Package org.apache.xindice.client.xmldb

Source Code of org.apache.xindice.client.xmldb.XindiceCollection

* Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* CVS $Id:,v 1.18 2004/02/19 02:46:28 vgritsenko Exp $

package org.apache.xindice.client.xmldb;

import org.apache.xindice.client.xmldb.resources.XMLResourceImpl;
import org.apache.xindice.client.xmldb.resources.BinaryResourceImpl;
import org.apache.xindice.core.FaultCodes;
import org.apache.xindice.core.meta.MetaData;
import org.apache.xindice.xml.NodeSource;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.xmldb.api.base.Collection;
import org.xmldb.api.base.ErrorCodes;
import org.xmldb.api.base.Resource;
import org.xmldb.api.base.ResourceSet;
import org.xmldb.api.base.Service;
import org.xmldb.api.base.XMLDBException;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;

* This is a base XML:DB Collection that is extended by all Xindice
* XML:DB API drivers. It includes the functionality that is common to
* all drivers and abstract methods for all other driver specific methods.
* This enables the implementation of drivers in just two classes and the
* use of common services implementations.
* @author <a href="">Kimbro Staken</a>
* @author <a href="">James Bates</a>
* @version CVS $Revision: 1.18 $, $Date: 2004/02/19 02:46:28 $
public abstract class XindiceCollection extends CommonConfigurable implements Collection {

     * Xindice query result meta-info namespace
    public static final String QUERY_NS = NodeSource.SOURCE_NS;

     * Instantiated named services map
    protected final Hashtable services = new Hashtable();

     * Path to the collection on target server
    protected final String collPath;

     * Creates new <code>CollectionImpl</code> instance representing connection
     * to server collection.
     * @exception XMLDBException thrown if a connection could not be established,
     *            because of URL syntax errors, or connection failure, or if no
     *            collection with path <code>collPath</code> could be located.
    public XindiceCollection(String collPath) throws XMLDBException {
        this.collPath = collPath.endsWith("/") ? collPath.substring(0, collPath.length() - 1) : collPath;

        // Register all services supported by this collection implementation.
        final XPathQueryServiceImpl xpath = new XPathQueryServiceImpl();
        // xpath.setSymbolDeserializer(syms);

        final XUpdateQueryServiceImpl xupdate = new XUpdateQueryServiceImpl();

        // TODO  if (this.col.isMetaEnabled()) {
        final MetaService meta = new MetaService();

        try {
            final CollectionManagementServiceImpl manager = new CollectionManagementServiceImpl();

            // CollectionManagementServiceImpl provides both standard access as a
            // CollectionManagementService and Xindice specific access as a
            // CollectionManager and DatabaseInstanceManager.
            // We need to register it explicitly to make it available
            services.put("CollectionManager" + manager.getVersion(), manager);
            services.put("DatabaseInstanceManager" + manager.getVersion(), manager);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw FaultCodes.createXMLDBException(e);

     * Provides a list of all services known to the collection. If no services
     * are known an empty list is returned.
     * @return An array of registered <code>Service</code> implementations.
     * @exception XMLDBException with expected error codes.<br />
     <code>ErrorCodes.VENDOR_ERROR</code> for any vendor
     *  specific errors that occur.<br />
     <code>ErrorCodes.COLLECTION_CLOSED</code> if the <code>close</code>
     *  method has been called on the <code>Collection</code><br />
    public Service[] getServices() throws XMLDBException {

        Enumeration e = services.elements();
        Service[] result = new Service[services.size()];

        int i = 0;
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            result[i] = (Service) e.nextElement();

        return result;

     * Returns a <code>Service</code> instance for the requested service name and version. If
     * no <code>Service</code> exists for those parameters a null value is returned.
     * @param name Description of Parameter
     * @param version Description of Parameter
     * @return the Service instance or null if no Service could be found.
     * @exception XMLDBException with expected error codes.<br />
     <code>ErrorCodes.VENDOR_ERROR</code> for any vendor
     *  specific errors that occur.<br />
     <code>ErrorCodes.COLLECTION_CLOSED</code> if the <code>close</code>
     *  method has been called on the <code>Collection</code><br />
    public org.xmldb.api.base.Service getService(String name, String version) throws XMLDBException {

        Service result = (Service) services.get(name + version);

        return result;

     * Registers a new Service with this Collection.
     * @param service Description of Parameter
     * @exception XMLDBException
    public void registerService(org.xmldb.api.base.Service service) throws XMLDBException {

        services.put(service.getName() + service.getVersion(), service);

     * Checks if the collection is still open. Only open collections are safe
     * to work with.
     * @return whether the collection is still open
    public abstract boolean isOpen();

     * Throws an exception if collection is no longer open
     * @exception XMLDBException thrown if collection is closed
    protected void checkOpen() throws XMLDBException {
        if (!isOpen()) {
            throw new XMLDBException(ErrorCodes.COLLECTION_CLOSED);

