Package com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.test

Source Code of com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.test.TestNode

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.test;

import junit.framework.TestSuite ;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.RDFDatatype ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.TypeMapper ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.* ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.impl.LiteralLabel ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.impl.LiteralLabelFactory ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.AnonId ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl.Util ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.JenaException ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.PrefixMapping ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.DC ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.OWL ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RSS ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.VCARD ;

    Exercise nodes. Make sure that the different node types do not overlap
    and that the test predicates work properly on the different node kinds.
public class TestNode extends GraphTestBase
    public TestNode( String name )
        { super( name ); }
    public static TestSuite suite()
        { return new TestSuite( TestNode.class ); }  
    private static final String U = "";
    private static final String N = "Alice";
    private static final LiteralLabel L = LiteralLabelFactory.create( "ashes are burning", "en", false );
    private static final AnonId A = AnonId.create();

    public void testBlanks()
        assertTrue( "anonymous nodes are blank", NodeFactory.createAnon().isBlank() );
        assertFalse( "anonymous nodes aren't literal", NodeFactory.createAnon().isLiteral() );
        assertFalse( "anonymous nodes aren't URIs", NodeFactory.createAnon().isURI() );
        assertFalse( "anonymous nodes aren't variables", NodeFactory.createAnon().isVariable() );
        assertEquals( "anonymous nodes have the right id", NodeFactory.createAnon(A).getBlankNodeId(), A );
    public void testLiterals()
        assertFalse( "literal nodes aren't blank", NodeFactory.createLiteral( L ).isBlank() );
        assertTrue( "literal nodes are literal", NodeFactory.createLiteral( L ).isLiteral() );
        assertFalse( "literal nodes aren't variables", NodeFactory.createLiteral( L ).isVariable() );
        assertFalse( "literal nodes aren't URIs", NodeFactory.createLiteral( L ).isURI() );
        assertEquals( "literal nodes preserve value", NodeFactory.createLiteral( L ).getLiteral(), L );
    public void testURIs()
        assertFalse( "URI nodes aren't blank", NodeFactory.createURI( U ).isBlank() );
        assertFalse( "URI nodes aren't literal", NodeFactory.createURI( U ).isLiteral() );
        assertFalse( "URI nodes aren't variables", NodeFactory.createURI( U ).isVariable() );
        assertTrue( "URI nodes are URIs", NodeFactory.createURI( U ).isURI() );
        assertEquals( "URI nodes preserve URI", NodeFactory.createURI( U ).getURI(), U );
    public void testVariables()
        assertFalse( "variable nodes aren't blank", NodeFactory.createVariable( N ).isBlank() );
        assertFalse( "variable nodes aren't literal", NodeFactory.createVariable( N ).isLiteral() );       
        assertFalse( "variable nodes aren't URIs", NodeFactory.createVariable( N ).isURI() );
        assertTrue( "variable nodes are variable", NodeFactory.createVariable( N ).isVariable() );
        assertEquals( "variable nodes keep their name", N, NodeFactory.createVariable( N ).getName() );
        assertEquals( "variable nodes keep their name", N + "x", NodeFactory.createVariable( N + "x" ).getName() );
    public void testANY()
        assertFalse( "ANY nodes aren't blank", Node.ANY.isBlank() );
        assertFalse( "ANY nodes aren't literals", Node.ANY.isLiteral() );
        assertFalse( "ANY nodes aren't URIs", Node.ANY.isURI() );
        assertFalse( "ANY nodes aren't variables", Node.ANY.isVariable() );
        assertFalse( "ANY nodes aren't blank", Node.ANY.isBlank() );
        assertFalse( "ANY nodes aren't blank", Node.ANY.isBlank() );
    public void testNodeVariableConstructor()
        assertEquals( NodeFactory.createVariable( "hello" ), new Node_Variable( "hello" ) );
        assertEquals( NodeFactory.createVariable( "world" ), new Node_Variable( "world" ) );
        assertDiffer( NodeFactory.createVariable( "hello" ), new Node_Variable( "world" ) );
        assertEquals( "myName", new Node_Variable( "myName" ).getName() );
        test cases for equality: an array of (Node, String) pairs. [It's not worth
        making a special class for these pairs.] The nodes are created with caching
        off, to make sure that caching effects don't hide the effect of using .equals().
        The strings are "equality groups": the nodes should test equal iff their
        associated strings test equal.
    private Object [][] eqTestCases()
        AnonId id = AnonId.create();
        LiteralLabel L2 = LiteralLabelFactory.create( id.toString(), "", false );

