Package com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.algebra.optimize

Source Code of com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.algebra.optimize.TestOptimizer

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package com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.algebra.optimize;

import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.StrUtils ;
import org.junit.Test ;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ARQ ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.algebra.Op ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpAssign ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpExtend ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.algebra.op.OpTable ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.core.Var ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.core.VarExprList ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.expr.ExprVar ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.expr.nodevalue.NodeValueInteger ;

public class TestOptimizer extends AbstractTestTransform
    // These test call the whole optimzier.
    // A lot of the optimizer is tested by using the scripted queries.
    // Theer are many tests of individual transforms.
    @Test public void slice_order_to_topn_01()
        assertTrue(ARQ.isTrueOrUndef(ARQ.optTopNSorting)) ;
        String queryString = "SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o } ORDER BY ?p ?o LIMIT 42" 
        String opExpectedString =
            "(top (42 ?p ?o)\n" +
            "  (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o)))" ;
        check(queryString, opExpectedString) ;

    @Test public void slice_order_to_topn_02()
        assertTrue(ARQ.isTrueOrUndef(ARQ.optTopNSorting)) ;
        String queryString = "SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o } ORDER BY ?p ?o LIMIT 4242" 
        String opExpectedString =
          "(slice _ 4242\n" +
          "  (order (?p ?o)\n" +
            "    (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o))))" ;
        check(queryString, opExpectedString) ;

    @Test public void slice_order_to_topn_03()   
        assertTrue(ARQ.isTrueOrUndef(ARQ.optTopNSorting)) ;
        String queryString = "SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o } ORDER BY ?p ?o OFFSET 4242 LIMIT 10" 
        String opExpectedString =
            "(slice 4242 10\n" +
            "  (order (?p ?o)\n" +
            "    (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o))))" ;
        check(queryString, opExpectedString) ;

    @Test public void slice_order_to_topn_04()
        try {
            ARQ.setFalse(ARQ.optTopNSorting) ;
            assertTrue(ARQ.isFalse(ARQ.optTopNSorting)) ;
            String queryString = "SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o } ORDER BY ?p ?o LIMIT 42" 
            String opExpectedString =
                "(slice _ 42\n" +
                "  (order (?p ?o)\n" +
                "    (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o))))" ;
            check(queryString, opExpectedString) ;
        } finally {
            ARQ.unset(ARQ.optTopNSorting) ;

    @Test public void slice_order_to_topn_05()
        assertTrue(ARQ.isTrueOrUndef(ARQ.optTopNSorting)) ;
        String queryString = "SELECT DISTINCT * { ?s ?p ?o } ORDER BY ?p ?o LIMIT 42" 
        String opExpectedString =
            "(top (42 ?p ?o)\n" +
            "  (distinct\n" +
            "     (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o))))" ;
        check(queryString, opExpectedString) ;

    @Test public void slice_order_to_topn_06()
        assertTrue(ARQ.isTrueOrUndef(ARQ.optTopNSorting)) ;
        String queryString = "SELECT DISTINCT * { ?s ?p ?o } ORDER BY ?p ?o OFFSET 24 LIMIT 42" 
        String opExpectedString =
            "(slice 24 _\n" +
            "  (top (66 ?p ?o)\n" +
            "    (distinct\n" +
            "       (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o)))))" ;
        check(queryString, opExpectedString) ;

    @Test public void slice_order_to_topn_07()
        assertTrue(ARQ.isTrueOrUndef(ARQ.optTopNSorting)) ;
        String queryString = "SELECT REDUCED * { ?s ?p ?o } ORDER BY ?p ?o LIMIT 42" 
        String opExpectedString =
            "(top (42 ?p ?o)\n" +
            "  (distinct\n" +
            "     (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o))))" ;
        check(queryString, opExpectedString) ;

    @Test public void slice_order_to_topn_08()
        assertTrue(ARQ.isTrueOrUndef(ARQ.optTopNSorting)) ;
        String queryString = "SELECT DISTINCT * { ?s ?p ?o } ORDER BY ?p ?o LIMIT 4242" 
        String opExpectedString =
            "(slice _ 4242\n" +
            "  (distinct\n" +
            "    (order (?p ?o)\n" +
            "      (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o)))))" ;
        check(queryString, opExpectedString) ;

    @Test public void slice_order_to_topn_09()
        assertTrue(ARQ.isTrueOrUndef(ARQ.optTopNSorting)) ;
        String queryString = "SELECT REDUCED * { ?s ?p ?o } ORDER BY ?p ?o LIMIT 4242" 
        String opExpectedString =
            "(slice _ 4242\n" +
            "  (reduced\n" +
            "    (order (?p ?o)\n" +
            "      (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o)))))" ;
        check(queryString, opExpectedString) ;
    @Test public void slice_order_to_topn_10()
        assertTrue(ARQ.isTrueOrUndef(ARQ.optTopNSorting)) ;
        String queryString = "SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o } ORDER BY ?p ?o OFFSET 1 LIMIT 5" 
        String opExpectedString =
            "(slice 1 _\n" +
            "  (top (6 ?p ?o)\n" +
            "    (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o))))" ;
        check(queryString, opExpectedString) ;

    @Test public void slice_order_to_topn_11()
        assertTrue(ARQ.isTrueOrUndef(ARQ.optTopNSorting)) ;
        String queryString = "SELECT ?s { ?s ?p ?o } ORDER BY ?p ?o OFFSET 1 LIMIT 5" 
        String opExpectedString =
            "(slice 1 _\n" +
            "  (project (?s)\n" +
            "    (top (6 ?p ?o)\n" +
            "      (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o)))))" ;
        check(queryString, opExpectedString) ;

