Package org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.desktop

Source Code of org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.desktop.DesktopTableRenderer$AllDetail

*  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
*  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
*  distributed with this work for additional information
*  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
*  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
*  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
*  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
*  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
*  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
*  specific language governing permissions and limitations
*  under the License.
package org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.desktop;

import java.util.List;

import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter;

import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.FacesBean;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.CollectionComponent;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXCollection;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXColumn;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXTable;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.RenderingContext;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.xhtml.OutputUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.xhtml.ShowDetailRenderer;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.xhtml.SkinSelectors;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.xhtml.TableRenderer;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.xhtml.XhtmlConstants;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.xhtml.XhtmlUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.xhtml.table.CellUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.xhtml.table.ColumnData;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.xhtml.table.RenderStage;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.xhtml.table.RowData;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.xhtml.table.TableRenderingContext;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.xhtml.table.TableSelectManyRenderer;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.xhtml.table.TableUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.xhtml.table.TreeUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.util.IntegerUtils;

public class DesktopTableRenderer extends TableRenderer
   * @todo Figure out if "height" is really being used;  it's
   *   not exposed on our tag, but it might be a "hidden" feature
   *   =-= awijeyek =-= height is used for server-side scrollable tables for ECM,
   *   but we don't support it beyond what is needed by ECM.
  protected DesktopTableRenderer(FacesBean.Type type)
  protected void findTypeConstants(FacesBean.Type type)
    _summaryKey = type.findKey("summary");
    _heightKey  = type.findKey("height");
    // Since height isn't really exposed, we won't really
    // have a key for it...
    if (_heightKey == null)
      _heightKey = PropertyKey.createPropertyKey("height");
    _allDetailsEnabledKey = type.findKey("allDetailsEnabled");
    _allDisclosed = new AllDetail(type, true);
    _allUndisclosed = new AllDetail(type, false);
    _autoSubmitKey = type.findKey("autoSubmit");

  public DesktopTableRenderer()

  protected final void renderSingleRow(
    FacesContext context,
    RenderingContext arc,
    TableRenderingContext tContext,
    UIComponent component) throws IOException
    // This renders a whole bunch of <TH>..</TH> elements or <TD>..</TD>
    // elements depending on the RenderStage
    RenderStage renderStage = tContext.getRenderStage();
    int stage = renderStage.getStage();
    if (stage == RenderStage.COLUMN_HEADER_STAGE)
      renderColumnHeader(context, arc, tContext, component);

    // render the special columns, such as selection and details:
    int physicalColumn = renderSpecialColumns(context, arc,
                                tContext, component, 0);

    _renderRegularColumns(context, tContext, component, physicalColumn);

   * @todo Support autoSubmit!
  protected void renderSelectionLinks(
    FacesContext context,
    RenderingContext arc,
    TableRenderingContext tContext,
    UIComponent component) throws IOException
    // Never render for empty tables
    if (tContext.getRowData().isEmptyTable())

    // =-=AEW For some odd reason, we want all the above rendering even if we don't
    // have select all or detail disclosure, just not this cell.
    if (hasControlBarLinks(context, arc, tContext, component))
      ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
      writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_ROW_ELEMENT, null);
      writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT, null);
      writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_ELEMENT, null);
      OutputUtils.renderLayoutTableAttributes(context, arc, "0", "100%");
      renderStyleClass(context, arc, SkinSelectors.AF_TABLE_SUB_CONTROL_BAR_STYLE);
      writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_ROW_ELEMENT, null);
      writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT, null);
      writer.writeAttribute("nowrap", Boolean.TRUE, null);
      writer.writeAttribute("valign", XhtmlConstants.MIDDLE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, null);

      renderControlBarLinks(context, arc, tContext, component, false);


   * Should we render the select-all/none links?
  protected boolean hasControlBarLinks(
    FacesContext context,
    RenderingContext arc,
    TableRenderingContext tContext,
    UIComponent component) throws IOException
    return tContext.hasSelectAll() ||
            ((tContext.getDetail() != null) &&