        LiteralLabel LLang1 = LiteralLabelFactory.create( "xyz", "en", null) ;
        LiteralLabel LLang2 = LiteralLabelFactory.create( "xyz", "EN", null) ;

        String U2 = id.toString();
        String N2 = id.toString();
        return new Object [][]
            { Node.ANY, "0" },
            { NodeFactory.createAnon( id ), "1" },
            { NodeFactory.createAnon(), "2" },
            { NodeFactory.createAnon( id ), "1" },
            { NodeFactory.createLiteral( L ), "3" },

            { NodeFactory.createLiteral( L2 ), "4" },
            { NodeFactory.createLiteral( L ), "3" },
            { NodeFactory.createURI( U ), "5" },
            { NodeFactory.createURI( U2 ), "6" },
            { NodeFactory.createURI( U ), "5" },
            { NodeFactory.createVariable( N ), "7" },
            { NodeFactory.createVariable( N2 ), "8" },
            { NodeFactory.createVariable( N ), "7" } ,

            { NodeFactory.createLiteral( LLang1 ), "9" },
            { NodeFactory.createLiteral( LLang2 ), "10" },
    public void testNodeEquals()
        Object [][] tests = eqTestCases();
            for ( Object[] I : tests )
                assertFalse( I[0] + " should not equal null", I[0].equals( null ) );
                assertFalse( I[0] + "should not equal 'String'", I[0].equals( "String" ) );
                for ( Object[] J : tests )
                    testEquality( I[1].equals( J[1] ), I[0], J[0] );
    private void testEquality( boolean testEq, Object x, Object y )
        String testName = getType( x ) + " " + x + " and " + getType( y ) + " " + y;
        if (testEq)
            assertEquals( testName + "should be equal", x, y );
            assertDiffer( testName + " should differ", x, y );
    private String getType( Object x )
        String fullName = x.getClass().getName();
        return fullName.substring( fullName.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );
    public void testEquals()
        assertDiffer( "different variables", NodeFactory.createVariable( "xx" ), NodeFactory.createVariable( "yy" ) );
        assertEquals( "same vars", NodeFactory.createVariable( "aa" ), NodeFactory.createVariable( "aa" ) );
        assertEquals( "same URI", NodeFactory.createURI( U ), NodeFactory.createURI( U ) );
        assertEquals( "same anon", NodeFactory.createAnon( A ), NodeFactory.createAnon( A ) );
        assertEquals( "same literal", NodeFactory.createLiteral( L ), NodeFactory.createLiteral( L ) );
        assertFalse( "distinct URIs", NodeFactory.createURI( U ) == NodeFactory.createURI( U ) );
        assertFalse( "distinct hyphens", NodeFactory.createAnon( A ) == NodeFactory.createAnon( A ) );
        assertFalse( "distinct literals", NodeFactory.createLiteral( L ) == NodeFactory.createLiteral( L ) );
        assertFalse( "distinct vars", NodeFactory.createVariable( "aa" ) == NodeFactory.createVariable( "aa" ) );

        test that the label of a Node can be retrieved from that Node in
        a way appropriate to that Node.
    public void testLabels()
        AnonId id = AnonId.create();
        assertEquals( "get URI value", U, NodeFactory.createURI( U ).getURI() );
        assertEquals( "get blank value", id, NodeFactory.createAnon( id ).getBlankNodeId() );
        assertEquals( "get literal value", L, NodeFactory.createLiteral( L ).getLiteral() );
        assertEquals( "get variable name", N, NodeFactory.createVariable( N ).getName() );
        this is where we test that using the wrong accessor on a Node gets you
        an exception.
    public void testFailingLabels()
        Node u = NodeFactory.createURI( U ), b = NodeFactory.createAnon();
        Node l = NodeFactory.createLiteral( L ), v = NodeFactory.createVariable( N );
        Node a = Node.ANY;
    /* */
        testGetURIFails( a );
        testGetURIFails( b );
        testGetURIFails( l );
        testGetURIFails( v );
    /* */
        testGetLiteralFails( a );
        testGetLiteralFails( u );
        testGetLiteralFails( b );
        testGetLiteralFails( v );
    /* */
        testGetNameFails( a );
        testGetNameFails( u );
        testGetNameFails( b );
        testGetNameFails( l );
    /* */
        testGetBlankNodeIdFails( a );
        testGetBlankNodeIdFails( u );
        testGetBlankNodeIdFails( l );
        testGetBlankNodeIdFails( v );
    public void testGetBlankNodeIdFails( Node n )
        { try { n.getBlankNodeId(); fail( n.getClass() + " should fail getName()" ); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {} }

