Package org.apache.cassandra.cql3

Source Code of org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnCondition$Raw

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package org.apache.cassandra.cql3;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;


import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ColumnSlice;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;

* A CQL3 condition.
public class ColumnCondition
    public final CFDefinition.Name column;

    // For collection, when testing the equality of a specific element, null otherwise.
    private final Term collectionElement;

    private final Term value;

    private ColumnCondition(CFDefinition.Name column, Term collectionElement, Term value)
        this.column = column;
        this.collectionElement = collectionElement;
        this.value = value;

    public static ColumnCondition equal(CFDefinition.Name column, Term value)
        return new ColumnCondition(column, null, value);

    public static ColumnCondition equal(CFDefinition.Name column, Term collectionElement, Term value)
        return new ColumnCondition(column, collectionElement, value);

     * Collects the column specification for the bind variables of this operation.
     * @param boundNames the list of column specification where to collect the
     * bind variables of this term in.
    public void collectMarkerSpecification(VariableSpecifications boundNames)
        if (collectionElement != null)

    public ColumnCondition.Bound bind(List<ByteBuffer> variables) throws InvalidRequestException
        return column.type instanceof CollectionType
             ? (collectionElement == null ? new CollectionBound(this, variables) : new ElementAccessBound(this, variables))
             : new SimpleBound(this, variables);

    public static abstract class Bound
        public final CFDefinition.Name column;

        protected Bound(CFDefinition.Name column)
            this.column = column;

         * Validates whether this condition applies to {@code current}.
        public abstract boolean appliesTo(ColumnNameBuilder rowPrefix, ColumnFamily current, long now) throws InvalidRequestException;

        public ByteBuffer getCollectionElementValue()
            return null;

        protected ColumnNameBuilder copyOrUpdatePrefix(CFMetaData cfm, ColumnNameBuilder rowPrefix)
            return column.kind == CFDefinition.Name.Kind.STATIC ? cfm.getStaticColumnNameBuilder() : rowPrefix.copy();

        protected boolean equalsValue(ByteBuffer value, Column c, AbstractType<?> type, long now)
            return value == null
                 ? c == null || !c.isLive(now)
                 : c != null && c.isLive(now) &&, value) == 0;

        protected Iterator<Column> collectionColumns(ColumnNameBuilder collectionPrefix, ColumnFamily cf, final long now)
            // We are testing for collection equality, so we need to have the expected values *and* only those.
            ColumnSlice[] collectionSlice = new ColumnSlice[]{ new ColumnSlice(, collectionPrefix.buildAsEndOfRange()) };
            // Filter live columns, this makes things simpler afterwards
            return Iterators.filter(cf.iterator(collectionSlice), new Predicate<Column>()
                public boolean apply(Column c)
                    // we only care about live columns
                    return c.isLive(now);

    private static class SimpleBound extends Bound
        public final ByteBuffer value;

        private SimpleBound(ColumnCondition condition, List<ByteBuffer> variables) throws InvalidRequestException
            assert !(column.type instanceof CollectionType) && condition.collectionElement == null;
            this.value = condition.value.bindAndGet(variables);

        public boolean appliesTo(ColumnNameBuilder rowPrefix, ColumnFamily current, long now) throws InvalidRequestException
            ColumnNameBuilder prefix = copyOrUpdatePrefix(current.metadata(), rowPrefix);
            ByteBuffer columnName = column.kind == CFDefinition.Name.Kind.VALUE_ALIAS
                                  : prefix.add(;

            return equalsValue(value, current.getColumn(columnName), column.type, now);

        public boolean equals(Object o)
            if (!(o instanceof SimpleBound))
                return false;

            SimpleBound that = (SimpleBound)o;
            if (!column.equals(that.column))
                return false;

            return value == null || that.value == null
                 ? value == null && that.value == null
                 :, that.value) == 0;

        public int hashCode()
            return Objects.hashCode(column, value);

    private static class ElementAccessBound extends Bound
        public final ByteBuffer collectionElement;
        public final ByteBuffer value;

        private ElementAccessBound(ColumnCondition condition, List<ByteBuffer> variables) throws InvalidRequestException
            assert column.type instanceof CollectionType && condition.collectionElement != null;
            this.collectionElement = condition.collectionElement.bindAndGet(variables);
            this.value = condition.value.bindAndGet(variables);

        public boolean appliesTo(ColumnNameBuilder rowPrefix, ColumnFamily current, final long now) throws InvalidRequestException
            if (collectionElement == null)
                throw new InvalidRequestException("Invalid null value for " + (column.type instanceof MapType ? "map" : "list") + " element access");

            ColumnNameBuilder collectionPrefix = copyOrUpdatePrefix(current.metadata(), rowPrefix).add(;
            if (column.type instanceof MapType)
                return equalsValue(value, current.getColumn(collectionPrefix.add(collectionElement).build()), ((MapType)column.type).values, now);

            assert column.type instanceof ListType;
            int idx = ByteBufferUtil.toInt(collectionElement);
            if (idx < 0)
                throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Invalid negative list index %d", idx));

            Iterator<Column> iter = collectionColumns(collectionPrefix, current, now);
            int adv = Iterators.advance(iter, idx);
            if (adv != idx || !iter.hasNext())
                throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("List index %d out of bound, list has size %d", idx, adv));

            // We don't support null values inside collections, so a condition like 'IF l[3] = null' can only
            // be false. We do special case though, as the compare below might mind getting a null.
            if (value == null)
                return false;

            return ((ListType)column.type), value) == 0;

        public ByteBuffer getCollectionElementValue()
            return collectionElement;

        public boolean equals(Object o)
            if (!(o instanceof ElementAccessBound))
                return false;