   * @param context
   * @param arc
   * @param component
   * @param useDivider  whether to render a divider after all the links
   * @throws IOException
  protected void renderControlBarLinks(
    FacesContext context,
    RenderingContext arc,
    TableRenderingContext trc,
    UIComponent component,
    boolean useDivider) throws IOException
    FacesBean bean = getFacesBean(component);
    boolean hasAllDetails = ((trc.getDetail() != null) &&

    boolean needsDivider = false;
      if (trc.hasSelectAll())
      String jsVarName = trc.getJSVarName();
      renderControlBarLink(context, arc,
                           TreeUtils.callJSSelectAll(jsVarName, true),
                           _SELECT_ALL_TEXT_KEY, null, true);
      renderControlBarLink(context, arc,
                           TreeUtils.callJSSelectAll(jsVarName, false),
                           _SELECT_NONE_TEXT_KEY, null, hasAllDetails);
      needsDivider = true;

      TableSelectManyRenderer.renderScripts(context, arc, trc, isAutoSubmit(bean));

    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
    if (hasAllDetails)
      delegateRenderer(context, arc, component, bean, _allUndisclosed);
      writer.writeText(LINKS_DIVIDER_TEXT, null);
      delegateRenderer(context, arc, component, bean, _allDisclosed);
      needsDivider = true;

    if (useDivider && needsDivider)
      writer.writeText(LINKS_DIVIDER_TEXT, null);

  protected final void renderControlBarLink(
    FacesContext context,
    RenderingContext arc,
    String onclick,
    String translationKey,
    String id,
    boolean hasDivider) throws IOException
    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
    writer.startElement("a", null);
    writer.writeAttribute(XhtmlConstants.ID_ATTRIBUTE, id, null);
    renderStyleClass(context, arc, SkinSelectors.NAV_BAR_ALINK_STYLE_CLASS);
    writer.writeAttribute("onclick", onclick, null);
    writer.writeURIAttribute("href", "#", null);
    writer.writeText(arc.getTranslatedString(translationKey), null);

    if (hasDivider)
      writer.writeText(LINKS_DIVIDER_TEXT, null);

  protected void renderSubControlBar(
    FacesContext context,
    RenderingContext arc,
    TableRenderingContext tContext,
    UIComponent component,
    boolean isUpper) throws IOException
    if (!isUpper)

    RenderStage rs = tContext.getRenderStage();
    renderSelectionLinks(context, arc, tContext, component);

  protected void renderTableContent(
    FacesContext context,
    RenderingContext arc,
    TableRenderingContext tContext,
    UIComponent component) throws IOException
    if (getFacet(component, CoreTable.FOOTER_FACET) != null)

    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
    UIComponent table = tContext.getTable();
    //    DataObject savedData      = tContext.getCurrentDataObject();
    RenderStage renderStage = tContext.getRenderStage();
    Object assertKey = null;
    assert ((assertKey = ((UIXCollection)table).getRowKey()) != null)||true;
    // 2. Render the top / column header
    // =-= ACW: if a table is very wide, then we render in a special mode
    // where the control bars and the table content are in different HTML
    // tables. see bug 2530006:
    boolean wideMode = "100%".equals(tContext.getTableWidth());
    if (wideMode)
      // if we are in wideMode, we must close the outer table:
      // the content table is a row in the overall table
      writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_ROW_ELEMENT, null);
      writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT, null);

    String height = getHeight(getFacesBean(component));
    final boolean useScrollIE;
    final String scrollID;
    if ((height != null) && isIE(arc))
      useScrollIE = true;
      String tableId = tContext.getTableId();
      scrollID = tableId+"_scroll";

      writer.startElement("script", null);
      renderScriptDeferAttribute(context, arc);
      renderScriptTypeAttribute(context, arc);
      _writeIEscrollScript(context, arc, tableId, scrollID);

      writer.startElement("div", null);
      // IE in standards compliant mode needs the "width:100%" for the vertical
      // scroll bars to appear:
      writer.writeAttribute("style", "overflow:auto;overflow-x:hidden;width:100%;height:"+height, null);
      // bug 4585888:
      writer.writeAttribute("onscroll", "return _uixIEmaskFrame.tickle('"+scrollID+"');", null);
      writer.startElement("div", null);
      // make room for the vertical scroll bar: //bug 4364828:
      writer.writeAttribute("style", "padding-right:16px", null);
      useScrollIE = false;
      scrollID = null;

    writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_ELEMENT, null);
    renderStyleClass(context, arc, SkinSelectors.AF_TABLE_CONTENT_STYLE);

    if ((height != null)&& isGecko(arc))
      writer.writeAttribute("style", "border-width:0px", null);

