatement( t );
        assertEquals( node( "a" ), s.getSubject().asNode() );
        assertEquals( node( "P" ), s.getPredicate().asNode() );
        assertEquals( node( "b" ), s.getObject().asNode() );
    public void testAsRDF()
        testPresentAsRDFNode( node( "a" ), Resource.class );
        testPresentAsRDFNode( node( "17" ), Literal.class );
        testPresentAsRDFNode( node( "_b" ), Resource.class );

    private void testPresentAsRDFNode( Node n, Class<? extends RDFNode> nodeClass )
        RDFNode r = model.asRDFNode( n );
        assertSame( n, r.asNode() );
        assertInstanceOf( nodeClass, r );
    public void testURINodeAsResource()
        Node n = node( "a" );
        Resource r = model.wrapAsResource( n );
        assertSame( n, r.asNode() );
    public void testLiteralNodeAsResourceFails()
            model.wrapAsResource( node( "17" ) );
            fail( "should fail to convert literal to Resource" );
        catch (UnsupportedOperationException e)
            { pass(); }
    public void testRemoveAll()
        testRemoveAll( "" );
        testRemoveAll( "a RR b" );
        testRemoveAll( "x P y; a Q b; c R 17; _d S 'e'" );
        testRemoveAll( "subject Predicate 'object'; http://nowhere/x scheme:cunning not:plan" );
    protected void testRemoveAll( String statements )
        modelAdd( model, statements );
        assertSame( model, model.removeAll() );
        assertEquals( "model should have size 0 following removeAll(): ", 0, model.size() );
     Test cases for RemoveSPO(); each entry is a triple (add, remove, result).
     <li>add - the triples to add to the graph to start with
     <li>remove - the pattern to use in the removal
     <li>result - the triples that should remain in the graph
  protected String[][] cases =
              { "x R y", "x R y", "" },
              { "x R y; a P b", "x R y", "a P b" },
              { "x R y; a P b", "?? R y", "a P b" },
              { "x R y; a P b", "x R ??", "a P b" },
              { "x R y; a P b", "x ?? y", "a P b" },     
              { "x R y; a P b", "?? ?? ??", "" },      
              { "x R y; a P b; c P d", "?? P ??", "x R y" },      
              { "x R y; a P b; x S y", "x ?? ??", "a P b" },                
   Test that remove(s, p, o) works, in the presence of inferencing graphs that
   mean emptyness isn't available. This is why we go round the houses and
   test that expected ~= initialContent + addedStuff - removed - initialContent.
  public void testRemoveSPO()
      ModelCom mc = (ModelCom) ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
      for (int i = 0; i < cases.length; i += 1)
          for (int j = 0; j < 3; j += 1)
              Model content = getModel();
              Model baseContent = copy( content );
              modelAdd( content, cases[i][0] );
              Triple remove = triple( cases[i][1] );
              Node s = remove.getSubject(), p = remove.getPredicate(), o = remove.getObject();
              Resource S = (Resource) (s.equals( Node.ANY ) ? null : mc.getRDFNode( s ));
              Property P = ((p.equals( Node.ANY ) ? null : mc.getRDFNode( p ).as( Property.class )));
              RDFNode O = o.equals( Node.ANY ) ? null : mc.getRDFNode( o );
              Model expected = modelWithStatements( cases[i][2] );
              content.removeAll( S, P, O );
              Model finalContent = copy( content ).remove( baseContent );
              assertIsoModels( cases[i][1], expected, finalContent );
    public void testIsClosedDelegatedToGraph()
        Model m = getModel();
        assertFalse( m.isClosed() );
        assertTrue( m.isClosed() );
  protected Model copy( Model m )
      return ModelFactory.createDefaultModel().add( m );

Related Classes of com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.test.AbstractTestModel

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