Package flex2.compiler.as3

Source Code of flex2.compiler.as3.HostComponentExtension$MissingSkinPart

*  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package flex2.compiler.as3;

import flex2.compiler.CompilationUnit;
import flex2.compiler.CompilerContext;
import flex2.compiler.SymbolTable;
import flex2.compiler.as3.binding.BindableExtension;
import flex2.compiler.as3.binding.BindableFirstPassEvaluator;
import flex2.compiler.as3.binding.ClassInfo;
import flex2.compiler.as3.binding.TypeAnalyzer;
import flex2.compiler.as3.genext.GenerativeFirstPassEvaluator;
import flex2.compiler.as3.reflect.NodeMagic;
import flex2.compiler.as3.reflect.TypeTable;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.lang.StandardDefs;
import flex2.compiler.util.CompilerMessage;
import flex2.compiler.util.MultiName;
import flex2.compiler.util.NameFormatter;
import flex2.compiler.util.QName;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import macromedia.asc.parser.ClassDefinitionNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.DocCommentNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.MetaDataNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.Node;
import macromedia.asc.parser.NodeFactory;
import macromedia.asc.parser.StatementListNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.TypeExpressionNode;
import macromedia.asc.parser.VariableDefinitionNode;
import macromedia.asc.util.Context;

* This class handles processing [HostComponent] metadata.
* @author Corey Lucier
public final class HostComponentExtension implements Extension
    private static final String SKINHOSTCOMPONENT = "hostComponent".intern();
    private static final String BINDABLE = "Bindable".intern();
    private static final String[] PUBLIC_NAMESPACE = new String[] {SymbolTable.publicNamespace};

    private boolean reportMissingRequiredSkinPartsAsWarnings; // true generates a warning,
                                                              // false generates an error

     * @param reportMissingRequiredSkinPartsAsWarnings If true output a warning if any
     * required skin parts are missing. Otherwise an error is generated.
    public HostComponentExtension(boolean reportMissingRequiredSkinPartsAsWarnings)
        this.reportMissingRequiredSkinPartsAsWarnings = reportMissingRequiredSkinPartsAsWarnings;

    public void parse1(CompilationUnit unit, TypeTable typeTable)
        // Add a dependency on IEventDispatcher in parse1() so that it is
        // transferred in time to parent compilers from sub-compilers.
        // Theoretically, this dependency would be unnecessary if there is an
        // explicit hostComponent member that is not bindable and hence may not
        // need to be an IEventDispatcher, although this is unlikely given the
        // base Skin class from the framework implements IEventDispatcher.
        // We're comfortable with doing this because IEventDispatcher is player
        // runtime interface that isn't linked into a SWF. See SDK-29306
        if (unit.hostComponentMetaData != null)
            unit.inheritance.add(new MultiName(StandardDefs.PACKAGE_FLASH_EVENTS, "IEventDispatcher"));

    public void parse2(CompilationUnit unit, TypeTable typeTable)
        // HostComponentExtension processing should not be done in parse1
        // because getting the classInfo for a class during parse1
        // will pollute the symbol table when an ancestor class is defined in a
        // SWC. The polluted symbol table then causes the
        // BindableSecondPassEvaluator to assume the class does not already
        // implement IEventDispatcher. See SDK-25312
        if (unit.hostComponentMetaData != null)
            CompilerContext context = unit.getContext();
            Context cx = (Context) context.getAscContext();
            TypeAnalyzer typeAnalyzer = typeTable.getSymbolTable().getTypeAnalyzer();
            generateHostComponentVariable(cx, unit, typeAnalyzer);

    public void analyze1(CompilationUnit unit, TypeTable typeTable)

    public void analyze2(CompilationUnit unit, TypeTable typeTable)

    public void analyze3(CompilationUnit unit, TypeTable typeTable)

    public void analyze4(CompilationUnit unit, TypeTable typeTable)

    public void generate(CompilationUnit unit, TypeTable typeTable)
        if (unit.hostComponentMetaData != null)
            CompilerContext context = unit.getContext();
            Context cx = (Context) context.getAscContext();
            validateRequiredSkinPartsAndStates(cx, unit, typeTable);