    FacesBean bean = getFacesBean(table);
    String summary = getSummary(bean);

    Object cellPadding = getTablePadding(table);
       context, arc, cellPadding,
       "0", // cell spacing
       "0", //border
       "100%", //table width

    _renderTableHeader(context, arc, tContext, table);

    // render the column header
    if (tContext.hasColumnHeaders())
      writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_ROW_ELEMENT, null);
      if (useScrollIE)
        // we create a bogus <tr> as a placeholder to occupy space
        // while we use absolute positioning to hold the real <tr> in
        // place. this is to solve bug 4624925:
        writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_ROW_ELEMENT, null);
        writer.writeAttribute("style", // for ECM. optimized for simple look-n-feel.
        "position:relative;top:-2px;left:0px;z-index:2", null);
        //bug4364828, bug 4585888
        writer.writeAttribute("id", scrollID, null);
      renderColumnHeader(context, arc, tContext, component);
    assert _assertCurrencyKeyPreserved(assertKey, table);
    // 3. Render all the rows
    renderTableRows(context, arc, tContext, component, bean);
    assert _assertCurrencyKeyPreserved(assertKey, table);

    // the content table is a row in the overall table
    if (useScrollIE)
    if (wideMode)
      // when we are in wide mode, we break the outer table into two and
      // insert the content table between the two. Now we have to start the
      // second half of the outer table. This second half will be used by a
      // repeating control bar:
      writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_ELEMENT, null);
      // ideally, the attributes on this table should be the same as on the
      // root table, rendered by super.renderAttributes(..). However, that
      // method writes out an ID_ATTR, which we do not want to do here:
      OutputUtils.renderLayoutTableAttributes(context, arc,
                                              "0", // cell spacing
                                              "0", // border
                                              "100%"); // table width
    // restore the saved data object
    //    tContext.setCurrentDataObject(savedData);


  private void _writeIEscrollScript(
    FacesContext context,
    RenderingContext arc,
    String tableId,
    String scrollID) throws IOException
    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
    boolean previouslyNotRendered =
      (arc.getProperties().put(_IE_SCROLL_KEY, Boolean.TRUE) == null);
    if (previouslyNotRendered)
        "function _uixIEmaskFrame(){};" +

        "_uixIEmaskFrame.addElement = function(elementId,tableId)"+
        + "if (_uixIEmaskFrame.elements == null)"
        + "{"
        +    "_uixIEmaskFrame.elements = new Array();"
        + "}"
        + "_uixIEmaskFrame.elements.push(elementId);"
        + "_uixIEmaskFrame.elements.push(tableId);"+

        "_uixIEmaskFrame.createFrames = function()"+
        + "if (_uixIEmaskFrame.frames == null)"
        + "{"
        +    "_uixIEmaskFrame.frames = new Object();"
        + "}"
        + "var elements = _uixIEmaskFrame.elements;"
        + "for(var i=0; i<elements.length; i+=2)"
        + "{"
        +   "var elementId  = elements[i];"
        +   "var tableId  = elements[i+1];"
        +   "var element  = document.getElementById(elementId);"
        +   "var maskFrame = element.ownerDocument.createElement('iframe');"
        +   "maskFrame.frameBorder = 'none';"
        +   "maskFrame.scrolling = 'no';"
        +   "maskFrame.title = '';" // is this necessary for accessibility?
        +   "var maskFrameStyle =;"
        +   "maskFrameStyle.borderStyle = 'none';"
        +   " = element.offsetTop;"
        +   "maskFrameStyle.posLeft = element.offsetLeft;"
        +   "maskFrameStyle.width = element.offsetWidth;"
        +   "maskFrameStyle.height = element.offsetHeight + 'px';"
        // we use a maskFrame to go behind our header <TR>, so that input controls
        // do not appear on top of the header, when the table is scrolled:
        +   "maskFrameStyle.position = 'absolute';"
        +   "maskFrameStyle.zIndex = '1';"
        // we must not append the mask frame to the body, because then it will
        // not go away if we change this table using PPR:
        //+   "element.ownerDocument.body.appendChild(maskFrame);"
        // instead append the mask frame to the div that contains the table:
        +   "var tableDiv = document.getElementById(tableId);"
        +   "tableDiv.appendChild(maskFrame);"