    @Test public void slice_order_to_topn_12()
        assertTrue(ARQ.isTrueOrUndef(ARQ.optTopNSorting)) ;
        String queryString = "SELECT ?s { ?s ?p ?o } ORDER BY ?p ?o LIMIT 42" 
        String opExpectedString =
            "(project (?s)\n" +
            "  (top (42 ?p ?o)\n" +
            "    (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o))))" ;
        check(queryString, opExpectedString) ;

    @Test public void subQueryProject_01() {
        String qs = StrUtils.strjoinNL
            ( "SELECT *"
            , "WHERE {"
            , "    ?test ?p1 ?X."
            , "    { SELECT ?s1 ?test { ?test ?p2 ?o2 } }"
            , "}") ;
        String ops = StrUtils.strjoinNL
            ,"  (bgp (triple ?test ?p1 ?X))"
            ,"  (project (?s1 ?test)"
            ,"    (bgp (triple ?test ?/p2 ?/o2))))"
            ) ;
        check(qs, ops) ;

    @Test public void subQueryProject_02() {
        String qs = StrUtils.strjoinNL
            ( "SELECT *"
            , "WHERE {"
            , "    ?test ?p1 ?X."
            , "    { SELECT ?s1 { ?test ?p2 ?o2 } }"
            , "}") ;
        String ops = StrUtils.strjoinNL
            ,"  (bgp (triple ?test ?p1 ?X))"
            ,"  (project (?s1)"
            ,"    (bgp (triple ?/test ?/p2 ?/o2))))"
            ) ;
        check(qs, ops) ;
    @Test public void optimize_01()
        String queryString = "SELECT * { { ?s ?p ?x } UNION { ?s1 ?p1 ?x } FILTER(?x = <urn:x1> || ?x = <urn:x2>) }" ;
        String opExpectedString =  StrUtils.strjoinNL(
                                            "    (assign ((?x <urn:x1>))" ,
                                            "      (union" ,
                                            "        (bgp (triple ?s ?p <urn:x1>))" ,
                                            "        (bgp (triple ?s1 ?p1 <urn:x1>))))" ,
                                            "    (assign ((?x <urn:x2>))" ,
                                            "      (union" ,
                                            "        (bgp (triple ?s ?p <urn:x2>))" ,
                                            "        (bgp (triple ?s1 ?p1 <urn:x2>)))))" ) ;
        check(queryString, opExpectedString) ;
    @Test public void combine_extend_01()
        Op extend = OpExtend.extendDirect(OpTable.unit(), new VarExprList(Var.alloc("x"), new NodeValueInteger(1)));
        extend = OpExtend.extendDirect(extend, new VarExprList(Var.alloc("y"), new NodeValueInteger(2)));
        String opExpectedString = StrUtils.strjoinNL(
                                            "(extend ((?x 1) (?y 2))",
                                            "  (table unit))");
        check(extend, new TransformExtendCombine(), opExpectedString);
    @Test public void combine_extend_02()
        Op extend = OpExtend.extendDirect(OpTable.unit(), new VarExprList(Var.alloc("x"), new NodeValueInteger(1)));
        extend = OpExtend.extendDirect(extend, new VarExprList(Var.alloc("y"), new ExprVar("x")));
        String opExpectedString = StrUtils.strjoinNL(
                                            "(extend ((?x 1) (?y ?x))",
                                            "  (table unit))");
        check(extend, new TransformExtendCombine(), opExpectedString);
    @Test public void combine_extend_03()
        // Technically illegal SPARQL here but useful to validate that the optimizer doesn't do the wrong thing
        Op extend = OpExtend.extendDirect(OpTable.unit(), new VarExprList(Var.alloc("x"), new NodeValueInteger(1)));
        extend = OpExtend.extendDirect(extend, new VarExprList(Var.alloc("x"), new NodeValueInteger(2)));
        String opExpectedString = StrUtils.strjoinNL(
                                            "(extend ((?x 2))",
                                            "  (extend ((?x 1))",
                                            "    (table unit)))");
        check(extend, new TransformExtendCombine(), opExpectedString);
    @Test public void combine_assign_01()
        Op assign = OpAssign.assignDirect(OpTable.unit(), new VarExprList(Var.alloc("x"), new NodeValueInteger(1)));
        assign = OpAssign.assignDirect(assign, new VarExprList(Var.alloc("y"), new NodeValueInteger(2)));
        String opExpectedString = StrUtils.strjoinNL(
                                            "(assign ((?x 1) (?y 2))",
                                            "  (table unit))");
        check(assign, new TransformExtendCombine(), opExpectedString);
    @Test public void combine_assign_02()
        Op assign = OpAssign.assignDirect(OpTable.unit(), new VarExprList(Var.alloc("x"), new NodeValueInteger(1)));
        assign = OpAssign.assignDirect(assign, new VarExprList(Var.alloc("y"), new ExprVar("x")));
        String opExpectedString = StrUtils.strjoinNL(
                                            "(assign ((?x 1) (?y ?x))",
                                            "  (table unit))");
        check(assign, new TransformExtendCombine(), opExpectedString);
    @Test public void combine_assign_03()
        Op assign = OpAssign.assignDirect(OpTable.unit(), new VarExprList(Var.alloc("x"), new NodeValueInteger(1)));
        assign = OpAssign.assignDirect(assign, new VarExprList(Var.alloc("x"), new NodeValueInteger(2)));
        String opExpectedString = StrUtils.strjoinNL(
                                            "(assign ((?x 2))",
                                            "  (assign ((?x 1))",
                                            "    (table unit)))");
        check(assign, new TransformExtendCombine(), opExpectedString);

Related Classes of com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.algebra.optimize.TestOptimizer

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