     * Generate a strongly typed variable 'hostComponent' on the current
     * class instance with type specified by the HostComponent metadata.
    private void generateHostComponentVariable(Context cx, CompilationUnit unit, TypeAnalyzer typeAnalyzer)
        MetaDataNode node = unit.hostComponentMetaData;

        if (node.count() == 1)
            Node def = node.def;

            if (def instanceof ClassDefinitionNode)
                ClassDefinitionNode classDef = (ClassDefinitionNode) def;

                if (!classDeclaresIdentifier(cx, classDef, typeAnalyzer, SKINHOSTCOMPONENT))
                    NodeFactory nodeFactory = cx.getNodeFactory();
                    MetaDataNode bindingMetaData = AbstractSyntaxTreeUtil.generateMetaData(nodeFactory, BINDABLE);
                    StatementListNode statementList = nodeFactory.statementList(classDef.statements, bindingMetaData);

                    int listSize = node.def.metaData.items.size();
                    // if the HostComponent metadata node has more than one items.
                    // then look for the associated comment and stick it to the variable.
                    if (listSize > 1)
                        for (int ix = 0; ix < listSize; ix++)
                            // check if the node is of type MetaDataNode.
                            Node tempMeta = node.def.metaData.items.get(ix);

                            if (tempMeta instanceof MetaDataNode)
                                MetaDataNode tempMetaData = (MetaDataNode) tempMeta;

                                if ("HostComponent".equals(tempMetaData.getId()) && (ix < listSize - 1))
                                    // if the node has the comment, it would be the next one.
                                    Node temp = node.def.metaData.items.get(ix + 1);

                                    // if the last one is a DocCommentnode, we can run it through the evaluator.
                                    if (temp instanceof DocCommentNode)
                                        DocCommentNode tempDoc = ((DocCommentNode)temp);

                                        // we can not access the metadata node directly because it doesn't
                                        // have public access and it is buried deep into the tree.  this is
                                        // required so that we can access the comment easily.
                                        macromedia.asc.parser.MetaDataEvaluator evaluator =
                                            new macromedia.asc.parser.MetaDataEvaluator();
                                        evaluator.evaluate(cx, tempDoc);

                                        // if evaluator has not null comment.
                                        if (evaluator.doccomments != null && evaluator.doccomments.size() != 0)
                                            String comment = evaluator.doccomments.get(0).getId();

                                            // if comment is present then create a DocCommentNode for the hostComponent variable
                                            if (comment != null)
                                                DocCommentNode hostComponentComment =
                                                    AbstractSyntaxTreeUtil.generateDocComment(nodeFactory, comment.intern());

                                                if (hostComponentComment != null)
                                                    statementList = nodeFactory.statementList(statementList, hostComponentComment);

                                        break; // if we got here we already got the comment. now lets short circuit.

                    TypeExpressionNode typeExpression = AbstractSyntaxTreeUtil.generateTypeExpression(nodeFactory, node.getValue(0), true);
                    VariableDefinitionNode variableDefinition = AbstractSyntaxTreeUtil.generatePublicVariable(cx, typeExpression, SKINHOSTCOMPONENT);

                    classDef.statements = nodeFactory.statementList(statementList, variableDefinition);
                    BindableFirstPassEvaluator firstPassEvaluator =
                        (BindableFirstPassEvaluator) unit.getContext().getAttribute(BindableExtension.FIRST_PASS_EVALUATOR_KEY);
                    if (firstPassEvaluator != null)
                      firstPassEvaluator.registerBindableVariable(cx, classDef, variableDefinition);

     * Returns true if the class definition has previously declared a symbol (function or variable) with
     * the identifier provided.
    private boolean classDeclaresIdentifier(Context cx, ClassDefinitionNode classDef,
                                            TypeAnalyzer typeAnalyzer, String identifier)
        String className = NodeMagic.getClassName(classDef);

        typeAnalyzer.evaluate(cx, classDef);

        ClassInfo classInfo = typeAnalyzer.getClassInfo(className);
        if (classInfo != null && (
            classInfo.definesVariable(identifier) ||
            classInfo.definesFunction(identifier, true) ||
            classInfo.definesGetter(identifier, true) ||
            classInfo.definesSetter(identifier, true)))
            return true;
        return false;

    private void validateRequiredSkinParts(AbcClass hostComponentClass, AbcClass skinClass,
                                           Context cx, int position, TypeTable typeTable)
        Iterator<Variable> variables = hostComponentClass.getVarIterator();

        while (variables.hasNext())
            Variable variable =;

            List<MetaData> skinPartsMetaDataList = variable.getMetaData("SkinPart");

            if (skinPartsMetaDataList != null)
                validateRequiredSkinParts(skinPartsMetaDataList, variable.getQName().getLocalPart(),
                                          variable.getTypeName(), skinClass, typeTable, cx, position);

        Iterator<Method> get_iter = hostComponentClass.getGetterIterator();

        while ( get_iter.hasNext() )
            Method getter =;

            List<MetaData> skinPartsMetaDataList = getter.getMetaData("SkinPart");

            if (skinPartsMetaDataList != null)
                validateRequiredSkinParts(skinPartsMetaDataList, getter.getQName().getLocalPart(),
                                          getter.getReturnTypeName(), skinClass, typeTable, cx, position);