        +   "_uixIEmaskFrame.frames[elementId] = maskFrame;"
        // the following should return the bogus <tr> that we added to the table:
        +   "var subtr = element.parentNode.childNodes[0];"
        +   "var subtrStyle =;"
        // since we are going to change the positioning of the real <tr> to be
        // absolute, it will be removed from the flow of the document. Therefore,
        // the bogus <TR> must be adjusted to fill the space; otherwise, the
        // table date will move up to where the headers should be:
        +   "subtrStyle.width = element.offsetWidth + 16;"
        +   "subtrStyle.height = element.offsetHeight;"
        +   "var elementStyle =;"
        // we must use absolute positioning for the header <TR>, otherwise
        // it jumps around if we scroll the table and issue a PPR request.
        +   "elementStyle.position = 'absolute';"
        +   " = maskFrame.offsetTop;"
        +   "elementStyle.posLeft = maskFrame.offsetLeft;"
        + "}"
        + "_uixIEmaskFrame.elements = null;"+

        "_uixIEmaskFrame.tickle = function(elementId)"+
        + "var maskFrame = _uixIEmaskFrame.frames[elementId];"
        + "var maskFrameStyle =;"
        + "maskFrameStyle.visibility = 'hidden';"
        + "maskFrameStyle.visibility = 'visible';"
        + "return false;"+
      // bug 4635425:
      // this script should always run to support multiple scroll tables
      // with PPR:
      "if (document.readyState == 'complete')" +
      "_uixIEmaskFrame.createFrames();" +
    if (previouslyNotRendered)
        // bug 4635425:
        // attach the onload handler only if it has not been attached before.
        // there are 3 cases:
        // 1. this script is run on initial page load
        // 2. this script is run on PPR
        // 3. this script is run both by initial page load and subsequent PPR
        "if (_uixIEmaskFrame.attached == null)" +
        "_uixIEmaskFrame.attached = true;"
        "window.attachEvent('onload', _uixIEmaskFrame.createFrames);" +

  // render the control bar
  protected final void renderControlBar(
    FacesContext          context,
    RenderingContext   arc,
    TableRenderingContext tContext,
    UIComponent           component)
    throws IOException
    UIComponent action = getFacet(component, CoreTable.ACTIONS_FACET);
    boolean tableNotEmpty = !tContext.getRowData().isEmptyTable();
    boolean hasNav = tContext.hasNavigation()&&tableNotEmpty;

    if (hasNav || (action != null))
      boolean isUpper = (tContext.getRenderStage().getStage() ==

      ResponseWriter oldRW = null;

        // Install a RepeatIdResponseWriter for the lower bar
        // to ensure that IDs are unique
        if (!isUpper)
          oldRW = RepeatIdResponseWriter.install(context);

        ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
        // start control bar row
        writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_ROW_ELEMENT, null);
        writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT, null);
        // start control bar
        String style = SkinSelectors.AF_TABLE_CONTROL_BAR_TOP_STYLE;
        if (!isUpper)
          style = SkinSelectors.AF_TABLE_CONTROL_BAR_BOTTOM_STYLE;

        writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_ELEMENT, null);
        OutputUtils.renderLayoutTableAttributes(context, arc, "0", "0", "0", "100%");
        renderStyleClass(context, arc, style);
        writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_ROW_ELEMENT, null);

        if (action != null)
          writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT, null);
          encodeChild(context, action);
        writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT, null);
                              XhtmlConstants.ONE_HUNDRED_PERCENT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, null);
        if (hasNav)
          writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT, null);
          if (arc.isRightToLeft())
                                  XhtmlConstants.LEFT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, null);
                                  XhtmlConstants.RIGHT_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, null);
                                XhtmlConstants.MIDDLE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, null);
          renderRangePagingControl(context, arc, tContext, component);

        // end control bar table

        // end control bar row
        if (!isUpper)
          assert oldRW != null;
          RepeatIdResponseWriter.remove(context, oldRW);