    public void testGetURIFails( Node n )
        { try { n.getURI(); fail( n.getClass() + " should fail getURI()" ); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {} }
    public void testGetNameFails( Node n )
        { try { n.getName(); fail( n.getClass() + " should fail getName()" ); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {} }
    public void testGetLiteralFails( Node n )
        { try { n.getLiteral(); fail( n.getClass() + " should fail getLiteral()" ); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {} }
    public void testGetBlankNodeLabelString()
        Node n = NodeFactory.createAnon();
        assertEquals( n.getBlankNodeId().getLabelString(), n.getBlankNodeLabel() );
    public void testVariableSupport()
        assertEquals( Node_Variable.variable( "xxx" ), Node_Variable.variable( "xxx" ) );
        assertDiffer( Node_Variable.variable( "xxx" ), Node_Variable.variable( "yyy" ) );
        assertEquals( Node_Variable.variable( "aaa" ), Node_Variable.variable( "aaa" ) );
        assertDiffer( Node_Variable.variable( "aaa" ), Node_Variable.variable( "yyy" ) );
        Test that the create method does sensible things on null and ""
    public void testCreateBadString()
        try { NodeCreateUtils.create( null ); fail( "must catch null argument" ); }
        catch (NullPointerException e) {}
        catch (JenaException e) {}
        try { NodeCreateUtils.create( "" ); fail("must catch empty argument" ); }
        catch (JenaException e) {}
        Test that anonymous nodes are created with the correct labels
    public void testCreateAnon()
        String idA = "_xxx", idB = "_yyy";
        Node a = NodeCreateUtils.create( idA ), b = NodeCreateUtils.create( idB );
        assertTrue( "both must be bnodes", a.isBlank() && b.isBlank() );
        assertEquals( new AnonId( idA ), a.getBlankNodeId() );
        assertEquals( new AnonId( idB ), b.getBlankNodeId() );
    public void testCreateVariable()
        String V = "wobbly";
        Node v = NodeCreateUtils.create( "?" + V );
        assertTrue( "must be a variable", v.isVariable() );
        assertEquals( "name must be correct", V, v.getName() );
    public void testCreateANY()
        assertEquals( "?? must denote ANY", Node.ANY, NodeCreateUtils.create( "??" ) );
    public void testCreatePlainLiteralSingleQuotes()
        Node n = NodeCreateUtils.create( "'xxx'" );
        assertEquals( "xxx", n.getLiteralLexicalForm() );
        assertEquals( "", n.getLiteralLanguage() );
        assertEquals( null, n.getLiteralDatatypeURI() );
    public void testCreatePlainLiteralDoubleQuotes()
        Node n = NodeCreateUtils.create( "\"xxx\"" );
        assertEquals( "xxx", n.getLiteralLexicalForm() );
        assertEquals( "", n.getLiteralLanguage() );
        assertEquals( null, n.getLiteralDatatypeURI() );
    public void testCreateLiteralBackslashEscape()
        testStringConversion( "xx\\x", "'xx\\\\x'" );
        testStringConversion( "xx\\x\\y", "'xx\\\\x\\\\y'" );
        testStringConversion( "\\xyz\\", "'\\\\xyz\\\\'" );
    public void testCreateLiteralQuoteEscapes()
        testStringConversion( "x\'y", "'x\\'y'" );
        testStringConversion( "x\"y", "'x\\\"y'" );
        testStringConversion( "x\'y\"z", "'x\\\'y\\\"z'" );
    public void testCreateLiteralOtherEscapes()
        testStringConversion( " ", "'\\s'" );
        testStringConversion( "\t", "'\\t'" );
        testStringConversion( "\n", "'\\n'" );
    protected void testStringConversion( String wanted, String template )
        Node n = NodeCreateUtils.create( template );
        assertEquals( wanted, n.getLiteralLexicalForm() );
        assertEquals( "", n.getLiteralLanguage() );
        assertEquals( null, n.getLiteralDatatypeURI() );

    public void testCreateLanguagedLiteralEN1()
        Node n = NodeCreateUtils.create( "'chat'en-UK" );
        assertEquals( "chat", n.getLiteralLexicalForm() );
        assertEquals( "en-UK", n.getLiteralLanguage() );
        assertEquals( null, n.getLiteralDatatypeURI() );