     * Returns the name associated with the <code>Collection</code> instance.
     * @return the name of the object.
    public String getName() {
        return collPath.substring(collPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

     * Returns complete path to collection
     * @return the collection path
    public String getCanonicalName() {
        return collPath;

     * Returns XML:DB URI that would retrieve this collection
     * @return a complete XML:DB URI
    public abstract String getURI();

     * Constructs a new resource that will belong in this collection.
     * Only XML resources are supported. To save the resource to the database, you
     * must first set the resource's XML data, and then call
     * <code>storeResource()</code>.
     * @param name Name for the new resource. If it is empty or <code>null</code>, a name
     *        will be assigned when storing the resource in the database.
     * @param type Type must be either <code>XMLResource</code> or <code>BinaryResource</code>.
     * @exception XMLDBException thrown in case of an invalid resource type or name
    public Resource createResource(String name, String type) throws XMLDBException {
        if (!"XMLResource".equals(type) && !"BinaryResource".equals(type)) {
            throw new XMLDBException(ErrorCodes.UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_TYPE,
                                     "Only XMLResource and BinaryResource supported");

        if (name == null || name.length() == 0) {
            // fulfill contract stating
            // "If id is null or its value is empty then an id is generated by calling createId()."
            name = createId();
        } else if (name.indexOf('/') != -1) {
            throw new XMLDBException(ErrorCodes.INVALID_RESOURCE,
                                     "Name cannot contain '/'");

        if ("XMLResource".equals(type)) {
            return new XMLResourceImpl(name, this);
        } else {
            return new BinaryResourceImpl(name, this, null);

     * Queries the entire collection and resturns the result
     * @param queryLang <code>XUpdate</code> or <code>XPath</code>
     * @param query the text of the query statement
     * @param nsMap namespace bindings to use when evaluating query
     * @return set containing result of query
     * @throws XMLDBException thrown in case of invalid query or other error
    public ResourceSet query(String queryLang, String query, Hashtable nsMap) throws XMLDBException {
        return query(null, queryLang, query, nsMap);

     * Queries a specific document or the entire collection and returns result
     * @param name name of document to query, or <code>null</code> to query
     *        entire collection.
     * @param queryLang <code>XUpdate</code> or <code>XPath</code>.
     * @param query the text of the query statement
     * @param nsMap namespace bindings to use when evaluating query
     * @return set containing result of query
     * @throws XMLDBException thrown in case of invalid query or other error
    public abstract ResourceSet query(String name, String queryLang, String query, Hashtable nsMap) throws XMLDBException;

     * Creates a new child collection in this collection
     * @param name The name for new child collection
     * @return object representing newly created collection
     * @exception XMLDBException thrown if collection creation fails for some
     *                           reason
    public abstract Collection createCollection(String name) throws XMLDBException;

     * Creates a new child collection.
     * If path is a simple name (no '/' character), collection will be created
     * in this collection. If path contains more then one element, collection will be
     * created in the corresponding sub-collection of this collection (which must
     * already exist).
     * @param path The path for new child collection
     * @return object representing newly created collection
     * @exception XMLDBException thrown if collection creation fails for some
     *                           reason
    public abstract Collection createCollection(String path, Document configuration) throws XMLDBException;

     * Removes child collection from this collection
     * @param name name of child collection
     * @exception XMLDBException thrown if collection creation fails for some
     *                           reason
    public abstract void removeCollection(String name) throws XMLDBException;

     * Returns a list of all indexers for this collection.
     * @return the list of indexers
     * @exception XMLDBException
    public abstract String[] listIndexers() throws XMLDBException;

     * Creates a new Indexer for this collection.
     * @param configuration The configuration to use for this indexer.
     * @exception XMLDBException
    public abstract void createIndexer(Document configuration) throws XMLDBException;

     * Drops the indexer from the collection
     * @param name The name of the indexer to drop.
     * @exception XMLDBException
    public abstract void dropIndexer(String name) throws XMLDBException;

     * Shutsdown the Database instance
     * @exception XMLDBException
    public abstract void shutdown() throws XMLDBException;

     * Returns {@link MetaData} object for the specified document or the current
     * collection
     * @param name name of document to get meta, or <code>null</code> to get meta
     *        of the collection.
     * @return Requested meta data object
     * @exception XMLDBException thrown if unable to obtain meta information
    public abstract MetaData getMetaData(String name) throws XMLDBException;

     * Updates {@link MetaData} object for the specified document or the current
     * collection
     * @param name name of document to update meta, or <code>null</code> to update meta
     *        of the collection.
     * @param meta meta data object
     * @exception XMLDBException thrown if unable to obtain meta information
    public abstract void setMetaData(String name, MetaData meta) throws XMLDBException;

Related Classes of org.apache.xindice.client.xmldb.XindiceCollection

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