   * Render the next, previous links and the choicebar
  protected void renderRangePagingControl(
    FacesContext          context,
    RenderingContext   arc,
    TableRenderingContext tContext,
    UIComponent           component)
    throws IOException
    delegateRenderer(context, arc, component,
                     getFacesBean(component), getSharedNavBarRenderer());

  private boolean _assertCurrencyKeyPreserved(Object oldKey, UIComponent table)
    UIXCollection base = (UIXCollection) table;
    Object newKey = base.getRowKey();
    return (oldKey != null)?  oldKey.equals(newKey): (newKey == null);

  // needed for BIBeans. Contact: Max Starets
  protected Object getTablePadding(UIComponent component)
    return "1";

  protected void renderTableRows(
    FacesContext          context,
    RenderingContext   arc,
    TableRenderingContext trc,
    UIComponent           component,
    FacesBean bean) throws IOException
    if (trc.getRowData().isEmptyTable())
      _renderEmptyTable(context, arc, trc);
      _renderTableRows(context, arc, trc, component);
    // render the footer
    renderFooter(context, arc, trc, component);

   * renders attributes on the outermost table element.
   * this includes width, cellpadding, cellspacing, border.
  protected void renderTableAttributes(
    FacesContext        context,
    RenderingContext arc,
    UIComponent  component,
    FacesBean    bean,
    Object       cellPadding,
    Object       border)
    throws IOException
    super.renderTableAttributes(context, arc, component, bean,
                                cellPadding, border);

   * @todo Implement cellClass correctly!
   * @todo Implement "headers" attribute correctly!
  protected void renderCellFormatAttributes(
    FacesContext context,
    RenderingContext arc,
    TableRenderingContext tContext) throws IOException
    // renders "style", "class", "nowrap", "headers".
    // renders "width" when there are no column headers.

    //TODO: must get individual column's style:
    String cellClass = SkinSelectors.AF_COLUMN_CELL_TEXT_STYLE;/*ColumnRenderer.getDataStyleClass(...)*/

    String borderStyleClass = CellUtils.getDataBorderStyle(arc, tContext);

    renderStyleClasses(context, arc, new String[]{cellClass, borderStyleClass});

    final ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
    int row = tContext.getRowData().getRangeIndex();
    int physicalColumn = tContext.getColumnData().getPhysicalColumnIndex();
    boolean noSelect = (!tContext.hasSelection());
    // Bug 1807935: if there's no column headers (and no
    // selection) then we haven't yet rendered the width
    // attribute.  Render it on the first row of cells.
    if ((row == 0) &&
        noSelect &&
      Object width = tContext.getColumnWidth(physicalColumn);
      writer.writeAttribute(XhtmlConstants.WIDTH_ATTRIBUTE, width, null);

    // render "headers" attribute if necessary

    // support "nowrap"
    if (tContext.getColumnData().getNoWrap(physicalColumn))
      writer.writeAttribute(XhtmlConstants.NOWRAP_ATTRIBUTE, Boolean.TRUE, null);

   * @todo Reconsider our choice of style for this element!
  private void _renderTableHeader(
    FacesContext          context,
    RenderingContext   arc,
    TableRenderingContext tContext,
    UIComponent           component)
    throws IOException
    // implement header facet on table: see bug 3788610
    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
    UIComponent header = getFacet(component, CoreTable.HEADER_FACET);
    if (header != null)
      writer.startElement("thead", null);
      writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_ROW_ELEMENT, null);
      writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT, null);
        tContext.getActualColumnCount(), null);
      renderStyleClass(context, arc, SkinSelectors.AF_COLUMN_SORTABLE_HEADER_ICON_STYLE_CLASS);

      encodeChild(context, header);


  private void _renderEmptyTable(
    FacesContext          context,
    RenderingContext   arc,
    TableRenderingContext tContext)
    throws IOException
    int specialCols = tContext.hasSelection() ? 1 : 0;
    if (tContext.getDetail() != null)
    renderEmptyTableRow(context, arc, tContext, specialCols);