    public void testCreateLanguagedLiteralEN2()
        Node n1 = NodeCreateUtils.create( "'chat'en-UK" );
        Node n2 = NodeCreateUtils.create( "'chat'EN-UK" );
        assertTrue( n1.sameValueAs(n2) ) ;
        assertFalse( n1.equals(n2) ) ;
    public void testCreateLanguagedLiteralXY()
        Node n = NodeCreateUtils.create( "\"chat\"xy-AB" );
        assertEquals( "chat", n.getLiteralLexicalForm() );
        assertEquals( "xy-AB", n.getLiteralLanguage() );
        assertEquals( null, n.getLiteralDatatypeURI() );
    public void testCreateTypedLiteralInteger()
        Node n = NodeCreateUtils.create( "'42'xsd:integer" );
        assertEquals( "42", n.getLiteralLexicalForm() );
        assertEquals( "", n.getLiteralLanguage() );
        assertEquals( expand( "xsd:integer" ), n.getLiteralDatatypeURI() );
    public void testCreateTypedLiteralBoolean()
        Node n = NodeCreateUtils.create( "\"true\"xsd:boolean" );
        assertEquals( "true", n.getLiteralLexicalForm() );
        assertEquals( "", n.getLiteralLanguage() );
        assertEquals( expand( "xsd:boolean" ), n.getLiteralDatatypeURI() );
    public void testGetPlainLiteralLexicalForm()
        Node n = NodeCreateUtils.create( "'stuff'" );
        assertEquals( "stuff", n.getLiteralLexicalForm() );
    public void testGetNumericLiteralLexicalForm()
        Node n = NodeCreateUtils.create( "17" );
        assertEquals( "17", n.getLiteralLexicalForm() );
    public void testTypesExpandPrefix()
        testTypeExpandsPrefix( "rdf:spoo" );
        testTypeExpandsPrefix( "rdfs:bar" );
        testTypeExpandsPrefix( "owl:henry" );
        testTypeExpandsPrefix( "xsd:bool" );
        testTypeExpandsPrefix( "unknown:spoo" );
    private void testTypeExpandsPrefix( String type )
        Node n = NodeCreateUtils.create( "'stuff'" + type );
        String wanted = PrefixMapping.Extended.expandPrefix( type );
        assertEquals( wanted, n.getLiteralDatatypeURI() );