        // Validate up the inheritance chain
        String superTypeName = hostComponentClass.getSuperTypeName();

        if (superTypeName != null)
            AbcClass superType = typeTable.getClass(superTypeName);

            if (superType != null)
                validateRequiredSkinParts(superType, skinClass, cx, position, typeTable);

    private void validateRequiredSkinParts(List<MetaData> skinPartsMetaDataList, String hostSkinPartName,
                                           String hostSkinPartTypeName, AbcClass skinClass, TypeTable typeTable,
                                           Context cx, int position)
        for (MetaData skinPartsMetaData : skinPartsMetaDataList)
            String skinPartTypeName = null;

            Variable variable = skinClass.getVariable(PUBLIC_NAMESPACE, hostSkinPartName, true);

            if (variable != null)
                skinPartTypeName = variable.getTypeName();
                Method getter = skinClass.getGetter(PUBLIC_NAMESPACE, hostSkinPartName, true);

                if (getter != null)
                    skinPartTypeName = getter.getReturnTypeName();

            String required = skinPartsMetaData.getValue("required");

            if ("true".equals(required) && skinPartTypeName == null)
                if (reportMissingRequiredSkinPartsAsWarnings)
                    cx.localizedWarning2(cx.input.origin, position, new MissingSkinPartWarning(hostSkinPartName));
                    cx.localizedError2(cx.input.origin, position, new MissingSkinPart(hostSkinPartName));
            else if ((skinPartTypeName != null) &&
                cx.localizedError2(cx.input.origin, position, new WrongSkinPartType(skinPartTypeName, hostSkinPartTypeName));

    private void validateRequiredSkinPartsAndStates(Context cx, CompilationUnit unit, TypeTable typeTable)
      MetaDataNode metaData = unit.hostComponentMetaData;
        String hostComponentClassName = metaData.getValue(0);
        AbcClass hostComponentClass = typeTable.getClass(NameFormatter.toColon(hostComponentClassName));

        if (hostComponentClass == null)
            cx.localizedError2(cx.input.origin, metaData.pos(),
                               new HostComponentClassNotFound(hostComponentClassName));
        else if (unit.hostComponentOwnerClass != null)
            AbcClass skinClass = typeTable.getClass(unit.hostComponentOwnerClass);
            validateRequiredSkinParts(hostComponentClass, skinClass, cx, metaData.pos(), typeTable);
            validateRequiredSkinStates(hostComponentClass, skinClass, cx, metaData.pos());

    private void validateRequiredSkinStates(AbcClass hostComponentClass, AbcClass skinClass,
                                            Context cx, int position)
        List<MetaData> skinStatesMetaDataList = hostComponentClass.getMetaData("SkinState", true);
        List<MetaData> statesMetaDataList = skinClass.getMetaData("States", true);

        if (skinStatesMetaDataList != null)
            for (MetaData skinStatesMetaData : skinStatesMetaDataList)
                String skinStateName = skinStatesMetaData.getValue(0);
                boolean isFound = false;

                if (statesMetaDataList != null)
                    for (MetaData statesMetaData : statesMetaDataList)
                        for (int i = 0, count = statesMetaData.count(); i < count; i++)
                            String state = statesMetaData.getValue(i);

                            if (skinStateName.equals(state))
                                isFound = true;
                                break foundIt;

                if (!isFound)
                    cx.localizedError2(cx.input.origin, position, new MissingSkinState(skinStateName));

    public static class HostComponentClassNotFound extends CompilerMessage.CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 5290330001936137678L;

        public String className;

        public HostComponentClassNotFound(String className)
            this.className = className;

    public static class MissingSkinPart extends CompilerMessage.CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 5290330001936137667L;

        public String skinPartName;

        public MissingSkinPart(String skinPartName)
            this.skinPartName = skinPartName;

    public static class MissingSkinPartWarning extends CompilerMessage.CompilerWarning
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 5290330001936137667L;

        public String skinPartName;

        public MissingSkinPartWarning(String skinPartName)
            this.skinPartName = skinPartName;

    public static class MissingSkinState extends CompilerMessage.CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 5290330001936137669L;

        public String skinStateName;

        public MissingSkinState(String skinStateName)
            this.skinStateName = skinStateName;

    public static class WrongSkinPartType extends CompilerMessage.CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 5290330001936137670L;

        public String skinPartTypeName;
        public String hostSkinPartTypeName;

        public WrongSkinPartType(String skinPartTypeName, String hostSkinPartTypeName)
            this.skinPartTypeName = skinPartTypeName;
            this.hostSkinPartTypeName = hostSkinPartTypeName;

Related Classes of flex2.compiler.as3.HostComponentExtension$MissingSkinPart

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