   * Renders a row for an empty table. This includes the rowHeader and any
   * special columns, and all the regular columns.  The emptyText is
   * rendered in the first column following the special columns.
   * @param specialColumnCount The number of special columns in this table.
  protected final void renderEmptyTableRow(
    FacesContext          context,
    RenderingContext   arc,
    TableRenderingContext tContext,
    int                   specialColumnCount) throws IOException
    renderEmptyTableRow(context, arc, tContext, specialColumnCount, null);

  protected final void renderEmptyTableRow(
    FacesContext          context,
    RenderingContext   arc,
    TableRenderingContext tContext,
    int                   specialColumnCount,
    CoreRenderer          emptyTextRenderer) throws IOException
    // renders <TR> followed by a whole bunch of <TD>..</TD>, followed by
    // </TR>
    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
    writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_ROW_ELEMENT, null);
    final ColumnData colData = tContext.getColumnData();
    int physicalColumn = 0;

    int objectNameColumnIndex = colData.getObjectNameColumnIndex();
    for (int i = 0, sz = Math.max(specialColumnCount, objectNameColumnIndex);  i < sz;  i++)
      _renderEmptyCell(context, arc, tContext, physicalColumn++, null);
    if (emptyTextRenderer == null)
      _renderEmptyCell(context, arc, tContext, physicalColumn++,
      UIComponent table = tContext.getTable();
      delegateRenderer(context, arc, table, getFacesBean(table),  emptyTextRenderer);
    for (int totalCols = tContext.getActualColumnCount();  physicalColumn < totalCols;  )
      _renderEmptyCell(context, arc, tContext, physicalColumn++, null);
    // clear the current header id

  private void _renderEmptyCell(
    FacesContext context,
    RenderingContext arc,
    TableRenderingContext tContext,
    int physicalColumn,
    String text) throws IOException
    ColumnData colData = tContext.getColumnData();
    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
    // root columns only, so headerID is singleton
    // rather than space-separated list
    String colID = colData.getHeaderID(physicalColumn);
    colData.setColumnIndex(physicalColumn, ColumnData.SPECIAL_COLUMN_INDEX);
    writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT, null);
    renderCellFormatAttributes(context, arc, tContext);
    if (text != null)
      writer.writeText(text, null);

  private void _renderTableRows(
    FacesContext          context,
    final RenderingContext   arc,
    final TableRenderingContext tContext,
    UIComponent           component
    throws IOException
    // renders a whole bunch of <TR>...</TR> elements, one for each row in the
    // table, and additional ones for any disclosed-details rows
    // 1. Gather all the data we need to render
    final RowData rowData = tContext.getRowData();
    final UIComponent detail = tContext.getDetail();
    final RenderStage renderStage = tContext.getRenderStage();
    TableUtils.RowLoop loop = new TableUtils.RowLoop() {
      protected void processRowImpl(FacesContext fc, CollectionComponent tableBase)
        throws IOException
        ResponseWriter writer = fc.getResponseWriter();
        // compute all the rowSpans for the current row:
        renderSingleRow(fc, arc, tContext, (UIComponent) tableBase);
        // render each of the individual rows in the rowSpan:
        for (int i = 0, sz = rowData.getCurrentRowSpan();  i < sz;  i++)
          // start the row
          writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_ROW_ELEMENT, null);
          renderSingleRow(fc, arc, tContext, (UIComponent) tableBase);
          // end the row
        // if necessary, render a detail row
        if ((detail != null)&&
          // indicate that we are now rendering inside of a details section
          ColumnData colData = tContext.getColumnData();
          // while rendering the named children in the detail row,
          // do not use the special response writer that
          // defaults data cells with no data to <br>.
          // This fixes bug 2367693.
          writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_ROW_ELEMENT, null);
          writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT, null);
                IntegerUtils.getString(tContext.getActualColumnCount()), null);
          String styleClass = SkinSelectors.AF_TABLE_DETAIL_STYLE;
          String borderStyleClass = CellUtils.getBorderClass(
                                         true, true, true, true);
          renderStyleClasses(fc, arc,
                             new String[]{styleClass, borderStyleClass});

          encodeChild(fc, detail);
          // restore the data stage
        // end detail

    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
    String height = getHeight(getFacesBean(component));
    boolean useScroll;

    if ((height != null) && isGecko(arc))
      useScroll = true;
      writer.startElement("tbody", null);
      writer.writeAttribute("style", "overflow:auto;max-height:"+height, null);
      useScroll = false;, tContext.getCollectionComponent());
    if (useScroll)