    public void testCreateURI()
        String uri = "";
        testCreateURI( uri );
        testCreateURI( "rdf:trinket", "" );
        testCreateURI( "rdfs:device", "" );
        testCreateURI( "dc:creator", DC.getURI() + "creator" );
        testCreateURI( "rss:something", RSS.getURI() + "something" );
        testCreateURI( "vcard:TITLE", VCARD.getURI() + "TITLE" );
        testCreateURI( "owl:wol", OWL.NAMESPACE + "wol" );
    public void testCreateURIOtherMap()
        String myNS = "eh:foo/bar#", suffix = "something";
        PrefixMapping mine = PrefixMapping.Factory.create().setNsPrefix( "mine", myNS );
        Node n = NodeCreateUtils.create( mine, "mine:" + suffix );
        assertEquals( myNS + suffix, n.getURI() );
    private void testCreateURI( String inOut )
        { testCreateURI( inOut, inOut ); }
    private void testCreateURI( String in, String wanted )
        String got = NodeCreateUtils.create( in ).getURI();
        if (!wanted.equals( got ))
            if (in.equals( wanted )) fail( "should preserve " + in );
            else fail( "should translate " + in + " to " + wanted + " not " + got );
    public void testCreatePrefixed()
        PrefixMapping pm = PrefixMapping.Factory.create();
        /* TODO Node n = */ NodeCreateUtils.create( pm, "xyz" );
    public void testToStringWithPrefixMapping()
        PrefixMapping pm = PrefixMapping.Factory.create();
        String prefix = "spoo", ns = "abc:def/ghi#";
        pm.setNsPrefix( prefix, ns );
        String suffix = "bamboozle";
        assertEquals( prefix + ":" + suffix, NodeCreateUtils.create( ns + suffix ).toString( pm ) );   
    public void testNodeHelp()
        assertTrue( "node() making URIs", node( "hello" ).isURI() );
        assertTrue( "node() making literals", node( "123" ).isLiteral() );
        assertTrue( "node() making literals", node( "'hello'" ).isLiteral() );
        assertTrue( "node() making hyphens", node( "_x" ).isBlank() );
        assertTrue( "node() making variables", node( "?x" ).isVariable() );
    public void testVisitorPatternNode()
       NodeVisitor returnNode = new NodeVisitor()
            public Object visitAny( Node_ANY it ) { return it; }
            public Object visitBlank( Node_Blank it, AnonId id ) { return it; }
            public Object visitLiteral( Node_Literal it, LiteralLabel lit ) { return it; }
            public Object visitURI( Node_URI it, String uri ) { return it; }
            public Object visitVariable( Node_Variable it, String name ) { return it; }
        testVisitorPatternNode( "sortOfURI", returnNode );
        testVisitorPatternNode( "?variable", returnNode );
        testVisitorPatternNode( "_anon", returnNode );
        testVisitorPatternNode( "11", returnNode );
        testVisitorPatternNode( "??", returnNode );
    private void testVisitorPatternNode( String ns, NodeVisitor v )
        Node n = node( ns );
        assertEquals( n, n.visitWith( v ) );
    private void visitExamples( NodeVisitor nv )
        node( "sortOfURI" ).visitWith( nv );       
        node( "?variableI" ).visitWith( nv );       
        node( "_anon" ).visitWith( nv );       
        node( "11" ).visitWith( nv );       
        node( "??" ).visitWith( nv );
    public void testVisitorPatternValue()
        NodeVisitor checkValue = new NodeVisitor()
            public Object visitAny( Node_ANY it )
                { return null; }
            public Object visitBlank( Node_Blank it, AnonId id )
                { assertTrue( it.getBlankNodeId() == id ); return null; }
            public Object visitLiteral( Node_Literal it, LiteralLabel lit )
                { assertTrue( it.getLiteral() == lit ); return null; }
            public Object visitURI( Node_URI it, String uri )
                { assertTrue( it.getURI() == uri ); return null; }
            public Object visitVariable( Node_Variable it, String name )
                { assertEquals( it.getName(), name ); return null; }
        visitExamples( checkValue );
        Test that the appropriate elements of the visitor are called exactly once;
        this relies on the order of the visits in visitExamples.
    public void testVisitorPatternCalled()
        final String [] strings = new String [] { "" };
        NodeVisitor checkCalled = new NodeVisitor()
            public Object visitAny( Node_ANY it )
                { strings[0] += " any"; return null; }
            public Object visitBlank( Node_Blank it, AnonId id )
                { strings[0] += " blank"; return null; }
            public Object visitLiteral( Node_Literal it, LiteralLabel lit )
                { strings[0] += " literal"; return null; }
            public Object visitURI( Node_URI it, String uri )
                { strings[0] += " uri"; return null; }
            public Object visitVariable( Node_Variable it, String name )
                { strings[0] += " variable"; return null; }
        String desired = " uri variable blank literal any";       
        visitExamples( checkCalled );
        assertEquals( "all vists must have been made", desired, strings[0] );
    public void testSimpleMatches()
        assertTrue( NodeCreateUtils.create( "S").matches( NodeCreateUtils.create( "S" ) ) );
        assertFalse"", NodeCreateUtils.create( "S").matches( NodeCreateUtils.create( "T" ) ) );