            ElementAccessBound that = (ElementAccessBound)o;
            if (!column.equals(that.column))
                return false;

            if ((collectionElement == null) != (that.collectionElement == null))
                return false;

            if (collectionElement != null)
                assert column.type instanceof ListType || column.type instanceof MapType;
                AbstractType<?> comparator = column.type instanceof ListType
                                           ? Int32Type.instance
                                           : ((MapType)column.type).keys;

                if (, that.collectionElement) != 0)
                    return false;

            return, that.value) == 0;

        public int hashCode()
            return Objects.hashCode(column, collectionElement, value);

    private static class CollectionBound extends Bound
        public final Term.Terminal value;

        private CollectionBound(ColumnCondition condition, List<ByteBuffer> variables) throws InvalidRequestException
            assert column.type instanceof CollectionType && condition.collectionElement == null;
            this.value = condition.value.bind(variables);

        public boolean appliesTo(ColumnNameBuilder rowPrefix, ColumnFamily current, final long now) throws InvalidRequestException
            CollectionType type = (CollectionType)column.type;
            CFMetaData cfm = current.metadata();

            ColumnNameBuilder collectionPrefix = copyOrUpdatePrefix(cfm, rowPrefix).add(;

            Iterator<Column> iter = collectionColumns(collectionPrefix, current, now);
            if (value == null)
                return !iter.hasNext();

            switch (type.kind)
                case LIST: return listAppliesTo((ListType)type, cfm, iter, ((Lists.Value)value).elements);
                case SET: return setAppliesTo((SetType)type, cfm, iter, ((Sets.Value)value).elements);
                case MAP: return mapAppliesTo((MapType)type, cfm, iter, ((Maps.Value)value).map);
            throw new AssertionError();

        private ByteBuffer collectionKey(CFMetaData cfm, Column c)
            ByteBuffer[] bbs = ((CompositeType)cfm.comparator).split(;
            return bbs[bbs.length - 1];

        private boolean listAppliesTo(ListType type, CFMetaData cfm, Iterator<Column> iter, List<ByteBuffer> elements)
            for (ByteBuffer e : elements)
                if (!iter.hasNext() ||, e) != 0)
                    return false;
            // We must not have more elements than expected
            return !iter.hasNext();

        private boolean setAppliesTo(SetType type, CFMetaData cfm, Iterator<Column> iter, Set<ByteBuffer> elements)
            Set<ByteBuffer> remaining = new TreeSet<>(type.elements);
            while (iter.hasNext())
                if (remaining.isEmpty())
                    return false;

                if (!remaining.remove(collectionKey(cfm,
                    return false;
            return remaining.isEmpty();

        private boolean mapAppliesTo(MapType type, CFMetaData cfm, Iterator<Column> iter, Map<ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer> elements)
            Map<ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer> remaining = new TreeMap<>(type.keys);
            while (iter.hasNext())
                if (remaining.isEmpty())
                    return false;

                Column c =;
                ByteBuffer previous = remaining.remove(collectionKey(cfm, c));
                if (previous == null ||, c.value()) != 0)
                    return false;
            return remaining.isEmpty();

        public boolean equals(Object o)
            if (!(o instanceof CollectionBound))
                return false;

            CollectionBound that = (CollectionBound)o;
            if (!column.equals(that.column))
                return false;

            // Slightly inefficient because it serialize the collection just for the sake of comparison.
            // We could improve by adding an equals() method to Lists.Value, Sets.Value and Maps.Value but
            // this method is only called when there is 2 conditions on the same collection to make sure
            // both are not incompatible, so overall it's probably not worth the effort.
            ByteBuffer thisVal = value.get();
            ByteBuffer thatVal = that.value.get();
            return thisVal == null || thatVal == null
                 ? thisVal == null && thatVal == null
                 :, thatVal) == 0;

        public int hashCode()
            return Objects.hashCode(column, value.get());

    public static class Raw
        private final Term.Raw value;

        // Can be null, only used with the syntax "IF m[e] = ..." (in which case it's 'e')
        private final Term.Raw collectionElement;

        private Raw(Term.Raw value, Term.Raw collectionElement)
            this.value = value;
            this.collectionElement = collectionElement;

        public static Raw simpleEqual(Term.Raw value)
            return new Raw(value, null);

        public static Raw collectionEqual(Term.Raw value, Term.Raw collectionElement)
            return new Raw(value, collectionElement);

        public ColumnCondition prepare(CFDefinition.Name receiver) throws InvalidRequestException
            if (receiver.type instanceof CounterColumnType)
                throw new InvalidRequestException("Condtions on counters are not supported");

            if (collectionElement == null)
                return ColumnCondition.equal(receiver, value.prepare(receiver));

            if (!(receiver.type.isCollection()))
                throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Invalid element access syntax for non-collection column %s",;

            switch (((CollectionType)receiver.type).kind)
                case LIST:
                    return ColumnCondition.equal(receiver, collectionElement.prepare(Lists.indexSpecOf(receiver)), value.prepare(Lists.valueSpecOf(receiver)));
                case SET:
                    throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Invalid element access syntax for set column %s",;
                case MAP:
                    return ColumnCondition.equal(receiver, collectionElement.prepare(Maps.keySpecOf(receiver)), value.prepare(Maps.valueSpecOf(receiver)));
            throw new AssertionError();

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