   * render the complete column header, including the special columns (like
   * select,details,...) and the regular table columns
  protected final void renderColumnHeader(
    FacesContext          context,
    RenderingContext   arc,
    TableRenderingContext tContext,
    UIComponent           component) throws IOException
    // This renders a whole bunch of <TH>...</TH> elements
    final ColumnData colData = tContext.getColumnData();
    // we need to keep track of which row we are on; this makes it easier
    // to do rowSpanning in columnGroups:
    int physicalCol = renderSpecialColumns(context, arc, tContext, component, 0);
    renderRegularHeaders(context, arc, tContext, component, physicalCol);
    // we are done, so reset the current row:

   * renders the regular table column headers.
  protected final void renderRegularHeaders(
    FacesContext          context,
    RenderingContext   arc,
    TableRenderingContext tContext,
    UIComponent           component,
    int physicalCol) throws IOException
    // this renders a whole bunch of <TH>...</TH> elements.
    // if there are columnGroups present, it will render some
    // </TR><TR><TH>...</TH> sequences.
    final ColumnData colData = tContext.getColumnData();
    _renderRegularColumns(context, tContext, component, physicalCol);
    int rowSpan = colData.getHeaderRowSpan();
    if (rowSpan > 1)
      ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
      for (int i = 1;  i < rowSpan;  i++)
        writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_ROW_ELEMENT, null);
        _renderRegularColumns(context, tContext, component, physicalCol);

  private void _renderRegularColumns(
    FacesContext          context,
    TableRenderingContext tContext,
    UIComponent           component,
    int physicalCol) throws IOException
    // this renders a whole bunch of <TH>...</TH> elements.
    // part of #1313720, base column header count on
    // table child count
    List<UIComponent> children = component.getChildren();
    int colCount  = children.size();
    int[] hidden = tContext.getHiddenColumns();
    ColumnData colData = tContext.getColumnData();
    for (int i = 0;  i < colCount;  i++)
      if (hidden[i] != TableRenderingContext.NORMAL_COLUMN)
      UIComponent child = children.get(i);
      if (!(child instanceof UIXColumn))

      UIXColumn column = (UIXColumn) child;
      boolean isRowHeader = Boolean.TRUE.equals(
      if (!isRowHeader)
        colData.setColumnIndex(physicalCol, i);
        encodeChild(context, column);
        // ColumnBeans automatically increment the physical and logical
        // column indices (these may be increase by more than one, if
        // there are columnGroups). So we must not increment the column
        // indices here
        physicalCol = colData.getPhysicalColumnIndex();

   * @todo Re-fix bug 3211593 (see below)
  protected final void renderFooter(
    FacesContext          context,
    RenderingContext   arc,
    TableRenderingContext tContext,
    UIComponent           component) throws IOException

    final ColumnData colData = tContext.getColumnData();
    UIComponent footer = getFacet(component, CoreTable.FOOTER_FACET);
    boolean hasColumnFooters = colData.getPhysicalIndexOfFirstFooter()  >= 0;

    // If there's a table footer, or column footers, we've got work to do
    if ((footer != null) || hasColumnFooters)
      ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
      writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_ROW_ELEMENT, null);
      boolean useScroll = (getHeight(getFacesBean(component)) != null) && isIE(arc);
      if (useScroll)
        writer.writeAttribute("style", "position:relative;"+
                                        "this.offsetParent.clientHeight+1);" +
                                       "left:-1px", null);

      // total rows may need an ID. see bug 3211593:
      /* Need new scheme for generateUniqueId()?
      String rowID = XhtmlLafUtils.generateUniqueID(tContext);
      writer.writeAttribute(XhtmlLafConstants.ID_ATTRIBUTE, rowID, null);
      final int firstFooterPhysicalIndex = colData.getPhysicalIndexOfFirstFooter();
      // By default, we try to render the table footer in the same row
      // as the column footers;  this is to save on screen real-estate,
      // and do something with that space in the table if the first N
      // columns have no footer content.
      // When the first column does have a footer, we'll need to push
      // the table footer down to an extra row