        assertFalse( "", NodeCreateUtils.create( "S" ).matches( null ) );
        assertTrue( NodeCreateUtils.create( "_X").matches( NodeCreateUtils.create( "_X" ) ) );
        assertFalse( "", NodeCreateUtils.create( "_X").matches( NodeCreateUtils.create( "_Y" ) ) );
        assertFalse( "", NodeCreateUtils.create( "_X").matches( null ) );
        assertTrue( NodeCreateUtils.create( "10" ).matches( NodeCreateUtils.create( "10" ) ) );
        assertFalse( "", NodeCreateUtils.create( "10" ).matches( NodeCreateUtils.create( "11" ) ) );
        assertFalse( "", NodeCreateUtils.create( "10" ).matches( null ) );
        assertTrue( Node.ANY.matches( NodeCreateUtils.create( "S" ) ) );
        assertTrue( Node.ANY.matches( NodeCreateUtils.create( "_X" ) ) );
        assertTrue( Node.ANY.matches( NodeCreateUtils.create( "10" ) ) );
        assertFalse( "", Node.ANY.matches( null ) );
    public void testDataMatches()
        TypeMapper tm = TypeMapper.getInstance();
        RDFDatatype dt1 = tm.getTypeByValue( new Integer( 10 ) );
        RDFDatatype dt2 = tm.getTypeByValue( new Short( (short) 10 ) );
        Node a = NodeFactory.createLiteral( "10", "", dt1 );
        Node b = NodeFactory.createLiteral( "10", "", dt2 );
        assertDiffer( "types must make a difference", a, b );
        assertTrue( "A and B must express the same value", a.sameValueAs( b ) );
        assertTrue( "matching literals must respect sameValueAs", a.matches( b ) );
    public void testLiteralToString()
        TypeMapper tm = TypeMapper.getInstance();
        RDFDatatype dtInt = tm.getTypeByValue( new Integer( 10 ) );
        Node plain = NodeFactory.createLiteral( "rhubarb", "", false );   
        Node english = NodeFactory.createLiteral( "eccentric", "en_UK", false );
        Node typed = NodeFactory.createLiteral( "10", "", dtInt );
        assertEquals( "\"rhubarb\"", plain.toString() );
        assertEquals( "rhubarb", plain.toString( false ) );
        assertEquals( "\"eccentric\"@en_UK", english.toString() );
        assertEquals( "10^^", typed.toString( false ) );
    public void testGetIndexingValueURI()
        Node u = NodeCreateUtils.create( "eh:/telephone" );
        assertSame( u, u.getIndexingValue() );
    public void testGetIndexingValueBlank()
        Node b = NodeCreateUtils.create( "_television" );
        assertSame( b, b.getIndexingValue() );
    public void testGetIndexingValuePlainString()
        { testIndexingValueLiteral( NodeCreateUtils.create( "'literally'" ) ); }
    public void testGetIndexingValueLanguagedString()
        { testIndexingValueLiteral( NodeCreateUtils.create( "'chat'fr" ) ); }
    public void testGetIndexingValueXSDString()
        { testIndexingValueLiteral( NodeCreateUtils.create( "'string'xsd:string" ) ); }
    private void testIndexingValueLiteral( Node s )
        { assertEquals( s.getLiteral().getIndexingValue(), s.getIndexingValue() ); }
    // TODO should have more of these
    public void  testGetLiteralValuePlainString()
        Node s = NodeCreateUtils.create( "'aString'" );
        assertSame( s.getLiteral().getValue(), s.getLiteralValue() );
    public void testGetLiteralDatatypeNull()
        assertEquals( null, NodeCreateUtils.create( "'plain'" ).getLiteralDatatype() );
    public void testLiteralIsXML()
        assertFalse( NodeCreateUtils.create( "'notXML'" ).getLiteralIsXML() );
        assertFalse( NodeCreateUtils.create( "17" ).getLiteralIsXML() );
        assertFalse( NodeCreateUtils.create( "'joke'xsd:Joke" ).getLiteralIsXML() );
        assertTrue( NodeFactory.createLiteral( "lit", "lang", true ).getLiteralIsXML() );
        assertFalse( NodeFactory.createLiteral( "lit", "lang", false ).getLiteralIsXML() );
    public void testConcrete()
        assertTrue( NodeCreateUtils.create( "S" ).isConcrete() );
        assertTrue( NodeCreateUtils.create( "_P" ).isConcrete() );
        assertTrue( NodeCreateUtils.create( "11" ).isConcrete() );
        assertTrue( NodeCreateUtils.create( "'hello'" ).isConcrete() );
        assertFalse( NodeCreateUtils.create( "??" ).isConcrete() );
        assertFalse( NodeCreateUtils.create( "?x" ).isConcrete() );

    static String [] someURIs = new String []
        test that URI nodes have namespace/localname splits which are consistent
        with Util.splitNamepace.
    public void testNamespace()
            for ( String uri : someURIs )
                int split = Util.splitNamespace( uri );
                Node n = NodeCreateUtils.create( uri );
                assertEquals( "check namespace", uri.substring( 0, split ), n.getNameSpace() );
                assertEquals( "check localname", uri.substring( split ), n.getLocalName() );
    protected static String [] someNodes =
    public void testHasURI()
            for ( String someURI : someURIs )
                testHasURI( someURI );
            for ( String someNode : someNodes )
                testHasURI( someNode );

  protected void testHasURI( String uri )
    Node n = NodeCreateUtils.create( uri );
    assertTrue( uri, !n.isURI() || n.hasURI( uri ) );
    assertFalse( uri, n.hasURI( uri + "x" ) );

       Answer the string <code>s</code> prefix-expanded using the built-in
    private String expand( String s )
        { return PrefixMapping.Extended.expandPrefix( s ); }

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