      // If there isn't a column footer in the first row, render a TH
      // with a sufficient colspan - and put the table footer in there
      // if it exists.
      // (Note this does need to be != 0, not > 0.  Negative numbers
      // mean there's no column footers, in which case we'll handle
      // outputting the table footer right here)
      if (firstFooterPhysicalIndex != 0)
        writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_HEADER_ELEMENT, null);
        final int colSpan = (firstFooterPhysicalIndex > 0)?  firstFooterPhysicalIndex: tContext.getActualColumnCount();
        writer.writeAttribute(XhtmlConstants.COLSPAN_ATTRIBUTE, IntegerUtils.getString(colSpan), null);
        renderStyleClass(context, arc, SkinSelectors.AF_TABLE_COLUMN_FOOTER_STYLE);
        if (footer != null)
          encodeChild(context, footer);

      if (firstFooterPhysicalIndex >= 0)

        for(UIComponent child : (List<UIComponent>)component.getChildren())
          if (child.isRendered())
            encodeChild(context, child);

      // OK, we need to put the table footer at the end in its own row,
      // because the first column is already taken
      if ((firstFooterPhysicalIndex == 0) && (footer != null))
        writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_ROW_ELEMENT, null);
        writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_HEADER_ELEMENT, null);
        // Make it span the whole table
        writer.writeAttribute(XhtmlConstants.COLSPAN_ATTRIBUTE, tContext.getActualColumnCount(), null);

        renderStyleClass(context, arc, SkinSelectors.AF_TABLE_COLUMN_FOOTER_STYLE);
        encodeChild(context, footer);

  protected String getSummary(FacesBean bean)
    return toString(bean.getProperty(_summaryKey));

  protected String getHeight(FacesBean bean)
    return toString(bean.getProperty(_heightKey));

   * Tells whether or not the autoSubmit attribute is set on the bean
   * @param bean the bean
  protected boolean isAutoSubmit(FacesBean bean)
    if (_autoSubmitKey == null)
      return false;

    return Boolean.TRUE.equals(bean.getProperty(_autoSubmitKey));

  protected boolean getAllDetailsEnabled(FacesBean bean)
    Object o = bean.getProperty(_allDetailsEnabledKey);
    if (o == null)
      o = _allDetailsEnabledKey.getDefault();

    return Boolean.TRUE.equals(o);

  static private class AllDetail extends ShowDetailRenderer
    public AllDetail(FacesBean.Type type, boolean disclosed)
      _disclosed = disclosed;

    protected void renderAllAttributes(
       FacesContext        context,
       RenderingContext arc,
       FacesBean           bean)

    protected boolean isTableAllDisclosure()
      return true;

    protected boolean renderAsInline()
      return true;

    protected String getValueParameter(UIComponent component)
      return "all";

    protected boolean getDisclosed(FacesBean bean)
      return _disclosed;

    protected String getDisclosedText(FacesBean bean)
      RenderingContext arc = RenderingContext.getCurrentInstance();
      return arc.getTranslatedString(_HIDE_ALL_DETAILS_TEXT_KEY);

    protected String getUndisclosedText(FacesBean bean)
      RenderingContext arc = RenderingContext.getCurrentInstance();
      return arc.getTranslatedString(_SHOW_ALL_DETAILS_TEXT_KEY);

    protected String getLinkId(String rootId, boolean disclosed)
      String suffix = (disclosed ? "ha" : "sa");
      return XhtmlUtils.getCompositeId(rootId, suffix);

    protected String getClientId(FacesContext context, UIComponent component)
      TableRenderingContext tContext = TableRenderingContext.getCurrentInstance();
      return tContext.getTableId();

    private boolean _disclosed;

  // Private variables

  private CoreRenderer _allDisclosed;
  private CoreRenderer _allUndisclosed;
  // translation keys

  private static final String _SHOW_ALL_DETAILS_TEXT_KEY = "af_table.SHOW_ALL_DETAILS";

  private static final String _HIDE_ALL_DETAILS_TEXT_KEY = "af_table.HIDE_ALL_DETAILS";

  private static final String _SELECT_ALL_TEXT_KEY = "af_tableSelectMany.SELECT_ALL";

  private static final String _SELECT_NONE_TEXT_KEY = "af_tableSelectMany.SELECT_NONE";

  public static final String LINKS_DIVIDER_TEXT = "\u00a0|\u00a0";

  private static final Object _IE_SCROLL_KEY = new Object();

  private PropertyKey _autoSubmitKey;
  private PropertyKey _summaryKey;
  private PropertyKey _heightKey;
  private PropertyKey _allDetailsEnabledKey;

Related Classes of org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.desktop.DesktopTableRenderer$AllDetail

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